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An enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strain producing a previously undescribed putative colonization factor was isolated from a child with diarrhea in India. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of bacterial heat extracts revealed a polypeptide band of 20.8 kDa when the bacteria were grown at 37 degrees C which was absent after growth at 22 degrees C. A specific rabbit antiserum raised against the purified 20.8-kDa protein bound specifically to the fimbriae, as shown by immunoelectron microscopy, and inhibited bacterial adhesion to tissue-cultured Caco-2 cells. Transformation with a recombinant plasmid harboring the cfaD gene, which encodes a positive regulator for several ETEC fimbriae, induced hyperexpression of the 20.8-kDa fimbrial subunit and a substantial increase in the proportion of bacterial cells that were fimbriated. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the polypeptide showed 65 and 60% identity to the PCFO20 and 987P fimbriae of human and porcine ETEC, respectively. We propose the term CS20 for this new putative colonization factor of human ETEC.  相似文献   

The ability to colonize the small intestine is essential for the pathogenesis of diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). Colonization is mediated by fimbriae (pili), of which there are several antigenically distinct types, including colonization factor antigen I, colonization factor antigen II (CS1, CS2, and CS3), and PCF8775 (CS4, CS5, and CS6). These fimbriae are associated with certain ETEC O serogroups. Serogroup O159 has had no known colonization factor. We found a distinct plasmid-encoded fimbria composed of 19-kilodalton protein subunits associated with ETEC serotype O159:H4. Rabbit antibody against this purified fimbria reacted with a single 19-kilodalton protein band as seen by Western immunoblot of sheared-cell preparations. The rabbit antibody, treated with colloidal-gold-labeled goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G, bound specifically to fimbriae when cells were examined with an electron microscope. Of 10 available ETEC O159:H4 strains from Europe, Bangladesh, and Kenya, 6 expressed this type of fimbria; its true prevalence among ETEC strains is unknown. This putative colonization factor of O159:H4 joins other ETEC fimbriae as potentially useful immunogens against human diarrhea.  相似文献   

The role of some well-characterized putative colonization factors (PCFs) in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), i.e. PCFO159, PCFO166, CS7, CS17 and CFA/III, for colonization of the bacteria in the intestine was studied in a non-ligated rabbit intestine model (RITARD). Intestinal administration of 10(11) organisms of the various strains only resulted in very mild symptoms with loose stools during a few days in most of the animals. Strains expressing PCFO159, CS7, CS17 and CFA/III were shed in the stool for a significantly longer period than PCF/CS-negative ETEC. However, the mean time of shedding PCFO166 positive organisms did not significantly exceed that of non-fimbriated E. coli. All strains that colonized rabbit intestine, as assessed by prolonged fecal excretion, also gave rise to high serum antibody responses against the homologous fimbriae whereas non-colonizing strains failed to induce such responses. This study strongly suggests that several of the recently described PCFs, e.g. PCFO159, CS7, CS17 and CFA/III are colonizing factors and strong immunogens.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains were divided into five groups on the basis of their bacterial surface hydrophobicity (Honda et al., FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 17:273-276, 1983). Strains in group III showed heat-stable high hydrophobicity, although they did not show mannose-resistant hemagglutination with either human or bovine erythrocytes. E. coli strain 260-1 in group III was characterized. Electron microscopic examination revealed the presence of pili on the surface of this strain, but not on that of strain 260-1a, which is a mutant of 260-1 showing low hydrophobicity. When strain 260-1 was grown at 18 degrees C, it did not produce pili or show high hydrophobicity. On homogenization of strain 260-1 grown at 37 degrees C the high hydrophobicity and the pili on its surface were lost. These results indicate that the pili of strain 260-1 are associated with the hydrophobicity. Strain 260-1 pili were purified to homogeneity by successive column chromatographies on Sepharose 4B and phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B. Their molecular weight was estimated to be about 18,000. An antigenic difference between purified pili of strain 260-1 and colonization factor antigens I and II was demonstrated. The colonization ability of E. coli 260-1 was shown by animal experiments on suckling mice and infant rabbits. From these results it is concluded that the pili of strains in group III of human enterotoxigenic E. coli, which may play a role in colonization, are of a new type.  相似文献   

Plasmid DNA from two strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli harboring genes encoding coli surface antigen 4 (CS4) and from seven Indian enterotoxigenic E. coli isolates cross-hybridized at low stringency but not at high stringency with two polynucleotide probes derived from the colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) operon. Low-stringency Southern blot hybridization of PstI-digested plasmid DNA from the seven Indian isolates yielded characteristic restriction fragment patterns, distinct from those of CS4- and CFA/I-associated plasmid DNA. Two of the Indian strains were transformed with a recombinant plasmid harboring the cfaD gene, which encodes a positive regulator of CFA/I and CS4 genes. The cfaD transformants produced large amounts of putative colonization factor O166 (PCFO166) irrespective of whether the nutrient agar contained bile salts, a growth factor otherwise required for adequate PCFO166 expression. A considerable interstrain variation in the level of PCFO166 production could be explained by differences in the proportion of bacteria that were fimbriated, as visualized by electron microscopy. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of PCFO166 fimbrial protein showed a high degree of homology with the corresponding sequences of CFA/I and CS4.  相似文献   

Putative colonization factor PCFO20 was recently identified in an enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strain of serogroup O20 isolated from a child with diarrhea in Argentina. The gene encoding the structural subunit of PCFO20 fimbriae, fotA, was cloned from strain ARG-2 in the expression phage vector lambda ZAP Express. One positive clone, pGV29, that carried a 3.3-kb fragment was identified on the basis of fimbrillin production by using a monospecific rabbit anti-PCFO20 serum. Nucleotide sequencing of a 1.3-kb Sau3A-ClaI fragment of the subclone pGV292 containing the region coding for PCFO20 fimbrillin revealed two open reading frames of which one was complete. A western blot (immunoblot) showed that the cloned protein, FotA, migrated like the PCFO20 fimbrial subunit protein did. Fimbriae were not detected on the surface of E. coli host bacteria containing pGV292 or pGV29, suggesting that the genes needed for assembly of PCFO20 fimbriae are lacking in both clones. The fotA gene encodes a 20,574-Da prefimbrillin protein which contains a 21-amino-acid signal sequence; the mature protein has a size of 18.1 kDa. The subunit protein FotA was found to be more homologous to the subunit of porcine 987P than to any fimbrial subunit produced by human ETEC. Alignments of the amino acid sequences of the two proteins indicate that they are partly identical, with an overall similarity of 82%. FotA fimbrillin was shown to be transported and assembled by the fimbria assembly machinery in porcine ETEC strain 987. PCFO20 and 987P may have evolved from a common ancestral gene. They are immunologically related but have affinity for different host cell receptors, since PCFO20-producing bacteria do not bind to neonatal piglet enterocytes.  相似文献   

An enterotoxigenic strain of Escherichia coli O25:H42 (strain E8775), isolated from a patient in Bangladesh with diarrhea, caused mannose-resistant hemagglutination (MRHA) of human and bovine erythrocytes. The strain did not show slide agglutination or immunodiffusion precipitin lines with antiserum specific for the colonization factor antigen CFA/I or CFA/II. A variant E. coli strain, E8775-B, did not cause MRHA or produce enterotoxin. Electron microscopy revealed the presence of fimbriae on the surface of strain E8775 but not strain E8775-B. When strain E8775 was grown at 22 degrees C, it became MRHA negative and fimbriae were absent. An antiserum prepared against strain E8775 was absorbed with strain E8775-B to make an antiserum specific for the fimbrial antigen. Using this absorbed antiserum, we found the fimbrial antigen in 48 of 742 enterotoxigenic E. coli strains. The 48 strains belonged to serogroups O25, O115, and O167. It is suggested by analogy to the properties of previously described colonization factors that these fimbriae may play a part in the colonization of the intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

The human erythrocyte receptor which mediates mannose-resistant hemagglutination by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli possessing colonization factor antigen II is not universally distributed among donors. Mannose-resistant hemagglutination-positive erythrocytes are more common among black donors than nonblack donors; tests with erythrocytes of known antigenic makeup confirm this correlation. Colonization factor antigen II receptor activity of mannose-resistant hemagglutination-positive erythrocytes is unstable when whole blood is stored at 4 degrees C. Also, screening of donors is best performed with enterotoxigenic E. coli possessing colonization factor antigen II composed of the coli surface antigen 1 (CS1) plus CS3, since these consistently produce stronger hemagglutination reactions than strains with colonization factor antigen II composed of either CS2 plus CS3 or CS3 only.  相似文献   

Colonization factor antigens (CFAs) of human enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli can be divided in groups based on the N-terminal amino acid sequence of their major subunit protein. One of the groups that has been distinguished in this way, is the CFA/I group of fimbriae. The sequence of the fimbrial subunit genes in the operons encoding the antigens CS4, CS14 and CS17, all members of this group, was determined. A duplication of the fimbrial subunit gene (csuA) was found in the CS14 operon, both genes encoding very similar proteins. Purified CS14 fimbriae consist of two proteins with different molecular masses (15.5 and 17.0 kDa) but identical N-terminal amino acid sequences, which strongly suggests that both csuA genes are transcribed. A phylogenetic tree derived from the amino acid sequences of the CFA/I, CS1, CS2, CS4, CS14, CS17 and CS19 subunit proteins shows that CS1, CS17 and CS19 belong to the same subgroup. CFA/I, CS4 and CS14 belong to a second subgroup, while CS2 is distinct within the CFA/I group of fimbriae. The genetic similarity between CS1, CS17 and CS19 is reflected in the substantial immunological cross-reactivity observed, both between their protein subunits and intact fimbriae.  相似文献   

We developed an accurate nonradioactive colony hybridization assay (NCHA) using a digoxigenin-labeled polynucleotide probe and an antidigoxigenin alkaline phosphatase conjugate for the identification of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) harboring genes for colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I), coli surface antigen 4 (CS4), or putative colonization factor O166 (PCFO166). In this 2-day assay, visual registration of color intensity could be used to distinguish between CFA/I-positive strains and strains with the genetic potential to express CS4 or PCFO166. A rapid NCHA was developed by which the results could be read visually 7 h and 45 min after inoculation of the bacteria. In the rapid NCHA, densitometry verified the visual discrimination between four groups of E. coli; ETEC with the CFA/I gene, ETEC with the CS4 gene, ETEC with the PCFO166 gene, and E. coli strains that lack such genes. As a confirmatory test, plasmids from ETEC with the CFA/I, CS4, or PCFO166 gene were differentiated by their characteristic restriction fragment patterns in nonradioactive Southern blot hybridization.  相似文献   

Hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies directed against intact colonization factor antigen I pili have been produced by the fusion of spleen cells from immunized BALB/c mice with NS1/SP2 myeloma cells. The four monoclones with the highest antibody titer, as detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA), were chosen for antibody amplification by production of mouse ascitic fluid. These four were examined for antibody specificity by ELISA and immunoblot assays, using six different pilus types. Three of the four monoclonal isolates were specific for only colonization factor antigen I pili in both assays, whereas the remaining isolate showed a distinct cross-reactivity with K99 pili in the ELISA assay but not in immunoblot analysis. These results indicate that this monoclone may be recognizing a common structural element between the two adhesive pilus types.  相似文献   

Three important fimbrial colonization factor antigens (CFAs) designated CFA/I, CFA/II, and E8775 were identified originally in some human enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains because of their mannose-resistant hemagglutination properties. To identify CFA, in strains lacking mannose-resistant hemagglutination properties we exploited the ability of human ETEC strains to adhere to human proximal small intestinal mucosa. ETEC strain B7A (O148:H28) was selected for study because it belongs to an epidemiologically important serotype and does not produce a known CFA, and yet it is known to be pathogenic and cause diarrheal disease in human volunteers. Results of an human enterocyte adhesion assay indicated that some bacteria in cultures of B7A produced adhesive factors. To select for such bacteria, cultured human duodenal mucosal biopsy samples were infected with B7A for up to 12 h, after which time a large percentage of the mucosal surface became colonized by bacteria. A new fimbrial structure morphologically distinct from CFA/I, CFA/II, and E8775 fimbriae and consisting of curly fibrils (approximately 3 nm in diameter) was readily identified when bacteria were subcultured from the mucosa and examined by electron microscopy. Identical fimbriae were produced by ETEC strain 1782-77 of the same serotype. Identification of these fimbriae only on bacteria subcultured from human intestinal mucosa strongly suggests that they promote mucosal adhesion of ETEC serotype O148:H28 and thus represent a potentially new human ETEC CFA.  相似文献   

Colonization factor antigens (CFAs) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) have been classified into several groups based on their distinct antigenicity. We describe here a PCR-based method to detect common CFAs of ETEC, which were characterized using conventional serology. This PCR assay is simple and sensitive for the detection of expressed CFA genes.  相似文献   

Human enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) producing colonization factor antigen III (CFA/III) and coli surface antigens 4, 5, and 6 (CS4, CS5, and CS6) of CFA/IV were examined ultrastructurally and for ability to adhere to human small intestinal enterocytes and to cultured human intestinal mucosa. Strains of serotypes O25:H-, O25:H42, and O167:H5 producing CFA/III plus CS6, CS4 plus CS6, and CS5 plus CS6, respectively, showed good adhesion to human enterocytes (1.8 to 4.2 bacteria per brush border) and cultured human intestinal mucosa, whereas variants lacking these antigens or producing only CS6 were nonadherent (0 to 0.03 bacterium per brush border). By electron microscopy, CFA/III, CS4, and CS5 appeared as morphologically distinct rodlike fimbriae: CFA/III was 7 to 8 nm in diameter, CS4 was 6 to 7 nm in diameter, and CS5 was 5 to 6 nm in diameter. CS5 was unusual in that it appeared to be composed of two fine fibrils arranged in a double-helical structure. CS6 was difficult to characterize morphologically but possibly has a very fine fibrillar structure. By specific fimbrial staining and immunoelectron microscopy. CS4 and CS5 were shown to promote mucosal adhesion of ETEC; a similar adhesion role for the CS6 antigen could not be confirmed. ETEC strains of serotypes O27:H7, O27:H20, O148:H28, and O159:H20 which produced CS6 showed good adhesion to human enterocytes (1.6 to 3.0 bacteria per brush border), whereas variants which lacked CS6 were nonadherent (0 to 0.01 bacterium per brush border). These strains, however, also produced fimbrial or fibrillar surface antigens, in addition to CS6, which probably represent additional coli surface antigens responsible for the observed adhesive properties of these ETEC serotypes.  相似文献   

Fecal Escherichia coli isolates from 196 patients with watery diarrhea and 68 healthy individuals (controls) were analyzed in Bangladesh immediately after isolation for the presence of colonization factor antigen (CFA) I or II (CFA/I or CFA/II, respectively) by a mannose-resistant hemagglutination (MRHA) test with six species of erythrocytes and by a slide agglutination test with absorbed CFA/I or CFA/II antisera. The presence of CFAs was confirmed by immunodiffusion analyses done in Sweden. By these methods, it was found that 49 of 69 enterotoxin-producing E. coli strains isolated from patients carried CFA/I or CFA/II, whereas none of the nonenterotoxigenic E. coli isolates or the three toxin-positive strains isolated from healthy individuals carried these adhesins. All E. coli strains retained their MRHA ability after transportation to Sweden followed by one subculture and after storage at -70 degrees C (but not at room temperature) for 1 to 2 years without further subculturing. After 5 to 10 subcultures of the fresh isolates, however, 70% of the initially CFA/I- and 80% of the initially CFA/II-carrying strains analyzed did not hemagglutinate. The efficacy of different methods for detecting CFAs on the fresh isolates was compared with that of immunodiffusion. The sensitivity of MRHA with human blood group A erythrocytes for the detection of CFA/I was high (97%), but the specificity was only 69%. The sensitivity of MRHA with bovine erythrocytes for the detection of CFA/II in Bangladesh was very low but increased considerably when chicken erythrocytes were also used. Whereas both false-positive and false-negative reactions were obtained when absorbed CFA antisera were used for agglutination, antisera against purified CFAs were equally effective as immunodiffusion in identifying CFA/I and CFA/II-carrying strains.  相似文献   

The nature of the common surface antigen of six hemagglutinating and adhesive piliated Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrheic or septicemic calves was studied. By electron microscopy studies, the E. coli surface antigen designated CS31A was found on bacterial cells and in purified form to consist of thin (2-nm) "fibrillar" fimbriae. E. coli 31A, which was cured of a 105-megadalton plasmid, failed to express CS31A fimbriae, but retained the ability to hemagglutinate and to adhere in vitro on intestinal cells. Conversely, E. coli K-12, harboring the 105-megadalton plasmid originating from strain 31A, produced CS31A fimbriae but was not able to hemagglutinate or adhere on intestinal cells. A single fimbrial subunit of 29 kilodaltons was observed when purified fimbriae from the 105-megadalton plasmid-containing E. coli K-12 strain was subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or eluted by gel filtration after dissociation by 8.5 M guanidium hydrochloride from an S300 Sephacryl column. Western immunoblot analysis and the N-terminal sequence and amino acid composition of CS31A indicate structural and immunological relatedness between CS31A and K88 protein subunits.  相似文献   

We compared a new colony hybridization assay with an established enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) expressing colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I). The tests were applied to 135 human ETEC strains. Of these isolates, 30 had previously been characterized for CFAs. A strain harboring the plasmid vector of the polynucleotide gene probe, nine non-ETEC strains from healthy infants, and eight ETEC strains of animal origin were included for further evaluation of probe specificity. The two assays showed a high level of concordance in the specific detection of ETEC strains expressing CFA/I. A total of 24 strains tested positive in the CFA/I hybridization assay, while 23 of those strains were positive in the CFA/I enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The single discrepant result could be explained by the loss of a regulatory gene. The strain harboring the plasmid vector of the probe, the non-ETEC E. coli strains, and the ETEC strains of animal origin were all negative in the CFA/I probe assay.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to a pilus colonization factor (colonization factor antigen III [CFA/III]) of human enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) were developed and characterized. All of the MAbs isolated belonged to the immunoglobulin G2a subclass. The specificity of these MAbs for CFA/III pili was demonstrated by the immunogold-labeling technique. The presence of more than one epitope in CFA/III pili was suggested. One of the three MAbs appears to recognize a polymeric conformational epitope(s) of CFA/III. CFA/III antigenicity distinct from that of other pilus colonization factors of ETEC was demonstrated by both a bacterial agglutination test and a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using the MAbs. Of the 100 strains of ETEC isolated from persons with traveler's diarrhea, 8% were found to carry CFA/III pili. Two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay systems which could detect as little as several or 50 ng of CFA/III per ml were developed.  相似文献   

Strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli producing either colonization factor antigen (CFA) I or II were tested for expression of CFA when grown on 16 different agar media by using agglutination and coagglutination with monoclonal antibodies, mannose-resistant hemagglutination, and a salt aggregation assay. CFA was detected from the CFA-positive strains when CFA agar was used, and it was also detected when other commercially available media were used, notably nutrient agar. CFA was not detected when other commercial media such as MacConkey agar were used. The use of nutrient agar with monoclonal antibody-based coagglutination reagents offers a potentially simple and rapid method for detecting E. coli which express CFA I or II.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) colonizes the intestine by means of several antigenically distinct colonization factors (CFs). Several of these CFs have very significant amino acid sequence similarity or identity, particularly in the N-terminal end. We have previously shown that a monoclonal antibody (MAb) raised against the subunits of colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) fimbriae, which reacts with a peptide corresponding to the 25 N-terminal amino acids of such subunits, can inhibit attachment to intestinal cells of ETEC expressing heterologous as well as homologous CFs, with related amino acid sequences. In this study we have, by means of Pepscan analysis, determined the sequence of the MAb-specific linear epitope to be 15IDLLQ19. Parenteral immunization of rabbits with an N-terminal 25-mer synthetic peptide of CFA/I fimbrial subunit, either covalently coupled to bovine serum albumin or uncoupled, induced high titers of specific antibodies against this peptide as well as against CFA/I fimbriae. Increased titers against several heterologous CF fimbriae with a related N-terminal sequence were also induced, whereas no increase was seen against fimbriae with an unrelated sequence. Neither antisera against the coupled peptide nor antisera against the uncoupled peptide inhibited binding of CF-expressing bacteria to the human intestinal cell line Caco-2 in spite of high titers. The difference in the inhibitory capabilities of the antipeptide sera and the MAb might be due to slightly different epitope specificities. Thus, whereas the antipeptide sera bound to several continuous epitopes in the N-terminal end, none of them reacted specifically with the epitope 15IDLLQ19.  相似文献   

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