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The present study (N=40) investigated the time-course of conditioned facilitation of the unconditioned eyeblink reflex (UR). In a single-cue delay classical conditioning procedure, a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) signaled an airpuff unconditioned stimulus (airpuff US) to the eye. A paired group received 40 trials of CS/US presentations with an interstimulus interval (ISI) of 200 ms. An unpaired group received an equal number of explicitly unpaired presentations of the CS and US. Thereafter, eyeblink reflex facilitation was assessed by presenting 94 dB white noise (noise US) 10, 30, 50, 100, 150, and 1000 ms after CS onset. In the paired group, URs were significantly increased as early as 100 ms after CS onset compared to the unpaired group. This reflex facilitation was correlated with CR magnitude, indicating that conditioned facilitation of eyeblink URs indexes an early, automatic, preattentive stage in CR formation.  相似文献   

The presentation of a neutral or conditioned stimulus (CS) at an appropriate interval prior to the presentation of a corneal airpuff, or a paraorbital shock (unconditioned stimulus, US) can facilitate the amplitude of the unconditioned nictitating membrane (NM) response in rabbit. In two experiments, it was demonstrated that an associative process mediates the maintenance of that facilitation during repeated CS-US pairings. Although CS-alone presentations produced a substantial decrease in the amount of reflex facilitation in animals not pretrained with the CS, pretraining that consisted of paired CS-US presentations prevented that decrease when CS-alone presentations were subsequently given. Conditioned facilitation of the unconditioned response occurred very rapidly (within 5-12 trials in these experiments) and long before the appearance of overt conditioned responses to the CS. In addition, it was demonstrated that conditioned facilitation can be relatively specific to the tonal frequency of the CS. These results indicate the first sign of conditioning of the NM response is exhibited in the amplitude of the unconditioned response.  相似文献   

The conditioned eyeblink (EB) response was studied with trace conditioning procedures in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with lesions to the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) or sham lesions. Three experiments were performed in which either periorbital shock or a corneal airpuff served as the unconditioned stimulus (US) in separate groups of sham or mPFC-lesioned rabbits. Acquisition of the EB conditioned response (CR) was faster and reached a higher asymptote with the eyeshock US than with the airpuff US. However, mPFC lesion-induced trace conditioning deficits were obtained only in the groups that received the airpuff US. All rabbits showed normal delay conditioning and extinction. These results suggest that mPFC mediates trace EB conditioning when emotional arousal is low. However, in circumstances when emotional arousal may be high (i.e., during exposure to aversive periorbital shock), other structures (such as amygdala) may be activated to permit learning even in the absence of input from mPFC.  相似文献   

A tone conditioned stimulus (CS) previously paired with a grid shock unconditioned stimulus (US) can greatly enhance the early electromyographic (EMG) component (R1) of the rat eyeblink reflex. The hypothesis that the central nucleus of the amygdala (ACe) is an essential part of the circuitry mediating conditioned R1 enhancement was tested. After bilateral ACe lesions (L) or a sham operation (S), rats received paired presentations of the CS and US (P) or explicitly unpaired CS and US presentations (U), resulting in 4 groups: P/S, P/L, U/S, and U/L. ACe lesions completely prevented conditioned R1 enhancement, which was only exhibited in Group P/S. In the latter group, the "preextinction" conditioned enhancement effect was roughly a 2-fold increase in the R1 magnitude. Circuit-level mechanisms are discussed, and some advantages of the eyeblink EMG response in this general conditioning paradigm are considered.  相似文献   

Reflex modification is the inhibition or facilitation of a reflex by a stimulus (S1) occurring prior to a reflex-eliciting stimulus (S2). Two experiments were conducted that investigated the effects of habituation of the orienting response (OR) and classical conditioning on reflex modification of skin conductance responses (SCRs). During the first phase of Expt. 1 two groups (Group S1 and the Control group) received pre-presentations of S1 (200 Hz). Another group (Group S3) received pre-presentations of a different tone (S3, 3000 Hz). During the second phase, Groups S1 and S3 received pairings of S1 with S2 (white noise), whereas the Control group received pairings of S2 with S1. The predictions were: if the OR to S1 produces reflex modification of the response to S2, then Group S1 and the Control group will display larger SCRs on the first trial of the second phase of the experiment compared to Group S3, in which the OR to S1 will produce reflex modification. However, if conditioned diminution of the unconditioned response (UR) elicited by S1 produces reflex modification of the response to S2, then there should be no initial differences between the groups in the second phase of the experiment. The results showed that SCRs in Group S1 were significantly larger in the second phase compared to Group S3. This result favors an OR explanation of reflex modification. In Expt. 2, the effect of conditioned diminution of the UR on reflex modification was further investigated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Eyelid position and the electromyographic activity of the orbicularis oculi muscle were recorded unilaterally in rabbits during reflex and conditioned blinks. Air-puff-evoked blinks consisted of a fast downward phase followed sometimes by successive downward sags. The reopening phase had a much longer duration and slower peak velocity. Onset latency, maximum amplitude, peak velocity, and rise time of reflex blinks depended on the intensity and duration of the air puff-evoking stimulus. A flashlight focused on the eye also evoked reflex blinks, but not flashes of light, or tones. Both delayed and trace classical conditioning paradigms were used. For delayed conditioning, animals were presented with a 350-ms, 90-dB, 600-Hz tone, as conditioned stimulus (CS). For trace conditioning, animals were presented with a 10-ms, 1-k/cm(2) air puff, as CS. The unconditioned stimulus (US) consisted of a 100-ms, 3-k/cm(2) air puff. The stimulus interval between CS and US onsets was 250 ms. Conditioned responses (CRs) to tones were composed of downward sags that increased in number through the successive conditioning sessions. The onset latency of the CR decreased across conditioning at the same time as its maximum amplitude and its peak velocity increased, but the time-to-peak of the CR remained unaltered. The topography of CRs evoked by short, weak air puffs as the CS showed three different components: the alpha response to the CS, the CR, and the reflex response to the US. Through conditioning, CRs showed a decrease in onset latency, and an increase in maximum amplitude and peak velocity. The time-to-peak of the CR remained unchanged. A power spectrum analysis of reflex and conditioned blink acceleration profiles showed a significant approximately 8-Hz oscillation within a broadband of frequencies between 4 and 15 Hz. Nose and mandible movements presented power spectrum profiles different from those characterizing reflex and conditioned blinks. It is concluded that eyelid reflex responses in the rabbit present significant differences from CRs in their profiles and metric properties, suggesting different neural origins, but that a common approximately 8-Hz neural oscillator underlies lid motor performance. According to available data, the frequency of this putative oscillator seems to be related to the species size.  相似文献   

Reflex facilitation and associated properties were investigated during classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane (NM) response in rabbit. In the first experiment, the role of the cerebellum was examined by comparing the unconditioned responses of animals with bilateral lesions of the deep cerebellar nuclei with those of operated controls during counterbalanced tone/light (T/L) discrimination training. Both T and L facilitated unconditioned NM responses when used as the CS+ (conditioned stimulus), but neither facilitated when used as the CS-. There were no significant differences in the amount of reflex facilitation exhibited by animals with lesions compared with control animals. Animals with lesions, however, failed to acquire conditioned responses after 10 days of training, whereas all control animals met acquisition criterion within 4 days. In the second experiment, reflex facilitation was shown to decrement in a stimulus-specific manner when nonreinforced presentations of an auditory stimulus were given. The discussion of results focuses on the relation between reflex facilitation and classical conditioning in terms of behavioral properties and underlying neural systems.  相似文献   

Three groups of mice, unoperated controls, sham and lesioned, were submitted to an associative conditioning of forelimb flexion reflex (FFR). Light and tone constituted the conditioned stimulus (CS) paired with a forelimb electric shock, the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). The first two groups were able to acquire an appropriate conditioned response. In the third group, each animal received a bilateral lesion of the cerebellar interpositus nucleus (IN). The subjects of this group were unable to acquire the conditioning. When bilateral lesions of the IN were done after the acquisition, no effect of the lesions could be detected during retention test sessions 10 days after surgery, by comparison with sham controls. It is therefore concluded that the cerebellar interpositus nucleus is an essential part of the circuit for the acquisition of associative conditioning of the forelimb flexion response in mice, but not for the retention of this task. Moreover, no direct sensorimotor effect of the lesion on performance itself could be evoked.  相似文献   

In eyeblink conditioning in the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), not only is a conditioned response (CR) acquired, but also the original reflex is modified as a function of training. In Experiment 1, by comparing unconditioned responses in unpaired and paired groups, 3 types of reflex facilitation were distinguished. One type was linked to exposure to the unconditioned stimuli (USs) and/or experimental setting. The 2nd type was related to the formation of the memory trace for conditioned eyeblink. The 3rd type was linked to the conditioned stimulus immediately preceding the US in the paired group. In Experiment 2, reversible inactivation of the interpositus nucleus (IPN) abolished the CR and reduced the CR-related reflex facilitation, indicating that the latter depends on the plasticity of the IPN.  相似文献   

Summary Retention of a backward classically conitioned reflex response was investigated in the spinal cat preparation. Facilitation of the flexion reflex was induced by the pairing of superficial peroneal nerve stimulation (30 Hz, 0.5 s), the US (unconditioned stimulus), with saphenous nerve stimulation (10 Hz, 1.5 s), the CS (conditioned stimulus). Both the US and CS were supramaximal for activation of A cutaneous afferent fibers. Experimental animals received 30 paired trials (US preceded CS by 0.25 s) with an intertrial interval (ITI) of three min. Control animals received the same stimuli but in an explicitly unpaired manner. Following acquisition, all animals received 30 additional CS-alone trials at five min intervals. This paradigm, which incorporated ITIs longer than those which had been used previously in backward conditioning studies, induced a long-lasting potentiation of the flexion reflex which appeared to be specific to spinal reflex pathways activated by A cutaneous fibers. The relevancy of these results to a more specific understanding of backward and forward classical conditioning in the spinal cat is discussed.Supported by NSF grants 8415917 and 8808495  相似文献   

The central nucleus (CE) of the amygdala has been gaining attention for its importance in the plasticity underlying conditioned emotional responding. Already known for its role in nictitating membrane response (NMR) reflex facilitation, the CE may also be involved in conditioning-specific reflex modification (CRM)--changes in the NMR to the unconditioned stimulus (US) when tested in the absence of the conditioned stimulus following classical conditioning. To examine the CE's role in acquisition and/or expression of CRM, the authors temporarily inactivated the CE of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with muscimol during NMR conditioning and/or during US testing. Results show that CRM was abolished by inactivation during US testing but intact following inactivation during NMR conditioning, suggesting that the CE is involved in CRM expression. Also, inactivation during conditioning delayed the development of conditioned NMRs. These findings show that the CE may act as an output center for expression of emotional responding in one situation (CRM) but is involved in facilitating plasticity in another (NMR conditioning). The authors propose that analysis of CRM may be an important corollary to current models for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrated that large lesions of the amygdala disrupt the maintenance of reflex facilitation of the unconditioned nictitating membrane (NM) response and slow the acquisition of conditioned NM responses in rabbit. Before behavioral training, the central nucleus of the amygdala and adjacent areas were lesioned electrolytically. In the 1st experiment, the lesioned animals exhibited no reflex facilitation of the unconditioned NM response at conditioned stimulus (CS)-unconditioned stimulus (US) intervals of 125-8,000 ms. In the 2nd and 3rd experiments in which one CS-US interval (500 ms) was used, the lesions disrupted the maintenance of reflex facilitation but did not alter the facilitation exhibited in the 1st block of training. The lesions retarded the acquisition of conditioned NM responses when the 1000-Hz tone CS intensity was 65 dB but not when the intensity was 85 dB.  相似文献   

The effects on the expression of conditioned bradycardia of pairing an early (fourth postnatal day) cerebellar vermal lesion with a lesion of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) were studied in adult New Zealand rabbits. In the conditioning procedure, an auditory stimulus (5 s, 1000 Hz) served as a conditioning stimulus (CS) and a train of electrical impulses applied to the ear (500 ms, 100 Hz, 1.5 mA) was used as the unconditioned stimulus (US). Heart rate (HR) responses exhibited by rabbits with the early double lesion (PFCBs) during orientation (CS-alone) and conditioning (CS–US paired) were analyzed and compared with those shown by unoperated controls as well as by a group of animals in which a cerebellar lesion alone had been performed on the fourth postnatal day (CBs). In all the experimental groups vermal lesions were localized in the cortex of lobules V–VII and the underlying white matter. As for mPFC ablation, the lesioned area involved the agranular precentral region (Brodmann’s area 8), the anterior cingulate cortex (Brodmann’s area 24) and the prelimbic area (Brodmann’s area 32). All the experimental animals had a normal baseline HR as well as a marked orientation response, both comparable with those exhibited by controls. In contrast, while CB rabbits showed an increase in the amplitude of the conditioned bradycardic response when compared with controls, the HR conditioned response of PFCB animals was comparable to that exhibited by controls. These results suggest that, since the double lesion produces a conditioned bradycardia similar to that of the controls, the increase in the amplitude of this response observed after early cerebellar removal may depend on the mPFC which, in the absence of specific cerebellar circuits, is unable to produce a properly calibrated HR conditioned response. Received: 9 September 1998 / Accepted: 29 May 1999  相似文献   

The study addresses the issue of the role of the cerebellum in human withdrawal-reflex conditioning by comparing data from patients with pure cerebellar diseases (CBL, n = 10) and from cerebellar patients showing additional extracerebellar symptoms (CBL+, n = 10) with those from 11 control subjects (CTRL). During recording sessions, the standard delay-conditioning paradigm with paired-trials was used with tone as the conditioned stimulus (CS). Parameters of the conditioned muscle responses are analyzed in an accompanying paper. Here, we focus on the unconditioned muscle response. A train of current pulses (unconditioned stimulus, US) evoked a lower-limb withdrawal reflex (unconditioned response, UR), which was recorded electromyographically from leg muscles. During the recording sessions with CTRL subjects, UR amplitudes decayed from initially 100% to approximately 50% at the end of the session. This type of decay was clearly less pronounced in the CBL group and minimal in the CBL+ group. Furthermore, the CBL group exhibited UR onsets that were delayed by 20 ms compared with those from CTRL subjects. Although the ranges of measurements characterizing the URs of a given cerebellar patient tested in the paired-trial paradigm overlapped with those of control subjects, the statistically significant differences observed at the group level suggest deficits in the performance of the reflex responses. The delayed URs in patients and the different type of decay of UR amplitudes in repetitively evoked withdrawal reflexes constitute evidence that the cerebellum is critically involved in the control of these UR parameters.  相似文献   

Conditioning-specific reflex modification (CRM) describes changes in rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) nictitating membrane responses (NMR) to an unconditioned stimulus (US) when the US is tested by itself after pairings of tone and electrodermal stimulation. Although CRM has been replicated, it is unclear whether it occurs in response systems other than that of the NMR. The authors report that CRM of rabbit heart rate (HR) can occur following HR conditioning. A US that elicits HR acceleration before conditioning can elicit HR deceleration after conditioning. The rabbits' electrocardiograms showed both HR conditioning and HR CRM were correlated with an increased PQ interval--an index of parasympathetic function mediated by the vagus. The data suggest conditioned HR deceleration can generalize from conditioned stimulus to US as a function of conditioning.  相似文献   

Pavlovian eyeblink (EB) conditioning was studied in both trace and delay paradigms in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with either medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) lesions or sham lesions. mPFC lesions of prelimbic cortex (Brodmann's Area 32) retarded EB conditioning in the trace but not the delay paradigm. However, this effect was significant only when the conditioned stimulus (CS) was 500 rather than 100 ms in duration. Lesions of the anterior cingulate cortex (Area 24) did not affect EB conditioning in a trace paradigm. Accompanying CS-evoked heart rate slowing was attenuated under all conditions by the mPFC lesions, although this result was not always statistically significant.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to study whether interstimulus interval (ISI) modification differentially affects the amplitude of the unconditioned response (UR amp.). Seventy-five volunteer subjects received discrimination training with an interval between conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US; aversive white noise) of 8 s. After the discrimination training phase, subjects exhibiting discriminative control were randomized into three groups that differed according to the ISI, of 1, 5 or 8 s. The subjects of each group were then tested with five presentations of CS+/US. The results demonstrate that the UR showed a greater amplitude when an ISI of 8 s was used than with ISIs of 1 or 5 s. No significant differences were found between the UR amp. of the 1- and 5-s ISI groups. These findings are discussed as a result of a hypothetical experimentally induced blend of the anticipatory CRs with the UR.  相似文献   

Conditioned fear in response to explicit and contextual cues was examined using the startle reflex in three groups of participants over two sessions separated by 4–5 days. The conditioned stimulus (CS) was paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US) (shock) during conditioning in the paired but not in the unpaired group. In the reaction time (RT) group, the US was a nonaversive visual signal for an RT task. In the paired group, the CS potentiated startle in the postconditioning phase. This conditioned response was fully retained over the retention interval. There was no substantial change in baseline startle (startle delivered in the absence of CS). By contrast, startle was not potentiated by the CS in the unpaired group, but baseline startle was increased from Session 1 to Session 2. In the RT group, startle was not affected by the CS, and baseline startle was reduced from Session 1 to Session 2. These results suggest that paired presentations of a CS and an aversive US result in conditioned fear in response to the CS but little contextual fear, whereas unpaired presentations of a CS and US leads to poor explicit cue conditioning but substantial contextual fear.  相似文献   

Unexpected external perturbations of body equilibrium elicit compensatory postural reflexes. The reflex patterns change only minimally, even after repetitive perturbations. This study addressed the question of whether classical conditioning can alter the reflex patterns. In the first session 27 healthy subjects were tested when standing on an unexpectedly tilting platform. Electromyographic (EMG) activity from different leg muscles and the vertical ground forces, from which the centre of vertical pressure (CVP) was computed, were recorded. In a subsequent session subjects were tested using the classical conditioning paradigm with the tilting platform as the unconditioned stimulus (US) and a prior auditory signal as the conditioning stimulus (CS). The decay of the unconditioned response (UR) observed in the first session was similar and small in all subjects. During conditioning, 22% of the subjects established conditioned responses (CR) in all muscles recorded (strategy 1). UR amplitudes of the anterior tibialis (TA) decayed more than in the first session. The resulting CVP excursions were similar to those observed in US-alone trials. The remaining subjects exhibited CR only in the gastrocnemius muscle but developed a substantial decay of UR, resulting in very small CVP excursions (strategy 2). Our data suggest that processing of US-preceding conditioning stimulus leads to different strategies in the control of postural adjustment with assumed underlying associative and non-associative plastic processes.  相似文献   

Electromyographic eyelid responses in unrestrained rats were classically conditioned in a Pavlovian delay paradigm by using a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) and periorbital shock unconditioned stimulus (US). After eyelid conditioning was complete, bilateral electrolytic lesions were made in the dentate-interpositus region of the cerebellar nuclei. Initial eyelid conditioning was reliable and very similar to that previously observed in the rabbit, although the asymptotic eyelid responses contained a short-latency startle response in addition to the usual conditioned and unconditioned responses (CR and UR). Substantial decrements in CRs were observed in 13 of the 14 rats with accurately placed lesions. In contrast, startle responses and URs were unaffected. The results replicate the effects of cerebellar lesions on eyelid CRs in the rabbit and suggest that the anatomical basis of eyelid conditioning in both species is similar.  相似文献   

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