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<正>说到有利于肠道健康的食物,我们首先想到的是膳食纤维丰富的食品,它们能够帮助肠道蠕动和排便,但膳食纤维也不可一概而论,不同类型的纤维功能不同,为我们带来的健康效益也不同。膳食纤维种类繁多我们常听说"可溶性纤维"和"不溶性纤维",实际上,在可溶和不可溶这两大类别之下还能够细分出许多不同纤维。可溶性纤维与脂肪酸一起摄入能减缓消化,从而减缓血糖释放到身体中的速度。这些纤维还有助于降低低  相似文献   

膳食纤维是食物中来自植物细胞壁的、人体难于消化的非淀粉多糖成分。其种类包括纤维素、半纤维素、果胶、木质素等。可溶性膳食纤维溶于水、并形成凝胶体、产生饱腹感,在肠道与葡萄糖、脂肪结合,主要存在于燕麦、豆类、水果、海藻、蔬菜中,可降低餐后血糖、降低血脂、有助减肥。不可溶性纤维不溶于水、在肠道软化粪便,存在于全谷物制品,如麦糠、蔬菜、水果中,可改善便秘,预防肠癌。  相似文献   

什么是膳食纤维 膳食纤维是一类多聚物的复合混合体,是不被人体胃肠道分泌物消化的植物成分。主要包括纤维素、半纤维素、木质素、果胶、粘液和树胶等。按水溶性又可分为可溶性纤维和不可溶性纤维两类。可溶性纤维包括:果胶、藻胶、树胶和粘液,存在于水果、海藻类、豆类中,不可溶性纤维包括部分半纤维素、纤维素和木质素,存在于谷类、蔬菜等植物中。目前,  相似文献   

如果你胃肠功能良好,吃得香,排得畅,而且面色红润、精神焕发,那么请你给默默无闻的膳食纤维记上一功。 膳食纤维是维护人体胃肠健康的“多面手”,它具有多种理化特性和生理功能,包括有一定的容水性,能增加粪便的体积和重量;具有细菌发酵作用,使肠道内有益菌增加;有一定黏度,可降低餐后血糖升高幅度,膳食纤维包括可溶性和不可溶性食纤维两类,前者对保护胃肠道健康的作用更为显著。  相似文献   

便秘是指大便次数减少和太便干结不易排出,日久可引起腹胀、腹痛、食欲不振、睡眠不安,还可引起痔疮、便血、肛裂等。便秘的人,除了应多饮水、适当活动外,最重要的是养成正确的饮食习惯,食物不可过于精细,应多吃高纤维食物。膳食纤维是使肠道功能正常的重要因素,在肠道中它能吸收水分。增加粪便的体积和重量。刺激肠道蠕动,协助粪便排出。  相似文献   

有关碳水化合物与膳食纤维的报告,主要在于膳食纤维、益生元对大肠细胞和功能以及肠道微生物的影响,益生元对肠道疾病(包括炎性和癌症疾病)的防治作用,以及不可消化碳水化合物对血糖的影响,膳食纤维供能量的测定等:膳食蛋白质和纤维作为胃肠道功能的决定因子。胃肠道  相似文献   

膳食纤维是由多种不同的碳水化合物所组成的多糖,分可溶性和非溶性两部分。非溶性膳食纤维包括纤维素、半纤维素和木质素等,它们是植物细胞壁的组成部分,来源于谷物和豆类食品的外衣、植物的茎叶。可溶性膳食纤维包括果胶、藻胶、谷胶、豆胶、树胶以及粘质,果胶来源于水果,藻胶取之于海藻,谷胶含于大麦等谷物中,豆胶来源于豆类,树胶以及粘质来源于树受伤部位流出的黏性物质?膳食纤维的功效如下。  相似文献   

随着对健康关注程度的提高,人们主动地从各种渠道获得了不少营养知识。不过,在实施养生计划的时候,往往还会走人这样一个误区:对于一些营养素,不能充分地认识到它们的两面性,只看到了有利于健康的一面,而没有注意到可能产生的负面影响。纤维 纤维分为两类:可溶性纤维和不可溶性纤维,前者包括果胶、树胶和黏胶,后者包括纤维素、半纤维素和木质素。近年来,许多研究发现,纤维对  相似文献   

膳食纤维是肠内营养的重要组成部分,也是促进结肠功能与病人恢复的重要营养物质。膳食纤维被认为具备调节肠道功能、控制血糖、增加耐受的作用,是常用于肠内营养的添加剂。但膳食纤维在肠道中的作用机制众说纷纭,包括短链脂肪酸调控学说、芳香烃受体调控学说、肠道菌群调控学说等。本文回顾了2018年膳食纤维在肠内营养中的重大进展,强调了肠道菌群与膳食纤维的互相调控机制,肠道菌群理论发展对膳食纤维应用的促进作用,以及规范膳食纤维研究的重要性。  相似文献   

秀琴 《健康》2013,(8):34-35
我们知道,水果中的纤维质包括可溶性和不可溶性两种,对润肠十分有益,另外,水果的纤维成分还可以促进身体的代谢。从这个意义上讲,常吃水果可以增加排便,有益瘦身。但不少年轻人减肥时完全依赖水果,还美其名曰"水果减肥法"。这种减肥方法虽然在一定程度上减去了一部分的脂肪,但同时也减去了身  相似文献   

The intestinal microbiota plays an important role in the pathophysiology of depression. As determined, the microbiota influences the shaping and modulation of the functioning of the gut–brain axis. The intestinal microbiota has a significant impact on processes related to neurotransmitter synthesis, the myelination of neurons in the prefrontal cortex, and is also involved in the development of the amygdala and hippocampus. Intestinal bacteria are also a source of vitamins, the deficiency of which is believed to be related to the response to antidepressant therapy and may lead to exacerbation of depressive symptoms. Additionally, it is known that, in periods of excessive activation of stress reactions, the immune system also plays an important role, negatively affecting the tightness of the intestinal barrier and intestinal microflora. In this review, we have summarized the role of the gut microbiota, its metabolites, and diet in susceptibility to depression. We also describe abnormalities in the functioning of the intestinal barrier caused by increased activity of the immune system in response to stressors. Moreover, the presented study discusses the role of psychobiotics in the prevention and treatment of depression through their influence on the intestinal barrier, immune processes, and functioning of the nervous system.  相似文献   

The concept that interactions between the gut, the liver, and the immune system play an important role in liver diseases is an old concept that has recently seen a resurgence in interest. Altered intestinal bacterial flora and gut-associated endotoxemia are increasingly recognized as critical components in both nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Probiotics have been proposed in the treatment and prevention of many conditions, including the liver diseases. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when consumed in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host. There are many mechanisms by which probiotics enhance intestinal health and influence the gut-liver axis, including modulation of the intestinal microflora, modification of intestinal barrier function, and immunomodulation. The present review summarizes the recent studies highlighting the role of the intestinal microflora in the development of NAFLD and ALD and the potential efficacy of probiotics as a therapeutic strategy for liver diseases.  相似文献   

近年来,国内外对婴儿肠道菌群定植状况及其相关影响因素进行了深入的研究。肠道菌群对机体消化、代谢、免疫调节和抵抗疾病等功能发育和完善有着不可替代的作用。婴儿时期是肠道菌群建立的关键时期,分娩方式、抗生素的应用、生活习惯、外界环境、喂养方式等均对肠道菌群的建立产生影响,其中喂养方式是影响肠道菌群建立的关键因素之一。近期研究表明,肠道菌群还同大脑存在广泛的交流,包括免疫调节途径、神经内分泌途径、代谢产物途径及迷走神经途径,为进一步阐明神经精神疾病的发病机制提供思路。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外对婴儿肠道菌群定植状况及其相关影响因素进行了深入的研究。肠道菌群对机体消化、代谢、免疫调节和抵抗疾病等功能发育和完善有着不可替代的作用。婴儿时期是肠道菌群建立的关键时期,分娩方式、抗生素的应用、生活习惯、外界环境、喂养方式等均对肠道菌群的建立产生影响,其中喂养方式是影响肠道菌群建立的关键因素之一。近期研究表明,肠道菌群还同大脑存在广泛的交流,包括免疫调节途径、神经内分泌途径、代谢产物途径及迷走神经途径,为进一步阐明神经精神疾病的发病机制提供思路。  相似文献   

The fecal flow conveys many carcinogens, and the intestinal flora plays a major role in colon health. Thus it has been suggested that some bacterial species could modulate in a positive way the mechanisms of intestinal carcinogenesis. The present article summarizes the main arguments in favor of a positive role of probiotics on the risk of colorectal tumors. Available arguments are mostly experimental, with the limits of extrapolating experimental data to human carcinogenesis. However, some studies in humans also suggest a potential beneficial effect, as for example an intervention study on adenoma recurrence. Most probably, according to the strain, probiotics exert different effects along the various steps of carcinogenesis. The most studied probiotics are lactic acid bacteriae with special interest for lactobacilli and bifidobacteriae. It has been suggested that probiotics modulate the activities of the intestinal microflora via at least three diffent mechanisms: competition and shifting of other constituents of the microflora; production of antibacterial agents thus controlling the growth of other constituents of the microflora; production of lactic acid and other organic acids, thus decreasing the intestinal pH and modulating the enzymatic activity. On-going studies, especially European studies, should enable us to better determine the potential benefits of probiotics in colorectal cancer prevention in the next few years.  相似文献   

Interactions between the microbiota and the intestinal mucosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The intestinal microflora can be considered as a postnatally aquired organ composed of a large diversity of bacterial cells that can perform different functions for the host. This organ is highly exposed to environmental influences and thus modulated in its composition and functions by external factors, such as nutrition. Specific components of the intestinal microflora, including lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, have been associated with beneficial effects on the host, such as promotion of gut maturation and integrity, antagonisms against pathogens and immune modulation. In addition, the microflora seem to play a significant role in the maintenance of intestinal immune homeostasis and prevention of inflammation. At the present time, the contribution of intestinal epithlial cell in the first line of defence against pathogenic bacteria and microbial antigens has been recognized, in contrast, the interactions of intestinal epithelial cells with commensal bacteria are less understood. The present work summarizes the increasing scientific attention for mechanisms of the innate immune response of the host to different components of the autochthonous microflora and suggests a potential role for selected probiotic bacteria in the regulation of intestinal inflammation.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of cholesterol on mouse intestinal microflora and on isoflavonoids in the cecum and plasma. Dietary cholesterol affects bile acid metabolism and bile acids can influence the intestinal microorganisms. Intestinal microflora appear to play an important role in isoflavone metabolism. We hypothesized that dietary cholesterol changes the metabolism of isoflavonoids and intestinal microorganisms in mice. Male mice were randomly divided into two groups, which were fed a cholesterol-daidzein (CDA) or daidzein (DA) diet (control diet) for 60d. Plasma equol and cecal equol concentrations were significantly higher in the DA group (control group) than in the CDA group. However, plasma cholesterol concentrations were significantly higher in the CDA group compared to the DA group. The composition of cecal microorganisms differed between the two dietary groups. The occupation ratios of Clostridium cluster XI, Clostridium subcluster XIVa, and Lactobacillales were significantly higher in the CDA group. The occupation ratio of Bifidobacterium was significantly lower in the CDA group. This study suggests that dietary cholesterol has the potential to affect the metabolism of equol from daidzein by altering the metabolic activity of the intestinal microorganisms and gut physiological function.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of a high meat mixed Western diet and a nonmeat diet, representing the dietary pattern of high and low risk areas for colon cancer, respectively, on fecal microflora dn on bile acid and neutral sterol patterns in man. The total anaerobic microflora as well as the count of Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Peptococcus, and anaerobic Lactobacillus were significantly higher during the period of consumption of a high meat mixed Western diet comparted with the nonmeat-diet consumption period. The difference in total fecal bile acid excretion was not significant between the two dietary periods. Fecal excretion of microbially modified bile acids and neutral sterols was decreased when subjects eating a high meat diet transferred to a nonmeat diet. These results support the fact that diet plays a modifying role on the composition of intestinal microflora, bile acids, and neutral sterols.  相似文献   

A large and complex bacterial community inhabits the distal intestinal tract of humans. This collection, known as the intestinal microflora, is dominated numerically by obligately anaerobic bacterial species. Many of these species have never been cultivated under laboratory conditions. Nucleic acid-based techniques now permit, however, the analysis of even the non-cultivable members of the bacterial community. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) coupled with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) provides a useful technique for comparisons of the composition of faecal or intestinal microfloras. PCR/DGGE has been shown to be useful in demonstrating changes that occur in the composition of the faecal microflora of infants administered antibacterial drugs. This research is important because treatment with oral antibiotics during the first 2 y of life has been identified as a predictor of subsequent atopic disease. The treatment of young children with broad spectrum oral antibiotics might produce perturbations in the composition of the intestinal microflora such that bacteria important in promoting Th1 mechanisms are depleted at a crucial age. This could result in Th2 dominance over Th1 immune responses to environmental antigens and an increased incidence of atopic disorders. PCR/DGGE provides a useful screening method to determine the impact of antibiotic treatment on the composition of the intestinal microflora of children and to identify the bacterial groups that are most affected.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s it has been postulated that dietary fibre is a protective factor against colorectal cancer. Several epidemiological studies have been performed following different designs (correlation studies, case-control, cohort) and overall they have supported the hypothesis of a benefit of dietary fibre. However, a few intervention trials have not demonstrated the preventive role of dietary fibre on the occurrence of adenomatous colorectal polyps. Nevertheless, there are multiple animal experimental studies that support the role of fibre in the prevention of colorectal cancer. In the present review, the most important contributions to this controversial question are revised. Finally, it is recommended to continue encouraging an increase in the daily consumption of fibre, since it probably plays an important role in the prevention of colorectal cancer, together with other beneficial effects.  相似文献   

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