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Summary In the frog we have recorded the spontaneous activity of single afferent fibres of the ampullary nerves of the left horizontal semicircular canal (HC) and vertical anterior canal (VAC) in isolated head preparations. The recordings have been made in 4 experimental situations: intact preparations; preparations whose brain was destroyed; preparations whose contralateral vestibular nerve had been cut between Scarpa's ganglion and the brain; preparations where either an ampullary nerve (that of the HC or of the VAC) or the utricular nerve had been cut contralaterally. From our results, it appears that the efferent vestibular system has a tonic influence on the afferent activity from HC and VAC; the influence of the part of the efferent vestibular system (EVS) activity depending on contralateral vestibular inputs is inhibitory, while the influence of the part of the EVS activity depending on ipsilateral vestibular inputs might be facilitatory.  相似文献   

We compared the spatial organization patterns of linear and angular vestibuloocular reflexes in frogs by recording the multiunit spike activity from cranial nerve branches innervating the lateral rectus, the inferior rectus, or the inferior obliquus eye muscles. Responses were evoked by linear horizontal and/or vertical accelerations on a sled or by angular accelerations about an earth-vertical axis on a turntable. Before each sinusoidal oscillation test in darkness, the static head position was systematically altered to determine those directions of horizontal linear acceleration and those planes of angular head oscillation that were associated with minimal response amplitudes. Inhibitory response components during angular accelerations were clearly present, whereas inhibitory response components during linear accelerations were absent. Likewise was no contribution from the vertical otolith organs (i.e., lagena and saccule) observed during vertical linear acceleration. Horizontal linear acceleration evoked responses that originated from eye muscle-specific sectors on the contralateral utricular macula. The sectors of the inferior obliquus and lateral rectus muscles on the utricle had an opening angle of 45 and 60 degrees, respectively and overlapped to a large extent in the laterorostral part of the utricle. Both sectors were coplanar with the horizontal semicircular canals. The sector of the inferior rectus muscle was narrow (opening 5 degrees), laterocaudally oriented, and slightly pitched up by 6 degrees. Angular acceleration evoked maximal responses in the inferior obliquus muscle nerve that originated from the ipsilateral horizontal and the contralateral anterior vertical canals in a ratio of 50:50. Lateral rectus excitation originated from the contralateral horizontal and anterior vertical semicircular canals in a ratio of 80:20. The excitatory responses of the inferior rectus muscle nerve originated exclusively from the contralateral posterior vertical canal. Measured data and known semicircular canal plane vectors were used to calculate the spatial orientation of maximum sensitivity vectors for the investigated eye muscle nerves in semicircular canal coordinates. Comparison of the directions of maximal sensitivity vectors of responses evoked by linear or angular accelerations in a given eye muscle nerve showed that the two vector directions were oriented about orthogonally with respect to each other. With this arrangement the linear and the angular vestibuloocular reflex can support each other dynamically whenever they are co-activated without a change in the spatial response characteristics. The mutual adaptation of angular and linear vestibuloocular reflexes as well as the differences in their organization described here for frogs may represent a basic feature common for vertebrates in general.  相似文献   

Out of 326 fibres in the horizontal semicircular canal branch of the goldfish vestibular nerve, 7 fibres could be identified as efferents. They showed irregular spontaneous activity and responded to rotatory stimuli with double frequency. Additionally in the central stump of the dissected nerve, efferent fibres were found, the spontaneous and stimulus modulated activity of which could not be differentiated from afferents.Efferents could be driven by a number of stimuli (vestibular, visual, somatosensory). Disruption of the efferent influence upon the receptors by dissection of the nerve or by pharmacological means (Gallamine) led to an increase of spontaneous afferent activity by 50%, showing that there is tonic efferent inhibition. Transfer functions of afferents were not changed after release from efferent influence. Electrical stimulation of efferents in 41% of the fibres led to an increase of afferent activity instead of the expected inhibition, which was seen in another 32%.  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic potentials were recorded in identified extraocular motoneurons in anesthetized cats, following stimulation of ampullary nerves of the anterior and posterior semicircular canals.Superior rectus motoneurons received disynaptic EPSPs and IPSPs following stimulation of the two ampullary nerves of the anterior and posterior semicircular canals, respectively. In the inferior rectus motoneurons, the effects of anterior and posterior semicircular canal stimulation were a mirror image of those on superior rectus motoneurons.Inferior oblique motoneurons developed disynaptic EPSPs and IPSPs following stimulation of the ampullary nerves of the contralateral anterior and ipsilateral posterior semicircular canals, respectively. In addition, some inferior oblique motoneurons displayed disynaptic IPSPs following stimulation of the contralateral ampullary nerve of the posterior semicircular canal. In the superior oblique (trochlear) motoneurons, disynaptic EPSPs and IPSPs were recorded after stimulation of the contralateral posterior and ipsilateral anterior semicircular canals, respectively.There was no significant connection between the ampullary nerves of the vertical semicircular canals and motoneurons innervating lateral and medial rectus muscles.Abbreviations i- Ipsilateral to the recorded motoneuron - c- Contralateral to the recorded motoneuron - ACN Ampullary nerve of the anterior semicircular canal - HCN Ampullary nerve of the horizontal semicircular canal - PCN Ampullary nerve of the posterior semicircular canal - IO Inferior oblique - IR Inferior rectus - LR Lateral rectus - MR Medial rectus - SO Superior oblique - SR Superior rectus - EPSP Excitatory postsynaptic potential - IPSP Inhibitory postsynaptic potential - PSP Postsynaptic potential - MLF Medial longitudinal fasciculus  相似文献   

Postlesional reorganization of vestibular afferent and commissural inputs onto second-order vestibular neurons was studied in the isolated brain after unilateral section of the N.VIII, of the ramus anterior (RA) of N.VIII, of the utricular (UT) or of the anterior vertical and horizontal canal nerves in combination. RA nerve section eliminated the inputs from utricular, anterior vertical and horizontal canal organs. In the first set of experiments we recorded field potentials on the operated side of the vestibular nuclei 2 months after RA nerve section. These responses were evoked by electrical stimulation of the RA nerve or of the posterior vertical canal nerve on the operated or on the intact side. The amplitudes of afferent field potentials evoked by stimulation of the spared posterior vertical canal nerve were increased. The amplitudes of afferent field potentials evoked by stimulation of the axotomized RA nerve remained unaltered. After N.VIII section the commissural, but not the afferent, field potentials increased significantly on the operated side following stimulation of N.VIII on the intact and on the operated side, respectively. After UT nerve section no change in commissural but an increase in the amplitude of afferent field potentials from each of the three intact canal nerves was observed on the operated side. In the context of earlier results these findings imply that second-order vestibular neurons, disfacilitated due to afferent nerve section, became receptive to additional, excitatory synaptic inputs, preferentially from intact vestibular nerve afferent fibers. The reduced excitation via afferent nerve inputs was thereby replaced by other afferent nerve inputs from spatially inadequate vestibular end-organs. The synaptic terminals of inactivated afferent nerve fibers were maintained and not repressed. The process of central reorganization after vestibular nerve lesion was activity related, the expansion of signals restricted to inputs from intact fibers, its extent graded and its onset delayed with respect to the onset of corresponding spinal changes and to the onset of postural recovery after the same type of nerve lesion. After the section of RA nerve or of an individual nerve branch the labyrinthine end-organs remained intact and were not removed as after unilateral labyrinthectomy (UL). Peripheral reinnervation of the end-organs was thus excluded after UL, but expected after one of the former types of lesion. Functional reinnervation of the utricular macula was mirrored behaviorally by the reappearance of severe postural deficits following a second RA nerve section. These lesion-induced postural deficits began to reappear if the repeated RA nerve section was delayed with respect to the first by about 3 months. We therefore studied postlesional reorganization in the brainstem 3 months after the first RA nerve section. Reinnervation of the utricular macula was accompanied by a rapid decline of the increased amplitudes of afferent and commissural vestibular field potentials towards control values, suggesting the reversibility of the lesion-induced central reorganization. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Rotational head motion in vertebrates is detected by the semicircular canal system, whose innervating primary afferent fibers carry information about movement in specific head planes. The semicircular canals have been qualitatively examined over a number of years, and the canal planes have been quantitatively characterized in several animal species. The present study first determined the geometric relationship between individual semicircular canals and between the canals and the stereotactic head planes in pigeons. Stereotactic measurements of multiple points along the circumference of the bony canals were taken, and the measured points fitted with a three-dimensional planar surface. Direction normals to the plane's surface were calculated and used to define angles between semicircular canal pairs. Because of the unusual shape of the anterior semicircular canals in pigeons, two planes, a major and a minor, were fitted to the canal's course. Calculated angle values for all canals indicated that the horizontal and posterior semicircular canals are nearly orthogonal, but the anterior canals have substantial deviations from orthogonality with other canal planes. Next, the responses of the afferent fibers that innervate each of the semicircular canals to 0.5 Hz sinusoidal rotation about an earth-vertical axis were obtained. The head orientation relative to the rotation axis was systematically varied so that directions of maximum sensitivity for each canal afferent could be determined. These sensitivity vectors were then compared with the canal plane direction normals. The afferents that innervated specific semicircular canals formed homogeneous clusters of sensitivity vectors in different head planes. The horizontal and posterior afferents had average sensitivity vectors that were largely coincident with the innervated canal plane direction normals. Anterior canal afferents, however, appeared to synthesize contributions from the major and minor plane components of the bony canal structure to produce a resultant sensitivity vector that was positioned between the canal planes. Calculated angles between the average canal afferent sensitivity vectors revealed that direction orthogonality is preserved at the afferent signal level, even though deviations from canal plane orthogonality exist.  相似文献   

1. The organization of primary afferent depolarization (PAD) produced by excitation of peripheral sensory and motor nerves was studied in the frog cord isolated with hind limb nerves.2. Dorsal root potentials from sensory fibres (DR-DRPs) were evoked on stimulation of most sensory nerves, but were largest from cutaneous, joint and flexor muscle afferents. With single shock stimulation the largest cutaneous and joint afferent fibres gave DR-DRPs, but potentials from muscle nerves resulted from activation of sensory fibres with thresholds to electrical stimulation higher than 1.2-1.5 times the threshold of the most excitable fibres in the nerve. This suggests that PAD from muscle afferents is probably due to excitation of extrafusal receptors.3. Dorsal root potentials produced by antidromic activation of motor fibres (VR-DRPs) were larger from extensor muscles and smaller or absent from flexor muscles. The VR-DRPs were produced by activation of the lowest threshold motor fibres.4. Three types of interactions were found between test and conditioning DRPs from the same or different nerves. With maximal responses occlusion was usually pronounced. At submaximal levels linear summation occurred. Near threshold the conditioning stimulus frequently resulted in a large facilitation of the test DRP. All three types of interactions were found with two DR-DRPs, two VR-DRPs or one DR-DRP and one VR-DRP.5. The excitability of sensory nerve terminals from most peripheral nerves was increased during the DR-DRP. The magnitude of the excitability increase varied roughly with the magnitude of the DR-DRP evoked by the conditioning stimulus.6. There was a marked excitability increase of cutaneous and extensor muscle afferent terminals during the VR-DRP. Flexor muscle afferent terminals often showed no excitability changes to ventral root stimulation. In those experiments where afferent terminals from flexor muscles did show an excitability increase, the effects were smaller than those of cutaneous and extensor terminals.7. The VR-DRPs appear to reflect activity of a negative feed-back loop from extensor motoneurones on to sensory fibres from cutaneous and extensor muscles. This system may have a role in modulating the ballistic movement of the frog. DR-DRPs, on the contrary, are widespread in origin and distribution. PAD from sensory fibres may function to sharpen contrast between incoming afferent information.  相似文献   

L'activité vestibulaire efférente chez la grenouille   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In the Frog, recording from the central ends of the nerves of the horizontal and anterior canals, we have been able to obtain, on isolated heads preparations, an efferent vestibular activity. Spontaneous discharges being present or absent, rotatory stimulations in the horizontal plane evoked bursts of efferent spikes; it has been shown that only stimulations eliciting an increase of the afferent activity were active to give efferent responses. Some characteristics of the efferent activity have been specified and we have found that relations between the two ears do exist, relations using the efferent way.

The organogenesis of the membranous labyrinth of Polypterus senegalus is described. 1. The otocyst seems to be formed by the invagination of a thick portion of the deeper layer of the epidermis. 2. The 3 semi-circular canals are formed by 3 pairs of invaginations of the wall of the otocyst and at the expense of its volume; the anterior vertical canal is completed first, followed by the horizontal and then the posterior vertical one; the ampullae, not very developed, appear a long time after the formation of their corresponding canals: that of the horizontal canal appears first, followed by that of the posterior and finally that of the anterior one. 3. The sensory areas derive from a common macula which subsequently divides into 2 zones, the anterior one giving rise to the utricular macula and the anterior and horizontal cristae, the posterior one giving rise to the posterior crista and the saccular macula; from the latter subsequently develops the lagenar macula. 4. The otoconiae appear as soon as the otocyst forms; the otoliths are agglomerations of otoconias brought together by an interstitial cement. 5. The endolymphatic primordium is formed before that of the semi-circular canals; the endolymphatic sack becomes voluminous and spreads over the brain as far as the sagittal plane.  相似文献   

1. A method is described for recording in vivo the action potentials of afferent and efferent fibres in whole nerves supplying the rabbit's uterus.

2. Examination of these nerves under the light microscope and the electron microscope showed them to be composed almost entirely of non-myelinated fibres.

3. Two types of spontaneous action potential were observed; one travelled at about 4 m/sec and probably came from the myelinated fibres, the other travelled at 0·4-1·4 m/sec and certainly came from non-myelinated fibres.

4. The efferent fibre spikes were shown to be faster and higher than the spikes from uterine afferent fibres, but slower and smaller than spikes from broad ligament afferent fibres.

5. Apart from differences in conduction velocity and height, all spikes were basically similar, lasting about 1·5 msec. The height was related to the square of the velocity. Some more complex spikes were also observed.

6. The compound action potential evoked by stimulation of the uterine nerve had three peaks, conducted at 1·3, 0·8 and 0·6 m/sec, respectively, and thought to correspond to the fast afferent fibres, the efferent fibres and the slow afferent fibres, respectively. There were also some late peaks due to reflexion of the antidromic action potentials from the ganglion cells.

7. Stimulation of the hypogastric nerve also evoked a compound action potential in the uterine nerves. Stimulation of the pelvic nerves had no effect.

8. By means of ganglion blocking agents, the uterine ganglia were shown to lie in the pelvic plexus, peripheral to the hypogastric nerve, but central to the uterine nerves.

9. It is argued that the spontaneous action potentials came from individual fibres rather than Remak bundles, and that the recording technique used detected the activity of all but the smallest fibres.


目的 为鼓室神经切除术提供颈鼓神经的解剖学资料。方法 在手术显微镜下对 15 1例尸头及 10 0块颞骨颈鼓小管上、下口的位置、颈鼓神经的交通情况进行了观察。结果 颈鼓小管下口多起自颈动脉管升部后壁 ,上口多位于鼓室隐窝前壁及鼓室内的咽鼓管口处。颈鼓神经与咽鼓管下支交通者占 6 5 5 6 % ,与鼓室神经干相交通者占 2 9 14 %。结论 与鼓室神经相交通的颈鼓神经有可能被误认为鼓室神经双干的前干 ,在行鼓室神经切除术时应予切断  相似文献   

1. The goat, sheep and calf have gustatory chemoreceptors which respond to salt, sweet, sour and bitter solutions, from which the afferent fibres pass centrally in the chorda tympani and glossopharyngeal nerves.2. Action potentials in the afferent gustatory nerves can also be detected when the tongue is irrigated with sodium bicarbonate, ethylene glycol, glycerine, and saccharine.3. Distilled water reduces the background activity in the isolated gustatory nerves, thus demonstrating the absence of fibres in ruminant ungulates of receptors which respond to stimulation by distilled water.4. The responses from the chemoreceptors, associated especially with the circumvallate papillae, are enhanced if the papillae are gently moved at the time of irrigation with sapid solutions.5. The chorda tympani is most responsive to salt and acid solutions while the glossopharyngeal is more responsive to sugars, quinine and acid.  相似文献   

Second-order vestibular neurons (2 degrees VN) were identified in the isolated frog brain by the presence of monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) after separate electrical stimulation of individual vestibular nerve branches. Combinations of one macular and the three semicircular canal nerve branches or combinations of two macular nerve branches were stimulated separately in different sets of experiments. Monosynaptic EPSPs evoked from the utricle or from the lagena converged with monosynaptic EPSPs from one of the three semicircular canal organs in ~30% of 2 degrees VN. Utricular afferent signals converged predominantly with horizontal canal afferent signals (74%), and lagenar afferent signals converged with anterior vertical (63%) or posterior vertical (37%) but not with horizontal canal afferent signals. This convergence pattern correlates with the coactivation of particular combinations of canal and otolith organs during natural head movements. A convergence of afferent saccular and canal signals was restricted to very few 2 degrees VN (3%). In contrast to the considerable number of 2 degrees VN that received an afferent input from the utricle or the lagena as well as from one of the three canal nerves (~30%), smaller numbers of 2 degrees VN (14% of each type of 2 degrees otolith or 2 degrees canal neuron) received an afferent input from only one particular otolith organ or from only one particular semicircular canal organ. Even fewer 2 degrees VN received an afferent input from more than one semicircular canal or from more than one otolith nerve (~7% each). Among 2 degrees VN with afferent inputs from more than one otolith nerve, an afferent saccular nerve input was particularly rare (4-5%). The restricted convergence of afferent saccular inputs with other afferent otolith or canal inputs as well as the termination pattern of saccular afferent fibers are compatible with a substrate vibration sensitivity of this otolith organ in frog. The ascending and/or descending projections of identified 2 degrees VN were determined by the presence of antidromic spikes. 2 degrees VN mediating afferent utricular and/or semicircular canal nerve signals had ascending and/or descending axons. 2 degrees VN mediating afferent lagenar or saccular nerve signals had descending but no ascending axons. The latter result is consistent with the absence of short-latency macular signals on extraocular motoneurons during vertical linear acceleration. Comparison of data from frog and cat demonstrated the presence of a similar organization pattern of maculo- and canal-ocular reflexes in both species.  相似文献   

Summary (1) Vestibulo-ocular reflex excitation of the six extraocular muscles was studied by recording their electromyographic activity in decerebrate cats during oscillations about horizontal and vertical axes, at frequencies from 0.07 to 4 Hz. Animals were oriented in many different positions and rotated about axes that lay in the horizontal, frontal, or sagittal planes defined by our coordinate system. (2) The strengths of modulation (gains) of the responses of all extraocular muscles were a sinusoidal function of the orientation of the rotation axis within a coordinate plane, and this function was nearly independent of rotation frequency. (3) The responses were used to determine an axis of maximal excitation for each of the extraocular muscles by the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Antagonistic muscle pairs were found to have best axes in nearly opposite directions, confirming their operation as pairs. (4) Excitation of the medial and lateral rectus could be explained by input from the paired horizontal semicircular canals, with essentially no convergent input from vertical canals. (5) Excitation of the vertical rectus and oblique muscles could be explained by convergent inputs from the vertical canals with little or no horizontal canal input.  相似文献   

1. Occlusion of the main left coronary artery of lightly anaesthetized cats provoked a pseudaffective reaction. The afferent pathway was in the cardiac sympathetic nerves.2. The compound action potential evoked in the inferior or middle cardiac nerves by stimulation of the thoracic sympathetic trunk contained two elevations, a small Adelta wave and a much larger sC wave. Occasionally a B wave was present.3. During coronary occlusion, the Adelta elevation was reduced by 35-55%, indicating afferent activity in these fibres. Multifibre preparations also showed increased afferent discharge during occlusion.4. It seems probable that the afferent activity in these fibres was mainly responsible for signalling the pseudaffective response elicited by coronary occlusion.5. Myocardial ischaemia produced by coronary occlusion was probably the stimulus for the increased activity.  相似文献   

To determine the contribution of the otoliths as well as the horizontal and vertical semicircular canals to the response of "vestibular only" neurons in the rostral fastigial nucleus of the alert monkey, we applied natural sinusoidal vestibular stimuli (0.6 Hz; +/-15 deg) around different axes. During the experiment the monkey sat erect in a primate chair with the head immobile. Semicircular canal responses were investigated during tilted yaw stimulation around an earth vertical axis. The tilt angle was varied by 30 deg and included the optimal plane for horizontal canal stimulation (15 deg nose down from the stereotactic plane). The otoliths and mainly the vertical canals made contributions during stimulation around an earth-fixed horizontal axis (vertical stimulation). Head orientation was also slowly altered (2-3 deg/s) over a range of 180 deg under both stimulus conditions (tilted yaw and vertical stimulation). Neuronal data for each paradigm were fitted by a least squares best-sine function. Computation of the hypothetical contributions made by all three pairs of semicircular canals and the otoliths to these responses showed that 74% of the 46 neurons investigated received an otolith input; in most instances it was combined with a canal input. Neurons most often received input from the horizontal and vertical canals as well as the otoliths. Only a minority of neurons received a purely otolith (13%), vertical canal (13%), or horizontal canal (4%) input. Conventional criteria (head position-related activity, spatiotemporal convergence, STC) failed to detect an otolith contribution in several such instances. Thus, canal-otolith convergence is the general rule at this central stage of vestibular information processing in the fastigial nucleus. The large variety of response types allows these neurons to participate in multiple tasks of vestibulospinal movement control.  相似文献   

Summary Neurogenic changes of phrenic activity have previously been observed during periodic passive motions of one hindlimb in decorticate, unanaesthetized and curarized rabbit preparations before and after high spinal transection (Palisses et al. 1988). In decerebrate and spinal preparations, we aimed to determine, through rhythmic electrical stimulation of hindlimb muscle nerves, which muscle afferents are involved in these effects. In decerebrate preparations, these electrical stimulations (trains of shocks at 80 Hz for 300 ms every second for 20 s) produced ventilatory effects when group I+II afferent fibres of either flexor or extensor nerves were stimulated together and more powerful changes as soon as group III fibres were recruited. Stimulation of group I fibres alone induced no such effects. When present, these changes in respiratory activity consisted of a maintained decrease of the respiratory period due to both inspiratory and expiratory time shortening; in addition, the amplitude of the phrenic bursts greatly increased at the onset of electrical stimulation. After spinal transection at C2 level and pharmacological activation by nialamide and DOPA, only short-lasting phrenic bursts developed spontaneously; the electrical stimulation of group II and mainly group III flexor afferent fibres induced large amplitude phrenic activity whereas the stimulation of the same extensor afferents was relatively ineffective. The activation of phrenic motoneurones during group III flexor afferent stimulation was closely linked to each 300 ms period of stimulation. While the phrenic effects obtained in the spinal preparations by natural and by electrical periodic stimulation are quite similar to each other, those produced in decerebrate preparations differ substantially. It is concluded that the regulation of phrenic activity in decerebrate and spinal rabbit preparations by hindlimb proprioceptive afferents involves different muscle receptors; perhaps joint proprioceptors for the medullary resetting and muscle receptors connected to group III afferent fibres for the spinal reflex activation of phrenic motoneurones.  相似文献   

The commissural inhibition on secondary vestibulo-ocular neurons (VOns) from the contralateral (c-) vertical canal system in the same geometric plane was studied in the anesthetized cat. The secondary VOns were identified by their orthodromic responses to stimulation of the ampullary nerves of the anterior (ACN) or posterior (PCN) semicircular canals and also by their antidromic responses to stimulation of the IIIrd and IVth nuclei. The majority of ACN-activated excitatory VOns in the descending and medial nuclei (32/36, 89%) and in the superior nucleus (20/23, 87%), received commissural inhibition from the c-PCN, while only few ACN-activated inhibitory VOns (3/35, 9%) in the superior nucleus received commissural inhibition from the c-PCN. On the other hand, all of the PCN-activated excitatory (50/50) and inhibitory (30/30) VOns in the vestibular nuclei received commissural inhibition following c-ACN stimulation.  相似文献   

Summary Studies were carried out to determine the cause of 20–30 msec difference in latency of reflex discharges elicited by electrical stimulation of A fibres of tibial nerve and recorded in inferior cardiac and kidney nerves in anaesthetized cats. Conduction velocity of tonic and reflex induced impulses was measured in these nerves with the cross-correlation method. Cross-correlograms of potentials of both nerves have one maximum corresponding to the mean velocity of approximately 0.6 m/sec. There's no significant activity corresponding to conduction through preganglionic B fibres even after suppressing the C fibres activity with tetraethylammonium. If the recording electrodes on the inferior cardiac nerve are placed 12–18 mm nearer to the ganglion stellatum than the electrodes on the kidney nerve to the aorticorenal ganglion the reflex discharge in the former nerve appears 20–30 msec earlier than in the latter. As this difference depends on non-equal recording conditions it cannot be quoted as an argument of bulbar mediation of spinal afferent impulses to so called cardiovascular neurones.  相似文献   

Myocardial ischaemia causes the release of metabolites such as bradykinin, which stimulates cardiac sensory receptors to evoke a sympathoexcitatory reflex. However, the molecular identity of the afferent neurons and fibres mediating this reflex response is not clear. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the cardiogenic sympathoexcitatory reflex is mediated by capsaicin-sensitive afferent fibres. Enhanced immunofluorescence labelling revealed that vanilloid receptor 1 (VR1)-containing afferent nerve fibres were present on the epicardial surface of the rat heart. Resiniferatoxin (RTX), a potent analogue of capsaicin, was used to deplete capsaicin-sensitive afferent fibres in rats. Depletion of these fibres was confirmed by a substantial reduction of VR1 immunoreactivity in the epicardium and dorsal root ganglia. The thermal sensitivity was also diminished in RTX-treated rats. Renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) and blood pressure were recorded in anaesthetized rats during epicardial application of bradykinin or capsaicin. In vehicle-treated rats, epicardial bradykinin (10 μg ml−1) or capsaicin (10 μg ml−1) application produced a significant increase in RSNA and arterial blood pressure. The RSNA and blood pressure responses caused by bradykinin and capsaicin were completely abolished in RTX-treated rats. Furthermore, epicardial application of iodo-RTX, a highly specific antagonist of VR1 receptors, blocked capsaicin- but not bradykinin-induced sympathoexcitatory responses. Thus, these data provide important histological and functional evidence that the heart is innervated by VR1-expressing afferent nerves and these afferent nerves are essential for the cardiogenic sympathoexcitatory reflex during myocardial ischaemia.  相似文献   

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