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目的 了解临床护士在工作中的创新意识。方法 采用自行设计的调查问卷,10项内容,被调查护士480人。结果 83.3%临床护士有创新意识,以30~41岁年龄段护士创新意识最强。结论 创新是学科发展的动力和源泉,管理者要重视和培养护士的创新能力,尤其重视中年护士的能力培养,管理上给予支持和保证。  相似文献   

语言是人类相互交流与沟通的工具,良好的语言修养可以激起人们美好的情感。在系统化整体护理过程中,语言是医护之间进行信息传递和思想情感交流的重要工具,是建立良好医护关系的桥梁,是心理治疗和护理的重要手段,它贯穿于整个护理过程中,是提高护理质量的根本保证。因此,护士要充分认识语言修养在护理工作中的重要性和必要性;护士要在实践工作中不断学习语言技巧,提高语言修养水平。  相似文献   

在护理工作中,语言是护士与病员交往的主要手段,起着安慰、疏导、解释、暗示、治疗、教育指导等特殊作用。护士的语言代表着一个护士的素质、道德和情操。作为一个护理工作者,要十分注意语言修养。  相似文献   

一个合格的护士,必须具有良好的职业道德,而语言修养也是职业道德内容之一,语言修养在护理工作中尤为重要,因此,护士必须具有良好的语言修养。  相似文献   

注重语言沟通培养防范护理纠纷   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
翟丽  史俊娥 《现代护理》2001,7(10):42-43
语言是传递和交流思想的工具 ,也是体现文化修养的要素。护士有良好的愿望、美好的心灵、热情的态度 ,均是通过语言来表述。一些病人及其家属是按护士语言来评估护士工作的[1] 。随着整体护理的发展 ,护士在与病人的语言沟通中 ,一方面表现在临床护理工作中 ,另一方面表现在对病人实施健康教育工作中 ,为提高病人对护士的信任 ,减少护理纠纷的发生 ,我们认为应从以下几个方面做好护理人员的教育工作。1 明确护患关系 ,端正服务态度护患关系是指护理人员与病人为了治疗性的共同目标建立起来的一种特殊的人际关系。其特征为护理人员对病人表…  相似文献   

护理学是一门以社会科学、自然科学等多领域的知识为理论基础的综合性应用科学。随着社会发展,科技的进步,和交通工具的发达不同国家、地区的人与人之间的接触和交往日益增多,跨区域、跨国界的科学文化技术交流变得越来越广泛,形成了一个多元文化的社会体系。这种多元文化日渐影响着各行各业,其中对护理学来说,有必要了解多元文化护理,明确多元文化护理的要求,掌握多元文化护理知识,以满足不同文化背景病人的身心、社会、文化及发展的健康需要。  相似文献   

分析我国现行医学教育中人文素质教育的现状,阐述加强护士文化自觉性培养在医学人文素质教育中的作用及临床护士接受医学人文素质教育中文化自觉性培养的路径。指出护士作为医院文化建设的参与者,其文化自觉性的培养关系到护士队伍整体素质的提高与护理服务水平的提升。所以加强对临床护士护理文化自觉性的培养,能使其清晰地了解所处医院文化的由来、发展历程、演变过程及其未来,帮助其树立以人为本的价值观和道德观,从而转变服务理念,促进医院护理文化的传播与建设,促进医院文化的整体发展。  相似文献   

1 如何提高护士的语言技巧与修养 (1)变以往“是或不是”的封闭式交谈为开放式交谈。在护理工作中需要询问患有关问题时.面应宽,让患回答问题有余地。如“您哪里不舒服”,以扩大交谈范围。(2)变连续灌输式交谈为启发式交谈。在护理工作中如遇到患不愿意回答及未能理解的问题,应在交谈中逐渐了解.针对其原因进行诱导启发,设法解除患的顾虑。(3)改变以往护士一言堂式交谈为讨论式交谈,  相似文献   

临床护理实践中的护理文化建设探讨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

庞晓丽  林晓云 《全科护理》2011,9(28):2548-2549
[目的]了解护生实习前护理专业技能综合强化的作用,为教学和临床实习提供依据。[方法]将2006级护理本科生140人随机分为实验组和对照组,每组70人,实验组在实习前以病例为切入点,从单纯护理技能、沟通能力、疾病知识综合分析能力三方面进行强化训练,对照组不进行强化。比较两组护生实习前单纯技能考核成绩、病人满意度评价情况、实习4周后出科技能成绩、临床带教评价情况。[结果]实验组护生实习前单纯技能考核成绩优于对照组;临床实习4周后,实验组在病人评价和临床带教评价方面高于对照组,而在3项技能成绩方面比较差异无统计学意义。[结论]临床实习前对护生进行专业技能综合强化训练,有利于提高临床实习质量。  相似文献   

实习护生入科前集中培训基础护理操作技能的效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨实习护生入科前集中培训基础护理操作技能的效果.方法 将2007年实习护生176名列为对照组,将2008年实习护生320名列为实验组.对照组护生在接受常规的入科前教育后即安排进入临床实习,实验组护生除常规入科前教育外,再进行为期1周的集中基础护理操作技能培训并考核,合格者进入临床实习,未合格者继续培训至考核合格,再进入临床实习.比较2组护生在第一阶段掌握操作技能时间、出科操作考核成绩和带教老师对护生实习质量的效果评价.结果 与对照组护生比较,实验组护生在第一阶段掌握操作技能的时间缩短,出科操作考核成绩明显上升,带教老师对实验组护生实习质量效果评价优良率较对照组明显提高.结论 通过集中培训考核,可缩短护生掌握基础护理操作技能时间,提高护生操作能力,促进临床护理带教质量的提高.  相似文献   

目的:研究整体护理观对护生实习前技能训练的影响。方法:研究对象为高职护理专业4个班的学生248人,随机分成实验组和对照组各124人。对照组采用传统的训练方法,实验组采用整体护理观指导下的训练方法,训练时间为4周。训练结束后,比较两组护生的技能考试成绩,并采用问卷调查临床带教教师的评价。结果:实验组的技能成绩高于对照组;临床带教教师评价结果,实验组护生在操作能力、沟通能力、礼仪修养、应变能力、适应能力、服务态度、专业态度维度及总均分均高于对照组(P0.01,P0.05)。结论:整体护理观指导下的护理技能训练模式培养了护生以操作能力为首的综合能力。  相似文献   

Although pre-registration nursing in the United Kingdom (UK) is moving towards a graduate exit, the vocational/professional debate is still live and continues to be played out in both popular and professional literature. This study considers the nature of contemporary academic communities and the challenge of duality in professional nursing life. More than a decade after the move into higher education (HE) however the role of the academic is still controversial, with much of the debate focussed on the nature of clinical credibility. This article considers the dimensions of academic nursing, reports the views of academics and clinicians and introduces a model of working that could potentially harness and blend the skills of academics and clinicians, nurturing a culture of applied scholarship throughout the professional/academic journey.  相似文献   

社区护士护理技能培养的实践与成效   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
目的探讨社区护理人才培养问题,解决现阶段社区护理人力资源不足。方法通过在职转岗培训途径,加强护理技能培养。采取院内专科轮转、选送进修、办培训班、现场带教等提高社区护士护理技术水平和工作能力。结果护士能尽快适应社区护理工作,具备独立完成社区护理操作的能力,解决了社区护理人力资源不足问题。结论社区护士在职转岗培训是社区护理人才培养的有效途径。  相似文献   

AIM: This paper reports a literature review examining the activities of professional nursing associations in the promotion of evidence-based practice. BACKGROUND: Professional nursing associations can play a role in the implementation and achievement of evidence-based practice as such associations aim to develop and further educate nurses professionally, build professional networks representing the interests of nurses and the nursing profession, influence the government and policymakers, and support and protect the basic values of nurses. The exact role of professional nursing associations in the promotion of evidence-based practice is as yet unclear, along with just how the role of such associations can be expanded and which strategies can be used to promote evidence-based practice among members. METHOD: A literature and Internet search was undertaken using the PUBMED, CINAHL, SCIRUS, INVERT, and the Cochrane databases using the terms evidence-based practice(s)* or EBP*, which were then combined with Nursing Society*, Nursing Organization*, Nursing Organisation*, Nursing Association* or Nursing Council*. Other sources included a Google search of the Internet, and the sites of various members of the International Council of Nurses. Publications in English, French or German from 1993 to 2004 were used, and the Internet search was conducted on 17 July 2003. RESULTS: Sixty nursing associations described the dissemination of evidence-based practice using one or more types of activities (179 activities in total). All of these activities were of a voluntary nature, with a predominant focus (132/179 activities) on intrinsic motivation of nurses. More specifically, most of the activities were aimed at nurses' competences and attitudes in relation to evidence-based practice. CONCLUSION: Professional nurses' associations are active in promoting evidence-based practice among their nurse members, but only those focusing on changing competences and attitude by addressing intrinsic motivation are well used. Other types of activities deserve to be explored, including behaviour-oriented approaches, approaches using structural, social or financial influence measures and perhaps methods based on 'involuntary involvement'.  相似文献   

通过对国内外循证护理实践培训的方法、内容以及培训效果测评等进行综述,指出国内循证护理实践培训现存的问题,即培训片面化、内容简单化以及测评工具不统一等问题,并提出对策,为国内开展相关的培训提供参考。  相似文献   

This article is based on a literature review carried out as part of a study of communication skills training in pre-registration nursing education in England in 2000. A systematic literature search was conducted and 200 articles were found that were relevant to the study. Definitional problems were found, with terms such as communication skills and interpersonal skills being used interchangeably. The term communications strategies is suggested to overcome these problems, as it reflects the logical organization of a number of different communication skills within a theoretical or empirical framework. Problems in current communication skills teaching and social barriers to using communication skills in practice are discussed. It is concluded that problems continue to exist in these areas and that an emphasis on both aspects is needed if patient and staff satisfaction is to be improved.  相似文献   

AIM OF THE PAPER: This paper highlights the centrality of language in constructing knowledge. It aims at making us sensitive to the political nature of knowledge production and the complex power relationships that may emerge as a result of our efforts to create new knowledge. BACKGROUND: Science, as understood here, is a linguistic construction, rather than a mirror reflection of reality. A number of examples are presented, demonstrating the complex ways in which language is central in shaping all our attempts to know, science included, and nursing practice. CONCLUSION: Based on the analysis presented in this paper an argument is made for a substantial re-thinking of nursing research and its relationship to nursing practice. Research needs to be an integral part of everyday nursing practice, a way of posing questions and reflecting on answers. Further, nurses need to be aware of the potentially coercive nature of knowledge as well as its liberating effect.  相似文献   

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