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The apparent kinetic deuterium isotope effect (I) on the oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde by washed rat liver microsomes was measured with (1-R)-[1-2H2, 1-14C]-ethanol (I1) and [1-2H2, 2-14C]-ethanol (I2) as substrates by a competitive technique involving only measurements of radioactivity. The average values were for non-induced rats, I1 = 1.57 and I2 = 2.23. When these two substrates were used with stereospecific enzymes (alcohol dehydrogenase and catalase) a small secondary effect was observed, causing I2 to be about 10% higher than I1. With non-stereospecific systems I2 was much larger than I1, and the values were connected by a simple formula. This relation in combination with use of the inhibitors, sodium azide and thiourea, made it possible to calculate tentatively the contribution to microsomal ethanol oxidation of catalase, a non-identified stereospecific enzyme, and non-stereospecific catalytic systems, as well as the isotope effects of the latter two systems. Measurements were made in microsomes from normal, phenobarbital treated, and acetone treated rats. For the stereospecific component an isotope effect of 1.4-1.5 was calculated for all three groups. For the non-stereospecific enzyme in acetone treated rats a value of 4.0 was found. Both the other groups showed a value about 2.7. The activity of the non-stereospecific system was about twice the normal in barbiturate treated, and 3 times the normal in the acetone treated group, where it contributed 70% of the total activity. The isotope effects on the changes in ethanol oxidation (the 'differential isotope effect') caused by inhibitors and activators were utilized to decide whether inhibitors were specific for a single reaction. Thus azide while inhibiting catalase completely, also inhibited other reactions. The large increase (5-6 times) in rate caused by Fe-ESDTA has an I2 of 1.6, equal to that for oxidation of ethanol by hydroxyl radicals.  相似文献   

The kinetic deuterium isotope effect, D(V/K), on ethanol oxidation was measured by the radiometric, competitive method using 14C-labelled ethanol containing deuterium in the (1-R) position. Acetate was isolated and used for the determination. Experiments were performed on rats either anaesthetized and laparotomized, or provided with indwelling catheters in a. carotis, v. cava and v. portae. Experiments were also made on perfused liver from rats pretreated with acetone, or a mixture of acetone and phenobarbital. Finally, intact non-anaesthetized rabbits were used. The apparent isotope effect in all in vivo experiments decreased rapidly in the presence of acetaldehyde as a consequence of the reversibility of the ADH reaction. In the case of rabbits and catheterized rats this problem was tackled by taking blood samples in quick succession, thus permitting extrapolation of the apparent isotope effect to the time of injection of the labelled ethanol. In anaesthetized rats injection of the ADH inhibitor isobutyramide was used to reduce the concentration of acetaldehyde and thereby the rate of decline of the apparent isotope effect. At high doses of isobutyramide the isotope effect was constant with time at about 1.9 suggesting the presence of non-ADH activity. In all three kinds of in vivo experiments the isotope effect ranged from 2.66 to 2.93. In the case of anaesthetized rats the mean value was 2.89 +/- 0.05 (S.D.). This figure is significantly different from that of rat liver ADH, P less than 0.001. As the figures for the initial isotope effects are minimum values the contribution of non-ADH ethanol oxidizing systems is likely to be small, probably less than 10 percent.  相似文献   

The steady-state kinetics of the oxidative deamination of some trace amines [p-tyramine (p-TA), m-tyramine (m-TA) and β-phenylethylamine (PE)] and the same trace amines containing deuterium in their side-chain (i.e. αα-d2 and ββ-d2) have been assessed using rat liver mitochondrial monoamine oxidase (MAO) incubated at 37° in 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). In these in vitro reactions, a considerable reduction in deamination occurred when the deuterium substitution was in the α position. In addition, the isotope effect was found to be related to hydroxyl substitution on the phenyl ring. The apparent (V/K)H/(V/K)D ratios were 4.44, 4.24 and 2.06 for p-TA, m-TA and PE respectively. We have confirmed that the cleavage of the C—H bond at the α position is involved in the rate-limiting step of the enzymatic deamination. In the case where the deuterium substitution was in the ββ position, a slight enhancement of deamination occurred with the (V/K)H/(V/K)D ratio becoming 0.89, 0.86 and 0.95, respectively, for p-TA, m-TA and PE. The selective inhibition of the deamination of the αα-deuterated amines by the specific MAO inhibitors clorgyline (type A) and deprenyl (type B) was not different from that of the corresponding non-deuterated trace amines. The isotope effect was found to be somewhat greater at lower temperatures. Using mixed substrates (i.e. trace amine + corresponding deutrated trace amine), the deuterated amines were observed to exhibit a weak inhibitory effect due simply to competition for the same site on the enzyme.  相似文献   

The single-dose toxicokinetics of monomethylamine has been characterized in the rat by HPLC assay of serial blood samples. Biphasic first-order elimination was observed following an iv bolus dose of 19 mumol/kg with a terminal half-life of 19.1 +/- 1.3 min (mean +/- SE, N = 4). The apparent steady state volume of distribution, systemic blood clearance, and renal blood clearance were 1.21 +/- 0.09 liter/kg, 53.4 +/- 3.5 ml/min/kg, and 5.72 +/- 0.53 ml/min/kg, respectively. The administration of an intragastric dose permitted the calculation of the systemic bioavailability of monomethylamine as 69 +/- 3%. Duplicate experiments using the structural analogue with deuterium atoms substituted for hydrogens on the methyl group revealed a much slower elimination of the compound, although ultimately, 5 times as much was excreted unchanged in the urine. Isotope effects calculated as the ratios of terminal half-life, systemic blood clearance, and systemic bioavailability were 1.9, 2.2, and 1.8, respectively.  相似文献   

Deermice genetically lacking alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH-) were used to quantitate the effect of 4-methylpyrazole (4-MP) on non-ADH pathways in hepatocytes and in vivo. Although primarily an inhibitor of ADH, 4-methylpyrazole was also found to inhibit competitively the activity of the microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system (MEOS) in deermouse liver microsomes. The degree of 4-MP inhibition in ADH- deermice then served to correct for the effect of 4-MP on non-ADH pathways in deermice having ADH (ADH+). In ADH+ hepatocytes, the percent contributions of non-ADH pathways were calculated to be 28% at 10 mM and 52% at 50 mM ethanol. When a similar correction was applied to in vivo ethanol clearance rates in ADH+ deermice, non-ADH pathways were found to contribute 42% below 10 mM and 63% at 40-70 mM blood ethanol. The catalase inhibitor 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, while reducing catalase-mediated peroxidation of ethanol by 83-94%, had only a slight effect on blood ethanol clearance at ethanol concentrations below 10 mM, and no effect at all at 40-70 mM ethanol. These results indicate that non-ADH pathways (primarily MEOS) play a significant role in ethanol oxidation in vivo and in hepatocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

Deuteration of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) decreases its carcinogenicity and produces an isotope effect on its metabolism. Our previous results showed that deuteration causes a 5-fold increase in the apparent Km, but not the Vmax, for the demethylation and denitrosation of NDMA in microsomes. In the present work, we studied the nature of this deuterium isotope effect with several compounds using acetone-induced microsomes as a source of cytochrome P-450IIE1. In the microsomal N-nitrosodiethylamine deethylase reaction, NDMA and [2H6]NDMA were competitive inhibitors and displayed apparent Ki values of 59 and 441 mM, respectively, showing an isotope effect of 0.13. Similarly, in the p-nitrophenol hydroxylase reaction, a deuterium isotope effect of 0.21 on the Ki was observed. With acetone as an inhibitor for p-nitrophenol hydroxylase, the isotope effect on the Ki was 0.11. Similar deuterium isotope effects were also observed with acetone and dimethylformamide as competitive inhibitors for NDMA demethylase. When the oxidation of ethanol, [1,1-2H2]ethanol, [2,2,2-2H3]ethanol, and [2H6]ethanol was compared, an isotope effect of about 5 was found in the Vmax/Km due to the deuteration of the methylene group (carbon 1) but not due to the methyl group. However, the Vmax was not affected. A corresponding deuterium isotope effect was observed in the Ki when these compounds were used as competitive inhibitors for the NDMA demethylase reaction. The results demonstrate that deuteration of NDMA, ethanol, and related compounds results in an increase in the Km or Ki with little change in the Vmax of P-450IIE1-catalyzed reactions. The molecular basis of this isotope effect is discussed.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic properties of drugs may be altered by kinetic deuterium isotope effects. With specifically deuterated model substrates and drugs metabolized by aldehyde oxidase, we demonstrate how knowledge of the enzyme's reaction mechanism, species differences in the role played by other enzymes in a drug's metabolic clearance, and differences in systemic clearance mechanisms are critically important for the pharmacokinetic application of deuterium isotope effects. Ex vivo methods to project the in vivo outcome using deuterated carbazeran and zoniporide with hepatic systems demonstrate the importance of establishing the extent to which other metabolic enzymes contribute to the metabolic clearance mechanism. Differences in pharmacokinetic outcomes in guinea pig and rat, with the same metabolic clearance mechanism, show how species differences in the systemic clearance mechanism can affect the in vivo outcome. Overall, to gain from the application of deuteration as a strategy to alter drug pharmacokinetics, these studies demonstrate the importance of understanding the systemic clearance mechanism and knowing the identity of the metabolic enzymes involved, the extent to which they contribute to metabolic clearance, and the extent to which metabolism contributes to the systemic clearance.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes were isolated from the livers of ethanol-pretreated rats, and the relationship between the generation of CO2 and the loss of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) from the incubation mixtures was examined. The evolution of CO2 by hepatocytes isolated from untreated, control rats was compared with the evolution of CO2 by hepatocytes isolated from rats treated with 10% EtOH in their drinking water. The CO2 generated from either NDMA or NDEA represented only a fraction of the parent compound that was metabolized during the incubation period. Therefore, the measurement of CO2 evolution as an indication of the metabolism of these simple dialkylnitrosamines is inadequate, and the actual loss of the parent compound must be measured directly when utilizing isolated hepatocytes as a model system to study the metabolism of nitrosamines. The liver microsomal metabolism of NDMA and NDEA was also examined. Pretreatment of the rats with ethanol resulted in a marked increase in the microsomal metabolism of NDMA but had a relatively small effect on NDEA metabolism. Phenobarbital pretreatment did not result in any increase in NDMA metabolism whereas there was a very significant (6-fold) increase in NDEA metabolism. These results suggest that different isozymes of cytochrome P-450 may be primarily responsible for the metabolism of the two nitrosamines. The inhibition patterns observed when an antibody inhibitory to cytochrome P-450j was added to microsomes derived from control and ethanol- and phenobarbital-pretreated rats conclusively demonstrate that NDMA and NDEA are preferentially metabolized by distinct isozymes of cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase catalyzes a low rate of oxidation of hydroxyl radical scavenging agents such as ethanol and 2-keto-4-thiomethylbutyric acid (KMBA), in a reaction markedly stimulated by the addition of ferric-EDTA. The effect of various ratios of cytochrome P-450 (phenobarbital-inducible isozyme)/reductase on the oxidation of ethanol and KMBA was determined: There was essentially no increase in KMBA oxidation over the range of ratios from 0.5 to 5 as compared to the reductase-catalyzed rate. High ratios actually caused some decrease in KMBA oxidation, which was especially notable under conditions of increased rates of hydroxyl radical generation (presence of increasing amounts of ferric-EDTA). This decrease at high P-450/reductase ratios could reflect tight coupling of reductase to P-450-PB, therefore decreasing electron transfer from reductase to ferric-EDTA, or could involve non-specific scavenging of .OH by P-450-PB. Indeed, native, but not boiled, P-450 inhibited KMBA oxidation by the xanthine oxidase system. By contrast, the oxidation of ethanol was stimulated at all concentrations of P-450-PB, and this increase was not sensitive to desferrioxamine. However, under conditions of high rates of .OH production, the ethanol oxidation profile tended to resemble the KMBA oxidation profile with respect to the effect of P-450-PB, whereas the two profiles were different under conditions of low rates of .OH production. These results suggest that P-450-PB does not catalyze the oxidation of .OH scavengers or promote the production of .OH, even at ratios of P-450/reductase approaching those found with intact microsomes and even in the presence of excess iron-EDTA, whereas ethanol is directly oxidized by P-450-PB, as are typical drug substrates. However, the P-450-PB-dependent oxidation of ethanol can be masked under conditions in which .OH production is increased.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Epilepsy is a serious and common chronic neurological disease with an urgent need for novel treatment options, because 30% of all epilepsy patients do not respond to currently available drugs. Retigabine/Ezogabine (RTG) is a third-generation antiepileptic drug (AED) with a novel mechanism of action. It enhances the activity of voltage-gated K(V)7 potassium channels. AREAS COVERED: The mechanism of action of RTG is reported in this paper, along with its pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, based on a literature search from 1995 to 2011. Assessment of clinical efficacy and safety was performed using the published data of one Phase II and two Phase III clinical trials (RESTORE 1 and 2). EXPERT OPINION: RTG is an efficacious AED with a unique mechanism of action. It offers a new treatment option which could be particularly interesting for patients who are resistant to currently available AEDs. However, future investigations will show if such a "rational drug therapy" will be truly advantageous. RTG seems to have a low interaction profile, but its interactions with lamotrigine in particular should be further explored. Side effects are common and mainly related to the central nervous system, but also affect peripheral organs, such as the bladder, due its relaxing effect on smooth muscle. Slow titration could be an option to reduce such side effects.  相似文献   

1. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of ethanol in vitro on the phospholipid biosynthetic pathways in hepatocytes isolated from the rat. We have used [methyl-14C]-choline, [1-3H]-ethanolamine and L-[3-3H]-serine as exogenous precursors of the corresponding phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylserine (PS). 2. Incubation of hepatocytes in the presence of ethanol significantly alters the incorporation of radiolabel from [14C]-choline and [3H]-ethanolamine into the metabolic intermediates and the final products of the CDP-choline and CDP-ethanolamine pathways. Radioactivity in the metabolic intermediates of both pathways was significantly decreased and the amount of label in PE was reduced whilst that of PC was not modified. 3. In the presence of 4-methylpyrazole, an inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity, ethanol produces a reduction in the label of choline phosphate, ethanolamine phosphate and a significant decrease in the amount of PC and PE radiolabel. 4. On the other hand, ethanol increases the incorporation of serine into phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine, although this effect is observed only in the absence of 4-methylpyrazole, indicating that this alteration is produced by some metabolite generated as a consequence of hepatic alcohol metabolism. 5. Ethanol also interferes with the methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine produced via the CDP-ethanolamine pathway but it does not alter phosphatidylethanolamine methylation when this phospholipid is produced by mitochondrial phosphatidylserine decarboxylation, suggesting the existence of different intramembrane pools of phosphatidylethanolamine, which may exhibit different sensitivity to alcohol. 6. Our results indicate that ethanol exerts two different effects on phospholipid metabolism in hepatocytes: a stimulatory effect on the incorporation of exogenous substrates into different phospholipids probably related to an alteration in the availability of lipogenic substrates as a consequence of ethanol metabolism, and another inhibitory effect produced by ethanol per se, which can be observed only when ethanol metabolism is inhibited by the presence of a specific inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Phenelzine is a suicide monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor with antidepressant properties. The present study compares the inhibition of rat liver mitochondrial MAO by phenelzine and 1,1-dideuterated phenelzine and the metabolism of these drugs by that enzyme. Phenylacetaldehyde, which was measured by a high performance liquid chromatographic procedure, was found to be the major metabolite of phenelzine after incubation with MAO. The time-courses of aldehyde formation were non-linear due to the time-dependent inhibition of MAO. The reaction rate was reduced substantially when the hydrogen atom in the 1-carbon position was replaced by deuterium. The VH/VD value was 3.1, indicating a primary isotope effect. Such a substitution of deuterium in the phenelzine molecule did not affect significantly the initial reversible inhibition of MAO, which was determined by comparison of their Ki values. The irreversible inhibition, as estimated from IC50 values, however, was potentiated substantially by deuteration. These results support the notion that the irreversible inhibition of MAO activity by phenelzine proceeds via a phenylethyldiazene intermediate, which reacts with the enzyme to form a covalent adduct. An alternative pathway involving hydrogen abstraction from carbon-1 of phenelzine or via rearrangement of the diazine on the enzyme surface could occur to form a phenylethylidene hydrazine intermediate which would subsequently be hydrolyzed to phenylacetaldehyde. The reduction in the rate of phenylethylidene hydrazine formation due to the isotope effect could lead to the accumulation of phenylethyldiazene intermediate and thus potentiate the inhibition of MAO activity.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of mixed function oxidase substrates, aminopyrine and ethylmorphine, on the NADPH and O2 dependent rate of ethanol oxidation have been examined.Aminopyrine like ethylmorphine exerts different effects on the rate of acetaldehyde formation depending upon the ethanol concentration used. At saturating ethanol concentration V max increases. Inhibition is observed at low concentrations of ethanol. Plots of acetaldehyde formation versus ethanol concentration reveal, in the presence of aminopyrine, curves which indicate the simultaneous action of two enzymes functional in ethanol oxidation.These data provide support for the existence of a microsomal ethanol oxidizing enzyme system (Orme-Johnson et al., 1965; Lieber et al., 1970), in addition to the well documented azide sensitive and H2O2 dependent pathway for ethanol oxidation (Thurman et al., 1972; Feytmans et al., 1973).Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; Schwerpunktprogramm: Biologische Grundlagen der Arzneimittel- und Fremdstoffwirkungen.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of resveratrol on the electrophysiology and insulin secretion of pancreatic beta cells, and examined resveratrol-induced alterations in insulin levels and plasma glucose of normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Whole-cell voltage clamp study in the MIN6 cell, a mouse beta cell line, revealed that resveratrol significantly inhibited ATP-sensitive K(+) current at 3 micromol/l, and voltage-gated K(+) currents at 30 micromol/l. Ca(2+)-activated K(+) current was activated by resveratrol at 100 micromol/l. In MIN6 cells stained with membrane potential dye DiBAC(4)(5), resveratrol markedly depolarized membrane potential at the concentrations of 3-100 micromol/l. Insulin secretion was increased in the presence of resveratrol in MIN6, Hit-T15, and RIN-m5F cells. Resveratrol (3 mg/kg, i.p.) increased insulin secretion associated with a lowering in plasma glucose in normal rats, but not in streptozotocin-diabetic rats within the initial 60 min. In conclusion, resveratrol can act as an insulin-secretagogue through I(KATP) and I(KV) inhibition which can contribute to plasma glucose lowering effect in normal rats.  相似文献   

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