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目的 观察乳腺癌保乳术+化疗后动态调强放疗的疗效和美容效果.方法 117例乳腺癌患者保乳术后先行4~6周期化疗再三维适形(6例)和动态调强放疗(111例).化疗分别采用CAF(环磷酰胺+多柔比星+氟尿嘧啶)、AC(多柔比星+环磷酰胺)、TA(紫杉醇+多柔比星)、NE(长春瑞滨+表阿霉素)、TX(紫杉醇+卡培他滨)方案.放疗采用6 MV-X线全乳腺调强放疗50Gy,瘤床电子线外照射加量10 Gy;其中68例患者锁骨上预防性照射50 Gy,42例肿块位于内侧象限的同时照射内乳淋巴引流区,锁骨上区、内乳区及胸壁均包在一个靶区里.雌、孕激素受体阳性加用内分泌治疗.治疗结束后6~12个月由2位医师评分评价美容效果.结果 随访至2009年9月,随访率为94.0%,随访满3、5年者分别为114、91例.全组3生存率为99.1%,5年生存率为96%,5年无瘤生存率为88%,局部复发率为3.6%,美容效果满意者为100%.放疗中及放疗结束后未出现明显放射性心肺等重要脏器损伤.结论 乳腺保乳术+化疗后胸壁动态调强放疗使靶区得到更均匀照射,有望提高局部控制率和生存率并降低正常组织并发症、肿瘤复发率.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the most common type of malignancy in females. Advances in systemic therapies and radiotherapy (RT) provided long survival rates in breast cancer patients. RT has a major role in the management of breast cancer. During the past 15 years several developments took place in the field of imaging and irradiation techniques, intensity modulated RT, hypofractionation and partial-breast irradiation. Currently, improvements in the RT technology allow us a subsequent decrease in the treatment-related complications such as fibrosis and long-term cardiac toxicity while improving the loco-regional control rates and cosmetic results. Thus, it is crucial that modern radiotherapy techniques should be carried out with maximum care and efficiency. Several randomized trials provided evidence for the feasibility of modern radiotherapy techniques in the management of breast cancer. However, the role of modern radiotherapy techniques in the management of breast cancer will continue to be defined by the mature results of randomized trials. Current review will provide an up-to-date evidence based data on the role of modern radiotherapy techniques in the management of breast cancer.  相似文献   

目的 了解中国乳腺癌根治术后放疗部位变化。方法 随机纳入国内7家医院1999-2008年间乳腺癌根治术后放疗并有详细放疗部位资料的乳腺癌患者资料,分析放疗部位随治疗年代变化情况及不同医院间差别,以及放疗部位与临床病理因素的关系。采用SAS统计软件行Cochran-Armitage 趋势检验和χ2检验。结果 661例患者中90.2%(596例)、91.5%(606例)、29.6%(196例)和44.9%(297例)患者接受了胸壁、锁骨上下、腋窝和内乳放疗。1999-2008年间胸壁放疗的使用显著增加(P=0.000),腋窝、内乳区的放疗使用显著下降(P=0.027、0.000)。胸壁、腋窝、内乳放疗以及锁骨上下区放疗的使用不同医院间不同(P=0.008、0.000、0.000、0000)。腋窝放疗与腋窝淋巴结状态有关,内乳放疗与原发肿瘤部位有关。结论 国内乳腺癌根治术后放疗照射部位在不同年代和不同医院间有很大差别。多数患者接受了胸壁和锁骨上下区放疗,腋窝和内乳的放疗显著下降。  相似文献   

影响乳腺癌调强适形放射治疗全乳临床靶区确定的因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Huang XB  Chen JY  Jiang GL 《癌症》2006,25(1):62-65
背景与目的:调强适形放射治疗(intensity-modulatedradiotherapy,IMRT)在乳腺癌保留乳房治疗中显示了较好的剂量学优势和发展前景,其中靶区的确定是IMRT最关键的环节,决定了放射治疗计划和实施的准确性,但目前仍缺乏乳腺癌全乳临床靶体积(clinicaltargetvolume,CTV)确定与勾画的规范。本研究分析不同医师勾画全乳CTV的差异,以合理地确定乳腺癌IMRT中的全乳CTV。方法:由4名放射治疗医师与1名放射诊断医师分别在6例患者中勾画全乳CTV及相应的参考CTV,分析其体积差异,计算共有体积与最大体积之比R值,测量各医师勾画CTVs在不同方向与参考CTV比较的最大边距差异,以各医师勾画CTV为基础设计切线野并测量其射野中心肺厚度(centrallungdistance,CLD)。结果:2例乳腺腺体密度较低的患者体积差异最大,其R值仅为0.660和0.651,其余4例患者的R值分别是0.735、0.752及0.799、0.769,又以有乳腺边界体表标记患者的R值较大;与参考CTV相比,6例患者中各放疗医师勾画的CTVs在前界、后界、上界、下界和内界、外界最大边距的差异分别是0、(1.2±3.4)mm、(1.5±2.1)mm、(0.7±4.1)mm、(0.6±3.3)mm、(0.8±0.8)mm,各患者中差异部位以乳腺腋尾组织边界与无银夹标记的瘤床边界最为明显;以各医师勾画CTVs设计切线野的CLD平均值在4例患者中均超过2cm。结论:不同医师勾画全乳CTV差异的主要来源是患者本身乳腺腺体密度的个体化差异以及各医师对乳腺腋尾腺体边界、瘤床范围和保护肺组织限度的认识不一。  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the current status of the awareness and practiceof breast self-examination (BSE) among Korean women. Materials and Methods: The study populationwas derived from the 2007 Korea National Cancer Screening Survey (KNCSS), an annual cross-sectionalsurvey that uses a nationally representative random sample to investigate cancer-screening rates andrelated factors. A total of 1,255 Korean women aged ≥30 years participated in this study. Results: Of allparticipants, 88.0% reported that they had heard of BSE. The most common source of information on BSEwas the media such as TV, radio and newspapers (87.0%). Recommendations from medical staff reachedonly 17.2%. The overall proportions of regular and irregular BSE were 13.2% and 16.1%, respectively.The main reason for not performing BSE was lack of knowledge about how to conduct the exam (31.7%).Conclusion: Despite a high level of awareness about BSE, only a small minority of women examine theirbreasts regularly in Korea.  相似文献   

Purpose: In June 1992, POG began accrual to a phase III study, POG-9239, designed to compare the time to disease progression, overall survival, and toxicities observed in children with newly diagnosed brainstem tumor treated with 100 mg/m2 of infusional cisplatin and randomized to either conventional vs. hyperfractionated radiotherapy.

Methods and Materials: Patients eligible for study were those between 3 and 21 years of age with previously untreated tumors arising in the pons. Histologic confirmation of diagnosis was not mandatory, provided that the clinical and MRI scan findings were typical for a diffusely infiltrating pontine lesion. Treatment consisted of a six-week course of local field radiotherapy with either once a day treatment of 180 cGy per fraction to a total dose of 5400 cGy (arm 1) or a twice a day regimen of 117 cGy per fraction to a total dose of 7020 cGy (the second of the three hyperfractionated dose escalation levels of POG-8495) (arm 2). Because of previously reported poor results with conventional radiotherapy alone, cisplatin was included as a potential radiosensitizer in an attempt to improve progression-free and ultimate survival rates. Based on results of the phase I cisplatin dose escalation trial, POG-9139, 100 mg/m2 was chosen for this trial and was delivered by continuous infusion over a 120-hour period, beginning on the first day of radiotherapy and repeated during weeks 3 and 5. One hundred thirty eligible patients were treated on protocol, 66 on arm 1 and 64 on arm 2.

Results: The results we report are from time of diagnosis through October 1997. For patients treated on arm 1, the median time to disease progression (defined as time to off study) was 6 months (range 2–15 months) and the median time to death 8.5 months (range 3–24 months); survival at 1 year was 30.9% and at 2 years, 7.1%. For patients treated on arm 2, the corresponding values were 5 months (range 1–12 months) and 8 months (range 1–23 months), with 1- and 2-year survival rates at 27.0% and 6.7%, respectively. Evaluation of response by MRI at 4 or 8 wks post treatment was available in 108 patients and revealed a complete response in 1 patient of each Rx arm, a partial response (> 50% decrease in size) in 18 patients of arm 1 and 15 patients of arm 2, minimal to no response (stable) in 25 patients of arm 1 and 23 patients of arm 2, and progressive disease in 13 patients of arm 1 and 12 patients of arm 2. The pattern of failure was local in all patients. Morbidity of treatment was similar in both Rx arms, with no significant toxicity (including hearing loss) reported. Autopsy was performed in 6 patients, and confirmed the presence of extensive residual tumor in these cases.

Conclusion: The major conclusion from this trial is that the hyperfractionated method of Rx 2 did not improve event-free survival (p = 0.96) nor did it improve survival (p = 0.65) over that of the conventional fractionation regimen of Rx 1, and that both treatments are associated with a poor disease-free and survival outcome.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare cosmetic results of two different radiotherapy (RT) boost techniques used in the treatment of breast cancer after whole breast radiotherapy and to identify factors affecting cosmetic outcomes. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Between 1996 and 1998, 142 patients with Stage I and II breast cancer were treated with breast conservative surgery and adjuvant RT. Patients were then randomly assigned to receive a boost dose of 15 Gy delivered to the tumor bed either by iridium 192, or a combination of photons and electrons. Cosmetic evaluations were done on a 6-month basis, with a final evaluation at 36 months after RT. The evaluations were done using a panel of global and specific subjective scores, a digitized scoring system using the breast retraction assessment (BRA) measurement, and a patient's self-assessment evaluation. As cosmetic results were graded according to severity, the comparison of boost techniques was done using the ordinal logistic regression model. Adjusted odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) are presented. RESULTS: At 36 months of follow-up, there was no significant difference between the two groups with respect to the global subjective cosmetic outcome (OR = 1.40; 95%CI = 0.69-2.85, p = 0.35). Good to excellent scores were observed in 65% of implant patients and 62% of photon/electron patients. At 24 months and beyond, telangiectasia was more severe in the implant group with an OR of 9.64 (95%CI = 4.05-22.92, p < 0.0001) at 36 months. The only variable associated with a worse global cosmetic outcome was the presence of concomitant chemotherapy (OR = 3.87; 95%CI = 1.74-8.62). The BRA value once adjusted for age, concomitant chemotherapy, and boost volume showed a positive association with the boost technique. The BRA value was significantly greater in the implant group (p = 0.03). There was no difference in the patient's final self-assessment score between the two groups. Three variables were statistically associated with an adverse self-evaluation: an inferior quadrant tumor localization, postoperative hematoma, and concomitant chemotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: Although this trial showed that at 36 months of follow-up, there were no significant differences in the overall global cosmetic scores between the implant boost group and the photon/electron boost group, telangiectasia was more severe and the BRA value was greater in the implant group.  相似文献   


Background and purpose

This large trial was designed to investigate whether correction of dose inhomogeneities using intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) reduces late toxicity and improves quality of life in patients with early breast cancer. This paper reports baseline characteristics of trial participants and dosimetry results.

Materials and methods

Standard tangential plans of 1145 trials were analysed. Patients with inhomogeneous plans, defined by ICRU recommendations, were randomised to forward-planned IMRT or standard radiotherapy.


Twenty-nine percentage of patients had adequate dosimetry with standard 2D radiotherapy. In the randomised patients, the decreases in mean volumes receiving greater than 107% (Vol > 107) and less than 95% (Vol < 95) of the prescribed dose in the IMRT compared with the control group were 34.0 cm3 (95% CI 26.4-41.6; P < 0.0001) and 48.1 cm3 (95% CI 34.4-61.9; P < 0.0001), respectively. In this study, 90% of patients who had a breast separation greater ?21 cm had Vol > 107 > 2 cm3 on standard radiotherapy plans.


This large trial, in which patients with all breast sizes were eligible, confirmed that breast dosimetry can be significantly improved with a simple method of forward-planned IMRT and has little impact on radiotherapy resources. It is shown that patients with larger breasts are more likely to have dose inhomogeneities and breast separation gives some indication of this likelihood. Photographic assessment of patients at 2 years after radiotherapy, as the next part of this randomised controlled trial, will show whether these results for IMRT translate into improved cosmetic outcome in patients with early breast cancer. This would provide impetus for the widespread adoption of 3D planning and IMRT.  相似文献   

辅助放疗已成为乳腺癌标准治疗的重要组成部分。与传统的术后放疗相比,新辅助放疗具有靶区勾画更准确、优化乳房重建放疗策略、肿瘤降期增加保乳手术机会、提高病理完全缓解率免除乳房手术等理论优势,并被近年来的临床研究所证实。但其最佳的靶区勾画、剂量分割、放疗‐手术间隔时间、与全身治疗的联合应用等仍需前瞻性研究加以明确和优化,以期为早期乳腺癌患者提供最佳的治疗选择。  相似文献   

In order to assess the impact on radiation oncology practice of the publication of evidence-based guidelines for technical aspects of therapeutic radiation for breast cancer, the Radiation Oncology Expert Advisory Group of the National Breast Cancer Centre conducted two postal surveys of radiation oncologists practising in Australia and New Zealand. Results from a survey conducted in 1998, prior to distribution of the guidelines, have been published previously. This article reports on results from a survey undertaken in 2002 and contains data from 102 respondents who manage women with breast cancer. The results show several important changes in practice since 1998, including increased use of CT scanning in breast cancer treatment planning and increased use of immobilization devices for patient treatment. There is also evidence of increased attention to technical aspects of treatment planning that reduce the potential risk of treatment toxicity. The influence of the guidelines, the wider availability of modern equipment and results from landmark clinical trials on change in radiation therapy practice is discussed.  相似文献   

目的 评价Catalyst系统在乳腺癌患者放疗摆位中的应用,并分析其与患者年龄及BMI的相关性。方法 选取 2016年5-8月间重庆市肿瘤研究所收治的 24例乳腺癌患者。每次治疗前均采用表面光学成像系统(C-Rad Catalyst)辅助摆位,每周1次kV-kV位置验证模式验证摆位。记录并观察患者的年龄、BMI以及2个系统在三维方向摆位误差。采用独立样本t检验差异,采用Pearson相关性分析。结果 C-Rad Catalyst系统与kV-kV位置验证模式的摆位误差分别为AP方向(0.22±0.17) cm与(0.18±0.13) cm (P<0.05);SI方向(0.23±0.18) cm与(0.19±0.15) cm (P>0.05);LR方向(0.28±0.28) cm与(0.20±0.15) cm (P>0.05)。kV-kV位置验证模式摆位受年龄和BMI的影响不显著(P均>0.05);而C-Rad Catalyst系统的摆位受年龄和BMI影响显著:年龄≤44岁和 45~59岁患者在AP、SI方向不同(P均<0.05),≤44岁和≥60岁患者在AP、LR方向不同(P均<0.05),45~59岁和≥60岁患者在LR方向不同(P<0.05);BMI<25 kg/m2和≥25 kg/m2患者在SI方向不同(P<0.05)。年龄≥60岁患者C-Rad Catalyst系统摆位误差在SI方向与年龄相关(r=-0.496,P<0.05);BMI<25 kg/m2患者C-Rad Catalyst系统摆位误差在AP方向与BMI相关(r=0.252,P<0.05),而BMI≥25 kg/m2患者C-Rad Catalyst系统摆位误差在SI方向与BMI相关(r=0.445,P<0.05)。结论 C-Rad Catalyst系统摆位与kV-kV位置验证模式在AP方向上差异显著,C-Rad Catalyst系统摆位易受乳腺癌患者年龄和BMI的影响。  相似文献   

目的 比较左乳腺癌保乳术后CRT、FIF-IMRT和IMRT剂量学差异。方法 随机选取31例左乳腺癌保乳术后患者,分别制定CRT、FIF-IMRT、IMRT计划。通过DVH图进行自身对照研究,采用非参数检验法比较靶体积及OAR受量分布差异。结果 3种方法均能达到处方剂量要求。CRT组靶区V105高、心脏V30、Dmax较高(P=0.000、0.000、0.000);IMRT组V5、Dmean较高(P=0.000、0.000),左肺V5较高(P=0.000)、V40较低(P=0.000);FIF-IMRT组Dmean最低(P=0.000),IMRT组右肺及脊髓Dmean、Dmax均高于其他两组(P=0.000、0.000、0.000、0.000)。单次跳数FIF-IMRT组明显低于其他两组(P=0.000)。结论 CRT在靶区有较好的剂量分布但对周围组织损伤较大,相比而言FIF-IMRT对OAR保护更好且对机器损耗小。  相似文献   

分子分型概念作为乳腺癌个体化综合治疗发展史上的一个里程碑,量化地定义了乳腺癌不再是单一疾病,而是在发病风险、自然病程、治疗反应等方面迥异的一组异质性疾病。分子分型对全身治疗的疗效预测及对全身转移和死亡风险的预后价值均已得到广泛的研究验证,但它与LRR风险的相关性,以及对放疗策略的指导作用也尚需要更多关注。本综述将就分子分型与LRR风险的相关性,以及分子分型对放疗策略的指导价值展开讨论。  相似文献   

目的:比较早期乳腺癌保乳术后三维适形放疗(3DCRT)及简化逆向动态调强放疗(IMRT)剂量学特点。方法随机选择14例早期乳腺癌保乳术后患者(4例左侧乳腺癌),每例患者选用6 MV-X线分别设计3DCRT、IMRT计划,全乳腺50 Gy/25次。3DCRT组:采用切线野照射,瘤床区不加量;IMRT组:采用逆向动态调强技术,以2对类切线野为调强主野的入射方向,瘤床区同步加量10 Gy/25次。根据剂量体积直方图(DVH)进行适形度指数(CI)及不均匀度指数(HI)、危及器官受照射剂量及体积的评价。结果与3 DCRT计划比较,IMRT计划降低了患侧肺、左侧乳腺癌患者心脏的高剂量受照体积,提高了其低剂量受照体积,DVH叉点剂量分别为(25.16±9.11)Gy、(28.63±10.41)Gy;IMRT组和3DCRT组计划健侧乳腺的V10差异无统计学意义[(4.13±5.17)%∶(1.99±2.43)%,t=2.11,P>0.05],IMRT计划D30、平均剂量均较3DCRT增高[(2.23±1.77)Gy ∶(1.20±0.46)Gy,t=2.58,P<0.05;(2.35±1.59)Gy ∶(1.54±0.88)Gy,t=3.15,P<0.01)];2组计划的HI差异无统计学意义[(1.25±0.10)∶(1.23±0.11),t=1.25,P>0.05],IMRT计划CI 高于3DCRT[(0.75±0.07)∶(0.62±0.09),t=5.68,P<0.0001]。结论早期乳腺癌保乳术后四野简化逆向动态 IMRT技术较3 DCRT技术的主要优势在于瘤床同步加量,同时可以降低患侧肺的高剂量受照射体积,明显改善计划靶区CI,但HI无显著改善。早期乳腺癌保乳术后四野简化逆向动态IMRT技术是一种简便、合理、可行的计划设计方法。  相似文献   

内乳虽然为乳腺癌的区域淋巴引流部位,但术后放疗是否需要照射一直存在争议。近年来,一些随机研究不同程度上对内乳放疗进行了探讨,均没有获得内乳放疗对总生存有肯定获益的证据。临床实践中,内乳预防放疗需要很好地权衡肿瘤复发风险、处方剂量和放疗技术,避免放疗相关死亡风险增加而抵消可能的生存获益。  相似文献   

内乳虽然为乳腺癌的区域淋巴引流部位,但术后放疗是否需要照射一直存在争议。近年来,一些随机研究不同程度上对内乳放疗进行了探讨,均没有获得内乳放疗对总生存有肯定获益的证据。临床实践中,内乳预防放疗需要很好地权衡肿瘤复发风险、处方剂量和放疗技术,避免放疗相关死亡风险增加而抵消可能的生存获益。  相似文献   

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