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Cerebral tumor     
Establishment of glioma bank for the molecular biologic research;Experimental study of vaccination with fusions of dendritic cells and C6 glioma cells expressing TGF-beta anti-sense gene in the treatment of intracranial gliomas; Microsurgical treatment of skull base chordoma ; Nerve functional preservation during microsurgical resection of giant cerebellopontine angle meningiomas; Surgical treatment of skull base tumor;Ultrastructure of stereotactic biopsy specimens from peritumoral edema area in astrocytomas;Isolation and study of one novel full-length gene related to human glioma; Application of neuronavigation in resection of intracranial deep tumor;The anesthesia management of meningioma resection under microsurgery;……  相似文献   

Cerebral tumor     
Awake craniotomy and intraoperative functional mapping for surgery of gliomas located in language areas; Surgical approaches and techniques of tuberculum sellae meningiomas;Microsurgical management of anterior clinoidal meningiomas  相似文献   

Cerebral tumor     
<正>209384 Microsurgical treatment of communicative skull base chordoma/Wei Wei(魏伟,Dept Neurosurg,Tianjin Med Univ Gene Hosp,Tianjin 300052)…∥Chin J Urol.-2009,32(2).-98~100Objective To investigate the appropriate surgical approaches and microsurgical resection of communicative skull base chordoma.Methods Twenty two cases of communicative skull base chordomas were microsurgically treated from 1995 to 2005 and followed up.The tumors were removed with extended anterior skull base approach in eigtht cases,with modified Weber-Ferguson(transmaxillary)approach in eigth cases,and with transmandibular approach in six cases.Some cases were resected with combined approaches including pterional aporach in 3 cases,subtemporal-zygomatic approach in 1 case,and suboccipital-retromastoid approach in 2 cases.Results Total,subtotal and partial removal of the tumors were achieved in 10 cases,7 and 5 cases respectively.No patients died and had severe nervous system dysfunction after surgery.However,one had CSF rhinorrhea,one with infection,three with cranial nerve dysfunction.Twenty patients were followed-up with average 3.4 years,12 returned to normal or partial works,5 can take care of themselves,1 needed help,2 died from tumor recurrence.Conclusion The treatment of communicative skull base chordoma is a challenge to neurosurgeon.The key point is the total removal of the tumor with the microsurgical technique and the appropriate approach depends on the location of the tumor.Moreover,skull base reconstruction is also important to avoid the cerebrospinal fluid leak and infection.8 refs.  相似文献   

Cerebral tumor     
<正>209536 A rare post-operative complication in epidermoid cyst cases:delayed intracranil hemorrhage(report of 15 cases)/Tian Yongji(田永吉,Dept Neurosurg,Beijing Tiantan Hosp Chin Cap Med Univ, Beijing  相似文献   

Cerebral tumor     
Microsurgical treatment of insular low grade gliomas, The clinical feature and effect of transsphenoidal microsurgery on pituitary adenoma invading the cavernous sinus , Pituitary hyperplasia in children with primary hypothyroidism: four cases report and review of literatures, Diagnosis and treatment of pituitary nonfunetioning adenomas with insufficiency of adrenocortical hormone , lntracranial invasive olfactory neurohlatoma, Characteristic MR imaging fimdings and Gamma knife treatment of cavernous hemangiomas of the cavernous sinus: 14 cases report  相似文献   

Cerebral tumor     
206595Transcallosuminterfornix approach to micro-surgically remove the tumors of the third ventricle/ZhaoChunsheng(赵春生,Dept Neurosurg,1st Affil Hosp,Nanjing Med Univ,Nanjing 210029)…∥Chin J Micro-surg.-2006 ,29(4) .-257 ~259ObjectiveTo explore the microsurgical methodsforresecting the tumors of the third ventricle and discuss theanatomic foundation of mircrosurgical methods.MethodsTwelve patients withtumors of third ventricle were op-erated on via approachof transcallosuminterfornix…  相似文献   

Cerebral tumor     
207617 Genealogy survey and molecular genetic analy- sis on a Chinese family with central nervous system he- mangioblastomas/Ding Xinghua (丁兴华,Dept Neuro Surg,Huashan Hosp,Shanghai Med Col Fudan Univ, Shanghai 200040)…∥Chin J Neurosurg.-2007 ,23 (7) .-521 ~524 Objective Toinvestigate the characteristics of Chi- nese genealogy in a family with central nervous system (CNS) hemangioblastomas (HBs) .Methods Adetailed survey of afamiliar members with CNS HBs was conduct- edinfourte…  相似文献   

Cerebral tumor     
<正>209224 The translamina terminalis approach for microsurgical resection of anterochiasmagic sellar tumour/Zhang Xianfeng(Dept Neurosurg,1st Hosp,Jilin Univ,Changchun 130021)…∥Chin J Neurosurg.-2009,25(3).-259~261Objective To study the operative approach and microsurgical technique of translamina terminalis approach on anterochiasmatic sellar tumour.Methods The clinical data and the follow-up result of 23 patients with anterochiasmatic sellar tumour,who were treated surgically through translamina terminalis approach,were analyzed reteospectively from February 2001 to May 2007.Results Among 23 patients,total resection was performed in 13 cases,secondary resection in 6 cases,partial resection in 4 cases.All patients had good results without operation death.Three recurred cases were found during the follow-up period of 6 months to 4 years.Conclusion The translamina terminalis approach for microsurgical resection of anterochiasmatic sellar tumour is an effective method by mastering anatomy characteristics of saddle area interspaces.Perfect microsurgical skill,protection of important structures in saddle area and treatment of  相似文献   

Cerebral tumor     
Effect of vascular endothelial growth factor on the expression of aquaporin-4 in glioma; Experience of resection large dinoidal meningiomas;The dinical characteristics and microsurgical management of brain tumors invading orbital region; Effect of verapamil on the proliferation of meningiomas cells;Research on the relationship between neuropeptide Y and pituitary hormones in plasma of pituitary adenoma patients;  相似文献   

Cerebral tumor     
<正>210244 Involvement of endothelium injury in brain aneurysm formation in rabbits/Li Meihua(李美华,Dept Neurosurg,1st Affil Hosp Nanchang Univ,Nanchang 330006)…Chin J Exp Surg.-2010,27(4).-484~486  相似文献   

目的 :探讨貌似脑炎的脑肿瘤临床特点 ,提高对本病的诊断率。方法 :观察 7例病人发病前后的表现和脑电图、血常规、脑脊液、头 CT、脑血管造影等辅助检查的改变 ,分析探讨本病的特点。结果 :早期脑肿瘤可因感冒加重症状而诱发。额颞叶肿瘤最易出现精神症状。某些脑肿瘤的脑脊液可以出现类似脑炎改变 ,这是临床易误诊的主要原因之一。脑血管造影、脑电对脑肿瘤均有诊断意义 ,在没有 CT条件下应做为辅助检查 ,虽然头 CT对脑肿瘤的诊断意义已肯定 ,但肿瘤极早期可因瘤体太小而 CT检查呈阴性结果。结论 :部分脑肿瘤临床表现酷似脑炎 ,提示临床医生在观察治疗中要做及时、全面的复查 ,以免误诊。  相似文献   

目的评价液体衰减反转恢复(FLAIR)序列在低场MR中对脑肿瘤的应用价值。方法50例脑肿瘤患者,均进行FLAIR序列和FSE-T2WI检查,比较两种序列对病灶的显示能力。结果FLAIR序列显示病灶64个(100%),而FSE-T2WI仅显示病灶56个(87.5%);FLAIR序列显示病灶内部结构及边缘良好者为46个(71.88%),FSE-T2WI显示病灶内部结构及边缘良好者为27个(42.19%),在显示病变内部结构及边缘清晰度方面,FLAIR序列优于FSE-T2WI(P〈0.01)。结论在低场MR中,FLAIR序列图像有助于区分瘤体与水肿、显示肿瘤内部结构。因此FLAIR序列应该成为检查脑肿瘤的常规序列。  相似文献   

急性脑梗死是世界上病死率、致残率最高的疾病之一,而脑侧支循环及其相关评估分别在维持脑组织缺血/再灌注和指导临床治疗方面起重要作用。脑动脉侧支循环与急性脑梗死病情轻重、血管再通及临床预后密切相关。人们也逐渐认识到脑侧支循环形成的重要性。但脑侧支循环的形成受多种因素的影响,包括可干预和不可干预因素。如何利用现有的技术促进脑侧支循环形成是目前研究的热点。  相似文献   

学习脑梗死、脑血栓形成和脑栓塞的相关知识,按照部位、病因分类原则给予正确的ICD-10编码。编码员不仅要掌握ICD-10编码知识,也要学习相关的医学知识,并仔细阅读病案,才能提高编码的准确性,为临床科研、教学等提供可靠的信息资料。  相似文献   

Cerebral tumour     
Frontal interhemispheric approach to tumor removal with division of the anterior communicating artery,Radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for glioblastoma,Variation of plasma IGFBP - 2 level in patients with glioblastoma after combined therapy,Microsurgial resection of craniopharynginomavia transsphenoidal approach,Expression and clinical significance of P170、MGMF,TOPⅡ and GSF-π in gliomas  相似文献   

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