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Insulin and glucagon have been reported to have opposing effects upon the mechanisms regulating serum triglyceride concentration. Glucagon in excess of insulin will lower serum lipids in man. In the present studies, we have examined the possibility that a change in glucagon and insulin regulation might contribute to the hypolipemic action of the drug clofibrate. Control insulin and glucagon secretion were evaluated in 24 normal subjects by intravenous arginine infusion, which resulted in a prompt rise in both serum immunoreactive insulin and glucagon concentration. During the maximum rise in concentration of these hormones, plasma triglyceride concentration was acutely reduced from basal levels of 104 ± 6 mg100 ml to 75 ± 5 mg100 ml (p ≤ 0.001). Following 7 days of clofibrate therapy, basal plasma triglyceride concentration attained a new mean level of 78 ± 5 mg100 ml, while basal insulin and glucagon concentrations remained unchanged. However, arginine infusion now resulted in a reduction of the insulin secretory response to 56% of the preclofibrate studies with an associated normal glucagon secretory response. Serum triglyceride concentration was further reduced during arginine infusion to 46 ± 3 mg100 ml, demonstrating this minimum level as maximum plasma glucagon levels were attained, representing an excess of this hormone relative to the reduced insulin concentration. These observations are consistent with an effect of clofibrate on the hormonal regulation of triglyceride physiology in man. Glucose tolerance was unimpaired by clofibrate therapy in these normal subjects, in spite of an apparent reduction in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.  相似文献   

The influence of Halofenate therapy on insulin and glucagon secretion was examined in the Zucker rat with genetic endogenous hyperlipemia. Coincident with the lipid lowering effects of Halofenate, the net change in the basal bihormonal axis favored glucagon, with the I/G molar ratio (Insulin/Glucagon) decreasing from 2.72 +/- 0.53 to 0.96 +/- 0.20 during treatment with this drug. Following arginine stimulation the I/G ratio remained reduced at 0.87 +/- 0.13 in Halofenate treated animals, contrasting with the statistically greater ratio of 2.5 +/- 0.55 in control animals. The Halofenate induced state of reduced insulin:glucagon was associated with hypolipemia, postarginine hyperglycemia, and hyperketonemia,-three metabolic parameters characteristic of glucagon excess relative to insulin. It is suggested that the lipid-lowering action of Halofenate in genetic hyperlipemia may reflect the altered bihormonal axis induced by the drug.  相似文献   

The effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) on basal circulating lipids, arginine-stimulated glucagon and insulin secretion, and glucose tolerance was studied in normal women. After 5 days of oral MPA treatment (10 mg/day), there was a small but significant decline in basal circulating triglycerides. No changes were observed in fasting plasma concentrations of cholesterol, free fatty acids, glucagon, insulin, or glucose; in the plasma glucagon, insulin, or glucose responses during L-arginine infusion; or in the plasma insulin or glucose responses during oral glucose tolerance tests. There was no correlation of any of these parameters with the observed decline in fasting plasma triglyceride concentrations. These results confirm previous reports of no consistent changes in lipid or glucose homeostasis in women using derivatives of 17α-acetoxyprogesterone derivatives for contraceptive purposes, and suggest that MPA may be a suitable alternative for those women who develop hyperlipemia or glucose intolerance when they use contraceptive agents which contain derivatives of ethinyl estradiol and nortestosterone.  相似文献   

The effect of contraceptive steroids on aminogenic glucagon secretion was studied in six insulin-dependent diabetic women. After 2 wk treatment with combined mestranol (80 mug) plus norethindrone (1 mg) daily, the mean peak plasma glucagon response to arginine infusion was suppressed to one-fourth of control levels. This was associated with a small but significant decrease in mean basal plasma cholesterol concentrations. There were no changes in basal plasma triglyceride, free fatty acid, glucose, insulin, or alpha-amino nitrogen concentrations or in daily insulin requirements during mestranol plus norethindrone treatment. These results confirm previous reports of no consistent changes in the insulin requirements of insulin-dependent diabetic women using contraceptive steroids and suggest that these women may not experience dramatic changes in their lipid metabolism during contraceptive therapy.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of ethanol on carbohydrate homeostasis in circumstances in which food and ethanol are usually ingested, ethanol was administered hourly in the afternoon prior to the ingestion of a glucose load at 5:00 p.m. in a group of normal subjects and in mild diabetics. In both groups the blood glucose levels following the glucose load were 30–80 mg100 ml lower and the early insulin secretory response (15–45 min) was 35%–40% higher after ethanol ingestion. In contrast, ethanol intake had no effect on the glucagon response to glucose ingestion. These data suggest that ethanol enhances glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. The dampened blood glucose rise observed with ethanol may be related to the augmented insulin response or to decreased gastrointestinal absorption of glucose. In mild diabetic patients, moderate intake of ethanol is without acute deleterious effects on carbohydrate homeostasis and may in some instances improve the blood glucose response to ingested carbohydrate.  相似文献   

Animal experiments have suggested a FFA control mechanism for glucagon secretion. In man, the potent effect of FFA on HGH secretion and the similarity of the secretory control mechanisms for HGH and IRG also support a role of FFA in IRG secretion. Our studies in man in which plasma FFA were elevated by either an oral lipid emulsion (Lipomul) or an intravenous lipid suspension (Intralipid) suggest only a minor role of lipids in control of IRG secretion. Plasma FFA and triglyceride elevations did not suppress arginine- or hypoglycemia-induced plasma IRG elevations, but an inhibitory effect of Intralipid on basal plasma IRG concentrations was observed. Although nicotinic acid administration, which caused a depression in plasma FFA, did elevate plasma IRG, the IRG elevation was considered more likely a consequence of stress induced by the drug. The failure of lipids to inhibit IRG secretion at FFA concentrations inhibiting HGH secretion indicates a dissociation in the secretory control mechanisms of the two hormones.  相似文献   

The feasibility of intraperitoneal insulin delivery in six healthy, insulin-dependent diabetic men utilizing a preprogrammed, portable insulin pump was examined. Blood glucose concentration was well controlled throughout breakfast, lunch, and supper during the intraperitoneal insulin infusion as assessed by both the mean glucose concentration and the integrated “glucose exposure”. Plasma free insulin concentration demonstrated a meal-related rise and fall similar to that observed in normal, nondiabetic persons. These short-term infusion studies suggest that intraperitoneal insulin may control meal-induced hyperglycemia in diabetic man. More prolonged intraperitoneal infusion studies will be necessary to confirm the feasibility of the peritoneum as an insulin delivery route by an artificial pancreas.  相似文献   

The role of glucagon in regulating plasma lipid concentrations (nonesterified fatty acids, ketone bodies, and triglycerides) is reviewed. The effects of glucagon-induced insulin secretion upon this lipid regulation are discussed that may resolve conflicting reports in the literature are resolved. In addition, the unresolved problem concerning the pharmacologic versus physiologic effects of glucagon is stressed. Glucagon's role in stimulating lipolysis at the adipocyte serves two important functions. First, it provides plasma nonesterified fatty acids for energy metabolism and secondly, it ensures substrate for hepatic ketogenesis. In vitro, glucagon's lipolytic activity has been consistently observed, but in vivo, this activity has sometimes been obscured by the effects of glucagon-induced insulin secretion. Frequently, a biphasic response has been reported in which a direct lipolytic response is followed by a glucagon-induced insulin suppression of plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentration. When the glucagon-induced insulin secretion has been controlled by various in vivo techniques, glucagon's lipolytic activity in vivo has frequently been demonstrable. In the 1960s, in vitro liver perfusion experiments demonstrated that glucagon enhanced hepatic ketogenesis independent of glucagon's lipolytic activity. However, this direct effect of glucagon on the hepatocyte was not universally accepted because of conflicting reports in the literature. Failure to observe an in vitro ketogenic effect of the hormone in some studies may have been due to suboptimal experimental conditions. Certain factors are now known to influence the ketogenic response, such as the concentration of fatty acids in the media and the nutritional status of the animal. Under optimal in vitro conditions with liver preparations from fed animals, the ketogenic response to physiologic concentrations of glucagon has been demonstrated. However, further study is necessary to define the quantitative ketogenic role of the hormone. In spite of this early in vitro work, glucagon was not definitely shown to be ketogenic in vivo (independent of fatty acid availability) both in the rat and in diabetic man until 1975. Since these observations, several reports have confirmed the ketogenic action of glucagon in vivo by direct hepatic catheterization experiments. Glucagon's role in decreasing hepatic triglyceride synthesis and secretion in vitro has been repeatedly shown but the mechanism is unresolved. This lipid regulatory action of glucagon has been more difficult to demonstrate in vivo because of the many variables that affect triglyceride synthesis. Under specific experimental conditions, however, glucagon has been shown to decrease plasma triglyceride concentration in man at both physiologic and pharmacologic concentrations. Hepatic catheterization experiments have also confirmed this effect in man. The regulation of lipids by glucagon fits well into its role as a stress hormone...  相似文献   

Fresh cardiac valvular tissues and atrial appendages removed from 106 Indian patients with rheumatic heart disease at the time of corrective cardiac surgery were examined to determine the characteristics of valvular interstitial lymphocytic infiltrates using conventional histologic staining along with indirect immunofluorescent techniques. Precise identification of the phenotypic profiles of inflammatory mononuclear cells was attempted using anti-IgG, anti-Ia, and monoclonal mouse hybridoma reagents identifying T cells (OKT3) as well as T cell subsets (OKT4 helper/inducer and OKT8 suppressor/cytotoxic cells). A similar group of 21 patients undergoing cardiac valvular resection in Albuquerque was studied. The mean age of Indian patients providing valve tissues was 27.7, whereas in those in Albuquerque, it was 52 years. Twenty-five percent of rheumatic heart valves in Indian patients showed significant interstitial lymphoid infiltrates, and one third of the rheumatic valves from patients in Albuquerque showed similar mononuclear cell collections. Lymphoid infiltrates contained a predominance of T cells (70 to 80 percent) and only occasional B cells. Most of the T cells were OKT4-positive, with only a minor representation of suppressor/cytotoxic OKT8-positive T cells. In many instances, OKT4-positive helper T cell collections were closely juxtaposed to fibroblasts and collagen fibrils. These findings suggest that the chronic rheumatic scarring process may involve helper/inducer T cells as an ancillary factor in the indolent contracture and fibrosis of deformed cardiac valvular structures. Attempts to demonstrate residual streptococcal antigens by indirect immunofluorescence using a wide panel of heterologous rabbit F(ab')2 reagents with specificity for group A streptococcal membranes, cell wall mucopeptide, or group A carbohydrate gave negative results.  相似文献   

The potential of the peritoneum as a site for an “artificial beta cell” was studied. Three 14-hr studies were performed in an insulin-dependent diabetic male maintained on chronic peritoneal dialysis. All studies were performed between dialyses and throughout three standard American Diabetes Association (ADA) 600 calorie meals. The degree of insulin absorption from the peritoneal space was assessed by measuring the changes in plasma-free insulin concentration during these studies. The results of this study demonstrate that normalization of plasma insulin profiles may be observed with the administration of insulin into the peritoneal space. This absorbed insulin exerts hypoglycemic activity that suppresses the meal-induced rise in plasma glucose concentration. Thus, the peritoneal space may be a feasible route into which insulin may be delivered by an artificial beta cell.  相似文献   

A clinical association between insulin therapy and hypophosphatemia has frequently been made but a dose-response relationship has not been reported. Furthermore, the rapidity by which hypophosphatemia may be induced following an increment in plasma-free insulin concentration is not well defined. Therefore this study compared the effects of different rates of insulin infusion on the changes in plasma phosphate concentration in ketotic, hyperglycemic diabetic man. Sixteen prospective studies were performed in four insulin-dependent ketotic diabetic subjects. Insulin was infused according to one of four different protocols: high dose (1.0 U/kg/hr), low dose (0.1 U/kg/hr), very low dose (0.01 U/kg/hr) and control (saline only). Plasma phosphate, glucose, and free insulin concentrations were measured sequentially during the 60 min infusion periods. We observed that plasma phosphate concentrations declined significantly only with low-dose and high-dose insulin infusions. The magnitude and rapidity of fall of the mean phosphate concentration were greatest with high-dose insulin infusion. Significant hypophosphatemia can be observed within 30 min following the onset of insulin therapy.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between the delivery of insulin into the peritoneal space and its absorption into the peripheral circulation. Studies were performed in conscious dogs receiving somatostatin (5.0 μg/min) to suppress endogenous insulin secretion, and intravenous glucose (50 mg/min) to prevent hypoglycemia. The biologic effectiveness of the absorbed insulin was determined by its hypoglycemic effect. The possibility of direct absorption of insulin into the portal circulation from the peritoneal space in anesthetized, portal vein-catheterized dogs was examined with radiolabeled I125 insulin. Our results suggest that absorption of insulin from the peritoneal space is volume, concentration, and time-dependent. Maximal absorption of insulin was observed at 50 min when 1.92 U of insulin in a volume of 3 ml was infused intraperitoneally over 30 min. More rapid absorption was observed at 30 min when this quantity of insulin was given in a 1-min intraperitoneal bolus, compared to 30 min of intraperitoneal infusion. Least rapid absorption of insulin followed the delivery of 1.92 U of insulin in a volume of 15 ml. Intermediate absorption of insulin was observed at 40 min when the 1.92 U was delivered in a volume of 0.6 ml. Peripheral intravenous insulin delivery of 1.92 U reached a maximal plasma concentration at 20 min, which was more than three times the concentration observed with intraperitoneal insulin. Isotopic tracer studies, in which radioiodinated insulin was placed into the peritoneal space in anesthetized dogs, demonstrated greater radioactivity in the portal vein than in the aorta throughout a 30-min observation period. These studies demonstrate that intraperitoneal administration of insulin results in absorption of insulin which is volume, concentration, and time-dependent. Thus, the peritoneal space may be an appropriate site for insulin delivery through a transcutaneous catheter.  相似文献   

Four cases of adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) and one case of adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) have developed in a kindred over three generations demonstrating that AMN is a clinical variant of ALD. Pituitary-adrenal function studies were performed in 10 family members, including two affected males and four females identified as carriers of ALD/AMN. No pituitary-adrenal abnormality was found in the carriers. However, basal morning plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels were markedly elevated in the two males with ALD and AMN, despite the fact that they had no clinical signs of adrenal insufficiency and that morning plasma cortisol levels and their response to maximal exogenous ACTH stimulation appeared to be normal. In addition, the integrated 24-hour response to the administration were also subnormal in these two cases. Thus, people with ALD and AMN may have subclinical partial adrenocrotical insufficiency. No other endocrinologic dysfunction was identified.  相似文献   

Arginine-induced insulin and glucagon secretion preceding and following clofibrate treatment was studied in 13 patients with endogenous hypertriglyceridemia. A positive correlation was demonstrated between fasting insulin and triglyceride levels and between the fasting insulin/glucagon molar ratio and triglyceride levels. In patients with endogenous hypertriglyceridemia, anginine infusion induced a significantly increased glucagon response with respect to that found in controls. No correlation was found to exist between glucagon and free fatty acids (FFA) or between glucagon and triglyceride levels. The same lack of correlation was found in normal subjects rendered hypertriglyceridemic by means of Intralipid infusion, which did not modify the fasting glucagon-like immunoreactivity (GLI) or the GLI response to arginine. Clofibrate treatment induces a triglyceride reduction (incrementTG) which is correlated with the reduction in the insulin/glucagon molar ration (incrementI/G). After clofibrate treatment there is also a significant reduction in fasting GLI levels and in the insulin response to arginine, and an increase in the glucagon response. Clofibrate could exercise its hypolipidemic effect by modifying the relationship between insulin and glucagon levels.  相似文献   

The activities of jejunal carbohydrate-metabolizing enzymes show adaptive drugs, and sex hormones. To learn whether insulin, tolbutamide, and glucagon had effects on these enzymes, we performed serial peroral jejunal biopsies in normal young men and in obese patients, before and after treatment with these agents. Jejunal mucosa was assayed for glycolytic enzyme activities, pyruvate kinase (PK), hexokinase (HK), and fructose-1,6-diphosphate aldolase (FDPA), and the nonglycolytic enzyme activity, fructose diphosphatase (FDPase). Insulin significantly increased the activity of jejunal PK (+48% change from control) and HK (+6%), decreased the activity of FDPase (-36%),and had no effect on FDPA. Glucagon had opposite effects; the activity of PK was decreased (-33%) and FDPase was increased (+50%). Tolbutamide significantly increased the activities of PK (+47%), HK (+14%), and FDPA (+7%), and decreased the activities of FDPase (-36%). The results of tolbutamide on glycolytic enzyme activities were independent of endogenous insulin. The data support the concept that jejunal carbohydrate-metabolizing enzymes in man respond to hormones and drugs similar to responses observed in rat liver. This is important because it now gives us a means of studying the actions of these hormones directly in human tissue.  相似文献   

Expression of the glycogenolytic action of glucagon in liver requires ATP for cAMP formation and for several subsequent phosphorylation reactions. To assess the extent to which ATP availability is rate-limiting to this hormonal action, responses to glucagon of intact liver and of liver with marked reductions in ATP content induced by ethionine was examined in female Wistar rats in vivo and in vitro. Compared to values in quick-frozen liver samples from control rats, basal hepatic ATP was 75% lower and cAMP, two fold higher in rats treated with ethionine. Activation of glycogen phosphorylase and inactivation of glycogen synthetase, phosphorylation reactions which require ATP and are initiated by cAMP, were also evident in basal liver samples from ethionine-treated rats. These hepatic alterations were associated with portal glucose and insulin levels which were significantly lower and portal glucagon levels which were four fold higher than values in controls. In ethionine-treated rats, glucose infusion decreased hepatic cAMP content and phosphorylase activity and increased synthetase activity. This and other observation suggested that the higher cAMP and the altered enzyme activities seen in vivo after ethionine administration were mediated by the hyperglucagonemia and/or by other endogenous glycogenolytic stimuli, and accordingly implied that liver remained responsive to such stimuli despite reduced ATP. Pharmacologic doses of exogenous glucagon clearly increased cAMP in vivo and in vitro in livers with decreased ATP. However, the lower ATP of liver exposed to ethionine was associated with a significantly blunted cAMP response to maximal glucagon stimulation. By contrast, alterations in phosphorylase and synthetase activities were not similarly blunted, suggesting that the smaller increases in cAMP seen in liver with reduced ATP content were adequate for the expression of these actions of the hormone. It is concluded that the actions of glucagon to increase cAMP and to activate phosphorylase and inactivate synthetase are not abolished by marked reductions in hepatic APT.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood lymphocyte cell surface markers were studied in 146 patients with various forms of acute infection using B cell identification with antisurface immunoglobulin and T cell subset enumeration with hybridoma T cell subpopulation reagents. Significant depression was recorded in total numbers of T cells and T cell helper-inducer and suppressor-cytotoxic subsets in pneumonia, acute pyelonephritis, and severe generalized sepsis. In addition, proportions of T cells being the OKT4 helper-inducer phenotype were reduced only in patients over the age of 60 with pneumonia or sepsis. Patients with severe infection frequently had multiple T cell phenotypic surface marker abnormalities. In some instances, when depressions of total T cell numbers as well as respective helperinducer or suppressor-cytotoxic T cells were noted in the face of generalized sepsis, lack of improvement in these abnormalities during the course of treatment was associated with rapid clinical deterioration and death. On the contrary, in patients with a successful response to appropriate therapy, initial depressions of total T cell numbers and subsets improved progressively with clinical resolution of sepsis and illness.  相似文献   

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