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医学教育中的哲学思辩观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多医学理论都渗透着哲学思辩观,将哲学特别是马克思主义哲学基本原理与医学理论相结合,可对医学教育起到促进作用。通过唯物辩证法在医学教学中的运用举例,对上述观点进行论证,并从理论依据、需注意的问题2个方面进行讨论。  相似文献   

A questionnaire designed to determine the nature and extent of family physicians' involvement in Canadian undergraduate medical education was sent in the fall of 1985 to the person in each department of family medicine in the 16 Canadian medical schools who was responsible for the undergraduate program. The questionnaires were followed up by visits to each school. The findings revealed that approximately 1200 family physicians were teaching 7400 Canadian medical students. There was considerable variation in the total curriculum time devoted to family medicine and in the content of and support for an undergraduate curriculum in family medicine across the country. In order to achieve nationally acceptable standards and greater continuity between undergraduate and postgraduate training, the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges should develop objectives and program requirements.  相似文献   

After 50 years of accelerated development, universities and medical schools have entered a period of uncertainty and instability. The Flexnerian paradigm of medical education, rooted in biomedical science and conducted under the aegis of a university, reached its apotheosis by the late 1960s and the early 1970s. Fuelled by the introduction of comprehensive, government-sponsored health care insurance and advances in technology, the demand for health care professionals and for access to facilities increased sharply. Medical education, research and advanced clinical services expanded dramatically aided by the emergence of academic health sciences centres and accompanied by a wave of medical curriculum reform. Now medical schools must strike a dynamic balance in responding to the continued expansion of knowledge and technology, the demand for social equity and the exigencies of prolonged fiscal constraint. They must also balance the biological and sociological approaches to medicine in establishing the foundations for the future development of Canadian medical education.  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years, many Canadian medical educators have pursued ideas and visions, as individuals in the 1950s and 1960s and later in partnership with various national bodies. Relations between universities and national medical organizations have been productive in dealing with issues of postgraduate education and clinical assessment, in particular. From 1970 to 1990, strong education offices and formally trained educators led to many successes in the areas of research in cognition, continuing medical education and clinical assessment. Canadian medical education has now achieved international recognition for its work in all aspects of the continuum of the physician's education through vision, initiative and cooperation.  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to illustrate diagrammatically and analyse the continuing medical education needs of the family physician throughout his entire career. It goes on to suggest how these needs may be met and puts forward the theory of the 'expanded university' which would include practising physicians in the community as members of faculty. This would encourage an osmotic-like interchange of students, full-time faculty, and practising physicians.  相似文献   

高职教师观念的转变,是提高教学质量、实现高职教育培养目标的关键之一。教师要树立“以人为本,人人成才”的人才观,启发学生思考,重视学生能力的培养,使学生全面发展。  相似文献   

医学整合是当今医学发展和医学教育改革的必然趋势,国内外医学院校在“整合”这一理念的指引下开展了一系列医学教育改革探索与实践。针对探索过程中遇到的困难与问题,提出转变观念,适应医学模式转变的趋势;医学教育改革必须同“新医改”工作相结合;发挥教育行政主管部门在医学课程体系改革方面的主导作用以及加强医学内部多层面整合等思考与建议。  相似文献   

To investigate the present status of nutrition education for dentists and physicians in Canada, we conducted a survey of the nutrition education programs in 10 Canadian dental and 16 medical schools in the academic year 1982-83. Seven of the dental schools and seven of the medical schools had a separate course in nutrition. The average duration of these courses was 22 hours for the dental schools and 26 hours for the medical schools. Nutrition education was integrated with another discipline in 4 of the dental schools and 11 of the medical schools. The average duration of this type of instruction was 14 hours for the dental schools and 18 hours for the medical schools. Six of the dental schools and eight of the medical schools employed a nutritionist/dietitian to provide instruction in nutrition. We recommend that courses in basic and applied clinical nutrition be incorporated throughout the curricula of Canadian dental and medical schools, and that personnel trained in clinical nutrition be employed to provide instruction in this area.  相似文献   

现代医学专业英语教育管见   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
根据大学英语教育的阶段性,以及Jordan对专门用途英语的二分法和当前新形势下的专业英语教学实际,提出现代医学专业英语教育应全面考虑影响专业英语素质综合培养的教师、学生和语言环境三大因素,构建现代医学专业英语素质综合培养的新模式,并分别对医学专业英语教育的目的、师资队伍、教学资料和语言环境等方面的建设进行了论述.  相似文献   

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