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已经证明黑质内存在着对伤害性刺激有反应的神经元(痛敏神经元),而且黑质与针刺镇痛作用有一定关系。本文用细胞外记录的方法进一步探讨黑质与痛觉的整合及针刺镇痛的关系。在75只无动化大鼠记录了382个黑质神经元的自发放电。根据其自发放电特点可将黑质神经元分为两型:310个Ⅰ型神经元以自发放电频率慢(3.36±0.11次/秒),动作电位时程长(4.59±0.16ms)为特点;72个Ⅱ型神经元的特点是自发放电频率快(26.12±1.55次/秒),动作电位时程短(1.65±0.06ms)。观察了219个神经元对伤害性刺激的反应。在痛敏神经元中,大部分Ⅰ型神经元(85%)呈痛抑制反应,大部分Ⅱ型神经元(81%)呈痛兴奋反应,电针时它们对伤害性刺激的反应减弱。结果表明电针和伤害性刺激的信息均可以到达黑质,并相互作用,使痛反应减弱。本文结果提示黑质神经元与痛觉信息的整合以及针刺镇痛有一定关系。  相似文献   

InGoodmanandGilmans’bookPharmaco logicalBasisofTherapeutics[1 ] ,acupuncturetherapyhasbeenregardedasthethirdtypeofremediesforheroinomania .However,uptonow ,majorityoftheresearchesfocusonhowtotreatwithdrawalsymptoms,feweronthereha bilitationofthepatient’simmunefunction .Inthepresentpaper,theeffectoflow frequencyelectroacupuncture (EA)onthecontentofTlymphocytesubgroupsintheperipheralbloodisobservedforrevealingmechanismsofacupunc tureinraisingimmunologicfunction .1 MATERIALSANDMETHOD…  相似文献   

一组大鼠脑池注入5,7-双羟色胺(5,7-DHT)100微克/20微升,9天后进行电针和痛阈测定(5,7-DHT+电针)。另一组同样处理不给电针(5-7DHT对照)。第三组脑池注入溶剂与第一组同时电针(溶剂对照)。三个组如上处理后均取脑干、腰髓进行P物质.(SP)含量的RIA测定。结果溶剂对照组电针镇痛和痛升高(131.2%)均与正常大鼠无异。5,7-DHT+电针组其电针镇痛作用被反转。此组脑干与腰髓SP含量均低于其它二组。此实验表明;电针可激活5-HT下行性抑制,减少SP在脑干以下部位的传递性释放。5,7-DHT降低或削除此下向行抑制,加速脑干和脊髓SP的传递性释放,同时反转电针镇痛作用。此实验也表明脑干以下P物质伤害性传递受5-HT下行性抑制的调控。电针镇痛作用至少部份的通过此机能起作用。  相似文献   

本实验研究针刺镇痛与中枢P物质间的关系。实验大鼠分为二组:一组给予电针处理,另一组作为对照。电针前后分别以扭尾实验测痛阈。测痛后立即断头取脑和脊髓,分别测下丘脑、脑干和腰髓P物质的含量水平。P物质用放免法测定。结果电针镇痛组的动物针后痛阈较针前提高135.0%。对照组不用电针,痛阈也无明显改变。电针镇痛有效的动物,其P物质在下丘脑较对照组为低,而在脑干和腰髓则较对照组为高。结果表明:电针镇痛增加P物质在下丘脑的释放,而在脑干和腰髓则降低释放增加储存。电针镇痛可能部份的通过对中枢P物质的影响而起作用。  相似文献   

曹蔚鸿  邓颖 《针刺研究》1993,18(1):48-52
电针在急性关节炎动物模型上有镇痛作用,但不同电针参数的研究未见报道。本实验用100赫芝和15赫芝两种频率电针关节炎大鼠阳陵泉穴,可见低频电针镇痛效应优于高频电针;低频电针组脊髓谷氨酸含量低于高频电针组,γ-氨基丁酸含量在两组间无明显著差别。结果提示脊髓谷氨酸可能与不同频率电针的镇痛效应有密切关系。  相似文献   

<正> 电针对机体多种生理功能具有调整作用。但对在生理功能调节中起重要作用的神经内分泌系统的影响,报告较少。本室曾报告电针"肢中"穴可刺激授乳期大鼠催乳素分泌。本文进一步观察到电针"脸中"穴可使非授乳大鼠(雄鼠,动情间期雌鼠及去卵巢补雌激素鼠)催乳素分泌增加,更证明电针可影响神经内分泌系统功能。另外,在一种动物模型身上针刺三种不同穴位(足三里、足临泣、植中)均引起血浆催乳素升高。因此不能排除其中有应激反应的成分。但"值中"穴的效应最显著,与另外二穴比较存在着量的签别。尤其在穴位组合实验中,针刺"足临泣"穴可拮抗针"值中"穴的效应。这些结果均显示一J'穴位的相对特异效应。本文结果对进一步阐明针灸催乳机理及用针灸治疗高催乳素血症的可能性有所启示。  相似文献   

<正> 中枢儿茶酚胺(CA)主要有去甲肾上腺素(NA)和(DA)。我们曾观察到电针后大鼠脑内 NA 和 DA 含量发生显著变化,这种效应与所用的电针频率和强度有密切关系。许多实验研究也支持 NA 和 DA参与针刺镇痛过程。此外,阿片受体拮抗剂纳洛酮广泛被用来间接检查某一生理过程是否有内源性吗啡样物质参与。大量实验表明,无论全身性或脑室注射纳洛酮可以阻断或降低针刺的效应。由于脑内多种神经化学物质在代谢和功能上有着密切的联系。在本工作中,我们观察了大鼠腹腔注射纳洛酮对电针镇痛效应及其脑内 NA 和 DA 含量变化的影响,以便探讨阿片受体在针刺镇痛中对中枢 CA 的调节作用。  相似文献   

目的:电针对于改善长期疲劳症状有一定的疗效,但是治疗机理尚不清楚,本实验旨在探讨其机理。方法:对电针组大鼠,针刺双侧肾俞,并进行捻转补泻1分钟。然后将针柄连接到疏密波电针仪上,频率为3Hz,通电30分钟,振幅正脉冲50V,负脉冲25V。电针治疗每天进行一次,连续五天。对照组(正常组)的大鼠,不采取针刺和电针刺激。治疗结束后的第二天杀死所有实验老鼠,检测它们的血液和大脑组织中的肉毒碱含量。结果:电针组和对照组(正常组)的大鼠血清内的肉毒碱含量分别为5.10±0.50μmol/L和2.17±0.46μmol/L;大脑组织内的肉毒碱含量分别为44.66±2.67μmol/L和24.05±3.65μmol/L。电针组血清和大脑组织中的肉毒碱含量明显高于对照组(P〈0.001)。结论:本研究显示电针可以明显提高血液和大脑中肉毒碱的含量,表明电针对能量代谢和改善疲劳具有影响。  相似文献   

<正> 我们以前的研究发现,针刺镇痛时大鼠脑内去甲肾上腺素(NA)含量发生明显变化,而且它与针刺镇痛有密切的关系。许多研究资料也支持中枢 r-氨基丁酸(GABA)和乙酰胆碱(ACh)参与针刺镇痛过程。由于脑内各种神经介质在代谢和功能上存在密切的联系和动态平衡。在本工作中,我们观察了大鼠腹腔注射  相似文献   

电针对大鼠急性实验性关节炎的治疗作用   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
赵飞跃  朱丽霞 《针刺研究》1990,15(3):197-201
<正> 我们以前的工作表明,电针能明显提高因踝部注射弗氏完全佐剂引起的关节炎大鼠的痛阈,抑制其背角神经元的伤害性诱发放电,并且发现在急性佐剂性关节炎大鼠注射纳洛酮后伤害性反应明显增强,提示有中枢神经系统内源性抗痛物质的激活。那么在大鼠的行为表现上,这种内源性镇痛系  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effects of electroacupuncture on the serum changes of SOD, MDA and leptin of rats with non-alcoholic steatosis hepatitis.Acupoints Ganshu(BL18), Zusanli(ST36), Fenglong(ST40) and Taichong(LR3) were needled with electroacupuncture.Methods: Forty SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups of ten each: normal group, model group, electroacupuncture group and Western medicine group.The rats were killed at the end of the 16 th week from the beginning of the experiment.Serum and liver specimens were collected.Histological specimens were stained with HE and then studied.Results: Regarding both the serum and liver tissue, the MDA contents were markedly higher in the model group than in the normal group(P0.05).Regarding the SOD contents, there was a downward trend in the livers of the electroacupuncture group, but there was no significant difference between the electroacupuncture group and the Western medicine group(P0.05).The level of leptin was significantly lower in the acupuncture and the Western medicine group than the rest groups(P0.05), but there was no significant difference between the acupuncture group and the Western medicine group.Conclusion: Electroacupuncture can strengthen the hepatic tissues against oxidation, relieve lipid peroxidation in the treatment of NASH.  相似文献   

<正> 文献中关于孤束核的形态及生理功能有很多报导,已知孤束核不仅和脑内很多核内及脊髓有着广泛联系,而且近年来发现孤束核内存在着多种神经递质,特别是存在着一些与痛疼有关的神经递质,如P物质(SP)、脑啡肽、5-羟色胺等。因此关于孤束核的功能,除作为内脏活动中枢外,它  相似文献   

<正> 一般认为机体对疾病的抵抗力与机体的免疫功能状态有一定的关系,患病机体常常表现出免疫功能的异常。补体是正常人血清中非特异性体液免疫因素,一方面参与机体的防御机能,可促使特异性机体发挥作用,另一方面在免疫损伤中也发挥重要作用,血清补体水平的变化也可反映机体防御机能的状态或者某些免疫病理过程的存在。我们曾观察到电针穴位有增强正常人细胞免疫功能的作用。本工作试图通过电针对正常人血清某些补体成份影响的观察,进一步分析  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of electroacupuncture (EA) on learning and memory abilities and ultrastructure of synapses in CA3 region of the hippocampus in vascular dementia (VD) rats. Methods: A total of 32 SD rats were randomized into control (sham-operation, n = 7), model (n = 7), EA (n = 9) and medication (n=9) groups. VD model was established by occlusion of the bilateral vertebral arteries (electrocoagulation) and bilateral common carotid arteries (occlusion for 5 min and reperfusion for 10 min, repeated the procedure for 3 times to induce global ischemia). EA (150 Hz, 1 mA) was applied to “Baihui“(百会GV 20), “Geshu“(膈俞 BL 17), “Pishu“(脾俞 BL 20) and “Shenshu“(肾俞 BL 23) for 20 min, once daily and continuously for 15 days. In medication group, the rats were fed with Nimotong (12 mg/kg), once daily and continuously for 15 days. Morris water maze method was used to test the animals‘ learning and memory abilities (latencies to find the hidden platform determined by place navigation trials, and latencies to cross on the location of the removed platform determined by spatial probe trials) after the treatment. Ultrastructural changes (numerical density, NA,surface density, Sv and volume density, Vv) of Gray type 1 synapses in CA3 region of the hippocampus were observed by using transmission electronic microscope and automatic image analysis system. Results: 1 ) Place navigation test showed that in comparison with control group, the average escape latency of VD group was significantly longer (P<0.01), while in comparison with VD group, the latencies of both EA and medication groups decreased significantly ( P<0.01 ). No significant difference was found between EA and medication groups in the escape latency (P>0.05). 2) Spatial probe-test displayed that in comparison with control group, the times which the animals crossed the target platform in VD group decreased significantly (P<0.01), while compared with VD group, those of both EA and medication groups increased considerably (P<0.01 ). No significant differences were found between EA and medication groups in the times for rats to cross the target quadrant and among the 4 groups in the times for rats to cross the other quadrants. 3) Compared with control group, NA, Sv, and Vv of VD group decreased significantly (P<0.01 ), while in comparison with VD group, the 3 indexes of both EA and medication groups increased significantly (P<0.01), no significant differences were found between EA and medication groups in these 3 indexes (P>0.05). Conclusion: EA can restrain the loss of Gray type Ⅰ synapses in CA3 region of the hippocampus to improve learning and memory abilities in VD rats.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effects of electroacupuncture at Weiwanxiashu(EX-B3) on type 2 diabetes in rats.Methods: Male Wistar rats were fed with high-fat diet.After 4 weeks of dietary administration, the rats were treated with intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin at a low dose of 35 mg/kg.They were then given electroacupuncture treatment for 20 min, five times a week, for 4 weeks.Results: Electroacupuncture at Weiwanxiashu reduced the content of leptin in rats with type 2 diabetes.The leptin content in the model group had no obvious change.Conclusion: The method of electroacupuncture at Weiwanxiashu(EX-B3) can obviously lower the content of leptin in rats with type 2 diabetes and its effect of reducing blood sugar is obvious(P0.05).  相似文献   

<正> 一系列的临床观察和实验研究证实,针刺可提高患病机体的防御能力,对炎症过程进行调整而抑制炎症的病损。临床观察发现,针刺能有效地治疗很多急、慢性炎症。实验研究亦表明,电针刺激可有效地抑制炎症的渗出和肉芽组织增生。但有关针刺对  相似文献   

Objective: Electroacupuncture(EA) and body weight support treadmill training(BWSTT) are effective in spinal cord injury(SCI) treatment.This design tried to investigate the effect of EA combined with BWSTT by evaluating the locomotor functionalrecovery and the expression of nestin and NGF.Methods: Seventy-two adult male SD rats were randomized into sham control group, model control group, EA treatment group and EA combined with BWSTT treatment group.SCI was made by NYU impactor on T9-T10 spinal segment.Outcome measures included motor test evaluated by BBB locomotor rating scale and nestin and NGF expressions of the lesion segment by immunohistochemical technique.Results: BBB scores were significantly higher(P0.05) in the two treatment groups compared to the model control group in the period from 7 to 28 d post-lesion, and D group showed a significant higher score(P0.05) compared with the C group from 14 to 28 d post-lesion.NGF expression showed a trend of gradually increasing after SCI and reached a peak on 28 d.Compared to the model control group, the number of NGF- and nestin-positive cells was increased significantly(P0.05) in the two treatment groups at 7, 14 and 28 d; however, there was no statistical difference between the two treatment groups.Conclusion: EA intervention can increase the expression of endogenous NGF post-SCI so as to promote the nerve regeneration, and increase the nestin expression to promote the activation and proliferation of endogenous neural stem cells(ENSCs).EA combined with BWSTT treatment is more effective than only EA treatment in the aspect of promoting the locomotor functional recovery, but no statistical difference exists in increasing the proliferation of ENSCs and activating the endogenous NGF.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the therapeutic effect of shock-wave and combination therapy of electroacupuncture, massage and shock-wave on external humeral epicondylitis in patients at a specified time, and to find out a way which can make the curative effect last longer.Methods: We randomly divided 86 patients into group I(43 cases) and group II(43 cases).Three drop-outs occurred in each group.Patients in group I received the combination therapy of electroacupuncture, massage and shock-wave, while patients in group II received shock-wave.We used Grip Strength Index Score(GSIS), Mayo Elbow Performance Score(MEPS), visual analog scale(VAS) and the total effective rate to assess joint function, pain intensity and curative effect.We compared the overall outcome in both groups before treatment and at 0, 6, 12 and 24 months after treatment to find out a way which can make the curative effect last longer.Results: Following treatment, we obtained the following results in group I and group II at the 12 th month after treatment: the GSIS was 83.58±6.15 and 62.21±7.62; MEPS was 80.02±7.01 and 66.12±5.73; VAS score was 4.78±1.65 and 6.64±1.58; and the total effective rate was 80.0% and 12.5%.Compared to the group II, group I had better joint function and curative effect, and lower pain intensity(P0.01).There was no difference with t test in VAS, GSIS, and MEPS at 0, 6, and 24 months after treatment(P0.05) between the two groups, indicating their comparability.Conclusion: Electroacupuncture, massage and shock-wave can make the curative effect last longer or delay the recurrence of the disease.  相似文献   

Recentresearchesindicatethatelec troacupuncture (EA)atZusanli(ST 3 6)canef fectively protectthe gastricmucosafromin jury[1 ,2 ] .Nevertheless,theunderlyingmecha nismsremainunknownuptonow .Modernre searchesdemonstratethatundernormalcircum stances,theattackingfactors…  相似文献   

针刺镇痛对大鼠纹状体及脊髓内单胺类递质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 在针麻原理研究中,已证明针刺镇痛与中枢神经递质有关,其中对5-羟色胺(5-HT)能神经系统的关系更为密切。然而在针刺镇痛后对动物各脑区5-HT含量的影响,各家报道并不完全一致。已有报道在电针后可使小白鼠皮层及丘脑中5-HT含量升高,为进一步阐明针刺镇痛与中枢5-HT能神经元系统的关系,本文用荧光法测定大白鼠针刺镇痛后纹状体及脊髓中5-HT及5-羟吲哚醋酸(5-HIAA)含量的变化,同时也观察了对去甲肾上腺素(NE)及多巴胺(DA)含量的影响。兹将初步结果报道如下:  相似文献   

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