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A single viral protein (pp60src) mediates neoplastic transformation of cells infected with Rous sarcoma virus. Immunoprecipitation of pp60src has revealed two cellular proteins (Mr 50,000 and 89,000) that appear to associate with pp60src in a specific manner. Neither of the cellular proteins has been well characterized, but it is thought that both may participate in the function of pp60src. Treatment of avian cells with unphysiological temperature or certain chemical agents amplifies the production of several proteins in the manner of the "heat shock" response earlier described for Drosophila. We report here that one of these proteins, with a molecular weight of 89,000 is identical to the 89-kilodalton protein found associated with pp60src. The 89-kilodalton protein is a major constituent of both uninfected and infected cells, even in the absence of inducing agents, but only a small fraction of this protein appears to associate with pp60src in cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus. The complex containing pp60src and the 89-kilodalton protein can be precipitated by an immune reaction involving pp60src alone. The complexed form of the 89-kilodalton protein did not react directly with antibodies but regained its reactivity subsequent to release from the complex. We conclude that the 89-kilodalton protein is bound to pp60src in a relatively stable complex. We suggest that the 89-kilodalton protein may have overlapping roles in viral oncogenesis and the heat shock response, and that evidence on the function of the protein in either setting may illuminate its function in the other. In addition, it may prove profitable to search for other overlaps between the cellular response to heat shock and the neoplastic transformation of cells by pp60src.  相似文献   

The drug, 9-β-D-arabinofuranosyl adenine, selectively inhibits the synthesis of nuclear DNA without affecting extrachromosomal DNA synthesis in rat cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus (B-mix K-44/6). The inhibition was linear with respect to drug concentration over the range of 37-600 μM. Mitosis and total synthesis of DNA per cell were also depressed. DNA synthesis was determined by measurement of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. Covalently-closed circular DNA was extracted by the Hirt procedure and separated from residual chromosomal DNA by buoyant density gradient ultracentrifugation in CsCl-propidium diiodide. On the basis of buoyant density and sedimentation velocity centrifugation, the covalently-closed circular DNA formed in the presence of the drug was indistinguishable from that formed in its absence.  相似文献   

Infection of chicken embryo fibroblasts by Rous sarcoma virus induces a variety of alterations in cellular growth and morphology. We have used two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to examine the effects of viral transformation on the pattern of synthesis and phosphorylation of cellular polypeptides. Infection by Rous sarcoma virus does not appear to induce the de novo synthesis, or the complete suppression, of any of the [35S]methionine-labeled cellular polypeptides that can be resolved with this technique; however, there are quantitative changes in a minor fraction (approximately 4%) of the [35S]methionine-labeled polypeptides. When cells labeled with [32P]orthophosphate were examined, a phosphorylated polypeptide, Mr 36,000, was detected in transformed cells; this polypeptide appears within 20 min when cells infected by a temperature-sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus are shifted from the nonpermissive to the permissive temperature. Phosphorylation of the 36,000 Mr polypeptide thus represents an early event in the process of transformation, and it is possible that this polypeptide is a target for the kinase activity associated with pp60src.  相似文献   

Normal rat kidney cells infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant (LA23) of Rous sarcoma virus exhibit the transformed phenotype when grown at 33 degrees and the normal phenotype at 39 degrees. We have previously shown [Ash, J.F., Vogt, P.K. & Singer, S.J. (1976) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 73, 3603-3607] that the addition of protein synthesis inhibitors to LA23-infected cells grown at 33 degrees causes them to revert, over a period of 12 hr, to the normal phenotype with respect to morphological and cytoskeletal characteristics. We now show that reversion of the metabolic characteristics of the transformed phenotype to those of the normal also occurs under these conditions. LA23-infected cells show an increased rate of aerobic glycolysis at 33 degrees compared to that at 39 degrees. They also show a different sensitivity of that rate to dinitrophenol and oligomycin at 33 degrees compared to 39 degrees. Such cells grown at 33 degrees in the presence of cycloheximide or abrin rapidly recover the aerobic glycolysis characteristics of the normal phenotype. These results support the thesis that transformation by the src gene of the Rous sarcoma virus is a pleiotypic and reversible process, such as is involved in a pleiotypic enzymic modification reaction and its reversal.  相似文献   

Phosphotyrosine-containing 34,000-dalton protein is detected by treatment of a two-dimensional gel of cellular framework with 1 M NaOH at 40 degrees C for 1 hr. The alkali-resistant 32PO4-labeled 34,000-dalton protein is detected in various cell lines transformed by Rous sarcoma virus but not in lines transformed by simian virus 40, polyoma virus, herpes simplex II virus, adenovirus type 2, or chemical carcinogens. In addition, interferons or fibronectin matrices have no detectable effect on the phosphorylation of the 34,000-dalton protein in Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells.  相似文献   

By the use of a rat kidney cell line infected with a temperature-sensitive Rous sarcoma virus, we have shown that, at permissive temperatures where the cells are transformed, concanavalin A induces a clustering of its cell membrane receptors into patches, and the intracellular smooth muscle myosin-like protein is in a disordered state. By contrast, with infected cells grown at nonpermissive temperatures, the addition of concanavalin A does not alter the uniform distribution of its receptors, and the smooth muscle myosin-like protein is arranged in an ordered filamentous structure. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the myosin protein is part of an intracellular aggregating-disaggregating complex. In the normal cell it is in its aggregated state and inhibits the lateral mobility of the concanavalin A receptors in the membrane; in the transformed cell the complex is relatively disaggregated and permits the concanavalin A receptors to be mobile. The addition of protein synthesis inhibitors to infected cells grown at the permissive temperature causes the cell to change from the transformed phenotype to the normal. Removal of the reversible inhibitors causes the cells to revert to the transformed phenotype. These results show that (i) protein synthesis, presumably of an unstable product of the transforming gene of the temperature-sensitive virus, is required to maintain the transformed state in these infected cells at the permissive temperature; and (ii) protein synthesis is not required for the intracellular myosin-containing complex to revert from its disordered transformed state to its ordered normal state. This suggests that the product of the transforming gene directly or indirectly causes the disaggregation of the myosin-containing complex in the process of transformation.  相似文献   

We have investigated the intracellular location of pp60src in Rous sarcoma virus-transformed rat cells (RR1022) by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and cell fractionation. Immunofluorescence data suggest that pp60src is predominantly associated with the nuclear envelope and the juxtanuclear reticular membrane structures. The bulk of pp60src and of the associated phosphotransferase activity fractionated with nuclei and not with plasma membranes in disrupted cells. This localization contrasts strikingly with the association of pp60src with the plasma membrane of Rous sarcoma virus-transformed chicken fibroblasts. We propose that pp60src is a membrane protein that associates with cellular membranes through hydrophobic regions and that this membrane association is a general feature of the interaction of pp60src with avian and mammalian cells. Although there are major differences in the intracellular localizations of pp60src, it may interact with cellular membranes through one or more NH2-terminal hydrophobic regions.  相似文献   

Synchronized chicken embryo fibroblasts, prepared by addition of serum to stationary cells arrested in Go, were exposed to the Prague strain of Rous sarcoma virus. At different times during the cell cycle, high molecular weight DNA was prepared from infected cells and examined for the presence of newly integrated viral DNA sequences. The results demonstrate that newly integrated viral sequences were first detected during S-phase DNA synthesis 9 hr after infection. The presence of colchicine prevented cellular division and delayed the appearance of progeny virus but it did not affect the appearance of viral specific DNA in the high molecular weight fraction of cellular DNA. Our results indicate that provirus integration, occurring during S-phase DNA synthesis, does not require cell division. Previous experiments have demonstrated that Rous sarcoma virus infection of chicken embryo fibroblasts requires cell division to initiate viral RNA synthesis and the production of progeny virus. The findings presented in this report support the hypothesis that division of the infected cells is required for an event that controls viral expression at the level of the integrated provirus.  相似文献   

We have examined the extent of tyrosine phosphorylation of talin, a component of the cytoskeleton localized in the focal adhesions and, therefore, a potential substrate of p60v-src, the transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus. p60v-src is a tyrosine kinase that induces high levels of phosphotyrosine and the disorganization of the cytoskeleton in transformed cells. With a polyclonal antibody utilized in a previous study [Maher, P. A., Pasquale, E. B., Wang, J. Y. J. & Singer, S. J. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82, 6576-6580] for the detection of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins, we have detected phosphotyrosine residues in talin molecules immunoprecipitated from Rous sarcoma virus-transformed, but not normal, chicken embryo fibroblasts. Phospho amino acid analysis of talin from the infected cells confirmed the presence of phosphotyrosine, in addition to phosphoserine and phosphothreonine. The extent of tyrosine modification in talin was compared to that in vinculin, the other focal adhesion component previously found to contain enhanced levels of phosphotyrosine in various retrovirus-transformed cells. A considerably (3 times) larger fraction of the talin than of the vinculin molecules was found to be phosphorylated on tyrosine. The phosphorylation of talin on tyrosine may be crucial for the expression of the abnormal morphology characteristic of cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus.  相似文献   

In chick-embryo fibroblasts infected by T5, a temperature-sensitive mutant of Schmidt-Ruppin Rous sarcoma virus, the level of catenated dimeric and oligomeric mitochondrial DNA is temperature-dependent and correlates with the phenotypic manifestation of transformation. At the permissive temperature (36 degrees ), where transformation is expressed, the 2- to 3-fold elevated level characteristic of cells transformed by the wild-type Rous sarcoma virus was observed, but at the nonpermissive temperature (41 degrees ), at which cells appear normal and behave normally, the oligomer level was characteristic of uninfected cells. Temperature shifts from 41 to 36 degrees and vice versa resulted in phenotypic reversion and reversals of the respective levels of multiple-length DNA. Cellular growth rates were not altered. Treatment of control cells with cycloheximide resulted in a 5-fold increase of oligomeric DNA, whereas exposure to 9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyladenine had little effect. With both inhibitors, nuclear but not mitochondrial DNA synthesis was inhibited. The possible relation of formation of oligomeric mitochondrial DNA to alterations in the mitochondrial membranes of transformed cells and to inhibition of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm is discussed.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that surface modulating assemblies containing microfilaments and microtubules and altered after cellular transformation was tested on cells infected with temperature-sensitive mutants of avian sarcoma virus. Untransformed cells (mouse 3T3 and chick fibroblasts), cells transformed by simian virus 40 (SV 3T3), and chick fibroblasts infected with Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus (SR-RSV-A-infected cells) were first compared for differences in microfilament and microtubule patterns after treatment with fluorescein-labeled antibodies to actin and tubulin. Transformed cells showed disappearance of ordered stress microfilaments and thickened or diffuse alterations of microtubular arrays. At restrictive temperatures (41 degrees), chick fibroblasts infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant (ts 68) of Rous sarcoma virus showed normal patterns of stress fialments and radial microtubular arrays originating in 1 or 2 centrioles. At permissive temperatures (37 degrees), these patterns were disordered and resembled those of SR-RSV-A-infected cells. After a shift from 41 degrees to 37 degrees, the changes in microtubules were observed in the majority of cells within 1 hr. These changes were reversible and did not result from the inability of tubulin to polymerize. In ts 68-infected cells at permissive temperatures, concanavalin A induced much less surface modulation (inhibition of receptor mobility) than at restrictive temperatures. These results suggest that cellular transformation alters both the structure and function of surface modulating assemblies and prompt the hypothesis that products of viral transforming genes may affect these assemblies with a consequent loss of growth control.  相似文献   

A cellular protein with a molecular mass of approximately 36 kilodaltons is the presumed target protein of the src protein [the transforming protein encoded by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV)]. The cellular location of the phosphorylated 36-kilo-dalton protein (pp36) in chicken embryo fibroblasts transformed by the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of RSV has been investigated. In these studies, two-dimensional electrophoresis was used for detection of the phosphoproteins in total cell extracts and also in fractionated subcellular components. We conclude that pp36 is localized in the plasma membrane, on the basis of the following observations. (i) Fractionation of 32P-labeled cell extracts showed that pp36 is almost exclusively localized in the crude membrane fraction and no appreciable amount was found in nuclear or cytoplasmic fractions. (ii) On further fractionation of the crude membrane fraction, pp36 was localized mostly in the plasma membrane rather than in other membranous fractions. (iii) Isolated plasma membrane by itself phosphorylated the 36-kilodalton protein on incubation with [gamma-32P]ATP.  相似文献   

Our interest was aroused by the recent report by Huttner [ Huttner , W. B. (1982) Nature (London) 299, 273-276] on general sulfation of tyrosine residues of proteins in normal and malignantly transformed tissues. Here we report on the reduction of sulfation in embryonic rat fibroblasts, line 3Y1, infected with Rous sarcoma virus or Fujinami sarcoma virus. In view of the instability of tyrosine O-sulfate in strong acid, the protein sulfation was tested for after incubation with [35S]sulfate and exhaustive Pronase hydrolysis. We found in general a reduction of sulfation in transformed tissue. It was greatest in the fibroblasts permanently transformed with Rous sarcoma virus. When fibroblasts transformed by the temperature-sensitive Fujinami sarcoma virus, line ts225 -3Y1, were used for comparison of sulfation at nonpermissive and permissive temperatures, the latter showed a strong reduction. Furthermore, we tested these cells for the uptake of inorganic [35S]sulfate. Uptake appeared highly reduced in the permanently infected fibroblasts, but ts225 -3Y1 grown at permissive and nonpermissive temperatures exhibited no difference. Uptake at both temperatures was comparable to uptake by normal 3Y1 cells. A recently much investigated cell surface protein, fibronectin, was reported to be lost on malignant transformation and to contain sulfate in an undetermined location. We found that ts225 -3Y1 cells grown at permissive temperature released fibronectin that contained tyrosine O-sulfate.  相似文献   

We have previously isolated, from agar suspension culture, clones of chicken embryo fibroblasts transformed by B77 and Prague strains of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) that varied in the expression of plasminogen activator activity [Wolf, B. A. & Goldberg, A. (1976) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 73, 3613-3617]. All of the clones exhibited an altered cellular morphology, an increased rate of sugar transport, and a high efficiency of colony formation in agar suspension regardless of the level of plasminogen activator. Because B77 and Prague strains of RSV replicate as well as cause sarcomas in chickens, the tumorigenicity of the transformed cells could not be evaluated with clones of these cells. In order to determine the oncogenicity of clones with various levels of plasminogen activator, it was necessary to isolate cells transformed by the replication-defective Bryan strain of RSV, which release noninfectious virus. All of the agar suspension clones of transformed cells, derived by infection of chicken embryo cells with replication-defective Bryan RSV, fell within the continuum observed for B77- and Prague-transformed clones with respect to altered morphology, increased rate of sugar transport, efficiency of colony formation in agar suspension, and variations in plasminogen activator activity. All of the clones, regardless of the level of plasminogen activator, produced tumors when as few as 5 x 10(2) cells were injected into the wing web of 1-day-old chicks. The latency period for tumor formation after injection of cells was similar regardless of the level of plasminogen activator of the injected cell. Primary explants of tumors resulting from inoculation of clones having low, intermediate, or high activator activity displayed a spectrum of activator activity.  相似文献   

A glucose binding fraction was obtained by sucrose gradient centrifugation and Sephadex G-200 chromatopgraphy from confluent normal cells and Rous sarcoma virus-transformed fibroblasts. It was more or less loosely bound to the membrane fraction, most strongly in sarcoma cells, and most loosely in slowly growing confluent fibroblasts. In an average of three determinations, the content of binding factor was increased 2.5-fold in transformed cells, and compared reasonably well to a nearly 4-fold increase in glucose uptake. The addition of 5 mug/ml of purified glucose binding factor to the overlaying fluid in the 100-mm plates increased 7-flod the low glucose uptake of starved fibroblasts. The stimulation was an additive increment to the known stimulation by calf serum.  相似文献   

It was recently shown by combined immunofluorescence and interference reflection microscopy that a protein named vinculin, along with alpha-actinin, is concentrated at focal adhesion plaques inside cultured normal fibroblasts [Geiger, B. (1979) Cell 18, 193-205]. These plaques are the discrete, isolated sites of strong adhesions formed between the ventral surfaces of the cells and the substrata on which they are grown. We show that after transformation of fibroblasts by Rous sarcoma virus a majority of the cells have many fewer focal adhesion plaques and now exhibit a cluster of small patches that are immunolabelled for both vinculin and alpha-actinin. Such a cluster (rosette) is located near the ventral surface of the cell, usually partly under the nucleus. The significance that these altered distributions of vinculin and alpha-actinin may have for the rounding up and loss of adherence of transformed cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Chicken cells infected with avian RNA tumor virus often contain small cytoplasmic A-type particles which commonly exist as clusters of 50--100 particles when viewed in thin sections. These particles were found more consistently in Rous sarcoma virus-infected than Rous-associated virus-infected cultures, but were generally present in only a small fraction of the total infected cells. The results of the survey of cells infected with various strains of leukosis-sarcoma viruses led to the hypothesis that the A particles develop in cells undergoing cytopathological degeneration. The hypothesis explains also the evanescent nature of the appearance of these particles in infected cells. The application of immunoelectron microscopic methods using monospecific antisera against viral internal proteins revealed that the A particles contain components immunologically related to the proteins of C-type virus.  相似文献   

V Altanerová  C Altaner 《Neoplasma》1988,35(2):207-213
Hamster cells transformed with avian sarcoma virus, which had been selected for resistance to 8-azaguanine, were cloned. Several single cell clones were isolated which differed significantly in their tumorigenicity in comparison to the parental highly tumorigenic cells. The nontumorigenic cell clones contained rescuable avian virus. Both parental and resistant cells possessed transformed phenotype. Comparative studies with parental highly tumorigenic cells and nontumorigenic cell clones failed to detect any difference in the expression of p60src, in this phosphorylation and in phosphokinase activity. The isolated nontumorigenic cells represent cell mutants in which the viral src gene is controlled by a suppressor gene. The cells might be useful for further characterization of a putative antioncogene.  相似文献   

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