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During muscle contraction, work is generated when a myosin cross-bridge attaches to an actin filament and exerts a force on it through some power-stroke distance, h. At the end of this power stroke, attached myosin heads are carried into regions where they exert a negative force on the actin filament (the drag stroke) and where they are released rapidly from actin by ATP binding. Although the length of the power stroke remains controversial, average distance traversed in the drag-stroke region can be determined when one knows both rate of cross-bridge dissociation and filament-sliding velocity. At maximum contraction velocity, the average force exerted in the drag stroke must balance that exerted in the power stroke. We discuss here a simple model of cross-bridge interaction that allows one to calculate the force exerted in the drag stroke and to relate this to the power-stroke distance h traversed by cross-bridges in the positive-force region. Both the rate at which myosin can be dissociated from actin and the velocity at which an actin filament can be translated have been measured for a series of myosin isozymes and for different substrates, producing a wide range of values for each. Nonetheless, we show here that the rate of myosin dissociation from actin correlates well with the velocity of filament sliding, providing support for the simple model presented and suggesting that the power stroke is approximately 10 nm in length.  相似文献   

Current evidence favors the theory that, when the globular motor domain of myosin attaches to actin, the light chain binding domain or "lever arm" rotates, and thereby generates movement of actin filaments. Myosin is uniquely designed for such a role in that a long alpha-helix (approximately 9 nm) extending from the C terminus of the catalytic core is stabilized by two calmodulin-like molecules, the regulatory light chain (RLC) and the essential light chain (ELC). Here, we introduce a single-point mutation into the skeletal myosin RLC, which results in a large (approximately 50%) reduction in actin filament velocity (V(actin)) without any loss in actin-activated MgATPase activity. Single-molecule analysis of myosin by optical trapping showed a comparable 2-fold reduction in unitary displacement or step size (d), without a significant change in the duration of the strongly attached state (tau(on)) after the power stroke. Assuming that V(actin) approximately d/tau(on), we can account for the change in velocity primarily by a change in the step size of the lever arm without incurring any change in the kinetic properties of the mutant myosin. These results suggest that a principal role for the many light chain isoforms in the myosin II class may be to modulate the flexural rigidity of the light chain binding domain to maximize tension development and movement during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The interrelations among four methods of expressing the results of lipid determinations in the intima of the abdominal aorta were examined using rank order and product moment correlation methods. The rank order correlations among the four methods were all uniformly high (0.90 or better), indicating that the method of expressing results of lipid analyses is not important when ranking by amount of lipid is the object. The product moment correlations showed a pattern of strong association when the methods paired are expressions of either “content” (mg lipid per z abdominal aorta vs mg lipid per unit area of aorta, R = 0.980) or “concentration” (mg lipid per dry weight of tissue vs mg lipid per dry defatted weight of tissue, R = 0.980). Correlations of paired methods that express “content” and “concentration” were lower and share only about 50% of common variability. This result can be interpreted as evidence that it is worthwhile to consider reporting chemical findings in reference to units of intimal (or artery) area as well as to unit of weight. If both methods are used some of the problems in interpreting chemical findings in the arterial wall may be clarified.  相似文献   

M Homeida  C J Roberts  M Halliwell  A E Read    R A Branch 《Gut》1979,20(7):596-601
Liver size has been estimated clinically and by a non-invasive ultrasound technique in 16 normal subjects, 16 patients with cirrhosis, 10 patients with chronic biliary obstruction, and three patients with primary hepatoma. Antipyrine disposition was also measured in each subject. Hepatomegaly was not clinically detectable until there was approximately a 20% increase in liver size. Additional increases in size correlated significantly with clinical estimates of hepatomegaly. Antipyrine clearance had a three-fold range in normal subjects. Its mean value was significantly reduced in each subgroup of patients with liver disease. However, 48% of patients with liver disease had values within the normal range. In normal subjects there was a significant correlation between antipyrine clearance and liver volume. Thus, intersubject variation in clearance normalised for liver volume was less than clearance alone. Antipyrine clearance normalised for liver volume in patients with liver disease was significantly lower than in normal subjects and there was no overlap with normal subjects. In conclusion, assessment of drug metabolising efficiency per unit volume of liver increased the discrimination in differentiating subjects with normal from abnormal livers.  相似文献   

Myosin subfragment 1 (S-1) with its two reactive cysteine groups crosslinked by N,N'-p-phenylenedimaleimide (pPDM), is shown to be a stable analogue of S-1 X ATP and S-1 X ADP X Pi, the predominant complexes present during the steady-state hydrolysis of ATP by S-1. pPDM-S-1 binds to actin with about twice the affinity of S-1 X ATP or S-1 X ADP X Pi, whereas its affinity is 1/100th of that of S-1 X 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate and 1/1,000th of that of S-1 X ADP. pPDM-S-1 is also similar to S-1 X ATP and S-1 X ADP X Pi in that its binding to actin is not inhibited by troponin-tropomyosin. In contrast, the binding of S-1, S-1 X ADP, and S-1 X 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate to actin is markedly inhibited by troponin-tropomyosin in the absence of Ca2+ when actin is in large excess over S-1. This suggests that modifying S-1 with pPDM stabilizes a conformation which mimics that induced by the binding of ATP.  相似文献   

The modulatory role of whole cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C) on myosin force and motion generation was assessed in an in vitro motility assay. The presence of cMyBP-C at an approximate molar ratio of cMyBP-C to whole myosin of 1:2, resulted in a 25% reduction in thin filament velocity (P < 0.002) with no effect on relative isometric force under maximally activated conditions (pCa 5). Cardiac MyBP-C was capable of inhibiting actin filament velocity in a concentration-dependent manner using either whole myosin, HMM or S1, indicating that the cMyBP-C does not have to bind to myosin LMM or S2 subdomains to exert its effect. The reduction in velocity by cMyBP-C was independent of changes in ionic strength or excess inorganic phosphate. Co-sedimentation experiments demonstrated S1 binding to actin is reduced as a function of cMyBP-C concentration in the presence of ATP. In contrast, S1 avidly bound to actin in the absence of ATP and limited cMyBP-C binding, indicating that cMyBP-C and S1 compete for actin binding in an ATP-dependent fashion. However, based on the relationship between thin filament velocity and filament length, the cMyBP-C induced reduction in velocity was independent of the number of cross-bridges interacting with the thin filament. In conclusion, the effects of cMyBP-C on velocity and force at both maximal and submaximal activation demonstrate that cMyBP-C does not solely act as a tether between the myosin S2 and LMM subdomains but likely affects both the kinetics and recruitment of myosin cross-bridges through its direct interaction with actin and/or myosin head.  相似文献   

The Lymn-Taylor model for the actomyosin ATPase suggests that during each cycle of ATP hydrolysis the complex of myosin subfragment 1 (S-1) with actin must dissociate into S-1.ATP plus actin before ATP hydrolysis can occur. In the present study we tested whether such a mandatory detachment step occurs by measuring the effect of actin on the rate and magnitude of the ATP hydrolysis step (initial Pi burst) and on the steady-state ATPase rate. We find that the rate of the initial Pi burst markedly increases at high actin concentration although the Lymn-Taylor model predicts the rate should remain nearly constant or decrease. In addition, at high actin concentration, the magnitude of the initial Pi burst is much larger than is predicted by the Lymn-Taylor model. Finally, at 360 microM actin, at which more than 90% of the S-1.ATP is bound to actin, there is no inhibition of the steady-state ATPase activity although the Lymn-Taylor model predicts that 70% inhibition should occur. We conclude that the acto-S-1 complex is not dissociated by ATP during each cycle of ATP hydrolysis; in fact, the rate of the initial Pi burst appears to be even faster when S-1.ATP is bound to actin than when it is dissociated.  相似文献   

P H?g?  B Falkanger 《Blood》1979,53(6):1172-1181
Erythroid colony formation in methyl cellulose has been used for the measurement of erythropoietin in plasma. Livers from newborn mice less than 24 hr old were found to provide convenient target cells. Newborn mouse liver contains a substantial number of erythroid colony-forming cells (CFU-e) that have a high sensitivity to erythropoietin, the dose--response curve for erythropoietin reaching a plateau at 50 mU/ml. As little as 0.5 m/ml of the hormone is detectable. Removal of cells that adhered to glass prior to culturing doubled the number of colonies formed in the presence of erythropoietin. Addition of untreated plasmas that showed high erythropoietin titers in the exhypoxic polycythemic mice assay gave variable results. Some of the plasmas stimulated colony formation actively and in a linear fashion. However, the majority of the plasmas were toxic to the cultures. Dialyzing the plasmas for 3 days against distilled water effectively removed the toxicity. Results obtained with the method are in good agreement with the values found using the exhypoxic polycythemic mice assay.  相似文献   

Bioassay and immunoassay techniques for the measurement of ACTH in human plasma have provided sensitive and specific results but have also met with some skepticism as to their reliability in some clinical circumstances. The recent development of a supersensitive two-site immunoradiometric assay for ACTH may resolve sole of the limitations of previous assays and greatly facilitate the evaluation of pituitary-adrenal disorders.  相似文献   

Target inactivation analysis was used to determine the functional size of the charybdotoxin (ChTX) receptor in aortic and tracheal sarcolemmal membrane vesicles. This receptor has previously been shown to be an integral component of the high-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (Maxi-K) channel in these smooth muscles. Exposure of either bovine aortic or bovine tracheal sarcolemma to high-energy irradiation results in disappearance of 125I-labeled ChTX binding activity as a monoexponential function of radiation dose; from these functions molecular masses of 88 +/- 10 kDa and 89 +/- 6 kDa, respectively, can be calculated. Similar results were obtained from radiation inactivation studies with the detergent-solubilized ChTX receptor from aortic sarcolemmal membranes. The effect of radiation on 125I-labeled ChTX binding is to decrease the number of functional ChTX receptors without affecting the affinity of receptors for the toxin, indicating that radiation is destroying, rather than altering, the binding site. The validity of the radiation inactivation technique in these membrane preparations is supported by data obtained in parallel experiments in which target sizes of the alpha 1 subunit of the L-type Ca2+ channel and 5'-nucleotidase were measured. The molecular masses determined for these entities are in excellent agreement with those expected from previous studies. The present data are discussed in terms of the recently determined subunit composition of the smooth muscle Maxi-K channel. In light of the target size, a single alpha beta subunit heterodimer complex could serve as the ChTX receptor.  相似文献   

We describe two assays to detect the action of colony-inhibiting cells. In the first assay, we used a simple density separation technique to remove dense neutrophils (PMN) from suspensions of blood and of bone marrow cells prior to culture in semisolid agar. Conditions were arranged to ensure that control suspensions of unseparated cells and test suspensions of buoyant mononuclear cells differed only in their content of neutrophils. The control and test suspensions contained equal numbers of mononuclear cells (and granulocyte precursors). Colony (and cluster) formation was invariably enhanced in neutrophil-depleted cultures of normal cells. In the second assay, dense PMN, treated by an adherence separation procedure, were recovered, and the non-adherent dense PMN were added back to PMN-depleted cultures. A reproducible dose-related decrease in colony (and cluster) formation to basal levels resulted. The inhibitory effect was identical when the PMN were added directly to the culture (overlayer) or to the underlayer. In PMN-depleted cultures obtained from patients with leukemia and other hemopoietic disorders, neither colony nor cluster formation was enhanced, and sometimes it was reduced. When we compared the effect of adding patient and normal non-adherent PMN to target cultures of normal and patient PMN-depleted cells, some leukemic PMN were noninhibitory. Our results suggest that abnormalities of cellular interactions in vitro detected in the first assay may have more than one explanation, as shown when they are subjected to the closer scrutiny possible with the second assay.  相似文献   

Spleen colony formation after transplantation of bone marrow cells into irradiated mice has been used as an assay for hematopoietic stem cells (CFU-S), but has serious limitations intrinsic to an in vivo assay. In this report we describe experiments using an in vitro clonogenic assay that is especially suitable for studies of stem cell regulation as defined growth factors and normal untreated bone marrow can be used. We have demonstrated that the colony-forming cells have proliferative properties in common with CFU-S and respond to specific proliferation regulators previously detected using the spleen colony assay.  相似文献   

A change in the conformation of the active site of scallop myosin under the influence of regulatory amounts of Ca2+ has been identified by use of the ADP photoaffinity analog 2-[(4-azido-2-nitrophenyl)amino]ethyl diphosphate (NANDP). NANDP, trapped at the active site with Mn2+ and vanadate, photolabeled preferentially Arg-128 of the heavy chain in the absence of added Mg2+ and Ca2+ [Kerwin, B. & Yount, R. (1992) Bioconjugate Chem. 3, 328-336]. However, addition of 2 mM Mg2+ and regulatory amounts of Ca2+ (0.01-1 microM) shifted the predominant labeling to Cys-198 of the heavy chain in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. This Ca(2+)-dependent change in the photolabeling pattern was absent when the regulatory light chains were removed or when the unregulated head (subfragment 1) was examined under similar conditions. These results demonstrate that both Arg-128 and Cys-198 are part of the purine binding site which undergoes a conformational change in response to Ca2+ binding to the regulatory domain.  相似文献   

Strand displacement amplification is an isothermal DNA amplification reaction based on a restriction endonuclease nicking its recognition site and a polymerase extending the nick at its 3' end, displacing the downstream strand. The reaction resembles rolling-circle replication of single-stranded phages and small plasmids. The displaced sense strand serves as target for an antisense reaction and vice versa, resulting in exponential growth and the autocatalytic nature of this in vitro reaction as long as the template is the limiting agent. We describe the optimization of strand displacement amplification for in vitro evolution experiments under serial transfer conditions. The reaction was followed and controlled by use of the fluorescent dye thiazole orange binding to the amplified DNA. We were able to maintain exponential growth conditions with a doubling time of 3.0 min throughout 100 transfers or approximately 350 molecular generations by using an automatic handling device. Homology of in vitro amplification with rolling-circle replication was mirrored by the occurring evolutionary processes. Deletion events most likely caused by a slipped mispairing mechanism as postulated for in vivo replication took place. Under our conditions, the mutation rate was high and a molecular quasi-species formed with a mutant lacking internal hairpin formation ability and thus outgrowing all other species under dGTP/dCTP deficiency.  相似文献   

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