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在我国新型农村合作医疗的运行过程中存在卫生部门、社保中心及商业保险公司3种经办模式.从经办机构的管理模式、成本管理模式、基金管理模式等方面论述我国新型农村合作医疗不同经办模式的特点.  相似文献   

在我国新型农村合作医疗的运行过程中存在卫生部门、社保中心及商业保险公司3种经办模式。从经办机构的管理模式、成本管理模式、基金管理模式等方面论述我国新型农村合作医疗不同经办模式的特点。  相似文献   

建立新型农村合作医疗制度是新时期农村卫生工作的重要内容.在新型农村合作医疗试点工作中,在全国范围内主要形成了由卫生局设立合管办负责兑付补偿及其他管理工作、医保中心仅负责兑付补偿、委托商业保险公司仅负责兑付补偿3种运作管理模式.通过分析现行3种运作管理模式各自的利与弊,旨在总结经验与取长补短,为完善新型农村合作医疗制度及其相关政策提供依据.  相似文献   

新型农村合作医疗制度正在我国试点,其成败很大程度上取决于科学的管理模式。其中,保险公司参与新型农村合作医疗的实践是目前较有代表性的管理模式之一。对商业保险参与河南省新乡市新型农村合作医疗工作的基本模式、运行成效进行了探讨。  相似文献   

建立新型农村合作医疗制度是新时期农村卫生工作的重要内容。在新型农村合作医疗试点工作中,全国范围内主要形成了由卫生局设立合管办负责兑付补偿及其它管理工作、医保中心仅负责兑付补偿、委托商业保险公司仅负责兑付补偿三种运作管理模式。文章通过分析现行三种运作管理模式各自的利与弊,旨在总结经验与取长补短,为完善新型农村合作医疗制度及其相关政策提供依据。  相似文献   

保险公司参与新型农村合作医疗工作管理模式探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新型农村合作医疗制度正在我国试点,其成败很大程度上取决于科学的管理模式.其中,保险公司参与新型农村合作医疗的实践是目前较有代表性的管理模式之一.对商业保险参与河南省新乡市新型农村合作医疗工作的基本模式、运行成效进行了探讨.  相似文献   

国家政策规定,到2 0 10年,实现在全国建立基本覆盖农村居民的新型农村合作医疗制度的目标,新疆地区必须建立新疆新型合作医疗制度。我们依据新型农村合作医疗政策文件要求、文献资料的查阅、结合新疆农村实际情况,研讨提出新疆新型农村合作医疗组织机构设置和基金运行管理模式。1 资料与方法1.1 资料来源 《中共中央、国务院关于进一步加强农村卫生工作的决定》(中发[2 0 0 2 ]13号)和《国务院办公厅转发卫生部等部门关于建立新型农村合作医疗制度的意见的通知》(国办发[2 0 0 3]3号)文件以及《新型农村合作医疗培训讲义(试用)》(2 0 0 3…  相似文献   

新型农村合作医疗基金管理模式的选择   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
2005年初,国务院决定继续扩大新型农村合作医疗在全国的试点工作,并要求各地认真落实,这标志着全国新型农村合作医疗试点工作又向前迈出了一步。但笔者认为,要确保新型农村合作医疗的可持续发展,必须选择合适的基金管理模式。  相似文献   

福建省在推行新型农村合作医疗工作过程中,形成3种运作管理模式:模式1是由卫生行政部门主导的模式;模式2是由劳动保障部门管理的医保中心仅承担兑付补偿业务的模式;模式3是由当地政府委托保险公司仅承担新农合兑付补偿业务的模式.应用定性研究方法对三明和泉州两设区市3种模式进行调查分析,旨在分析现行3种模式各自的利与弊、总结经验与取长补短,为完善新型农村合作医疗制度及其相关政策的制定提供依据.  相似文献   

大理州新型农村合作医疗两种门诊补偿方式运行效果分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
民心工程--新型农村合作医疗制度(以下简称新农合)于2003年8月起在云南省大理州弥渡、宾川两个县进行试点,两县根据实门诊际,分别采取了家庭帐户和门诊统筹两种补偿模式.通过两年的运行,为探索新农合试点中不同管理模式的运行效果,州新型农村合作医疗管理办公室对设立家庭帐户的弥渡县和实行门诊统筹的宾川县的试点工作进行了调查研究分析,以期为新型农村合作医疗制度在全州推进提供科学的指导和政策依据.  相似文献   

经济欠发达地区政府卫生保障措施不到位情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对一些欠发达地区政府卫生保障措施不到位问题的剖析。揭示这些问题给公共卫生体系建设所带来的不良影响,提出必须高度重视和切实解决这些问题.在强化“三种意识”和科学定额的前提下,探索三种卫生保障管理模式。  相似文献   

本文从医疗保障管理体制的三种模式出发,研究了国际上医疗保障管理体制的总体情况,分析了不同医疗保障制度模式在统筹管理医疗保障与医疗服务方面所呈现的四个趋势,并在此基础上讨论了我国基本医疗保障管理体制的走向及实现路径。  相似文献   

上海市闵行区糖尿病管理模式探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索适合闵行区实际的糖尿病管理模式。方法在按照上海市疾控中心要求开展示范点糖尿病管理的基础上,在全区普遍开展分级管理,在试点社区开展自我管理和群组看病。结果在城市社区建立了自我管理模式、在农村社区建立了群组看病模式的糖尿病管理体系。结论闵行区地域面积大,经济文化背景较为复杂,需要探索不同的管理方法以适应不同糖尿病患者的需求。  相似文献   

As many industries face uncertain and changing environments, strategic alliances are rapidly emerging as a vehicle for interorganizational cooperation. Similarly in health care, alliances represent a mechanism for organizations to seek collaborative solutions to common problems. Drawing on a general typology, alliances in health care are categorized as service, opportunistic, or stakeholder alliances. Existing health care alliances serve to illustrate and characterize the purpose, structure, and operation of each of the three types. Strategic alliances offer significant challenges in managing the inherently fragile relationships within these emerging organizational forms. These challenges center around issues of commitment (v. control) as the underlying managerial philosophy; expectations for alliance performance; managing relationships, communication, and operations; member participation in alliance programs and activities; and stability of alliances over time. Alliances require new ways of thinking about organizations. Sensitivity to their unique characteristics and understanding the factors that can lead to their success are essential to managing them effectively.  相似文献   

With profound changes in reimbursement policy on the horizon, organizations are preparing a variety of responses to ensure long-term success. Most are anticipating decreases in reimbursement rates from most payers. Whether due to nonpayment for hospital-acquired complications and infections, reductions due to high readmission rates, or a move toward value-based purchasing and bundled payment models, the impact is predicted to be substantial. Because of these sweeping changes, organizations must quickly prepare a thoughtful, effective response to ensure their financial stability. At the heart of these global changes in reimbursement, including those in the healthcare reform legislation, is a drive toward integration, the formation of integrated delivery systems in response to changing financial incentives. However, the new integrated systems must be not just an assemblage of the required components, but a true functional integration in which patients experience a seamless continuum of care that is highly coordinated, efficient, effective, and accessible. In this article, we'll address changes in reimbursement and recommended responses from three perspectives. First, we offer a three-pronged approach for managing general decreases in reimbursement. Second, we highlight strategies for managing nonpayment for readmissions, focusing on the demonstration project in the state of Michigan, MI STAAR. And finally, we review managing patient care in an environment of bundled payment, including the interventions at the center of the PROMETHEUS demonstration project.  相似文献   

This study examined the implementation of a model of managing aggressive and harmful behaviour in an adolescent in-patient psychiatric unit. This model, Positive Behaviour Management, replaced a previous model, Control and Restraint, which was considered unsuitable. Both models included the use of physical interventions, and the research into such techniques is considered. The aims of the study were to evaluate the effects of three training courses on staff confidence in managing aggressive behaviour, knowledge about good practice and staff satisfaction with the new model. A multiple baseline design was used to examine change before, during and after the training period, and at one-year follow-up. The study found that staff confidence increased significantly following training but had returned to baseline levels by the time of follow-up. Staff knowledge significantly increased during the study periods but did not appear to be directly linked to the training courses, and was maintained at one-year follow-up. Staff reported significantly higher levels of satisfaction with the new model than with the previous model, which were maintained at follow-up. The findings of the study and the difficulties encountered are discussed in relation to similar findings elsewhere.  相似文献   

Centuries of scientific advances and developments in biomedical sciences have brought us a long way to understanding and managing disease processes, by reducing them to simplified cause-effect models. For most of the infectious diseases known today, we have the methods and technology to identify the causative agent, understand the mechanism by which pathology is induced and develop the treatment (drugs, vaccines, medical or surgical procedures) to cure, manage or control.  相似文献   

网络化管理中病案首页录入的质量控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影响病案首页数据准确性的因素有人为因素、工作模式因素和软件因素三方面。提高病案首页质量的措施在于,加强医务人员使用计算机的技能和填写规范的训练;提高网络应用管理水平;把好病案首页质量关;定期讲评,责任到人;完善软件的校验功能,  相似文献   

基于医院管理视角谈感染防控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院感染防控是医院管理的重要内容.从医院管理的角度在技术、经济和管理等三个层面对医院感染的防控进行再认识,进而针对性地提出改变管理理念、优化制度机制和构筑感控平台三项策略,为医院各级管理者正确处理医院感染防控中的矛盾问题和新情况提供参考.  相似文献   

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