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用欧洲标准变应原系列检测变应性接触性皮炎   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 观察欧洲标准变应原系列在我国斑贴试验应用中的可行性。方法 对 181例门诊患者进行了斑贴试验。其中确诊变应性接触性皮炎患者 46例 ,非变应性接触性皮炎患者 2 6例 ,可疑变应性接触性皮炎患者 10 9例。结果 确诊变应性接触性皮炎患者中阳性 45例 ;非变应性接触性皮炎患者阳性 6例 ;斑贴试验的灵敏度为 97.8% ,特异度 76.9% ,准确性 90 .3 % ,阳性预测值 88.2 % ,阴性预测值 95 .2 %。除瘙痒外 ,未见不良反应。可疑变应性接触性皮炎患者结果与以往报告类似。结论 该试剂在我国应用安全有效。  相似文献   

目的:了解变应性接触性皮炎常见的过敏原。方法:采用瑞敏斑贴试验器,对2011年2月至2015年7月到我院就诊的534例变应性接触性皮炎患者进行斑贴试验,并对试验结果进行统计分析。结果:534例受试者中1项或1项以上阳性反应的有471例,总阳性率88.20%。阳性反应率较高的变应原依次是:重铬酸钾(61.78%)、氯化钴(53.29%)、硫酸镍(43.10%)、芳香混合物(34.61%)、卡巴混合物(33.33%)。结论:重铬酸钾、氯化钴、硫酸镍、芳香混合物、卡巴混合物是本地变应性接触性皮炎的常见过敏原。斑贴试验是检测变应性接触性皮炎过敏原安全、有效、简便的方法。  相似文献   

目的:了解本地区变应性接触性皮炎(ACD)患者常见变应原。方法:采用由瑞典化学诊断AB公司研发生产的中国筛查系列CH-1000对287例ACD患者进行斑贴试验。结果:287例ACD患者中有139例阳性,阳性率48.4%,与健康对照组(阳性率6.7%)相比较,其差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),最常见5种变应原依次为:硫酸镍、芳香混合物、氯化钴、CL+Me异-噻唑(卡松CG)、卡巴混合物。结论:斑贴试验是明确ACD患者变应原的一种安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的了解化妆品变应原的种类,为预防化妆品过敏提供流行病学资料和临床依据。方法对疑似有接触过敏史的患者做斑贴试验和进行问卷调查。结果共入选599例,其中93例为临床诊断为化妆品变应性接触性皮炎,48例为试验确证为化妆品变应性接触性皮炎,面霜和染发剂是主要的过敏化妆产品。结论对苯二胺、芳香混合物、阿莫醇和阿必醇是化妆品变应性接触性皮炎的主要致敏原。  相似文献   

目的:分析职业性变应性接触性皮炎(OACD)患者临床特征和致敏变应原.方法:对可疑患者进行标准系列变应原斑贴试验.结果:共诊断7例OACD.6例患者怀疑皮炎可能与工作环境有关.常见职业致敏变应原为镍、秋兰姆混合物、环氧树脂和对苯二胺.结论:标准系列变应原斑贴试验可以确定常见职业变应原.  相似文献   

季节性接触性皮炎花粉斑贴试验阳性部位皮肤IgE检测   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
最近研究表明,在季节性接触性皮炎患者中进行花粉斑贴试验[1]或皮肤划痕试验[2,3]呈阳性湿疹样过敏反应.季节性接触性皮炎患者血清总IgE水平、花粉变应原特异性IgE阳性率均高于非季节性变态反应性接触性皮炎[1].为了观察季节性接触性皮炎局部皮损中IgE状况,我们利用花粉变应原行斑贴试验.对阳性过敏反应部位进行免疫组化检查,结果报道如下.  相似文献   

 目的:分析重庆地区化妆品变应性接触性皮炎患者主要化妆品成分变应原,以便指导患者合理选择和使用化妆品,降低皮炎的发生率。方法:选取我院皮肤科门诊确诊为化妆品变应性接触性皮炎的193例患者进行化妆品成分斑贴试验,并对结果作统计学分析。结果:斑贴试验总阳性率为69.43%,合并2种及2种以上变应原的患者占50.26%,阳性率前5位的变应原分别为硫柳汞、十二烷基硫酸钠、尼泊金酯、三乙醇胺和乙二胺;女性斑贴试验阳性率为73.33%,明显高于男性,差异有统计学意义(X2=9.67,P<0.05);青年组明显高于其他年龄组,差异有统计学意义( X2=36.79,P<0.05)。结论:硫柳汞、十二烷基硫酸钠、尼泊金酯、三乙醇胺和乙二胺5种物质是重庆地区化妆品变应性接触性皮炎患者主要的致敏成分。化妆品变应性接触性皮炎患者以女性为主,中青年多见。  相似文献   

关于接触性皮炎斑贴试验标准抗原的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
按照TROLAB欧洲标准抗原(简称欧抗)的成分和浓度,用国产试剂配制了一套仿制抗原(筒称仿抗).通过显微镜下对仿抗中12种抗原颗粒分布均匀性及颗粒大小这两项质量指标的检测,并与欧抗进行对比.又通过临床204例皮炎患者两套抗原同时斑试对比,结果证实仿抗完全达到欧抗质量水平.临床204例欧抗斑试总阳性率为58.33%,其中阳性率在2%以上的有13种抗原.对85例欧抗斑试阴性者中36例还根据病史进行可疑物斑试.  相似文献   

引起接触性皮炎的原因很多,吸入性变应原的花粉是其中原因之一。花粉是一种大分子物质[1]与,一般性变态反应接触性皮炎的抗原(分子量小于10KD)有差异。本文用花粉变应原在季节性接触性皮炎的病人进行斑贴试验。现报告如下。资料及方法临床资料 临床诊断依据[2]:(1)鲜花盛开期,急性发作,好发于面、手部,皮损呈红斑、水肿,红斑上覆针头大丘疹;(2)排除其它因素引起的急性皮炎;(3)无光敏感。临床符合上述标准者共15例(女11,男4),年龄20~40岁,平均33.27岁。病程1~10年,皮损于面部12例,手部2例,面和手部1例。方法 (1)花粉斑贴试验方法:花粉…  相似文献   

BackgroundPara-phenylenediamine (PPD) is the primary patch test screening agent for hair dye contact allergy (HDCA). However, no recent studies have been published that describe the results of reactions to patch tests using PPD and hair dyes in Korea.ObjectiveTo analyze the results of the patch tests to PPD using the thin-layer rapid use epicutaneous (TRUE) Test system in patients with HDCA and to investigate patients'' awareness that hair dyes contains allergens, which cause the development of HDCA.MethodsEighty-four patients with suspected HDCA (32 men and 52 women) underwent patch testing using the TRUE Test system and their own hair dyes. The patients'' demographic data, behavior associated with hair dyeing, and clinical manifestations of HDCA were examined retrospectively.ResultsPositive patch-test reactions to hair dyes occurred in 53.6% of patients who used hair dyes, and they were diagnosed with HDCA. Although there was a significant correlation between HDCA and PPD sensitization (p=0.001), only 40% of the patients with HDCA showed positive reactions to PPD. Of the 45 patients diagnosed with HDCA, only 7 (15.6%) were aware that their hair dyes contained allergens that caused HDCA.ConclusionThis study''s findings show that PPD is an effective HDCA marker. However, we propose that investigations on hair dye components other than PPD should be conducted to develop and validate additional predictive HDCA markers.  相似文献   

Wide variations in the reproducibility rate of positive patch test responses have been reported. We hypothesized that a major source of non-reproducibility resides in the methodological pitfalls of routine patch testing. Simultaneous duplicate patch testing on opposite sides of the upper back was performed on 500 consecutive patients, using the TRUE Test system consisting of 2 panels, each one containing 12 standard allergens. A rigorous methodological design was applied and relevance was assessed for all discordant patch test reactions. A total of 435 positive patch test reactions were observed either on one or both sides in 289 patients (58.8%). Of these, 22 (5%) were discordant, i.e. interpreted as positive allergic on one side whilst negative or doubtful on the opposite side. The allergens responsible for discordant reactions were nickel sulfate (4 patients), cobalt chloride (3), lanolin alcohol (3), fragrance mix (2), carba mix (2), thiuram mix (2), colophonium (1), potassium dichromate (1), p-phenylenediamine (1), formaldehyde (1), balsam of Peru (Myroxylon pereirae resin) (1) and thimerosal (1). Of the 19 (4%) patients with discordant patch test reactions, the allergen was deemed to be of definite present or past relevance in 9 patients (1.8% of the total and 3.1% of all patients with positive patch test reactions) and of possible relevance in a further 2 patients. These data suggest that patch testing is a reasonably reproducible procedure as long as methodological error is minimized.  相似文献   

Contact allergens in patients with leg ulcers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background Contact dermatitis can complicate the treatment of leg ulcers and is an acquired phenomenon resulting from the use of topical medications.
Objective To show the incidence of contact dermatitis reactions to topical medications applied to leg ulcers and to evidence changing trends in such reactions through comparison of two case series about 20 years apart.
Subjects and methods We studied two groups of patients with leg ulcers that were patch tested with contact allergens in 1973–1974 and in 1994–1995.
Results One or more positive patch tests was present in 75% and 40% of the patients, respectively. A decrease in the incidence of positive reactions to neomycin, local anesthetics and parabens mix was seen in 1994–1995. The most important contact allergens in 1994–1995 were fragrance mix, colophony and the excipients wool alcohols and amerchol. Other relevant sensitizers were formaldehyde, neomycin and gentamycin.
Conclusion The changing trends in contact allergens over the last 20 years may be explained by changes in the components of topical agents used for treatment.  相似文献   

Non-reproducibility of positive patch test reactions is common. In this retrospective study, we investigated the reproducibility of previously positive patch test reactions and the appearance of new positive reactions in a consecutive series of 264 eczema patients tested at least twice over a 12-year period using the TRUE Test standardized patch test system. Out of 297 positive reactions, 66% remained positive in a 2nd test, 10% were scored as doubtful and 24% as negative. Among the previously recorded doubtful reactions, 13% were positive in the 2nd test, 13% were again doubtful and 74% negative. In relation to the degree of patch test reactivity, 48% of the + reactions were reproducible, compared to 87% of ++ and +++ reactions. No difference in reproducibility was observed between patients tested with a short or a long-time interval between tests. With the use of the TRUE Test panels 1 and 2, methodological factors are minimized. The variation in patch test positivity may then be attributed to biological variation, which depends on several individual factors such as patch test reading, patient-related factors such as changed immunological sensitivity, regional variation of the skin on the back and the presence of more or less active dermatitis.  相似文献   

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