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The reduction of sugar in food is important for healthy eating without drastically changing eating habits. Fruits can contribute to sweetener the flavor and it can also improve the fiber content and the bioactive compounds, contributing to turn the product healthier. The aims of this study were to evaluate apple as sugar substitute in cake and to analyze nutritional and sensorial aspects. The nutritional composition was evaluated based on the Brazilian Food Composition Table. The sensory analysis was conducted with 9-point hedonic scale. Apples’ puree replacing sugar turned the cake healthier due to the reduction on TEV, lipid and carbohydrates content. It also increased the dietary fiber. There were differences on color, flavor and texture between cakes mean acceptance, but the overall quality means were not statistically different showing the possibility of sugar cane exclusion. Flavor, texture and overall quality of modified samples presented good acceptance by the tasters.  相似文献   

In vitro assessment of nystose as a sugar substitute   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nystose represents a fructooligosaccharide with two fructose molecules linked via beta(1----2) bonds to the fructosyl moiety of sucrose. This tetrasaccharide was subjected to an array of in vitro tests designed for the assessment of potential sugar substitutes before animal or human studies. beta-Fructosidase from yeast cleaved nystose at about 5% of the initial rate observed with sucrose. The terminal fructose was released first. Glycosyltransferase from Streptococcus mutans #620 did not utilize nystose for the formation of a glucan-type polysaccharide. Anaerobic fermentation of nystose by a suspension of mixed dental plaque microorganisms and by S. mutans NCTC 10449 was about half as fast as with sucrose. Thin-layer chromatography at various reaction times with S. mutans NCTC 10449 indicated the terminal fructose as the site of first attack. Analyses for free monosaccharides confirmed these data because free fructose exceeded free glucose at early reaction times far more than would follow from the 3:1 ratio of fructose to glucose in the nystose molecule. High pressure liquid chromatography assays demonstrated lactic and acetic acids as the main fermentation products. Carbohydrases from human jejunal mucosa did not attack nystose. However, cecal anaerobic microorganisms of the rat fermented nystose rapidly into acids.  相似文献   

Effects of fructose feeding in moderate amounts on lipid metabolism of obese versus lean, and diabetic versus nondiabetic Zucker rats, were studied. Forty pairs of male lean and obese animals were assigned to two dietary groups, fructose and glucose. For each diet, one-half of lean and obese animals were injected with streptozotocin intraperitoneally (i.p.) to induce diabetes, and the other half were injected with buffer i.p. as a nondiabetic control group. After 9 wk of feeding, animals were fasted overnight, decapitated and exsanguinated. Organs were removed and weighed. Blood glucose, insulin, lactic acid, triglycerides, cholesterol, total liver lipids and urinary glucose were determined. Hyperphagia was observed in obese, non-diabetic and lean-diabetic animals. Streptozotocin injection drastically reduced insulin levels, and produced an impairment of growth, hyperglycemia, glucosuria, polydipsia and polyuria. Fructose feeding increased organ weights in kidney, liver and retroperitoneal adipose tissue, regardless of diabetic state. However, lactic acid levels were lower in fructose-fed groups than glucose-fed groups. In obese rats serum triglyceride levels were also lower in fructose-fed groups than in glucose-fed groups. Serum cholesterol was not affected by fructose feeding. The results indicated that fructose feeding did not produce hyperlipemia and lactic acidosis in the blood circulation in Zucker rats. However, fructose feeding did not improve glucose intolerance in diabetic animals, rather fructose feeding produced hyperinsulinemia in nondiabetic, obese animals.  相似文献   

Leucrose [D-glucosyl-alpha(1----5)-D-fructopyranose], prepared by an enzyme-catalyzed transglycosidation from sucrose with greater than 99% purity, has previously been shown to be noncariogenic and was found in the present study to be apparently easily digestible when given to humans as a single oral dose of 100 g, or when fed to rats at a level of 35 g/kg body wt daily. Weanling rats fed a 25% leucrose diet grew as well as rats fed a diet containing 25% sucrose or corn starch. When 1 g of leucrose was given intravenously to adult rats, 70% of this disaccharide was excreted in the urine within 24 h, and feeding and drinking behavior of the rats was not altered. No adverse effects on their general health were observed. The substrate properties of leucrose for alpha-glucosidase from yeast and for carbohydrases from human jejunal mucosa were determined, and these data were then compared with those of maltose and sucrose. The cleavage rate of leucrose in vitro by human digestive carbohydrases was 31% that of maltose and 63% that of sucrose. Hydrogenated leucrose (leucritol) was cleaved 10 times slower, with a Michaelis constant close to that of leucrose. Blood glucose and fructose profiles in humans given leucrose per os tended to be lower than those in humans given sucrose, while insulin and C-peptide profiles were unaltered.  相似文献   

The relation between xylitol concentration (1.0 and 5.5 mmol/1), the Capacity of Urea-N Synthesis, and the rate of Alanine Metabolism was investigated in nephrectomized rats of 200 g and compared with the effect of glucose at concentrations between 5.5 and 15.5 mmol/1. The xylitol and glucose concentrations were controlled by "clamp" techniques and the endogenous hormonal effects by somatostatin. The Capacity of Urea-N Synthesis was determined during alanine infusion to constant amino acid concentrations within the interval 7.3-11.6 mmol/1. The rate of alanine metabolism was assessed as alanine infusion rate corrected for changes in alanine concentration. At normal hormonal response, xylitol at 1.0 mmol/1 and 5.5 mmol/1 reduced urea synthesis from 10.3 +/- 1.1 mumol/(min.100 g) in controls to on average 6.2 +/- 0.9 mumol/(min.100 g) (mean +/- SD, n = 2 x 10, p < 1.01). Alanine metabolism was reduced to the same extent. Glucose concentration increased from 5.4 +/- 1.0 mmol/1 in controls to 8.1 +/- 1.4 mmol/1 at both xylitol concentrations. Xylitol reduced plasma glucagon concentration to one third and tripled plasma insulin concentration. During somatostatin and blood glucose maintained above 8 mmol/1, the Capacity of Urea-N Synthesis fell to 6.1 +/- 1.0 mumol/(min.100 g). In that situation, xylitol at 1.0 mmol/1 reduced neither urea synthesis nor alanine metabolism, whereas xylitol at 5.5 mmol/1 further reduced urea synthesis to 3.4 +/- mumol/(min.100 g) (n = 10, p < 0.05) and almost stopped alanine metabolism. Thus xylitol, independently of glucose and hormonal responses, inhibited urea synthesis and alanine metabolism. This may have therapeutic implications at catabolic conditions.  相似文献   

Xylitol, a five-carbon polyalcohol, holds a substantial place in the cure and prevention of a number of diseases. The foremost reason for its lesser usage in day-to-day practice is its cost. The method employed on large scale production of this polyol, i.e. chemical reduction, uses extensive machinery and expensive chemicals thus increasing the basic cost of the sugar. Yield of xylitol by other methods including fermentation and enzymatic production is far less than chemical reduction. We did a literature analysis and briefed out the various experiments carried out till date and concluded on the required studies for improving its production and lowering down its cost.  相似文献   

In our previous work, pyridoxylated polyhemoglobin (PP-PolyHB) was shown to have a P50 = 16-18 torr, and a half-life (T 1/2) of 20 hrs in the circulation of rats given a 75% isovolemic exchange transfusion. For the present study, a rapid and lethal hemorrhagic shock model has been specifically designed to assess the ability of PP-PolyHB to function as an emergency resuscitation fluid. Using 48 fully conscious rats with special chronic arterial and venous cannulations, shock was induced by bleeding 67% of total blood volume in less than 40 min; producing 100% mortality in nonresuscitated controls. Resuscitation was carried out using one of the following infusion fluids equivalent in volume to the bled volume: Ringer's solution, albumin solution, stroma-free Hb (SFHb), pyridoxylated SFHb (PP-SFHb), PP-PolyHb, and whole blood. Long-term (greater than 8 day) survival rate of rats (n = 12) resuscitated with PP-PolyHb was 75% compared to 83% for autologous whole blood. Survival following resuscitation with the other fluids was substantially lower. These results indicate that PP-PolyHb could effectively resuscitate lethal hemorrhagic shock in conscious rats, and provide long-term survival afterwards, even in the absence of any additional fluid maintenance.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of xylitol, the pentose-sugar alcohol, on gastric emptying of the solid-food component of a complex meal. Gastric emptying was measured in human volunteers by utilizing a standardized radiolabeled scrambled-egg meal. After ingestion of 25 g xylitol, gastric emptying was markedly prolonged (T-1/2 58 +/- 5 min control vs 91 +/- 7 min after xylitol [p less than 0.01]). Since delayed gastric emptying may affect food intake, we evaluated the effects of xylitol on calorie intake. Food intake after oral preloading with water resulted in intake of 920 +/- 60 kcal vs 690 +/- 45 kcal after 25 g of xylitol. In contrast, a preload of glucose, fructose, or sucrose failed to suppress food intake. Although xylitol decreased food intake and also delayed gastric emptying, these effects may be unrelated. Our data suggest a role for xylitol as a potentially important agent in dietary control.  相似文献   

Smith JC  Sclafani A 《Appetite》2002,38(2):155-160
Two papers by George Collier are reviewed and replications and extensions of these data are presented. The first paper by Collier and Bolles (1968) reported the total caloric intake of rats during sucrose versus water preference tests. In addition, a paired comparison was made with each of a wide range of sucrose solutions. The latter experiment resulted in a re-thinking of "preference" in that it showed that although rats drank more of a middle range concentration, they always consumed more of the higher concentrations in paired comparison tests. Many other behavioral studies have confirmed that the rat's attraction to the taste of sucrose is a direct function of sucrose concentration. The second paper by Collier and Novell (1967) reported that saccharin was similar to sucrose in that intake increased and then decreased as concentration increased, although in direct choice tests, higher concentrations were preferred to lower ones except in one case. Subsequent studies using a wider range of saccharin concentrations and a variety of test measures revealed, however, that saccharin preference and acceptance decreases substantially as concentration exceeds 0.4% (19.5 mM). Furthermore, saccharin versus sucrose choice tests indicate that optimal saccharin solutions (0.2-0.4%) are "isopreferred" to only dilute sucrose solutions (2-4%). Thus, at best, saccharin is only a weak surrogate for sugar.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of an excess of xylitol on nitrogen balance and glucose metabolism in parenterally fed rats. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (200-250 g, n = 17) were catheterized for total parenteral nutrition and then randomized into two groups based on subsequent diet. The two diets used were isonitrogenous (1.5 g of nitrogen per kilogram per day) and isocaloric, with half the calories (125 kcal/kg per day) being derived from lipid (125 kcal/kg per day) and the other half from either glucose or xylitol (125 kcal/kg per day). The rats were fed a half-strength total parenteral nutrition diet for the day after surgery and a full-strength total parenteral nutrition diet for the following 4 days. Urines were collected daily for the determination of nitrogen balance. On day 5, the rats were given a 7- to 8-hour infusion of 6.6-d2 glucose (6 mg/h and 2-d1 glucose (12 mg/h). At the conclusion of the isotope infusion period, the rats were killed and blood was collected. Urine output was increased by 22% per day in the xylitol-treated rats, and they excreted 46.5 mmol of xylitol per liter per kilogram per day (7.1 g/kg per day, approximately 22.7% of dose). The xylitol group lost weight, had poorer nitrogen balance (341 +/- 31 vs 83 +/- 29 mg/kg per day [mean +/- standard error of the mean], p < .05), and developed fatty livers. Analysis of the liver fat distribution pattern indicated that the source of the excess hepatic lipid was dietary fat.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To evaluate the efficacy of nonglucose energy substrates in promoting nitrogen retention and survival in stressed states, two series of studies were done. In study 1, 50 rats underwent cecal ligation/perforation and subsequent infusion for 24 hr with one of four isocaloric (220 kcal/kg/day), isonitrogenous (1.4 g/N/kg/day), isovolemic regimens which differed in caloric source: Glucose (GLU) + long-chain triglycerides (LCT) (50%:50%), GLU + LCT + medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) (50%:32%:18%), GLU + LCT/Carnitine (10 mg/dl) or GLU + LCT + Xylitol (XYL) (33%:33%:33%). The nitrogen-sparing effect of GLU + LCT was not enhanced by the addition of carnitine to facilitate LCT mitochondrial uptake or by MCT to bypass carnitine-dependent transport. In contrast, relative to GLU + LCT GLU + LCT + XYL decreased urinary 3-methylhistidine (3MH) excretion (p less than 0.01), and enhanced nitrogen retention (p less than 0.01 vs GLU + LCT). For study 2, 24 male rats were anesthetized, cannulated for TPN, and given a 25% burn. They were then randomized into three dietary groups. The diets were isocaloric (103 kcal/kg/day) and isonitrogenous (2.0 g N/kg/day) but differed in nonprotein calorie source: GLU + LCT (51%:49%), GLU + Glycerol (51%:49%) and XYL + LCT (51%:49%). As in the septic animals, N balance was best with the xylitol regimen (p less than 0.01). The polyol, xylitol, appears to have a significant nitrogen sparing effect in stressed animals.  相似文献   



Substitution can be operationalized as the conscious choice to use one drug (legal or illicit) instead of, or in conjunction with, another due to issues such as: perceived safety; level of addiction potential; effectiveness in relieving symptoms; access and level of acceptance. This practice of substitution has been observed among individuals using cannabis for medical purposes. This study examined drug and alcohol use, and the occurrence of substitution among medical cannabis patients.  相似文献   

The effects of undernutrition during suckling on neurochemical and behavioral parameters were investigated in adult rats. Young rats were undernourished by feeding their mothers an 8% (by wt) protein diet from delivery until weaning (d 21). Mothers of control rats were fed a 20% protein diet. After weaning, normal and undernourished rats were fed a 20% protein diet until 90-120 d of age, when the rats were subjected to footshocks of low and high intensity during escape training sessions. The memory of footshock escape learning was measured 24 h later by testing with low and high footshock intensity. Also, two neurochemical changes related to the escape training with high footshock intensity were studied: hypothalamic beta-endorphin release during the training and the increase of amino acid incorporation into protein in brain structures 4 h after training. By means of low shock intensity we observed that undernutrition during suckling causes hyperreactivity to electric shock. By means of high shock intensity we observed that undernutrition abolished the neurochemical changes caused by learning training and abolished the memory of footshock escape learning.  相似文献   

Glycaemic responses to the dextrin NUTRIOSE 6 (Dex) and the MALTISORB maltitol (Mal) have been studied previously but their effects on vigilance and cognitive performances are still not known. The present study assesses dose-related glycaemic responses following Dex administration and the hypothesis that Dex and Mal could modulate the glycaemic response, improve vigilance under stress conditions and improve cognitive performances in rats. The glycaemic responses following Dex and corn syrup GLUCIDEX IT 21 (CoS) solutions at 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 g/kg body weight administered by oral administration (experiment 1) and glycaemic responses to three cereal bars (standard (CoS), Dex or Dex/Mal bar) (experiment 2) were evaluated. Rats having eaten cereal bars were submitted to vigilance and aversive light stimulus avoidance conditioning tests to assess their vigilance and cognitive performances. The first experiment showed that the glycaemic response to both products is dose-related and that CoS induced a glycaemic response three times higher than the Dex response. The second experiment showed the same glycaemic response for the three cereal bar-treated rats. Yet, an increase in the vigilance of Dex/Mal-treated rats as well as a better discrimination between two levers in the cognitive test for Dex- and Dex/Mal-treated rats were noticed. These results suggest that the glycaemic response is not the only factor to be considered in predicting the efficiency of a food ingredient on vigilance and cognitive performances: these behaviours are improved after Dex- and Mal-prepared cereal bar ingestion whereas the glycaemic response does not differ from the CoS-prepared bar.  相似文献   

Sucrose polyester, a fat substitute, has shown promise in reducing blood cholesterol and body weight of obese individuals. Effects of this compound in the Zucker rat, a genetic model of obesity, are unknown. Thus, we examined food intake, body weight, body composition, and several metabolic parameters in sera of lean and obese female Zucker rats. Eight-week-old lean and obese animals were given a choice between a control diet (15% corn oil) and fat substitute diet (5% corn oil and 10% sucrose polyester) for 2 days. Next, one-half of the lean and obese groups received control diet; the remaining lean and obese rats received fat substitute diet for 18 days. Cumulative food intake was depressed in fat substitute groups relative to control-fed animals; however, this effect was more predominant in obese animals. Obese rats consuming fat substitute diet (O-FS) gained less weight as compared to obese control-fed animals (O-C). Lean rats given fat substitute (L-FS) did not have significantly different body weights as compared to the L-C group. Fat substitute groups, combined, had lower body fat and higher body water as compared to controls. The O-FS group had lower serum glucose and insulin and higher fatty acid levels compared to the O-C group. There were no differences in serum cholesterol, HDL, or triglyceride levels due to fat substitute diet. These data suggest that the obese Zucker rat is unable to defend its body weight when dietary fat is replaced with sucrose polyester.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the effects of exercise, diet, and their combination on metabolic syndrome (MS) risk factors including visceral fat mass (VFM), glucose intolerance, and dyslipidemia in OLETF rats. Thirty-two male rats were assigned to exercise (OLETF-Ex), dietary treatment (-DT), combination (-Ex&DT), or sedentary (-Sed) groups. Daily voluntary exercise using a rotary wheel was performed in OLETF-Ex. Each treatment was conducted from 21 to 31 wk of age. An oral glucose tolerance test was performed before and after the treatment period. Absolute levels of VFM, subcutaneous fat mass (SFM), and serum lipids including triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) were measured after the treatment period. All therapeutic treatments resulted in significantly lower levels of body weight, VFM, SFM, and serum lipids than in sedentary control rats. All therapeutic treatments were also found to improve indices of oral glucose tolerance. Of the 3 therapeutic treatments, serum LDL-C levels were significantly lower in OLETF-Ex and OLETF-Ex&DT than in OLETF-Sed. The data demonstrate that all therapeutic approaches tested were effective in improving a number of MS-related parameters in OLETF rats. However, exercise-based therapeutic intervention may provide additional benefits for improving fat metabolism in MS patients.  相似文献   

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