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目的 探讨缺血性脑卒中(ischemic stroke,IS)/短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack,TIA)脑动脉病变分布的相关危险因素.方法 对169例IS/TIA患者行颈部及颅内脑血管检查,记录血管病变危险因素如年龄、性别、高血压、糖尿病、长期吸烟、长期饮酒等病史,同时记录实验室、心电图、超声心动图、腹部B超、胸X片等检查结果.确定单变量与不同狭窄模式的相关性采用单变量Logistic回归分析,确定不同颅内外大动脉狭窄模式的独立危险因素采用多元逐步和多变量多项分类Logistic回归分析.结果 高龄、长期吸烟及高低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)是颅内外大动脉狭窄的独立危险因素,发生颅内外大动脉狭窄的风险分别增加了1.83、6.918、1.656倍;脑卒中史(OR=4.816)、长期吸烟(OR=121.608)、高LDL-C(OR=3.067)是单纯颅内大动脉狭窄的独立危险因素;高龄(OR =2.486)、长期吸烟(OR=25.072)、高LDL-C(OR=5.160)是颅内外大动脉狭窄并存的独立危险因素;而高纤维蛋白原(OR =4.790)是单纯颅外大动脉狭窄的独立危险因素.结论 不同类型颅内外大动脉狭窄病变的独立危险因素不同.  相似文献   


Our aim was to determine if anticardiolipin antibodies are an independent risk factor for ischemic stroke and to determine their influence on stroke type and clinical outcome. We prospectively studied 194 consecutive patients with ischemic stroke admitted within 48 h of stroke. A control group consisted of 7 00, age and sex matched, healthy individuals. Neurological and functional status was assessed on admission, at 30 days, and at 1 year. IgC anticardiolipin antibodies were significantly more frequent in stroke patients (25.3%) than controls (6%, p < 0.05). A multivariate analysis suggested that anticardiolipin antibodies are an independent risk factor for ischemic stroke in addition to hypertension and atrial fibrillation (RR=2.94, p < 0.05). Elevated IgG anticardiolipin antibodies were associated with cognitive impairment as measured by the Mini Mental State Examination at 30 days and at 7 year. IgC anticardiolipin antibodies did not correlate with stroke recurrence, or mortality at 30 days or 7 year. [Neurol Res 1999; 21: 653-657]  相似文献   

目的调查并分析南京地区缺血性脑卒中二级预防中的危险因素。方法现将2013年03月~2013年12月在南京脑科医院门诊就诊的有过脑梗死(CI)病史或期间有CI发病的患者886例(CI组)和头颅MRI显示仅有腔隙性脑梗死(LI)病灶但无卒中发作史的患者1247例(LI组)进行资料采集,包括性别、年龄、吸烟史、高血压、糖尿病、房颤史、心肌梗死史、外周动脉疾病、颅内外动脉狭窄情况及Essen卒中风险评分量表(ESRS)。同时收集南京汤山社区和南湖社区缺血性脑卒中中低危人群9739例(LR组)的相关数据,对三组数据进行分析比较。结果 CI组和LI组高血压、糖尿病比率显著高于LR组(均P0.01)。CI组颅内外动脉狭窄比率显著高于LI组(P0.01)。进一步将脑梗死的六个危险因素进行多元Logistic回归分析结果均无统计学意义。CI组与LI组ESRS风险分级比例之间比较无统计学差异。结论南京地区高血压、糖尿病是CI的常见危险因素。在缺血性脑卒中的危险因素中对颅内外动脉狭窄的监测更为重要。  相似文献   

目的探讨缺血性脑卒中亚型及其危险因素与脑白质变性(LA)的关系。方法对213例伴LA的缺血性脑卒中患者的LA程度进行分级(LA1、LA2、LA3),分析其与缺血性脑卒中亚型(短暂脑缺血发作、腔隙性脑梗死、动脉血栓形成和心源性脑梗死)及其危险因素(年龄、性别、高血压、糖尿病及冠心病等)的关系。结果213例伴LA的缺血性脑卒中患者中,LA2和LA3患者的年龄明显高于LA1患者(均P<0.05);腔隙性脑梗死患者LA3的发生率明显高于其他缺血性脑卒中亚型(均P<0.05);与LA程度明显相关的因素为年龄(OR 0.69,95%CI:0.49~0.97)和腔隙性脑梗死(OR 0.01,95%CI:0.00~0.33)(均P<0.05)。结论与LA相关的危险因素是高龄和腔隙性脑梗死;可能的机制为穿支动脉硬化和血压调节障碍影响脑白质血流供应,引起白质局部坏死、腔隙形成或弥漫性LA。  相似文献   

目的探讨急性缺血性脑血管病患者脑微出血(CMB)发生的危险因素。方法收集急性脑梗死患者102例,根据有无CMB分为CMB组(45例)和无CMB组(57例),比较2组一般资料、生化指标,并采用多因素逐步Logistic回归模型分析CMB发生的独立危险因素。结果 2组年龄、既往脑卒中史、抗血小板药物使用史、同型半胱氨酸、胆固醇以及低密度脂蛋白胆固醇比较差异有统计学意义(P0.1);进一步行Logistic回归分析显示,年龄、既往脑卒中史、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(OR分别为1.066、2.861、0.106,P均0.05)是急性脑梗死患者脑微出血发生的独立危险因素。结论 CMB的发生与年龄、卒中史、血清低密度脂蛋白胆固醇相关。  相似文献   

56 cerebral ischemia patients up to the age of 40 were investigated using a strict clinical and instrumental protocol in order to elicit the relative importance of the various iatrogenic factors involved. In addition to atherosclerosis risk factors (smoking, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia) other possible causes of cerebral ischemia were sought (arteritis, migraine, head injury, oral contraceptives, coagulation disorders, cardiogenic embolism, etc.). 50% of the patients examined had at least two atherosclerosis risk factors and 55% had other causes singly or in association with atherosclerosis.
Sommario Cinquantasei pazienti affetti da ischemia cerebrale di età uguale od inferiore ai 40 anni, sono stati seguiti con un rigido protocollo clinico e strumentale, allo scopo di chiarire l'importanza relativa dei diversi fattori patogenetici. Oltre ai fattori di rischio per malattia aterosclerotica (fumo, ipertensione, cardiopatia ischemia, diabete, dislipidemia) sono state ricercate altre possibili cause di ischemia cerebrale (arteriti, emicrania, trauma cranico, terapia estroprogestinica, disturbi della coagulazione, fattori embolici cardiogeni, ecc.). è risultato che il 50· dei pazienti esaminati presenta almeno due fattori di rischio per aterosclerosi e che nel 55· dei pazienti erano presenti altre cause di ischemia cerebrale da sole o in associazione con l'aterosclerosi.

目的探讨青年缺血性卒中患者病因及危险因素。方法收集71例青年缺血卒中患者及80例中老年缺血性卒中患者的临床资料,同时选取140例青年健康体检自然人群作为对照,进行病因及相关危险因素分析。结果青年缺血组TOAST病因分型按比例依次为大动脉粥样硬化型(LAA)40.8%、小动脉闭塞型(SAO)28.2%、不明原因型(UND)15.5%、其它原因型(OTH)9.9%、心源性栓塞型(CE)5.6%。与中老年缺血组比较,其UND型比例明显增高(P〈0.05)。青年缺血性脑卒中易患因素依次为吸烟、高脂血症、高血压病、糖尿病、心脏病。与中老年缺血性组相比,青年缺血组中男性患者比例显著增高(P〈0.05)。结论青年缺血性卒中以LAA型最常见;其发病为多因素共同作用结果。  相似文献   

目的探讨血清小而密低密度脂蛋白(sdLDL)与急性缺血性脑卒中(AIS)发生及预后的相关性。方法测定338例AIS患者(AIS组)和103例排除脑血管疾病患者(对照组)的血清sdLDL水平。AIS组患者根据临床常用的TOAST分型标准进行分型,并根据有无sdLDL异常进行分组,90 d后采用mRS评分评价患者的预后。结果与对照组相比,AIS组异常sdLDL发生率较对照明显增高,其中大动脉粥样硬化型卒中(LAA)亚组异常sdLDL所占比率较对照组明显升高,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。在AIS组内,sdLDL异常亚组中男性、高血压和冠心病比率,总胆固醇(TC)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、三酰甘油(TG)水平及90 d mRS评分、90 d NIHSS评分均显著高于sdLDL正常亚组(均P<0.05)。与预后良好组患者比较,预后不良组患者中男性、异常sdLDL所占比率明显偏高(均P<0.05),但高血压、高血脂、冠心病、心房纤颤及同型半胱氨酸血症所占的比率无明显统计学差异。行多因素Logistic回归分析显示,男性(OR=0.82,P<0.05)、冠心...  相似文献   

Objective to evaluate the influence of clustering of vascular risk factors (VRF) on in-hospital mortality in patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) developing a risk score for mortality prediction. Methods clinical data from 1527 patients admitted to hospital with a first-ever AIS were prospectively evaluated from 1997 to 2005 assessing the presence of six VRF: diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, ischemic heart disease, atrial fibrillation and peripheral arterial disease. A composite vascular risk score (VRS) was created using five risk factors.Hyperlipidemia was excluded from the score due to its protective impact on mortality. Two modified VRS models were created and assessed for their accuracy as predictors for in-hospital mortality based on the odds ratio for each VRF obtained in the univariate analysis. Results 197 patients (12.9 %) died during the acute hospitalization period. Stroke severity increased with each additional VRF (p = 0.002). Cox proportional hazards model adjusted for confounders showed an association between the composite VRS and in-hospital mortality (p = 0.045). According to the clustering of VRS, the risk for in-hospital death increased from 1.951 (95 % CI 1.041–3.665) for patients having one VRS to 2.343 (95% CI 1.081–5.076) for those having a VRS ≥ 4. ROC curves showed that the modified VRS model based on a given value of one for each accumulated VRF, including the absence of hyperlipidemia, had the highest predictive capability for in-hospital mortality (p < 0.0001). Conclusions the presence of multiple VRF in patients with acute ischemic stroke increases the stroke severity and the risk of in-hospital death.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Progressive ischemic stroke has higher fatality rate and disability rate than common cerebral infarction, thus it is very significant to investigate the early predicting factors related to the occurrence of progressive ischemic stroke, the potential pathological mechanism and the risk factors of early intervention for preventing the occurrence of progressive ischemic stroke and ameliorating its outcome. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the possible related risk factors in patients with progressive ishcemic stroke, so as to provide reference for the prevention and treatment of progressive ishcemic stroke. DESIGN: A retrospective analysis. SETTING: Department of Neurology, General Hospital of Beijing Coal Mining Group. PARTICIPANTS: Totally 280 patients with progressive ischemic stroke were selected from the Department of Neurology, General Hospital of Beijing Coal Mining Group from March 2002 to June 2006, including 192 males and 88 females, with a mean age of (62±7) years old. They were all accorded with the diagnostic standards for cerebral infarction set by the Fourth National Academic Meeting for Cerebrovascular Disease in 1995, and confired by CT or MRI, admitted within 24 hours after attack, and the neurological defect progressed gradually or aggravated in gradients within 72 hours after attack, and the aggravation of neurological defect was defined as the neurological deficit score decreased by more than 2 points. Meanwhile, 200 inpatients with non-progressive ischemic stroke (135 males and 65 females) were selected as the control group. METHODS: After admission, a univariate analysis of variance was conducted using the factors of blood pressure, history of diabetes mellitus, fever, leukocytosis, levels of blood lipids, fibrinogen, blood glucose and plasma homocysteine, cerebral arterial stenosis, and CT symptoms of early infarction, and the significant factors were involved in the multivariate non-conditional Logistic regression analysis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Results of the univariate analysis of variance of the factors related to progressive ischemic stroke; Results of the multivariate regression analysis. RESULTS: All the 480 patients were involved in the analysis of results. ① Results of the univariate analysis variance: There were significantly more patients with fever, leukocytosis, history of diabetes mellitus, cerebral arterial stenosis and CT symptoms of early infarction in the progressive ischemic stroke group than in the control group (P < 0.01); The levels of blood glucose and fibrinogen in the progressive ischemic stroke group were significantly higher than those in the control group, while the level of blood pressure was significantly lower than that in the control group (P < 0.05–0.01). ② Results of the multivariate Logistic regression analysis: The independent predicting factors for progressive ischemic stroke were history of diabetes mellitus, fever, leukocytosis, cerebral arterial stenosis, CT symptoms of early infarction, blood glucose and blood pressure (OR =2.61, 2.96, 3.79, 1.03, 3.57, 2.68, 95% CI 0.92–3.59, P < 0.05–0.01). CONCLUSION: History of diabetes mellitus, fever, leukocytosis, levels of blood pressure, blood glucose, cerebral arterial stenosis and CT symptoms of early infarction are the risk factors for progress ischemic stroke  相似文献   

目的探讨急性缺血性卒中后肺炎发生的危险因素及远期预后。方法收集544例急性缺血性卒中患者的临床资料,分析发生卒中后肺炎的相关危险因素并评估其对远期预后的影响。结果卒中后肺炎组年龄≥80岁、高血压、心房纤颤、既往卒中或TIA史、慢性呼吸系统疾病、合并恶性肿瘤、NIHSS评分≥15分、GCS评分≤8分、卧床时间≥7 d、吞咽障碍、早期鼻饲、早期应用质子泵受体阻滞剂、早期应用糖皮质激素、基线空腹血糖≥7.0 mmol/L、低蛋白血症、贫血的比率均显著高于无肺炎组;早期康复治疗的比率明显低于无肺炎组(均P0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,年龄≥80岁、NIHSS评分≥15分、GCS评分≤8分、卧床时间≥7 d、吞咽障碍、基线空腹血糖≥7.0 mmol/L、低蛋白血症是卒中后肺炎的独立危险因素,早期康复治疗是卒中后肺炎的保护因素。卒中后肺炎组患者预后良好的比率显著低于无肺炎组(P0.05)。结论年龄≥80岁、NIHSS评分≥15分、GCS评分≤8分、卧床时间≥7 d、吞咽障碍、基线空腹血糖≥7.0 mmol/L、低蛋白血症是卒中后肺炎发生的独立危险因素。卒中后肺炎是导致预后不良的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to investigate the prevalence of extracranial carotid plaque and the association between risk factors and carotid plaque in Japanese patients with ischemic stroke. METHODS: We consecutively recruited patients with ischemic stroke admitted to our hospital from January 2000 to September 2002. Neurologic signs and a brain magnetic resonance imaging diagnosed ischemic stroke. All subjects underwent a carotid ultrasonography. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine the risk factors that independently contributed to the presence of carotid plaques. RESULTS: Carotid plaques were identified in 76.2% of the patients and bilateral plaques were found in 58.2%. These lesions were more frequent in comparison with previous Japanese reports. The risk factors that independently contributed to the presence of extracranial carotid plaques were hypertension, age, smoking and past history of ischemic stroke. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that extracranial carotid plaque is increasing in Japanese patients with ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the characteristics of lacunar stroke (LS) in patients with and without intermittent claudication. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data of 484 consecutive patients with LS were collected from a prospective hospital-based stroke registry in which 2500 patients are included. RESULTS: Of the 142 patients with ischemic stroke and intermittent claudication, 39 (27.5%) had LS (8% of all lacunes). In the multivariate analysis, small centrum ovale topography (odds ratio 7.35), carotid stenosis >50% (odds ratio 3.17), and absence of limitation at discharge (odds ratio 2.01) were independent variables significantly associated with LS in patients with intermittent claudication. CONCLUSION: Only 8% of patients with LS had intermittent claudication. The short-term prognosis is good with a spontaneous early neurological recovery at discharge in 51.3% of patients. LS patients with intermittent claudication showed a striking similarity in risk factors and clinical syndromes in comparison with the LS patients without intermittent claudication.  相似文献   

Old age groups have different risk profile and stroke features compared to younger groups. Our aim was to examine the risk factor profile and stroke subtype in patients older than 80 years with ischemic stroke. Data of 535 patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) were prospectively recorded. Cardiovascular risk factors and stroke subtype in individuals aged 80 years or older were compared with patients under 80. Of 535 patients a total of 179 were over 80 years (33.5%). The mean age was 84.4 ± 4.4 years (61.8%; 111 women). The most common risk factors included hypertension (82.7%) and hyperlipidemia (40.2%). Lacunar stroke was the most frequent subtype of stroke (41.7%). When the groups were compared, we observed the following risk factors more frequently in the group older than 80: female patients ( P  = <0.001), hypertension (OR = 1.62), atrial fibrillation (OR = 2.64); whereas diabetes (OR = 0.54), hyperlipidemia (OR = 0.57), smoking (OR = 0.17) and obesity (OR = 0.58) were more frequent in the group younger than 80. In the old group we found a high incidence of ischemic stroke in women. We also found a higher frequency of hypertension and atrial fibrillation. The available and future epidemiological data will provide a better knowledge about the effect of typical risk factors in old people.  相似文献   

目的探讨脑卒中高危人群的相关危险因素。方法根据"十二五"新医改专项——"脑卒中筛查与防治项目"筛查标准,对南京江宁区江宁街道社区的1000名40岁以上居民进行筛查,筛选出脑卒中高危组180人,非高危组820人。收集、归纳、整理出两组人群的发病风险筛查表,对两组人群进行血糖(GLU)、血尿酸(UA)、总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三脂(TG)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL)及同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)检测。结果脑卒中高危组人群体质量指数和高血压病、心房纤颤或明显的脉搏不齐、糖尿病、血脂异常或未知、脑卒中家族史、吸烟及无体育锻炼的比例明显高于非高危组(均P0.05)。脑卒中高危组人群血清GLU、UA、TC、TG、HDL及Hcy水平明显高于非高危组(P0.05~0.01),但LDL的差异无统计学意义。结论脑卒中高危人群的危险因素有高血压病、高脂血症、糖尿病、高UA血症、高Hcy血症、脑卒中家族史、吸烟及缺乏体育锻炼,定期测定高危人群的血压、GLU、血脂、UA及Hcy水平,有助于指导脑卒中的一级与二级预防。  相似文献   

目的 评估糖尿病合并短暂性脑缺血发作患者发展为脑梗死的独立预测因素。方法 入选2013年1月-2015年6月就诊于航天中心医院卒中中心的短暂性脑缺血发作合并糖尿病的患者,收集临床资料(常规、生化、凝血功能、糖化血红蛋白、心脏超声),行核磁共振造影检查,并随访30个月,记录脑梗死事件和较差的功能结局(改良的Rankin量表2~6分)。结果 最终235例患者入选,其中有70例(29.8%)在随访期内发生脑梗死,59例患者被发现Rankin量表达到2~6分,14例患者6月内发生脑梗死,cox多因素回归分析发现,基底动脉动脉延长扩张和高龄是30个月内发生脑梗死的独立预测因素。基底动脉延长扩张能够独立预测随访期内2~6分的改良Rankin量表评分。基底动脉动脉延长扩张和高水平糖化血红蛋白能够预测6个月内脑梗死的发生,而且生存曲线提示基底动脉延长扩张者6个月内及30个月内发展为脑梗死风险明显高于其余患者,糖化血红蛋白水平高于中位数者(6.2%)6个月内发展为脑梗死风险明显高于糖化血红蛋白水平相对低的患者。结论 血管畸形和血糖控制差的患者容易由短暂性脑缺血发作进展为脑梗死,远期生活质量也受到影响。  相似文献   

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