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Hyperkinetic children are identified as a population-at risk upon admission to kindergarten. The etiology of hyperkinetic behavior is controversial. Organic driveness, hyperkinetic behavior disorder, postencephalitic behavior, brain damage with behavioral and conceptual deficit, Strauss syndrome, have all been used to label essentially similar symptom constellations. Bypassing the area of controversy, a study is reported that demonstrates that children who were identified as hyperkinetic (using behavioral criteria developed in an earlier study) were (1) absent from school more frequently, and (2) did remarkably less well on standardized tests of school readiness than their peers rated nonhyperkinetic. The implications are discussed and suggestions made for the development of intervention programs.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, March, 1967.  相似文献   

Summary Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were recorded in 20 patients with thalamic lesions confirmed by CT (10 with infarction, 10 with haemorrhage). The changes in SEP configuration are discussed in their relationship to clinical symptoms. Four types of SEP abnormality produced by thalamic lesion are distinguished: (1) FF type, (2) N20/P23 dissociation type, (3) N18/N20 false shift type, and (4) reduced early component type. It was shown that clinically similar lesions might produce different SEP patterns.  相似文献   

Summary VEPs were measured after pattern reversal in 135 MS patients and 30 control subjects. Neurological findings were documented in a standard manner. An extensive ophthalmological examination of all subjects was part of the study. The latency of P2 was abnormally delayed in 82% of the definite, in 60% of the probable and in 65% of the possible MS groups respectively. The VEP was more often delayed in relation to ophthalmological disturbances. Changes in the MS classification had to be made in more than 10% of the patients, due to delay of VEP latency. These were patients with a spinal form of MS, which is known to create diagnostic problems.Optically and electrically evoked blink reflexes were recorded in 107 MS patients. All patients with mesencephalic lesions had delayed responses of the optically evoked reflex. 74% of the patients with caudal brainstem lesions had delayed latencies of the components of the electrically evoked blink reflex. The blink reflex was delayed in 18 additional patients without brainstem signs. The possibility of delineating clinically silent brainstem lesions by investigating blink reflexes is discussed.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Dr. Fischer Bosch-Stiftung).  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopical study of two consecutive nerve biopsies from a patient with metachromatic leucodystrophy (sulphatide lipidosis) was made. The ultrastructural changes observed consisted of: a) irregular whorls of myelin. The myelin in the whorls showed a thickened, sometimes doubled, intraperiod line, which was barely visible in compact myelin; b) inclusion bodies up to 1 in diameter in the cytoplasm of Schwann cells. These had a lamellar structure, with stacked membranes 60 Å apart; c) a loose pattern of the myelin in some nerve fibers, with loss of the intraperiod line, and d) presence of abnormally dense mitochondria with thickened cristae in Schwann cells. It is suggested that: a) the whorl formation and the ultrastructural abnormalities of the myelin in the whorls may be due to impaired myelin synthesis, and b) that the inclusion bodies may represent the accumulation of cerebroside sulfate in micellar aggregates. The loose pattern of myelin is considered artifactural until proven otherwise.
Zusammenfassung Zwei aufeinanderfolgende Nervenbiopsien bei einem Patienten mit metachromatischer Leukodystrophie (Sulfatid-Lipoidose) wurden elektronenoptisch untersucht. Die beobachteten ultrastrukturellen Veränderungen bestehen in: a) unregelmäßigen Wirbelbildungen (whorls), in welchen das Myelin Verdickungen, manchmal Verdopplung des Zwischenstreifens (intraperiod line) aufweist, was im kompakten Myelin kaum sichtbar ist. b) Einschlußkörperchen mit einem Durchmesser bis zu1 im Cytoplasma der Schwann-Zellen. Diese weisen lamelläre Struktur mit einem Membranabstand von 60 Å auf. c) ein lockeres (loose) Myelinmuster mit Verlust des Zwischenstreifens in einigen Nervenfasern und d) Auftreten von abnorm dichten Mitochondrien mit verdicktem Cristae in Schwann-Zellen. Es wird angenommen, daß a) die Wirbelbildungen und die ultrastrukturellen Myelinabnormitäten in den Wirbeln einer gestörten Myelinsynthese entsprechen und b) daß die Einschlußkörperchen die Anhäufung von Cerebrosidsulfat in micellaren Verbänden darstellen. Das lockere Myelinmuster wird vorläufig als artifiziell angesehen.

This investigation was supported in part by Public Health Service Research Grant No. FR-86 from the N.I.H. Division of Research Facilities and Resources.  相似文献   

Summary A unique model of DA system regulation is presented, in which tonic steady-state DA levels in the ECF act to down-regulate the response of the system to pulsatile DA released by DA cell action potential generation. This type of regulation is similar in many respects to the phenomenon proposed to mediate the action of norepinephrine on target neurons; i.e., an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio as measured by postsynaptic cell firing (Freedman et al., 1977; Woodward et al., 1979). However, in this model the signal and the noise are neurochemical rather than electrophysiological. Furthermore, the noise (tonic DA in the ECF) actually down-regulates the signal (phasic DA release) directly, and thereby provides a signal of its own that affects the system over a longer time-course. Therefore, the difference between signal and noise may also depend on the time frame under which such determinations are made.  相似文献   

Mothers of 182 preschool nursery school children rated their own parenting responses on a Parent's Report questionnaire. At the same time the mothers responded to the Behavior Style Questionnaire (BSQ) from which scores were determined for nine categories of temperament. On the basis of category scores the children were grouped into one of five temperament clusters i.e. easy, difficult, slow to warm up, high intermediate, low intermediate. The children's membership in BSQ clusters was independent of sex, age, birth order, and mothers employment status but there was a significantly higher ratio of easy children from higher socioeconomic classes I and II. Mothers of children grouped in either the difficult or slow to warmup clusters were more likely to use guilt inducing and temper-detachment parenting styles than mothers of children grouped in the easy cluster.  相似文献   

Summary Using the new data from a second followup of the Lundby 1947 cohort, the aim of the present paper has been to analyze some relationships between known and hidden alcoholism in a Swedish general population sample. Information was collected by psychiatrists trough free, exploratory field interviews checked against documentary records. Alcoholism was medically defined for present purposes. Information was obtained for 98% of the 952 men surviving the cross-section date July 1, 1972. The distribution of alcoholism and other psychiatric disorders in the total population and in age subgroups was analyzed epidemiologically. The true prevalence of alcoholism in the adult men was 9.5%, comprising 7.2% known and 2.3% hidden. The proportion of hidden to known cases was 0.301 (Temperance Boards 0.871, Psychiatric Agencies 0.961, Drinking and driving offences 4.31). The main finding that about 70% of male alcoholics in Lundby appears to be known to the agencies is at variance with current views that there is an iceberg under the tip, though consistent with Rubington's suggestion that so-called hidden alcoholism is not totally but partially invisible in welfare societies.  相似文献   

Summary We employed a case-control study design to investigate whether schizophrenic patients differed from non-psychotic psychiatric patients in terms of place of birth and paternal occupation. Cases were first-contact schizophrenic patients ascertained from the Camberwell Cumulative Psychiatric Case Register. Controls were the next (non-psychotic) patient on the Register matched for age and sex. In comparison with controls, cases were more likely to have: (1) been born in the deprived innercity Camberwell catchment area (odds ratio 2.3), and (2) had fathers who had manual as opposed to non-manual occupations (odds ratio 2.1). The results were compatible with the notion that socio-economic deprivation during gestation and early life predisposes to later schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, articles have noted the increased presence of psychotic symptoms among depressed African Americans, the presence of diagnostic bias identified when structured clinical interviews are used, and the identification of misdiagnosis of affective illness among chronically, mentally ill, African Americans. This paper reviews this literature and describes three alternative presentations of depressive illness among African Americans that differ from the DSM IV criteria for Major Depressive Disorder: the stoic believer, the angry, evil one with a personality change, and the John Henry doer. Clinicians are encouraged to recall these presentations of depression when evaluating African American patients.  相似文献   

Summary Topographic EEG was performed in 17 DSM-III-R schizophrenic patients and in 15 sex- and agematched healthy controls. Eleven patients were firstonset (neuroleptic naive) schizophrenics. EEG band power was compared with psychopathology, neuropsychology and neurological soft signs. The EEG was recorded at 14 topographic locations monopolarly and movements of the eye and of the lid were monitored by two bipolar electro-oculogram (EOG) derivations, one vertical and one horizontal. A multivariate correction of EOG artefacts was performed based on regression analysis with respect to EOG channels. Schizophrenic patients showed higher mean and median power in most bands. These differences were most marked in the delta band, in the fast alpha and beta bands, in particular at left frontal sites. Delta power at F7 was by far the best separating variable between schizophrenics and controls in a discriminant analysis. Significant positive correlations were found between the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale scores Anxiety-depression and Activation and power in the fast bands and negative ones between Anergia and the beta bands. Positive significant correlations emerged between the total score in the Negative Symptoms Rating Scale and the amount of delta power, predominantly over the temporal region. Impairment in the Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological scores Rhythm and Memory correlated highly significantly with EEG band power. No correlations were found between neurological soft signs and EEG band power. Our results are in line with the hypothesis of a hypofrontality in schizophrenia. It is unlikely that these findings are an artefact of prior psychiatric treatment, as they were also observed in firstonset, neuroleptic naive schizophrenics. Moreover, our data suggest that these abnormalities are of clinical and functional relevance, as they correlated significantly with psychopathological and neuropsychological parameters.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird eine Übersicht über die zentrale Haubenbahn gegeben. In den meisten Lehrbüchern wird diese als ein Faserbündel beschrieben, welches nach der Olive aus dem Thalamus, den Basalganglien, dem roten Kern und laut einigen Verfassern, auch aus dem mesencephalen zentralen Höhlengrau verläuft.Eine an anderer Stelle veröffentlichte experimentelle Studie über die bei der Katze zur Olive absteigenden Fasern (Glees' Silberimprägnationsmethode) hat bestimmte Daten geliefert, die von Interesse für die Frage von der Zusammensetzung dieser Bahn sind. Fasern aus dem Globus pallidus, dem roten Kern und dem zentralen Höhlengrau des Mesencephalon, sowie aus der Großhirnrinde und dem Nucleus caudatus erreichen die Olive. Nach Läsionen des Thalamus, des Claustrums, des Putamens, des oberen und unteren Vierhügels oder der retikulären Substanz des Mesencephalons fanden sich keine degenerierenden Fasern in Richtung der Olive.Die Olivenfasern aus dem Globus pallidus, dem roten Kern und dem zentralen Höhlengrau nehmen ihren separaten Weg und vermischen sich erst innerhalb der Olive. Es erscheint deshalb nicht zweckmäßig diese Fasern als Anteile eines gemeinsamen Leitungsystems, einer zentralen Haubenbahn, zu betrachten, zumal dieser Name auch als Synonym für die nicht existierende thalamo-olivare Bahn benutzt worden ist. Eine kritische Durchsicht des diesbezüglichen Schrifttums hat keinen überzeugenden Beweis ergeben, daß Fasern aus verschiedenen Hirngebieten sich zu der sogenannten zentralen Haubenbahn vereinigen.Wenn der Name zentrale Haubenbahn überhaupt für irgendein im Hirnstamm absteigendes Fasersystem benutzt werden soll, sollte er auf die Olivenfasern aus dem roten Kern beschränkt werden. Jedoch ist für diese die Bezeichnung rubro-olivare Bahn besser geeignet.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im normalen Liquor cerebrospinalis lassen sich mit der Immunoelektrophorese unter Anwendung spezieller Antiliquoreseren zwei liquor-spezifische Proteine nachweisen, die von Dencker als -CSF und -CSF bezeichnet wurden. Auch durch erschöpfende Absorption des Antiliquorserums mit menschlichem Serum lassen sich Antikörper gegen diese liquorspezifischen Proteine aus dem Antiserum nicht entfernen. Das -CSF stellt sich in der Immunoelektrophorese nach Scheidegger als lang ausgestreckte Linie in der Nähe des Antikörpergrabens dar, das -CSF verläuft geschwungener und in der Hälfte der Fälle in einem Doppelbogen ähnlich dem des Transferrins.In 90 untersuchten Seren wurden diese Linien in keinem Falle angetroffen. Von 278 teils normalen, teils pathologisch auffälligen Liquores enthielten 26 kein -CSF, und bei 7 dieser 26 Liquores fehlte auch die -CSF-Linie. Die Mehrzahl der 26 Liquores war auch sonst pathologisch verändert, ohne daß eine Beziehung zwischen Zellzahl, Gesamteiweiß und -Globulingehalt zu dem Verhalten der liquorspezifischen Proteine hergestellt werden konnte.Zugaben von Serum zum Liquorkonzentrat vor der Immunoelektrophorese löschen das -CSF leichter als das -CSF aus. Ein Fehlen der liquorspezifischen Proteine in Liquores mit erhöhtem Eiweißgehalt oder Blutbeimengung kann damit erklärt werden. Bei anderen Liquores mit fehlender Nachweisbarkeit der -CSF- oder -CSF-Linie ist eine verminderte Produktion dieser Proteine zu erwägen.
Summary By means of immunoelectrophoresis with specific Anti-CSF-sera, two proteins specific for the cerebrospinal fluid, named -CSF and -CSF by Dencker, can be demonstrated. Antibodies reacting with CSF-specific proteins are not abolished even after extensive absorption of the anti-CSF-serum with human serum as antigen. -CSF-proteins show up as a long smooth band close to the center groove when separated by immunoelectrophoresis according to Scheidegger. The bands of -CSF-proteins are more curved and in 50% of all cases form a double band similar to that of transferrin.These bands were not detectable in 90 serums examined. 26 out of 278 normal and pathological specimens of CSF failed to show any -CSF. The -bands were missing in 7 of these 26 specimens. The majority of these 26 specimens revealed additional pathological laboratory findings. No relation, however, appeared to exist between the presence or absence of CSF-specific proteins, cell count, total protein and -globulin.Upon the addition of serum to the concentrated specimens of CSF prior to immunoelectrophoresis, -CSF bands are eliminated more easily than the -CSF-bands. This could explain the absence of CSF-specific proteins in specimens with elevated protein or containing blood. However, a diminished production of proteins should also be considered when - and -CSF-proteins are absent.

Wir danken Frau Sigrun Bach und Fräulein Christa Wackler für ihre sorgfältige technische Mitarbeit.  相似文献   

Summary Two sporadic cases of amyloid polyneuropathy are reported. There was no family history or plasma cell dyscrasia. Both showed sensorimotor and autonomic polyneuropathy with onset in the seventh decade. Amyloid deposits in both cases reacted with anti-human prealbumin sera but not with antisera to human AA and anti-human immunoglobulin light-chain amyloids, including A and A. One patient had the abnormal serum prealbumin and abnormal DNA sequence found in type I familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) (Japanese type). Investigations in sporadic amyloid polyneuropathy should include immunohistochemistry, using antisera to the different amyloid proteins, and the radioimmunoassay and recombinant DNA techniques for diagnosis of FAP.  相似文献   

T-cell activation and proinflammatory cytokines seem to be important in promoting the disease activity in Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Transforming growth factor-1 (TGF-1) is a multifunctional peptide with potent immunosuppressive activity, and can therefore be considered a putative disease-limiting cytokine. We determined levels of soluble TGF-1 in the serum of 12 patients with GBS in serial investigations during the course of the disease, in 12 patients with other non-inflammatory neurological diseases (OND), and in 12 healthy control subjects. Levels of biologically active and total TGF-1 were significantly increased in patients with GBS compared with patients with OND and healthy controls. During the course of GBS, levels of TGF-1 peaked in the plateau phase before onset of recovery. During the recovery phase levels of TGF-1 decreased but still exceeded significantly the levels in patients with OND and healthy controls. The differences were more marked with biologically active than with total TGF-1. The temporal relationship between increased serum levels of TGF-1 and the end of the progressive phase indicates that TGF-1 has a role in terminating the pathological immune response in GBS. These findings suggest that TGF-1 may be important in recovery from GBS.  相似文献   

The cognitive functioning of 27 female patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) (aged 11–41 yrs) and 13 of their healthy sisters (13–31 yrs) was compared using short versions of age-appropriate Wechsler scales. In contrast to other studies, neither a higher than average IQ level for CAH patients (mean: 99.0) nor for their sisters (97.7) was found. Unexpectedly, and in contrast to other reports, the subgroup of salt-wasting (SW) patients>16 yrs (N=6; mean score: 111.5) differed from their sisters as well as from simple-virilizing (SV) patients in full IQ (p<0.05) and subtest scorings for Information, Similarities, and Picture Completion (p<0.05–<0.10). SW patients displayed more masculine behaviour (vs. SV patients and sisters) which, in turn, was related to differential prenatal hormonal influences. No clear-cut relationships between IQ/cognitive (subtest) findings and gender-role behaviour were found.
Zusammenfassung 27 Patientinnen mit dem Adrenogenitalen Syndrom (AGS) (11–41 J.) und 13 ihrer Schwestern (13–31 J.) wurden hinsichtlich intellektueller Funktionen verglichen (Kurzformen von HAWIK, HAWIE). Im Unterschied zu den meisten früheren Untersuchungen wurden weder für Patientinnen (mean: 99.0) noch für Kontrollen (97.7) über dem Durchschnitt liegende IQ-Werte gefunden. Im Gegensatz zur Literatur unterschied sich die Teilgruppe der Salzverlust-Patientinnen (SW)>16 J. (N=6, mean: 111.5) von den Schwestern und den Patientinnen mit einfachem AGS (SV) im Gesamt-IQ (p<0.05) und in den Untertests Allgemeines Wissen, Gemeinsamkeiten und Bilderergänzen (p<0.05–<0.10). SW-Patientinnen hatten signifikant männlichere Verhaltensmuster gezeigt (vs. SV-Patientinnen und Schwestern), die auf differentielle Hormoneffekte pränatal bezogen worden waren. Es fanden sich aber keine klaren Zusammenhänge zwischen IQ-bzw. Untertest-Resultaten und Ergebnissen für Geschlechtsrollenverhalten.

Résumé Le fonctionnement cognitif de 21 patientes avec une hyperplasie congénitale surrénale (âgée de 11 à 41 ans) et de 13 de leurs soeurs saines (13–31 ans) a été comparé au moyen de versions raccourcies de l'échelle de Wechsler appropriée à l'âge. En contraste avec d'autres études, il n'a été retrouvé un Q.I. plus haut que la moyenne ni pour les patientes (moyenne 99.0) ni pour leurs soeurs (moyenne 97.7). De façon inattendue, et en contraste avec d'autres études, le sous-groupe de patientes déprivées en sel (SW)>16 ans (N=6), moyenne score: 111.5) différait de leurs soeurs aussi bien en tant que patientes présentant des signes de virilsation (SV) pour le Q.I. complet (p<0.05) et les scores aux subtests d'information, de similarité et de complément d'images (p<0.05–0.10). Les patientes déprivées en sel (SW) montraient un comportement plus masculin (vs. SV et leurs soeurs) qui en retour était relié aux influences hormonales prénatales différentes. Il n'y avait pas de relation de différences nettes entre les résultats aux sous-tests cognitifs du Q.I. et le comportement de genre.

Transforming growth factor-1 (TGF-1) and interleukin-1 mRNA expression were studied in rat brains after 30 min of global ischemia by in situ hybridization. Ischemia was produced by four-vessel occlusion followed by different recirculation times ranging between 15 min and 7 days. TGF-1 mRNA could first be detected 3 days after ischemia in the hippocampus, in layers II/III of cortex, in the striatum and in parts of the ventral thalamus. At 7 days after recirculation a prominent increase in TGF-1 mRNA was observed in the CA1 sector of the hippocampus. Induction of interleukin-1 mRNA, however, was less marked and limited to the rostral striatum 3 and 7 days after ischemia. TGF-1 expression 7 days after ischemia correlated well with the histological localization of regions where neuronal degeneration and subsequent astrocytic and microglial activation had occurred. In adjacent brain sections, the distribution of TGF-1 mRNA after 7 days closely resembled that of the immunostaining pattern of activated microglia, indicating that at this time point TGF-1 mRNA was mainly produced by microglial cells. The late induction of TGF-1 mRNA after ischemia points to an involvement in the persistent glial response rather than the initial glial activation. The differential pattern of interleukin-1 mRNA induction indicates regional variations of cytokine production after ischemic brain lesions.Supported in part by a grant from the European Charcot Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis Research (to J.G.)  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei einem 66 Jahre alten männlichen Patienten mit 48-h-Zyklen einer unipolaren endogenen Depression wurden vegetative Funktionen untersucht. Speichelsekretion, Körpertemperatur und körperliche Aktivität wurden am Tage in 3-h-Abständen und einmal nachts gemessen. Die Stimmung wurde mit Hilfe von zwei Selbstbeurteilungsskalen beurteilt. Die Skalenwerte ergaben eine regelmäßige Abfolge von guten und schlechten Tagen. Die Speichelsekretion war an guten Tagen gegenüber den Meß-werten an schlechten Tagen erhöht. Dieser Unterschied war am Morgen besonders deutlich (P<0.002, 10.00). Die Form des 24-h-Profils der Speichelsekretion war an guten und schlechten Tagen unterschiedlich: an guten Tagen lag das Maximum um 10.00 Uhr, an schlechten Tagen um 16.00 Uhr. Dagegen zeigte die Lage des nächtlichen Minimums keinen Unterschied zwischen guten und schlechten Tagen. Die Meßwerte der Körpertemperatur waren gegenüber Normalwerten deutlich erhöht (Mittelwerte um 37,2° C) und zeigten eine geringe Amplitude des Tagesganges. An guten Tagen lag die Körpertemperatur tagsüber im Mittel um 0,1°C höher als an schlechten Tagen. Die körperliche Aktivität (Arm und Bein) wurde mit Hilfe eines Aktometers (activity watch) registriert. Die Meßwerte waren tagsüber an guten Tagen höher als an schlechten Tagen. Die vorliegenden Befunde geben Hinweise auf eine zentrale Regulationsstörung vegetativer Funktionen bei der endogenen Depression.Die Autoren dieser Arbeit sind Mitglieder einer Arbeitsgruppe, die sich am Max-PlanckInstitut für Psychiatrie mit der Pathophysiologie und Chronobiologie depressiver Syndrome befaßt  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde an Hand eigenartiger und teilweise schon bekannter Haltungsanomalien beim postencephalitischen Parkonsonismus der Versuch unternommen, diese Phänomene im Sinne der Schablonenlehre zu interpretieren. Sie wurde als Schwimmschablone bezeichnet und als spezifische Haltungsschablone beim Parkinsonismus als phänomenologischer Ausdruck einer speziellen Desintegration gedeutet.  相似文献   

Summary The effects are examined of two varieties of non-response bias (that due to illness and that due to defensiveness, as defined in this paper) on two-stage screening surveys for psychiatric disorder. Equations to model these effects are first derived; these are then used, in conjunction with pre-existing data, to estimate the sixe of the non-response bias. It is concluded (a) that bias due to illness results in prevalence estimates being some 5% lower than the true prevalence; (b) that specificity is little affected by either variety of bias; but that (c) bias due to defensiveness results in the sensitivity being overestimated by about 6%.  相似文献   

Summary The immunohistochemical distribution of and subunits of S-100 protein (S-100, S-100, respectively) in 138 cases of human brain tumors was investigated by the avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method. Brain tumors can be divided into four groups: group 1 [S-100 (+) and/or S-100 (+)]; astrocytoma, glioblastoma, ependymoma, subependymoma, oligodendroglioma, choroid plexus papilloma, gangliocytoma, meningioma, chordoma, malignant melanoma. Group 2 [S-100 (+) and S-100 (-)]; pineoblastoma, pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma, rhabdomyosarcoma. Group 3 [S-100 (-) and S-100 (+)]; acoustic Schwannoma. Group 4 [S-100 (-) and S-100 (-)]; medulloblastoma, malignant lymphoma, germinoma. The S-100 immunoreactivity pattern in brain tumors was similar to those obtained using conventional anti-S-100 protein sera. In the first group of brain tumors both the number of positively stained tumor cells and the staining intensity were generally greater for S-100 than for S-100 with a few exceptions including one gemistocytic astrocytoma, one subependymoma, one malignant melanoma, and some cases of glioblastomas. As to the relationship between malignancy and S-100 protein in glioma, S-100 immunoreactivity decreased according to degree of malignancy, while that of S-100 varied, suggesting a heterogeneity of tumor cells in glioblastomas. Immunostaining for S-100 and S-100 might become a useful diagnostic procedure in brain tumors and may give us more detailed and precise data of S-100 protein in brain tumors.  相似文献   

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