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Zhou X X, female, 17 years old, a student. Her first visit was on June 16, 1998.  相似文献   

Zhang X, female, 17 years old, a student. Her first visit was on Sep 28, 1997.  相似文献   

Mr. WU, 28 years old, an army man. His first visit was on December 23, 2001.  相似文献   

“Xiongbi“ chest (or precordial) pain with stuffiness, or chest pain syndrome is referred to choking pain in the chest due to stagnation of chest -yang, failure of qi and blood in warming and nourishing the local meridians. It is usually caused by stagnation of dampness and phlegm in the interior, or by insufficiency of qi and blood stasis, leading to impeded flow of qi and blood in the heart vessels. Its pathological characteristics are deficiency (chest-yang) in origin and excess (i.e., qi stagnation) in superficiality. The therapeutic principles are promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, getting rid of blockage and dredging the passages of yang-qi.  相似文献   

FANG XX,female, age of 49 years. Her first visit was on June 21, 2001.  相似文献   

Case 1 LIANG X X, male, 7 years old. His firstvisit was on October 8, 2000. Chief complaint: He had experienced invol-untary micturition during leeping from childhoodon.  相似文献   

Ms Wang, 38-years-old, a worker. The first time she went to see doctor was on July 16th, 1993.  相似文献   

目的:观察平衡针法治疗肺癌胸痛患者的临床疗效。方法:将24例原发性支气管肺癌伴胸痛患者予平衡针治疗,观察患者胸痛症状改善情况及疼痛缓解时间。结果:24例接受平衡针治疗的肺癌胸痛患者中,疼痛完全缓解3例,部分缓解13例,轻度缓解4例,无缓解4例,总有效率为83.3%。从治疗后起效时间上看,9例在0~3min内起效,占37.5%;5例在4~6min内起效,占20.8%;平均起效时间f4.85±1.45)min。结论:平衡针法治疗肺癌胸痛患者具有起效快速、方便安全、价格低廉的优点。  相似文献   

Male, age of 27 years. History of the present disease: In the recent three weeks, the patient has the symptoms including tiredness, difficult falling in sleep even sleeplessness duringwhole night, accompanied with restlessness,palpitation, poor appetite, amnesia.  相似文献   

Case 1 ZHAO XX,female ,age of 43 years . Main Complaint : Having got an intolerable pain at the right face for 4 months which occurred fre- quentlyin recent two weeks at that treatment ti me . History of disease : This patient had undergone severe radiating pain at her right face fromthe lower lip to nose andinner canthus for 4 months . The pain lastedfor about 0 .5 to 1 .0 minute every ti me ,and was once alleviated after treatment in a hospital ,but relapsed again two weeks ago due to fe…  相似文献   

Case Ⅰ   X X X, female with an age of 67 years.Main complaints: The patient complained of having suffered from asthma for 10 years at that treatment time and worsened for about half a year.……  相似文献   

Case 1HuangXX ,male,50 yearsold.HisfirstvisitwasonNov.7th ,2 0 0 2 .Chiefcomplaint:Having gotafrequentstomachachefor 3 years.Historyofdisease:Threeyearsago,thepa tienthad gotgastricdistensionand painthatwereworsenedifhadcoldfoodordrinksormetcoolweather,accompaniedwithpoorappetite.Gastroscopeexaminationshowedmoderatesu perficialgastritis.Atthattreatmenttime,hisstomachacheoftenoccurred ,accompaniedwithdifficultyindefecation ,restlessness,insomnia,wakingupearlierintheearlymorning ,drythroat,bi…  相似文献   

Ms Li, 28 years old, 156 cm high. Her weight was 48 kilos two years ago. She became heavier after childbirth, and the weight increased to 71 kilos. Symptoms: Strong desire for food, sleepiness, constipation, tiredness, red tongue with dry and yellowish coating, rapid andslippery pulse. Differentiation: Excess heat in the stomach: Treatment principle: Regulate the functions of spleen and stomach, hold back the abnormal desire for food and remove dampness and phlegm.  相似文献   

Case 1Ms WANG, 42 years old. Her first visit was on March 18th, 1998.Chief complaints: Aversion to cold, fever, nasal obstruction, watery nasal discharge, cough and headache for four days.  相似文献   

TANG XX, female, a teacher, aged 51, visited our clinic in November of 2003.  相似文献   

Multiplesclerosis(MS)isaseriousautoimmunediseaseattackingmyelin ,whichinjuresthespinalcord ,brainstem ,cerebellumandopticnerves.Theinjuriesaredisseminatedindifferentzonestogiverisetodifferentsymptoms.Inaccor dancewithTCMtheprimarycauseishumidityblockingme…  相似文献   

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