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浙江省金华眼科医院(金华眼视光医院)是一家集医疗、预防、保健、教学、科研于一体的民办非营利性眼科医院,也是浙江省金华市慈善眼科医院、金华市红十字眼科医院。医院自2004年6月开业以来,建立了现代化的网络信息系统与先进的医疗管理模式,以人为本,创建高效的管理和服务保障体系,为患者提供全方位的诊疗与服务。  相似文献   

介绍了新加坡国立眼科中心和新加坡眼科研究院在医疗、科研和教学等方面取得的成功经验,特别是在人才培养、科学研究和国际合作上的重要举措,以期对我国大型眼科医疗机构学科建设、转化医学发展及复合型人才培养等有一定的启示和借鉴.  相似文献   

北京大学眼科下设各临床附属医院眼科、视光学中心和眼科学系,是集眼科医疗、教学、科研和防盲治盲为一体的现代化多功能眼科基地;是国内规模最大、专业技术人员多、专业齐全、整体学术水平高、仪器设备先进、病床较多的眼科基地之一;是国家级重点学科眼科学依托单位。  相似文献   

山西省眼科医院是一所集医疗、科研、教学和防盲为一体的省级专科三级甲等医院,是国际奥比斯在全球的第一个地面培训中心,山西省红十字眼科医院、山西省眼科医学鉴定医院和国际紧急救援网络医院,在全国眼科医疗机构排行榜上名列第七。  相似文献   

目的 加强医疗数据资源整合共享,为临床科研人员提供高质量、可利用的数据,推进医疗数据在临床科研中的深入应用.方法 根据全院级医疗大数据平台的建设和应用目标,将多个主要临床业务信息系统的数据整合后进行数据清洗、加工和解析,最终汇聚到统一平台中,形成有价值、可被利用的数据资源.结果 构建面向临床科研的全院级医疗大数据平台,...  相似文献   

南京医科大学眼科医院系南京医科大学附属眼科医院,江苏省红十字眼科医院,隶属于南京医科大学第四临床医学院,是在原中日友好南京眼科医院的基础上创建的融医疗、教学、科研于一体、与国际接轨的目前江苏省唯一一家三级眼  相似文献   

正福建医科大学附属第二医院副院长李毅中:医科大学附属医院的眼科要发展,需考虑医、教、研三方面。首先,必须提高医疗质量的影响力,即眼科学科在临床医疗工作中强不强。其次,必须提高科研能力,且要做到临床和科研的融合,科研工作可以让学科走上新的台阶,提高学科影响力。最后,必须提高教学能力,教学工作是医院文化体系培养的一个重要支柱,对于整个医院学科发展很有影响力。  相似文献   

全国百佳医院全国百姓放心示范医院全国卫生先进集体全国医德医风建设先进集体全国卫生纪检监察先进集体全国青年文明号先进集体山西省直文明单位标兵山西省眼科医院是一所集医疗、科研、教学和防盲为一体的省级专科三级甲等医院,是国际奥比斯在全球的第一个地面培训中心,山西省红十字眼科医院、山西省眼科医  相似文献   

<正>我院在建设新校区的同时,面向新世纪,按照可持续发展战略部署,结合实际,坚持以教学为中心,以科研为重点,规划建设特色药学基地。由传统的药学教学模式向周期性、多向性的立体教学模式转变,形成溶教学、科研为一体的新格局。  相似文献   

高健生,生于1937年,江苏大丰县人,现为眼科研究员。于1957—1963年就读于上海中医学院,毕业后到中国中医研究院广安门医院眼科工作,先后师承于唐亮臣、韦文贵等眼科著名老中医,并长期跟随著名眼科老专家唐由之研究员从事科研、医疗和教学工作。现任中国中医研究院广安门医院副院长、中国中医眼科杂志副总编辑、中国中西医结合眼科学会委员等职,并担任  相似文献   

随着医院信息化建设的不断深入发展和建设,医院信息系统中积累了大量宝贵的临床数据。为了提高医院数据在临床科研中的应用,我们在智能数据平台的基础上建立了单病种科研数据中心。通过对临床科研需求的深入调研和数据的深度解析,我们在数据中心提取出临床科研所关心的患者诊疗数据。利用多维度筛选、队列研究、维恩图对比等工具临床科研人员可以方便获取科研样本集合。单病种数据中心的建立使得医院系统中临床数据资源价值得到了极大提升。  相似文献   

目的探讨民谣式教学模式在眼科教学中的应用。方法选取40名医学院新入选的眼科专业医学生作为研究对象,随机分为观察组和对照组,对照组的医学生采用传统的教学方法,观察组的医学生采用新的民谣教学模式,认真观察比较两组医学生的教学效果。结果观察组医学生的测试成绩明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论新颖的民谣式教学模式对眼科教学具有重要意义。它不仅可以有效培养医学生的眼科兴趣,还可以提高考试成绩,帮助医学生更好地掌握眼科专业知识,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

PBL教学法在眼科学见习教学中的实践与体会   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的为更好地培养医学生的临床实践能力,探索适合中国国情的眼科学以问题为基础的学习(PBL)教学方法。方法在临床医学专业本科生的《眼科学》见习教学中,开展PBL教学法实践,在教师辅导下,“以问题为基础”对教学病例进行课前复习阅读教科书和有关参考资料,以及讨论学习。结果学生对PBL的学习方法表现出了较大的积极性,可使学生掌握更多有关眼科疾病的知识,充分体现教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,提高教学效率,同时对教师提出更高的要求。结论PBL教学法有利于调动学生的学习积极性和主动性,有利于培养学生的自学能力和创新精神,在教与学两方面促进了教学质量的提高,受到学生教师的普遍认可。  相似文献   

We carried out a study of the value of videoconferencing in consultations between general practitioners (GPs) and ophthalmologists in Finland. We used ISDN lines (128 kbit/s) between the Primary Health Care Centre in Ikaalinen and the ophthalmology clinic at the Tampere University Hospital (TAUH). Questionnaires covering both clinical and technical matters were given to patients and doctors after the consultation. During the 10-month study, consultations were carried out successfully for 23 of 24 patients (96%). Most consultations (84%) took less than 15 min. If we had not had this system, the GP would have made 21 referrals to an ophthalmologist. After teleconsultation, six patients were sent to the TAUH, so the system saved 15 referrals. Twenty-two patients (92%) thought that videoconferencing was a reliable tool for GPs. Our system proved to be a valuable and reliable tool for the GPs in ophthalmology consultations and continuing education.  相似文献   

A model for analyzing the costs and benefits of clinical education through active data collection was developed and implemented in an associate degree medical laboratory technician program. Five years later the model was retested and results of the study were compared to the original findings. In each case, data were generated by students over a two-semester period. Differences between the total cost of clinical education and the value of student service work, in terms of labor produced and revenue generated, were calculated. Evaluation of the data indicated that it is not possible to calculate a value for the net cost of clinical education representative of all participating hospitals because of a large variance in factors affecting costs. The data were also useful in evaluating other aspects of clinical education, such as the relationship of instruction time to total assignment time (instruction ratio); the percentage of service work performed by students; and the types of laboratory procedures most frequently performed by students.  相似文献   

目的:探讨CT原始数据的临床应用价值.方法:对374例CT资料进行回顾性分析,利用CT的原始数据,通过改变兴趣区(ROI)大小、图像算法、层厚等进行重建处理,得到优化的CT显示数据,总结CT原始数据在临床及科研中的应用价值.结果:156例图像部分超出视野外的病例,重建后154例能完全显示;180例兴趣区结构细小、空间分辨率低的病例,重建后均得到满意的图像;38例发现扫描部位以外的病变,重建后30例得到了完整的病变区图像.结论:利用CT原始数据可以对CT图像进行优化,提高图像质量,为诊断提供更多信息,避免患者二次扫描,减少辐射计量,提高球管利用率.  相似文献   

Analysis of clustered matched-pair data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Evaluation of the performance of a new diagnostic procedure with respect to a standard procedure arises frequently in practice. The response of interest, often in a dichotomous form, is measured twice, once with each procedure. The two procedures are administered to either two matched individuals, or when practical, to the same individual. A large sample test for matched-pair data is the McNemar test. The main assumption of this test is independent paired responses; however, when more than one outcome from an individual is measured by each procedure, the data are clustered. Examples of such cases can be seen in dental and ophthalmology studies. Variance adjustment methods for the analysis of clustered matched-pair data have been proposed; however, because of unequal cluster sizes, variability of correlation structures within a cluster (within paired responses in a cluster as well as between paired responses in a cluster), and unequal success probabilities among the clusters, the performances of some available methods are not consistent. This research proposes a simple adjustment to the McNemar test for the analysis of clustered matched-pair data. Method of moments is used to calculate a consistent variance estimator. Using Monte Carlo simulation, the size and power of the proposed test are compared to those of two currently available methods. To illustrate practical application, clustered matched-pair data from two clinical studies are analysed.  相似文献   

The knowledge and clinical and minor surgical skills acquired by 257 medical students in three universities in Sri Lanka and Malaysia were assessed by a questionnaire after they had completed their training period in ophthalmology. This study showed that many medical students graduating from these universities lacked the basic clinical and minor surgical skills essential for a doctor practising in a community in south-east Asia. The responses also indicated that teaching by consultants in all three universities was inadequate and due to these inadequacies the students requested that the duration of their training period be doubled. Ophthalmology is an important component of clinical practice and proper education in this subject is important. An urgent revision of the aims and objectives of the curriculum in ophthalmology is essential to place greater emphasis on this important and much neglected subject, for which very little curricular time is allotted.  相似文献   

从屈光手术、白内障、视网膜疾病、干眼症、复视、圆锥角膜等方面介绍了波前像差技术在眼科临床中的应用情况。波前像差技术还可用于评估白内障的手术方式、人工晶体的材料和设计等对人眼成像质量的影响,从而找出最佳的治疗方式,最大限度地降低眩光、夜视力差等问题对人眼的影响。指出波前像差的临床应用具有越来越广泛的前景,然而实现其应用的特殊技术尚处于初步研发阶段,一些涉及到调节、年龄和色像差等问题的基础研究亟待加强,因此其在眼科临床上的理想应用还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   

目的分析评价36家县级医院眼科资源及效率情况,为促进县级医院眼科服务效率提供参考。方法通过问卷调查收集县级医院眼科资源和服务提供情况,并对其进行描述,采用数据包络分析模型评价眼科服务效率。结果 36家县级医院眼科医师数、眼科护士数、实际开放床位数和眼科设备数的中位数分别为7.0、9.0、20.0、18.0,四分位间距分别为6.5、7.0、17.5、7.0;眼科年门诊量和眼科年住院量的中位数分别为18 802.0、1 193.0,四分位间距分别为15 590.5、1 113.0。眼科综合技术效率、纯技术效率、规模效率的均值分别为0.764、0.849、0.900。处于规模报酬变化的医院共有24家,其中14家处于递增状态、10家处于递减状态。结论本次调查的县级医院存在眼科资源相对短缺或过剩的现象,并对眼科服务效率产生一定影响。合理配置眼科资源,提高对资源的利用水平,有利于改善县级医院眼科服务效率,从而满足居民眼科服务需求。  相似文献   

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