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A role for antibodies in the generation of memory antifungal immunity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Protective immunity to Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus is mediated by antigen-specific Th1 cells. To define the role of B cells and antibodies in the generation of antifungal immune resistance, B cell-deficient (mu MT) mice were assessed for immune resistance to primary and secondary infections with both fungi. The results showed that, although passive administration of antibodies increased the fungal clearance, the innate and Th1-mediated resistance to the primary and secondary infections were both heightened in mu MT mice with candidiasis and aspergillosis. However, although capable of efficiently restricting the fungal growth, mu MT mice did not survive the re-infection with C. albicans, and this was concurrent with the failure to generate IL-10-producing dendritic cells and regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. Antifungal opsonizing antibodies restored IL-10 production by dendritic cells from mu MT mice, a finding suggesting that the availability of opsonizing antibodies may condition the nature of the dendritic cell interaction with fungi, possibly impacting on the development of long-lasting antifungal immunity.  相似文献   

DNA vaccination is an efficient way to induce CD8+ T cell memory, but it is still unclear to what extent such memory responses afford protection in vivo. To study this, we induced CD8+ memory responses directed towards defined viral epitopes, using DNA vaccines encoding immunodominant MHC class I-restricted epitopes of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus covalently linked to beta2-microglobulin. This vaccine construct primed for a stronger recall response than did a more conventional minigene construct. Despite this, vaccinated mice were only protected against systemic infection whereas protection against the consequences of peripheral challenge was limited. Phenotypic analysis revealed that DNA vaccine-primed CD8+ T cells in uninfected mice differed from virus-primed CD8+ T cells particularly regarding expression of very-late antigen (VLA)-4, an adhesion molecule important for targeting T cells to inflammatory sites. Thus, our DNA vaccine induces a long-lived memory CD8+ T cell population that provides efficient protection against high-dose systemic infection. However, viral replication in solid non-lymphoid organs is not curtailed sufficiently fast to prevent significant virus-induced inflammation. Our results suggest that this is due to qualitative limitations of the primed CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

目的黏膜免疫可以诱导有效的黏膜和系统免疫反应,从而保护黏膜表面,是防止病原体在黏膜表面克隆并入侵的关键。但黏膜接种疫苗吸收效率低,黏膜免疫效果往往不理想,因此需要添加有效的黏膜免疫佐剂和载体系统来提高疫苗的效果。壳聚糖是一种被广泛应用的天然聚合物,无毒,具有生物粘附性和免疫调节作用,在黏膜免疫中作为佐剂和载体得到大量应用。  相似文献   

BALB/c mice were immunized intranasally with either soluble ovalbumin (OVA) or OVA entrapped in liposomes. The effect of adding Sigma cholera toxin B subunit (sCT-B), which contained low amounts of cholera holotoxin (CT), or recombinant CT-B (rCT-B) which was free from CT, as mucosal adjuvants was also investigated. The mucosal [lung enzyme-linked immunospot assay (ELISPOT), lung washing] and systemic (serum antibody and spleen ELISPOT) responses of immunized mice to OVA and CT-B were determined. Results showed that soluble OVA and liposome-entrapped OVA were poor inducers of mucosal or systemic responses unless CT-B was added as adjuvant. The types of responses augmented by sCT-B and rCT-B were different. CT-B containing low levels of CT (i.e. sCT-B) boosted both mucosal and systemic IgA and IgG responses, whereas rCT-B only increased IgG responses, unless antigen was entrapped in liposomes. Although rCT-B was unable to adjuvant IgA responses against soluble OVA, it was able to induce IgA responses against itself. These data show that mucosal responses can be increased by addition of CT-B containing low levels of CT to antigen preparations given intranasally, suggesting a direct role for CT-A in isotype switching. Furthermore, the ability of CT-B to adjuvant IgA responses against added antigens and its ability to induce responses against itself appear to be separate phenomena. The results from this study should assist the rational formulation of mucosal vaccines which induce potent mucosal and systemic immune responses.  相似文献   

The role of the spleen in the rat mucosal immune response was investigated to three structural different pneumococcal polysaccharides, type 3, 4, and 14. Following immunization with pneumococcal polysaccharides, a larger amount of free antigen was found in several lymphoid tissues and an increased trapping of immune complexes was seen in follicles of splenectomized animals, as compared to control animals. Thus, clearance of the polysaccharides seems to be less effective after splenectomy. An increase in specific IgA antibody-containing cells (ACC) was found in mesenteric lymph nodes, villi and Peyer's patches in splenectomized rats. Apparently, splenectomy and subsequent decreased clearance of the antigen causes a prolonged stay of the antigen in the system and therefore specific ACC can be induced in different lymphoid tissues. After splenectomy the specific IgM and IgG antibody titers in serum decreased significantly for pneumococcal polysaccharides types 4 and 14, but not for type 3. Furthermore, the serum IgA antibody titers against the three types of polysaccharides under study were not affected. After elimination of macrophages in the spleen by treatment with dichloromethylene diphosphonate liposomes no ACC against type 14 were evoked in the marginal zone of the spleen, and again, an increase was observed in specific IgA ACC in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues. The IgA antibody titers were also enhanced. In conclusion, IgA responses against pneumococcal polysaccharides can be elicited in absence of the spleen, i.e. at mucosal sites or in the draining lymph nodes. Furthermore, polysaccharide-specific IgA responses are enhanced after reduction of splenic phagocytic functions.  相似文献   

Antigen-presenting cells (APC) are directly involved in survival, growth and differentiation of naive B cells and in immunoglobulin class switch recombination. Less is known about the contribution of APC to memory B cell responses. We employed an in vitro model to investigate the secondary humoral response against foot-and-mouth disease virus, with cells from a natural host of the virus - the pig. This response is T cell-dependent. Under conditions of limited T cell help, defined as a low T-to-B cell ratio or by the replacement of T cells with interleukin-2 only, the antibody response was dependent on APC. These included monocytes and monocyte-derived DC, but not plasmacytoid DC. APC mediated their help through soluble factors, particularly soluble B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family (BAFF). Our results suggest that the 'ménage à trois' concept, saying that both APC and T cells have a direct effect in B cell activation, is also valid for secondary B cell responses, and imply an important role for BAFF under conditions that might be physiologically relevant in secondary lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

Low zone tolerance (LZT) to contact allergens is induced by epicutaneous exposure to haptens in subsensitizing doses resulting in an inhibition of contact hypersensitivity (CHS), which, in contrast, occurs after sensitization with immunogenic doses of allergens. Performing the protocol of tolerance induction resulted in robust LZT to allergens in B cell-deficient mice in vivo, indicating that B cells are not required for the induction and effector phase of LZT. However, CHS reactions in vivo were restricted in B cell-deficient mice as compared to wild-type (WT) mice. In contrast, analysis of hapten-specific T cell activation in vitro revealed a strong proliferative response of T cells derived from both WT and B cell-deficient sensitized mice. Similar to WT animals, T cells obtained from tolerized B cell-deficient mice produced a Tc2 cytokine pattern of LZT with high levels of IL-4 and IL-10, whereas sensitization of B cell-deficient mice resulted in the typical Tc1 cytokine profile of CHS. Adoptive transfer of CD8+ effector T cells from tolerized or sensitized B cell-deficient mice induced significant LZT or CHS reactions, respectively, in WT recipients, demonstrating that the development of hapten-specific effector CD8+ T cells of LZT and CHS is independent of B cells.  相似文献   

During B cell development, proliferative expansion takes place after expression of the pre-BCR. At this pre-BII cell stage, the IL-7Ralpha is also expressed. Some in vitro studies suggest that pre-BCR-dependent expansion relies on the IL-7Ralpha, and others that it does not. It has also been suggested that the pre-BCR mediates down-regulation of the IL-7Ralpha. However, the in vivo relationship between the pre-BCR and the IL-7Ralpha has not been previously examined. Here, we have investigated this by establishing mice lacking both receptors. Our results show that in the absence of the IL-7Ralpha, the pre-BII population is reduced, as previously seen in mice lacking the pre-BCR, demonstrating that the IL-7Ralpha is important at this stage. A deficiency in both receptors results in a further reduction of the pre-BII cell population. We conclude that both the IL-7Ralpha and the pre-BCR are required for optimal pre-BII cell expansion. Furthermore, IL-7Ralpha expression levels are normal in pre-BCR-deficient mice, suggesting that the pre-BCR does not mediate its down-regulation. As a consequence of the absence of both receptors, the peripheral B cell pool is severely depleted, resulting in atypical splenic B cell structures and reduced serum Ig levels.  相似文献   

Acquisition of non‐sterilizing natural immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria has been shown in low transmission areas following multiple exposures. However, conflicting data from endemic areas suggest that the parasite may interfere with the induction of effective B‐cell responses. To date, the impact of blood‐stage parasite exposure on antigen‐specific B cells has not been reported following controlled human malaria infection (CHMI). Here we analysed human B‐cell responses in a series of Phase I/IIa clinical trials, which include CHMI, using candidate virus‐vectored vaccines encoding two blood‐stage antigens: merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) and apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1). Previously vaccinated volunteers show boosting of pre‐existing antigen‐specific memory B‐cell (mBC) responses following CHMI. In contrast, unvaccinated malaria‐naive control volunteers developed an mBC response against MSP1 but not AMA1. Serum IgG correlated with the mBC response after booster vaccination but this relationship was less well maintained following CHMI. A significant reduction in peripheral MSP1‐specific mBC was observed at the point of diagnosis of blood‐stage infection. This was coincident with a reduction in peripheral blood B‐cell subsets expressing CXCR3 and elevated serum levels of interferon‐γ and CXCL9, suggesting migration away from the periphery. These CHMI data confirm that mBC and antibody responses can be induced and boosted by blood‐stage parasite exposure, in support of epidemiological studies on low‐level parasite exposure.  相似文献   

Three distinct subsets of antigen-experienced CD8(+) T cells have been identified so far: short-living effector T cells (T(EC)) and two long-living subsets, described as central (T(CM)) and effector memory (T(EM)) T cells. The lineage relationships of these subpopulations as well as their involvement in protection have not yet been conclusively determined. We recently described a novel marker combination (CD127 and CD62L) to identify all three major CD8(+) T cell subsets in mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes (L.m.). Extensive lineage relationship analyses on highly purified subpopulations after in vitro and in vivo stimulation demonstrated that T(CM) can develop into T(EM) or T(EC), whereas T(EM) can only progress to T(EC) cells. Short-living T(EC) never regained a T(EM) or T(CM) phenotype. These data strongly suggest a hierarchical and unidirectional order of developmental stages. In vivo priming protocols that preferentially induced one of the different CD8(+) T cell subsets demonstrated that predominance of T(EM) (CD40 stimulation) correlated best with effective protection against L.m., whereas generation of neither T(CM) (by immunization with heat-killed L.m.) nor T(EC) (by systemic co-administration of CpG during primary infection) conferred substantial long-term protective immunity. These findings have important implications for the design of more effective T cell-based vaccines.  相似文献   

As vaccine-elicited antibodies have now been associated with HIV protective efficacy, a thorough understanding of mucosal and systemic B-cell development and maturation is needed. We phenotyped mucosal memory B-cells, investigated isotype expression and homing patterns, and defined plasmablasts and plasma cells at three mucosal sites (duodenum, jejunum and rectum) in rhesus macaques, the commonly used animal model for pre-clinical vaccine studies. Unlike humans, macaque mucosal memory B-cells lacked CD27 expression; only two sub-populations were present: naïve (CD21+CD27) and tissue-like (CD21CD27) memory. Similar to humans, IgA was the dominant isotype expressed. The homing markers CXCR4, CCR6, CCR9 and α4β7 were differentially expressed between naïve and tissue-like memory B-cells. Mucosal plasmablasts were identified as CD19+CD20+/−HLA-DR+Ki-67+IRF4+CD138+/− and mucosal plasma cells as CD19+CD20HLA-DRKi-67IRF4+CD138+. Both populations were CD39+/−CD27. Plasma cell phenotype was confirmed by spontaneous IgA secretion by ELISpot of positively-selected cells and J-chain expression by real-time PCR. Duodenal, jejunal and rectal samples were similar in B-cell memory phenotype, isotype expression, homing receptors and plasmablast/plasma cell distribution among the three tissues. Thus rectal biopsies adequately monitor B-cell dynamics in the gut mucosa, and provide a critical view of mucosal B-cell events associated with development of vaccine-elicited protective immune responses and SIV/SHIV pathogenesis and disease control.  相似文献   

There is a current lack of effective mucosal vaccines against major gastroenteric pathogens and particularly against Helicobacter pylori, which causes a chronic infection that can lead to peptic ulcers and gastric cancer in a subpopulation of infected individuals. Mucosal CD4+ T‐cell responses have been shown to be essential for vaccine‐induced protection against H. pylori infection. The current study addresses the influence of the adjuvant and site of mucosal immunization on early CD4+ T‐cell priming to H. pylori antigens. The vaccine formulation consisted of H. pylori lysate antigens and mucosal adjuvants, cholera toxin (CT) or a detoxified double‐mutant heat‐labile enterotoxin from Escherichia coli (dmLT), which were administered by either the sublingual or intragastric route. We report that in vitro, adjuvants CT and dmLT induce up‐regulation of pro‐inflammatory gene expression in purified dendritic cells and enhance the H. pylori‐specific CD4+ T‐cell response including interleukin‐17A (IL‐17A), interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ) and tumour necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) secretion. In vivo, sublingual immunization led to an increased frequency of IL‐17A+, IFN‐γ+ and TNF‐α+ secreting CD4+ T cells in the cervical lymph nodes compared with in the mesenteric lymph nodes after intragastric immunization. Subsequently, IL‐17A+ cells were visualized in the stomach of sublingually immunized and challenged mice. In summary, our results suggest that addition of an adjuvant to the vaccine clearly activated dendritic cells, which in turn, enhanced CD4+ T‐cell cytokines IL‐17A, IFN‐γ and TNF‐α responses, particularly in the cervical lymph nodes after sublingual vaccination.  相似文献   

In adult mice, the VpreB genes are expressed in bone marrow progenitor (pro-) and precursor (pre-) B cells. As part of the pre-B cell receptor, the proteins are crucial for the proliferation of these cells and consequently normal B lymphocyte development. Using cell lines, we identified a lineage- and developmental-stage-specific VpreB1 enhancer. Here, we analyze its specificity in vivo by generating transgenic mice in which expression of a reporter gene (human CD122) is regulated by the VpreB1 enhancer in the context of its own promoter. All transgenic lines expressed the reporter gene in the bone marrow in a copy number-independent manner, whereas expression levels were integration site-dependent. While the enhancer is not tissue specific, within the B cell lineage the expression pattern of human CD122 mimicked that of endogenous VpreB1. Thus, low levels were detected in pro-B cells, high levels in pre-BI and slightly lower levels in pre-BII cells; no expression was detected in immature/mature B cells. Furthermore, when in vitro cultured transgenic pre-B cells differentiated into immature B cells there was concomitant down-regulation of human CD122 and endogenous VpreB1. Thus the VpreB1 enhancer is sufficient to ensure developmental stage-specific expression of a reporter gene in B lymphocytes in vivo.  相似文献   

鼠疫F1-V重组蛋白疫苗滴鼻免疫应答效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 以重组霍乱毒素B亚单位(rCT-B)为鼠疫F1-V重组蛋白的佐剂制备黏膜疫苗,观察小鼠诱导的黏膜免疫和系统免疫应答效果。方法以制备的鼠疫黏膜疫苗滴鼻免疫小鼠4次免疫后,采用间接ELISA检测血清特异性抗F1-V的IgG和IgA抗体及抗体亚型分类,检测鼻咽喉、肺、小肠及阴道灌洗液中特异性抗F1-V的黏膜分泌型IgA;采用流式细胞术检测鼻相关淋巴组织淋巴细胞、脾淋巴细胞、肠系膜淋巴结及小肠PP结T淋巴细胞表型的变化。结果以rCT-B为佐剂的鼠疫F1-V重组蛋白黏膜疫苗滴鼻免疫后,能够诱导血清中IgG、IgA抗体比正常对照组显著升高(P〈0.01),同时诱导鼻咽、肺、小肠和阴道内特异性黏膜抗体升高,尤其是肺和生殖道冲冼液内抗体升高极为显著(P〈0.01)。与单纯的F1-V组相比,不同剂量比例疫苗组都能诱导较高、较快的血清IgG、IgA和黏膜sIgA,其中1:2疫苗组能诱导更强的系统免疫和黏膜免疫,但是相比之下,5:1疫苗组是最合适的免疫剂量。结论rCT-B佐剂不仅能提高鼠疫F1-V黏膜疫苗的系统全身免疫应答,还能促进诱导呼吸道、消化道和生殖道等局部黏膜sIgA抗体,增强局部免疫应答,提示rCT-B佐剂能显著提高鼠疫感染的免疫应答作用,这为下一步疫苗的免疫保护评价奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The TNF family ligand B cell-activating factor (BAFF, BLyS, TALL-1) is an essential factor for B cell development. BAFF binds to three receptors, BAFF-R, transmembrane activator and CAML interactor (TACI), and B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), but only BAFF-R is required for successful survival and maturation of splenic B cells. To test whether the effect of BAFF is due to the up-regulation of anti-apoptotic factors, TACI-Ig-transgenic mice, in which BAFF function is inhibited, were crossed with transgenic mice expressing FLICE-inhibitory protein (FLIP) or Bcl-2 in the B cell compartment. FLIP expression did not rescue B cells, while enforced Bcl-2 expression restored peripheral B cells and the ability to mount T-dependent antibody responses. However, many B cells retained immaturity markers and failed to express normal amounts of CD21. Marginal zone B cells were not restored and the T-independent IgG3, but not IgM, response was impaired in the TACI-IgxBcl-2 mice. These results suggest that BAFF is required not only to inhibit apoptosis of maturating B cells, but also to promote differentiation events, in particular those leading to the generation of marginal zone B cells.  相似文献   

Memory B cells (Bmem) provide an active second layer of defense against re-infection by pathogens that have bypassed the passive first layer provided by neutralizing antibodies. Here, we review recent progress in our understanding of Bmem heterogeneity in terms of their origin (germinal center-dependent vs center-independent), phenotype (canonical vs atypical vs age-associated B cells), trafficking (recirculating vs tissue-resident), and fate (plasma cell vs germinal center differentiation). The development of transgenic models and intravital imaging technologies has made it possible to track the cellular dynamics of Bmem reactivation by antigen, their interactions with follicular memory T cells, and differentiation into plasma cells in subcapsular proliferative foci in the lymph nodes of immune animals. Such in situ studies have reinforced the importance of geography in shaping the outcome of the secondary antibody response. We also review the evidence for Bmem reactivation and differentiation into short-lived plasma cells in the pathogenesis of disease flares in relapsing-remitting autoimmune diseases. Elucidating the mechanisms that control the Bmem fate decision to differentiate into plasma cells or germinal center B cells will aid future efforts to more precisely engineer fit-for-purpose vaccines as well as to treat antibody-mediated autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

CD4 T cells contribute to protection against pathogens through numerous mechanisms. Incorporating the goal of memory CD4 T‐cell generation into vaccine strategies therefore offers a powerful approach to improve their efficacy, especially in situations where humoral responses alone cannot confer long‐term immunity. These threats include viruses such as influenza that mutate coat proteins to avoid neutralizing antibodies, but that are targeted by T cells that recognize more conserved protein epitopes shared by different strains. A major barrier in the design of such vaccines is that the mechanisms controlling the efficiency with which memory cells form remain incompletely understood. Here, we discuss recent insights into fate decisions controlling memory generation. We focus on the importance of three general cues: interleukin‐2, antigen and co‐stimulatory interactions. It is increasingly clear that these signals have a powerful influence on the capacity of CD4 T cells to form memory during two distinct phases of the immune response. First, through ‘programming’ that occurs during initial priming, and second, through ‘checkpoints’ that operate later during the effector stage. These findings indicate that novel vaccine strategies must seek to optimize cognate interactions, during which interleukin‐2‐, antigen‐ and co‐stimulation‐dependent signals are tightly linked, well beyond initial antigen encounter to induce robust memory CD4 T cells.  相似文献   

Gockel CM  Russell MW 《Immunology》2005,116(4):477-486
Previous reports have suggested that peroral delivery of antigens chemically coupled to non-toxic recombinant enterotoxin B subunits, such as the cholera toxin B subunit (CTB), induces tolerance to the antigen that may be abrogated by the toxic enzyme activity of intact enterotoxins, such as cholera toxin (CT). The aim of this study was to examine the immunogenicity of a genetically coupled protein composed of the saliva-binding region (SBR) of the Streptococcus mutans surface antigen AgI/II and the non-toxic A2 and B subunits of CT (SBR-CTA2/B) compared with that of recombinant SBR admixed with CT (SBR + CT) and SBR chemically coupled to recombinant CTB (SBR-CTB) following peroral delivery by intragastric (i.g.) immunization. The results showed that i.g. immunization with SBR-CTA2/B, like SBR + CT, induced antigen-specific serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) and salivary IgA antibodies, and sensitized splenic T cells. Comparison studies with SBR-CTB produced serum IgG but not salivary IgA titres and failed to sensitize splenic cells. Immunization with SBR-CTA2/B via the intranasal route also primed for the recall of antigen-specific memory antibody responses 6 months later. These findings show that SBR-CTA2/B is an immunogenic, not tolerogenic, chimeric protein that can induce and recall antigen-specific memory responses upon mucosal immunization.  相似文献   

While the precise function of CD8alphaalpha homodimer expression on peripheral T cells is uncertain, recent evidence indicates that it facilitates survival and differentiation of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV)-specific memory CD8alphabeta T cell precursors in vivo. Here, we show that the CD8alphaalpha homodimer is also transiently up-regulated on influenza A virus-specific CD8alphabeta T cells after infection in vivo, temporally correlating with increased levels of the memory T cell development- and survival-related molecules IL-7Ralpha and Bcl-2, respectively. Unlike with LCMV, however, deletion of the CD8alphaalpha enhancer I does not abrogate CD8alphaalpha homodimer expression or manifest a significant impact on the generation of virus-specific, functional effector and central memory T cells in influenza A virus infection. These results demonstrate that the role of CD8alphaalpha in the generation of antiviral CD8 T cell memory is complex, presumably because various viral stimuli differentially regulate CD8alphaalpha expression. Further studies are needed to define those ligands that induce CD8alphaalpha on T cells during acute viral infections, and the general relevance of this process to memory T cell formation.  相似文献   

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