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Brachial plexus injury is an underestimated complication from anterior dislocation of the shoulder. To our knowledge, there is limited information available about the factors that influence neurological recovery of this injury. We reviewed 15 upper extremities in 14 patients with brachial plexus injuries caused by anterior shoulder dislocation. Two-thirds of the cases had total brachial plexus palsy. With the conservative treatment, the motor recoveries of all cases are full or nearly full within 20 months except intrinsic muscle of the hand. Intrinsic muscle recovery may be better in a younger age group (less than 50 years). Nerve exploration is usually unnecessary. However, reconstructive surgery for the residual neurological deficit can provide improvement of hand function.  相似文献   

We report a case of bilateral brachial plexus injury following living-donor liver transplantation. A 35-year-old man with hepatitis C cirrhosis underwent liver transplantation under general anesthesia, performed in the supine position with 90 degrees arm abduction. The surgery lasted for 14 h, and the anesthesia for 16 h. On postoperative day 1, it was noticed that he had brachial plexus injuries. We investigated the cause of the nerve injuries, in particular, the possible involvement of stretching, compression, or nerve ischemia, which can often result from excessive abduction, the use of shoulder braces, compression by the poles used in the operating theater or compression caused by surgeons leaning on the patient, or serious general status (e.g., hypotension or hypoxemia). Our findings were inconclusive, but we postulated that 90 degrees abduction of the arms per se may have resulted in excessive stretching of the brachial nerves, causing his injuries.  相似文献   

Inferior brachial plexus injury during thoracoscopic sympathectomy   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A case of inferior brachial plexus injury during thoracoscopic sympathectomy is presented. As this complication occurred during the first operation of the kind in our department in 1991, it is believed that it can be prevented now by supervision of thoracoscopic sympathectomy by experienced surgeons.  相似文献   

目的 总结创伤继发臂丛神经急性卡压征的病因、症状与体征、治疗及预后。方法  12例因创伤引起肩锁区肿胀、瘀血、压痛、畸形外 ,肩锁区存在搏动感及血管杂音 ;臂丛下干支配区感觉及 /或功能障碍。伴肋骨、锁骨、多处骨折 7例 ;锁骨下血管损伤 (破裂、假性动脉瘤、动静脉瘘 ) 9例 ,血肿 3例。诊断为创伤继发臂丛神经急性卡压征。采用假性动脉瘤切除动脉直接缝合或静脉移植 3例 ,血管吻合、修补术 4例 ,血管结扎 2例 ,血肿去除 3例。骨折切开复位内固定 8例 ,臂丛神经松解术 12例。结果  12例术后平均随访 2 6个月 ,患侧的桡动脉搏动良好 ,肩胛带骨折已骨性愈合。臂丛神经功能恢复按中华医学会手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准评定[1] :优 11例 ,可 1例。结论 创伤继发臂丛神经急性卡压的病例起病急 ,在伤后 2~ 3h或 1~ 2d内发生。除有臂丛神经损伤症状外 ,还伴有肩胛带骨折及锁骨下血管损伤。早期手术预后较好。  相似文献   

目的 探讨大鼠臂丛神经慢性卡压后不同时程神经组织的超微结构变化。方法 建立大鼠慢性卡压模型,对卡压后不同时程神经组织的细胞成分进行超微结构的量化分析,有髓神经纤维数目计数,测定髓鞘厚度、脱髓鞘神经纤维、空化神经纤维,以及观察巨噬细胞、新生有髓神经纤维。结果 慢性卡压神经的超微结构较正常神经有明显变化,但又与急性神经损伤有所不同:(1)有髓神经纤维数目在早期无明显减少,在中期明显减少,在后期虽然总数仍减少,但与中期相比却呈上升趋势,这与后期出现的新生有髓神经纤维有关。(2)髓鞘厚度一直呈下降趋势,并与卡压时程呈正相关。(3)巨噬细胞活性在卡压12周时明显增强,内含大量退变髓鞘及坏死神经轴突。(4)在卡压后16周组出现较多新生有髓神经纤维,但髓鞘结构发育不完善,髓鞘厚度较薄。结论 脱髓鞘改变即髓鞘厚度的变化是卡压神经组织的早期变化,神经轴突的变化(空化神经纤维)是卡压神经组织的晚期变化。神经的慢性卡压过程是神经纤维变性、坏死和神经纤维再生的两种相反方向的不平衡的动态变化过程,并以损伤占主导地位。  相似文献   

副神经是神经移位治疗臂丛神经损伤的重要动力神经。本文介绍副神经移位治疗臂丛神经损伤的历史,及近年来副神经解剖的进展;并重点讨论、比较副神经各种移位方式及其恢复效果,分析副神经移位术式的趋势,认为副神经移位修复肩胛上神经,恢复肩关节外展功能是较好的选择,且在副神经移位时保留斜方肌上部功能,利用副神经的远端终支移位是现在临床应用的趋势;并讨论了影响副神经移位疗效的各种因素。  相似文献   



This study described physical and psychosocial limitations associated with adult brachial plexus injuries (BPI) and patients’ expectations of BPI surgery.


During in-person interviews, preoperative patients were asked about expectations of surgery and preoperative and postoperative patients were asked about limitations due to BPI. Postoperative patients also rated improvement in condition after surgery. Data were analyzed with qualitative and quantitative techniques.


Ten preoperative and 13 postoperative patients were interviewed; mean age was 37 years, 19 were men, all were employed/students, and most injuries were due to trauma. Preoperative patients cited several main expectations, including pain-related issues, and improvement in arm movement, self-care, family interactions, and global life function. Work-related expectations were tailored to employment type. Preoperative and postoperative patients reported that pain, altered sensation, difficulty managing self-care, becoming physically and financially dependent, and disability in work/school were major issues. All patients reported making major compensations, particularly using the uninjured arm. Most reported multiple mental health effects, were distressed with long recovery times, were self-conscious about appearance, and avoided public situations. Additional stresses were finding and paying for BPI surgery. Some reported BPI impacted overall physical health, life priorities, and decision-making processes. Four postoperative patients reported hardly any improvement, four reported some/a good deal, and five reported a great deal of improvement.


BPI is a life-altering event affecting physical function, mental well-being, financial situation, relationships, self-image, and plans for the future. This study contributes to clinical practice by highlighting topics to address to provide comprehensive BPI patient-centered care.  相似文献   

臂丛神经血管受压征的特殊试验调查报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究臂丛神经血管受压征五项特殊试验对诊断的临床意义。方法:对100名正常青年男女的双侧上肢进行Wright试验、Roose试验、Adson试验、肋锁挤压试验和锁骨上压迫试验,并对其检查结果进行分析。结果:Wright试验在正常人群中的阳性率达84%(168/200侧);而Adson试验的阳性率仅7%(14/200)。Roose试验阳性率占87%(174/200);肋锁挤压试验阳性率达59%(118/200);锁骨上压迫试验阳性率达94%(188/200)。结论:将五项特殊试验的结果进行综合分析,对臂丛神经血管受压的诊断征有一定的临床意义。但在诊断臂丛神经血管受压征时,主要仍依赖于临床表现  相似文献   

Proximal humeral fractures are an exceedingly rare cause of axillary arterial and brachial plexus injury. Neurovascular damage due to these injuries may threaten limb loss. Clinical presentation of these injuries may vary, therefore, a high index of suspicion is essential. The following case report describes a patient involved in a motor vehicle crash with an occult presentation of axillary arterial entrapment and associated brachial plexus trauma due to a proximal humeral fracture. The patient underwent prompt surgical intervention.  相似文献   

目的 观察联合尺神经束支和臂丛外神经移位治疗臂丛损伤的临床效果.方法 臂丛损伤6例,其中单纯上干损伤4例;上中干为主,合并下干部分损伤2例.伤后平均2.8个月接受手术.术式包括尺神经部分束支转位至肌皮神经肱二头肌肌支,膈神经或者副神经斜方肌支转位至肩胛上神经,桡神经肱三头肌长头肌支转位修复腋神经肌支.用肱二头肌、岗上肌和三角肌肌力,肩外展和上举角度,尺神经功能损失等指标对手术方式和效果进行评估.结果 6例中5例得到随访,平均随访时间18个月,肱二头肌均在术后3~4个月开始恢复肌力.随访时间18个月以上的4例屈肘M_4~+~M_5;随访时间4个月的1例屈肘M_3~+.其中3例行外展功能重建,单用膈神经修复的病例上臂可上举至180°,外展肌力M_4~+;联合副神经和肱三头肌长头肌支修复的病例上肢可外展90°,肌力M_4~-;单用副神经修复的病例上肢可外展80°,肌力M_3~+.3例手部握持力与术前相同,2例增强.4例手部尺神经供区功能无明显影响,1例小指掌侧皮肤感觉减退,第一骨间背侧肌萎缩.结论 尺神经部分束支转位修复肱二头肌支可以有效的恢复臂丛损伤后屈肘功能;用膈神经修复肩胛上神经可能取得更好的肩外展和上举效果;本组臂丛下干部分损伤的病例受伤均在3个月内,采用此术式同样恢复了肱二头肌功能,未加重原有的手功能障碍.  相似文献   

目的 在急诊处理锁骨骨折、肩胛骨骨折、锁骨下动脉损伤及肩关节脱位、骨盆骨折等创伤的同时或2~3周内进行臂丛神经离断伤或部分离断伤的手术修复,以提高其术后的优良率。方法 1993年2月~2003年1月,我们对怀疑有臂丛损伤的患者,尽快进行MRI等检查,根据临床表现和检查结果,对其中明确为离断伤或部分离断伤的29例患者,在伤后急诊或2~3周内实施了臂丛探查,神经直接缝接,颈丛、膈神经、副神经移位,臂丛神经交叉移位及侧侧缝合等手术。结果 其中21例患者术后得到6个月~6年(平均3年)的随访,按照顾玉东的臂丛损伤功能评定标准,本组患者观察总体优良率达70.6%。结论 对有合并伤的臂丛神经离断伤或部分离断伤患者,急诊或2~3周内进行手术探查和修复,可减少手术次数和难度,提高臂丛损伤修复术的优良率。  相似文献   

臂丛神经合并血管损伤的显微外科治疗   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 探讨臂丛神经合并血管损伤的诊断,显微外科治疗及临床效果。方法 针对不同损伤部位,采取臂丛神经血管探查,进行神经修复,移植及血管修补和自体静脉及人工血管移植同时修复神经损伤及血管损伤。结果 本组7例,经上述方法处理后患肢血液循环良好,经1年以上随访,部分病例恢复神经功能,优良率为57.1%。结论明确臂丛神经合并血管损伤的诊断,采用有效的  相似文献   

Paediatric clavicle fractures are common injuries presenting to orthopaedic surgeons. The majority of these represent midshaft low energy fractures, which in the vast majority of cases are treated non-operatively and recover rapidly. The main indications to consider operative intervention include high energy of injury, >2cm shortening, open fractures and associated vascular or neurological injuries. Brachial plexus (BP) injuries are uncommon with variable outcomes. They often result from high energy motorcycle related accidents with potentially fatal associated injuries such as vascular disruption. Their management is complex, requiring expertise, and they are therefore usually managed in supraregional centres.We present a unique case of a low energy midshaft clavicle fracture in a paediatric patient in whom there was an acute BP injury and subclavian artery compression that has not been described previously.  相似文献   

The shoulder is the most commonly dislocated major joint of the body, but associated injury to the axillary artery and the brachial plexus has only been reported sporadically in the literature. This review presents the case of an elderly man with a recurrent dislocation, transection of the axillary artery and an associated severe brachial plexus injury. It also presents the pathognomonic triad of anterior shoulder dislocation, absent peripheral pulse and expanding axillary haematoma to raise the index of suspicion for identifying this limb-threatening injury, which demands immediate arteriography and surgical exploration. This kind of rare injury can be easily missed without a simple clinical examination.  相似文献   

臂丛神经节前损伤的大鼠动物模型   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:介绍大鼠臂丛神经节前损伤动物模型的设计及实验结果。方法:选用SD大鼠,通过扩大椎间孔撕脱脊神经节,造成臂丛神经节前损伤模型(实验组),用组织病理学方法观察神经节内神经元细胞的变化,并用免疫组化方法,检测神经中S-100蛋白阳性轴突数及灰度。结果:节前损伤模型可见撕脱的神经节,术后 1个月仍能见到神经节及神经元细胞; S- 100蛋白阳性轴突在术后 1个月仍有表达;而节后损伤(对照组)到术后1个月则未见S-100蛋白阳性轴突。结论:为臂丛神经损伤的深入研究提供一个具有科学性及合理性的实验模型。  相似文献   

为研究肌电图等综合电生理检查对臂丛神经根性损伤的诊断价值,对376例臂丛神经损伤的综合电生理表现进行了分析.其中根性受损226例,占60.1%,且2/3伤情复杂,损伤平面不一,并对其进行了分类诊断.部分病例作了手术随诊,诊断符合率为93.9%.综合电生理检查为临床治疗方法的选择提供了有力的依据,同时对其诊断的标准作了修正.  相似文献   

臂丛撕脱伤患者同侧膈神经诱发电位的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的研究臂丛撕脱伤患者同侧膈神经的功能状态,为临床选用膈神经移位治疗臂丛撕脱伤提供依据。方法测定100例臂丛神经撕脱伤膈肌诱发电位的潜伏期、波幅,并对其功能进行评价。将表面电极置在胸锁乳突肌后缘,在平环状软骨水平进行电刺激,于腋前线水平在第7、8肋间记录肌肉诱发电位。同时在膈神经移位术中取一段膈神经,观察其病理变化。结果诱发电位的资料证实,有18例膈神经存在不同程度的损伤,其中11例为完全损伤,7例为不全损伤。病理学观察发现膈神经部分损伤时,光镜下见神经纤维部分髓鞘崩解,髓鞘之间散在性地分布着瘢痕化组织。膈神经完全损伤时,可见神经髓鞘崩解,髓鞘之间布满瘢痕化组织。结论100例臂丛撕脱伤中18%的膈神经有损伤,其中7%为不全损伤。应重视这部分病例中膈神经的部分损伤,以便改进手术方法,提高移位术的疗效  相似文献   

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