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上颌窦底提升术的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上颌窦底提升骨增量技术是目前解决上颌后牙区骨量不足的最为有效而可靠的方法,本文根据临床体会及当前国际上有关此方面技术的文献,对常见的上颌窦提升技术进行了介绍,对各种术式的优缺点进行了分析评论.上颌窦提升后同期种植可以缩短治疗周期,简化治疗程序,是一个值得研究的方向,本文对其发展及自身的经验进行了总结和介绍.  相似文献   

目的 观察并评估应用盘钻行经牙槽嵴上颌窦底提升同期种植体植入术的临床效果.方法 上颌后牙缺失患者37例,种植区剩余牙槽骨高度为3~8 mm,平均(5.61±1.61) mm,应用盘钻行上颌窦底提升,同期植入种植体51枚,评估手术安全性及舒适度.术后3~6个月行上部结构修复,随访3~24 个月,观察种植体稳定性、骨结合及种植体周围骨量变化情况.结果 本组术中提升上颌窦底高度2~8 mm,平均(4.75±1.55) mm;所有病例均未发生上颌窦黏膜穿孔,患者主观感觉良好,痛苦指数为(2.22±0.98).随访期内,所有病例均未出现上颌窦感染等并发症,骨结合良好,种植体及修复体无松动、脱落,留存率100%.种植体根方骨量于术后6个月趋于稳定,术后1年颈部骨吸收(1.20±0.72) mm.结论 应用盘钻行经牙槽嵴上颌窦底提升同期种植体植入术,近期效果满意.
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of the disk-up sinus reamer (DSR) applied to transcrestal maxillary sinus floor elevation with simultaneous placement of implants. Methods Thirty-seven patients underwent transcrestal maxillary sinus floor elevation with fifty-one implants placed simultaneously using the DSR. The residual bone height(RBH) was 3 to 8 mm, (5.61±1.61) mm on average. The safety of this technique and the pain index during the operation was evaluated. The final prostheses were restored in 3-6 months postoperatively. The follow-up period was 3 to 24 months. The stability and osseointegration of the implants were clinically evaluated, and the endo-sinus bone gain around the implants were measured. Results The elevation height ranged from 2 to 8 mm, with an average of (4.75±1.55) mm. There was no detectable sinus membrane perforation, no serious suffering or uncomfortable subjective sensation in any patients during operation with a pain index of (2.22±0.98). During the follow-up period, no sinus complication was observed. Favorable osseointegration was obtained. There were no implants or prostheses which were loose or lost. The survival rate was 100%. The radiographic results demonstrated that the endo-sinus bone gain tended to reach stabilization after 6 months and the marginal bone loss was(1.20±0.72) mm after 12 months. Conclusions Transcrestal maxillary sinus floor elevation with simultaneous implant placement by DSR is a safe, invasive and handy technique, with higher elevation height,fewer clinical complications and less pain. It shows satisfactory clinical results in short term and a long-term observation is still needed.  相似文献   

Summers骨凿提升上颌窦的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的评价Summers骨凿在上颌窦闭合式内提升、植骨及同期牙种植术中的效果。方法对上颌后牙区牙槽骨严重吸收的66例患者,采用Summers骨凿预备种植床,植入人工骨并同期植入种植体,术后6个月完成种植修复。结果66例患者上颌窦提升高度2~5 mm,术后皆无上颌窦炎发生。牙科CT扫描显示窦内形成一圆形光滑的突起,提升部位表面光滑完整,无黏膜穿破表现。6个月后X线片显示植入的骨材料无明显吸收,种植体骨结合完成。种植修复完成12~24个月后复查,无种植体松动、脱落,牙龈组织健康,种植体上部结构功能恢复满意。X线片显示:种植体与骨结合紧密,种植体周围骨垂直吸收小于1 mm。结论Summers骨凿可安全地提升上颌窦底,并可避免异位取骨,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

上颌后牙区常因骨量不足而成为种植的难点区域,常用的解决办法为上颌窦侧壁开窗窦底提升术和经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术。经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术因为手术操作简单、创伤小、愈合时间短、术后不适感少等优点逐步得到广泛应用。该技术早期应用常伴有同期植骨,但由于骨替代材料存在感染、低吸收率及引发上颌窦再气化等风险,近些年来临床上开始主张经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升时不再植骨。目前对经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术中植骨与不植骨的愈合状况和临床疗效等方面都有较多的研究报道。本文就经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术是否需要同期植骨的研究进展做如下综述。  相似文献   

Sinustech上颌窦底开孔钻在种植中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察上颌窦底开孔钻在种植上颌窦提升手术的临床应用效果。方法:9例种植修复上颌后牙缺失需要上颌窦提升手术患者,男7例,女2例,平均年龄51.6岁,平均牙槽骨高度7.8mm。通过CT扫描三维重建分析、模型手术分析精确测量种植区域牙槽嵴顶到上颌窦底的距离,计算出种植体与上颌窦底的接触位置,测量种植体这一位置的直径,再通过骨质分类预定好上颌窦底开孔直径,制作种植手术导板进行种植导航手术,先用先锋钻钻至距上颌窦底1mm深度,然后换上选定直径的上颌窦底开孔钻,逐级扩大种植窝洞同时收集开孔钻槽沟上的自体骨屑,最后将种植窝洞预备到术前设计的直径并将上颌窦底皮质骨钻开一定直径大小的圆孔,提升上颌窦粘膜后植入收集到的自体骨或/和人工骨后安放种植体,检查初期稳定性。术后即刻CT检查植入方向、植骨情况、粘膜穿孔情况。结果:上颌窦底开孔后粘膜完整,种植体初期稳定性好;CT检查种植体与骨组织接触紧密,种植体尖端为骨粉和粘膜覆盖包绕,粘膜完整连续无破溃。结论:通过螺旋CT三维重建分析和快速成型模型手术来获得牙槽嵴顶到上颌窦底的精确距离对于用上颌窦底开孔钻在上颌窦底钻出特定直径的孔至关重要,没有骨折的上颌窦底骨质能增强种植体初期稳定性,术中取出自体骨屑可以减少人工骨粉的使用,提升术中粘膜完整无穿孔,方法简便安全,值得推广。  相似文献   

Anatomical aspects of sinus floor elevations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Inadequate bone height in the lateral part of the maxilla forms a contra-indication for implant surgery. This condition can be treated with an internal augmentation of the maxillary sinus floor. This sinus floor elevation, formerly called sinus lifting, consists of a surgical procedure in which a top hinge door in the lateral maxillary sinus wall is prepared and internally rotated to a horizontal position. The new elevated sinus floor, together with the inner maxillary mucosa, will create a space that can be filled with graft material. Sinus lift procedures depend greatly on fragile structures and anatomical variations. The variety of anatomical modalities in shape of the inner aspect of the maxillary sinus defines the surgical approach. Conditions such as sinus floor convolutions, sinus septum, transient mucosa swelling and narrow sinus may form a (usually relative) contra-indication for sinus floor elevation. Absolute contra-indications are maxillary sinus diseases (tumors) and destructive former sinus surgery (like the Caldwell-Luc operation). The lateral sinus wall is usually a thin bone plate, which is easily penetrated with rotating or sharp instruments. The fragile Schneiderian membrane plays an important role for the containment of the bonegraft. The surgical procedure of preparing the trap door and luxating it, together with the preparation of the sinus mucosa, may cause a mucosa tear. Usually, when these perforations are not too large, they will fold together when turning the trap door inward and upward, or they can be glued with a fibrin sealant, or they can be covered with a resorbable membrane. If the perforation is too large, a cortico-spongious block graft can be considered. However, in most cases the sinus floor elevation will be deleted. Perforations may also occur due to irregularities in the sinus floor or even due to immediate contact of sinus mucosa with oral mucosa. Obstruction of the antro-nasal foramen is, due to its high location, not a likely complication, nor is the occurrence of severe haemorrhages since the trap door is in the periphery of the supplying vessels. Apart from these two aspects, a number of anatomical considerations are described in connection with sinus floor elevation.  相似文献   

目的研究牙槽嵴顶入路上颌窦底提升术后,上颌窦内黏膜囊肿的变化和囊肿区种植体周围的成骨情况,探讨上颌窦黏膜囊肿对牙槽嵴顶入路上颌窦底提升术的影响。 方法选取12例上颌后牙缺失骨量不足并患有上颌窦黏膜囊肿的患者,在不摘除窦腔内黏膜囊肿的情况下,经牙槽嵴顶入路提升上颌窦底同期植入种植体14枚。术前测量上颌窦底高度,术后当日测量种植体穿入窦底长度,术后1年测量穿入窦腔内的种植体周围成骨高度,观察黏膜囊肿对种植体周围成骨的影响。采用配对样本t检验对比术前-术后当日及术前-术后6个月黏膜囊肿投影面积变化,评估手术创伤与黏膜囊肿的相互的影响。 结果通过牙槽嵴顶入路上颌窦底提升术植入的种植体在含有上颌窦黏膜囊肿的上颌后牙区种植体周围成骨良好,术后6个月时全部14枚种植体形成良好骨结合。术前上颌窦底高度为(5.5 ± 1.4)mm,术中种植体穿入上颌窦长度为(2.9 ± 1.3)mm,上颌窦底厚度平均增加了(1.8 ± 1.0)mm。根据测量结果计算黏膜囊肿投影面积,术前(201.2 ± 184.0)mm2,术后当日(133.6 ± 187.6)mm2,术后6个月(134.5 ± 107.1)mm2。术前-术后6个月的成对差分均值及标准差[(66.6 ± 142.8)mm2]明显增大,说明术后6个月时黏膜囊肿的体积呈现出多样化的表现。术前-术后当日的黏膜囊肿投影面积相比显著减小,差异有统计学意义(t= 2.685,P= 0.021),术前-术后6个月的黏膜囊肿投影面积差异无统计学意义(t= 1.617,P= 0.134)。手术短期内会对上颌窦内黏膜囊肿造成一定的创伤,但未对上颌窦黏膜囊肿产生激惹、恶化等不良影响。 结论上颌窦内黏膜囊肿的存在不影响牙槽嵴顶入路上颌窦底提升术的实施与种植体周围成骨。  相似文献   

邵央婕  王柏翔  王慧明 《口腔医学》2021,41(10):923-927
上颌后牙区骨高度不足是种植手术常见的问题之一。而上颌窦底提升术拓宽了上颌后牙区种植的适应证。随着临床技术的进步和口腔材料学的发展,上颌窦底提升术的植骨策略不断更新。尽管上颌窦内的成骨机制尚未完全阐明,但上颌窦底提升术不植骨已经得到了越来越多的认可,如何选择和把握适应证是该策略的关键。经典传统的骨移植材料存在不同程度的缺陷,新型骨组织工程辅助材料应运而生,部分已得到临床应用。该文就上颌窦底提升术是否植骨、骨移植材料等方面的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

目的探讨山羊鼻窦黏膜的抗拉伸强度的差异并分析差异产生原因,为上颌窦提升术中涉及黏膜问题时提供理论依据和指导。方法从获取的每块鼻窦黏膜(上颌窦顶、上颌窦底及额窦黏膜)上切取所需大小的黏膜,以弹簧测力计及自制夹具测得抗拉伸强度数值,结果采用单因素方差分析。结果山羊上颌窦顶黏膜抗拉伸强度为(4.68±0.94)N;上颌窦底为(5.27±1.12)N;额窦为(1.97±0.46)N。上颌窦顶与额窦、上颌窦底与额窦黏膜抗拉伸强度的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),上颌窦顶与窦底黏膜抗拉伸强度的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论上颌窦顶、底黏膜均较额窦黏膜抗拉伸强度大,上颌窦顶黏膜与上颌窦底黏膜抗拉伸强度无差异。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to introduce a modified endoscopic lift of the floor of the maxillary sinus in beagles. Twelve operations (bilateral and randomly chosen) were done in 6 beagles each in the test group (modified endoscopic operation), and the control group, in which the operation was done with an osteotome. All operations were evaluated by two indices of safety (perforation of the sinus membrane and nasal bleeding) and 3effective indices (the intraoperative height after lifting, volume of bone grafts, and dislocation of the sinus grafts). The sinus membrane was not perforated and there were no nasal bleeds in either group. The intraoperative height after lifting was 13.7 (0.8) mm in the test group and 9.1 (0.5) mm in the control group, so it was significantly higher in the test group than the control group (p=0.0001). Similarly, the volume of bone graft was 0.9 (0.04) ml in the test group and 0.5 (0.02) ml in the control group (p=0.0001). The volume of the anterior and posterior bone grafts in the implant cavity in the test group did not differ significantly (p=0.102), while there were significant differences in the control group (p=0.002). Endoscopic lifting of the floor of the maxillary sinus is a safe and effective approach based on direct observation in beagles.  相似文献   

Maxillary sinus floor elevation, via the lateral approach, is one of the most predictable bone augmentation procedures performed in implant dentistry. but both intra‑ and postoperative complications can occur, and some of them are severe. Our aim is as follows:
  1. To review the pertinent literature on the topic, especially assessing the risk factors related to complications.
  2. To give clinical recommendations to minimize intra‑ and postoperative complications with the ultimate scope of improving the standard of clinical care and patient safety.

目的 评估不使用植骨材料的经牙槽嵴上颌窦提升术同期植入种植体的存留率,并分析相关影响因素.方法 收集2009-2012年接受上颌窦内提升术不使用植骨材料同期植入Bicon(R)种植体的病例46例,共植入种植体62枚,随访12 ~ 39个月,用Buser存留标准评估种植体存留率,记录边缘骨水平变化、剩余牙槽嵴高度、上颌窦底提升高度、随访时间、并发症等指标,分析可能的影响因素.结果 46例62枚种植体存留率98.39%,1枚种植体6个月时发现骨结合不良.术前测量剩余牙槽嵴高度范围2.83~9.83 mm,术后测量窦底提升范围1.00 ~ 4.86 mm,近、远中边缘骨水平平均变化为(-0.12±0.72)mm(t近中=-1.29,P近中=0.20),(-0.06±0.65)mm(t远中=-0.68,P远中=0.50).结论 上颌窦内提升术不使用植骨材料同期植入种植体存留率高,种植体周牙槽骨稳定,长期效果有待进一步观察.  相似文献   

目的:探讨上颌窦生理及病理性CBCT影像表现,为上颌窦提升术解剖定位和操作入路提供参考依据。方法:收集涉及上颌窦的CBCT资料,分析上颌窦解剖特征及病变。结果:1.上颌窦解剖结构位置及其比邻关系复杂;2.影响上颌窦提升术的解剖因素有生理及病理性两种:生理性如上颌窦内的分隔,上颌窦外侧壁的厚度,窦壁上存在的血管影像的粗细,病理性如窦腔内黏膜的增厚,上颌窦内的黏液囊肿,上颌窦内的大量积液等等。结论:CBCT能够准确地显示完整的上颌窦影像,利用CBCT确定解剖定位标志,确定上颌窦提升手术路径和方式,更符合安全、准确、微创的口腔种植理念。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨通过锥形束CT(CBCT)测量上颌窦宽度及角度,评估牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术骨移植稳定性的价值。方法: 选取行经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术并同期种植的78例患者为研究对象。所有患者术前、术后6个月均行CBCT检查,测量上颌窦宽度、角度及根端骨吸收量。分析影响牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术骨移植稳定性的因素,评估上颌窦宽度、上颌窦角度预测牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术骨移植稳定性的价值。采用SPSS 18.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果: 术后6个月种植体根端骨平均吸收量为(1.81±0.26)mm,其中,49例≤1.81 mm,29例>1.81mm。Logistic多因素回归分析显示,上颌窦宽度、上颌窦角度是影响牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术骨移植稳定性的独立因素(OR:3.873、4.518,95%CI:1.594~9.412、1.859~10.979,P<0.05)。ROC曲线分析显示,上颌窦宽度、上颌窦角度及两者联合预测牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术骨移植稳定性的AUC分别为0.764、0.742和0.908。结论: 上颌窦宽度和角度是影响牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术骨移植稳定性的指标,两者联合预测术后骨移植稳定性效能良好。  相似文献   

上颌窦底提升的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上颌窦底提升是有效解决上颌骨后部骨量不足的方法之一,能为后期种植体的成功植入提供保证。长期以来,利用自体髂骨提升上颌窦底被视为"金标准"。但取髂骨术后,疼痛、感染是其常见并发症。组织工程技术和细胞因子的应用,克服了传统方法的不足,成为上颌窦提升的新进展。本文就此作一综述。  相似文献   

目的通过羊经牙槽突上颌窦底提升法,对比0.012型号、0.014型号镍钛双级上颌窦黏膜剥离器以及伞形剥离器剥离窦底黏膜的效果。方法选择年龄1.5~2岁山羊24只,配伍组设计随机分成0.012型号组(A组)、0.014型号组(B组)、伞形剥离器组(C组),每组8只。建立动物模型,在上颌窦内提升冲顶后,3组分别向窦底的近中和远中剥离上颌窦黏膜至本器械的最大剥离限度或窦底黏膜穿孔时,测量剥离长度。结果A组平均剥离长度为12.41 mm±4.35 mm,2例出现上颌窦黏膜穿孔。B组平均剥离长度为23.38 mm±4.84 mm,1例出现上颌窦黏膜穿孔。C组平均剥离窦底黏膜长度是2.61 mm±0.30 mm。经方差分析计算得3组剥离上颌窦黏膜总体均值不全相同(P<0.01)。各组再行SNK法比较后得出,A、B、C组剥离窦底黏膜长度的均数差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论镍钛双级上颌窦黏膜剥离器在行上颌窦黏膜剥离能获得较大的黏膜剥离范围。0.014型号弹性及刃适中、安全,能够大面积剥离窦底黏膜。  相似文献   

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