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正患者女性,48岁,主因反复腰腿痛3年,加重伴间歇性跛行3个月,于2015年8月12日入院。患者3年前无明显诱因出现间断性腰部胀痛伴双臀和双大腿疼痛,活动和行走无明显受限,劳累后加重、卧床休息后缓解,当地医院行腰椎CT检查显示,L4-5椎间盘突出,临床诊断为L4-5椎间盘突出症。予牵引、理疗、敷中药(具体药物不详)等治疗后好转,但上述症状反复发作,时轻时重。3个月前腰痛和双下肢放射痛加重,尤以右侧显著,伴间歇性跛行,当  相似文献   

背景:各种椎间融合器(cage)已相继被用于腰椎椎间融合,其力学性能良好,临床效果满意。常规的后路融合要平行置入双枚cage,但有学者提出可以斜向置入单枚cage的方法。 目的:实验设计方案特点在于将膨胀式cage和斜向置入单枚cage的方法相结合,通过人体外的生物力学试验,以得到一种在临床上能满足治疗要求而创伤更小的方法。 设计、时间及地点:随机抽样对照实验,于2005-05/2008-05在上海生物力学工程研究所完成。 材料:可膨胀式椎间融合器采用仿制的以色列Disc-O-Tech公司生产的B-Twin Cage。小牛新鲜腰椎标本自购自备。 方法:用18具小牛腰椎运动功能单位进行生物力学试验,分为3组,对照组、单枚斜向组及双枚平行组各6个。先测试对照组完整标本力学性能而后分组置入进行力学试验。采用WE-10A液压万能试验机,对标本进行轴向中心压缩、前屈、后伸、左右侧屈以及扭转刚度试验。 主要观察指标:各组标本的轴向刚度及扭转刚度结果。 结果:双枚cage置入组比单枚cage置入组的轴向刚度高,但只有轴向中心压缩和后伸运动方向的差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05),扭转刚度单枚cage置入组较双枚cage置入组高(P < 0.05)。 结论:经皮穿刺斜入路放置单枚膨胀式椎间融合器进行椎间骨融合从理论上是可行的;置入膨胀式融合器的腰椎功能单元的生物力学稳定性能增强,其楔形形状有一定作用;与经侧后路斜向置入单枚cage相比,经后路平行置入双枚cage的轴向稳定性高,但扭转稳定性低。  相似文献   

目的探讨经皮内镜椎板间入路椎间盘切除术(PEID)治疗腰椎间盘突出症的手术疗效。 方法回顾性分析2015年8月至2016年12月首都医科大学宣武医院功能神经外科采用PEID治疗的20例腰椎间盘突出症患者的临床资料。采用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)、Oswestry功能障碍指数(ODI)和改良MacNab疗效评估标准评价手术疗效。 结果所有患者突出髓核摘除均满意。20例均获随访,末次随访时间为术后12个月。与术前相比,术后7 d、1个月、3个月、6个月、12个月的VAS评分、ODI均较术前明显下降(均P〈0.001)。末次随访时,改良MacNab疗效评定结果显示,手术优良率为80%(16/20)。1例患者术后出现一过性下肢麻木,无感染以及神经根损伤患者。无一例复发。 结论采用PEID能够安全、有效地治疗腰椎间盘突出症。  相似文献   

穿刺引流治疗高血压脑出血(附58例分析)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我院1997年10月~2002年10月采用经皮穿刺、抽吸、液化、引流治疗高血压脑出血58例,取得满意效果,现分析报告如下.   ……  相似文献   

目的观察经皮穿刺气囊扩张椎体后突成形术治疗椎体压缩性骨折的临床效果。方法对27例椎体压缩性骨折患者的42个椎体在C型臂X线透视下经皮穿刺气囊扩张后并注入骨水泥成形,对患者疼痛程度采用视觉模拟评分法进行治疗前后评估、分级,术前术后神经功能评定,分别对患者术后l周、3个月、6个月、1a疼痛、神经功能恢复和生活质量进行评价。结果 27例患者术后均未发生感染、脊髓压迫等严重并发症。术后3~72h内疼痛得到不同程度缓解。结论经皮穿刺气囊扩张椎体成形术操作简单,创伤小,恢复快,容易被患者接受,可以早期下床适当功能锻炼,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

目的分析比较经皮内镜下椎间孔镜入路与椎板间入路治疗腰椎间盘突出患者的近期临床疗效及优缺点。方法 2009年12月至2012年12月我院收治的89例腰椎间盘突出症患者,分别采用内镜下椎间孔入路(63例)及椎板间入路(26例)腰椎间盘切除术。分析比较其手术适应证、手术操作时间、卧床及术后平均住院时间,跟踪分析各组术前及术后6个月内疗效及并发症。结果经皮内镜椎间孔入路及椎板间入路下平均手术操作时间分别为85 min及66 min,平均卧床时间为8.6 h及8.5 h,手术后平均住院时间为4.8 d及3.9 d。椎间孔入路组术前视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评分为(8.9±1.8)分,术后3 w为(1.4±0.3)分、术后3个月为(0.9±0.2)分、术后6个月为(0.5±0.1)分;椎板间入路组术前VAS评分为(8.7±2.4)分,术后3 w为(1.1±0.3)分、术后3个月为(0.9±0.2)分、术后6个月为(0.7±0.2)分。术后6个月,椎间孔入路组优良率89.6%,椎板间入路组92.0%。两组均无永久性神经根损伤和硬脊膜囊撕裂等并发症。结论经皮内镜下椎间孔入路及椎板间入路均能获得满意疗效。根据腰椎间盘突出不同类型和部位,选择正确入路是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨小骨窗经外侧裂入路显微手术治疗高血压基底节区脑出血的疗效。方法选取47例高血压基底节区脑出血患者(出血量30~70ml)的临床资料进行回顾性分析,总结小骨窗经外侧裂显微手术的方法和技巧。结果 47例患者术后复查头颅CT,显示血肿清除90%以上,患者术后全部存活,未出现再次出血及死亡病例。结论对于术前无脑疝及严重颅高压的患者,经外侧裂入路显微手术治疗高血压基底节区脑出血创伤小、止血彻底,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

脑干出血占脑出血的10%,重型患者起病极凶险,病死率和致残率很高。重型患者(出血量>5ml者),尤其是继发脑室出血者,虽然目前已有手术血肿清除成功的例子,但手术难度大,尚不能普及。因此临床上仍以内科保守治疗为主,但效果差。作者抢救重型脑干出血,在内科保守治疗的同时,对有梗阻性脑积水者加用侧脑室穿刺引流,收到较好效果。1 资料与方法1.1 入组条件 (1)患者意识状况分级~级,GCS意识[1]评分≤12分;(2)头颅CT证实为脑干出血,血肿量>5ml,有梗阻性脑积水;(3)发病至手术时间≤72h,尚未出现严重脑干功能衰竭或多器官功能衰竭(MOSF)。1.2…  相似文献   

目的 探讨采用经皮三叉神经半月节射频热凝 甘油注射治疗原发性三叉神经痛的临床结果和副作用。方法 仰卧位或坐位,Hartel前入路穿刺法,局麻下经卵圆孔穿刺三叉神经半月节,温控射频热凝对靶点进行毁损并注入甘油0.3~0.55ml。结果 疼痛消失82例,无效3例,总有效率96.5%。随访75例,随访时间平均为2.1年,8例复发,复发率为10.6%。结论 经皮三叉神经半月节射频热凝 甘油注射治疗原发性三叉神经痛,可提高治疗效果、降低复发率和副作用,它是高龄或不能耐受开颅手术病人的较好的治疗方法。  相似文献   



There are technical limitations of multi-level posterior pedicle screw fixation performed by the percutaneous technique. The purpose of this study was to describe the surgical technique and outcome of minimally invasive multi-level posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) and to determine its efficacy.


Forty-two patients who underwent mini-open PLIF using the percutaneous screw fixation system were studied. The mean age of the patients was 59.1 (range, 23 to 78 years). Two levels were involved in 32 cases and three levels in 10 cases. The clinical outcome was assessed using the visual analog scale (VAS) and Low Back Outcome Score (LBOS). Achievement of radiological fusion, intra-operative blood loss, the midline surgical scar and procedure related complications were also analyzed.


The mean follow-up period was 25.3 months. The mean LBOS prior to surgery was 34.5, which was improved to 49.1 at the final follow up. The mean pain score (VAS) prior to surgery was 7.5 and it was decreased to 2.9 at the last follow up. The mean estimated blood loss was 238 mL (140-350) for the two level procedures and 387 mL (278-458) for three levels. The midline surgical scar was 6.27 cm for two levels and 8.25 cm for three level procedures. Complications included two cases of asymptomatic medial penetration of the pedicle border. However, there were no signs of neurological deterioration or fusion failure.


Multi-level, minimally invasive PLIF can be performed effectively using the percutaneous transpedicular screw fixation system. It can be an alternative to the traditional open procedures.  相似文献   

We describe our experience using the RAVINE retractor (K2M, Leesburg, VA, USA) to gain access to the lateral aspect of the lumbar spine through a retroperitoneal approach. Postoperative neurological adverse events, utilising the mentioned retractor system, were recorded and analysed. We included 140 patients who underwent minimally invasive lateral lumbar interbody fusion (MI-LLIF) for degenerative spinal conditions between 2011 and 2015 at two major spinal centres. A total of 228 levels were treated, 35% one level, 40% two level, 20% three level and 5% 4 level surgeries. The L4/5 level was instrumented in 28% of cases. 12/140 patients had postoperative neurological complications. Immediately after surgery, 5% of patients (7/140) had transient symptoms in the thigh ranging from sensory loss, pain and paraesthesia, all of which recovered within 12 weeks following surgery. There were five cases of femoral nerve palsy (3.6% — two ipsilateral and three contralateral), all of which recovered completely with no residual sensory or motor deficit within 6 months. MI-LLIF done with help of the described retractor system has proved a safe and efficient way to achieve interbody fusion with minimal complications, mainly nerve related, that recovered quickly. Judicious use of the technique to access the L4/5 level is advised.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess the preoperative and postoperative changes in MRI image and the short-term efficacy of the ISDF with BacFuse covering 3 years.Methods32 patients who underwent ISDF were involved in this retrospective study. The symptoms assessment including VAS, ODI, and SF-12 were evaluated preoperative and postoperative at 1 year and 3 years. The X-ray was used to measure posterior disk height (PDH), foramina height (FH), foramina width (FW), and MRI was taken to assess the cross-sectional area of dura sac (CSADS), cross-sectional area of canal (CSAC), herniated disc area, ligamentum flavum area. The preoperative ratio of herniated disc area and ligamentum flavum area to CSAC were compared with post-operative ratio. The modified Pfirrmann grade system was used to assess the surgical lumbar disc.ResultsThe symptom indexes were significantly improved after surgery. PDH and FH increased significantly (P < 0.05) after surgery compared with that before surgery, but there was no statistical difference in FW (P > 0.05). CSADS and CSAC increased obviously (P < 0.05), while the area of herniated disc and ligamentum flavum decreased significantly (P < 0.05). The ratio changes showed a significant difference between last follow-up and pre-operation (P < 0.05), but there was no statistical significance in grade changes of surgical disc.ConclusionISDF with BacFuse could relieve clinical symptoms and expanse the spinal canal area in MRI. During 3-year observation, it could provide continuous traction and maintain the area of spinal canal, so as to partially retract the herniated disc and make it possible to repair the disc.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to determine the risk factors for dysphagia after anterior cervical spinal surgery. We reviewed clinical records of 45 patients after anterior cervical spinal surgery to identify the factors that influence dysphagia symptoms, and followed up the symptoms using a one-on-one telephone survey. The risk of dysphagia was greater in the anterior cervical discectomy and fusion group than in the anterior artificial disc insertion group, and in the group who underwent multi-level rather than single-level surgery. There were greater differences in prevertebral soft tissue thickness within 48 hours of surgery in patients with dysphagia than in patients without dysphagia at 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months after surgery, but these differences were not significant. The risk of dysphagia was significantly higher in patients who had their highest operative levels at C3 or C4 compared to those with their highest levels at C5 to C7.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the clinical outcomes of endoscopic spinal surgery (ESS) and minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MIS-TLIF) for degenerative lumbar disease (DLD) through meta-analysis. The Medline (via PubMed), Cochrane, Scopus, and Embase databases were searched for studies that evaluated the outcomes of ESS and MIS-TLIF in DLD, including visual analog scale (VAS) score for low back pain, VAS score for leg pain, Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and complications published between January 2000 and August 2020. Two authors extracted the data independently. Any discrepancies were resolved by a consensus. Four comparative studies were identified. No significant differences were found between the ESS and MIS-TLIF groups in terms of VAS score for back pain, VAS score for leg pain, and ODI, except for complication rate. The complication rate was higher in the ESS than in the MIS-TLIF group. A literature review identified four comparative studies reporting the clinical outcomes of ESS and MIS-TLIF for DLD. Despite the heterogeneity, a limited number of meta-analyses showed that the clinical outcomes between the two groups were not significantly different except for complication rate. Hence, further large-scale multicenter studies are required to validate our results.  相似文献   

AimsOur team tested spinal cord fusion (SCF) using the neuroprotective agent polyethylene glycol (PEG) in different animal (mice, rats, and beagles) models with complete spinal cord transection. To further explore the application of SCF for the treatment of paraplegic patients, we developed a new clinical procedure for SCF called vascular pedicle hemisected spinal cord transplantation (vSCT) and tested this procedure in eight paraplegic participants.MethodsEight paraplegic participants (American Spinal Injury Association, ASIA: A) were enrolled and treated with vSCT (PEG was applied to the sites of spinal cord transplantation). Pre‐ and postoperative pain intensities, neurologic assessments, electrophysiologic monitoring, and neuroimaging examinations were recorded.ResultsOf the eight paraplegic participants who completed vSCT, objective improvements occurred in motor function for one participant, in electrophysiologic motor‐evoked potentials for another participant, in re‐establishment of white matter continuity in three participants, in autonomic nerve function in seven participants, and in symptoms of cord central pain for seven participants.ConclusionsThe postoperative recovery of paraplegic participants demonstrated the clinical feasibility and efficacy of vSCT in re‐establishing the continuity of spinal nerve fibers. vSCT could provide the anatomic, morphologic, and histologic foundations to potentially restore the motor, sensory, and autonomic nervous functions in paraplegic patients. More future clinical trials are warranted.  相似文献   

目的探讨微创经椎间孔腰椎间融合术(MIS-TLIF)联合经皮螺钉内固定融合术治疗退行性腰椎滑脱的临床疗效。方法采用MIS-TLIF联合经皮螺钉内固定融合术共治疗32例退行性腰椎滑脱患者,比较术前和术后1周、3个月、末次随访时视觉模拟评分(VAS)、Oswestry功能障碍指数(ODI)和36条简明健康状况调查表(SF-36)评分,以及X线测量腰椎前凸角、冠状位Cobb角、冠状位和矢状位躯干偏移、腰椎滑脱程度(Meyerding分度)并计算滑脱率,X线或CT判断椎体融合率,MRI评价减压程度。结果 32例患者平均手术时间160 min,术中出血量120 ml,住院时间7.22 d,术后随访10.83个月。手术融合41个椎体节段,范围覆盖L2~S1节段。与术前相比,术后1周、3个月和末次随访时VAS(均P=0.000)和ODI(均P=0.000)评分增加,SF-36评分减少(P=0.002,0.000,0.000),腰椎前凸角(均P=0.000)、冠状位Cobb角(均P=0.000)和滑脱率(均P=0.000)均减小。至末次随访时,ODI改善率为(80.51±6.02)%,椎体融合率达92.22%且螺钉位置均良好。32例患者中1例术后感染、2例脑脊液漏,经对症治疗均痊愈;无一例发生神经功能缺损等严重并发症、内固定失败、椎弓根螺钉和钛棒断裂或Cage移位,无一例死亡。结论 MIS-TLIF联合经皮螺钉内固定融合术创伤小、术中出血量少、并发症轻微、复位效果好、疗效确切,尽管存在手术时间较长、学习曲线较长、术中X线照射量较大等缺点,但仍是治疗退行性腰椎滑脱的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨Caspar可扩张通道系统辅助下显微手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床效果。方法 选取腰椎间盘突出症30例,在Caspar可撑开通道系统辅助下进行显微手术治疗。术前以及术后1、3、6、12个月,采用疼痛视觉模拟量表(VAS)评分评价疼痛缓解的情况,采用日本骨科协会(JOA)评分评价神经功能改善的情况。末次随访时,采用Macnab分级评价疗效。结果 手术时间为59~78 min,平均(68.50±7.20)min;术中出血量为25~60 ml,平均(32.25±8.6)ml。30例术后复查腰椎MRI均示突出的髓核全部摘除。术中硬脊膜破裂2例,严密修补硬脊膜,术后无脑脊液漏。术后无神经根、马尾神经损伤及椎间隙感染并发症发生。术后1、3、6、12个月VAS评分、JOA评分均明显优于术前(P<0.05)。按Macnab评价标准:优25例,良4例,可1例;优良率为96.7%(29/30)。术后随访1年未见复发。结论 采用Caspar可撑开通道系统辅助,显微手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效确切,术野清晰,神经根减压彻底,对脊柱稳定结构破坏小,是治疗腰椎间盘突出症的一种安全有效的手术方式。  相似文献   

背景:融合是腰椎减压椎弓根螺钉置入内固定后稳定运动节段的重要方式,经典的融合方式包括后外侧融合、后方椎间融合、后外侧融合并后方椎间融合。很多研究报道过几种融合方式的优势、技术要求、临床疗效和融合后并发症,但结论各异,很难明确最佳融合方式。 目的:比较后外侧融合、后方椎间融合、后外侧融合并后方椎间融合的疗效差异,以期寻求最佳融合方式。 方法:选择167例因退变性腰椎疾病行1个或2个节段融合,随访时间最短为3年的患者,分为3组,后外侧融合组62例,后方椎间融合组57组,后外侧融合+后方椎间融合组48例。通过目测类比评分、ODQ问卷和Kirkaldy-Willis 量表评价患者的腰痛、下肢疼痛和功能状况,并进行影像学评价,包括椎间盘高度、腰前凸、病变节段间角度、融合情况及融合后并发症。 结果与结论:最后1次随访结果表明,后外侧融合组患者中50例(80.7%)疗效优良,后方椎间融合组患者中50例(87.8%)疗效优良,后外侧融合+后方椎间融合组41例(85.5%)疗效优良,3组差异无显著性意义(P = 0.704)。3种融合方式都明显改善了椎间盘高度(P < 0.05),其中后外侧融合组椎间盘高度丢失最多,腰前凸和节段间角度明显增大,3种融合方式的节段间角度变化差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05)。最后1次随访时,3种融合方式的不融合率差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05)。治疗后并发症包括3例深部感染,4例暂时神经麻痹,1例永久神经麻痹,6例取骨处疼痛。提示3组融合方式在临床疗效和融合率方面无明显差异,后方椎间融合比后外侧融合能更好维持矢状面平衡。单纯后方椎间融合在缩短手术时间、减少失血量及避免取骨处疼痛方面有明显优势。  相似文献   

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