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Y Wu  D Yan  M B Sharpe  B Miller  J W Wong 《Medical physics》2001,28(11):2188-2197
A clinically oriented two-dimensional intensity-modulated beam delivery method is implemented using multiple static segmented fields, i.e., the "step-and-shoot" approach. Starting with a desired al" intensity distribution, it creates a multiple-level intensity approximation, and then constructs a sequence of segmented fields to deliver the multiple-level intensities using multileaf collimator (MLC) and independent backup jaws. The approach starts with a simple grouping of all the nonzero intensity values into a minimum number of clusters for a user specified deviation tolerance for the ideal plan. The k-means clustering algorithm is then employed to find the optimal levels of intensity that minimize the discrepancies between the ideal and the approximated intensities, without violating the user specified deviation tolerance. The multiple-level intensities are then decomposed into a sequence of machine deliverable segments. Apart from the first segment for each gantry angle, all the other segments are arranged to minimize the total travel distance of the leaves. The first segment covers the entire irradiated area and is used for treatment verification by electronic portal imaging. The implementation issues due to the physical constraints of the MLCs are also addressed.  相似文献   

The 'tongue-and-groove problem' in step-and-shoot delivery of intensity modulated radiotherapy is investigated. A 'tongue-and-groove' index (TGI) is introduced to quantify the 'tongue-and-groove' effect in step-and-shoot delivery. Four different types of leaf sequencing methods are compared. The sliding window method and the reducing level method use the same number of field segments to deliver the same intensity map, but the TGI is much less for the reducing level method. The leaf synchronization method of Van Santvoort and Heijmen fails in step-and-shoot delivery, but a new method inspired by the method of Van Santvoort and Heijmen is shown to eliminate 'tongue-and-groove' underdosage completely.  相似文献   

The multileaf collimator (MLC) hardware constraints are usually neglected in the process of intensity-modulated beam optimization. Consequently, it is not always possible to deliver planned beam modulation using dynamic MLC. Beam optimization is significantly diminished if the results must be approximated due to limitations imposed by the delivery device. To overcome this problem, an inverse beam optimization method which incorporates the hardware constraints has been developed. The hardware constraints, including the leaf velocity, the dose rate and the minimum required gap between opposing and adjacent leaves, were considered. An iterative search for feasible modulation was conducted alternately in the dosimetric space and the MLC position-time space. The optimization algorithm was designed for a unidirectional leaf trajectory and a constant dose rate. A scheme to reduce tongue-and-groove underdosage during optimization was also implemented. Comparisons were made between the solutions produced by this method and conventional optimization disregarding the hardware restrictions. The beam profiles generated by the conventional method were modified to satisfy the hardware specifications. The results indicate that inclusion of MLC constraints during optimization can improve the degree of conformity that is deliverable.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the dosimetric effects of random and systematic modulator errors in delivery of dynamic intensity modulated beams. A sliding-widow type delivery that utilizes a combination of multileaf collimators (MLCs) and backup diaphragms was examined. Gaussian functions with standard deviations ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 mm were used to simulate random positioning errors. A clinical example involving a clival meningioma was chosen with optic chiasm and brain stem as limiting critical structures in the vicinity of the tumour. Dose calculations for different modulator fluctuations were performed, and a quantitative analysis was carried out based on cumulative and differential dose volume histograms for the gross target volume and surrounding critical structures. The study indicated that random modulator errors have a strong tendency to reduce minimum target dose and homogeneity. Furthermore, it was shown that random perturbation of both MLCs and backup diaphragms in the order of sigma = 1 mm can lead to 5% errors in prescribed dose. In comparison, when MLCs or backup diaphragms alone was perturbed, the system was more robust and modulator errors of at least sigma = 1.5 mm were required to cause dose discrepancies greater than 5%. For systematic perturbation, even errors in the order of +/- 0.5 mm were shown to result in significant dosimetric deviations.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this work is to demonstrate a practical means of determining the leaf transmission and scatter characteristics of a multileaf collimator (MLC) pertinent to the commissioning of dynamic intensity modulated radiotherapy, especially for the sweeping window technique. The data are necessary for the conversion of intensity distributions produced by intensity-modulated radiotherapy optimization systems into trajectories of MLC leaves for dynamic delivery. Measurements are described for two, tungsten alloy MLCs: a Mark II 80-leaf MLC on a Varian 2100C accelerator and a Millenium 120-leaf MLC on a Varian 2100EX accelerator. MLC leakage was measured by film for a series of field sizes. Measured MLC leakage was 1.68% for a 10 x 10 cm2 field for both 6 and 18 MV for the 80-leaf MLC. For the 6 MV field, the 1.68% leakage consisted of 1.48% direct transmission and 0.20% leaf scatter. Direct transmission through the 80-leaf MLC, including the rounded leaf tip, was calculated analytically taking into account the detailed leaf geometry and a Monte Carlo-generated energy spectrum of the accelerator. The integrated fluence under the leaf tip was equivalent to an inward shift of 0.06 cm of a hypothetical leaf with a flat, focused tip. Monte Carlo calculations of the dose to phantom beyond a closed 80-leaf MLC showed excellent agreement with the analytic results. The transmission depends on the density of the MLC alloy, which may differ among individual MLCs. Thus, it is important to measure the transmission of any particular MLC. Calculated doses for a series of uniform fields produced by dynamic sweeping windows of various widths agree with measurements within 2%.  相似文献   

The creation of arbitrary photon fluence patterns for intensity modulated radiotherapy is addressed. The proposed method is intended for a class of multileaf collimators with a requirement for minimum leaf separation. Unlike the solution of Convery and Webb in which discrete beam intensity modulation was assumed, the present method deals with continuous modulation or that consisting of infinitely small bixels. The method begins with the time-optimal solution of Spirou-Stein-Svensson disregarding the minimum gap requirement. Subsequently, the gaps are restored by mobilizing the secondary beam blocking devices to prevent overexposure resulting from the leaf separation process. The secondary beam blocking is provided by means of two orthogonal backup diaphragms that are computer controlled. The results indicate that the method can be used to accurately deliver the desired modulation while satisfying the leaf positioning constraints. Furthermore, an example is presented which illustrates the efficacy of using the horizontal backup diaphragms (moving in perpendicular direction of the leaves) in addition to the vertical backup diaphragms (moving in the parallel direction of the leaves) to generate zero fluence regions.  相似文献   

The clinical implementation of IMRT involves the use of a number of complex software-based systems, typically including an inverse planning system, a leaf sequencer, and a computer-controlled treatment delivery system. The inverse planning system determines the desired fluence patterns, the leaf sequencer translates those fluence maps into leaf trajectories, and the control system delivers those trajectories. While verification of intensity-modulated treatment fields has focused primarily on the dosimetric aspects of delivery, accurate delivery of the intended fluence distribution is dependent upon both the leaf sequencer and delivery control systems. Leaf sequencing algorithms typically do not incorporate many control system limitations, and this can lead to discrepancies between planned and delivered sequences. In this work, simple and complex fields were sequenced for the dynamic sliding window technique using different leaf speeds and tolerance settings to identify various limitations of the accelerator control system. This work was conducted on a Varian 2100 EX equipped with a Millennium 120 leaf MLC. The identified limitations were then incorporated into the sequencing algorithm using a limiting leaf velocity (less than the maximum leaf velocity), the leaf position tolerance, and the communications delay in the control system. Collision avoidance in leaf pairs was found to depend on a control system-enforced minimum gap between leaves and led to acceleration effects. By incorporating these effects into the leaf sequencing algorithm, dynamic sliding-window leaf sequences were produced which did not require beam interruptions or dose rate modulations for the parameter values used in calculating the sequence (dose rate, tolerance, leaf speed, and total monitor units). Incorporation of control system limitations into the leaf sequencing algorithm results in IMRT fields that are delivered with the prescribed constant dose rate, require less time to deliver, and have well-defined, calculable transmission dose characteristics.  相似文献   

Chen Y  Hou Q  Galvin JM 《Medical physics》2004,31(6):1504-1511
A new leaf-sequencing algorithm for step-and-shoot IMRT that is based on a graph-searching technique is described. An iterative process guided by a quantitative measure for the complexity of the initial or residual intensity pattern is used to identify the field segments shaped by a multileaf collimator (MLC). Given a user selected number of intensity levels, the algorithm searches deliverable segment candidates considering all intensity levels and two collimator positions separated by 90 degrees. The candidates for each intensity level are obtained as the least number of segments to cover the areas with equal or higher intensity. The shape of a deliverable segment is adjusted by leaving out certain beam elements for later delivery if this results in a simpler residual intensity pattern and the segment is still deliverable. For a MLC design that does not allow leaf interdigitation, it is initially assumed that a single segment cannot cover two disjoined areas. Among all candidates the segment with the greatest reduction of the complexity of the residual intensity distribution is chosen for the current step of iteration. The iterative process generates a set of deliverable segments of simply connected areas. These segments are combined later under specific MLC constraints. Different orders of segment combination are considered for minimizing the beam-on time. The final segments are sequenced to minimize the leaf travel. This algorithm has been tested using randomly generated intensity distributions and clinical cases for the Varian, Siemens, and Elekta MLC systems. The results show that as the number of intensity levels is increased, the numbers of segments and MUs increase only modestly. Using two collimator angles results in decreases in the required number of segments and the number of monitor units that can be as much as 20%.  相似文献   

Methods of beam fluence sequencing for intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) using the beam scanning technique are presented. Proton beam weight maps optimized by the treatment planning system (TPS) for a discrete set of regularly spaced narrow pencil beams were interpolated, using convolution with various kernel functions, to simulate continuous beam scanning on a raster pattern. Expected dose distributions at the proton Bragg peak range were then calculated and compared to those planned by the TPS, to evaluate the discrepancy due to the differences between the treatment planning and delivery approaches. An iteratively optimized adjustment was applied to the simulated continuous beam fluence profiles to reduce such discrepancy. Calculation showed that by accounting for the specifics of the scanning method, the planned dose distribution on the target may be reproduced to within 0.5% of the maximum target dose, given the pencil beam spacing smaller or equal to the beam sigma is used for treatment planning. For the beam weight maps generated using a spot spacing larger than sigma, a substantial reduction in the calculated dose discrepancy may be attained by applying an iterative adjustment of fluence profiles obtained by interpolating over artificially expanded set of beam spots.  相似文献   

Secondary neutron doses from the delivery of 18 MV conventional and intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment plans were compared. IMRT was delivered using dynamic multileaf collimation (MLC). Additional measurements were made with static MLC using a primary collimated field size of 10 x 10 cm2 and MLC field sizes of 0 x 0, 5 x 5, and 10 x 10 cm2. Neutron spectra were measured and effective doses calculated. The IMRT treatment resulted in a higher neutron fluence and higher dose equivalent. These increases were approximately the ratio of the monitor units. The static MLC measurements were compared to Monte Carlo calculations. The actual component dimensions and materials for the Varian Clinac 2100/2300C including the MLC were modeled with MCNPX to compute the neutron fluence due to neutron production in and around the treatment head. There is excellent agreement between the calculated and measured neutron fluence for the collimated field size of 10 x 10 cm2 with the 0 x 0 cm2 MLC field. Most of the neutrons at the detector location for this geometry are directly from the accelerator head with a small contribution from room scatter. Future studies are needed to investigate the effect of different beam energies used in IMRT incorporating the effects of scattered photon dose as well as secondary neutron dose.  相似文献   

An independent verification of the leaf trajectories during each treatment fraction improves the safety of IMRT delivery. In order to verify dynamic IMRT with an electronic portal imaging device (EPID), the EPID response should be accurate and fast such that the effect of motion blurring on the detected moving field edge position is limited. In the past, it was shown that the errors in the detected position of a moving field edge determined by a scanning liquid-filled ionization chamber (SLIC) EPID are negligible in clinical practice. Furthermore, a method for leaf trajectory verification during dynamic IMRT was successfully applied using such an EPID. EPIDs based on amorphous silicon (a-Si) arrays are now widely available. Such a-Si flat panel imagers (FPIs) produce portal images with superior image quality compared to other portal imaging systems, but they have not yet been used for leaf trajectory verification during dynamic IMRT. The aim of this study is to quantify the effect of motion distortion and motion blurring on the detection accuracy of a moving field edge for an Elekta iViewGT a-Si FPI and to investigate its applicability for the leaf trajectory verification during dynamic IMRT. We found that the detection error for a moving field edge to be smaller than 0.025 cm at a speed of 0.8 cm/s. Hence, the effect of motion blurring on the detection accuracy of a moving field edge is negligible in clinical practice. Furthermore, the a-Si FPI was successfully applied for the verification of dynamic IMRT. The verification method revealed a delay in the control system of the experimental DMLC that was also found using a SLIC EPID, resulting in leaf positional errors of 0.7 cm at a leaf speed of 0.8 cm/s.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to describe the sampling process that occurs when intensity modulated radiotherapy treatments (delivered with a multileaf collimator) are imaged with an electronic portal imaging device that acquires a set of frames with a finite dead-time between them. The effects of the imaging duty cycle and frame rate on the accuracy of dosimetric verification have been studied. A frame interval of 1 s with 25%, 50% and 75% duty cycle, and a 50% duty cycle with frame intervals of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 s have been studied for a smoothly varying hemispherical intensity profile, and a 50% duty cycle with frame intervals of 1, 2, 4, and 8 s for a pixellated distribution. In addition an intensity modulated beam for breast radiotherapy has been modeled and imaged for 0.33 s frame time and 1, 2, and 3 s frame separation. The results show that under sparse temporal sampling conditions, errors of the order of 10% may ensue and occur with an oscillatory pattern. For the beams studied, imaging with a 1 or 2 s frame interval resulted in small errors at the 1%-2% level, for all duty cycles shown.  相似文献   

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