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Site-specific recombinases are being developed as tools for "in vivo" genetic engineering because they can catalyze precise excisions, integrations, inversions, or translocations of DNA between their distinct recognition target sites. Here it is demonstrated that Flp recombinase can effectively mediate site-specific excisional recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells, in differentiating embryonal carcinoma cells, and in transgenic mice. Broad Flp expression is compatible with normal development, suggesting that Flp can be used to catalyze recombination in most cell types. These properties indicate that Flp can be exploited to make prescribed alterations in the mouse genome.  相似文献   

An efficient and accurate method for controlled in vivo transgene modulation by site-directed recombination is described. Seven transgenic mouse founder lines were produced carrying the murine lens-specific alpha A-crystallin promoter and the simian virus 40 large tumor-antigen gene sequence, separated by a 1.3-kilobase-pair Stop sequence that contains elements preventing expression of the large tumor-antigen gene and Cre recombinase recognition sites. Progeny from two of these lines were mated with transgenic mice expressing the Cre recombinase under control of either the murine alpha A-crystallin promoter or the human cytomegalovirus promoter. All double-transgenic offspring developed lens tumors. Subsequent analysis confirmed that tumor formation resulted from large tumor-antigen activation via site-specific, Cre-mediated deletion of Stop sequences.  相似文献   

Ligand-activated site-specific recombination in mice.   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
Current mouse gene targeting technology is unable to introduce somatic mutations at a chosen time and/or in a given tissue. We report here that conditional site-specific recombination can be achieved in mice using a new version of the Cre/lox system. The Cre recombinase has been fused to a mutated ligand-binding domain of the human estrogen receptor (ER) resulting in a tamoxifen-dependent Cre recombinase, Cre-ERT, which is activated by tamoxifen, but not by estradiol. Transgenic mice were generated expressing Cre-ERT under the control of a cytomegalovirus promoter. We show that excision of a chromosomally integrated gene flanked by loxP sites can be induced by administration of tamoxifen to these transgenic mice, whereas no excision could be detected in untreated animals. This conditional site-specific recombination system should allow the analysis of knockout phenotypes that cannot be addressed by conventional gene targeting.  相似文献   

Involucrin is a marker of keratinocyte terminal differentiation and is expressed only in the suprabasal layers of stratified squamous epithelium. In a previous study with various cell types in culture, we noted that expression of the putative human involucrin promoter was keratinocyte specific. To determine if this promoter is sufficient to direct expression to the suprabasal cells of stratified squamous epithelia in vivo, we have now generated transgenic mouse lines harboring the involucrin promoter sequences linked to a beta-galactosidase reporter gene. In the resulting lines, beta-galactosidase was expressed in the suprabasal compartment of stratified squamous epithelia and in hair follicles in a tissue-specific manner. In the palate, distinct vertical stacks of beta-galactosidase-expressing cells were present, suggesting movement of clonally derived cells through the epithelium. The involucrin gene has a single intron upstream of the translational start site, and removal of this intron did not affect tissue- or stratum-specific expression. These results show that the 3.7-kb involucrin upstream sequences contain all the information necessary for a high level of tissue- and stratum-specific expression.  相似文献   

Transposon-specified site-specific recombination.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Cointegrate DNA molecules containing two copies of a transposable element appear to be intermediates in the transposition process. These structures are resolved by site-specific recombination to yield the normal end products of transposition. The transposable element gamma delta (Tn1000) synthesizes a product interchangeable with the Tn1/3tnpR protein in promoting Tn1/3 site-specific recombination. These data support the hypothesis that cointegrates containing directly repeated copies of Tn1/3 are obligatory intermediates in interreplicon transposition of Tn1/3. In addition, we show here that the reaction is independent of the element-encoded tnpA gene product. Tn501, which specifies mercury resistance, also produces cointegrates as intermediates in interreplicon transposition. The appearance of Tn501-specified recombination activity that can act on these cointegrates requires growth of cells in the presence of Hg2+.  相似文献   

Ligand-regulated site-specific recombination.   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Site-specific recombination offers a potential way to alter a living genome by design in a precise and stable manner. This potential requires strategies which can be used to regulate the recombination event. We describe a strategy to regulate FLP recombinase activity which relies on expressing FLP as a fusion protein with steroid hormone receptor ligand binding domains (LBDs). In the absence of a ligand cognate to the LBD, the recombinase activity of the fusion protein is extremely low. Upon ligand administration, recombinase activity is rapidly induced. These results outline the basis for inducible expression or disruption strategies based on inducible recombination. Additionally, we have exploited the conditional nature of FLP-LBD fusion proteins to direct integration of a plasmid into a specific genomic site at frequencies approaching the frequency of random integration.  相似文献   

The site-specific recombination system of phage lambda promotes crossovers at its attachment site (att). In this report we show that when phage are crossed in conditions where only the site-specific recombination system is active, a low frequency of crossovers can also be detected in a region that is close to but does not contain att. These crossovers require the phage int gene, the host hip gene, and the integrity of att. They are not detected if one of the parents carries a substitution of a heterologous attachment site (attB instead of attP). To explain these findings we suggest that site-specific recombination can proceed by exchange of single strands between the participating chromosomes at att and migration of the resulting junction outside of att.  相似文献   

Cre recombinase catalyzes site-specific recombination between two 34-bp loxP sites in a variety of DNA substrates. At the start of the recombination pathway, the loxP sites are each bound by two recombinase molecules, and synapsis of the sites is mediated by Cre-Cre interactions. We describe the structures of synaptic complexes formed between a symmetrized loxP site and two Cre mutants that are defective in strand cleavage. The DNA in these complexes is bent sharply at a single base pair step at one end of the crossover region in a manner that is atypical of protein-induced DNA bends. A large negative roll (-49 degrees) and a positive tilt (16 degrees) open the major groove toward the center of the synapse and compress the minor groove toward the protein-DNA interface. The bend direction of the site appears to determine which of the two DNA substrate strands will be cleaved and exchanged in the initial stages of the recombination pathway. These results provide a structural basis for the observation that exchange of DNA strands proceeds in a defined order in some tyrosine recombinase systems. The Cre-loxS synaptic complex structure supports a model in which synapsis of the loxP sites results in formation of a Holliday junction-like DNA architecture that is maintained through the initial cleavage and strand exchange steps in the site-specific recombination pathway.  相似文献   

The virally encoded Xis protein is one of the components in the site-specific recombination reactions of bacteriophage lambda. It is required for excisive recombination and inhibits integrative recombination. The mechanism of Xis inhibition of the integration reaction was investigated by methylation protection assays (footprinting analyses) in conjunction with recombination assays. Xis is shown to mediate the formation of a specific attP looped structure involving cooperative and competitive long-range interactions among integrase, integration host factor, and Xis proteins. This higher-order structure precludes supercoiled attP from engaging in the productive partner interactions that lead to execution of the first strand exchange in integrative recombination. In addition to its previously characterized role in excision, Xis-induced DNA bending is postulated to act as a regulatory switch (in an alternative loop mechanism) that converts the attP intasome from an integrative-competent complex to a nonreactive one.  相似文献   

Nuclease protection experiments show that Xis protein of bacteriophage lambda specifically binds attachment (att) site DNA. The region of Xis binding, present in both the phage att site and the right prophage att site, extends from position -102 to position -62 in the P arm. The sequence of this region, the positions of purines protected by Xis against methylation, and the binding of Xis to a resected att site indicate the presence of two binding sites. The postulated recognition elements, contained in 13-base-pair direct repeats separated by 7 base pairs, are situated on the same face of the DNA helix. Protection experiments performed with DNase I suggest that the DNA wraps around (or along the surface of) the bound Xis protein. The Xis binding data presented here establishes that Xis, like the other two proteins involved in lambda site-specific recombination, interacts specifically with att DNA. This rules out that class of models in which the profound effects of Xis on the directionality of site-specific recombination are mediated solely through protein-protein interactions or modification of another protein. In addition, nuclease protection experiments with pairwise combinations of the proteins show that Xis and integration host factor (IHF), or Xis and Int, can bind simultaneously to either the phage or right prophage att sites, and the DNA sequences protected are the sum of those protected with each protein alone. It is therefore unlikely that the effect of Xis on the direction of recombination is exerted by directly blocking the binding of Int or IHF to one or more of their respective binding sites.  相似文献   

Cre, the site-specific recombinase from bacteriophage P1, catalyzes a recombination reaction between specific DNA sequences designated as lox sites. The breakage and rejoining of partners during this recombination process must be highly concerted because it has not been possible to detect intermediates of the reaction with wild-type Cre. Several mutant Cre proteins have been isolated that produce significant amounts of a possible intermediate product of the recombination reaction. The product has been identified as a Holliday structure in which one set of the DNA strands of the recombining partners has been exchanged. Wild-type Cre protein is capable of acting on this structure to form recombinant products, which is consistent with this being an intermediate in the recombination reaction. Characterization of the Holliday structure indicated that one set of strands in the recombining partners was always exchanged preferentially before the other set. In addition, it has been found that certain Cre mutants that are unable to carry out recombination in vitro are able to resolve the intermediate. This suggests that these mutants are defective in a step in the reaction that precedes the formation of the Holliday intermediate.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte-directed production of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) in transgenic mice is hepatotoxic. Infrequently, hepatocytes arise that do not express uPA, due to physical loss of transgene DNA, and these cells clonally repopulate the entire liver within 3 months of birth. Surprisingly, hepatic tumors appear in these mice beginning at 8 months of age despite the fact that uPA is not oncogenic or genotoxic. Analysis of the transgene locus reveals that tumors arise only from a particular subclass of transgene-deficient cells in which the entire transgene array, and possibly a significant amount of flanking DNA, is deleted. Considering that all transgene-deficient regenerative nodules undergo extensive replication but only a subset gives rise to tumors, we propose that loss of genomic DNA, not mitogenesis per se, is a primary carcinogenic determinant in this model of hepatocarcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The adeno-associated virus (AAV) genome integrates site specifically into a defined region of human chromosome 19 (termed AAVS1). Using a functional assay for AAV integration into AAVS1 DNA propagated as an episome, we obtained evidence that a 33-nucleotide AAVS1 DNA sequence contains the minimum signal required for targeted integration. The recombination signal comprises a DNA-binding motif for the AAV regulatory Rep protein [Rep binding site (RBS)] separated by an eight-nucleotide spacer from a sequence that can act as a substrate for Rep endonucleolytic activity [terminal resolution site (TRS)]. Mutations in either the AAVS1-encoded RBS or TRS elements abort targeted integration. Since both the RBS and TRS elements are present in the viral origin of replication and are required for AAV replication, targeted integration into chromosome 19 AAVS1 DNA may involve a replicative type of recombination that is discussed. An additional chromosome 19 element, which is responsible for DNA rearrangements in episomes propagating AAVS1 DNA, was identified and shown not to be required for AAV episomal integration, despite its location adjacent to the recombination signal.  相似文献   

Site-specific recombination is responsible for a broad range of biological phenomena, including DNA inversion, resolution of transposition intermediates, and the integration and excision of bacteriophage genomes. Integration of mycobacteriophage L5 is catalyzed by a phage-encoded integrase with recombination occurring between specific attachment sites on the phage and mycobacterial chromosomes (attP and attB, respectively). Although some site-specific recombination systems simply involve binding of the recombinase to the sites of strand exchange, synapsis, and recombination, phage systems typically require the assembly of higher-order structures within which the recombinational potential of integrase is activated. The requirement for these structures derives from the necessity to regulate the directionality of recombination-either integration or excision-which must be closely coordinated with other aspects of the phage growth cycles. We show herein that there are multiple pathways available for the assembly of L5 recombination complexes, including the early synapsis of the attP and attB DNAs. This process is in contrast to the model for lambda integration and illustrates the different usage of molecular machineries to accomplish the same biological outcome.  相似文献   

The gene product of bacteriophage Mu gin catalyzes a 3,000-base-pair inversion in the DNA of the phage, thus changing its host range. In some strains of Escherichia coli there is a function that can complement Mu gin mutations. This function (pin) was cloned and shown to catalyze an inversion of 1,800 base pairs in the adjacent E. coli DNA (P region). pin- derivatives carry the P region frozen in the (+) or (-) orientation. The function of the switch is not yet clear. The sequences of gin and pin were determined; they exhibit 70% homology. The sequences around the recombination sites of Gin and Pin are also largely homologous; a consensus sequence is derived for the recombination sites of Gin and Pin, and of Hin in Salmonella typhimurium. The amino acid sequences of Gin, Pin, Hin, and TnpR are compared, and the evolutionary relationship between these prokaryotic site-specific recombination systems is discussed.  相似文献   

With the aim of developing an in vivo model that directly detects activation of estrogen receptors (ERs), transgenic mice carrying a luciferase reporter gene were generated. The luciferase reporter gene was under the control of three consensus estrogen-responsive elements (EREs) coupled to a minimal TATA-box, with or without flanking chick beta-globin insulators. By using this model in combination with the IVIS imaging system, in vivo ER activation was measured. Dose- and time-dependent luciferase activity was induced in various organs of adult transgenic male mice exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) (10-1000 micro g/kg) and 17beta-estradiol dipropionate (EP) (10-1000 micro g/kg), when luciferase activity was measured ex vivo. The highest (>10 000-fold) induction of luciferase was measured in bone and kidney 24 h after exposure to 1000 micro g/kg EP. Other highly responsive organs include liver, testis, pituitary, brain, prostate and colon, which show different activity profiles. This in vivo model for detecting estrogenic activity can be used to assess tissue-specific action of ER agonists and antagonists. These could include selective ER modulators and environmental estrogens. In combination with the IVIS imaging system, this in vivo model is a powerful tool for assessing the kinetics of gene activation by estrogenic compounds.  相似文献   

Reverse genetics in Plasmodium, the genus of parasites that cause malaria, still faces major limitations. Only red blood cell stages of this haploid parasite can be transfected. Consequently, the function of many essential genes in these and subsequent stages, including those encoding vaccine candidates, cannot be addressed genetically. Here, we establish conditional mutagenesis in Plasmodium by using site-specific recombination and the Flp/FRT system of yeast. Site-specific recombination is induced after cross-fertilization in the mosquito vector of two clones containing either the target sequence flanked by two FRT sites or the Flp recombinase. Parasites that have undergone recombination are recognized in the cross progeny through the expression of a fluorescence marker. This approach should permit to dissect the function of any essential gene of Plasmodium during the haploid phase of its life, i.e., during infection of salivary glands in the mosquito and infection of both the liver and red blood cells in the mammal.  相似文献   

Gene targeting provides a powerful tool for dissecting gene function. However, repeated targeting of a single locus remains a practice mostly limited to unicellular organisms that afford simple targeting methodologies. We developed an efficient method to repeatedly target a single locus in Drosophila. In this method, which we term “site-specific integrase mediated repeated targeting” (SIRT), an attP attachment site for the phage phiC31 integrase is first targeted to the vicinity of the gene of interest by homologous recombination. All subsequent modifications of that gene are introduced by phiC31-mediated integration of plasmids carrying an attB attachment site and the desired mutation. This highly efficient integration results in a tandem duplication of the target locus, which is then reduced into a single copy carrying the mutation, likely by the efficient “single strand annealing” mechanism, induced with a DNA double-strand break (DSB). We used SIRT to generate a series of six mutations in the Drosophila nbs gene, ranging from single amino acid replacements and small in-frame deletions to complete deletion of the gene. Because all of the components of SIRT are functional in many different organisms, it is readily adaptable to other multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

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