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中国三城市青少年烟草广告暴露研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解杭州、太原和贵阳三个城市青少年对问接烟草广告的认知,接触烟草广告、促销和赞助的现状及其与开始吸烟之间的关系。方法本调查为横断面调查,采用分层整群抽样的方法在太原、杭州和贵阳三个城市中选取初中、高中和职业中学的在校学生作为调查对象。于2009年11—12月,采用学生自填问卷的形式,最终回收有效问卷11171份。调查内容包括个人基本情况、对间接烟草广告的认知情况、烟草广告、促销和赞助的暴露情况、烟草使用的知识、态度和行为,以及二手烟暴露的情况等。结果91.3%的调查对象至少能识别一种间接烟草广告;过去30d,88.9%的调查对象看到了烟草广告、促销或赞助;男生为88.6%,女生为89.2%。51.1%的调查对象报告在我国法律已经完全禁止进行烟草广告的媒体上看到或听到了烟草广告。销售卷烟的商店是青少年最常见到烟草广告的地方(71.4%),其次是户外广告牌(47.3%)和电视(46.1%),互联网位居第四(34.8%)。各种促销形式中以分支销售最常见(22.6%)。另外,对烟草广告促销活动的接受程度与开始吸烟之间存在正相关关系(r6=0.139,P〈0.01)。结论青少年对烟草广告、促销和赞助更为敏感。对烟草广告促销的接受程度越高,开始吸烟的可能性越大。建议尽快全面禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助,保护青少年远离烟草危害。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The detrimental health effects of tobacco use have long been documented and accepted. Recent research has begun to explore the financial strain that tobacco places on those who use it (e.g. Mokdad, A.H., Marks, J.S., Stroup, D.F., Gerberding, J.L., 2004. Actual causes of death in the United States, 2000. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 291, 1239-1245). The issue of this financial burden is particularly salient for young enlisted in the military who often struggle with financial issues and who continue to use tobacco at relatively high rates. METHODS: Using the 2002 Department of Defense Survey of Health Related Behaviors among Military Personnel, the current study examines the percentage of income young military members spend on tobacco given varying levels of consumption. In addition, a representative sample of junior enlisted (E1-E4) from all four military branches were surveyed about their tobacco use and their experiences of financial strain and experienced stress from financial problems. RESULTS: Adjusted logistic models demonstrated that smokers reported substantially higher amounts of both financial strain and stress from financial problems then those who did not smoke. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests there is a relationship between financial stress and tobacco use among junior military members.  相似文献   



China is facing a serious public health problem in active and passive smokers. Confronted with this, China has taken some measures to control tobacco. However, this information has not been surveyed at academic level. Our aim is to investigate information relating to tobacco controls in China.


To find information relating to tobacco control, we reviewed and analysed the China National Tobacco Corporation (CNTC) and State Tobacco Monopoly Administration (STMA) mainly by systematic examination of documents made available in the University of California, San Francisco Legacy Tobacco Documents Library and China Tobacco database.


Eleven relevant documents met our research purpose, and 18 further relevant documents were found on the CNTC, STMA and Tobacco China database websites. As a result, 29 relevant articles were included in our analysis. We describe the CNTC and STMA’s history, structure, and relation to the Chinese Government ministry and to other tobacco companies, and China’s tobacco control in detail.


The Chinese cigarette market is dominated by a state-owned monopoly, the STMA. Under the protection of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly, the STMA controls all aspects of the tobacco industry. As far as the Chinese tobacco monopoly is concerned, although smoking harms people’s health, restraining smoking threatens social stability and government income, which may be more serious problems for any government. China still has a long way to go in creating smoke-free environments.  相似文献   

Summary. Objectives To provide nationally representative data on smoking prevalence of Turkish adolescents; to examine their knowledge, attitude and exposure to tobacco Methods A school-based representative survey of adolescents (13–15 years) was conducted within the frame of Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS). 15 957 students were selected using a two-stage cluster sampling method and completed an internationally standardized questionnaire on tobacco use and related factors. Results About one-third of students had already experienced smoking and 10% were current smokers. Rate of exposure to passive smoking was high both in current smokers (89.0%) and never smokers (79.2%). More than one-third of current smokers had intended to quit. Susceptibility to initiate smoking was fairly high among never smokers, especially in boys (9.1% versus 5.8%). Considerable proportions of both never, and current smokers had positive attitude toward tobacco use. Half of the students had no school curriculum about the effects of tobacco use. Conclusions Smoking prevalence among Turkish adolescents is alarmingly high and the gender gap is closing. A relevant legislation is a must for success in tobacco control but should be combined by other effective prevention and cessation programs. Submitted: 21 April 2005 Accepted: 28 November 2005  相似文献   

Objectives. This study sought to explore whether Native Hawaiian primary ethnic identity is associated with cigarette use among Native Hawaiian middle school students. This study also explored whether social influence, psychosocial and cultural factors are associated with cigarette use in this sample.

Design. The data are from a cross-sectional survey of 1,695 Native Hawaiian middle school students at 22 public and private schools on five islands in Hawaii. A subset of these students from Native Hawaiian serving schools (N = 136) completed additional measures of Hawaiian cultural variables.

Results. Based on univariate analyses, students whose primary ethnic identification was Hawaiian were more likely to have tried smoking (p < 0.001) and to be current smokers (p < 0.05) as compared to those classified as part Hawaiian. However, these findings were no longer significant in multivariate analyses. Social influence variables (i.e. peer and parental smoking) were most influential in explaining both prior and current smoking. Attendance at public school was also an important factor in explaining previous (OR = 2.43; 95% CI = 1.74, 3.38) and current (OR = 7.20; 95% CI = 4.58, 11.32) smoking behavior. Finally, cultural variables such as valuing Hawaiian folklore, customs, activities and lifestyle were largely unassociated with smoking behavior among Native Hawaiian middle school youth.

Conclusions. Additional research is needed to understand what aspects of ethnic identity are associated with smoking behavior among Native Hawaiian youth. The strong influence of peer and parental smoking suggests the need for interventions that support the creation of social environments that discourage tobacco use.  相似文献   

中国初中学生烟草使用及其影响因素研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 了解中国初中学生烟草使用的情况,探讨烟草使用行为的主要影响因素。方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法,在31个省(自治区、直辖市)初中在校学生中选取调查样本。采用学生自填问卷的方式收集数据,调查烟草使用、二手烟暴露、烟草制品获得与价格、控烟宣传、烟草广告和促销、对烟草的认知和态度等内容。对数据加权后,采用SAS 9.3软件复杂调查数据分析程序进行数据分析。结果 共调查155 117名初中学生,烟草使用率为6.9%,男生(11.2%)高于女生(2.2%),农村(7.8%)高于城市(4.8%),西部地区(10.3%)高于中部地区(6.4%)且两者均高于东部地区(4.5%),差异均有统计学意义。看到控烟媒体宣传、在课堂上学习过烟草导致具体健康危害知识是烟草使用的保护因素;父母吸烟(尤其是母亲吸烟)、教师吸烟、好朋友吸烟、每周零花钱>20元、看到烟草广告或促销、二手烟暴露、对烟草成瘾的错误认知以及对吸烟行为的正向态度是烟草使用的危险因素。结论 中国初中男生吸烟率高于全球平均水平,值得关注。采取宣传教育、提高烟草价格、全面禁止烟草广告和促销、公共场所禁止吸烟等一系列综合干预措施,对降低青少年吸烟率有意义。  相似文献   

目的 了解我国≥40岁吸烟人群烟草依赖情况及其影响因素,为我国广泛开展戒烟干预提供科学数据。方法 本研究数据来源于2014-2015年中国居民慢性阻塞性肺疾病监测,覆盖31个省(自治区、直辖市)的125个监测点,以面对面询问调查的方式收集≥40岁居民吸烟和烟草依赖的相关变量。应用复杂抽样加权估计我国≥40岁现在吸烟和现在每日吸烟人群烟草依赖率及其95%CI并分析其影响因素。结果 纳入分析现在吸烟者22 380人,现在每日吸烟者19 999人。≥40岁现在吸烟人群的重度烟草依赖率为31.1%(29.3%~32.9%),其中男性为32.0%(30.2%~33.9%),高于女性17.6%(13.4%~21.7%);乡村为32.7%(30.2%~35.2%),高于城镇;40~59岁年龄组重度烟草依赖率较高,为33.3%(31.3%~35.2%)。≥40岁现在每日吸烟人群的重度烟草依赖率为35.0%(33.0%~37.0%),男性为35.8%(33.8%~37.8%),女性为22.0%(16.8%~27.2%)。在现在吸烟人群和每日吸烟人群中,文化程度越低,重度烟草依赖率越高;18岁以前开始吸烟者重度烟草依赖率明显高于18岁及以后开始吸烟者;有慢性呼吸道症状者的重度烟草依赖率明显高于无症状吸烟者;慢性呼吸系统疾病患者和非患者的重度烟草依赖率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);患有糖尿病、心脑血管疾病和高血压的吸烟者的重度烟草依赖率略低于非患者(P<0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,男性、中部和东部地区、40~59岁年龄组、从事农林牧渔水利、生产运输和商业服务职业、文化程度低、18岁以前开始吸烟者患重度烟草依赖的风险高。结论 我国≥40岁吸烟人群的重度烟草依赖水平较高,戒烟干预服务客观需求巨大,应采取有效措施推动我国戒烟干预工作的开展。  相似文献   

目的 监测北京市≥15岁人群吸烟及戒烟状况,评价《北京市控制吸烟条例》实施效果。方法 2014年和2016年参照全球成年人烟草调查的原则和方法,采用多阶段整群概率抽样法从北京市324个街道/乡镇中抽取50个,再从每个街道/乡镇抽取2个居/村委会,共计100个监测点;以简单随机抽样法在每个监测点抽取100个家庭户;用掌上电脑从所有满足条件的家庭成员中以简单随机抽样法自动抽取1名≥15岁的家庭成员作为调查对象。以入户调查形式获得数据。用SPSS 20.0软件的复杂抽样数据分析模块,以基本权重、未应答权重和后分层校正调整权重的乘积进行加权,计算现在吸烟率、每日吸烟率、戒烟率等指标,并估算可信区间。结果 2014年和2016年分别获得有效个人问卷8 484份和9 372份,总体应答率分别为86.5%和96.5%。2014年北京市≥15岁人群现在吸烟率为23.4%,2016年为22.3%,按照北京市第六次人口普查数据,现在吸烟者的数量减少了19.9万人。每日吸烟者比例由2014年的20.7%下降到2016年的19.2%。现在吸烟者的日平均吸烟量由2014年的14.6支上升为2016年的15.4支。戒烟率由14.9%上升为16.8%。现在吸烟者在过去12个月中至少尝试一次戒烟的比例由2014年的22.3%上升为2016年的23.2%。现在吸烟者有戒烟意愿的比例由2014年的11.6%上升为2016年的15.5%。过去12个月看过医生的吸烟者中,收到医生戒烟建议的比例2014年和2016年分别为58.9%和59.2%。2016年人群中过去12个月内尝试过戒烟的现在吸烟者中戒烟门诊和戒烟热线的知晓率分别为36.8%和29.5%,7.7%的知晓者去过戒烟门诊,5.5%的知晓者使用过戒烟热线。结论 《北京市控制吸烟条例》实施1年≥15岁人群现在吸烟率下降。下一步应加大戒烟服务宣传,提高现在吸烟者对戒烟服务的知晓,促进其寻求戒烟服务。  相似文献   

上海市某社区初中生烟草使用情况及影响因素的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解上海市某社区初中生的吸烟现状和认知水平,分析相关因素,从而为进一步干预提供依据和基线数据。方法 通过随机整群抽样,对1621名初中学生进行问卷调查。结果 14.9%的学生有尝试吸烟行为,吸烟率为0.2%。44%的学生遭受被动吸烟。尝试吸烟的危险因素包括同伴中有人吸烟,替家人买烟和与家人的相处情况不好,对吸烟危害认识不足和不正确的态度等。结论 在对学生进行控烟教育的同时必须充分考虑环境的影响,将学校控烟和社区控烟相结合。  相似文献   

目的 了解2014年青岛市 ≥ 15岁成人吸烟、二手烟暴露状况及对烟草危害知识的认知水平。方法 采用2014年中国成人烟草调查问卷,抽取青岛市4 349名 ≥ 15岁非集体居住的常住居民,使用复杂抽样设计方法对吸烟率、二手烟暴露率、烟草危害认知情况等指标进行统计学分析。结果 青岛市 ≥ 15岁成人现在吸烟率为21.31%,现在每日吸烟率为18.18%;男性高于女性,农村高于城市;在公共场所、工作场所和家三类场所的二手烟暴露率分别为42.39%、26.62%、40.53%;暴露率在性别、教育水平等方面差异有统计学意义;吸烟引起中风、心肌梗塞、肺癌和阴茎勃起障碍四种疾病的总体知晓率仅为21.72%,被动吸烟引起的成人心脏病、成人肺癌和儿童肺部疾病三种疾病的总体知晓率为45.19%。结论 青岛市 ≥ 15岁成人吸烟和二手烟暴露均低于2010年和2015年全国水平,但流行现状仍较严重,对烟草烟雾危害知识认识不足,烟草控制面临挑战。  相似文献   

目的了解中国结核病人中吸烟的情况以及吸烟的态度和行为状况,对制定综合性控烟及结核病控制措施提供参考依据。方法随机抽取浙江、河南、吉林3个省的937例结核病人,采用横断面研究方法进行调查。结果结核病人中,男性吸烟率为79.00%,女性吸烟率为15.58%,在男性病人中,50岁组的既往吸烟率最高,为92.06%,其次是40岁年龄组,为88.81%;在女性病人中,70岁年龄组的既往吸烟率最高,为31.25%。男性病人中,下岗人员的既往吸烟率最高,为87.50%;在女性中,农民既往吸烟率最高,为26.21%。平均开始吸烟的年龄为21.33岁,最早开始吸烟的年龄为8岁,最晚开始吸烟的年龄为51岁。36.50%的吸烟者每天吸烟在10~20支之间,35.02%的吸烟者吸烟量少于10支,85.80%的结核病人认为吸烟可以提神,84.48%的人同意吸烟有害健康,45.25%的人没有戒过烟,39.41%的人曾经戒过1~2次烟,15.31%的人有过3次以上戒烟史。结论结核病人中人群既往吸烟率明显高于一般人群,应加强结核病人控烟宣传,制定结核病控制与控烟策略相结合的综合性措施,在结核病防治机构实施。  相似文献   

[目的]了解滕州市城乡居民吸烟和控烟知识、态度和行为现状,为在居民中开展戒烟活动提供科学依据。[方法]2005年,在滕州市分层整群随机抽取城镇居民158人、农村居民402人进行调查。[结果]调查560人,总吸烟率为25.18%,现吸烟率为22.86%。现吸烟率男性为35.67%,女性为2.75%。部分调查对象知晓吸烟的危害性,赞成不吸烟或应该戒烟,希望了解更多吸烟与控制吸烟的有关知识。[结论]滕州市部分城乡居民的吸烟率较高,吸烟与控制吸烟有关知识有待提高。  相似文献   

吸烟是当今世界人类健康的最大威胁。烟草的使用给人们带来巨大的社会经济负担。征收烟草税是现今控烟的最有效手段之一。介绍了烟税征收的必要性、全球烟税征收的一般状况、烟税征收的健康效益等内容。与国外相比,我国的烟税征收还有巨大的上升和利用空间,实施并利用好烟税策略将会是我国一个非常有效的控烟和增进全民健康的手段。  相似文献   

烟草税在控烟中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吸烟是当今世界人类健康的最大威胁.烟草的使用给人们带来巨大的社会经济负担.征收烟草税是现今控烟的最有效手段之一.介绍了烟税征收的必要性、全球烟税征收的一般状况、烟税征收的健康效益等内容.与国外相比,我国的烟税征收还有巨大的上升和利用空间,实施并利用好烟税策略将会是我国一个非常有效的控烟和增进全民健康的手段.  相似文献   

Smoking is a burning healthcare and economy issue, especially in underdeveloped countries. The aim of this study was to determine the number of smokers among elementary school students in Montenegro and to assess the correlates of tobacco use. The study was done in 2003 using the World Health Organization Global Youth Tobacco Survey. Our data showed that children as young as ten years smoked. There were 3.6% permanent smokers and one in three students (30.6%) experimented with smoking. More than two thirds who smoked agreed that they should quit smoking, and three fourths tried to quit. This study has also shown that children talk too little about smoking in schools and are exposed to passive smoking at home and elsewhere. Activities to solve the elementary school smoking problem should include preventive programs to be introduced into regular school curricula because this is the only way to address the issue properly. In addition, legislation prohibiting indoor tobacco smoking should be implemented rigorously to protect children from passive smoking in public places.  相似文献   

This study was designed to estimate the relationship between exposure to tobacco retail outlets and smoking initiation in a racially diverse urban setting. Using data from the 2011 NYC Youth Risk Behavior Survey, multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to estimate the exposure–initiation relationship and test for effect modification, while controlling for covariates. The predicted probability of smoking initiation from the multivariable model increased from 7.7 % for zero times a week exposed to tobacco retailers to 16.0 % for exposure seven times or more per week. The odds of initiation were significantly higher among adolescents exposed to tobacco retail outlets two times or more a week compared with those exposed less often (AOR = 1.41; 95 % CI: 1.08, 1.84). Risk-taking behavior modified the relationship between exposure and initiation, with the odds of initiation highest among those low in risk-taking (AOR = 1.78; 95 % CI: 1.14, 1.56). These results are consistent with past research, showing that frequent exposure to tobacco marketing in retail settings is associated with increased odds of initiation. Reducing exposure to tobacco retail marketing could play an important role in curtailing smoking among adolescents, especially those less prone to risk-taking.  相似文献   

2005年北京市儿童青少年烟草流行现状调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的了解北京市儿童青少年烟草流行现状及其影响因素,为制定北京市青少年控烟策略提供依据。方法采用多层整群抽样的方法,选取126所大中小学学生进行问卷调查。结果共调查北京市小学生、中学生和大学生17952人,其中男生8873人,女生9079人;小学生5688人,中学生8755人,大学生3509人;农村生源2232人,县镇生源6595人,城市生源9125人。北京市6—14岁学生吸烟率为1.12%,15—24岁学生吸烟率为11.73%;男性吸烟率高于女性,并均于17岁达到高峰;中专与职业高中学生吸烟率最高;学生开始尝试吸烟的高峰年龄为小学高年级及初中阶段;影响学生吸烟的因素主要分为自身、家庭与社会环境三个部分。结论北京市儿童青少年吸烟率达到很高水平,尝试吸烟年龄提前,因此制定有效的干预措施和策略是当务之急。  相似文献   

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