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Forty-five Chest computed tomography (CT) scans performed on patients with lung carcinoma (LC) were evaluated in an attempt to understand the pattern of intrathoracic tumor spread and the advantages and limitations this technique offers for treatment planning when compared to planning done by conventional X rays. The following findings can help treatment planning. (1) When regular X rays do not show tumor location (i.e., hemithorax opacification), CT scan will show it in 68% of patients. If regular X rays show a well localized mass, unsuspected tumor extensions were disclosed in 78 % of these patients. Hence, CT scans should be done in all LC patients prior to treatment planning; (2) Mediastinal masses frequently spread anteriorly toward the sternum and posteriorly around the vertebral bodies toward the cord and costal pleura. This should be considered for radiotherapy boost techniques; (3) Lung masses spread in one third of cases toward the lateral costal pleura. Thus, the usual 1–2cm of safety margin around the LC are not sufficient in some cases; (4) Tumor size can appear much smaller in regular X rays than in CT scans. Hence, CT scans are necessary for accurate staging and evaluation of tumor response. Some CT scan limitations are: (1) Atelectasis blends with tumor in approximately half of the patients, thus obscuring tumor boundaries; (2) CT numbers and contrast enhancement did not help to differentiate between these two structures; and (3) Limited definition of CT scan prevents investigation of suspected microscopic spread around tumor masses.  相似文献   



One method to overcome the problem of lung tumour movement in patients treated with radiotherapy is to restrict tumour motion with an active breathing control (ABC) device. This study evaluated the feasibility of using ABC in patients receiving radical radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer.


Eighteen patients, median (range) age of 66 (44-82) years, consented to the study. A training session was conducted to establish the patient’s breath hold level and breath hold time. Three planning scans were acquired using the ABC device. Reproducibility of breath hold was assessed by comparing lung volumes measured from the planning scans and the volume recorded by ABC. Patients were treated with a 3-field coplanar beam arrangement and treatment time (patient on and off the bed) and number of breath holds recorded. The tolerability of the device was assessed by weekly questionnaire. Quality assurance was performed on the two ABC devices used.


17/18 patients completed 32 fractions of radiotherapy using ABC. All patients tolerated a maximum breath hold time >15 s. The mean (SD) patient training time was 13.8 (4.8) min and no patient found the ABC very uncomfortable. Six to thirteen breath holds of 10-14 s were required per session. The mean treatment time was 15.8 min (5.8 min). The breath hold volumes were reproducible during treatment and also between the two ABC devices.


The use of ABC in patients receiving radical radiotherapy for NSCLC is feasible. It was not possible to predict a patient’s ability to hold breath. A minimum tolerated breath hold time of 15 s is recommended prior to commencing treatment.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The active breathing control (ABC) device allows for temporary immobilization of respiratory motion by implementing a breath hold at a predefined relative lung volume and air flow direction. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the ability of the ABC device to immobilize peripheral lung tumors at a reproducible position, increase total lung volume, and thereby reduce lung mass within the planning target volume (PTV). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten patients with peripheral non-small-cell lung cancer tumors undergoing radiotherapy had CT scans of their thorax with and without ABC inspiration breath hold during the first 5 days of treatment. Total lung volumes were determined from the CT data sets. Each peripheral lung tumor was contoured by one physician on all CT scans to generate gross tumor volumes (GTVs). The lung density and mass contained within a 1.5-cm PTV margin around each peripheral tumor was calculated using CT numbers. Using the center of the GTV from the Day 1 ABC scan as the reference, the displacement of subsequent GTV centers on Days 2 to 5 for each patient with ABC applied was calculated in three dimensions. RESULTS: With the use of ABC inspiration breath hold, total lung volumes increased by an average of 42%. This resulted in an average decrease in lung mass of 18% within a standard 1.5-cm PTV margin around the GTV. The average (+/- standard deviation) displacement of GTV centers with ABC breath hold applied was 0.3 mm (+/- 1.8 mm), 1.2 mm (+/- 2.3 mm), and 1.1 mm (+/- 3.5 mm) in the lateral direction, anterior-posterior direction, and superior-inferior direction, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this study indicate that there remains some inter-breath hold variability in peripheral lung tumor position with the use of ABC inspiration breath hold, which prevents significant PTV margin reduction. However, lung volumes can significantly increase, thereby decreasing the mass of lung within a standard PTV.  相似文献   

Computerized tomography numbers (CTN) were evaluated in 32 computerized tomography scans performed on patients with carcinoma of the lung, with the aim of evaluating CTN in normal (lung, blood, muscle, etc) and pathologic tissues (tumor, atelectasis, effusion, post-radiation fibrosis). Our main findings are: 1. Large individual CTN variations are encountered in both normal and pathologic tissues, above and below mean values. Hence, absolute numbers are meaningless. Measurements of any abnormal intrathoracic structure should be compared in relation to normal tissue CTN values in the same scan. 2. Tumor and complete atelectasis have CTN basically similar to soft tissue. Hence, these numbers are not useful for differential diagnosis. 3. Effusions usually have lower CTN and can be distinguished from previous situations. 4. Dosimetry based on uniform lung density assumptions (i.e., 300 mg/cm3) might produce substantial dose errors as lung CTN exhibit very large variations indicating densities well above and below this value. 5. Preliminary information indicates that partial atelectasis and incipient post-radiation fibrosis can have very low CTN. Hence, they can be differentiated from solid tumors in certain cases, and help in differential diagnosis of post radiation recurrence within the radiotherapy field versus fibrosis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To quantitatively describe mediastinal and hilar lymph node movement in patients with lymph node-positive lung cancer. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Twenty-four patients with lung cancer who underwent four-dimensional computed tomography scanning at Massachusetts General Hospital were included in the study. The maximum extent of superior motion of the superior border was measured, as well as the maximum inferior movement of the inferior border. The average of these two values is defined as the peak-to-peak movement. This process was repeated for mediolateral (ML) and anterior-posterior (AP) movement. Linear regression was used to determine lymph node characteristics associated with peak-to-peak movement. Various uniform expansions were investigated to determine the expansion margins necessary to ensure complete internal target volume (ITV) coverage. RESULTS: The mean peak-to-peak displacements of paratracheal lymph nodes were 4 mm (craniocaudal [CC]), 2 mm (ML), and 2 mm (AP). For subcarinal lymph nodes, the mean peak-to-peak movements were 6 mm (CC), 4 mm (ML), and 2 mm (AP). The mean peak-to-peak displacements of hilar lymph nodes were 7 mm (CC), 1 mm (ML), and 4 mm (AP). On multivariate analysis, lymph node station and lymph node size were significantly related to peak-to-peak movement. Expansions of 8 mm for paratracheal nodes and 13 mm for subcarinal and hilar nodes would have been necessary to cover the ITV of 95% of these nodal masses. CONCLUSIONS: Subcarinal and hilar lymph nodes may move substantially throughout the respiratory cycle. In the absence of patient-specific information on nodal motion, expansions of at least 8 mm, 13 mm, and 13 mm should be considered to cover the ITV of paratracheal, subcarinal, and hilar lymph nodes, respectively.  相似文献   

Irradiation treatment portals of the upper abdomen must limit the dose to the kidneys. Sparing one-third of the parenchyma of each kidney will prevent late clinical sequelae. One hundred CT scans of the abdomen were studied to evaluate using the vertebrae as landmark for treatment planning. In lateral fields, using the anterior border of the vertebral column as a landmark for the posterior high isodose line will limit treatment to less than 60% (mean 22%) of a single kidney. Placing the edge of an anterior/posterior field 2 cm lateral to the vertebral column will limit the dose to less than 44% of a single kidney (mean 11%).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the short-term and long-term reproducibility of lung tumor position for scans acquired using an active breathing control (ABC) device. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Ten patients with lung cancer were scanned over three sessions during the course of treatment. For each session, two scans were acquired at deep inhale, and one scan each at half of deep inhale and at exhale. Long-term reproducibility was evaluated by comparing the same breathing state scans from two sessions, with setup variation removed by skeletal alignment. Tumor alignment was based on intensity matching of a small volume around the tumor. For short-term reproducibility, the two inhale volumes from the same session were compared. RESULTS: For the short-term reproducibility, the mean and the standard deviation (SD) of the displacement of the center of tumor were 0.0 (1.5) mm in anteroposterior (AP), 0.3 (1.4) mm in superior/inferior (SI), and 0.2 (0.7) mm in right/left (RL) directions. For long-term reproducibility, the mean (SD) were -1.3 (3.1) mm AP, -0.5 (3.8) mm SI, and 0.3 (1.6) mm RL for inhale and -0.2 (2.8) mm AP, 0.2 (2.1) mm SI, and -0.7 (1.1) mm RL for exhale. CONCLUSION: The ABC device demonstrates very good short-term and long-term reproducibility. Increased long-term variability in position, primarily in the SI and AP directions, indicates the role of tumor-directed localization in combination with breath-held immobilization.  相似文献   

CT值区间划分及用于治疗计划剂量计算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨CT值变化对剂量计算影响,初步寻找一种解决MRI电子密度信息缺失方法。方法 选取头颈、胸部、盆腔部位肿瘤患者各10例CT图像,对各部位主要组织器官CT值随机采样,统计其平均值进行CT值区间划分。在瓦里安Eclipse TPS中构建虚拟模体,给予处方剂量1 Gy记录不同CT值下机器输出剂量,并分析不同CT值区间对剂量计算结果影响。选取5例宫颈癌患者IMRT计划,对靶区、OAR进行CT值分配形成新CT图像,在新CT图像上进行计划移植并与患者原CT图像结果进行剂量学参数比较。结果 通过区间法对CT值进行划分,并在剂量计算中验证,计算出人体不同组织对应的CT值区间为-100~100 HU,CT值变化对剂量计算的影响在3%以内。相同计划下新合成CT图像与原CT图像剂量学参数差异较小,PTV的Dmax、Dmean、D98%、D95%、D5%、D2%均<3%,膀胱、直肠、小肠、股骨头、骨髓的Dmax、Dmean均<2%。结论 CT值划分法对盆腔肿瘤治疗计划剂量计算结果影响在可接受范围内,对解决MRI电子密度信息缺失具有一定可行性。  相似文献   

Accurate delineation of the primary tumor and of involved lymph nodes is a key requisite for successful curative radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In recent years, it has become clear that the incorporation of FDG PET-CT scan information into the related processes of patient selection and radiotherapy planning has lead to significant improvements for patients with NSCLC. The use of FDG PET-CT information in radiotherapy planning allows better target volume definition, reduces inter-observer variability and encourages selective irradiation of involved mediastinal lymph nodes. PET-CT also opens the door for innovative radiotherapy delivery and the development of new concepts. However, care must be taken to avoid a variety of technical pitfalls and specific education is necessary, for clinicians and physicists alike.  相似文献   

Especially for non-small cell lung cancer, FDG-PET has in the majority of the patients led to the safe decrease of radiotherapy volumes, enabling radiation-dose escalation and, experimentally, redistribution of radiation doses within the tumor. In limited-disease small cell lung cancer, the role of FDG-PET is emerging.  相似文献   

A dog with a spontaneous maxillary tumour was given 40 Gy of fractionated radiotherapy. At five out of 10 fractions cone-beam CT (CBCT) imaging before and after administration of an iodinated contrast agent were performed. Contrast enhancement maps were overlaid on the pre-contrast CBCT images. The tumour was clearly visualized in the images thus produced.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To discuss planning target volumes (PTVs) based on internal target volume (PTVITV), exhale-gated radiotherapy (PTVGating), and a new proposed midposition (PTVMidP; time-weighted mean tumor position) and compare them with the conventional free-breathing CT scan PTV (PTVConv). METHODS AND MATERIALS: Respiratory motion induces systematic and random geometric uncertainties. Their contribution to the clinical target volume (CTV)-to-PTV margins differs for each PTV approach. The uncertainty margins were calculated using a dose-probability-based margin recipe (based on patient statistics). Tumor motion in four-dimensional CT scans was determined using a local rigid registration of the tumor. Geometric uncertainties for interfractional setup errors and tumor baseline variation were included. For PTVGating, the residual motion within a 30% gating (time) window was determined. The concepts were evaluated in terms of required CTV-to-PTV margin and PTV volume for 45 patients. RESULTS: Over the patient group, the PTVITV was on average larger (+6%) and the PTVGating and PTVMidP smaller (-10%) than the PTVConv using an off-line (bony anatomy) setup correction protocol. With an on-line (soft tissue) protocol the differences in PTV compared with PTVConv were +33%, -4%, and 0, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The internal target volume method resulted in a significantly larger PTV than conventional CT scanning. The exhale-gated and mid-position approaches were comparable in terms of PTV. However, mid-position (or mid-ventilation) is easier to use in the clinic because it only affects the planning part of treatment and not the delivery.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To quantify the impact that changes in tumor volume after induction chemotherapy have on radiotherapy treatment planning for locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. METHODS AND MATERIALS: An analysis of coregistered pre- and postchemotherapy tumor volumes in a Phase II study of induction chemotherapy delivered before radical radiotherapy. RESULTS: Using the Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors measurement, 35% of patients had a partial response and 62% had stable disease after chemotherapy. Conversely, volumetric decreases in tumor size were seen in 95% of patients. Mean decreases in gross tumor volume and planning target volume were 37% and 26%, respectively. Using the smaller postchemotherapy tumor volume to plan radiotherapy treatment leads to a mean decrease in volume of lung receiving 20 Gy or greater of 3% (p < 0.005). Targeting the postchemotherapy volume also results in the delivery of a significant, although inhomogeneous, incidental dose of radiation to the rind of tissue formed around the shrinking tumor. Disease shrinkage is anisotropic, with greater displacements observed along anterior, posterior, and lateral margins. After chemotherapy, there is measurable blurring of the tumor's radiologic edge. CONCLUSIONS: Modest decreases in tumor volume that are not reflected by the Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors measurement occur in most patients. Although targeting the postchemotherapy tumor may decrease lung toxicity, the magnitude of the benefit is small. Because this strategy runs the risk of increasing the marginal recurrence rate, it should be used with caution. Quantification of tumor shrinkage and margin blurring permits more accurate reconstruction of the prechemotherapy target volume.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess interinstitutional variations in planning for stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for lung cancer before the start of the Japan Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG) 0403 trial. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Eleven institutions created virtual plans for four cases of solitary lung cancer. The created plans should satisfy the target definitions and the dose constraints for the JCOG 0403 protocol. RESULTS: FOCUS/XiO (CMS) was used in six institutions, Eclipse (Varian) in 3, Cadplan (Varian) in one, and Pinnacle3 (Philips/ADAC) in one. Dose calculation algorithms of Clarkson with effective path length correction and superposition were used in FOCUS/XiO; pencil beam convolution with Batho power law correction was used in Eclipse and Cadplan; and collapsed cone convolution superposition was used in Pinnacle3. For the target volumes, the overall coefficient of variation was 16.6%, and the interinstitutional variations were not significant. For maximal dose, minimal dose, D95, and the homogeneity index of the planning target volume, the interinstitutional variations were significant. The dose calculation algorithm was a significant factor in these variations. No violation of the dose constraints for the protocol was observed. CONCLUSION: There can be notable interinstitutional variations in planning for SBRT, including both interobserver variations in the estimate of target volumes as well as dose calculation effects related to the use of different dose calculation algorithms.  相似文献   



The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a complement to computed tomography (CT) in the target definition procedure for radiotherapy is increasing. To eliminate systematic uncertainties due to image registration, a workflow based entirely on MRI may be preferable. In the present pilot study, we investigate dose calculation accuracy for automatically generated substitute CT (s-CT) images of the head based on MRI. We also produce digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) from s-CT data to evaluate the feasibility of patient positioning based on MR images.

Methods and materials

Five patients were included in the study. The dose calculation was performed on CT, s-CT, s-CT data without inhomogeneity correction and bulk density assigned MRI images. Evaluation of the results was performed using point dose and dose volume histogram (DVH) comparisons, and gamma index evaluation.


The results demonstrate that the s-CT images improve the dose calculation accuracy compared to the method of non-inhomogeneity corrected dose calculations (mean improvement 2.0% points) and that it performs almost identically to the method of bulk density assignment. The s-CT based DRRs appear to be adequate for patient positioning of intra-cranial targets, although further investigation is needed on this subject.


The s-CT method is very fast and yields data that can be used for treatment planning without sacrificing accuracy.  相似文献   

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