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46例Turner综合征患者临床特征及染色体分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的Turner综合征患者身材矮小伴不同程度的性腺发育不全,探讨Turner综合征不同核型的遗传学特征、临床特点及其所占比例。方法高龄或高危孕妇产前诊断及成人外周血染色体核型分析。结果产前诊断发现Turner综合征9例,成人外周血检测发现Turner综合征37例,46例患者中45,X25例(54.35%);45,X/46,XX嵌合型4例(8.70%);45,X/46,X,i(X)嵌合型3例(6.52%);46,X,i(X)2例(4.35%);46,XX,inv(X)2例(4.35%);46,XY7例(15.22%);45,X/46,XX/47,XXX嵌合型,46,XX,t(X;3)和45,X/46,XX,del(X)各1例,分别占2.17%。结论Turner综合征包括X染色体数目异常和结构畸变等多种核型,均可不同程度导致女性不孕、智力低下及其他器官功能异常,应提倡优生优育,做好产前诊断。  相似文献   

目的:分析以闭经及不孕等为主诉的Turner综合征患者染色体核型分布,主要临床特征,核型与临床特征之间的关系,以得到临床启示。方法:常规外周血淋巴细胞培养方法制备染色体标本,G显带技术确定染色体核型,对诊断为Turner综合征的患者进行细胞遗传学分析及临床表现分析。结果:回顾分析的408例主诉闭经及不孕等患者中,73例有异常染色体核型且核型表现复杂,其中58例可追踪到的Turner综合征患者临床表现多样,但主要症状相似。结论:临床上对于有疑似Turner综合征表型者,均应行染色体检查,并进行遗传咨询及优生优育指导。  相似文献   

荧光原位杂交技术在细胞遗传学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙筱放  黎青等 《现代妇产科进展》1996,5(4):318-320,T001,T002
目的:探讨荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)在细胞遗传学异常染色休核型分析中的应用价值。方法:应用X,Y,13/21,18号染色体α卫星DNA探针(包括生物素标记及地高辛标记的探针,)对原G带核型为46,XO+r?);46,XO+i(Xp)97%/47,XO+2i(Xp)3%;47.XXX/45,XO;47,XY+21等4例的外周血染色体及间期细胞进行原位杂交,并用正常男、女核型作为阳性对照,以不加探针的杂液反应为阴性对照,杂交后用OlympusBX60荧光显微镜观察玻片并照像。结果:原G带核型47,XY+21;47,XXX/45,XO与FISH结果一致,分别诊断为先天性愚型及Turner综合征。原G带核型46,XO+r?的r是征,其真正核型是46,XO+dic(Yq)/47,XO+2[dic,i(Yq)]。正确诊断为Y染色体结构异常与性腺发育不全综合征。结论:对一些常规G带难以确诊的复杂染色体结构畸变核型。如环状、易位等,FISH技术具有非常重要的效用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨多色荧光原位杂交技术在来源不明的额外标记染色体或者衍生染色体中的检测应用;方法:采用多色荧光原位杂交技术、NOR技术以及G显带技术对来源不明的额外标记染色体病例1例以及衍生染色体病例2进行检测;结果:经过检测病例1的染色体片段来源于15号染色体,核型为47,XY,der(5)t(4,5)(q26;q33),病例2核型为46,XY,inv(7)(p11q14),+SMC(15);结论:多色荧光原位杂交技术与细胞遗传学核型分析相结合,能够有效的对来源不明的标记染色体和衍生染色体进行检测。  相似文献   

性染色体异常核型37例细胞遗传学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨性染色体异常对性腺发育、表型及生育能力的影响.方法 1999~2003年对华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院因月经不调、青少年第二性征发育异常、异常孕产史(流产、死胎、畸形)及不孕等原因就诊的1867例患者行染色体核型分析.结果 1867例患者中,共检出37例性染色体异常核型,检出率为1.98%,其中Turner综合征17例,占45.95%,Klinefelter综合征9例,占24.32%.结论 性染色体核型异常是导致月经不调、青少年发育异常、异常孕产史(流产、死胎、畸形)及不孕的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

目的:探讨原发闭经表型的细胞遗传学病因。方法:运用常规的染色体核型分析技术及FISH、C-带和Q-带技术,分析25例原发闭经表型患者的染色体核型。结果:25例原发闭经表型病例中,18例核型异常,占72.0%。异常核型病例分别为:45,X 8例、46,XY 2例,等臂X 1例、嵌合核型4例(分别为45,X细胞系与不同的结构异常性染色体细胞系的嵌合体)、X长臂末端缺失1例、X-常染色体平衡易位2例。除这18例异常核型患者外,尚有7例为先天性无子宫、无阴道的原发闭经患者未检出核型异常。结论:X染色体数目单体、X结构异常、X染色体数目单体细胞系与结构异常性染色体细胞系的嵌合体核型、XY性发育异常(DSD)、X-常染色体平衡易位都可导致原发闭经表型。常规G-显带技术与C-带、Q-带技术及FISH技术相互结合,有助于进一步准确诊断核型。  相似文献   

46,XX男性和46,XX/45,X病例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨性别决定区基因(SRY)在性分化和发育中的作用。方法 细胞遗传学核型分析以及PCR技术检测外周血SRY基因。结果 病例1的核型为46,XX,SRY( )。诊断为46,XX男性性反转综合征。病例2的核型为46,XX/45,X,SRY(-)。诊断为Turner嵌合型。结论 SRY基因检测比Y染色体更能预示睾丸组织的存在,是诊断性别发育异常患者的重要手段。性腺的病理取决于性腺组织的染色体核型和SRY基因。除SRY基因外,还存在多个参与性别决定和分化的基因,性分化异常表现高度遗传异常性。  相似文献   

先天性性腺发育不全征又名Turner氏综合征。1938年首次由Turner氏报道。1944年Winkin等发现这类患者的性腺呈条索状,无生殖细胞称之为性腺发育不全征。1959年Ford等发现这类患者染色体核型为45,X。随着细胞遗传学的发展,又发现其他的一些染色体异常。归纳为以下三种类型:1.X单体型如45X;2.X嵌合体型如  相似文献   

本文报导1例Turner综合征,染色体核型为45,X/46XX镶嵌型。患者系单卵双胎之一,挛生姐姐3岁时夭亡。患者发育尚正常,但与其母亲相似自幼有偏头痛。患者的月经史:16/30。19岁时妊娠,因产科检查时已妊娠25周,故未能进行羊水细胞核型分析。最后足月顺产一女婴,体重2.98kg,身长50cm,染色体核型为46XX,未见畸形,发育正常。作者在讨论中指出:早在1966年Singh和Cari就发现早期45,X的胚胎,其性腺是正常的,但到胎儿期、青春期或偶有在以后的阶段中,生殖细胞退化,性腺为条索状。也有学者发现,此综合征患者婴儿期的卵巢中有成簇生殖细胞或始基卵泡,在46,XX;47,XXX或45,X的患者中,生殖细胞全部消亡或卵巢成为条索状约需20~30年。一些学者指  相似文献   

患者23岁,因3次异常妊娠于2010年4月9日就诊并行染色体检查.患者共妊娠5次,第1次药物流产;第2次妊娠约2个月时自然流产;第3次药物流产;第4次妊娠至6个月时B超检查发现胎儿多发畸形而引产;第5次妊娠至50 d时胚胎停育.患者平时月经规律,夫妻非近亲结婚,无家族遗传病史.孕期无患病及服药史,无有毒、有害物质及放射线接触史.妇科检查未发现异常,优生系列检查、内分泌检查均无异常.细胞遗传学检查:常规外周血淋巴细胞培养、染色体制备、G显带分析,计数30个核分裂象,镜下分析5个核型,患者核型为:46,X,t(X;5)(Xpter→Xq24::5q13→5qter;5pter→5q13::Xq24→Xqter),见图1.丈夫表型、染色体核型正常.家系调查:患者父母结婚26年,生育2女1子,患者母亲自述月经规律、无异常孕产史;患者1个姐姐 已结婚生子,无异常妊娠生育史;1个弟弟尚未婚配;患者父 母染色体核型正常,其他家庭成员未行染色体检查.  相似文献   

Although specifically male, the human Y chromosome may be observed in female karyotypes, mostly in women with Turner syndrome stigmata. In women with isolated gonadal dysgenesis but otherwise normal stature, the testis determining factor or SRY gene may have been removed from the Y chromosome or may be mutated. In other women with Turner syndrome, the karyotype is usually abnormal and shows a frequent 45,X/46,XY mosaicism. In these cases, the phenotype depends on the ratio between Y positive and 45,X cell lines in the body. When in mosaicism, Y chromosomes are likely to carry structural abnormalities which explain mitotic instability, such as the existence of two centromeres. Dicentric Y isochromosomes for the short arm (idic[Yp]) or ring Y chromosomes (r[Y]) are the most frequent abnormal Y chromosomes found in infertile patients and in Turner syndrome in mosaic with 45,X cells. Although monocentric, deleted Y chromosomes for the long arm and those carrying microdeletions in the AZF region are also instable and are frequently associated with a 45,X cell line. Management of infertile patients carrying such abnormal Y chromosomes must take into account the risk and the consequences of a mosaicism in the offspring.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: There are suggestion, that Turner syndrome (TS) patients with mosaic karyotype for a Y-DNA-containing cell line are at risk of Y-induced gonadoblastoma. The TS patients in whom some or all cells contain a marker chromosome of unknown origin and those in whom there is clitoromegaly or other evident virillisation should be tested by FISH or PCR techniques. DESIGN: The aim of our study to present a TS girl with mosaic karyotype and marker chromosome, which origin from X chromosome was detected by FISH method. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 5-years old girl in whom TS was established. Clinical analysis included the full dysmorphic and clinical phenotype of TS. Chromosome analysis was performed on peripheral blood samples using routine cytogenetic methods and FISH technique. RESULTS: Clinical examination of girl showed many typical signs of TS besides of normal weight and length at birth and not typical for TS patients heart defect. First routine chromosome analysis, at age of 6 month, showed only 45,X cell line, Second study revealed mosaic karyotype with marker chromosome. FISH analysis for interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes using X centromere probe explained origin of marker from X chromosome. The karyotype was 45,X[155]/46,X,+mar[8].fish mar(X)(DXZ1+). CONCLUSION: Presence of marker chromosome in karyotype of patient with TS may modify their phenotype and it is a indication for molecular examination by FISH technique.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Patients with Turner syndrome (TS) may present a wide spectrum of gonadal function including spontaneous menstruation and fertility. DESIGN: The aim of our study was to present the patients with Turner syndrome (TS) with spontaneous menstruations considering specific karyotype and X-inactivation processes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 5 women from group of 55 patients in age from 15 to 38 years with diagnosis of TS and gonadal function were found. Clinical analysis included the evaluation of spontaneous pubertal development and hormones levels. Cytogenetic analysis was performed on peripheral blood samples using GTG banding technique. X inactivation studies were done by dynamic RBG technique. RESULTS: In two patients with mosaic karyotype and predominant 46,XX line two pregnancies were observed. They had regular menses and normal sexual development. In one patient (karyotype: 45,X[2]/46,XX[98]) spontaneous abortions and premature birth were present. Second patient was (46,XX[245]/46,X,r(X)(p22q26)[5]) in pregnancy in this time. Another three patients menstruated irregularly. The menarche appeared later. The karyotypes were: 46,X,del(X)(p11.3) in two patients and 45,X[64]46,X,r(X) (p22q26)[18]/46,XX[4] in one. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that spontaneous menstruations and possibility of pregnancy depend on specific karyotype in patients with TS.  相似文献   

ObjectiveWe present prenatal diagnosis of recurrent mosaic ring chromosome 13 [r(13)] of maternal origin.Case ReportA 27-year-old woman underwent amniocentesis at 17 weeks of gestation because of a past history of fetal abnormality caused by mosaic r(13) in the previous fetus associated with fetal intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), a karyotype of 46,XY,r(13)[23]/45,XY,-13[10]/46,XY,idic r(13)[2] and a maternal origin of abnormal r(13). The parental karyotypes were normal. During this pregnancy, amniocentesis revealed a karyotype of 46,XX,r(13)[12]/45,XX,-13[8] and a 22.80-Mb deletion of chromosome 13q31.3-q34. The pregnancy was subsequently terminated, and a malformed fetus was delivered with craniofacial dysmorphism. Repeat amniocentesis revealed a karyotype of 46,XX,r(13)(p11.1q31)[18]/45,XX,-13[12]. The placenta had a karyotype of 46,XX,r(13)(p11.1q31)[27]/45,XY,-13[13]. Polymorphic DNA marker analysis using the DNA derived from the parental bloods and umbilical cord confirmed a maternal origin of the abnormal r(13).ConclusionPrenatal diagnosis of mosaic r(13) in consecutive pregnancies should raise a suspicion of parental gonadal mosaicism, and polymorphic DNA marker analysis is useful for determination of the parental origin of recurrent aneuploidy under such a circumstance.  相似文献   

Marker or ring X [r(X)] chromosomes of varying size are often found in patients with Turner syndrome. Patients with very small r(X) chromosomes that did not include the X-inactivation locus (XIST) have been described with a more severe phenotype. Small r(X) chromosomes are rare in males and there are only five previous reports of such cases. We report the identification of a small supernumerary X chromosome in an abnormal male fetus. Cytogenetic analysis from chorionic villus sampling was performed because of fetal nuchal translucency thickness and it showed mosaicism 46,XY/47,XY,+r(X)/48,XY,+r(X),+r(X). Fluorescence in situ hybridizations (FISH) showed the marker to be of X-chromosome origin and not to contain the XIST locus. Additional specific probes showed that the r(X) included a euchromatic region in proximal Xq. At 20 weeks gestation, a second ultrasound examination revealed cerebral abnormalities. After genetic counselling, the pregnancy was terminated. The fetus we describe is the first male with a mosaic XIST-negative r(X) chromosome identified at prenatal diagnosis. The phenotype we observed was probably the result of functional disomy of the genes in the r(X) chromosome, secondary to loss of the XIST locus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to characterise a marker chromosome in cultured amniocytes of a fetus with a mos 47,XX,+mar[3]/46,XX[14] karyotype. METHODS: The indication for prenatal cytogenetic analysis of cultured amniocytes was advanced maternal age. Classic banding techniques (GTG- and C-banding) were performed. Microdissection combined with reverse painting was used to disclose the exact origin of the marker; the result was confirmed by chromosome painting and FISH with band-specific probes. RESULTS: Analysis of GTG-banded chromosomes showed a small marker chromosome in 3 of the 17 colonies analysed. Subsequently, C-banding showed no alphoid sequences, suggesting the presence of a neocentromere. The parent's karyotypes were normal. After normal ultrasound findings, the parents decided to continue the pregnancy. Chromosome analysis in peripheral blood after birth demonstrated that the marker chromosome was present in 50% of the lymphocytes. Using microFISH, the marker was further characterised and appeared to be derived from chromosome region (8)(p22 --> pter). CONCLUSION: Accurate identification of the marker chromosome was very important for prenatal counselling. Combining the results of GTG- and C-banding analysis with the results of the (micro)FISH, we concluded that the patient's karyotype is: mos 47,XX,+mar.rev ish der(8)(p22 --> pter)[50]/46,XX[50].  相似文献   

ObjectiveWe present mosaic 45,X/46, XX at amniocentesis with high-level mosaicism for 45,X in a pregnancy with a favorable fetal outcome and postnatal decrease of the 45,X cell line.Case reportA 20-year-old, primigravid woman underwent amniocentesis at 17 weeks of gestation because of the non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) result of −4.82 Z score in sex chromosome at 12 weeks of gestation suggestive of Turner syndrome in the fetus. Amniocentesis revealed a karyotype of 45,X [18]/46,XX [15], and simultaneous multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) on the DNA extracted from uncultured amniocytes showed mosaic Turner syndrome. Prenatal ultrasound and parental karyotypes were normal. She was referred for genetic counseling at 24 weeks of gestation, and continuing pregnancy was encouraged. At 39 weeks of gestation, a 2550-g phenotypically normal female baby was delivered. The karyotypes of cord blood, umbilical cord and placenta were 45,X [24]/46,XX [16], 45,X [23]/46,XX [17] and 45,X [28]/46,X,del(X) (q23)[12], respectively. When follow-up at age two months, the neonate was phenotypically normal in development. The peripheral blood had a karyotypes of 45,X [16]/46,XX [24]. Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis on 103 buccal mucosal cells showed normal disomy X signals in all cells.ConclusionHigh-level mosaicism for 45,X in 45,X/46, XX at amniocentesis can be associated with a favorable fetal outcome, cytogenetic discrepancy in various tissues, and postnatal decrease of the 45,X cell line.  相似文献   

Prenatal karyotyping using stimulated fetal blood lymphocytes was undertaken in 170 pregnancies between 16 and 36 weeks gestation for the following reasons--mosaicism or marker chromosomes found in amniotic fluid culture; a family history of X-linked mental retardation with fragile Xq28; fetal abnormalities detected ultrasonographically; late booking or amniotic fluid culture failure in patients with advanced age or balanced translocations; and twin pregnancies discordant for a chromosomal anomaly. Forty-one karyotypic abnormalities were detected (24%). These were: 45,X (7 cases), trisomy 13 (5 cases), trisomy 18 (6 cases), trisomy 21 (4 cases), twin pregnancy where one twin had trisomy 21 (1 case), supernumerary marker chromosome (3 cases, one of which occurred in a twin pregnancy), triploidy (3 cases), X-linked mental retardation with fragile site at Xq28 in males (6 cases), fetal erythroleukaemia (3 cases including 2 cases with Turner's), Fanconi's anaemia (1 case), unbalanced chromosome translocation 47,XY+der22,t(11;22) mat (1 case), mos 46,XX18p-/46,XX,-18+i(18q) (1 case), 46,XXdel(2q) (1 case), and 46,XYt(5;17) de novo (1 case). In fetuses at high risk of a chromosome aberration, a rapidly obtained karyotype is helpful and fetoscopy and fetal blood sampling are justified in the second or third trimester.  相似文献   

A pure yolk sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor) of the dysgenetic gonad developed in a 23-year-old woman whose karyotype was mosaic 45 X/46X+mar Turner's syndrome is reported. Molecular biological studies showed that the patient's DNA contained a fragment of Y chromosome. This case seems to be extremely rare case of developing a pure yolk sac tumor in a patient with mosaic Turner syndrome with a Y-chromosomal fragment. Received: 5 September 1997 / Accepted: 9 December 1997  相似文献   

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