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狂犬病诊治进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人类的狂犬病是一种中枢神经系统病毒感染性疾病,常由患狂犬病动物的唾液污染伤口而传染;一旦出现症状,病人基本上100%死亡,从狂犬病后康复的病例极为罕见,仅有3例报道。临床表现为特有的恐水怕风、咽肌痉挛、进行性瘫痪等。狂犬病在87个国家有流行,主要流行于东南亚、非洲及拉  相似文献   

布洛芬对乙酰氨基酚退热疗效对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耿涛 《医药论坛杂志》2007,28(1):103-103
长期以来,发热是儿科关注的问题,发热程度有助于判断病情,儿童多因与病情不成比例,轻微疾病即可出现发烧,父母常常不了解这一现象而引起不必要的恐慌,随意应用退热药即成为儿科普遍的现象[1].采用安全有效的退热药物值得临床探讨.  相似文献   

Cancer cachexia is a multifactorial metabolic syndrome that affects~50%–80%of cancer patients,and no effective therapy for cancer cachexia is presently available.In traditional Chinese medicine,a large portion of patients with cancer cachexia was diagnosed as spleen deficiency syndrome and treated with tonifying TCMs that produce clinic benefits.In this study we established a new animal model of spleen deficiency and cancer cachexia in mice and evaluated the therapeutic effects of atractylenolide I,an active component of tonifying TCM BaiZhu,in the mouse model.Cancer cachexia was induced in male BALB/c mice by inoculation of mouse C26 colon adenocarcinoma cells,whereas spleen deficiency syndrome was induced by treating the mice with spleen deficiency-inducing factors,including limited feeding,fatigue,and purging.The mouse model was characterized by both cachexia and spleen deficiency characteristics,including significant body weight loss,cancer growth,muscle atrophy,fat lipolysis,spleen,and thymus atrophy as compared with healthy control mice,cancer cachexia mice,and spleen deficiency mice.Oral administration of atractylenolide I(20 mg·kg?1per day,for 30 days)significantly ameliorated the reduction in body weight and atrophy of muscle,fat,spleen,and thymus in mice with spleen deficiency and cachexia.The established model of spleen deficiency and cancer cachexia might be useful in the future for screening possible anticachexia TCMs and clarifying their mechanisms.  相似文献   

许德珩一生精于摄生颐养,享年100岁.他的养生要诀主要有如下几条: 重视饮食条理 许老的饮食以清淡为主,定时定量,不饱食,不偏食,不挑食.早餐一般是一碗稀饭,一个小馒头,少许咸菜;午餐以蔬菜为主,加上少许牛肉(晚年不食猪肉),主食100克;晚餐则以素为主.一日三餐既不随意增减,更不暴饮暴食.饮酒微量,只喝一点果酒,不饮白酒等烈性酒.爱吃新鲜水果,不吃甜食.  相似文献   

浅谈如何加强医疗器械的管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
何刚明 《安徽医药》2006,10(10):795-796
医疗器械的应用在疾病的诊断、治疗及预防等各个环节都发挥着不可替代的作用,其质量的好坏直接关系到人民群众的身体健康和生命安危.2000年国务院颁布了第一部医疗器械监管法规-<医疗器械监督管理条例>,标志着我国医疗器械监管正式走上了法制化轨道,但是由于种种原因,目前我国在医疗器械的生产、经营以及使用等各个环节都存在着较为普遍和严重的问题,其监管已显得相对滞后,成为食品药品部门监管中的一个"软肋",以至于频频出现像钢板等植入性器械断裂现象和发生举国震惊的"眼球事件".本文就我县医疗器械的经营、使用现状和如何加强对医疗器械的监管作以下分析和探讨.  相似文献   

黑米因外皮乌黑而得名,又称补血糯米、贡米、黑珍珠,是一种具有诸多保健功效的珍贵稻米.黑米含有淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪、多种维生素,又含钙、磷、镁、铁、锌、钼、硒等多种矿物质和微量元素.黑米所含蛋白质不但比普通大米高37%,而且其中氨基酸的含量亦比白米高25.4%,人体所需的赖氨酸、精氨酸、氮氨酸、色氨酸等,黑米中也都具有,营养价值很高.  相似文献   

张禹 《家庭医药》2007,(10):29-29
痣 痣可发生在皮肤的任何部位,如面部、手掌、脚底、腰部、前胸、后背和阴囊等处.痣如出现下述现象,可能是癌变信号:反复发生感染;突然有痒感,不由自主地用手搔抓,甚至抓破出血;表面潮湿或有结痂形成;原为棕色,逐渐颜色变深变黑;有出血倾向,稍微触碰即发生出血;周围有炎性红晕,触之有痛感;痣上原有毛发突然自行脱落;痣的中央部出现硬结或自发性出血、溃疡形成和周围出现散在的呈卫星状小黑痣.  相似文献   

廖方平 《现代医药卫生》2008,24(13):1980-1980
1病例介绍病人,女,35岁,因突发下腹部疼痛半小时就诊,病史诉说欠清,(家属补充,腹痛时间约4~5年),查体:脉搏96次/分,血压84/60 mmHg,表情淡漠、四肢湿冷。全腹压痛呈板状腹,叩诊移动浊音可疑,以脐下压痛明显,B超提示腹腔内有少许积液,右侧卵巢囊肿,约44 cm大小。实验室检查白细胞16×109/L,中性0.80。考虑腹腔脏器穿孔,在全麻下行剖腹探查,取下腹正中切口进腹,腹腔内有臭味溢出,吸出浑浊性液体约250 ml,有食物残渣,距回盲部约50 cm处,向上见约45 cm长的回肠充血水肿  相似文献   

白新茹  杨学智 《齐鲁药事》2008,27(5):316-317
例1:患者男性,51岁,因患冠心病人院治疗.给予刺五加注射液60mL加5%葡萄糖250mL中静脉注射.输人约50mL时,患者面色潮红,瘙痒感,开始发现前臂有散在的米粒大小的红色小点,继而遍及颈、四肢部以及全身出现点状红色皮疹,甚痒.立即停药,给予扑尔敏、Vc、葡萄糖酸钙口服无效.改为肌注盐酸肾上腺素、静滴地塞米松,1天后上述症状逐渐减轻.  相似文献   

市运动会就要开幕了,体校的学生都在紧张地"备战",准备在运动会上崭露头角.小董一直是学校的"尖子生",这段时间练得更加刻苦.可是,最近每次锻炼小董都会感到小腹疼痛难忍,而且小便常常带血,他又怕去医院会耽误比赛,一直不敢告诉老师和家人.后来,还是同宿舍的小张告诉了老师.老师得知这种情况后,马上带着小董到了医院.医生做了X线摄片检查,才知道小董是患了尿路结石.  相似文献   

本文以天蓝色链霉菌(Streptomyces coelicolor)中黄色色素coelimycin生物合成调控及开发策略的研究进展为代表,介绍了链霉菌中沉默生物合成基因簇调控激活的新进展,为链霉菌天然产物基因簇的挖掘和新次级代谢产物的发现提供研究思路。  相似文献   

玫瑰孢链霉菌是重要抗生素达托霉素的产生菌。基因组挖掘发现该菌具有丰富的次级代谢产物合成潜力,激活沉默次级代谢产物生物合成基因簇,发现了10多种具有多种生物活性的次级代谢产物。本文回顾了玫瑰孢链霉菌次级代谢产物的研究进展,以及激活这些沉默生物合成基因簇的研究策略。这些研究为其他链霉菌基因组挖掘提供了有效的思路和方法学参考。  相似文献   

Streptomyces roseosporus is an important industrial producer of the first line antibiotic daptomycin. Genome mining has revealed a large cryptic secondary metabolism gene clusters. Several activation strategies have been applied to this strain and allowed the identification of over 10 secondary metabolites. This paper focuses on recent advances in the strategies for activating cryptic gene cluster in S. roseosporus by genomics  相似文献   

摘要:目的 获得链霉菌V-1-3的基因组序列信息,分析其次级代谢产物生物合成基因簇并预测其代谢产物,为发现潜在新抗生素奠定基础。方法 基于16S rRNA基因序列进行菌株属水平鉴定,利用Illumina HiSeq+PacBio测序技术对菌株V-1-3进行基因组测序,采用antiSMASH(v6.0.1)在线工具分析次级代谢产物生物合成基因簇,液-质联用技术检测产生的次级代谢产物。结果 链霉菌V-1-3基因组序列全长8 243 417 bp,平均(G+C)含量为72.14 %,共编码7578个基因,预测到33个生物合成基因簇,利用液-质联用检测到4个代谢物:oxalomycin B、geosmin、coelichelin和ishigamide。结论 来自盐碱地的链霉菌V-1-3具有丰富的次级代谢产物生物合成基因簇,能产生多种次级代谢产物,具有进一步发掘新抗生素的价值。  相似文献   

In the course of DNA-fingerprinting our strain collection for antibiotic biosynthesis genes, two different type II polyketide synthase (PKS) gene clusters were observed from Streptomyces sp. PGA64. Phylogenetic analysis placed these together with known rubromycin and angucycline biosynthetic gene clusters. The host strain itself has a very clean production profile of secondary metabolites, which composes mainly of rubromycin beta under typical fermentation conditions. Sequencing of a 16.5 kb fragment from the putative angucycline cluster revealed eight genes that were homologous to typical type II PKS genes responsible for synthesizing aromatic polyketides. These genes were especially similar to genes from known angucycline biosynthetic gene clusters and also synteny to these clusters was observed. In addition, three genes were recognized that are needed for priming the minimal PKS complex before polyketide synthesis can initiate, but which are not normally found to cluster with antibiotic biosynthesis genes. A putative repressor gene that was dissimilar to repressor genes found from well-characterized antibiotic biosynthesis gene clusters was also discovered. Gene disruption of the repressor resulted in partial activation of the cluster and production of two angucycline metabolites, UWM6 and rabelomycin. The results confirm that the DNA-fingerprinting method we have developed can be used to correctly detect compounds that are not visible in chemical screens.  相似文献   

链霉菌是抗生素研发的重要源泉,其种类繁多并且代谢产物活性广泛。目前发现的1000多种微生物生物活性物质中,由链霉菌属所产生的次生代谢产物中得到的抑菌活性物质约占2/3。白网链霉菌Streptomyces albireticuli MDJK11和白黄链霉菌Streptomyces albofavus MDJK44是从牡丹根际土壤中分离得到两株潜在的植物根际促生菌,全基因组测序结合生物信息学分析两株链霉菌具有丰富新颖的次生代谢生物合成基因簇,为深入研究两者的次生代谢产物,本文对Streptomyces albireticuli和Streptomyces albofavus链霉菌中已分离和基于基因组信息预测的次生代谢产物结构类型及生物活性进行综述,旨在为进一步开发两类微生物提供参考。  相似文献   

The aminocoumarin antibiotics novobiocin, clorobiocin and coumermycin A1 are produced by different Streptomyces strains. They are potent inhibitors of bacterial gyrase and topoisomerase IV, and novobiocin has been licensed as antibiotic for clinical use (Albamycin). They also have potential applications in oncology. The biosynthetic gene clusters of all three antibiotics have been cloned and sequenced, and the function of nearly all genes contained therein has been elucidated. Rapid and versatile methods have been developed for the heterologous expression of these biosynthetic gene clusters, and in Streptomyces coelicolor M512 as heterologous host these antibiotics were produced in yields comparable to those in the natural producer strains. lambda RED-mediated homologous recombination was used for genetic modification of the gene clusters in Escherichia coli. The phage PhiC31 attachment site and integrase functions were introduced into the cosmid backbones and employed for stable integration of the clusters into the genome of the heterologous hosts. Modification of the clusters by single or multiple gene replacements or gene deletions resulted in the formation of numerous new aminocoumarin derivatives, providing an efficient tool for the rational generation of antibiotics with modified structure. Additionally, many new antibiotics were generated by mutasynthesis experiments, i.e. the targeted deletion of genes required for the biosynthesis of a certain structural moiety of the antibiotic, and the replacement of this moiety by structural analogs which were added to the culture broth. The diversity of new structures obtained by this approach could be expanded by further genetic modifications of the gene deletion mutants, especially by expression of heterologous biosynthetic enzymes with appropriate substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Analyses of biosynthetic gene clusters derived from Streptomyces aculeolatus NRRL 18422 and Streptomyces sp. Eco86 indicated that both microorganisms have similar type I polyketide synthase (PKS) gene clusters with relatively few genes encoding post-PKS elaborative enzymes. However both gene clusters included a sequence coding for a relatively uncommon oxidative enzyme related to Baeyer-Villiger, flavin-type monooxygenases. Screening of culture extracts for compounds with the predicted physicochemical properties of the end products from these loci, led to the isolation of three 5-alkenyl-3,3(2H)-furanones, one (E-837, 1) from the former and two (E-492, 2, E-975, 3) from the latter strain. The structures, confirmed by spectral analyses including MS, and ID and 2D NMR experiments, were in accord with those predicted by genomic analyses. Baeyer-Villiger type oxidation is postulated to be involved in the formation of the furanone moieties in these molecules. All three new compounds were tested for their electron transport inhibitory activities. They had IC50 values of 1-4 microg/ml against Ascaris suum NADH-fumarate reductase and 1-12 microg/ml against bovine heart NADH oxidase.  相似文献   

Streptomyces is a genus of soil dwelling bacteria with the ability to produce natural products that have found widespread use in medicine. Annotation of Streptomyces genome sequences has revealed far more biosynthetic gene clusters than previously imagined, offering exciting possibilities for future combinatorial biosynthesis. Experiments to manipulate modular biosynthetic clusters to create novel chemistries often result in no detectable product or product yield is extremely low. Understanding the coupling between components in these hybrid enzymes will be crucial for efficient synthesis of new compounds. We are using new algebraic approaches to predict protein properties, and homologous recombination to exploit natural evolutionary constraints to generate novel functional enzymes. The methods and techniques developed could easily be adapted to study modular, multi-interacting complex systems where appreciable biochemical and comparative sequence data are available, for example, clinically significant non-ribosomally synthesised peptides and polyketides.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 探究锡林郭勒盟高原盐湖放线菌的多样性、新颖性及抗菌活性,为新型抗菌活性产物的发掘储备菌种资源。方 法 采用20种分离培养基,以平板涂布法分离放线菌;依据16S rRNA基因的同源性对菌株进行分子鉴定;PCR检测代表菌株的I型聚 酮合酶(PKS I)、II型聚酮合酶(PKS II)和非核糖体多肽合成酶(NRPS)功能基因;菌株的发酵液上清和菌体分别经乙酸乙酯和丙酮提取, 提取样品经纸片扩散法进行抗菌活性检测。目标菌株合成次级代谢产物的能力通过antiSMASH对基因组序列进行分析预测。结果 从 7份盐湖土壤样品中分离获得了365株放线菌,其分布于放线菌纲的8个目15个科28个属,优势菌属为链霉菌属和拟诺卡菌属。分离获 得的链霉菌新颖性突出,13株链霉菌与近缘菌株16S rRNA基因的最高相似度≤98.0%,推测其归属于10个链霉菌属新种。受试放线菌 对革兰阳性菌的抗菌活性显著,并从中筛选出3株抗菌作用强且抗菌谱较广的链霉菌;20株受试放线菌同时含有3种抗生素生物合成基 因。菌株XMNu-295基因组含有24个潜在的次级代谢产物生物合成基因簇,以聚酮类、非核糖体多肽类和萜烯类等为主。结论 锡林 郭勒盟高原盐湖中可培养放线菌多样性较为丰富,新颖性突出,目标菌株值得进一步开展次级代谢产物的化学研究。  相似文献   

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