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The first temporal study of the cell-mediated immune responses (CMI) following ocular infections with Chlamydia trachomatis is presented. We examined the CMI of owl monkeys infected with trachoma to soluble antigens of C. trachomatis by leucocyte migration inhibition (LIF) and delayed hypersensitivity skin testing. Delayed hypersensitivity of a systemic nature developed after a local eye infection in owl monkeys; clearance of inclusions from conjunctival cells coincided with the onset of this response. The association of eye secretion and circulating antibodies with recovery from primary infection was not so striking. Both cellular and humoral immune responses persisted for at least 2 months, at which time all test animals were completely resistant to re-infection. The elicitation of cell-mediated immune reactions with solubilized chlamydial antigens may permit the isolation of specific antigens involved in the generation of protective immunity in the owl monkey model.  相似文献   

In Tunisia (North Africa), trachoma remains a common eye disease. Most cases are caused by immunotype A of Chlamydia trachomatis. In a small proportion of cases (less than 10%), type-specific antibodies to both immunotype A and immunotype B exist in the serum of patients. These types do not crossreact, and occasionally sequential acquisition of antibodies has been demonstrated. Thus, individuals in one endemic area of trachoma may be infected with two immunotypes of C. trachomatis. The epidemiological and immunological implications of this new finding are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Y Yi  G Zhong    R C Brunham 《Infection and immunity》1993,61(3):1117-1120
B-cell peptide epitopes in chlamydial heat shock protein 60 (hsp60) were elucidated with antisera from 13 rabbits immunized with Chlamydia trachomatis serovars B, C, and L2 and antisera from eight women with C. trachomatis-associated ectopic pregnancies. Thirteen major epitopes were identified with the human sera, 10 of which were also observed with rabbit antisera. Seven of the 13 epitopes recognized by human antisera exhibited cross-reactive antibody binding to homologous peptide sequences in human hsp60. Self-reactive B-cell immunity to hsp60 may contribute to chlamydial disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Extraction of staphylococcal abscesses by the Folch procedure revealed that all of the staphylocidal activity was present in the lipid fraction. Further separation of the lipids indicated that the bactericidal activity resided in the free fatty acid pool. Lipids similarly extracted from mesenteric or epididymal fat tissue, either before of after activation, did not possess comparable activity. Myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, linoleic, and oleic acids, as well as lysolecithin, also failed to exhibit the properties of the fatty acid fraction obtained from abscess homogenates. These findings suggest the staphylocidal fatty acid is not a common host lipid.  相似文献   

Early morning first-void urine collected from 279 sexually active Swedish male recruits (mean age 19.5 years) was tested by two commercial enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kits, MicroTrak and IDEIA III, and by MicroTrak direct fluorescence assay (DFA), to detect Chlamydia trachomatis antigens. A result was assumed to be true-positive when any of the two non-culture tests were positive for the same specimen. In one case where only DFA was positive, confirmatory chlamydial testing was performed by isolating the organism from a urethral swab. On these premises, the number of true-positive men was 26 (9.3% of all men studied). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for MicroTrak EIA were 85%, 98%, 85%, and 98%, respectively. IDEIA III was less sensitive than MicroTrak EIA (42% vs 85%). In conclusion, the diagnosis of asymptomatic chlamydial infections in men can be established with reasonable accuracy by the detection of Chlamydia antigens in urine samples using MicroTrak EIA.  相似文献   

A Chlamydia trachomatis urethral isolate, alpha/95, yielding pgp3-negative but otherwise normal inclusions by immunofluorescence also gave negative results when pCT-homologous DNA was searched by PCR and Southern blotting. omp-1 sequence analysis identified alpha/95 as a new genotype B variant. These findings confirm that pCT is not required for chlamydial growth in vitro.  相似文献   

Antibody titer, lymphocyte stimulation and leukocyte migration inhibition with chlamydial antigens were determined repeatedly over many months on human subjects. The volunteers were retrospectively placed into four groups on the basis of clinical, laboratory and epidemiologic criteria. Group A consisted of persons with proven or probable chlamydial infection, including an illness confirmed by chlamydial isolation or seroconversion, or a clinically compatible illness with positive serologic results. Group B were sexual partners or close contacts of group A individuals. Group C were laboratory workers with prolonged exposure to viable chlamydiae or their antigens. Group D included persons of comparable age as those in groups A and B, but lacking a history of symptomatic chlamydial infection or of contact with chlamydiae.Individual cases illustrated the rise of antibody and some cell mediated immunity reactions (CMI) with active chlamydial infection. By contrast, laboratory exposure resulted in elevation of CMI but not of antibody. Statistical analysis of the results in 46 volunteers tested repeatedly indicated a strong association of specific antibody with lymphocyte stimulation, but not with leukocyte migration inhibition. Regression analysis suggested that the type of exposure markedly influenced the relationship between antibody and lymphocyte stimulation. Measurement of immunotype-specific antibody titer by microimmunofluorescence (or an equally sensitive method) remains the best laboratory indicator of past chlamydial infection. Neither antibody nor CMI can, as yet, be definitely related to resistance to re-infection in humans.This work was supported by Public Health Service grant EY OO186 and NIH Hd 03939. We thank Hermine Keshishyan for her valuable technical assistance.  相似文献   

An in vitro model of persistent infection of mouse fibroblasts (McCoy cells) with a trachoma strain (G17) of Chlamydia trachomatis has been developed. Persistently infected cultures were established by infecting McCoy cells with high multiplicities of chlamydiae. After the first cycle of chlamydial replication, the host cells multiplied more rapidly than the parasites, so that the fraction of inclusion-bearing cells declined to less than 1%. However, after 100 days, the proportion of inclusion-bearing cells rose dramatically, and the cultures alternated between periods of massive host cell destruction by chlamydiae and periods of host cell proliferation. This cycle continued indefinitely as host cell and parasite densities fluctuated periodically. The chlamydiae in the cycling populations were reidentified as the original serotype. No changes in either host cell susceptibility or chlamydial invasiveness were observed in hosts and parasites recovered from persistently infected populations. All evidence suggests that the parasite maintained itself in McCoy cell populations by cell-to-cell transfer and that an equilibrium between host and parasite multiplication was achieved when the persistently infected cultures fluctuated between periods of host cell destruction and proliferation.  相似文献   

The lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) and trachoma biovars of Chlamydia trachomatis exhibit differences in biological properties both in vivo and in vitro. To identify analogous biochemical differences, we studied the molecular charges of chlamydial outer membrane proteins (OMPs) by means of isoelectric focusing and nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis. Analysis of proteins of whole elementary bodies biosynthetically labeled with L-[35S]cysteine revealed that most chlamydial proteins were neutral or acidic. The major OMPs (MOMPs) of all strains tested were acidic and had apparent isoelectric points (pIs) that varied within narrow limits (approximately 5.3 to 5.5) despite differences in molecular mass of up to 3,000 daltons (Da). However, a low-molecular-mass cysteine-rich OMP analogous to that previously described for Chlamydia psittaci varied consistently in molecular mass (12,500 versus 12,000 Da) and pI (5.4 versus 6.9) between LGV strains and trachoma strains, respectively. OMPs with a molecular mass of 60,000 Da in the trachoma biovar strains had pIs in the 7.3 to 7.7 range. However, analogous OMPs in the LGV strains existed as a doublet with a molecular mass of about 60,000 Da. Both members of the doublet were basic (pIs greater than 8.5). Both proteins of this basic doublet in LGV strains and the neutral analog in trachoma strains bound a species-specific monoclonal antibody in an immunoblot assay. These data indicate substantial differences in biochemical characteristics of analogous OMPs in the LGV and trachoma biovars. Such differences are the first structural differences described between LGV and trachoma strains which support their distinction into separate biovars and may be related to some of their biological differences.  相似文献   

We developed a murine model of systemic infection with Chlamydia trachomatis biovar lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). The pathological features of this infection resemble those of human LGV infection since both are characterized by granuloma formation. Mice developed resistance to reinfection with LGV, and this resistance was based on cellular immune mechanisms since it was transferable with immune spleen cells but not with immune serum. Resistance required viable organisms for induction. We compared LGV biovar infection with trachoma biovar infection. Trachoma biovar produced similar but less marked microbiological and pathological features. Cross-immunity was less apparent between serovars from trachoma and LGV biovars than it was between serovars within the same biovar. This model of systemic C. trachomatis infection will be useful in exploring virulence features of LGV.  相似文献   

Sera from seven patients from whom a C. trachomatis serovar L2 strain was isolated were tested in vitro for their ability to neutralize the infectivity of this organism. In one patient an inguinal lymph node was culture positive, whereas the remaining six patients had positive rectal biopsies. Sera from four of the patients, including the patient with the lymph node isolate, failed to neutralize serovar L2(434). In addition, the homologous strain recovered from the inguinal lymph node was available and was resistant to neutralization by the homologous sera. However, the same sera effectively neutralized a trachoma serovar, E(Bour). All four sera had inclusion immunofluorescent-antibody titers to C. trachomatis serovar L2 of 2,048 to 16,384 and microimmunofluorescent-antibody titers to the lymphogranuloma venereum biovar were equal or higher in all cases than to the 12 serovars of the trachoma biovar. The three remaining sera, while neutralizing the infectivity of the L2 strains tested, neutralized serovar E to a greater extent. These sera had the same inclusion immunofluorescent antibody titers as the sera that failed to neutralize serovar L2. To see whether this difference in the sensitivity of the biovars toward neutralization could be characterized, sera were obtained from mice immunized with different doses of both serovars L2 and E. Sera obtained from mice immunized with serovar E were able to effectively neutralize the homologous strain. In contrast, neutralization of the immunizing strain, L2(UCI-20), was not seen with sera obtained on days 7, 14, and 21 after immunization from animals receiving 8 x 10(5) and 8 x 10(4) inclusion-forming units of L2(UCI-20); however, these same sera neutralized serovar E. However, with a higher immunizing dose of L2 (10(7) IFUs), both E and L2 were neutralized with sera obtained 7 and 14 days after immunization. Therefore, the relative resistance to neutralization by serovar L2 compared with that of serovar E in the mouse model was inoculum dependent.  相似文献   

Surface antigens of Chlamydia trachomatis were studied by immunogold staining with monoclonal antibodies and by electron microscopy. The serovar- and subspecies-specific epitopes were the most surface accessible. The species- and genus-specific epitopes were the least surface exposed. Similar serological specificity as that in the microimmunofluorescence test was demonstrated by immunogold staining.  相似文献   

M Baumann  L Brade  E Fasske    H Brade 《Infection and immunity》1992,60(10):4433-4438
Surface labeling of chlamydial elementary and reticulate bodies in L929 cells infected with Chlamydia trachomatis serotype L2 was monitored by using monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against the major outer membrane protein and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Different staining and fixation procedures were used to detect these surface antigens during the developmental cycle. Anti-major outer membrane protein MAb yielded a clear staining pattern of exclusively chlamydial inclusions independent of the fixation or staining technique used. Anti-LPS MAb gave a faint staining pattern of reticulate bodies when methanol fixation was used and showed that LPS was released from chlamydiae into the host cell cytoplasm and into the surroundings of the infected host cell. However, when paraformaldehyde-glutardialdehyde fixation was used, extracellular LPS staining was not observed. The data show that chlamydial LPS is loosely bound in the bacterial outer membrane but suggest that shedding of LPS is a fixation artifact.  相似文献   

Chlamydia-specific short-term T-cell lines were used in conjunction with immunoblot techniques to examine Chlamydia trachomatis proteins for T-cell-stimulatory activity. This study was undertaken because of the known role of T cells in the resolution and pathogenesis of chlamydial infections. Therefore, determination of which chlamydial proteins are T-cell antigens and whether they evoke protective immunity or contribute to immunopathology is crucial. Immune lymph node cells were stimulated with whole chlamydial organism (elementary body) to derive predominantly CD4+ T-cell lines. Proteins from the elementary body and the outer membrane and cloned proteins were examined for antigenicity with these T-cell lines in a proliferation assay. Although a majority of the elementary body protein fractions were positive in this assay, only four of the outer membrane fractions were stimulatory. The cloned major outer membrane protein and outer membrane protein 2 were stimulatory in the assay and may account for the reactivity in three of the four positive outer membrane fractions. The C. trachomatis heat shock protein 60, examined because of its putative role in causing delayed-type hypersensitivity, was found to stimulate the CD4+ T cells. This approach with short-term T-cell lines with polyclonal reactivity was sensitive and specific in identifying chlamydial proteins as T-cell antigens.  相似文献   

One component of control programmes to eliminate trachoma is the treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis infection. A diagnosis of trachoma is based on clinical grounds, but the signs of active trachoma do not always correlate with the presence of C. trachomatis. During a therapeutic trial, the level of C. trachomatis infection in children with active trachoma in Guinea and Pakistan was assessed using a qualitative commercially available PCR that targeted the C. trachomatis plasmid. The influence of the quality of specimens on the efficiency of the PCR was investigated using two quantitative real-time PCRs targeting the specific omp1 gene of C. trachomatis and human chromosomal DNA, respectively. C. trachomatis was detected in c. 23% of children (aged 1-10 years) who presented with clinically active trachoma. Controls showed that PCR-related problems did not influence this detection rate. For 14% of the positive samples, C. trachomatis was detected in only one eye, with a significantly lower mean load of bacteria. These results suggest that epidemiological and therapeutic surveys should be conducted by sampling and testing both eyes. Moreover, the high variability of the cell load observed in the conjunctival swabs suggests that the effectiveness of swabbing may be questionable.  相似文献   

Characterization of the Group Antigen of Chlamydia trachomatis   总被引:6,自引:9,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A lipid complement-fixing group antigen is shared by all chlamydiae including trachoma organisms. A water-soluble polysaccharide antigen was obtained by alkali saponification from partially purified water-insoluble lipid antigen preparations made from three trachoma strains. The extracted antigen failed to fix complement with antibody but was capable, as a hapten, of inhibiting complement fixation by prior reaction with the antibody. This antigen diffused readily in agarose, producing a reaction of identity with several trachoma strains. The antigen could also be absorbed onto untreated rabbit red blood cells for passive hemagglutination. It is concluded that polysaccharide antigen is responsible for the group reactivity of these organisms and can be obtained from the lipid antigen by alkali saponification.  相似文献   

Proteins of Chlamydia pneumoniae immunodominant in humans were characterized with the sera of 13 patients who were not likely to have been exposed to C. trachomatis or C. psittaci. The serological responses among these patients were similar on a qualitative basis, but some differences were found quantitatively. However, the serological responses of the patients who were infected with C. pneumoniae differed markedly from those of two patients who were infected with C. trachomatis and two who were infected with C. psittaci and those of mice that were transtracheally infected with C. pneumoniae. Among proteins immunodominant in the patients who were infected with C. pneumoniae, a 40-kDa major outer membrane protein was genus specific and 53-, 46-, and 43-kDa proteins were species specific in their reactions with the majority of the human sera used. A few sera reacted strongly with a 73-kDa protein genus specifically. Some proteins with weak immunogenicity exhibited species specificity. An antigenic analysis with human sera and murine monoclonal antibodies against the 53-kDa protein showed that hte antigenicities were strictly conserved among the seven strains of C. pneumoniae tested. The genus-specific 73-kDa protein was solubilized with octylglucoside. All of the species-specific immunodominant proteins were solubilized with sodium dodecyl sulfate, but the genus-specific major outer membrane protein was not. These results suggest that a serological diagnosis of C. pneumoniae infection could be achieved species specifically by comparison of the serum responses to sodium dodecyl sulfate- and octylglucoside-soluble fractions.  相似文献   

The major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of Chlamydia trachomatis is the main candidate antigen for a synthetic vaccine against chlamydial infection. Antibodies to surface-exposed epitopes on MOMP neutralize chlamydial infectivity but little is known about T-cell recognition of the molecule. We have measured primary human T-cell responses to recombinant fragments of MOMP as well as to the whole organism and synthetic MOMP peptides. Using antigen-pulsed low density cells (LDC) we were able to stimulate proliferative responses with T cells from most naive individuals. This response was antigen dose dependent and displayed an absolute requirement for dendritic cells in the antigen-presenting cell (APC) population. Several T-cell epitopes were identified in MOMP and one which stimulated T cells from 80% of donors was resolved as a 12 amino acid synthetic peptide. Dual cell surface labelling and cell cycle analysis by FACS revealed that both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were stimulated in these cultures. The fact that we were able to obtain proliferative responses and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production to MOMP using cells from cord bloods confirmed that these are genuine primary responses. These experiments have identified a region on MOMP, to which T cells from most humans make a primary response, which may be useful in a chlamydial vaccine. The approach is useful for vaccine development in general.  相似文献   

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