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BACKGROUND: The major house dust mite Der p 1 allergen is associated with allergic disease. Heterologous over-expression of biologically active Der p 1 was previously attempted but with limited success. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to establish an efficient system for the production of recombinant Der p 1. METHODS: The proform of Der p 1 was expressed in Pichia pastoris as a fusion with the alpha mating factor signal sequence. The recombinant product was purified from culture medium and compared to Der p 1 isolated from mite culture, in terms of enzymatic activity as well as IgE binding capacity. RESULTS: ProDer p 1 was efficiently secreted into culture medium as a hyperglycosylated protein of 40-60 kDa. Postpurification dialysis in acidic buffer was required for the autocatalytic processing of Der p 1. During this treatment, the prosequence was efficiently removed to give highly glycosylated recombinant mature Der p 1. Competition ELISA experiments as well as cysteine proteinase activity assays indicated that recombinant processed Der p 1 was similar to natural Der p 1 isolated from mite cultures in terms of IgE binding and enzymatic activities. However, the histamine releasing activity of recombinant Der p 1 was slightly weaker than that of natural Der p 1. CONCLUSION: This efficient system for recombinant Der p 1 expression leads the way for the design of new diagnostics for house dust mite allergy, epitope mapping, allergen engineering, structural and immunological studies and new immunotherapeutic treatments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The house dust mite (HDM) Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus is an important source of allergens, which can cause allergic conditions. The cysteine protease activity of Der p 1 may enhance the potency of this major mite allergen through cleavage of CD23 and CD25 from the surface of immune cells, IgE independent mast cell activation, increases in epithelial cell permeability and inactivation of an endogenous serine protease inhibitor. Inhibition of the enzymatic activity of Der p 1 may therefore be of therapeutic benefit. OBJECTIVE: To examine the activity of PTL11028, a newly developed Der p 1 inhibitor, in a range of assays that directly or indirectly measure Der p 1 protease activity and to compare its activity to endogenous cysteine protease inhibitors. METHODS: The proteolytic activities of purified Der p 1 or HDM extract and inhibitory properties of PTL11028 were examined through cleavage of an artificial peptidyl substrate, cleavage of CD23 from human B cells and permeability studies on primary human bronchial epithelial cells. RESULTS: PTL11028 is a highly potent and specific Der p 1 inhibitor, being effective against both purified protease and Der p 1 within HDM extract. PTL11028 can completely inhibit Der p 1-mediated CD23 cleavage from human B cells and also reduces HDM-induced human bronchial epithelial cell permeability by 50%. Der p 1 is potently inhibited by cystatin A and to a lesser extent by cystatins C and E/M. CONCLUSION: PTL11028 is a highly potent and selective irreversible inhibitor of the cysteine protease activity of Der p 1, an activity that may be modulated in vivo by some human cystatins. PTL11028 prevents the Der p 1-mediated cleavage of CD23 from human B cells and significantly reduces HDM-induced permeabilization of the epithelial barrier. PTL11028 is an important tool to examine the biological effects of Der p 1 in a range of in vitro and in vivo model systems.  相似文献   

Background: Fluctuations in the level of mite allergens in domestic house dust are the result of changes in the balance between synthesis, removal and decay. Purely physical forces as well as enzymatic degradation, mediated by house dust inhabiting microbes, may contribute to the decay of allergens in domestic dust. Knowledge about the speed of decay is essential for an understanding of the dynamics of allergen levels. Objective: The present study is a quantitative assessment of the speed of decay at nine combinations of temperature (15°C, 20°C and 25°C) and relative humidity (33%, 55% and 75%). Methods: Samples of mite infested material of an old rug were stored at these temperature/relative humidity-combinations for 6, 12 or 18 months, after the mites were killed by cither a freezing treatment or an acaricide (lindane). The microbes living in the rug presumably survive these treatments. Concentrations of Der p I and Der p II + Der f II. in extracts of the rug material, were measured by a radio immunoassay. Results: No significant changes in the levels of Der p I and Der p II +Der f II, could be detected even after 11/2 year at a high temperature and humidity. Conclusion: These findings incidate that mite allergens can be extremely stable under normal domestic circumstances.  相似文献   

Background Exposure of the skin or respiratory tract to proteinases is frequently associated with allergic sensitization. This is of particular significance in the domestic indoor environment where the proteolytic activity of Der p I, the group I allergen of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, may influence the allergenicity of mites. Using class-specific proteinase inhibitors and active-site affinity chromatography, we have previously shown that Der p I exhibits a mixed cysteine-serine proteinase activity. Measurement of the amount of cleavage, however, did not determine whether the inhibitors used were targeting exactly the same proteolytic mechanism. Objective To resolve this issue, we have examined whether the cleavage specificity of the cysteine and serine proteinase activities of Der p I was the same. Methods HPLC and mass spectrometry were used to analyse and identify the products of a Der p I-digested peptide substrate and thus identify the peptide bonds cleaved. Results Der p I cleaves different peptide bonds, depending upon the class of proteolytic mechanism used. In the model peptide substrate insulin B chain, the cysteine and serine proteinase activities of Der p I showed preference for glutamic acid and arginine respectively in the P1 position. Conclusion These data suggest the existence of more than one mechanistic form of the allergen immunologically identified as Der p I. If proteolytic activity is indeed a function of allergenicity, this information may have important implications for the pathogenicity of Der p I and the ability of innate antiproteinase defences in the respiratory tract to prevent immune sensitization.  相似文献   

Sequence polymorphisms of the Der p 3 house dust mite allergen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Background The trypsin-like protein Der p 3 is a major allergen of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. Like other vertebrate and invertebrate trypsin-like molecules, isoelectricfocusing studies with the natural Der p 3 protein have indicated that several isoforms exist. Objective To determine the extent of the sequence variation of the Der p 3 allergen and distinguish at the molecular level, whether the sequence isoforms represent allelic variants or multiple genes of the allergen. Methods Five cDNA clones of Der p 3 have been isolated from a λ gt 10 D. pteronyssinus library, using a radiolabelled polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Der p 3 P3WS1 probe and sequenced. Southern blot and inverse PCR analysis of Eco RI digested genomic DNA was performed. Results Southern blot analysis of Eco RI digested genomic DNA showed that the DNA encoding Der p 3 was located on a single 3.5 kb fragment and inverse polymerase chain reaction analysis (PCR) of this DNA showed that there was only a single Der p 3 gene on this 3.5 kb fragment. The nucleotide sequence of one of the clones was identical to the original Der p 3 P3WS1 clone and two clones ditfered only in their 3′untranslated sequences. The other two contained nucleotide changes which lead to several substitutions at the amino acid level, both conservative and non conservative. Clone 3 had 98.7% identity with Der p 3 P3WS1. One clone for which the full sequence was not available (clone 4) had only 84.4% identity with the original clone and is therefore consistent with an isoallergen. Conclusions These data along with our previous genomic sequence shows that for the most part, the Der p 3 allergen has only minor sequence variations (variants) although the isoallergen indicated by clone 4 needs further investigation. It is now evident that Der p 3 is encoded by a single gene and that most cDNA clones constructed from commercial mites show only minor sequence variation similar to that observed for the group I and group 2 house dust mite allergens.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We have recently demonstrated that immunization of mice with proteolytically active Der p 1, the major dust mite allergen, results in a significant enhancement in total and Der p 1-specific IgE synthesis compared to mice immunized with Der p 1 that has been irreversibly blocked with the cysteine protease inhibitors E-64 and iodoacetamide. Thus, the demonstration that the proteolytic activity of Der p 1 enhances total IgE production, apart from increasing Der p 1-specific IgE, suggests that this allergen may have an IgE-specific adjuvant effect. OBJECTIVE: To determine if the proteolytic activity of Der p 1 has an IgE-specific adjuvant effect. METHODS: We have examined this concept in experiments whereby ovalbumin, used as a bystander antigen, was injected alone or coinjected with either proteolytically active or inactive Der p 1 into groups of mice and IgE and IgG antibody responses were measured. RESULTS: Here we demonstrate for the first time that the proteolytic activity of Der p 1, when given at 10-fold higher concentration, enhances the IgE antibody response to ovalbumin. CONCLUSIONS: These findings show that the proteolytic activity of Der p 1 leads to the augmentation of IgE antibody responses to itself and to other allergens present in the microenvironment.  相似文献   

IgE binding structures of the major house dust mite allergen Der p I.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The group I allergens Der p I and Der f I are potent allergens of mites from the genus Dermatophagoides. IgE radioimmune dot blots and immunoabsorption with recombinant peptides have been used to define areas of antigenicity. Four linear binding regions comprising residues 15-33, 60-80, 81-94 and 101-111 were found in the N terminal domain and one, 155-187, in the C-terminal domain, but direct evidence for their discontinuous nature is shown. Firstly, the binding activity of residues 60-80 required either C- or N-terminal flanking sequences to express reactivity and secondly a discontinuous determinant was directly demonstrated by the two non-overlapping peptides 53-99 and 101-154 which significantly cross absorbed specificities to one another. This also indicates considerable homogeneity in the antibodies recognising these peptides. The IgE binding peptides could be located to equivalent residues on the X-ray crystallographic structure of the homologous proteins actinidin and papain. The residues 81-94 and 101-111 which gave strong reactivity were located on a flexible loop connecting the domains and represent areas in which synthetic peptides could be expected to retain activity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We have recently demonstrated that intraperitoneal immunization of mice with proteolytically active Der p 1, the major house dust mite allergen, results in a significant and selective enhancement of total and Der p 1-specific IgE synthesis compared to mice immunized with proteolytically inactive Der p 1. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the proteolytic activity of Der p 1 would lead to enhanced inflammatory cellular infiltration of the lungs and systemic IgE production when administered through the respiratory system, which is the natural route of entry for this allergen. METHODS: Groups of mice were initially sensitized with proteolytically active Der p 1 through the intraperitoneal and the subcutaneous routes and subsequently exposed intranasally to either proteolytically active Der p 1, inactive Der p 1 or PBS. The extent of cellular infiltration of the lungs and systemic IgE production in the three animal groups were then compared. RESULTS: Here, we show for the first time that the administration of proteolytically active Der p 1 to mice through the intranasal route leads to significant inflammatory cellular infiltration of the lungs and systemic production of IgE. CONCLUSIONS: These data underline the important role of the proteolytic activity of Der p 1 in driving the allergic response in the lungs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is very limited information comparing T-cell responses to different house dust mite (HDM) allergens even though T cells are essential in the initiation and regulation of immunoglobulin (Ig) E synthesis and eosinophilia. OBJECTIVE: To compare the level of T-cell proliferation and cytokine production to the group 1 and group 7 HDM allergens which are known to have different IgE-binding capabilities. METHODS: Freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from HDM-allergic and HDM-nonallergic donors were stimulated with the group 1 and group 7 allergens of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and the level of proliferation as well as IL-5 and IFNgamma production were measured. RESULTS: The proliferative and IL-5 production to the group 1 and group 7 allergens were equivalent despite the group 7 allergen's lower frequency of IgE-binding. However more IFNgamma was produced to Der p 7 than to Der p 1, particularly for the nonallergic donors. As expected IL-5 production was much higher for PBMC from the allergic donors than for cells from nonallergics; however, there was no difference in the level of T-cell proliferation between the donor groups. CONCLUSION: The relative importance of the individual HDM allergens is normally determined by measuring the frequency of IgE-binding to the allergen in sera from an allergic population. The equivalent increased IL-5 response of PBMC from allergic people to the group 1 and group 7 allergens despite the different IgE-inducing activity indicates that these allergens may be equally capable of contributing to an asthmatic response by inducing eosinophilia.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody assay has been developed to measure Der p I specific IgE in sera of D. pteronyssinus sensitive patients. In this assay a specific monoclonal antibody was bound to the solid-phase and this complex was used for insolubilization of the allergen. Two procedures using two different solid-phases, CNBr activated paper discs and microtitre plate wells, were compared. In the paper disc assay about 90% of specific IgE was bound to the solid-phase. A study of 80 sera from mite sensitive children confirmed the importance of Der p I; indeed all the sera contained Der p I specific IgE and IgE anti Der p I contributed from 5% to 100% (mean = 39%) of the mite specific IgE response. In the microtitre plate assay only 45% of specific IgE was immobilized and it was necessary to express the results in arbitrary units. The correlation with the paper disc assay was significantly positive (r = 0.89) but five samples were found to be negative. However, this assay appears to be of interest for studying the affinity of specific IgE in different samples. The use of specific monoclonal antibodies as allergosorbents is a useful approach to a better standardization of the in vitro diagnostic reagents.  相似文献   

Background and Objective Chimeric mouse/human monoclonal IgGl and IgG4 antibodies were developed against the house dust mite allergen Der p 2. These chimeric IgG antibodies, hIgG1-Dp2 A and hIgG4-Dp2 A, have the same binding characteristics as the previously reported chimeric hIgE-Dp2 A and are composed of the heavy chain variable domains and light chains ot the original murine monoclonal antibody 2B12., whereas the heavy chain constant domains have been replaced by the human IgGl or IgG4 heavy chain. The expression level of hIgG1-Dp2 A and hIgG4-Dp2 A was 1 and 3.5 μg/mL, respectively. Methods and Results Since all IgG in these culture supernatants is allergen-specific. they are useful reference reagents and enable the calculation of the amount of allergen specific IgG l and IgG4 antibodies in absolute IgG amounts. The results obtained with two panels of sera from patients in immunotherapeutic treatment were evaluated and compared in Der p 2 IgE, IgGl and IgG4 RAST and with reversed lgG4 RAST using labelled purified Der p 2. Close agreement between the results for the two IgG4 assays was found. Conclusion With these chimeric reference reagents the quantities of isotype specific antiallergen antibodies can be calculated and compared.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We have previously demonstrated that synthetic pillows contain significantly more Der p 1 than feather pillows. The aim of this study was to compare the accumulation of Der p 1 allergen on new synthetic and new feather pillows. METHODS: Der p 1 was measured in dust samples from pairs of synthetic and feather pillows placed together on 12 beds over a 12-month period. RESULTS: After 12 months synthetic pillows contained higher concentrations of Der p 1 (19.28 microg/g; 95% confidence interval: 9.76-38.07) than feather pillows (6.45 microg/g; 2.96-14.05). There was a significant correlation between Der p 1 concentrations of pillows at 12 months and Der p 1 concentrations of the mattresses at the beginning of the study (r = 0.72; P = 0.008 for both types of pillows). CONCLUSIONS: Synthetic pillows accumulate Der p 1 more rapidly than feather pillows and the accumulation rate of Der p 1 on pillows is governed by the Der p 1 concentration in the immediate environment they are placed in.  相似文献   

Evaluation of: Trompette A, Divanovic S, Visintin A et al. Allergenicity resulting from functional mimicry of a Toll-like receptor complex protein. Nature 457, 585–588 (2009).

The majority of complex sources of allergen contain a small number of dominant allergens that bind at least half of the IgE antibodies of allergic subjects. For the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, these allergens are Der p 1 and Der p 2. There is evidence that the cysteine-protease activity of Der p 1 imparts adjuvant activity to the allergen. It has now been shown that Der p 2 mimics the activity of its fellow ML-domain protein, MD-2, by presenting lipopolysaccharide to Toll-like receptor-4 for the activation of inflammatory genes. In accord with this, Der p 2 presented with lipopolysaccharide also induced enhanced type 1 allergic sensitization of mice, even when they were deficient in MD-2. The mimicry of MD-2 can thus also self adjuvant Der p 2 to enhance it allergenicity. This not only describes an intriguing mechanism for enhancing allergenicity but also, since both of the dominant mite allergens have intrinsic adjuvant activity, exemplifies an important principle for driving allergic sensitization.  相似文献   

Background To interpret individual measurements of house dust mite (MDM) allergen and to design and analyse HDM studies it is necessary to quantify the variability which is inherent in the measurement of this exposure. Objective To estimate the repeatability of one method of HDM allergen measurement. Methods We analysed data from one or more HDM allergen measurements in 215 houses included in four previous studies conducted in Sydney (a high allergen environment) and Busselton. Western Australia (a moderate allergen environment). Samples were collected from the bed by vacuuming above and below the sheets and inside the pillow case and from the bedroom and living room floors by vacuuming a I m2 area for 1 min. Extracts from aliquots of fine dust from each sample were assayed for HDM allergen Der p I using a monoclonal antibody enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (IBLISA). The values for HDM allergen were positively skewed and the suitability of a log transformation was established by the resulting normal distribution and stable within-site variance. Results The range of single determination (within which the true value lies with 95% certainty) was 3-1-fold for samples from the bed and 3.5-fold for samples from the floor. The coefficient of repeatability (the ratio beyond which a change between two estimates is established with 95% certainty) was 4.9 for the bed and 5.8 for the floor. Conculsion We estimate that, to detect a twofold difference or change in allergen levels. 35 houses per group will be required in cross-sectional studies and 30 houses per group in parallel-group, randomized controlled trials. We recommend that beds be sampled by collecting dust from the layer of bedding below the bottom sheet. A single site within the bedroom floor may be taken as representative of this site but this is not true for the living-room floor.  相似文献   

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