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The sociocultural theory of body image disturbance states that Western women experience pressure from sources such as parents, peers, and the media to maintain thinness. Social comparison theory emphasises the role of comparing one's appearance to others. Body image disturbance; awareness and Internalization of sociocultural messages regarding thinness; and sibling social comparisons were examined in 41 closest-in-age sisters through self-report questionnaires. Sisters showed similar levels of body image disturbance and sociocultural awareness and internalization. Sibling comparisons were negative for younger sisters but neutral or positive for older sisters. Sociocultural internalization predicted body dissatisfaction in both sisters, and body size distortion in younger sisters. Negative sibling comparisons during teenage years predicted body size distortion and body dissatisfaction in younger sisters, and preference for thinness in older sisters.  相似文献   

Perception of caregiving after traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been shown to be an important part of both survivor and family adjustment. The roles of coping style, family functioning, perceived social support and the TBI survivor's functional status have not been fully examined with respect to appraisal of caregiving. This study examined these factors with respect to both positive and negative appraisals of caregiving in four main areas: perceived burden, caregiving relationship satisfaction, beliefs about caregiving, and mastery with caregiving. Sixty primary caregivers of individuals who sustained a TBI within the last 6 months to 15 years were administered the Caregiver Appraisal Scale, as well as the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations, a 21-item version of the Family Assessment Device, and the Social Provision Scale. These findings were examined in relation to the TBI survivor's scores on the Disability Rating Scale and the Functional Independence Measure at the same time points post-injury. Results revealed that the majority of caregivers in those with moderate to severe brain injuries experienced dissatisfaction with many aspects of caregiving, especially with respect to feelings of burden and mastery. Additionally, emotionally-focused coping, behavioral control issues with respect to family functioning, and perceived social support appear to be most highly related to perceptions of burden, whereas perceived social support alone was the strongest factor in one's perception of caregiving mastery and satisfaction with the caregiving relationship. Interestingly, caregiving ideology was most closely related to avoidance-oriented coping. These results have direct implications for the development of interventions for caregivers of persons with TBI, especially with respect for the need to assess coping style and the development of social support networks.  相似文献   

Fagard J  Dahmen R 《Laterality》2003,8(1):39-52
We compared the influence of reading and writing habits on the asymmetry of space perception and the directional tendencies of French and Tunisian right-handers, aged 5, 7, and 9 years. By comparing two groups of children who use the opposite direction for writing (from left to right for French, from right to left for Arabic), before and after being taught to read in school, we evaluated the impact of writing direction on these asymmetries. A bisection task, a circle-drawing task, and a dot-filling task were used to assess spatial asymmetries and directional tendencies. On the bisection task, a group difference emerged at 9 years, with the French children bisecting the line to the left of the true centre, and the Tunisian children showing no bias. On the circle-drawing task, there was a group difference from 7 years on, as the French children, but not the Tunisian children, used increasing counterclockwise movements. Finally, on the dot-filling task performed with the right hand, the French children filled in significantly more dots when going from left to right from 7 years on, whereas Tunisian children filled in more dots when going from right to left. These results show the impact of basic tendencies in younger children (ipsilateral bias in line bisection, clockwise direction in circle drawing, outward tendency for horizontal displacement in dot filling), as well as the impact of writing direction on spatial asymmetries after learning to read. The results are also discussed in reference to the differences between the two languages, the closeness of the French direction of writing to spontaneous neural-based tendencies, and the influence of learning French at age 8 for the Tunisian children.  相似文献   

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) shares many characteristics with social phobia (SP), including high levels of social anxiety and avoidance, but to our knowledge no studies have directly compared these disorders’ demographic and clinical features. Demographic and clinical features were compared in individuals with BDD (n=172), SP (n=644), and comorbid BDD/SP (n=125). SP participants had a significantly earlier age of onset and lower educational attainment than BDD participants. BDD participants were significantly less likely to ever be married than SP participants, had a greater likelihood of ever being psychiatrically hospitalized, and had significantly lower mean GAF scores than SP participants. The two groups had different comorbidity patterns, which included a greater likelihood for BDD participants to have comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or an eating disorder, vs. a greater likelihood for SP participants to have a comorbid non-OCD anxiety disorder. The comorbid BDD/SP group had significantly greater morbidity across several domains than the SP only group, but not the BDD only group. In summary, although BDD and SP were similar across many demographic and clinical features, they had important differences. Future studies are needed to confirm these findings and address similarities and differences between these disorders across a broader range of variables.  相似文献   

Relationship between Rorschach body boundary indices, physiological measures and body symptoms were investigated in children to further test the hypothesis that patterning of automatic responses is related to fantasies experienced about the boundaries of one's body. Two groups of 30 male children (6 and 8 years of age) were studied with the aim of finding out how early in the developmental sequence certain body image-body reactivity relationships found in adults appear.Barrier and penetration (body boundary indices scores and physiological data were obtained from testing the children. Symptoms were tabulated by interviewing parents. Results showed consistent relationships between body boundary indices and symptom sites analogous to the adult pattern. Relationships between boundary indices and automatic measures followed the adult pattern for age 6 but not for age 8.  相似文献   


Using data from a community-based sample (Project EAT-III), this study (N = 1241; mean age = 25.2) examined the relationship of feminist identity with body image and disordered eating. Feminist-identified women reported significantly higher body satisfaction than non-feminist women and women who did not identify as feminists but held feminist beliefs. However, feminist-identified women did not differ from non-feminist women in disordered eating. Women holding feminist beliefs and non-feminist women did not differ in body satisfaction. Our findings suggest that self-identification as a feminist may promote positive body image in young adult women, but may be insufficient to change behaviors.  相似文献   

This study examines the degree to which caregiver social connectedness influences the effects of strain associated with caring for a child with severe emotional disturbance (SED) on caregiver well-being. We propose a model describing the relationships among the variables of interest and investigate elements of this model. Caregiver strain and social connections were significantly associated with caregiver well-being. Although, no significant interaction effects of caregiver strain and social connections were detected, study findings suggest that caregiver well-being can affect child progress and adjustment. Implications for child- and family-serving systems are considered.  相似文献   

Expectancy effects on self-reported anxiety and self-generated cognitive strategies were evaluated in a dental analogue by means of a film response questionnaire and an interview. Seventy-two female college subjects, half high and half low in self-reported dental fear were assigned to three levels of expectancy set (positive, fearful and neutral) induced by means of a slide presentation and verbal set. Although expectancy effects on post-film anxiety were not significant, differences due to dental fear level were found. Interview protocols were rated for general cognitive response style (coping, catastrophizing or no strategy), arousal and absorption. Discriminant function analysis between response styles indicated that arousal level provided a strong contribution to the discriminant functions differentiating between the general response styles, separating non-strategy users from catastrophizers. Specific ratings of reported absorption were related to whether or not cognitive coping strategies were used. Expectancy set was related to the direction of these cognitions. The findings validate the use of dental analogue studies for investigating dental fear.  相似文献   

Antifat attitudes (AFA) refer to the belief that overweight and obese individuals are responsible for their weight. Using 264 Latina and European American females, a regression showed that AFA positively correlated with body dissatisfaction and eating concerns. An ANOVA revealed that European American females reported significantly greater AFA than Latinas. Furthermore, European American females and high acculturated Latinas reported significantly greater AFA than both bicultural and low acculturated Latinas. No differences existed between European Americans and high acculturated Latinas. Language-use significantly interacted with body dissatisfaction to predict AFA. The role of AFA, acculturation, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the physical activity and body image of children and adolescents with visual impairment (VI) in Brazil and Italy. For this, 41 children and adolescents with VI (19 Brazilian and 22 Italian) aged 10.22 ± 2.19 years old (18 girls and 23 boys) answered the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C), the Offer Self-Image Questionnaire (OSIQ), and an instrument with information about the disability, body weight and height. We analyzed the relationship between data from PAQ-C and OSIQ, as well as the gender, level of disability (blindness or low vision) and country using independent Mann–Whitney test. Body mass index (BMI) values were higher for Brazilian youths, with more than half of them classified as overweight and obese. Italian youths exhibited values of body image that were more positive and only 27% presented overweight or obesity. Blind children and adolescents were less active than those with low vision, but no differences were found between countries or genders. In Brazil, we detected significant correlations (p > 0.05) between physical activity, body image and BMI, which more active youths presenting lower values of BMI and a better perception of body image. Physical activity seems to have a positive influence on body image and BMI for children and adolescents with VI, thus it should be encouraged especially for those with higher disability degrees.  相似文献   

Sabine Heuer 《Aphasiology》2016,30(8):943-961
Background: Photographs provide more information including colour, luminance, texture, and shading cues compared to line drawings. There is evidence that these additional cues facilitate image recognition in individuals with and without neurological deficits. Black-and-white line drawings and colour photographs are commonly used with individuals with aphasia in evaluation and treatment. Eye tracking provides an opportunity to assess the influence of these different image types on object recognition processes without relying on verbal responses.

Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine whether differences in object recognition of photographs and line drawings were observed using eye-tracking measures. Specific goals were to compare the influence of (a) image type of the same target image presented as colour photograph and black-and-white line drawing and (b) degree of colour diagnosticity (high-colour diagnostic natural objects and low-colour diagnostic human-made objects) in multiple-choice image displays on language-mediated eye movements in language-normal adults.

Methods & Procedures: Eye movements of 19 participants were recorded while they viewed 66 multiple-choice image displays of colour photographs and black-and-white line drawings presented with a verbal stimulus. Target images included high-colour diagnostic natural objects and low-colour diagnostic human-made objects.

Outcomes & Results: Participants allocated significantly greater proportions of fixation duration and first-pass gaze duration to the photographs compared to line drawings. No significant differences were observed for colour diagnosticity differences within the colour or the black-and-white line drawing displays.

Conclusions: Eye tracking indexed significant differences in fixation duration allocated to target images in displays that only differed with respect to image type and colour, and were otherwise carefully controlled for shape, size, orientation, and content conveyed. Results suggest that language-normal participants’ object recognition was facilitated by colour photographs compared to line drawings, highlighting the clinical relevance and the need for research of image design for clinical use with individuals with neurological impairments.  相似文献   

This paper examines how two proposed cognitive vulnerabilities of social anxiety, the fear of negative evaluation, and looming cognitive style may combine with socially demanding situations in predicting social anxiety symptoms and performance deficits. Fifty-two individuals previously identified as possessing these two cognitive vulnerabilities were randomly assigned to conditions in a 2 (high versus low social evaluation) × 2 (high versus low temporal looming) experimental design. Significant interaction effects were found for: (a) residual change in anxiety symptoms from baseline level, and (b) performance on a speech task. Specifically, cognitively at-risk individuals exhibited the most increase in anxiety and the most performance deficits in the condition where social evaluation and temporal looming were high. In addition, a mediational effect of illusion of transparency (a form of self-attentional bias) between situational demands and residual change in anxiety was found. Implications arising from these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Compared with surgical patients awaiting rhinoplasty and control subjects, dysmorphophobic patients were more dissatisfied with facial appearance, more anxious, more depressed, more neurotic and less extrovert. Morphanalysis, an objective measure of facial appearance, was applied to the first 11 dysmorphophobic and first 11 surgical subjects. The dysmorphophobic group had a variety of abnormal features that were not identified by medical practitioners or the patient. These subtle anomalies were often unrelated to the focus of dissatisfaction which was usually normal. A panel of lay judges rated the appearance of the dysmorphophobic group as being intermediate between the control and surgical groups but not significantly different from either.  相似文献   

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