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Although 67% of adolescent smokers say they want to quit, only 7% are able to do so. The purpose of this study was to use metamotivational states as described in reversal theory to predict whether adolescents who are trying to quit smoking will lapse (smoke a cigarette) or will resist smoking in highly tempting situations. Reversal theory holds that individuals switch between telic (serious-minded) and paratelic (playful) metamotivational states. Questionnaires and semistructured interviews were administered to 62 adolescents ages 14-19 who had participated in a smoking cessation program. Interviews were coded according to the Metamotivational State Interview and Coding Schedule, and the resulting data were analyzed using logistic regression analysis. Adolescents in the paratelic metamotivational state (OR = 15.34; 95% CI: 5.3, 43.6) or with cigarettes readily available (OR = 4.6; 95% CI: 1.6, 13.2) were more likely to lapse than were adolescents in the telic state or who required effort to obtain cigarettes. The variables telic/paratelic state and cigarette availability accurately predicted the outcome of highly tempting situations 80% of the time. Using reversal theory constructs to develop state-specific strategies shows promise as an additional tool for those in this age group coping with the temptation to smoke.  相似文献   

The effect of clonidine on smoking cessation was studied by randomly assigning 186 smokers in a double-blind fashion to either placebo or clonidine. Abstinence from smoking was reported more frequently by subjects receiving clonidine, but the difference was statistically significant only at the end of the first week (34.4% vs 21.5%; p less than 0.05). Bothersome side effects were common and resulted in the early discontinuation of the study medication by 23 of the subjects taking clonidine and eight taking placebo (p less than 0.05). Although this study did not demonstrate a significant effect of clonidine on smoking cessation, a beneficial trend was detected and therefore further trials with transcutaneous delivery of this agent in combination with behavior modification techniques are warranted.  相似文献   

目的:探讨吸烟、戒烟与中老年人群椎体骨折的关系。方法:对3 403例参加北京市肺癌早期筛查项目的社区人群(42~72岁)进行吸烟、戒烟情况调查。在低剂量胸部CT扫描的侧位定位像上,采用Genant椎体骨折半定量法对T_4~L_4椎体进行骨折评价。分析椎体骨折的分布情况;比较不同性别、年龄段的椎体骨折阳性率差异;比较不同吸烟指数、戒烟年限人群的椎体骨折阳性率差异。结果:共有703例研究对象(20.7%)发现1 077个椎体骨折,其中T_(12)、T_(11)、L_1骨折数量占前3位,1级骨折占92.3%。年龄65岁的各年龄段人群中,男性椎体骨折阳性率高于女性(P0.001);年龄≥65岁的男女性间椎体骨折阳性率差异无统计学意义。吸烟组、戒烟组椎体骨折阳性率分别为23.3%、21.8%,均高于非吸烟组(14.2%),且差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。轻、中、重度吸烟组椎体骨折阳性率分别为19.2%、27.7%、23.2%,中、重度吸烟组与非吸烟组差异有统计学意义(P0.001)。戒烟5年、5~10年、10年组椎体骨折阳性率分别为23.1%、19.9%、23.1%,其中戒烟5年组与非吸烟组差异有统计学意义(P=0.003)。结论:吸烟指数≥200年支及戒烟5年内的椎体骨折阳性率升高,应加以关注。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most (>50%) smokers who attempt to stop smoking relapse within the first year of abstinence. The effect of continued use of pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation on relapse rates is unknown. Bupropion sustained-release (SR) is the first non-nicotine-based therapy that is effective for achieving abstinence from smoking. OBJECTIVE: This analysis explored the factors involved in relapse to smoking in patients who had successfully stopped smoking using bupropion SR. These patients were participants in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of bupropion SR for the prevention of relapse to smoking. METHODS: Participants who had stopped smoking with 7 weeks of open-label bupropion SR were randomly assigned to receive double-blind treatment with either bupropion SR or placebo for 45 weeks. The primary efficacy outcome of the main study was the rate of relapse to smoking. The analyses presented here examine the levels of reported cigarette craving and, in those participants who returned to smoking, the reasons associated with relapse, using patient-completed questionnaires. RESULTS: Craving was cited most frequently as a factor contributing to relapse in those participants receiving placebo (cited by 49.2% of relapsers) but significantly less frequently by participants receiving bupropion SR (cited by 22.4% of relapsers) (P < 0.05). Results from patients' diaries showed no differences between bupropion SR and placebo in terms of "craving in the past 24 hours" but significantly lower scores for "craving right now" for bupropion SR at weeks 11 and 12 (P < 0.05). Results at scheduled visits showed that "craving in the past 24 hours" was significantly less with bupropion SR compared with placebo at weeks 12, 20, and 48, and "craving right now" was significantly less with bupropion SR compared with placebo at weeks 12, 16, 20, 24, 48, and 52 (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Craving continues to be a significant concern for individuals even after they have successfully stopped smoking. Bupropion SR appears to reduce reported cravings, which may contribute to the overall reduction in the rate of relapse observed with this pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   

The relationship between thermogenic and potentially atherogenic effects of cigarette smoking (CS) and its cessation was investigated. Heavy smokers (n = 7, serum cotinine > 200 ng/ml, > 20 cigarettes/d) were maintained on isoenergetic, constant diets for 2 wk, 1 wk with and 1 wk without CS. Stable isotope infusions with indirect calorimetry were performed on day 7 of each phase, after an overnight fast. CS after overnight abstention increased resting energy expenditure by 5% (not significant vs. non-CS phase; P = 0.18). CS increased the flux of FFA by 77%, flux of glycerol by 82%, and serum FFA concentrations by 73% (P < 0.02 for each), but did not significantly affect fat oxidation. Hepatic reesterification of FFA increased more than threefold (P < 0.03) and adipocyte recycling increased nonsignificantly (P = 0.10). CS-induced lipid substrate cycles represented only 15% (estimated 11 kcal/d) of observed changes in energy expenditure. De novo hepatic lipogenesis was low (< 1-2 g/d) and unaffected by either acute CS or its chronic cessation. Hepatic glucose production was not affected by CS, despite increased serum glycerol and FFA fluxes. Cessation of CS caused no rebound effects on basal metabolic fluxes. In conclusion, a metabolic mechanism for the atherogenic effects of CS on serum lipids (increased hepatic reesterification of FFA) has been documented. Increased entry of FFA accounts for CS-induced increases in serum FFA concentrations. The thermogenic effect of CS is small or absent in heavy smokers while the potentially atherogenic effect is maintained, and cessation of CS does not induce a rebound lipogenic milieu that specifically favors accrual of body fat in the absence of increased food intake.  相似文献   

Candidate medications for smoking cessation may be screened more efficiently if initial evaluations in humans combine the practical advantages of laboratory studies with the clinical validity of clinical trials, such as by increasing participants' "quit motivation" during brief testing. We manipulated "intrinsic" quit motivation by recruiting smokers who either did intend to quit soon ("treatment seekers," N = 47) or did not ("nonseekers," N = 93), and "extrinsic" quit motivation by providing or not providing reinforcement for abstinence ($12/day). All the subjects smoked as they would usually do during weeks 1 and 3, and tried to quit during weeks 2 and 4 using either a nicotine patch (21 mg) or a placebo patch, in accordance with the crossover design of the study. The nicotine patch increased abstinence in treatment seekers but not in nonseekers. Reinforcement had a main effect on abstinence but did not moderate the effects of the nicotine patch or treatment-seeking status. Intrinsic, but not extrinsic, quit motivation of participants may enhance the validity of brief tests of medication efficacy for smoking cessation.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-five patients with asthma were questioned on the character of their symptoms in connection with cessation of tobacco smoking. Eighteen out of fifty-nine patients who stopped smoking, reported worsening of their symptoms. The pathogenesis behind this effect may be the effect of tobacco smoke on the immune system particularly macrophages and T cells.  相似文献   

There is a wealth of opportunities for nurses to facilitate smoking cessation with their patients. Nurses have shown to have a modest but positive effect on cessation rates when they deliver brief or intensive counseling. Because nurses work in a multitude of clinical settings, they can impact both prevention and treatment of nicotine addiction associated with cigarette use. More nurses need to be educated about their role in reducing the morbidity and mortality of tobacco-related diseases.  相似文献   

It has been argued that psychiatric nurses are ideally placed to provide smoking cessation interventions to patients with mental illness. This assumes that psychiatric nurses actively support smoking cessation. The current paper articulates some of the reasons why this has not occurred, in particular, some of the ethical beliefs held by nurses that may prevent such activity. Such an assumption also discounts the evidence that confirms psychiatric nurses to have among the highest smoking rates in nursing and in the health professions in general. The role and impact of the institution are also considered. In-depth interviews with seven community and inpatient psychiatric nurses were thematically analysed. Extensive individual and group discussions were also held with inpatient nurses from open and locked psychiatric settings during participant observation of the settings. The findings suggest that psychiatric nurses can be more effective in the primary care role of supporting patients' smoking cessation if they receive adequate institutional support to do so.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. This discursive paper explores issues of abuse during smoking cessation counselling. Background. During a training session for a smoking cessation intervention pilot study, nurses expressed concerns about issues of abuse that had previously surfaced during cessation counselling in their practice. Abused women are more likely to smoke. As guidelines recommend integrating cessation interventions into practice, issues of abuse are likely to surface. Methods. A literature review and synthesis of abuse and smoking cessation was undertaken to arrive at recommendations for practice. Results. There are a few suggestions about how to manage abuse within cessation counselling, but none have been studied: (1) integrate stress‐management strategies, (2) assess for abuse, (3) provide separate interventions for partners to create a safe environment, and (4) develop interventions that consider the relationship couples have with tobacco. However, coping strategies alone do not address abuse, screening without treatment is not helpful, and partner interventions assume both partners are open to quitting/counselling. In contrast, as with all clinical practice, abuse and cessation would be considered separate but intertwined problems, and following best practice guidelines for abuse would provide the guidance on how to proceed. After care has been taken to address abuse, it is the patient’s decision whether to continue with cessation counselling. Conclusion. Guidelines addresses both care planning and the ethical/legal issues associated with the disclosure of abuse and provide a practical tool for addressing abuse that obviates the need to tailor cessation interventions to abuse. Relevance to clinical practice. This paper clarifies a relationship between smoking and abuse and the subsequent implications for smoking cessation interventions and highlights the importance of addressing abuse and smoking cessation separately, even though they are interrelated problems. It provides nurses with appropriate initial responses when abuse is disclosed during an unexpected encounter such as during a smoking cessation intervention.  相似文献   

Cope L 《Nursing times》2011,107(44):18-20
Nurses can make a significant contribution to improving public health and reducing health inequalities by helping patients to quit smoking. This article outlines the main options to support patients, including pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   

Persons with serious mental illness (SMI) are faced with substantial challenges to their health. This population is two to three times more likely to smoke cigarettes than persons who do not suffer from mental illness. In particular, young adults are at high risk for vulnerability to both SMI and cigarette smoking. Although there are proven methods for smoking cessation, both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions show limited usefulness for SMI who smoke. Alternative health care options as well as support groups and physical exercise are discussed as methods that may be useful in smoking cessation. Finally, integration of smoking cessation programming into existing mental health treatment services may offer the greatest opportunity for client success.  相似文献   

This article, the fourth of eight in the health promotion series, aims to help nurses support clients make changes in their smoking and dietary behaviours.  相似文献   

目的探讨护理干预在早期慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者戒烟中的作用与效果。方法将早期慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者分为实验组102例和对照组110例。对照组给予常规健康教育,实验组给予多种形式的护理干预。比较两组患者的吸烟知识知晓率及吸烟行为。结果实验组患者吸烟知识知晓率高于对照组(P0.01),吸烟行为优于对照组(P0.01)。结论护理干预对提高早期慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者吸烟知识知晓率,降低吸烟率、戒烟后复吸率有重要作用。  相似文献   

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