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目的回溯2009—2011年3年间中国大众媒体的控烟传播图景和传播模式。方法通过舆情监测获得既往3年与控烟和烟草行业相关的首发报道13 998篇(不含转载),采取比例分层抽样方法获得有效样本1474篇,采取内容分析,设定变量、人工编码,对3年间控烟报道的数量、内容、结构等12项传播要素进行分析。结果大众媒体控烟首发报道从2009年的325篇增加到2011年524篇;控烟报道总量占据84.2%;"无烟场所"(24.4%)、"烟草与健康"(21.1%)、"无烟立法"(12.4%)连续3年名列控烟议题前3位;控烟报道的主要信源是媒体(自采自评)(21.5%)、官方控烟机构(11.8%)、地方政府部门(11.4%)和卫生主管部门(10.7%);控烟报道的主要诉求方式是行动呼吁(26.5%)、修辞格(12.0%)和恐惧诉求(10.4%);最常见的控烟报道体裁是新闻消息(54.2%),首发媒体类型主要是综合网络媒体(41.5%)、都市类媒体(28.4%)和地方官媒(12.2%);控烟报道的主要倡导对象是烟民(27.2%)、政府决策部门(26.3%)、机构与场所(22.4%)。结论既往3年,控烟首发报道总量显著增加、控烟议题结构合理、控烟传播模式趋向成熟。但仍需提升控烟传播品质,依靠新旧媒体融合,加强控烟舆论生态与控烟文化的建设。  相似文献   

目的探索提高大众意见领袖(POL)干预方法在我国应用的技巧和提高干预效果的关键。方法本研究以8家曾经应用大众意见领袖(POL)干预方法开展预防性病/艾滋病项目的福州农贸市场中的个体工商户为研究对象,4家为干预市场,另4家是上述干预市场的对照市场,应用定性和定量调查的方法进行调查。对意见领袖传播项目核心信息情况、意见领袖的参与情况以及推动个体工商户危险行为的改变情况进行比较。结果应用大众意见领袖(POL)干预的个体工商户掌握核心信息和危险行为改变明显优于其对照市场;干预效果好的市场,其意见领袖的影响力、参与的主动性比干预效果差的市场好;干预效果好的市场,意见领袖推动个体工商户改变危险行为优于干预效果差的市场。结论大众意见领袖干预方法是一种有效的干预方法,特别是在纠正危险行为方面有明显的效果;提高大众意见领袖的影响力,参与程度,大力推动核心信息传播是应用该方法提高干预效果最重要的技巧。  相似文献   

<正>2011年1月6日,《控烟与中国未来--中外专家中国烟草使用与烟草控制联合评估报告》发布,报告称:我国控烟效果微弱,吸烟率居高不下,控烟履约绩效得分低,与《烟草控制框架公约》要求差距巨大。在中国履行世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架》五年中,随着中国控烟工作的深入,中国的控烟进展频频出现在媒体报  相似文献   

目的 研究基于微博平台的控烟信息传播网络结构特征,促进控烟信息的高效通畅传播。方法 以发布控烟内容的25名微博认证用户作为研究对象,其关注关系为基础,用UCINET软件从网络的整体特征、局部特征、节点属性分析控烟信息传播网络及各用户特征。结果 25名用户中7名为控烟类账号,18名为其他类账号。网络整体特征分析显示,网络中存在一个包含25名用户的复杂多中心子网,无孤立节点,整体网络密度为0.168,在25个节点中建立了101对连接关系,凝聚力指数为0.365,聚类系数为0.265。局部特征分析显示,8个子群间差异度较低、用户高度重合,9名用户参与每个子群,4名成员未加入任何子群;网络核心用户在整体网络中占比36%。节点属性分析显示控烟类账号出度中心度高,新闻媒体用户度数中心度入度排名均靠前,地方性政府卫生微博账号度数中心度出度程度高而入度低;中间中心度较高的用户大多为官方账号。结论 网络整体具有高连通性与高异质性;局部子群划分不清晰,凝聚力有待提高;不同类型用户需明确在社会网络中定位从而进行针对性提升。  相似文献   

要让健康教育开展得更有效并更受欢迎,大众报刊在进行健康传播时应改变目前普遍存在的"自说自话"现象,有效运用现代传播学中的诸多传播理论和技巧,努力提升策划、煽情能力,从而让健康传播产生更大的认识共振。  相似文献   

我国是一个有近3亿多烟民的吸烟大国,控制吸烟,减少由于吸烟对人们健康的危害,是现代社会和人们共同关心的问题。因而控烟成为减少吸烟对健康危害的措施之一。  相似文献   

目的分析控烟微博传播的过程效果,提出新媒体时代下的控烟传播策略建议。方法利用中国人民大学公共传播研究所提供的2011年5月至2012年7月监测数据,从信息设计、关系互动等维度对卫生部"中国烟草控制大众传播活动"官方微博进行分析。结果 "中国烟草控制大众传播活动"两个官方微博的粉丝数量均超过万人,但活跃粉丝数量有待提高,其中"卫生部控烟传播活动"活跃粉丝仅占3.4%,"随手拍支持控烟"活跃粉丝占31.5%;"卫生部控烟传播活动"平均每天发布微博0.5条,"随手拍支持控烟"平均每天发布微博0.8条,信息发布数量与频率有待提高;两个官方微博的信息内容各有侧重,"卫生部控烟传播活动"输出最多的议题为"主题活动"(32.6%),"随手拍支持控烟"输出最多的议题为"无烟场所"(40.0%);两个官方微博的语言风格以中性为主,"卫生部控烟传播活动"使用的说服手段较多元,"随手拍支持控烟"多使用恐惧诉求(42.0%)和行为呼吁(32.0%)进行表达;两个官方微博的互动对象同质化程度高,转发及评论次数位列前10位的用户均为公共卫生领域的专业意见领袖。结论控烟主体可以从形象塑造、关系建设、信息发布、整合传播等方面进一步优化控烟微博。  相似文献   

目的 基于德尔菲法形成《控烟健康传播核心信息循证指南——吸烟对女性疾病发病率的影响》核心信息并达成共识,为制定具有较好的权威性、代表性及可靠性的控烟健康传播循证指南奠定基础。方法 遴选不同专业领域并且在该领域具有权威性和代表性的专家和受众代表参与德尔菲法投票。专家组成员综合研究证据、临床经验、患者价值观及偏好等因素进行利弊平衡,基于GRADE框架,通过德尔菲专家咨询法对核心信息的推荐等级进行评分,最终达成共识。使用积极系数、权威系数及变异系数对德尔菲法进行质量控制。结果 遴选30名多领域专家和2名受众代表参与德尔菲法专家咨询。经过二轮德尔菲调查后,在51条核心信息中,共有47条达成共识,共识率为92.17%,其中强推荐12条、弱推荐35条。积极系数分别为100.00%(32/32)和84.38%(27/32),专家权威系数为0.63~0.78,核心信息变异系数均<0.35。结论 基于德尔菲法形成的《控烟健康传播核心信息循证指南——吸烟对女性疾病发病率的影响》核心信息具有较好的权威性、代表性及可靠性,为开展和控烟相关的健康传播工作提供证据支持,并为循证指南研究提供方法学参考。  相似文献   

在全国推动公立医院高质量发展的背景下,各类媒体进入深度融合的发展期,为构建公立医院高质量发展新文化、提升医院品牌核心竞争力提供了新的机遇和平台。依托融媒体技术,医院品牌传播呈现出形象更立体、速度更迅速、范围更宽广、互动更及时的特点;同时也面临着传播内容质量参差、技术人才缺乏、网络舆情复杂等问题。笔者以问题为导向,结合融媒体品牌传播特点,提出医院品牌传播分析策略,并以国内首家西医医院为例,从党建引领、宣传推广、运行服务、队伍建设、网络管理、舆情应对等角度进行对策阐述。  相似文献   

Objectives. We used longitudinal data to examine the relationship between confirmed awareness of a national, branded, mass media smoking cessation campaign and cessation outcomes.Methods. We surveyed adult smokers (n = 4067) in 8 designated market areas (“media markets”) at baseline and again approximately 6 months later. We used multivariable models to examine campaign effects on cognitions about quitting, quit attempts, and 30-day abstinence.Results. Respondents who demonstrated confirmed awareness of the EX campaign were significantly more likely to increase their level of agreement on a cessation-related cognitions index from baseline to follow-up (odds ratio [OR] = 1.6; P = .046). Individuals with confirmed campaign awareness had a 24% greater chance than did those who were not aware of the campaign of making a quit attempt between baseline and follow-up (OR = 1.24; P = .048).Conclusions. A national, branded, mass media smoking cessation campaign can change smokers'' cognitions about quitting and increase quit attempts. We strongly recommend that federal and state governments provide funding for media campaigns to increase smoking cessation, particularly for campaigns that have been shown to impact quit attempts and abstinence.Mass media campaigns can be used to change smoking-related cognitions and to prompt quitting behavior, particularly when combined with other tobacco control efforts.1,2 Media campaigns at the national, community, and city level have been effectively used to increase smoking cessation among adults.38 The EX campaign (National Alliance for Tobacco Cessation, Washington, DC) was designed as a branded, mass media campaign aimed to encourage adult smokers to quit.9,10 This campaign was pilot tested in 4 US cities in 2006 and 2007.10 In a longitudinal pilot study, confirmed campaign awareness was associated with statistically significant change in campaign-related cognitions over approximately 6 months.10 Given these findings, in the spring of 2008 the National Alliance for Tobacco Cessation (NATC)—a partnership of states, national public health organizations, foundations, and corporations—launched EX as a national campaign.The EX campaign is grounded in behavior change theory1113 and the evidence regarding effective mass media campaigns.1,1418 Given the evidence that branding can enhance the impact of a public health campaign, all messages are branded “EX.”19,20 The target audience was defined as “smokers who are open to quitting but may not know how to successfully quit.” The campaign message strategy was based on qualitative data from smokers at various stages in the quitting process, derived from more than 40 focus groups (more than 300 participants), 48 in-depth interviews, and a national survey of more than 1000 smokers. Messages are characterized by an empathetic, smoker-to-smoker voice that encourages smokers to relearn their life without cigarettes. Emphasis is placed on disassociating smoking from common daily activities that would otherwise function as smoking cues, such as driving or drinking coffee.During the 6-month national campaign period, March 31 through September 28, 2008, EX advertisements aired on cable television at 549 average quarterly targeted rating points (TRPs). TRPs are the standard unit of measurement for media delivery and reflect both the reach and the frequency of an advertisement. Reach describes the total percentage of the targeted population that is exposed to the advertisement; frequency describes the number of times individuals in the targeted population saw the advertisement, on average. TRPs are identical to gross rating points (GRPs), except that they are delivered to, and measured within, a specific and defined audience.2 EX advertising was not evenly distributed across the campaign period; 68% of the EX TRPs aired in the first 3 months of the campaign. Pfizer''s My Time to Quit campaign aired nationally at 382 average quarterly TRPs during the same period as the national EX campaign. The Phillip Morris campaign, Quit Assist, did not air during the study period; however, because it aired nationally in 2007 awareness of the campaign was measured and was included as a covariate in the present study to control for any residual campaign effects. No local or state-level tobacco control media was airing in 6 of the 8 designated market areas (DMAs) from which the study sample was drawn. In one DMA, occasional public service announcements aired; in another, no information was available as to whether public service announcements would air. Public service announcements generally air at a low TRP level.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, campaigns that deliver 1200 or more average quarterly TRPs during the introductory year of a campaign can expect to reach 75% to 85% of the target audience, in which case evaluators may expect to detect campaign awareness at 6 months, attitude change at 12 to 18 months, and behavior change at 18 to 24 months.2 Given funding constraints, the total media delivery of the EX campaign was approximately 47% of the level recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.2 Nevertheless, on the basis of the findings noted in the evaluation of the EX pilot campaign we hypothesized that EX awareness would be associated with significant change in campaign-related cognitions and behaviors despite the lower media delivery level. To test this hypothesis, we examined a longitudinal cohort of adult smokers drawn from 8 DMAs, with control for baseline and contextual variables.  相似文献   

Mass media and smoking cessation: a critical review.   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Evaluations of 40 mass media programs/campaigns designed to influence cigarette smoking were reviewed. Information/motivation programs/campaigns generally produced changes in awareness, knowledge, and attitudes. Extensive national campaigns also produced meaningful behavioral change. Programs/campaigns designed to promote some specific smoking-related action produced mixed results, depending in large part on the type of promotion involved. Mass media cessation clinics were found to be effective, with media plus social support being more effective than viewing plus printed material, and either combination being more effective than viewing alone. It was concluded that mass media health promotion programs can be more effective than many academics may have thought, but that the knowledge necessary to ensure such success is seriously lacking. Research studies, rather than simple evaluations, are needed to improve our knowledge base and build a science of mass media health promotion.  相似文献   

The effect of the 2005 British Columbia (BC) smoking cessation mass media campaign on a panel (N = 1,341) of 20-30-year-old smokers' attitudes is evaluated. The 5-week campaign consisted of posters, television, and radio ads about the health benefits of cessation. Small impacts on the panel's attitudes toward the adverse impacts of smoking were found, with greater impacts found for those who had no plans to quit smoking at the initial interview. As smokers with no plans to quit increasingly recognized the adverse impacts of smoking, they also increasingly agreed that they use smoking as a coping mechanism. Smokers with plans to quit at the initial interview already were well aware of smoking's adverse impacts. Respondents recalling the campaign poster, which presented a healthy alternative to smoking, decreased their perception of smoking as a coping mechanism and devalued their attachment to smoking. Evidence was found that media ad recall mediates unobserved predictors of attitudes toward smoking.  相似文献   

If physicians and other health-care providers were able to facilitate long-term cessation in 1 of every 10 smokers--a safe estimate based on the outcomes of randomized physician-delivered intervention studies--almost 4 million smokers would become former smokers. Evidence from randomized trials and observational studies demonstrates that physicians who intervene with smokers have an impact on their cigarette-smoking behavior. Greater smoking cessation occurs as physician interventions become more intensive and contacts more frequent. Adding modalities such as counseling, self-help booklets, and nicotine-containing chewing gum appears to augment the effectiveness of advice alone. The consistent demonstration of the need for follow-up and the possible use of several modalities is not unlike the demonstrated components of effective overall management approaches to such medical problems as hypertension. Surveys have indicated that physicians often do not intervene because they experience a low success rate with smokers. Educational programs have demonstrated substantial success in training physicians to counsel smokers; therefore, new goals for medical education, house-staff training, and continuing medical education need to include the development of skills and office management practices that can be used by providers to facilitate health-promoting behaviors among their patients. This article reviews the impact of physician-delivered smoking interventions on smokers, physician attitudes toward intervention, and physicians' reported intervention practices. It identifies those strategies that have been demonstrated to be effective in an out-patient office setting and emphasizes the need for every smoker to be considered a candidate for intervention.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess any effects among Māori (the indigenous people of New Zealand) smokers and their whānau (the traditional Māori family unit) of a campaign designed to support Māori smokers to quit smoking. Method: New Zealand‐wide cross sectional population surveys between 2000 and 2002 of smokers and whānau pre‐ and post‐airing of the campaign. Measures included recall and awareness of the campaign; perceptions of the campaign; and campaign‐attributed changes in quitting‐related attitudes and behaviours. Results: Seventy‐eight per cent of smokers and 73% of whānau were able to recall the campaign one year following its launch. The television commercials (TVCs) were consistently rated very believable or very relevant by over half of the smokers who had seen them. More than half of smokers (54%) stated that the campaign had made them more likely to quit. Conclusion: This nationwide mass media cessation campaign developed to deliver a cessation message to indigenous people was received positively by Māori smokers and their whānau and played a role in prompting quit attempts. Implications: Social marketing campaigns have an important role as part of a tobacco control program to reduce high smoking prevalence among Māori and inequalities in health outcomes between Māori and other New Zealanders.  相似文献   

We analyzed a nationwide registry of all pregnancies in Uruguay during 2007–2013 to assess the impact of three types of tobacco control policies: (1) provider-level interventions aimed at the treatment of nicotine dependence, (2) national-level increases in cigarette taxes, and (3) national-level non-price regulation of cigarette packaging and marketing. We estimated models of smoking cessation during pregnancy at the individual, provider and national levels. The rate of smoking cessation during pregnancy increased from 15.4% in 2007 to 42.7% in 2013. National-level non-price policies had the largest estimated impact on cessation. The price response of the tobacco industry attenuated the effects of tax increases. While provider-level interventions had a significant effect, they were adopted by relatively few health centers. Quitting during pregnancy increased birth weight by an estimated 188 g. Tobacco control measures had no effect on the birth weight of newborns of non-smoking women.  相似文献   

The Pawtucket Heart Health Program has used a variety of recruitmentstrategies to enhance participation in its smokingcessationprograms. The current report provides cost effectiveness datafor worksites and for a major community event (Octoberfest)in terms of participants recruited and successful quit ratesfor five annual community-wide smoking cessation campaigns beginningin 1983. Adapted from the Quit and Win contest developed bythe Minnesota Heart Health Program, these campaigns relied primarilyupon a short but intensive recruitment effort for a smokingcessation program based on self-help strategies. The winnerwas determined by a lottery drawing that included the namesof all those who had successfully abstained from smoking fora 1-month period. Even though only one component of PHHP's diverseefforts to affect the smoking rates of Pawtucket, the contestapproach appears to be one of the best suited for large-scaleadoption. The data clearly indicate that while the cost perparticipant is much less for recruitment during a large publicevent, the cost per quitter was much less for worksites. Also,while the cost per quitter at worksites is important, focused‘staff’ involvement appears to be important bothin the recruitment of worksites for participation and in guidingthe volunteers from worksites in their recruitment efforts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the short-term effects of television advertisements from the Florida "truth" campaign on rates of smoking initiation. METHODS: A follow-up survey of young people aged 12 to 17 years (n = 1820) interviewed during the first 6 months of the advertising campaign was conducted. Logistic regression analyses were used to estimate the independent effects of the campaign on smoking initiation while other factors were controlled for. RESULTS: Youths scoring at intermediate and high levels on a media effect index were less likely to initiate smoking than youths who could not confirm awareness of television advertisements. Adjusted odds ratios between the media index and measures of initiation were similar within categories of age, sex, susceptibility, and whether a parent smoked. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to the "truth" media campaign lowered the risk of youth smoking initiation. However, the analysis did not demonstrate that all such media programs will be effective.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions may be influenced by a variety of patient characteristics, including level of nicotine addiction and readiness to change. We conducted this study to examine the relationship between these characteristics and the frequency of physician-initiated smoking cessation interventions. METHODS: We identified smokers seen during office visits to 1 of 38 primary care physicians in rural Kansas. Trained students observed the frequency and nature of doctor-patient discussions related to tobacco. Telephone surveys were conducted with these patients 1 to 3 days after the office visit. RESULTS: We completed observations and telephone surveys on 259 smokers. Tobacco-related discussions occurred during 66% of doctor-patient encounters. Although discussions overall were unrelated to a patient's readiness to quit, specific assistance with smoking cessation was offered less often to precontemplators (15%) than to contemplators (31%) or those preparing to quit (37%) (P < 0.05). While bupropion was discussed with 23% of smokers, nicotine replacement therapy was discussed with 12% and was unrelated to markers of nicotine addiction. CONCLUSIONS: Current efforts to promote smoking cessation are only marginally related to patient characteristics. Doctors are missing many opportunities to effectively intervene with patients who are contemplating smoking cessation or preparing to quit.  相似文献   

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