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Trunk stabilization is very important for the injured lower back. The use of a gym ball, the surface of which is labile, is becoming more popular for strengthening the trunk muscles and challenging the motor control system in trunk stabilization exercises. However, little is known about the activity of the trunk muscles during such exercises. The purpose of this study was to compare the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the trunk muscles during seven stabilization exercises using a gym ball. Eleven healthy men (19.9 +/- 1.8 years old) without low back pain volunteered to participate in the study. Bipolar surface electrodes were attached to the right side of the upper and lower rectus abdominis, the obliquus externus abdominis and the upper and lower back extensor muscles. EMG signals were recorded during seven types of stabilization exercises using a gym ball and normalized to maximal voluntary contraction (% MVC). A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed on % MVC from each task for each of the five trunk muscle sites (p < 0.05). Push-up exercise, supporting with both hands on the gym ball and toes on the floor in prone position, resulted in the highest activity of all abdominal muscles, and an exercise of the lifting the gym ball up, holding it actively between both legs with both knees flexed in supine position resulted in the lowest. Lifting up of the pelvis in a bridged position exercise, supporting the head with the gym ball and with the feet on the floor in supine position, resulted in higher muscle activity of the back extensor muscles than another exercise. It is very important for physical therapists to make clear the purpose of the trunk stabilization exercises, because different kinds of exercises with the gym ball demand various levels of muscular activity and use of various parts of the trunk muscles.  相似文献   

Gender specific differences as evidenced in both anthropometric data and physical performance of healthy persons have been broadly demonstrated. Recently advancements in surface electromyography (SEMG) have shown possible differences in men’s and women’s muscle coordination patterns. However, quantitative information about gender related muscle co-ordination patterns are rare. This investigation was carried out to both verify if trunk muscle SEMG amplitude–force relationship differs between men and women and refine techniques of measurement and data analysis using SEMG. Thirty-one healthy volunteers (16 women, 15 men) were investigated during whole body tilt at angles from 5° to 90° (from quasi vertical to horizontal position). Subjects had to maintain body in body axis while their lower body was fixed and the upper body remained unsupported. SEMG was taken from five different trunk muscles of both sides simultaneously. At corresponding tilt angles women exhibited higher amplitude levels of their abdominal muscles in comparison to men, who were characterized by higher back muscle amplitudes. Abdominal muscles showed a non-linear SEMG amplitude–force relationship but differed between genders with more linearity in women. Back muscles showed a linear amplitude–force relationship with no differences between genders. Women were characterized by higher levels of co-contraction of all investigated muscles. The data are in accordance with histological investigations, which already proved specific fiber distribution patterns in both abdominal and back muscles and gender related differences in relative area of Type 1 fibers of back muscles. The observed differences in SEMG–force relationship for the abdominal muscles remain hypothetical because of lack of histological information.  相似文献   

Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), force and electromyographic (EMG) activity from the abdominal (intra-muscular) and trunk extensor (surface) muscles were measured in seven male subjects during maximal and sub-maximal sagittal lifting and lowering with straight arms and legs. An isokinetic dynamometer was used to provide five constant velocities (0.12–0.96 m·s–1) of lifting (pulling against the resistance of the motor) and lowering (resisting the downward pull of the motor). For the maximal efforts, position-specific lowering force was greater than lifting force at each respective velocity. In contrast, corresponding IAPs during lowering were less than those during lifting. Highest mean force occurred during slow lowering (1547 N at 0.24 m·s–1) while highest IAP occurred during the fastest lifts (17.8 kPa at 0.48–0.96 m·s–1). Among the abdominal muscles, the highest level of activity and the best correlation to variations in IAP (r=0.970 over velocities) was demonstrated by the transversus abdominis muscle. At each velocity the EMG activity of the primary trunk and hip extensors was less during lowering (eccentric muscle action) than lifting (concentric muscle action) despite higher levels of force (r between –0.896 and –0.851). Sub-maximal efforts resulted in IAP increasing linearly with increasing lifting or lowering force (r=0.918 and 0.882, respectively). However, at any given force IAP was less during lowering than lifting. This difference was negated if force and IAP were expressed relative to their respective lifting and lowering maxima. It appears that the IAP increase primarily accomplished by the activation of the transversus abdominis muscle can have the dual function of stabilising the trunk and reducing compression forces in the lumbar spine via its extensor moment. The neural mechanisms involved in sensing and regulating both IAP and trunk extensor activity in relation to the type of muscle action, velocity and effort during the maximal and sub-maximal loading tasks are unknown.  相似文献   

Few studies have been carried out on the changes in biomechanical loading on low-back tissues during prolonged lifting. The purpose of this paper was to develop a model for continuously estimating erector spinae muscle loads during repetitive lifting and lowering tasks. The model was based on spine kinematics and bilateral lumbar and thoracic erector spinae electromyogram (EMG) signals and was developed with the data from eight male subjects. Each subject performed a series of isometric contractions to develop extensor moments about the low back. Maximum voluntary contractions (MVCs) were used to normalize all recorded EMG and moment time-histories. Ramp contractions were used to determine the non-linear relationship between extensor moments and EMG amplitudes. In addition, the most appropriate low-pass filter cut-off frequencies were calculated for matching the rectified EMG signals with the moment patterns. The mean low-pass cut-off frequency was 2.7 (0.4) Hz. The accuracy of the non-linear EMG-based estimates of isometric extensor moment were tested with data from a series of six rapid contractions by each subject. The mean error over the duration of these contractions was 9.2 (2.6)% MVC. During prolonged lifting sessions of 20 min and of 2 h, a model was used to calculate changes in muscle length based on monitored spine kinematics. EMG signals were first processed according to the parameters determined from the isometric contractions and then further processed to account for the effects of instantaneous muscle length and velocity. Simple EMG estimates were found to underestimate peak loading by 9.1 (4.0) and 25.7 (11.6)% MVC for eccentric and concentric phases of lifting respectively, when compared to load estimates based on the mechanically corrected EMG. To date, the model has been used to analyze over 5300 lifts.  相似文献   

Many studies have identified changes in trunk muscle recruitment in clinical low back pain (LBP). However, due to the heterogeneity of the LBP population these changes have been variable and it has been impossible to identify a cause-effect relationship. Several studies have identified a consistent change in the feedforward postural response of transversus abdominis (TrA), the deepest abdominal muscle, in association with arm movements in chronic LBP. This study aimed to determine whether the feedforward recruitment of the trunk muscles in a postural task could be altered by acute experimentally induced LBP. Electromyographic (EMG) recordings of the abdominal and paraspinal muscles were made during arm movements in a control trial, following the injection of isotonic (non-painful) and hypertonic (painful) saline into the longissimus muscle at L4, and during a 1-h follow-up. Movements included rapid arm flexion in response to a light and repetitive arm flexion-extension. Temporal and spatial EMG parameters were measured. The onset and amplitude of EMG of most muscles was changed in a variable manner during the period of experimentally induced pain. However, across movement trials and subjects the activation of TrA was consistently reduced in amplitude or delayed. Analyses in the time and frequency domain were used to confirm these findings. The results suggest that acute experimentally induced pain may affect feedforward postural activity of the trunk muscles. Although the response was variable, pain produced differential changes in the motor control of the trunk muscles, with consistent impairment of TrA activity.  相似文献   

People with a history of low back pain (LBP) exhibit altered responses to postural perturbations, and the central neural control underlying these changes in postural responses remains unclear. To characterize more thoroughly the change in muscle activation patterns of people with LBP in response to a perturbation of standing balance, and to gain insight into the influence of early- vs. late-phase postural responses (differentiated by estimates of voluntary reaction times), this study evaluated the intermuscular patterns of electromyographic (EMG) activations from 24 people with and 21 people without a history of chronic, recurrent LBP in response to 12 directions of support surface translations. Two-factor general linear models examined differences between the 2 subject groups and 12 recorded muscles of the trunk and lower leg in the percentage of trials with bursts of EMG activation as well as the amplitudes of integrated EMG activation for each perturbation direction. The subjects with LBP exhibited 1) higher baseline EMG amplitudes of the erector spinae muscles before perturbation onset, 2) fewer early-phase activations at the internal oblique and gastrocnemius muscles, 3) fewer late-phase activations at the erector spinae, internal and external oblique, rectus abdominae, and tibialis anterior muscles, and 4) higher EMG amplitudes of the gastrocnemius muscle following the perturbation. The results indicate that a history of LBP associates with higher baseline muscle activation and that EMG responses are modulated from this activated state, rather than exhibiting acute burst activity from a quiescent state, perhaps to circumvent trunk displacements.  相似文献   

目的 分析四点跪位和手足位训练在躯干肌肉活动和共收缩模式上的异同,探究手足位训练作为核心稳定性训练的可能性,并为实际训练提供建议。方法 19名健康受试者参与研究,随机执行四点跪位(4个)和手足位(3个)动作,同时测量两侧腹直肌、腹外斜肌、竖脊肌、多裂肌的表面肌电信号。分析并比较基于表面肌电信号,得到肌电平均振幅值和肌肉共收缩指数。结果 四点跪位和手足位训练的组内和组间比较中,单一肌肉激活程度和共收缩指数都表现出统计学差异。四点跪位右手左腿抬起时,所有肌肉激活程度都高于起始位。四点跪位左腿抬起时同侧多裂肌明显高于手足位。手足位右手抬时腹外斜肌和腹直肌激活度较高。对8条肌肉两两匹配对共得到28种肌肉配对方式,四点跪位起始姿势波动最小,说明脊椎最为稳定,而其他动作指数波动范围较大。结论 从肌肉激活程度和共收缩两方面,证明了手足位训练作为核心稳定性训练的可能性。手足位训练和四点跪位训练可分别用于腹部肌肉和背部肌肉锻炼,而对侧上下肢抬起时,腹肌和背肌都能得到很好的锻炼,但需注意避免运动损伤。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether differences in the peripheral and control properties of the neuromuscular system due to long-term preferential use, related to side dominance, affect postural muscles, such as the upper trapezius. Therefore, fatigability properties of the upper trapezius muscles of the dominant and non-dominant side were assessed. Surface EMG signals were detected from the upper trapezius muscles of both sides of nine right- and five left-handed subjects with adhesive linear electrode arrays consisting of eight contact points. Static constant force contractions with the arms 90° abducted were performed by the subjects while holding hand loads of 0 kg, 0.5 kg, and 1 kg. Surface EMG spectral and amplitude variables were computed from the recorded signals. EMG spectral variable rate of change (indicating fatigue) showed a statistically significant difference between the two sides, with the dominant side less fatigable than the non-dominant one. The observed differences held for both the right- and left-handed subject group. A possible explanation for the results is that long preferential use of one side with respect to the other leads to changes in muscle fiber membrane and control properties, in agreement with previous results on limb muscles.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate in humans the effect of maintained spinal load on the intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), low back kinematics and trunk muscle activity. This study consisted of two endurance tests for the low back muscles performed 3 weeks apart. Nine healthy subjects participated in the study. In the first test (upright-test), the subject had to pull with the back muscles at a constant force in an upright position, and in the second test (incline-test), the subject had to resist a constant forward pulling force while standing with a 45° inclination of the back in relation to vertical. The IAP, rate of perceived exertion and electromyogram (EMG) from the erector spinae, iliocostalis lumborum, rectus abdominus and the external and internal oblique muscles were measured using surface electrodes. There was no significant difference in endurance time between the two tests. Both tests showed a significant increase in EMG amplitude with time for all muscles except the erector spinae muscle. A decrease in the median frequency for the erector spinae muscle was found indicating fatigue, and since no increase in EMG amplitude was found a decrease in force output from the muscle must be assumed. The IAP increased significantly during both tests. There was a considerable variation between the subjects in the size of this development, but the pattern was the same for all subjects. In conclusion it was found that trunk extension until exhaustion initiates an increase in the activity of the abdominal muscles and an increase in the IAP as the low back muscles become fatigued. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Recently, active treatment such as exercise has been increasingly advocated for CLBP (chronic low back pain). Specially, exercise to improve fitness has been recommended for the prevention of back injuries. The bicycle ergometer or walking have often been used to improve the fitness of CLBP patients. However, little is known about the activity levels of the trunk muscles during such exercise. In this study, the electromyographic (EMG) activities of the trunk muscles during bicycle ergometer exercises and walking were compared and the load level on these muscles during such exercises was investigated. The present study provides basic information concerning fitness exercise in CLBP patients. Eleven healthy male volunteers (21.7 +/- 2.5 years old) without low back pain participated in the study. Bipolar surface electrodes were attached to the right side of the rectus abdominis, the obliquus externus abdominis and lower back extensor muscles (L3). EMG signals were continuously recorded while walking and during gradual loading exercises and normalized to maximal voluntary contractions (% MVC). One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed on the % MVC from each exercise and walking for each of the three trunk muscle sites (p < 0.05). The rectus abdominis muscle showed activity of about 6% MVC during any grade of exercise and walking and no significant differences were found between these forms of exercise. The obliquus externus abdominis muscle showed about 30% MVC during any grade of exercise and walking, but no significant difference was found between them. The low back muscles showed activity of about 12% MVC while walking, whereas activity level increased as the exercise load using the bicycle ergometer increased. More significant low back muscles activity was observed while walking than during exercises of 25 w and 50 w. The results of this study indicated that exercise using the bicycle ergometer should be useful for maintaining or improving fitness in CLBP patients, because it results in less load on the trunk muscles and relatively more oxygen uptake than walking.  相似文献   

In addition to local biomechanical and reflex factors influencing muscle activation, global factors may be used by the nervous system to control all muscles in a coherent and task-specific way. It has been hypothesized that a virtual or referent (R) configuration of the body determined by muscle recruitment thresholds specified by neural control levels is such a factor. Due to the threshold nature of the R configuration, the activity of each muscle depends on the difference between the actual (Q) and the R configuration of the body. The nervous system modifies the R configuration to produce movement. One prediction of this hypothesis is that the Q and R configurations may match each other, most likely in movements with reversals in direction, resulting in a minimum in the electromyographic (EMG) activity level of muscles involved. The depth of the minima is constrained by the degree of coactivation of opposing muscle groups. Another prediction is that EMG minima in the activity of multiple muscles may occur not only when the movement is assisted but also when it is opposed by external forces (e.g., gravity). To verify these predictions, we analyzed EMG patterns of 16–21 functionally diverse muscles of the legs, trunk, and arms during jumping and stepping in place. One EMG minimum in the activity of all muscles regularly occurred near the apex of the jump. A minimum was also observed near the point of transition of the body from flexion to extension leading to a jump. During stepping in place, the activity of muscles of each side of the body was usually minimized near the beginning and near the end of the stance phase as well as during the maximum elevation of the foot. Since EMG minima occurred not only during gravity-assisted but also gravity-opposed movement reversals, it is concluded that neural factors (such as matching between the Q and R) rather than mechanical factors are responsible for minimizing the EMG activity in these movements.  相似文献   

Summary A group of 12 sedentary medical students (1 man and 11 women aged 21–27 years) participated in a strength training programme for the trunk muscles lasting 18 weeks. The maximal isometric flexion and extension forces of the trunk muscles were measured before the training and at 18 weeks by dynamometer. The cross-sectional area of the back muscles, i.e. erector spinae, multifidus and psoas muscles, was measured from magnetic resonance images (spin echo sequence TR/TE 1500/80, slice thickness 10 mm) obtained at the L4–L5 disc level before the training, at 11 and 18 weeks. During training, no significant change in the body mass or body fat content was found. Muscle forces or muscle cross-sectional area were not related to body mass. There was a significant increase in both trunk muscle cross-sectional area (psoas muscle P<0.001 and back muscles P<0.01) and trunk muscle forces (flexion and extension forces P<0.01) during the training but no direct association between the muscle cross-sectional area and strength of the flexors and extensors was detected before or after the training.  相似文献   

We investigated to what extent subjects base anticipatory activity patterns of trunk muscles before lifting a load on knowledge of the inertial properties of the load. Eight healthy male subjects performed rapid arm lifts of a load with a varying center of mass position in the frontal plane. In one set of trials subjects were familiar with the center of mass position, in another set of trials they were not. In both cases trunk extensor muscles were active before the onset of lift force applied to the load. In the trials with load knowledge this anticipatory activity was specific with respect to center of mass position. In the absence of load knowledge left and right extensor muscles were equally active before the lift and the rate of lifting was reduced. Thus anticipatory control of trunk muscles appears specifically tuned to counteract the expected perturbation. In the absence of load knowledge trunk stiffness is increased by bilateral activity and the perturbation is attenuated since the rate of lifting is reduced. Received: 25 August 1998 / Accepted: 24 March 1999  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the torque, the magnitude of the electromyogram (EMG) signal and the phase relationship of 14 muscles during trunk axial rotation. Fifty normal healthy volunteers (27 males and 23 females) with no lower-back injury participated in the study. The subjects were seated in an upright position in the axial rotation tester (AROT) after applying surface electrodes bilaterally to the following muscles: pectoralis major, rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, and erector spinae at T10 and L3. They were stabilized from the hip down, and the shoulder harness of the AROT was applied to their shoulders. These subjects performed maximal isometric axial rotations to the left and right in a random order. The torque and 14 channels of EMG were monitored, and their magnitude, slope of the increase in magnitude, and timing of the anticipation and onset activity were determined. The results revealed that the females produced 65% of the torque of their male counterparts. The pattern and magnitude of EMG in performing these tasks were significantly different between males and females (P<0.01). Males generated the greatest activity in their ipsilateral latissimus dorsi followed by their contralateral external oblique muscles. In the females, maximal EMG activity was observed in their contralateral pectoralis muscle. Thus, under the current experimental conditions, the females employed a different muscle recruitment strategy compared to the males. Each muscle involved in axial rotation was significantly different from the other (P<0.01). The timing pattern for these activities was inconsistent, implying that there is no fixed-order phasic recruitment of the torso muscles during maximal isometric axial rotation. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This study aimed to clarify how the activities of trunk and lower limb muscles during a landing-to-jump (L-J) movement are coordinated to perform the task effectively. Electromyography (EMG) activities of trunk and lower limb muscles as well as kinematic and ground reaction force data were recorded while 17 subjects performed 5 L-Js from a height of 35 cm. The L-J was divided into four phases: PRE phase, 100 ms preceding ground contact; ABSORPTION phase, from ground contact through 100 ms; BRAKING phase, from the end of the ABSORPTION phase to the time of the lowest center of mass position; and PROPULSION phase, from the end of the BRAKING phase to takeoff. The trunk extensor and flexors showed reciprocal activation patterns through the L-J. In the PROPULSION phase, the timings when the EMG activities of the extensor muscles peaked were characterized as a sequential proximal-to-distal pattern. Furthermore, the peak vertical ground reaction force in the ABSORPTION phase relative to body mass negatively correlated to the jump height of the L-J movement and positively correlated with the magnitude of the EMG activities of the soleus in the PRE phase and those of the soleus and rectus abdominis in the ABSORPTION phase. These findings indicate that the intensities and peak timings of muscle activities in the trunk and lower limb are coordinated during the L-J movement and, the coordinated activities would play functional roles such as impact absorption, braking against the descent of body and force generation and direction control for jumping.  相似文献   

Effects of 9-week hindlimb suspension and 8-week recovery on air-righting reaction in response to drop from a supine position were studied in adult rats. The righting time in rats at the end of suspension (approximately 220 ms) was longer than the age-matched controls (approximately 120 ms, p <0.05). The unloading-related change in righting time was accompanied by lowered activities of electromyogram (EMG) and altered recruitment of both neck and back muscles at a specific stage of drop. After 8 weeks of reambulation, righting time recovered toward the control level (approximately 153 ms, p <0.05), but the EMG activity of back muscle was still less than controls. In contrast, the EMG of neck muscle during fall was even increased. The differences in the characteristics of the muscle fibers between two groups were minor. It is suggested that inhibition of recruitment, rather than the changes in the fiber characteristics, of neck and back muscles is one of the major causes of the slow air-righting.  相似文献   

Knowledge on the development of postural adjustments during infancy, in particular on the development of postural muscle coordination, is limited. This study aimed at the evaluation of the development of postural control during reaching in a supported sitting condition. Eleven typically developing infants participated in the study and were assessed at the ages of 4, 6, 10 and 18 months. We elicited reaching movements by presenting small toys at an arm’s length distance, whilst activity of multiple arm, neck and trunk muscles was recorded using surface EMG. A model-based computer algorithm was used to detect the onset of phasic muscle activity. The results indicated that postural muscle activity during reaching whilst sitting supported is highly variable. Direction-specific postural activity was inconsistently present from early age onwards and increased between 10 and 18 months without reaching a 100 % consistency. The dominant pattern of activation at all ages was the ‘complete pattern’, in which all direction-specific muscles were recruited. At 4 months, a slight preference for top-down recruitment existed, which was gradually replaced by a preference for bottom-up recruitment. We conclude that postural control during the ecological task of reaching during supported sitting between 4 and 18 months of age is primarily characterized by variation. Already from 4 months onwards, infants are—within the variation—sometimes able to select muscle recruitment strategies that are optimal to the task at hand.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we found that when required to imagine another person performing an action, participants reported a higher correspondence between their own dominant hand and the hand used by the imagined person when the agent was visualized from the back compared to when the agent was visualized from the front. This suggests a greater involvement of motor representations in the back-view perspective, possibly indicating a greater proneness to put oneself in the agent’s shoes in such a condition. In order to assess whether bringing to the foreground the right or left hand of an imagined agent can foster the activation of the corresponding motor representations, we required 384 participants to imagine a person—as seen from the right or left side—performing a single manual action and to indicate the hand used by the imagined person during movement execution. The proportion of right- versus left-handed reported actions was higher in the right-view condition than in the left-view condition, suggesting that a lateral vantage point may activate the corresponding hand motor representations, which is in line with previous research indicating a link between the hemispheric specialization of one’s own body and the visual representation of others’ bodies. Moreover, in agreement with research on hand laterality judgments, the effect of vantage point was stronger for left-handers (who reported a higher proportion of right- than left-handed actions in the right-view condition and a slightly higher proportion of left- than right-handed actions in the left-view condition) than for right-handers (who reported a higher proportion of right- than left-handed actions in both view conditions), indicating that during the mental simulation of others’ actions, right-handers rely on sensorimotor processes more than left-handers, while left-handers rely on visual processes more than right-handers.  相似文献   

 Neuronal activity was recorded from the superior colliculus (SC) and the underlying reticular formation in two monkeys during an arm reaching task. Of 744 neurons recorded, 389 (52%) clearly modulated their activity with arm movements. The temporal activity patterns of arm-movement-related neurons often had a time course similar to rectified electromyograms (EMGs) of particular muscles recorded from the shoulder, arm or trunk. These reach cells, as well as the muscles investigated, commonly exhibited mono- or biphasic (less frequently tri- or polyphasic) excitatory bursts of activity, which were related to the (pre-)movement period, the contact phase and/or the return movement. The vast majority of reach cells exhibited a consistent activity pattern from trial to trial as did most of the muscles of the shoulder, arm and trunk. Similarities between the activity patterns of the neurons and the muscles were sometimes very strong and were especially notable with the muscles of the shoulder girdle (e.g. trapezius descendens, supraspinatus, infraspinatus or the anterior and medial deltoids). This high degree of co-activation suggests a functional linkage, though not direct, between the collicular reach cells and these muscles. Neuronal activity onset was compared with that of 25 muscles of the arms, shoulders and trunk. The majority of cells (78.5%) started before movement onset with a mean lead time of 149±90 ms, and 36.5% were active even before the earliest EMG onset. The neurons exhibited the same high degree of correlation (r=0.97, Spearman rank) between activity onset and the beginning of the arm movement as did the muscles (r=0.98) involved in the task. The mean neuronal reach activity (background subtracted) ranged between 7 and 193 impulses/s (mean 40.5±24.2). The mean modulation index calculated [(reach activity −background activity)/reach activity+background activity)] was 0.75±0.23 for neurons (n=358) and 0.87±0.14 for muscles (n=25). As the monkeys fixated the reach target constantly during an arm movement, neuronal activity which was modulated in this period was not related to eye movements. The three neck muscles investigated in the reach task exhibited no reach-related activity modulation comparable to that of either the reach cells or the muscles of the shoulder, arm and trunk. However, tonic neck muscle EMG was monotonically related to horizontal eye position. The clear skeletomotor discharge characteristics of arm-movement-related SC neurons revealed in this study agree with those already known from other sensorimotor regions (for example the primary motor, the premotor and parietal cortex, the basal ganglia or the cerebellum) and are consistent with the possible role of this population of reach cells in the control of arm movements. Received: 17 June 1996 / Accepted: 24 December 1996  相似文献   

The study compares free and isokinetic lifing using a multivariate statistical analysis. Each of the 13 male subjects performed three free lifts and three isokinetic lifts using a CYBEX LIFTASK. The measurement variables were obtained from a 3D video system, two force lates and two strain-gauge transducers. Coupling of fuzzy space-time windowing and multiple correspondence analysis was used to show the links between the variables and the differences between the experimental situations. Isokinetic lifting had almost no points in common with free-lifting, but there was a similar range of extension for the different joints. Most free-lifting strategies could not be used in isokinetic lifting, as constraints between the subject and his environment were different. The main drawback of the isokinetic lifting was due to the necessity for individuals to reach the machine speed, yielding high transient efforts. The maximum vertical effort at the L5/S1 joint was about 1600, 1500 and 1400 N for low, medium and high speed, whereas it was lower than 1300 N, irrespective of the load, during free lifting. In the context of chronic low back pain rehabilitation, movement strategies used in free lifting could not be relearnt using an isokinetic machine. A better understanding of the common points and differences between isokinetic movement and free movement could help rehabilitation physicians to plan rehabilitation programmes, taking advantage of each kind of movement.  相似文献   

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