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科技期刊强化宣传推广的若干策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】针对科技期刊传统的宣传策略大多存在效率低、影响范围小等缺点,提出一套依托网络技术和数字技术的期刊精细化宣传策略和技巧。【方法】以《自动化学报》和International Journalof Automation and Computing实践为例,从宣传内容和宣传方式两个方面阐述了精细化宣传的实施步骤和方法。【结果】实践证明,自借助网络和数字新技术实施精细化宣传工作以来,两刊实现了精确定位宣传目标和细化宣传工作流程的目的,促进了宣传效果最大化和期刊影响力的提升。【结论】有效地将先进的网络、数字技术及管理理念引入期刊宣传工作中,有利于期刊品牌快速推广。  相似文献   

常州市卫生人力资源配置现状及发展对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的调查了解常州市卫生人力资源配置存在的问题,以提出相应对策。方法分析卫生人力的数量和专业、年龄、学历、职称构成,以及近10年卫生人力资源及利用效率的动态变化。结果卫生人力总量充足,城乡差别不大,专业分布不平衡,年龄呈中青年化,结构不尽合理,农村卫生人力素质及利用率较低。结论合理规划卫生人力资源,使各专业协调发展,加强高层次人才培养,进行城乡合理资源调整。  相似文献   

我国卫生事业发展经历了以"预防为主"到"市场化改革"再到"恢复公益性"三个阶段,这种转变对我国卫生事业的发展产生了深刻的影响。在科学发展观指引下,新"医改"方案正式颁布,标志着我国卫生事业发展战略的重大转型,对促进城乡卫生事业统筹发展具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

卫生人力资源开发合作是我国卫生援外工作的重要组成部分。本文通过文献研究、知情人访谈和现场调查,对卫生人力资源开发合作的管理机制、主要形式及特点进行系统梳理,发现:短期来华培训是目前卫生人力资源开发合作的主要形式,但对能力提高效果有限;学位学历教育比重尚小,但将成为精英人才培养的重要渠道;援外医疗队带教培训与技术合作的作用日益凸显;"走出去"培训模式投入小、周期短,但社会影响力大。存在的主要问题有:缺少战略性合作规划,需求契合度、与其他援外形式的结合度有待提高,评估体系不完善等。通过对欠发达国家卫生人力现状及对卫生人才培养的需求分析,建议制定卫生人力资源开发合作规划,促进卫生人才培养与其他援助形式的有机结合,完善监督评价制度,促进中国医学学位学历及培训项目获得当地认可,加强对发展中国家医学教育机构的援助,以增强发展中国家发展的"造血"机能,实现"共同发展"。  相似文献   

目的:探讨加强护理人力资源管理对策。方法通过对我国目前护理人力资源现状进行分析。结果各级医疗机构护理人员数量不足,缺乏储备,人员结构不合理,专业素质不高,管理方式陈旧,护理队伍不稳定,人才流失严重,护理人员工作任务重、压力大,承担非护理工作较多,从事科研工作不足。结论加强护理队伍的多层次培养,切实提高护理人员素质,不断丰富与创新护理理论,使之与时俱进,建立护理人力资源建设与发展的长效机制,不断满足人们对护理工作的各项需求。  相似文献   



Inequalities in health and educational outcomes in Scotland show a strong and persistent socioeconomic status gradient. Our aims were to provide policy-makers with a synthesis of international research evidence that assesses the effectiveness of early childhood interventions aimed at equitably promoting cognitive and social development and suggest potential areas for action in Scotland.


A rapid review was conducted of review level studies of early childhood interventions with outcome measures relating to child cognitive-language or social-emotional development, subsequent academic and life achievement. Websites were searched and interviews were conducted to identify relevant interventions, policies and programmes delivered in Scotland.


: Early childhood intervention programmes can reduce disadvantage due to social and environmental factors. Scottish health policy demonstrates a clear commitment to early childhood development but much work remains in terms of detail of policy implementation, identification of high risk children and families, and early childhood monitoring systems.


Programmes should provide a universal seamless continuum of care and support from pregnancy through to school entry with the intensity of support graded according to need. The current information systems in Scotland would be inadequate for monitoring the effects of early childhood interventions especially in relation to cognitive-language and social-emotional development.  相似文献   

Although the factors influencing the shortage and maldistribution of health workers have been well-documented by cross-sectional surveys, there is less evidence on the relative determinants of health workers' job choices, or on the effects of policies designed to address these human resources problems. Recently, a few studies have adopted an innovative approach to studying the determinants of health workers' job preferences. In the absence of longitudinal datasets to analyse the decisions that health workers have actually made, authors have drawn on methods from marketing research and transport economics and used Discrete Choice Experiments to analyse stated preferences of health care providers for different job characteristics.  相似文献   

在经济全球化、信息化的现代社会,如何利用国际资源,加快自身发展是一个共性问题。针对军医大学学科人才建设要求,为进一步深化对外学术交流与合作,不断提升基础学科人才建设,特邀海外学者开展定期合作研究,探索海外合作新路子。  相似文献   

A review of human vaccine research and development: malaria   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Girard MP  Reed ZH  Friede M  Kieny MP 《Vaccine》2007,25(9):1567-1580
The last several years have seen significant progress in the development of vaccines against malaria. Most recently, proof-of-concept of vaccine-induced protection from malaria infection and disease was demonstrated in African children. Pursued by various groups and on many fronts, several other candidate vaccines are in early clinical trials. Yet, despite the optimism and promise, an effective malaria vaccine is not yet available, in part because of the lack of understanding of the types of immune responses needed for protection, added to the difficulty of identifying, selecting and producing the appropriate protective antigens from a parasite with a genome of well over five thousand genes and to the frequent need to enhance the immunogenicity of purified antigens through the use of novel adjuvants or delivery systems. Insufficient clinical trial capacity and normative research functions such as local ethical committee reviews also contribute to slow down the development process. This article attempts to summarize the state of the art of malaria vaccine development.  相似文献   

试论人力资源和人才的个体评价与医院发展   总被引:21,自引:16,他引:21  
作者在文中首先阐述了人力资源构成个体评价与医院发展的关系 ;随后指出目前对人力资源理解上的偏差 ,并阐述了人力资源的内涵 ;最后就人力资源显现的作用和人口、人力、人力资源与超简单、较简单、简单、较复杂、复杂、超复杂劳动的关联性。并将医务人员中的人力资源评价从两个方面进行 :①个体自身评价 :体智德美测评含 6个子项 ;教育成效测评含 2个子项 ;隐性知识含 3个子项 ;智慧显现度含 5个子项。②外环境适应评价 :岗位生产手段知识含量含 4个子项 ;社会环境适应能力含 8个子项。同时还论述了医务人员适应的策略。  相似文献   

Efforts to enhance standard precautions and to isolate patients with positive routine clinical cultures during 3 years were insufficient to decrease multidrug-resistant bacteria infection rates. Routine screening for carriage in high-risk patients may be necessary to halt transmission and control the hospital reservoir.  相似文献   

医院护理人力资源配置现状与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
医院护理人力资源配置直接影响护理工作的质量和护理队伍的稳定。该文描述了我国医院护理人力资源配置的现状,分析了产生的原因,提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

人力资源开发与学习型医院的创建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在知识经济社会,“知本“将逐渐取代“资本“,成为推动经济社会发展的第一要素,知识的生产和利用将成为经济社会发展的强劲助推器.学习型组织成为企业做好知识管理工作和提高竞争能力的必要条件.如何有效地激励组织成员的创新和创建成功的学习型团队已成为现代医院管理的两大主题,这对人力资源管理提出了更高的要求.要完全冲破过去那种只管人事、职工待遇狭隘的思路,转变为注重人力资源的开发和成员的知识文化管理,努力创建学习型医院,以提高医院的持久竞争力.……  相似文献   

我国卫生人力资源发展变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究与我国社会经济发展和社会医疗需求相适应的卫生人力资源建设的政策建议.方法 采用文献资料法,比较分析我国改革开放30年的我国卫生人力资源发展状况及其经验.结果 卫生人力资源是我国卫生事业发展的主要动力和决定因素,必须大力推进我国卫生人力资源建设.结论 要推进我国卫生人力资源发展,必须建立发挥和提高卫生人员积极性的机制,构建"责、权、利"一体化的激励评价体系以及建立卫生人员的分类管理机制体制.  相似文献   

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