Tenofovir is an antiviral nucleotide with activity against humanimmunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1). Tenofovir is extensivelyand rapidly excreted in the urine by the kidneys [1]. Thereare no available data on tenofovir pharmacokinetics in patientswith renal failure. We report here on the clinical effects andthe pharmacokinetics of tenofovir in one patient with end-stagerenal disease (ESRD) undergoing haemodialysis.   The patient was a 46-year-old Caucasian man co-infected withHIV-1 and hepatitis B virus (HBV) who was undergoing haemodialysistwice a week for end-stage renal failure (ESRD) secondary toautosomal polycystic kidney disease. At the time of the study,his creatinine clearance was 10 ml/min with a urinary outputof  相似文献   

The association of higher depressive symptoms and sexual dysfunction in male haemodialysis patients.     
Yu-Sen Peng  Chih-Kang Chiang  Kung-Yu Hung  Shou-Shang Chiang  Chia-Sheng Lu  Chwei-Shiun Yang  Kwan-Dun Wu  Chin-Ching Yang  Ru-Ping Lin  Chee-Jen Chang  Tun-Jun Tsai  Wang-Yu Chen 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2007,22(3):857-861
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of sexual dysfunction among male haemodialysis patients is high. Sexual dysfunction is composed of both physiological and psychological factors. However, the role of psychological depression is still obscure. METHODS: A multicentre cross-sectional study of 411 male haemodialysis patients was conducted to define the determinants of sexual dysfunction. Mid-week pre-dialytic biochemical and haematological parameters were obtained. All patients were required to complete three questionnaires by themselves: (i) the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF, Chinese version); (ii) the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI, Chinese version) and (iii) the 36-item Short Form Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36, Taiwan Standard Version 1.0). RESULTS: In total, 154 male patients completed the IIEF questionnaire. Their mean age was 50.2 +/- 10.7 years. A linear multivariable regression analysis demonstrated advanced age, diabetes and the presence of depressive symptoms to be independently associated with sexual dysfunction. Subjects with sexual dysfunction had significantly lower quality of life scores. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of depressive symptoms, highly prevalent in haemodialysis patients, is an independent factor of sexual dysfunction in male haemodialysis patients. In a comprehensive approach to the management of sexual dysfunction, a thorough evaluation of psychological depression must be included.  相似文献   

Quality of sleep and health-related quality of life in haemodialysis patients.   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
Eduard A Iliescu  Helen Coo  Margo H McMurray  Carol L Meers  Margo M Quinn  Michael A Singer  Wilma M Hopman 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2003,18(1):126-132
BACKGROUND: Sleep complaints are common in haemodialysis patients. In the general population, insomnia impacts negatively on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The objective of this study was to examine the association between quality of sleep and HRQoL in haemodialysis patients independent of known predictors of HRQoL. METHODS: Quality of sleep was measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and HRQoL was measured using the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form (SF-36) in 89 haemodialysis patients. RESULTS: Sixty-three (71%) subjects were 'poor sleepers' (global PSQI >5). The SF-36 mental component summary (MCS) and physical component summary (PCS) correlated inversely with the global PSQI score (MCS, r = -0.28, P < 0.01; PCS, r = -0.45, P < 0.01). The PCS score also correlated with age (r = -0.24, P = 0.02), haemoglobin (r = 0.21, P = 0.048) and comorbidity (r = -0.40, P < 0.01), and mean PCS was lower in depressed subjects (26.2 vs 35.9, P = 0.02). Subjects with global PSQI >5 had a higher prevalence of depression, lower haemoglobin and lower HRQoL in all SF-36 domains. The global PSQI score was a significant independent predictor of the MCS and PCS after controlling for age, sex, haemoglobin, serum albumin, comorbidity and depression in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Poor sleep is common in dialysis patients and is associated with lower HRQoL. We hypothesize that end-stage renal disease directly influences quality of sleep, which in turn impacts on HRQoL.  相似文献   

Dialysis in The Netherlands: the clinical condition of new patients put into a European perspective. NECOSAD Study Group. Netherlands Cooperative Study on the Adequacy of Dialysis phase 1.     
K J Jager  M P Merkus  E W Boeschoten  F W Dekker  P Stevens  R T Krediet 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》1999,14(10):2438-2444
BACKGROUND: The unadjusted annual mortality rate among prevalent Dutch dialysis patients increased from 1981 to 1992. Part of this increase may be attributed to the ageing of the dialysis population, but hardly any data were available on other important prognostic features of new Dutch dialysis patients, such as co-morbidity and other aspects of their clinical condition. The aim of the present study was to obtain these data and to put them into a European perspective. METHODS: Two hundred and fifty consecutive new patients were included in this prospective multi-centre study. Data were collected 3 months after start of dialysis. Multivariate linear regression analysis was used to explain the variability of parameters of nutritional state and blood pressure. RESULTS: Mean age was 57 years, co-morbid conditions were present in 51%, diabetes mellitus in 18%, and cardiovascular disease in 28%. Decreased protein intake was related to diminished residual renal function. Our patients did not have more co-morbidity than Dutch patients participating in a European study some years earlier. Comparison with other studies was complicated by the use of different definitions of co-morbidity and of selected patient populations. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the fact that Dutch dialysis patients have become older and the incidence of diabetic nephropathy has increased, no conclusions could be drawn on a concomitant increase in co-morbidity. This patient group may serve as a reference population to study future changes in patient case-mix within the Netherlands. Furthermore, the use of common international definitions of co-morbidity is needed to be able to make comparisons of survival data.  相似文献   

Calcium ions are abnormally distributed in the skin of haemodialysis patients with uraemic pruritus.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Akishi Momose  Shigemasa Kudo  Motoaki Sato  Hisao Saito  Katunori Nagai  Yasuo Katabira  Tomihisa Funyu 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2004,19(8):2061-2066
BACKGROUND: Although a close relationship between uraemic pruritus and serum calcium levels has been demonstrated for some time, the degree of pruritus was not always correlated with calcium concentrations. In the present study, we assessed calcium ion distribution in the skin of chronic haemodialysis patients with and without pruritus. METHODS: We excluded patients with concomitant psoriasis or atopic dermatitis or with a previous history of allergy, those who had an arteriovenous fistula created prior to induction of haemodialysis, and patients with only mild pruritus. From the enrolled 22 haemodialysis patients, we obtained forearm skin samples during arteriovenous fistula surgery. These patients were divided into two groups based their grade of pruritus. The pruritus group included patients with moderate to severe grades of pruritus (n = 11, age 64 +/-13 years) and the non-pruritus group consisted of patients without pruritus (n = 11, age 59 +/-13 years). We compared the distribution of calcium ions in the epidermis between the two groups using the ion-capture method (oxalate-pyroantimonate-osmium technique). In addition, we examined and compared the groups for thicknesses of the basal, spinous and granular layers, as well as of the stratum corneum using an electron microscope. RESULTS: The pruritus group had significantly higher calcium ion deposition in the extracellular fluid and cytoplasm of basal cells, and in the extracellular fluid, nuclei and cytoplasm of spinous cells compared with the non-pruritus group. In contrast, calcium ion depositions were similar between the two groups in the dermis/basal layer interface, the nucleus of basal cells, the nucleus and cytoplasm of granular cells, exterior of granular cells, the granular cells/stratum corneum interface, and in the interior and exterior of corneocytes. Although the stratum corneum was significantly thicker in the pruritus group than in the non-pruritus group, there were no differences in basal cell, spinal cell or granular cell layer thicknesses. CONCLUSION: In chronic haemodialysis patients with pruritis, the calcium ion concentration in the deepest layer of the epidermis was increased, which indicated a disrupted calcium ion gradient in the skin. These findings point to a role for increased skin calcium ion concentrations in the development and/or maintenance of uraemic pruritus. However, more extensive studies in larger patient cohorts will be necessary to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Improvement of cardiac function after haemodialysis. Quantitative evaluation by colour tissue velocity imaging.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Shirley Yumi Hayashi  Lars-Ake Brodin  Anders Alvestrand  Britta Lind  Peter Stenvinkel  Marcelo Mazza do Nascimento  Abdul Rashid Qureshi  Samir Saha  Bengt Lindholm  Astrid Seeberger 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2004,19(6):1497-1506
BACKGROUND: Overhydration and accumulation of uraemic toxins may influence the myocardial function in haemodialysis (HD) patients. To evaluate cardiac function and the effects of fluid and solute removal during a single session of HD, colour tissue velocity imaging (TVI) was used. This new technique, which is less load dependent than conventional echocardiography, allows an objective quantitative assessment of myocardial contractility, contraction and relaxation. METHODS: Conventional echocardiographic and TVI images were recorded before and after a single HD session in 13 clinically stable HD patients (62+/-10 years, six males) and in 13 sex- and age-matched healthy controls. Myocardial tissue velocities (v; cm/s) for isovolumetric contraction (IVC), peak systole (PS), early (E') and late (A') diastolic filling and strain rate (SR) were measured. RESULTS: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) was present in 12 patients. TVI gave additional information in comparison with conventional echocardiography. Before HD, PS (5.0+/-0.8 vs 6.0+/-1.2 cm/s, P<0.05), E' (5.7+/-1.7 vs 7.3+/-2.0 cm/s, P<0.05) and A' (6.6+/-1.7 vs. 8.3+/-2.9 cm/s, P<0.05) velocities were lower in the patients than in the controls, indicating systolic and diastolic dysfunction. The HD session increased IVCv (4.0+/-1.7 to 5.5+/-1.9 cm/s; P<0.001), PSv (5.0+/-0.8 to 5.7+/-0.8 cm/s; P<0.05) and SR (0.7+/-0.2 to 0.9+/-0.2 1/s; P < 0.05) and decreased E/E' (16.7+/-7.7 to 12.2+/-4.0, P<0.05), indicating improved systolic function and decreased LV filling pressure, respectively. Linear regression analysis demonstrated a dependency of systolic contraction (PSv) and contractility (IVCv) upon plasma levels of phosphate (r(2) = 0.70, P<0.005, r(2) = 0.33, P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Using TVI, HD patients demonstrate myocardial dysfunction, which is found less frequently when using conventional echocardiography. The systolic function seems to be impaired by high plasma levels of phosphate and an increased Ca x P product. One single session of HD improved systolic function as indicated by increases in IVCv, PSv and SR. Further studies are needed to clarify if this effect of HD is due to the acute removal of fluid, the removal of solutes or both.  相似文献   

Possible involvement of increased glycoxidation and lipid peroxidation of elastin in atherogenesis in haemodialysis patients.     
Yuji Yamamoto  Noriyuki Sakata  Jing Meng  Masaya Sakamoto  Akiko Noma  Iori Maeda  Kouji Okamoto  Shigeo Takebayashi 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2002,17(4):630-636
BACKGROUND: Glycoxidation and lipid peroxidation products accumulate in collagen of various tissues in haemodialysis patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that increased glycoxidation and lipid peroxidation of aortic elastin is implicated in the cardiovascular complications, particularly atherosclerosis, of chronic haemodialysis patients. METHODS: Post-mortem aortic samples were obtained from 16 deceased subjects, including chronic haemodialysis patients (group 1 n=6, age 64.7+/-11.4 years) and control subjects (group 2 n=10, age 61.1+/-10.4 years). The samples were divided into three vessel wall sites: atherosclerotic intima, lesion-free intima, and media. They were sequentially treated with 0.01 M phosphate-buffered saline, collagenase, and elastase to obtain three fractions, namely soluble (SF), collagen (CF), and elastin (EF) fractions, respectively. Using spectrophotofluorometry, the pentosidine- and malondialdehyde (MDA)-linked fluorescence of these fractions was measured at wavelengths 335/385 and 390/460 (excitation/emission), respectively. RESULTS: Samples from haemodialysis patients (group 1) exhibited a significant increase in both pentosidine- and MDA-linked fluorescence of EF in atherosclerotic intima, lesion-free intima, and media samples, compared with samples from control subjects (group 2). In group 1, the levels of pentosidine- and MDA-linked fluorescence of EF were highest in atherosclerotic intima among the three aortic sites. Interestingly, in both groups, the levels of pentosidine- and MDA-linked fluorescence of EF were significantly higher than those of CF in all aortic sites. There was a strong correlation between the levels of pentosidine- and MDA-linked fluorescence in CF and EF for all aortic sites. In group 1, the pentosidine- and MDA-linked fluorescence levels of EF correlated significantly with the duration of haemodialysis in lesion-free intima and media. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides the first biochemical evidence for a close link between aortic elastin glycoxidation and lipid peroxidation. In addition, we demonstrated high levels of these products in the aortic elastin of haemodialysis patients with ESRD. Our findings support the hypothesis that modification of aortic elastin by glycoxidation and lipid peroxidation may contribute to the development of vascular complications, particularly atherosclerosis, in patients with end-stage renal failure.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension in haemodialysis patients via arterio-venous access.     
Farid Nakhoul  Mordechai Yigla  Rima Gilman  Shimon A Reisner  Zaid Abassi 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2005,20(8):1686-1692
BACKGROUND: We recently have shown a high incidence of unexplained pulmonary hypertension (PHT) in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients on chronic haemodialysis (HD) therapy via arterio-venous (A-V) access. This study evaluated the possibility that PHT in these patients is triggered or aggravated by chronic HD via surgical A-V access, and the role of endothelin-1 (ET-1) and nitric oxide (NO) in this syndrome. METHODS: Forty-two HD patients underwent clinical evaluation. Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) was evaluated using Doppler echocardiography. Levels of ET-1 and NO metabolites in plasma were determined before and after the HD procedure and were compared between subgroups of patients with and without PHT. RESULTS: Out of 42 HD patients studied, 20 patients (48%) had PHT (PAP = 46+/-2; range 36-82 mmHg) while the rest had a normal PAP (29+/-1 mmHg) (P<0.0001). HD patients with PHT had higher cardiac output compared with those with normal PAP (6.0+/-1.2 vs 5.2+/-0.9 l/min, P<0.034). HD patients, with or without PHT, had elevated plasma ET-1 levels compared with controls (1.6+/-0.7 and 2.4+/-0.8 fmol/ml vs 1.0+/-0.2, P<0.05) that remained unchanged after the HD procedure. HD patients without PHT and control subjects showed similar basal plasma levels of NO2 + NO3 (24.2+/-5.2 vs 19.7+/-3.1 microM, P>0.05) that was significantly higher compared with HD patients with PHT (14.3+/-2.3 microM, P<0.05). HD therapy caused a significant increase in plasma NO metabolites that was greater in patients without PHT (from 24.2+/-5.2 to 77.1+/-9.6 microM, P<0.0001, and from 14.3+/-2.3 to 39.9+/-11.4 microM, P<0.0074, respectively). Significant declines in PAP (from 49.8+/-2.8 to 38.6+/-2.2 mmHg, P<0.004) and cardiac output (CO) (from 7.6+/-0.6 to 6.1+/-0.3 l/min, P<0.03) were found in 11 HD patients with PHT that underwent successful transplantation. Similarly, temporary closure of the A-V access by a sphygmomanometer in eight patients with PHT resulted in a transient decrease in CO (from 6.4+/-0.6 to 5.3+/- 0.5 l/min, P = 0.18) and systolic PAP (from 47.2+/-3.8 to 34.6+/-2.8 mmHg, P<0.028). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates a high prevalence of PHT among patients with ESRD on chronic HD via a surgical A-V fistula. In view of the vasodilatory and antimitogenic properties of NO, it is possible that the attenuated basal and HD-induced NO production in patients with PHT contributes to the increased pulmonary vascular tone. Furthermore, the partial restoration of normal PAP and CO in HD patients that underwent either temporal A-V shunt closure or successful transplantation indicates that excessive pulmonary blood flow is involved in the pathogenesis of the disease.  相似文献   

Mental health at the third month of haemodialysis as a predictor of short-term survival.     
Covadonga Valdés  Mónica García-Mendoza  Pablo Rebollo  Teresa Ortega  Francisco Ortega 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2006,21(11):3223-3230
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival of patients initiating haemodialysis (HD), and to analyse whether low health-related quality of life (HRQoL) levels are predictors of mortality in the short-term, controlling certain variables that had been shown in other studies to have a bearing on survival, and using scores, standardized for age and sex, of the HRQoL measurement tool employed. METHODS: This is a multicentric prospective study of all patients on HD in all the dialysis units in Asturias, a region with a little over one million inhabitants, from 1 January 2001 to 30 September 2002. A total of 199 patients initiated HD in our region and survived the first 3 months. Of these, 137 patients who remained on HD for at least 3 months had complete responses on HRQoL measures. RESULTS: It was observed that adjusted relative risk (RR) of death increased by 5% for each year of age increase (RR=1.05, 95% CI 1.01-1.09: P=0.006); in the same way, for each increase in the Mental Component Summary (MCS) score, the adjusted RR of death diminished by 4% (RR=0.96, 95% CI 0.94-0.99; P=0.006). CONCLUSION: Mental health has been shown to be a factor independently associated with mortality; as the MCS score worsens the adjusted RR of death of a patient on HD increases.  相似文献   

The function of permanent vascular access.   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2  
J A Rodriguez  L Armadans  E Ferrer  A Olmos  S Codina  J Bartolomé  J Borrellas  L Piera 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2000,15(3):402-408
BACKGROUND: Complications arising from vascular access (VA) are major causes of morbidity in patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT). They contribute to frustration of health care providers and to high medical cost. To prevent failures in the future it will be helpful to identify the factors that are related to VA malfunction. METHODS: In a retrospective analysis we analysed the types, duration and primary rate of patency of 1033 permanent vascular accesses in 544 consecutive patients established during a 13-year period in a tertiary care hospital. Patient characteristics, incidence, and risk factors related to VA failure were registered. In addition, VA outcomes in patients who started haemodialysis with a catheter and in whom initial VA failure occurred were analysed separately. RESULTS: Forty-five per cent of patients required a central catheter at the start of HD, but 92% of them were being dialysed with an a-v fistula at the last observation. The total number of complications was 0.24 episodes per patient per year at risk and the rate of thrombosis 0.1. A total of 52% of patients were dialysed throughout the observation period with their initial a-v fistula; 9.3% had more than three episodes of VA failure. The radiocephalic a-v fistula was the VA with the best median duration, exceeding 7 years, but also the type that had the highest initial failure rate, i.e. 25% of patients and 13% of the events. The brachiocephalic a-v fistula was the second most frequent type of VA, with a median duration of function of 3.6 years, in contrast to the humerobasilic a-v fistula, which exceeded 5 years. Average patency of the different types of grafts did not exceed 1 year, with the exception of the autologous saphenous graft with a median duration of function of 1.4 years. Patients with glomerulonephritis had the best function rates for their VA, the median exceeding the duration of the study, whereas in half of the diabetic patients it was less than 1 year. The duration of patency of the VA was twice in patients below age 65 years and in elderly males compared to elderly females. Patients who started HD with a catheter, as well as those with initial VA failure, had a higher rate of VA failure in the subsequent course on RRT. CONCLUSION: The radiocephalic and the humerobasilic a-v fistulae are the two types of VA with the longest duration of function, although a high rate of initial failure is seen with the radiocephalic a-v fistula. Age, female gender, presence of diabetic nephropathy, start of dialysis with a catheter, and failure to wait for initial maturation of the VA are risk factors, and account for the majority of VA failures during RRT.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of sevelamer hydrochloride on the calcium x phosphate product and lipid profile of haemodialysis patients.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G M Chertow  S K Burke  M A Dillon  E Slatopolsky 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》1999,14(12):2907-2914
BACKGROUND: Short-term studies have suggested that sevelamer hydrochloride, a non-aluminium- and non-calcium-containing hydrogel, is an effective phosphate binder in haemodialysis patients, and may produce favourable changes in the lipid profile. METHODS: To determine the long-term effectiveness of sevelamer hydrochloride, we performed an open-label clinical trial in 192 adult patients with end-stage renal disease on haemodialysis. Drug-related changes in the concentrations of serum phosphorus, calcium, calcium x phosphate product, parathyroid hormone, and low- and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations were the major outcomes of interest. RESULTS: Treatment with sevelamer was associated with a mean change in serum phosphorus of -0.71+/-0.77 mmol/l, serum calcium of 0. 08+/-0.22 mmol/l, and calcium x phosphate product of -1.46+/-1.78 mmol/l (P<0.0001 for all comparisons). There were no significant overall treatment-related changes in parathyroid hormone. Serum levels of LDL cholesterol decreased by 0.81+/-0.75 mmol/l (mean -30%, P<0.0001) and HDL cholesterol increased by a mean of 0.15+/-0.29 mmol/l (mean +18%, P<0.0001). Drug-related adverse events were infrequent and most were of mild intensity. CONCLUSION: Sevelamer is a safe and effective phosphate binder that leads to significant improvements in the calcium x phosphate product and lipid profile of haemodialysis patients.  相似文献   

Effect of renal transplantation on endothelial function in haemodialysis patients.     
Huseyin Kocak  Kaan Ceken  Asuman Yavuz  Selcuk Yucel  Alihan Gurkan  Okan Erdogan  Fevzi Ersoy  Gulsen Yakupoglu  Alper Demirbas  Murat Tuncer 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2006,21(1):203-207
BACKGROUND: Haemodialysis patients (HD) have been characterized by a high incidence and prevalence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Based on the traditional cardiovascular risk factors in this population, we cannot explain this high incidence and prevalence. One of the mechanisms contributing to cardiovascular risk in HD patients may be to uraemic toxins. Cardiovascular risk factors and uraemic toxins themselves may cause endothelial dysfunction, which may play a pivotal role in the development and progression of atherosclerosis in this population. We hypothesized that elimination of uraemic toxins in response to renal transplantation (RTx) can improve endothelial function as assessed by flow-mediated dilatation of brachial artery in haemodialysis (HD) patients. METHODS: Endothelial function measured by flow-mediated dilatation of the brachial artery (FMD) and glyceryltrinitrate-induced dilatation of the brachial artery (NMD) were assessed twice, during haemodialysis treatment and after RTx in 30 chronic haemodialysis patients. All patients were characterized by absence of known atherosclerotic disease and traditional cardiovascular risk factors. We also studied age- and gender-matched 20 normotensive healthy controls. RESULTS: FMD values significantly improved after RTx (6.69+/-3.1% vs 10.50+/-3.0%, P<0.001) in HD patients. FMD of patients both during haemodialysis and after RTx was lower than in healthy controls (6.69+/-3.1%, 10.50+/-3.0% vs 14.02+/-2.3%, P<0.001 and P<0.01, respectively). There was no change in NMD values after RTx in HD patients (16.27+/-1.9% vs 16.30+/-1.8%, P>0.05). Also, NMD values in all patients were similar to healthy control values. CONCLUSIONS: There is an improvement of endothelial function as assessed by FMD of the brachial artery after RTx in HD patients. This may be attributed to the elimination of uraemic toxins by successful RTx.  相似文献   

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Background. Until 1990, haemodialysis (HD) in Lithuania wasunderdeveloped, but after independence, development of HD started.Until 1996, no precise data about HD patients in Lithuania wereavailable. In order to create a registry of HD, we started tocollect data about dialysis services and HD patients in 1996.Every collection of data was followed by distribution and discussionof the results within the nephrological community. This studydescribes the changes of Lithuanian HD between 1996–2002. Methods. Between 1996 till 2002 all HD centres in Lithuaniawere annually visited and data were collected about all HD patients(response rate of 100%). The evaluation of the results duringour observational study was made according to the European BestPractice Guidelines. During annual conferences for nephrologists,the guidelines and data of our HD registry were presented. Results. There was an increase in the number of HD stations(from 25 p.m.p. to 75 p.m.p., P<0.001), in HD patients (from60 p.m.p. to 237 p.m.p., P<0.001) and in the incidence ofnew HD patients (from 54.3 p.m.p. to 103 p.m.p., P<0.01).The mean age of HD patients increased from 47.2±16.1years in 1996 to 56.0±14.9 in 2002 (P<0.001). Themain underlying cause of ESRD was chronic glomerulonephritis,but its rate decreased from 54.5% in 1996 to 27.5% in 2002 (P<0.001).The percentage of diabetics increased from 7.1% to 16.4%, P<0.05,and in hypertensive nephropathy from 3.1% to 10.9%, P<0.05.We observed improvement of the quality of HD in Lithuania duringthese 5 years. The percentage of patients on bicarbonate HDincreased from 7.1% in 1996 to 100% in 2002 (P<0.001). Thepercentage of patients receiving more than 12 h HD/week increasedfrom 30.8% in 1996 to 53.5% in 2002 (P<0.001). The mean Kt/Vin 1999 was 0.81±0.53, but it increased in 2002 to 1.22±0.27,P<0.001. In 2002, 84.6% of all HD patients were examinedfor HBsAg, 82.3% for anti–HCV, 31.2% for anti-HBs and57.1% for anti-HBc. The percentage of patients receiving phosphatebinders increased from 65.2% in 1996 to 84.4% in 1997 and 90.5%in 2002. Serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels were measuredin 27.3% of HD patients in 1999 but in 85.2% of patients in2002. The mean haemoglobin (Hb) concentration increased from92±15.4 g/l to 105±14.7 g/l; the percentage ofpatients with Hb>100 g/l increased from 27.5% to 64% in 2001.The percentage of HD patients receiving epoetin was 94.6% in2001 as compared with 78% in 1997. There was a marked increasein the use of intravenous iron (from 7.5% patients in 1997 to70.8% in 2000). The mean weekly dose of Epo was lower in HDpatients receiving intravenous iron than in patients receivingoral iron. Conclusions. Over the period of 1996–2002 the HD servicessignificantly expanded in Lithuania. The introduction of EuropeanBest Practice Guidelines and the establishment of a HD registrywith feedback of the results stimulated the significant progressin the quality of HD and in the management of the patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Health-related quality of life (QoL) in haemodialysis (HD) patients is a significant predictor of mortality and hospitalization. Patients' adaptation to a chronic disease is determined by their beliefs about illness and treatment. In this cross-sectional study we examined the impact of illness representations on QoL of HD patients and the influence of HD duration on this relationship. METHODS: Eighty-two clinically stable HD patients completed the Short Form-36 Health Survey (mean age 47.9+/-12.1, mean treatment duration 72+/-50.6, 53.6% males). Illness representations were assessed by a structured interview containing questions derived from The Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire. RESULTS: Our results indicate a relatively low QoL of HD patients, with an important proportion of patients scoring less than 43 for the physical component summary (65.9%) and less than 51 for the mental component summary (58.5%). HD patients consider their illness as having a chronic course, which they understand and control quite well. A higher personal control is associated with a lower emotional response and a better understanding of the disease. However, the perceived negative consequences of the disease upon patients' personal lives are considerable, as is their emotional response. Four of the six components of illness representations were strongly related to QoL parameters. On multiple regression analysis, between 15 and 31% in the variance of the physical and mental component of QoL was explained by three dimensions of illness representations: the perceived course of the disease, personal control and emotional response. Only the emotional response dimension of the illness representations is related to treatment duration (r = -0.48, P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates important relationships between illness representations and QoL in end-stage renal disease patients treated by HD. Future research will have to plan for interventions that could alter illness representations in order to confirm the real impact of illness representations upon patients' QoL.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Quality of life (QoL) in end-stage renal disease patients has become an important focus of attention in evaluating dialysis. We studied risk factors of poor QoL at 1 year follow-up. METHODS: Of a baseline sample of 80 dialysis patients, we contacted 60 patients who were alive at 1 year follow-up. QoL data were obtained for 46 (76.7%) of these patients. QoL measured with the SF-36 [physical health component score (PCS) and mental health component score (MCS)] at 1 year-follow-up was predicted by means of multivariate regression analysis by data collected at baseline using INTERMED-an observer-rated method to assess biopsychosocial care needs-and several indicators for disease severity and comorbidity. RESULTS: The regression models explained 32% of the variance in PCS and 40% in MCS. INTERMED score (P < 0.01) was the only independent risk factor for low MCS, while for low PCS, diabetic comorbidity (P = 0.02) and age (P = 0.03) were independent risk factors. A simple risk score consisting of INTERMED > or =21, diabetic comorbidity and age > or =65 was significantly correlated with non-survival (P = 0.02) and with PCS (P < 0.01) and MCS (P < 0.01) in surviving patients, although not with hospital admissions during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: A simple risk score based on INTERMED, age (> or =65) and comorbid diabetes (yes/no) can be used to detect patients at risk of poor QoL and non-survival at an early stage of treatment.  相似文献   

Aim:   Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) often start long-term haemodialysis (HD) thrice weekly, regardless of the level of residual renal function (RRF). In this study, we investigated whether ESRD patients having sufficient RRF can be maintained on twice-weekly HD, and how they fare compared to patients without RRF on thrice-weekly HD.
Methods:   We analyzed 74 patients who had undergone long-term HD and maintained on the same dialysis frequency from February 1998 to July 2005, and followed until December 2005. We compared the clinical variables between twice-weekly and thrice-weekly HD patients and a second analysis testing the residual urine output as an independent predictor for twice-weekly HD.
Results:   After a mean follow up of 18 months, twice-weekly HD patients ( n  = 23) had lower serum β2-microglobulin than thrice-weekly HD patients ( n  = 51). Moreover, the twice-weekly group had a slower decline of RRF, as indicated by their higher urine output and creatinine clearance, fewer intradialytic hypotensive episodes, and required less frequent hospitalization. There was no difference between the two groups in cardiothoracic ratio or indices of nutrition and inflammation. Multivariable logistic regression identified age (odds ratio (OR), 1.866; 95% CI, 1.093–3.183), dry body mass index (OR, 0.790; 95% CI, 0.625–0.999), and urine output (OR, 1.093; 95% CI, 1.026–1.164) as predictors for maintaining twice-weekly HD.
Conclusion:   Our data suggest that when patients who have sufficient urine output are given twice-weekly HD, they maintain dialysis adequacy and exhibit better preservation of RRF than patients on thrice-weekly HD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clodronate is a potent calcium-lowering drug. The effect ofhaemodialysis on clodronate pharm-acokinetics is unknown. METHODS: The removal of clodronate by haemodialysis was determined in10 end-stage renal disease patients (ESRD). A 2-h infusion of300 mg of clodronate was followed immediately by a 4-h haemodialysis.Vascular access was by AV fistula. A 1.5-m2 cuprophane hollow-fibredialyser was applied. Blood flow was 205±15ml/min, dialysateflow 523±29 ml/min. Clodronate was determined by high-performanceliquid chromatography in total collected dialysate, and in bloodbefore and after the dialyser at initiation, 2 h, and 4 h ofHD. RESULTS: The initial predialyser serum concentration of clodronate was13.6 ± 4 ug/ml. It decreased to 4.9 ± 0.5 ug/mland 2.6 ± 0.5 ug/ml at 2h and 4h respectively. The clearanceof clodronate (86 ± 10 ml/min) remained unchanged duringHD. Clodronate in total collected dialysate per single 4-h HDwas 105 ± 16 mg (35% of injected dose). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that clodronate is effectively removed from plasmaby HD. The present data together with information provided byprevious studies suggest that 300 mg of clodronate given asan 2-h infusion immediately prior to haemodialysis is an adequatedosage for ESRD patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: End-stage renal disease patients have a poor quality of life (QoL), suffer from impaired cognitive functioning, and their electroencephalogram (EEG) shows abnormalities. Conventional haemodialysis (CHD) only partially restores these disorders. Short daily haemodialysis (SDHD) has been reported to improve QoL, but effects on cognitive functioning and EEG have yet to be described. METHODS: Of the 13 patients (11 male, 2 female, age 45.5 +/- 8.1 years), 11 completed the Kidney Disease Quality of Life and Affect Balance Scale questionnaires, 10 underwent neuropsychological testing, and all 13 underwent EEG examination. For the neuropsychological assessments, nine patients (six male, three female, age 45.4 +/- 12.6) who remained on the CHD schedule, served as controls. The dialysis schedule of thrice-a-week for 4 h was changed in the experimental group to six times a week for 2 h (SDHD) over a period of 6 months and back to thrice a week for 4 h. RESULTS: When on SDHD, patients rated several dimensions of health-related QoL as being improved. After resuming CHD, one of these dimensions again decreased and several others worsened even lower than baseline. Cognitive functioning did not change when compared with control data. On the EEG, alpha peak frequency increased slightly when on SDHD but decreased significantly after resuming CHD. CONCLUSIONS: SDHD improves health-related QoL, but has no clear effects on cognitive functioning and EEG. Resumption of CHD after SDHD decreases aspects of QoL and EEG alpha peak frequency but has no effect on cognitive functioning.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Information concerning medication use in Asian haemodialysis patients is sparse. We surveyed prescribed medications and examined the relation between the number of medications and mortality and clinical characteristics in chronic haemodialysis patients, in Okinawa, Japan. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional multicentre survey in August 1999 and patients were observed during 13 months of follow up. RESULTS: The clinical demographics of 850 chronic haemodialysis patients in seven dialysis units were obtained. Compared with the mean number of medications prescribed in ambulatory patients treated in general practice reported from Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan (2.7 (n=20 716)), the mean number medications in haemodialysis patients was larger (7.2 (n=850)). The three most prescribed drug types in haemodialysis patients were those related to calcium and phosphate metabolism (88%), antihypertensive agents (71%), and erythropoietin (60%). Among the 850 patients, 38 died during the 13-month follow-up period. The number of medications was positively associated with mortality after adjusting for age, sex, and other clinical factors: the hazard ratio was 1.14 (95% confidence interval 1.03-1.26, P=0.007). A multiple linear regression analysis using the number of medications as a dependent factor and sex and other clinical characteristics as independent factors revealed that male sex (P=0.04), diabetes mellitus (P<0.0001), and duplication of drugs (P<0.0001) were positively correlated with the number of medications. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple drug use was observed in haemodialysis patients. The number of prescribed drugs was a significant predictor of short-term mortality. Male sex, diabetes mellitus, and duplication of drugs were correlated with increases in the number of medications.  相似文献   

White blood cells as a novel mortality predictor in haemodialysis patients.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Many conventional cardiovascular risk factors in the general population are not as predictive in end-stage renal disease (ESRD). As absolute neutrophil count and total white blood cell (WBC) count are associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes and all-cause mortality, this analysis was undertaken to explore the associations of WBC variables with mortality risk in ESRD. METHODS: Of a total study population of 44 114 ESRD patients receiving haemodialysis during 1998 at facilities operated by Fresenius Medical Care, North America, 25 661 patients who underwent differential white cell count and had complete follow-up were included. Information on case mix (age, gender, race), clinical (diabetes, body mass index), and laboratory variables (haematocrit, albumin, creatinine, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, bicarbonate, ferritin, transferrin saturation and differential WBC count) was obtained. Associations between lymphocyte count, neutrophil count and demographic and clinical variables were examined using linear regression. Associations between WBC variables and survival were estimated using Cox proportional hazard regression. RESULTS: A higher lymphocyte count was associated with higher serum albumin and creatinine, lower age and black race. High neutrophil count was associated with lower serum albumin and creatinine, younger age and white race (all Ps <0.0001). Cox proportional hazard regression showed an increased lymphocyte count was associated with reduced mortality risk [HR 0.86 (0.83-0.89) per 500/ml increase in lymphocyte count] and an increased neutrophil count was associated with increased mortality risk [HR 1.08 (1.06-1.09) per 1000/ml increase in neutrophil count]. CONCLUSIONS: An increased neutrophil count is strongly associated with, and reduced lymphocyte count associated less strongly with, many surrogates of both malnutrition and inflammation. An increased neutrophil count and reduced lymphocyte count are independent predictors of increased mortality risk in haemodialysis patients.  相似文献   

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