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A F Lpez  M Strath    C J Sanderson 《Immunology》1981,43(4):779-786
Mouse eosinophil and neutrophil receptors for IgG and complement have been examined by means of rosette formation, phagocytosis and 51Cr release assays, using mouse monoclonal antibodies and complement-coated sheep erythrocytes. Mouse eosinophils and neutrophils form a high number of rosettes in the presence of mouse complement but eosinophils show a higher requirement for complement molecules. Both types of granulocyte phagocytose complement-coated sheep erythrocytes very actively, although low levels of 51Cr release are obtained. Eosinophils and neutrophils show higher activity in the presence of IgG2b than in the presence of IgG1, and while both cell types are similarly active when the former antibody is used, neutrophils are the more active when IgG1 is used. However, it remains uncertain whether this is a result of the higher binding obtained with the IgG2b monoclonal antibody. Both cell types behave similarly at high antibody concentrations but neutrophils are the more active at high antibody dilutions. The 51Cr release assay is shown to be superior to the rosette assay at it allows comparisons between eosinophils and neutrophils at high antibody concentrations. A time course study indicates that highest values of phagocytosis of opsonized red cells are obtained after 5 minutes rather than the half to one hour incubation periods normally used.  相似文献   

Eosinophilia is a common clinical presentation in patients with helminthic infections. A study was designed to determine the mechanism(s) for selective or preferential differentiation of precursor cells into mature eosinophils (eos). Thus, experiments were performed to delineate the frequency of colony forming units of eos (CFU-eos) in the peripheral blood of Egyptian patients with active Schistosoma mansoni infection with eosinophilia and normal healthy individuals. The number of CFU-eos among the nonadherent mononuclear cell population was assessed in a double layer soft agar culture with autologous unfractionated mononuclear cells serving as a source of colony stimulating factor(s). Following 14 days of incubation, discrete colonies were distinguished morphologically as eosinophilic, neutrophilic, or mixed. Results indicated a two-fold increase in the total number of colonies per 10(6) cultured nonadherent cells in patients with S. mansoni infection when compared to the number of colonies obtained with adult normal volunteers (57 +/- 10 vs. 24 +/- 4; P less than 0.025). However, the frequency of CFU-eos and CFU-neut was similar in patients and normal individuals (66 +/- 3 vs. 59 +/- 8 percent CFU-eos; 30 +/- 4 vs. 35 +/- 6 percent CFU-neut). These data suggest that: eosinophils may differentiate from progenitor cells at other anatomical sites; there may be an increase in the half life of mature eosinophils in patients; there is no strict correlation between the frequency of progenitor cells and the number of differentiating mature cells of this lineage at least as measured by this in vitro assay; and the in vitro assay may not quantitatively reflect the in vivo differentiating capacity of progenitor cells.  相似文献   

A number of functional studies were performed on essentially pure eosinophil preparations obtained from the ascitic fluid of a patient with eosinophilic gastroenteritis. These cells responded to chemotactic factors including a bacterial factor, partially purified C5a, and factors generated from serum or ascitic fluid. The chemotactic activity generated in the patient's ascitic fluid was capable of attracting both neutrophils and eosinophils, was dependent on the presence of complement components, and was identified as C5a. Metabolic studies demonstrated that particle ingestion by eosinophils was associated with a marked increase in hexose monophosphate shunt activity ([1-14C]glucose oxidation), H2O2 formation ([14C]formate oxidation), superoxide anion generation, chemiluminescence, thyroid hormone degradation, iodination, and estrogen binding. This postphagocytic metabolic burst by eosinophils was qualitatively similar to that observed in neutrophils, but for several parameters the eosinophil response was greater than the neutrophil response.  相似文献   

IgG antibodies and eosinophils kill schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni in vitro, and there is now evidence to suggest that the main factor that contributes to the expression of purified IgG effector function is the degree of activation of the donor's eosinophils. This study was designed to identify serum-derived activating factors in sera from individuals infected with S. mansoni. Such activating factors may be responsible for enhancing eosinophil cytotoxicity against schistosomula. Serum-borne mediators were prepared by fractionation of sera from infected individuals by gel filtration high-performance liquid chromatography. The eosinophil-stimulating activity of these mediators was assayed by a new method which depends on the increased expression of the CR3 alpha chain (CD11b) on the surface of activated eosinophils. Sera from infected individuals exhibited different levels of eosinophil activation, and activation appeared to be due to several serum factors, including interleukin 5. In conclusion, our results suggest that eosinophil-activating factors present in infection sera may not only be responsible for enhancing eosinophil cytotoxicity but also be necessary for its expression.  相似文献   

Tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii are ingested by neutrophils and eosinophils through a process which can be significantly inhibited by previous incubation of the host cells with cytochalasin D. Although dividing zoites within the leukocytes could be observed, after 3 h of infection, killing of parasites within the parasitophorous vacuole was detected. Cytochemical studies showed that both in neutrophils and eosinophils there is a process of NADP(H) oxidase activation, which was higher in the latter.  相似文献   

An assay for gamma-interferon (IFN gamma) in human lymphocyte culture supernatants, based on reverse passive haemagglutination (RPH) of red cells bearing a monoclonal anti-IFN gamma antibody, was developed and compared with a conventional virus inhibition assay. Test samples comprised supernatants of lymphocytes from patients with Schistosoma mansoni infections, cultured with or without a soluble worm antigen preparation. The two assays gave comparable results, the correlations for individual samples being good. The RPH assay was both specific and sensitive, allowing the detection of IFN gamma at 13 u/ml (1 ng/ml) or less. The advantages of the RPH assay were that it was quick, relatively inexpensive and suitable for testing large numbers of samples. In particular, between-experiment variation was very low, allowing the assay of different samples on different occasions.  相似文献   

Mice of two congenic inbred strains C3H/Sn (H-2k) and C3H.B10 (H-2b) were infected with 100 Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. After the infection, the following parameters for the immunological response were studied: worm burden, mortality, antibody titre, spleen index, eosinophilia, delayed type of hypersensitivity and in vitro response to three S. mansoni antigen preparations. No difference in the worm burden and in the in vitro response to the antigen preparations of adult worm antigen, soluble egg antigens and the egg antigen MSA1, was found. The C3H.B10 mice showed a significantly higher mortality, antibody titre and delayed type of hypersensitivity while the C3H/Sn mice showed asignificantly higher spleen index and eosinophilia. This indicates that the H-2 region influences the course of an acute S. mansoni infection, whereas the susceptibility to the infection seems not to be influenced, as is shown by the worm burden.  相似文献   

Immunological reactivity in 10 rhesus monkeys was monitored over a 22-week period. Cellular and humoral responses of three animals were studied after primary infection with Schistosoma mansoni. Two uninfected animals served as controls. Increased lymphocyte proliferative responsiveness to mitogens and adult worm antigen was evident during the prepatent period of the infection. Marked suppression of these responses occurred during the acute phase of the disease, but by weeks 9 and 11 the animals were again responsive to mitogens and antigen, respectively, and remained so throughout the remainder of the observation period. No antibody response to various cercarial, adult worm, and egg antigens could be detected until weeks 5 to 7, after which these responses also persisted. Comparison of the immunological reactivities of these animals with primary infection and those of five chronically infected immune animals indicated possible correlations between protective immunity and (i) strong Cercarienhüllenreaktion reactivity, and (ii) lymphocyte proliferative responsiveness to adult worm antigen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: CD137 (ILA/4-1BB), a member of the TNF/nerve growth factor receptor superfamily, has previously been suggested to be involved in T-cell activation and differentiation. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate expression and potential function of CD137 in eosinophils. METHODS: Eosinophils were isolated from normal control subjects as well as from patients with bronchial asthma, patients with atopic dermatitis, and patients with idiopathic eosinophilia. CD137 expression was analyzed by RT-PCR and flow cytometry. The in situ expression of CD137 on eosinophils in nasal polyp and skin tissues was analyzed through use of immunohistochemistry. To examine whether CD137 regulates eosinophil death and apoptosis, cells were stimulated with a plate-bound anti-CD137 antibody in the presence or absence of survival cytokines. Cell death was measured by means of an ethidium bromide exclusion test. Apoptosis was determined by analyzing phosphatidylserine surface exposure. RESULTS: Blood and tissue eosinophils from patients with IgE-mediated allergic responses (atopic dermatitis, extrinsic asthma) express CD137. In contrast, eosinophils from normal control individuals and patients with non-IgE-mediated eosinophilic inflammatory responses (intrinsic asthma, idiopathic eosinophilia) express neither detectable levels of mRNA nor protein for CD137. Expression of CD137 in eosinophils was induced in vitro by stimulating the cells with supernatants derived from in vivo- or in vitro-activated T cells, suggesting that a soluble T cell-derived factor might be responsible for the observed phenomenon. Although CD137 expression was associated with increased IgE levels, IL-4 and IL-13 did not induce CD137 gene expression in eosinophils. Activation of CD137 abrogated both GM-CSF-mediated and IL-5-mediated antiapoptosis in CD137-expressing eosinophils but not in CD137-deficient eosinophils. In contrast, the survival effect of IFN-gamma was not affected by anti-CD137 treatment. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that CD137 activation might limit GM-CSF-mediated and IL-5-mediated antiapoptosis of eosinophils. The absence of this potential anti-inflammatory mechanism might further increase eosinophil numbers at inflammatory sites in patients with intrinsic asthma and patients with idiopathic eosinophilia. The T cell-derived factor that induces CD137 expression in eosinophils remains to be identified.  相似文献   

Purified human eosinophils were treated with peripheral blood mononuclear cell supernatants containing eosinophil cytotoxic enhancing activity (ECEA). Schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni which had been coated either with antibody (Ab) from the sera of infected patients or with the lectin concanavalin A (Con A) were incubated with ECEA-treated and untreated cells for 2 minutes to 12 hours and examined ultrastructurally. Killing was assayed at 18 hours. ECEA caused an increase in the killing of Ab-coated worms, but Con-A-coated worms were not killed by either ECEA-treated or untreated cells. Eosinophils began to degranulate on Ab-coated worms within 2 minutes and continued to degranulate, so that by 12 hours about half of the parasites had greater than 50% of their surface covered by discharge material. The ECEA-treated cells degranulated more than the untreated cells. There was much less discharge material on Con-A-coated worms than on Ab-coated worms. Eosinophils adhered to discharge material on the surface of both Ab- and Con-A-coated parasites. At 3 and 12 hours, lysed cells and cell fragments were also seen adhering to discharge material. In the absence of discharge material the cells adhered to residual glycocalyx or to the tegumental outer membrane. These studies suggest that eosinophils kill schistosomula by progressively degranulating onto their surface over many hours and that the increased toxicity caused by ECEA is due to an increase in discharge.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies to the intermediate filament proteins vimentin and keratin were studied in sera of 50 Caribbean patients with Schistosoma mansoni infection and 50 control subjects. Autoantibodies were detected by indirect immunofluorescence on HEp-2 cells pretreated with colchicine. The incidence of anti-vimentin antibodies in patients' sera was 94% for IgM, 12% for IgG, and 4% for IgA; in the control subjects incidence was 52%, 0%, and 4%, respectively. Anti-keratin antibodies were found in 82%, 4%, and 4% of patients' sera and 42%, 0%, and 2% in controls, respectively. The difference between the geometric means of titres for patients (1:150) and controls (1:26) was highly significant (P less than 0.001). The possible role and genesis of autoantibodies to intermediate filaments is discussed.  相似文献   

Glomerular lesions in baboons (Papio anubis) infected with different dosage regimes of Schistosoma mansoni were studied by immunofluorescence and light microscopy on kidney sections and by countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis on kidney homogenates and tissue eluates. Mild lesions, characterized by focal and segmental deposits of immune complexes, developed in sixty-two out of 103 baboons, irrespective of the intensity and duration of the infection. Severe, diffuse lesions developed in six baboons after prolonged and heavy infections. Adult worm and soluble egg antigens, together with IgM, IgG and C3, were detected in most of the severe lesions and in some of the mild lesions. In some animals, antigens were detected in most of the severe lesions and in some of the mild lesions. In some animals, antigens were detected in acid homogenates and eluates of kidneys which showed no deposits of immunoglobulins or complement. These observations indicate that renal lesions in S. mansoni infections may be attributable to the deposition of immune complexes pre-formed in the circulation. However, the demonstration of antigens alone in some animals may suggest an alternative possibility, namely that antigens are deposited first with a subsequent binding of antibody and complement.  相似文献   

Humans chronically infected with Schistosoma mansoni most commonly present with the relatively asymptomatic intestinal form of the disease, whereas a small minority develop hepatosplenism characterized by severe hepatic disease with portal hypertension. Investigation of hypotheses describing the pathogenic mechanisms underlying the clinical forms of the human disease has been limited by the absence of an animal model that predictably develops such a spectrum of disease. We report that inbred male CBA/J mice that are chronically infected with S. mansoni develop two distinct syndromes, hypersplenomegaly syndrome (HSS) and moderate splenomegaly syndrome (MSS). Pathologically and immunologically, MSS and HSS remarkably parallel the intestinal and hepatosplenic clinical forms, respectively, in humans. HSS affects approximately 20% of these mice and consists of massive splenomegaly, ascites, thymic atrophy, severe anemia, and cachexia. The remaining majority of mice with MSS develop moderate splenomegaly only. Histopathological features of HSS include 1) relatively extensive hepatic fibrosis and granulomatous inflammation, 2) splenic congestion, 3) lymph node plasmacytosis, and 4) worms and eggs in the pulmonary vasculature. Immunologically, the idiotypes present on antisoluble egg antigen antibodies from HSS mice are distinct from those from mice with acute infections or the chronic MSS infection. These idiotypic differences are similar to those observed in patients with intestinal and hepatosplenic forms of the disease and may have regulatory importance. Investigation of the cellular and molecular events that lead to the development of MSS and HSS may advance current understanding of the pathogenesis of the clinical forms of chronic schistosomiasis in humans.  相似文献   

The lipid compositions of mature male and female Schistosoma mansoni and cercariae were compared to that of the hepato-pancreas of unparasitised Biomphalaria globrata (the intermediate snail host), and of red blood cells and sera of hamsters (the mammalian host). Membranes were isolated from the tegument of mature schistosomes by spontaneous release into phosphate-buffered saline, with or without vortexing, and by removal from the parasite's surface using poly-lysine beads. The phospholipid composition of the membranes prepared by the three methods showed a typical plasma membrane-like profile, with high sphingomyelin content (approximately 20%) and cholesterol to phospholipid molar ratio (0.7-1.1). The fatty acid compositions of the resolved phospholipid classes were analysed. Although the composition was in general unremarkable, a high content of eicosaenoic acid (20:1), rarely found in mammals, was noted in whole schistosomes, cercariae, the hepato-pancreas of unparasitised Biomphalaria, and the isolated tegumental membranes. Eicosaenoic acid was also found in adults of Schistosoma japonicum. Host serum lipids from normal and parasitised hamsters contained extremely low amounts of eicosaenoic acid, indicating that this fatty acid is probably continually synthesised by the parasite, probably from preformed fatty acid precursors provided by the host.  相似文献   

C Kroegel  T Yukawa  G Dent  P Chanez  K F Chung    P J Barnes 《Immunology》1988,64(3):559-561
The degranulation response of purified human eosinophils to platelet-activating factor (PAF) has been studied. PAF induced release of eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) and beta-glucuronidase from highly purified human eosinophils with an EC50 of 0.9 nM. The order of release was comparable with that induced by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). The new specific PAF antagonist 3-[4-(2-chlorophenyl)-9-methyl-H-thieno[3,2-f] [1,2,4]triazolo-[4,3a][1,4]-diazepin-2-yl](4-morpholinyl)- 1-propane-one (WEB 2086) inhibited the PAF-induced enzyme release by human eosinophils in a dose-dependent manner. The viability of eosinophils were unaffected both by PAF and WEB 2086. The results suggest that PAF may amplify allergic and inflammatory reactions by release of preformed proteins from eosinophil granules.  相似文献   

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