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Alcohol use disorders affect millions of individuals worldwide.Alcohol consumption is directly associated with liver disease mortality and accounts for elevated social and economic costs.Alcoholic liver disease(ALD) may take the form of acute involvement(alcoholic hepatitis)or chronic liver disease(steatosis,steatohepatitis,fibrosis and cirrhosis).The severity and prognosis of alcohol-induced liver disease depends on the amount,pattern and duration of alcohol consumption,as well as on the presence of liver inflammation,diet,nutritional status and genetic predisposition of an individual.While steatosis is an almost completely benign disease,liver cirrhosis is associated with marked morbidity,mortal-ity and life expectancy shortening.The median survival of patients with advanced cirrhosis is 1-2 years.Se-vere acute alcoholic hepatitis(AH)is associated with mortality as high as 50%.It has been managed with corticoids,pentoxifylline and enteral nutrition,although evidence based data are still conflicting.Some author suggest that pentoxifylline could be a better first-line treatment in patients with severe AH.Absolute abstinence is a basic condition for any treatment of acute or chronic ALD,the other therapeutical procedure being of a supportive nature and questionable significance.Acamprosate appears to be an effective treatment strategy for supporting continuous abstinence in alco-hol dependent patients.Patients with advanced liver cirrhosis who demonstrably abstain can be considered for liver transplantation,which leads to a markedly pro-longed life expectancy.The crucial step in ALD preven-tion is in the prevention of alcohol abuse,whereas the prevention of liver injury in active alcohol abusers is not clinically applicable.  相似文献   

Alcohol is a leading cause of liver disease worldwide. Although alcohol abstinence is the crucial therapeutic goal for patients with alcoholic liver disease, these patients have less access to psychosocial, behavioral, and/or pharmacologic treatments for alcohol use disorder. Psychosocial and behavioral therapies include 12-step facilitation, brief interventions, cognitive behavioral therapy, and motivational enhancement therapy. In addition to medications approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for alcohol use disorder (disulfiram, naltrexone, and acamprosate), recent efforts to identify potential new treatments have yielded promising candidate pharmacotherapies. Finally, more efforts are needed to integrate treatments across disciplines toward patient-centered approaches in the management of patients with alcohol use disorder and alcoholic liver disease.  相似文献   

酒精性肝病与肠道通透性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年研究发现乙醇及其代谢衍生物乙醛,通过改变细胞内信号传导通道,进而破坏上皮细胞紧密连接,增加肠道细胞侧壁对大分子物质的通透性,促进内毒素血症与ALD的发生发展。此文就乙醇及乙醛介导的肠道通透性改变与ALD发生发展的关系作一综述。  相似文献   

The harmful use of alcohol is a worldwide problem. It has been estimated that alcohol abuse represents the world’s third largest risk factor for disease and disability; it is a causal factor of 60 types of diseases and injuries and a concurrent cause of at least 200 others. Liver is the main organ responsible for metabolizing ethanol, thus it has been considered for long time the major victim of the harmful use of alcohol. Ethanol and its bioactive products, acetaldehyde-acetate, fatty acid ethanol esters, ethanol-protein adducts, have been regarded as hepatotoxins that directly and indirectly exert their toxic effect on the liver. A similar mechanism has been postulated for the alcohol-related pancreatic damage. Alcohol and its metabolites directly injure acinar cells and elicit stellate cells to produce and deposit extracellular matrix thus triggering the “necrosis-fibrosis” sequence that finally leads to atrophy and fibrosis, morphological hallmarks of alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. Even if less attention has been paid to the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, ethanol produces harmful effects by inducing: (1) direct damaging of the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach; (2) modification of the sphincterial pressure and impairment of motility; and (3) alteration of gastric acid output. In the intestine, ethanol can damage the intestinal mucosa directly or indirectly by altering the resident microflora and impairing the mucosal immune system. Notably, disruption of the intestinal mucosal barrier of the small and large intestine contribute to liver damage. This review summarizes the most clinically relevant alcohol-related diseases of the digestive tract focusing on the pathogenic mechanisms by which ethanol damages liver, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Alcoholic liver disease(ALD) is a major cause of acute and chronic liver injury. Extensive evidence has been accumulated on the pathological process of ALD during the past decades. However, effective treatment options for ALD are very limited due to the lack of suitable in vivo models that recapitulate the full spectrum of ALD. Experimental animal models of ALD, particularly rodents, have been used extensively to mimic human ALD. An ideal animal model should recapitulate all aspects of the ALD process, including significant steatosis, hepatic neutrophil infiltration, and liver injury. A better strategy against ALD depends on clear diagnostic biomarkers, accurate predictor(s) of its progression and new therapeutic approaches to modulate stop or even reverse the disease. Numerous models employing rodent animals have been established in the last decades to investigate the effects of acute and chronic alcohol exposure on the initiation and progression of ALD. Although significant progress has been made in gaining better knowledge on the mechanisms and pathology of ALD, many features of ALD are unknown, and require further investigation, ideally with improved animal models that more effectively mimic human ALD. Although differences in the degree and stages of alcoholic liver injury inevitably exist between animal models and human ALD, the acquisition and translational relevance will be greatly enhanced with the development of new and improved animal models of ALD.  相似文献   

Alcoholism results in about 2.5 million deaths annually worldwide, representing 4% of all mortality. Although alcoholism is associated with more than 60 diseases, most mortality from alcoholism results from alcoholic liver disease (ALD). ALD includes alcoholic steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis, and alcoholic cirrhosis, in order of increasing severity. Important scoring systems of ALD severity include: Child-Pugh, a semi-quantitative scoring system useful to roughly characterize clinical severity; model for end-stage liver disease, a quantitative, objective scoring system used for prognostication and prioritization for liver transplantation; and discriminant function, used to determine whether to administer corticosteroids for alcoholic hepatitis. Abstinence is the cornerstone of ALD therapy. Psychotherapies, including twelve-step facilitation therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and motivational enhancement therapy, help support abstinence. Disulfiram decreases alcohol consumption by causing unpleasant sensations after drinking alcohol from accumulation of acetaldehyde in serum, but disulfiram can be hepatotoxic. Adjunctive pharmacotherapies to reduce alcohol consumption include naltrexone, acamprosate, and baclofen. Nutritional therapy helps reverse muscle wasting, weight loss, vitamin deficiencies, and trace element deficiencies associated with ALD. Although reduced protein intake was previously recommended for advanced ALD to prevent hepatic encephalopathy, a diet containing 1.2-1.5 g of protein/kg per day is currently recommended to prevent muscle wasting. Corticosteroids are first-line therapy for severe alcoholic hepatitis (discriminant function ≥ 32), but proof of their efficacy in decreasing mortality remains elusive. Pentoxifylline is an alternative therapy. Complications of advanced ALD include ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, esophageal variceal bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy, hepatorenal syndrome, hepatopulmonary syndrome, and portopulmonary hypertension. Alcoholic cirrhotics have increased risk of developing hepatomas. Liver transplantation is the ultimate therapy for severe ALD, but generally requires 6 mo of proven abstinence for eligibility. Alcoholic cirrhotics who maintain abstinence generally have a relatively favorable prognosis after liver transplantation.  相似文献   

End-stage alcoholic liver disease is a recognised indication for liver transplantation but some questions on the matter remain open. It is difficult to quantify alcohol consumption, and a single definition of post-transplant relapse is lacking. Moreover, there are no internationally accepted criteria for the selection of candidates for liver transplantation and the eligibility parameters for these patients are controversial. Additional clinical and psychological evaluations are necessary in this setting, especially to establish the risk of alcohol relapse. Nevertheless, patient and graft survival rates after liver transplantation in alcoholic liver disease are comparable to those after transplant for other aetiologies, alcohol consumption relapse being one of the most important problems in the post-transplant phase.In conclusion, alcohol-related liver disease is a good indication for liver transplantation. The main future goals are to formulate a well-defined pre-transplant approach and a single definition of alcohol relapse and to improve prevention strategies.  相似文献   

Transplantation for the treatment of alcoholic cirrhosis is more controversially discussed than it is for any other indication. The crucial aspect in this setting is abstinence before and after liver transplantation. We established pre-transplant selection criteria for potential transplant candidates. Provided that the underlying disease can be treated, there is no reason to withhold liver transplantation in a patient suffering from alcoholic cirrhosis. Evaluation of the patient by a multidisciplinary team, including an addiction specialist, is considered to be the gold standard. However, several centers demand a specified period of abstinence - usually 6 mo- irrespective of the specialist’s assessment. The 6-mo rule is viewed critically because liver transplantation was found to clearly benefit selected patients with acute alcoholic hepatitis; the benefit was similar to that achieved for other acute indications. However, the discussion may well be an academic one because the waiting time for liver transplantation exceeds six months at the majority of centers. The actual challenge in liver transplantation for alcoholic cirrhosis may well be the need for lifelong post-transplant follow-up rather than the patient’s pre-transplant evaluation. A small number of recipients experience a relapse of alcoholism; these patients are at risk for organ damage and graft-related death. Post-transplant surveillance protocols should demonstrate alcohol relapse at an early stage, thus permitting the initiation of adequate treatment. Patients with alcoholic cirrhosis are at high risk of developing head and neck, esophageal, or lung cancer. The higher risk of malignancies should be considered in the routine assessment of patients suffering from alcoholic cirrhosis. Tumor surveillance protocols for liver transplant recipients, currently being developed, should become a part of standard care; these will improve survival by permitting diagnosis at an early stage. In conclusion, the key factor determining the outcome of transplantation for alcoholic cirrhosis is intensive lifelong medical and psychological care. Post-transplant surveillance might be much more important than pre-transplant selection.  相似文献   

Alcoholic hepatitis (AH) is a type of acute-on-chronic liver failure and is the most severe form of alcoholic liver disease. AH occurs in patients with heavy alcohol abuse and underlying liver disease. In its severe form, AH carries a poor short-term prognosis. Although the existence of AH can be strongly suspected based on clinical and biochemical criteria, a definitive diagnosis requires a liver biopsy. There is a clear need to develop non-invasive markers for these patients. The prognosis of patients with AH can be established by different score systems (Maddrey's DF, ABIC, MELD and Glasgow). Recently, a histological scoring system able to estimate prognosis has been developed (Alcoholic Hepatitis Histological Score – AHHS). The management of patients with AH has changed little in the last few decades. In patients with severe form of AH, prednisolone and pentoxifylline are the first line therapy. Unfortunately, many patients do not respond and novel targeted therapies are urgently needed. Current research is aimed at identifying the main disease drivers and to develop animal models of true AH. For non-responders to medical therapy, the only curative option is to perform a salvage liver transplantation. This particular indication of liver transplantation is currently under debate and prospective studies should evaluate the specific patient evaluation and selection criteria.  相似文献   

Alcohol is one of the main factors of liver damage. The evaluation of the degree of liver fibrosis is of great value for therapeutic decision making in patients with alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Staging of liver fibrosis is essential to define prognosis and management of the disease. Liver biopsy is a gold standard as it has high sensitivity and specificity in fibrosis diagnostics. Taking into account the limitations of liver biopsy, there is an exigency to introduce non-invasive serum markers for fibrosis that would be able to replace liver biopsy. Ideal serum markers should be specific for the liver, easy to perform and independent to inflammation and fibrosis in other organs. Serum markers of hepatic fibrosis are divided into direct and indirect. Indirect markers reflect alterations in hepatic function, direct markers reflect extracellular matrix turnover. These markers should correlate with dynamic changes in fibrogenesis and fibrosis resolution. The assessment of the degree of liver fibrosis in alcoholic liver disease has diagnostic and prognostic implications, therefore noninvasive assessment of fibrosis remains important. There are only a few studies evaluating the diagnostic and prognostic values of noninvasive biomarkers of fibrosis in patients with ALD. Several noninvasive laboratory tests have been used to assess liver fibrosis in patients with alcoholic liver disease, including the hyaluronic acid, FibroTest, FibrometerA, Hepascore, Forns and APRI indexes, FIB4, an algorithm combining Prothrombin index (PI), α-2 macroglobulin and hyaluronic acid. Among these tests, Fibrotest, FibrometerA and Hepascore demonstrated excellent diagnostic accuracy in identifying advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis, and additionally, Fibrotest was independently associated with survival. Therefore, the use of biomarkers may reduce the need for liver biopsy and permit an earlier treatment of alcoholic patients.  相似文献   

Clinicopathological features of veno-occlusive lesions in hepatic veins were studied in autopsy cases of severe alcoholic hepatitis (15 cases) and alcoholic liver cirrhosis (15 cases). All the cases were heavy drinkers and died of liver failure or variceal rupture. The frequency and degree of veno-occlusive lesions, and the diameter and number of hepatic veins were studied from stained sections of liver blocks from each case. The hepatic veins observed ranged from 60 to 3000 μm in diameter. The veno-occlusive lesions were found in hepatic veins mainly 60 to 1200 μm in diameter. These findings were recognized in the majority of severe alcoholic hepatitis cases and alcoholic liver cirrhosis cases. Furthermore, more severe veno-occlusive lesions were noted in severe alcoholic hepatitis, compared with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. In the cases with obstruction in hepatic veins of <400 μm, a decrease in the number of hepatic veins and zonal necrosis were noted. In addition, some of the veno-occlusive lesions were recognized focally in the same cases. Clinical findings also indicated that ascites increased with the progression of the veno-occlusive lesions. We conclude that investigation of veno-occlusive lesions in severe alcoholic liver disease has clinicopathological significance.  相似文献   

目的 评价美他多辛片治疗酒精性肝病的临床疗效和安全性.方法 采用多中心、随机、双盲、安慰剂平行对照的临床研究,240例酒精性肝病患者按1:1的比例随机进入试验组(美他多辛片剂组)或安慰剂组.试验组口服美他多辛片每次500 mg,每日3次;安慰剂组口服美他多辛模拟片每次1片,每日3次.疗程为6周,治疗期间患者每3周随访1次.治疗前、治疗第3、6周观察症状体征、血常规、尿常规和肝肾功能;治疗前、治疗第6周时进行B超检查.对研究过程中戒酒和不戒酒患者分层进行临床、生化和影像学疗效评估.结果 219例患者按方案完成研究,其中试验组114例,安慰剂组105例.戒酒患者治疗6周后,试验组血清3项生化指标均有显著改善(P均<0.05),其中丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、γ-谷氨酰转肽酶(GGT)改善显著优于安慰剂组(P值分别为0.0357和0.0015),天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)改善两组无显著差异(P=0.067 2);试验组血清生化改善的总有效率为80.00%,显著优于安慰剂组的57.58%(P=0.0018).不戒酒患者治疗6周后,试验组治疗前后血清3项生化指标均有显著改善(P均<0.05),安慰剂组治疗前后仅ALT(P=0.0012)显著改善,组间比较试验组的ALT、AST、GGT改善均显著优于安慰剂组(P均<0.05);试验组血清生化改善的总有效率为75.00%,显著优于安慰剂组的43.75%(P=0.0024).无论戒酒与否,影像学脂肪肝程度改善的总有效率试验组略高于安慰剂组,但两组无统计学差异.试验组和安慰剂组不良反应发生率分别为1.72%和0.90%,两组间比较无显著差异(P=1.000).结论 美他多辛片可安全、有效地治疗酒精性肝病.  相似文献   

AIM:To test if inflammation also interferes with liver stiffness (LS) assessment in alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and to provide a clinical algorithm for reliable fibrosis assessment in ALD by FibroScan (FS).METHODS:We first performed sequential LS analysis before and after normalization of serum transaminases in a learning cohort of 50 patients with ALD admitted for alcohol detoxification. LS decreased in almost all patients within a mean observation interval of 5.3 d. Six patients (12%) would have been m...  相似文献   

In Europe, 30% to 50% of liver transplantations are currently due to alcoholic liver disease(ALD). In the United States, this percentage is 17.2%. Post-transplantsurvival and other predictors of clinical course do not differ significantly from those in other types of transplanted patients, as long as there is no relapse of drinking. However, 20%-25% of these patients lapse or relapse to heavy drinking post-operatively, which has been associated with an increased risk of liver damage and mortality. It is therefore crucial to design specific selection and follow-up strategies aimed at this particular type of patient. Several good and poor prognosis factors that could help to predict a relapse have been suggested, among them the duration of abstinence, social support, a family history of alcoholism, abuse diagnosis versus alcohol dependence, non-acceptance of diagnosis related to alcohol use, presence of severe mental illness, nonadherence in a broad sense, number of years of alcoholism, and daily quantity of alcohol consumption. In this article, we discuss these and other, more controversial factors in selecting ALD patients for liver transplantation. Abstinence should be the main goal after transplantation in an ALD patient. In this article, we review the several definitions of post-transplant relapse, its monitoring and the psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment.  相似文献   



Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a controversial yet established indication for liver transplantation (LT), and there is emerging evidence supporting a survival benefit in selected patients with severe acute alcoholic hepatitis. The aim of the present survey was to describe policies among Canadian transplant centres for patients with ALD.


A survey was distributed to the medical directors of all seven liver transplant centres in Canada.


All seven liver transplant programs in Canada participated in the survey. Every centre requires patients to have a minimum of six months of abstinence from alcohol before listing for LT. Completion of a rehabilitation program is only mandatory in one program; the remaining programs do not mandate this if patients have demonstrated prolonged abstinence, and sufficient insight and social supports. No program considers LT for patients with severe acute alcoholic hepatitis, although six of the seven programs are interested in exploring a national policy. Random alcohol checks for waitlisted patients are performed routinely on patients listed for ALD at only one centre; the remaining centres only perform checks if there is clinical suspicion. In the past five years, the mean (± SD) number of patients per centre with graft dysfunction from recidivism was 10±4.36; a mean of 2.5±4.36 patients per centre developed graft failure.


With minor exceptions, LT policies for subjects with ALD are uniform across Canadian transplant programs. Presently, no centres perform LT for acute alcoholic hepatitis, although there is broad interest in exploring a national policy. Recidivism resulting in graft loss is a rare phenomenon.  相似文献   

Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is the most common liver disease in the Western world. For many reasons, it is underestimated and underdiagnosed. An early diagnosis is absolutely essential since it (1) helps to identify patients at genetic risk for ALD; (2) can trigger efficient abstinence namely in non-addicted patients; and (3) initiate screening programs to prevent life-threatening complications such as bleeding from varices, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis or hepatocellular cancer. The two major end points of ALD are alcoholic liver cirrhosis and the rare and clinically-defined alcoholic hepatitis (AH). The prediction and early diagnosis of both entities is still insufficiently solved and usually relies on a combination of laboratory, clinical and imaging findings. It is not widely conceived that conventional screening tools for ALD such as ultrasound imaging or routine laboratory testing can easily overlook ca. 40% of manifest alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Non-invasive methods such as transient elastography (Fibroscan), acoustic radiation force impulse imaging or shear wave elastography have significantly improved the early diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis. Present algorithms allow either the exclusion or the exact definition of advanced fibrosis stages in ca. 95% of patients. The correct interpretation of liver stiffness requires a timely abdominal ultrasound and actual transaminase levels. Other non-invasive methods such as controlled attenuation parameter, serum levels of M30 or M65, susceptometry or breath tests are under current evaluation to assess the degree of steatosis, apoptosis and iron overload in these patients. Liver biopsy still remains an important option to rule out comorbidities and to confirm the prognosis namely for patients with AH.  相似文献   

Alcoholic hepatitis (AH) occurs in about one‐third of individuals reporting long‐term heavy alcohol use. It is associated with high short‐term mortality, economic burden, and hospital resources utilization. We performed this systematic review to (i) describe clinical characteristics and genomics associated with the risk of AH; (ii) discuss role and limitations of liver biopsy and prognostic scoring systems; (iii) summarize evidence regarding the currently available therapies including liver transplantation; and (iv) outline emerging therapies with areas of unmet need. Literature search was performed for studies published in English language (January 1971 through March 2016). The following search engines were used: PubMed, Elsevier Embase, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Library. For the treatment section, only randomized controlled studies were included for this review. A total of 138 studies (59 randomized, 22 systematic reviews or meta‐analyses, 7 surveys or guidelines, 7 population‐based, and 43 prospective cohorts) were cited. There are over 325,000 annual admissions with AH contributing to about 0.8% of all hospitalizations in the United States. Liver biopsy may be required in about 25 to 30% cases for uncertain clinical diagnosis. Corticosteroids with or without N‐acetylcysteine remains the only available therapy for severe episodes. Data are emerging on the role of liver transplantation as salvage therapy for select patients. Abstinence remains the most important factor impacting long‐term prognosis. Results from the ongoing clinical trials within the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism‐funded consortia are awaited for more effective and safer therapies. AH is a potentially lethal condition with a significant short‐term mortality. A high index of suspicion is required. There remains an unmet need for noninvasive biomarkers for the diagnosis, and predicting prognosis and response to therapy.  相似文献   

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