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Two rat IgG2a antibodies which define distinct epitopes on murine CD40 have been generated. These antibodies specifically bind recombinant murine CD40 expressed on L cells, and the soluble extracellular domain of murine CD40 coated onto microtiter plates. Both antibodies bind B220+ but not B220 murine spleen cells, and immunoprecipitate a 45-kDa protein from the surface of purified murine splenic B cells. These antibodies exhibit separate functional properties, consistent with the notion that they define two distinct CD40 epitopes. One of the monoclonal antibodies (designated 1C10) directly induces a specific proliferative response from mature murine B cells, up-regulates several B cell surface antigens, and rescues immature B lymphoma cells from anti-IgM-induced growth arrest. The other monoclonal antibody (designated 4F11) exhibits none of these properties, but is capable of synergizing with suboptimal amounts of either anti-IgM antibodies or the 1C10 agonistic anti-CD40 antibody to produce an optimal proliferative response of purified small dense B cells. Furthermore, 4F11 antibody synergizes with suboptimal amounts of 1C10 antibody to rescue B lymphoma cells from anti-IgM-induced growth arrest. The 1C10 and 4F11 antibodies were unable to cross-block each other's binding to recombinant CD40 expressed in L cells, providing strong support for the notion that the antibodies recognize distinct epitopes on CD40. The potential implications of two functionally distinct CD40 epitopes are discussed.  相似文献   

Twelve monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were isolated that bound to six clusters of epitopes on the constant region of the epsilon chain of human IgE. Four of the mAb bound to the C epsilon 1 or early C epsilon 2 regions; three of these bound to the IgE myeloma protein PS and to serum IgE but not to the IgE myeloma protein ND. These mAb probably recognize an allotypic marker. Another mAb reacted with heat-denatured, but not native IgE. Four of the mAb failed to release histamine; the epitopes recognized by these mAb are in the C epsilon 1, C epsilon 2 and C epsilon 3-4 regions of IgE. Three of these non-histamine releasing mAb did not bind to IgE on the basophil surface. These mAb recognize epitopes in C epsilon 2 and C epsilon 3-4 that are not accessible when IgE is bound to its receptor. Four mAb inhibited IgE binding to basophils; two of these did not release histamine, and two others that bind to epitopes in the C epsilon 2-4 domain, released histamine and therefore blocked IgE binding by steric hindrance. Inhibition of IgE binding by different mAb suggest that the Fc epsilon RI and Fc epsilon RII bind to partly overlapping regions of the IgE molecule although the sites do not appear to be identical. A number of sites on C epsilon 1 and C epsilon 3-4 were accessible when IgE is bound to its basophil receptor. The data support the concept that only part of the Fc portion of IgE is hidden in the receptor and that portions of C epsilon 1-4 are accessible on the cell surface. These mAb should be useful in determining the domains of IgE that are critical for its biological activity.  相似文献   

We have established and characterized five new monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which specifically immunoprecipitate the human interleukin-2 receptor beta chain (IL-2R beta). One of them, TU30, recognizes the intracytoplasmic 'serine-rich region' of IL-2R beta that is critical for IL-2 signal transduction. The others, TU12, TU21, TU23 and TU25, completely inhibit IL-2 binding, as does the previously characterized TU27. However, reciprocal binding competition assays show that the epitopes recognized by the individual mAbs are different from each other. The mAbs inhibit the growth of IL-2-dependent cells. The magnitude of their inhibitory effects is dependent on not only the affinities of the mAbs for IL-2R beta but also upon the number of IL-2R alpha subunits expressed on IL-2-dependent cells. These mAbs should be useful in studying the structure and function of the IL-2R.  相似文献   

The B-cell surface protein, CD40, belongs to the tumour necrosis factor/nerve growth factor (TNF/NGF) receptor family and plays a crucial role in T cell-dependent B-cell activation. Ligation of this receptor with antibodies or its recently defined ligand, gp39, generates an intracellular signal that, when combined with triggering of surface immunoglobulin or the interleukin-4 (IL-4) receptor, induces a variety of stimulatory effects in B cells. In this study we provide further evidence for the importance of receptor cross-linking in generating this signal and we also report on the presence of a soluble form of CD40. A new CD40 monoclonal antibody (mAb), 17:40, was found to synergize with other CD40 antibodies (mAb89 and S2C6) in inducing proliferation as well as IgE synthesis in IL-4-treated tonsillar B cells. However, both this mAb and mAb89 failed to co-operate with a soluble construct of the CD40 ligand, whereas such co-operation was seen with the S2C6 antibody. Cross-inhibition experiments showed that the 17:40 mAb recognized an epitope that was clearly distinct from that seen by S2C6 and mAb89. Although directed to separate epitopes, both 17:40 and mAb89 completely blocked binding of gp39 to its receptor, while the S2C6 mAb only partially interfered with this binding. The findings suggest a close relationship between the degree of receptor clustering and the strength of the delivered signal. With the access to antibodies recognizing distinct structures on CD40 we also established a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for quantitative determinations of the antigen. With this assay we could demonstrate the presence of a soluble form of CD40 (sCD40) in culture supernatants. The fact that sCD40 also retained its ligand-binding capacity indicates that it may have an important regulatory role and modulate the T cell-dependent stimulation via CD40. Both the finding of soluble receptors and the need for receptor clustering are features that CD40 share with other members of the TNF/NGF receptor family.  相似文献   

L K Goff  R J Armitage    P C Beverley 《Immunology》1988,65(2):213-220
We have produced two CD23 monoclonal antibodies (mAb), LA1 and LA2, which differ significantly in their patterns of reactivity compared to other mAb within this cluster. Unlike other CD23 mAb, LA1 and LA2 show virtually no reactivity with freshly isolated tonsil B lymphocytes or mantle zone lymphocytes in tissue section. That LA1 and LA2 are CD23 mAb is confirmed by their precipitation of a 45,000 MW surface protein from B cells and strong reactivity with a CD23 transfectant. Cross-blocking studies with four well-characterized CD23 mAb show that LA1 and LA2 recognize the same, distinct epitope of the CD23 molecule. However, similar to other CD23 mAb, expression of LA1 and LA2 increases after activation. Following removal of cells staining with the well-characterized CD23 mAb MHM6, using a highly efficient magnetic bead technique, LA1 and LA2, but not other CD23 mAb, react with a subpopulation of the remaining cells when activated with interleukin-4 (IL-4) or phorbol ester. Soluble LA1 and MHM6 both provide a co-stimulatory signal for phorbol ester-induced B-cell proliferation. This response is increased if these mAb are used to cross-link the CD23 molecule. Interestingly, despite the fact that LA2 and LA1 cross-block, LA2 has no effect on functional responses in its soluble form but can elicit a comparable increase in proliferation when cross-linked. Results presented here suggest that the novel CD23 mAb, LA1 and LA2, recognize a distinct form of the CD23 molecule, expressed only on activation. These mAb define a subpopulation of activated B cells which do not stain with other CD23 mAb.  相似文献   

Several monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against human IgA have been obtained which specifically bind to human myeloma and polyclonal IgA. Three of these MAbs have been purified and studied further. They recognize both IgA subclasses and define three distinct epitopes on the IgA molecule. These MAbs were used to develop a solid-phase radioimmunoassay (RIA) in which one MAb was immobilized and the other two were labeled with 125I. The assay has a sensitivity in the nanogram range. A good correlation was found (r = 0.97, P less than 0.001) when the solid-phase RIA was compared with a commercially available immunodiffusion technique for the determination of IgA levels in serum samples.  相似文献   

Recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) induced highly purified human tonsillar B cells to differentiate into immunoglobulin (Ig)-producing cells in vitro. The B-cell response was not due to rIL-2-contaminating substances, but reflected the activity of IL-2 itself, since it was inhibited by addition to the cultures of anti-TAC monoclonal antibody. The rIL-2-induced B-cell response was apparently not mediated by factors released by residual T cells present in B-cell suspensions at undetectable levels, since supernatants (SN) from unstimulated autologous T cells cultured at concentrations even much higher than those possibly contaminating B-cell suspensions did not induce any detectable Ig production. In addition, the Ig production by B cells cultured with SN prepared from high numbers of autologous T cells stimulated with rIL-2, as well as from allo-activated or mitogen-stimulated T cells, was of the same magnitude as the Ig production resulting from direct addition of rIL-2 concentrations comparable with those present in the supernatants. After centrifugation on Percoll density gradients, most of the tonsillar B cells responsive to rIL-2 were recovered in the lower density cell fraction containing a number of larger activated B cells. Moreover, B-cell enriched suspensions from peripheral blood (PB) (which usually contains a lower number of in vivo activated B cells than tonsil) showed poor or no response to rIL-2 alone, but displayed significant Ig production when rIL-2 was added to the cultures in the presence of Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I (SAC) bacteria.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Four categories of viral epitopes can be distinguished that have been designated cryptotopes, neotopes, metatopes and neutralization epitopes. Specific examples of each epitope type are presented and the methods used for locating their positions in viral proteins are described. The epitopes of four well-characterized viruses, namely poliovirus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, influenza virus and tobacco mosaic virus are briefly described.  相似文献   

In this study we describe the tissue distribution of mouse CD40 using two monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against different epitopes of the molecule. In lymphoid tissues CD40 was expressed by B lymphocytes. Most B cells in typical B-cell compartments were CD40-positive, including germinal centre B cells. Interestingly, the two CD40 epitopes were differentially distributed on subpopulations of dendritic cells and epithelial cells. The 3/23 mAb, but not 3/3, recognized interdigitating dendritic cells (IDC) in lymph nodes, spleen and thymus. Langerhans cells were CD40 negative. In contrast, epithelial cells in the thymus and some other tissues (e.g. skin) were stained with the 3/3 mAb, but not with the 3/23 mAb. The expression of CD40 on dendritic cells and epithelial cells is in agreement with earlier findings in humans. Our data also demonstrate that different epitopes of CD40 are differentially expressed on dendritic cells and epithelial cells. This suggests the existence of different forms of CD40, that are expressed in a cell-type-specific fashion.  相似文献   

Three different monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against human immunoglobulin E have been obtained which specifically bind to human myeloma and polyclonal IgE. The antibodies showed high avidities for soluble IgE (0.7 X 10(9) to 3.3 X 10(9) M-1). These MAb defined three distinct epitopes on IgE. A mixture of these antibodies in combination with an 125I-labelled anti-mouse Kappa chain MAb has been used to measure allergen-specific IgE. This determination was performed by a solid-phase radioimmunoassay using allergen extracts coated to either chemically activated paper discs or to polyvinyl chloride wells. This method is 4-10 times more sensitive than other previously reported procedures. A similar technique has also been applied to detect individual allergens in immunoblots of allergen extracts.  相似文献   

Activation of human B cells in vitro either by cross-linking of surface immunoglobulins (sIg) or by triggering CD40 antigen, in the presence of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and interleukin-2 (IL-2), may result in high levels of immunoglobulin secretion in vitro. We studied the combined effects of ligation of the B-cell receptor (BCR) and CD40 [with anti-CD40 monoclonal antibody (mAb)] on B-cell proliferation and production of human immunoglobulin. For this purpose highly purified splenic B cells were cultured with various combinations of anti-CD40 and IL-10/IL-2 or IL-4 in the presence of CD32-transfected L cells. Simultaneous cross-linking of the BCR was achieved by mAb held on CD32-L cells or Staphylococcus aureus (SA). We found that dual BCR and CD40 ligation with IL-10/IL-2 leads to reduced immunoglobulin G (IgG) secretion compared with B cells stimulated with either anti-CD40 and IL-10/IL-2, or compared with B cells stimulated with SA or anti-BCR mAb and IL-10/IL-2. Dual BCR and CD40 ligation with anti-immunoglobulin mAb (anti-kappa + anti-lambda light chains) but not with SA induced a similar reduction in IgM production. The reduced immunoglobulin secretion found during dual ligation is accompanied by increased proliferation. This was independent of cytokine stimulation but SA/CD40-induced proliferation was increased in the presence of IL-10/IL-2, although not with IL-4. The combination anti-kappa and anti-lambda with anti-CD40 showed a long-term suppression of IgG and IgM production (at least 14 days), while anti-kappa or anti-lambda alone, or SA, allowed a moderate recovery of immunoglobulin production by day 14. These results suggest that simultaneous B-cell antigen receptor cross-linking and CD40 engagement via CD40L on T cells induces strong initial proliferation. This may be followed later by antibody production depending on the strength of the BCR signal and the presence of the appropriate cytokines.  相似文献   

The bipartite anthrax lethal toxin (LeTx) consisting of protective antigen (PA) and lethal factor (LF) is a major virulence factor contributing to death from systemic Bacillus anthracis infection. The current vaccine elicits antibodies directed primarily to PA; however, in experimental settings serologic responses to LF can neutralize LeTx and contribute to protection against infection. The goals of the present study were to identify sequential B-cell epitopes of LF and to determine the capacity of these determinants to bind neutralizing antibodies. Sera of recombinant LF-immunized A/J mice exhibited high titers of immunoglobulin G anti-LF reactivity that neutralized LeTx in vitro 78 days after the final booster immunization and protected the mice from in vivo challenge with 3 50% lethal doses of LeTx. These sera bound multiple discontinuous epitopes, and there were major clusters of reactivity on native LF. Strikingly, all three neutralizing, LF-specific monoclonal antibodies tested bound specific peptide sequences that coincided with sequential epitopes identified in polyclonal antisera from recombinant LF-immunized mice. This study confirms that LF induces high-titer protective antibodies in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, the binding of short LF peptides by LF-specific neutralizing monoclonal antibodies suggests that generation of protective antibodies by peptide vaccination may be feasible for this antigen. This study paves the way for a more effective anthrax vaccine by identifying discontinuous peptide epitopes of LF.  相似文献   

Four monoclonal antisera-identifying antigens with the identical tissue distribution and molecular weight of previously described Ia-like antigens were characterized. Two of these antisera, I-1 and I-2, identified antigens expressed on the HLA-D/DR positive cells from all HLA heterozygous individuals. Further characterization on homozygous typing cells (HTC's) demonstrated that I-2 was not reactive with most Dw7 and Dw11 HTC's.Monoclonal antisera, termed 1-LR1 and 1-LR2, defined polymorphic Ia-like antigens that demonstrated restricted expression of cells from HLA heterozygous individuals. Antigen I-LR1 was expressed on cells from 60% of HLA heterozygous and its reactivity with HTC's did not conform to any previously described monotypic or supertypic HLA-D/DR pattern. In contrast, I-LR2 was expressed on 40% of HLA heterozygotes and identified only HLA-DR3, 5, and 6 HTC's. Studies of families with HLA recombinants permitted the demonstration that the 1-LR1 and 1-LR2 antigens are tightly linked to the HLA-D/DR locus. These experiments permit the direct demonstration by immunoprecipitation, linkage studies, and MHC recombinant families that the p29,34 complex in man is closely linked to or is within the HLA-D/DR locus. These studies suggest that the human Ia-like antigens are more heterogenous than previously demonstrated and that monoclonal antisera will be useful in further defining the structural, genetic, and functional characteristics of these molecules.  相似文献   

Babesia bovis merozoite apical membrane polypeptide Bv60 was found to be rhoptry associated by immuno-electron microscopy and was redesignated rhoptry-associated protein 1 (RAP-1). The N-terminal 300 amino acids of RAP-1 have a high level of sequence similarity to the same N-terminal region of p58, its homolog from Babesia bigemina. However, the interspecies conserved sequences did not include RAP-1 surface-exposed B-cell epitopes as defined by monoclonal antibodies. Furthermore, neither heterologous B. bigemina immune nor monospecific anti-p58 bovine serum binds to whole RAP-1, indicating that the major B-cell epitopes recognized by these sera are also not encoded by the conserved sequences. Truncated RAP-1, expressed by a subclone encoding the N-terminal 235 amino acids, is weakly bound by antibodies in heterologous sera. A peptide representing the longest conserved amino acid sequence (amino acids 121 to 134) in this region is also weakly bound by antibodies in immune bovine sera, and rabbit antibodies induced by and strongly reactive with the peptide alone fail to bind native or denatured RAP-1. Thus, although the conserved region may contain one or more poorly immunogenic B-cell epitopes, these epitopes are inaccessible to antibody in whole RAP-1. The results indicate that the major immunogenic B-cell epitopes of RAP-1, including surface-accessible epitopes bound by monoclonal antibodies, are distinct from the conserved sequences representing putative functional domains.  相似文献   

Human CD133 (human prominin-1), a five transmembrane domain glycoprotein, was originally identified as a cell surface antigen present on CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells. Although the biological function of CD133 is not well understood, antibodies to CD133 epitopes have been widely used to purify hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. The cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis postulates that a rare population of tumor cells possessing increased capacities for self-renewal and tumor initiation is responsible for maintaining the growth of neoplastic tissue. The expression of the CD133 epitopes, AC133 and AC141, has been shown to define a subpopulation of brain tumor cells with significantly increased capacity for tumor initiation in xenograft models. Following the discovery of the AC133/AC141+ population of brain tumor stem cells, the AC133 and AC141 epitopes have been extensively used as markers for purifying CSCs in other solid tumors. There are, however, several issues associated with the use of the AC133 and AC141 CD133 epitopes as markers for CSCs. The antibodies routinely used for purification of AC133 and AC141-positive cells target poorly characterized glycosylated epitopes of uncertain specificity. Discordant expression of the AC133 and AC141 epitopes has been observed, and the epitopes can be absent despite the presence of CD133 protein. In addition, CD133 expression has recently been shown to be modulated by oxygen levels. These factors, in combination with the uncertain biological role of CD133, suggest that the use of CD133 expression as a marker for CSCs should be critically evaluated in each new experimental system and highlight the need for additional CSC surface markers that are directly involved in maintaining CSC properties.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MAb) which recognize distinct epitopes on human immunoglobulin E have been used to develop two-site sandwich radio- and enzyme-linked immunoassays for the quantitation of human IgE. In the first step, a purified anti-IgE MAb coated to polyvinyl or polystyrene microtiter plates specifically bound the IgE contained in the samples. In the second step, another anti-IgE MAb (either iodinated or conjugated to beta-galactosidase) directed to a different antigenic determinant was used to estimate the amount of bound IgE. This simple method permitted the determination of IgE concentrations of 10 ng/ml and greater in about 3 h. Coefficients of variation on a single day did not exceed 7.5% for IgE levels, covering a wide range of the standard curve. The values obtained on serum samples showed a good correlation with those obtained using the paper radioimmunosorbent test (PRIST).  相似文献   

In this paper, we performed further biochemical characterization of the CD26 antigen, as defined by the mAbs in anti-1F7 and anti-Ta1, in order to clarify the observed functional differences among these mAbs. For this purpose, we developed a mAb, anti-5F8, which recognizes yet another epitope on the CD26 antigen different from that recognized by anti-1F7 and anti-Ta1 and compared their respective effect on T cell activation as well as the structures recognized by these mAbs. Functionally, anti-5F8 did not exhibit a comitogenic effect on T cell activation via the CD3 and CD2 pathways. Peptide mapping studies suggested that the 110 kDa molecules precipitated by these mAbs are identical. We showed that the 110 kDa CD26 structure on human T cells is composed of a family of heterogeneous molecules, as determined by isoelectric focusing studies. In addition, we demonstrated that the CD26 antigen has a DPPIV enzyme activity and this enzyme activity is found only on the principal basic structure of CD26 but not on the additional acidic structures. Biochemical studies also revealed that these mAbs recognized distinct epitopes on the CD26 antigen. Pulse-chase studies showed the the 1F7 epitope was found on both the immature (100 kDa) and mature (110 kDa) forms of the CD26 antigen. On the other hand, the Ta1 and 5F8 epitopes were expressed mainly on the mature form of the CD26 antigen. Moreover, anti-IF7 consistently precipitated an additional 43 kDa molecule in association with the principal 110 kDa molecule. Taken together, these data suggested that the additional 43 kDa structure or the distinct epitope recognized by anti-IF7 may play a role in human T cell activation via the CD3 and CD2 pathways.  相似文献   

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