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王××,男,41岁。左眼角巩膜穿透伤放1993年3月14日上午11时急症来院。患者放14日上午10时许被石块击伤左眼。检查,左眼远视力光感消失,上下眼睑肿胀,皮下淤血,结膜混合性充血,放3-7点处角巩膜不规则裂口伤约1.5cm,虹膜嵌顿脱出,限内容大部伤脱出,眼球塌陷。右眼远力1.5,结膜无充血,角膜透明,房水清,瞳孔4mm,对光反应灵敏。松当日下午2点在局麻下行伤眼眼球摘除术,手术顺利,术后静脉滴注青霉素400万ti,l日2次。翌日早晨8点查房,病人述放今晨4点左右右眼开始疼痛,畏光,流泪,视物模糊不清。检查,右眼远视力0.l,结… 相似文献
目的:了解该病发生的危险因素,为其基础研究方向提供有价值的资料。方法:对30例交感性眼炎进行回顾,分析交感性眼炎发生率、诱因、和损伤部位的关系、临床特点以及治疗的效果。结果:交感性眼炎占同期住院病人的0.72%,该病多发生于伤口位于角巩膜缘的眼球穿通伤,也见于内眼手术后、挫伤、肿瘤等情况,表现为全葡萄膜炎的占了63.3%。女性发病率高于男性。结论:交感性眼炎的发生和眼球正常结构的破坏有关并具有一定的组织特异性,交感性眼炎的发生率、该病与遗传的关系以及色素蛋白抗原与交感性眼炎的关系值得进一步深入研究。眼科学报1996;12:191~192。 相似文献
交感性眼炎13例的临床分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
交感性眼炎是眼球穿通伤、内眼手术和激光损伤所引起的一种非坏死性肉芽肿性的自身免疫性疾病 ,可导致双眼盲目。本病的转归和预后有赖于早期诊断和恰当的早期治疗。本文就我院自 1987年 1月至 1999年 6月收治的眼球穿通伤 85 6例 ,其中发生交感性眼炎 13例 ,占 1 5 2 % ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1 1 本文 13例交感性眼炎中 ,男 9例 ,女 4例 ,年龄 11~ 5 7岁 ,以 2 0~ 35岁为多 ,共 6例 ,占 46 2 %。1 2 致伤因素 :铁屑穿通伤、球内异物 4例 ,爆炸伤 2例 (炸药、鞭炮各 1例 ) ,石块伤、剪刀、菜刀、铁丝、注射针头 (废用 )、树杈各 1例… 相似文献
梁春正 《眼外伤职业眼病杂志》2005,27(9):690-692
目的探讨交感性眼炎的治疗及预防方法。方法回顾分析30例交感性眼炎的年龄、性别、致伤原因、受伤部位、潜伏期、发生率、临床表现、治疗及预后,讨论交感性眼炎发病机制、环磷酰胺疗效、摘除伤眼问题及预防方法。结果伤口24小时以内修复的眼球穿孔伤和同期内眼手术发生交感性眼炎22例,复发4例,复发率18.18%;伤口24小时以后修复及未修复的眼球穿孔伤发生交感性眼炎8例,复发4例,复发率50%。二者之间无显著差异(χ2=3.04 P>0.05)。交感性眼炎发生后再摘除伤眼者既不能缩短病程,也不能防止复发。应用皮质类固醇、环磷酰胺等药物治疗,炎症控制,视力均提高。结论及时准确处理伤眼及内眼手术可减少交感性眼炎的发生和复发,交感性眼炎发生后摘除伤眼要慎重选择适应证,联合应用环磷酰胺、皮质类固醇药物治疗效果较好。 相似文献
交感性眼炎39例临床分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
(中华眼底病杂志,1995,11:102-103) 相似文献
交感性眼炎是眼外伤的严重并发症,病因至今不明,伤后处理不当常诱发本病。治疗不当常导致失明。现将我们所见的22例,作一简略的分析讨论。 相似文献
交感性眼炎的临床分析 总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6
本文分析了1980 ̄1993年收治的交感性眼炎31例,由眼球穿通伤引起者30例,占同期收治的眼球穿通伤13043例的0.23%,其中眼球破裂伤引起者11例,在同期眼球破裂伤中占6.12%;白内障手术引起者1例,在同期内眼手术占0.03%。潜伏期10天 ̄15天。2月发病者占58.02%;3月以内发病者67.74%;6月以内发病者77.40%。还分析了致伤原因、受伤部位、临床表现、治疗及预后,讨论了发 相似文献
目的探讨交感性眼炎的发病机制、诊断及治疗方法。方法回顾性分析52例交感性眼炎的临床资料。结果交感性眼炎致伤物多种多样,眼球穿孔分别位于睫状区巩膜、角巩膜及角膜缘。病变部位以眼后段炎症为主者31例,占59.62%。外伤后发病时间最短15天,最长30年。人院时视力在0.1以下者32例,没有视力在1.0以上的病例,多数病人视力较差。经用糖皮质激素及免疫抑制剂治疗后视力恢复至0.2~0.9者14例,1.0及以上26例。视力存0.1以下者由32例减少至12例。视力较好和保留有用视力在0.2以上者共40例,占76.92%。结论穿孔性眼外伤可诱发交感性眼炎,尤其是眼球睫状区穿孔更为常见;用糖皮质激素或免疫抑制剂治疗本病取得了满意效果,说明交感性眼炎系自身免疫性疾病。 相似文献
交感性眼炎临床相关因素的分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨发生交感性眼炎的相关因素。方法对75例交感性眼炎临床资料进行回顾性分析,包括性别、年龄、眼别、致伤原因、受伤部位、潜伏期及临床体征等。结果交感性眼炎多发生于青壮年,致伤原因多为眼球穿孔伤,占88.00%;受伤部位为角膜缘者最多,占59.32%;潜伏期9天~36年,以2~8周者最多,占47.89%;年龄越小发生后段改变的可能性越高,潜伏期在8周~1年的病例越趋向于发生后段改变。结论交感性眼炎的发生与年龄及受伤部位有关,后段改变较多发生于年龄小及潜伏期长者。 相似文献
《Ocular immunology and inflammation》2013,21(3):255-262
An immunohistochemical study was conducted on 29 cases of sympathetic ophthalmia (SO). Monoclonal antibodies against T, B, NK cells, macrophages, and MHC class II antigen (HLA-DR) were used. The choroidal infiltrate in 20 eyes was predominantly T cell while B cell predominated in four cases. All eyes with a B cell predominance came from males. A predominance of B cells was correlated to a longer duration of the disease (> 9 months) and in eyes showing phthisical changes. There was no correlation between a predominance of B cells with age, race, corticosteroid treatment or histological type (typical or atypical). These findings suggest that, although SO is a T cell mediated disease, the predominance of B cells in some cases may represent the end stage of the disease process, or seems a secondary pathological process. The kinetic change in cell populations during the disease may have therapeutic implication. 相似文献
目的 分析玻璃体切除术后交感性眼炎的临床特征.方法 回顾性分析璃体切除术后交感性眼炎13例的临床资料.结果 发生交感性眼炎的时间距最后一次玻璃体手术时间为10 d~2年,4个月以内者8例(61.5%),临床表现以视力下降为主,其次为眼痛、眼前黑影、视物变形.发病时交感眼视力为0.04 ~0.6,激发眼视力为无光感~数指.4例交感眼有渗出性视网膜脱离.所有患者经糖皮质激素治疗后交感眼和激发眼视力均有不同程度恢复.3例因激发眼视力完全丧失而行眼球摘除术.结论 玻璃体切除术后交感性眼炎发生率为0.29%;大多发生在手术后4个月以内;术中联合晶状体手术、巩膜外冷凝、术前存在眼外伤和其它手术史,增加发生交感性眼炎的危险. 相似文献
Sympathetic ophthalmia is a rare and potentially visually devastating bilateral panuveitis, typically following non-surgical penetrating injury to one eye. Three patients are presented where sympathetic ophthalmia developed after repeated vitreoretinal surgery. Prompt and effective management with systemic immunosuppressive agents permitted control of their disease and retention of good visual acuity in their remaining eye. Vitreoretinal surgery is an important risk factor in sympathetic ophthalmia. Informed consent for vitreoretinal surgery (especially in the re-operation setting) should now include the risk of sympathetic ophthalmia (approximately 1 in 800). Diverse clinical presentations are possible in sympathetic ophthalmia and any bilateral uveitis following vitreoretinal surgery should alert the surgeon to the possibility of sympathetic ophthalmia. Modern immunosuppressive therapy with systemic steroids and steroid-sparing agents such as cyclosporin A and azathioprine have improved the prognosis. This is particularly so in cases where early diagnosis is made and prompt and suitable immunotherapy is commenced. 相似文献
Ellen Kraus-Mackiw 《International ophthalmology》1990,14(5-6):391-394
Ophthalmologists are daily confronted with intraocular inflammation following trauma and/or intraocular surgery. In rare cases, this may lead to the loss of visual function in both eyes, i.e. sympathetic ophthalmia (SO). In order to reduce the scope of responsible action between enucleation of the exciting eye (EE), which still has good vision, and progressive inflammation of the second eye (SE) resulting in blindness if action is delayed, a score system was established based on all SO symptoms which had become known from the literature and personal communications up the end of 1988. The score system developed by HANNE et al. allows causal differentiation between SO or uveitis of other genesis in the partner eye taking into account the prior history and findings in the EE and the occurrence of symptoms after the last accident/operation and findings in the SE.If the last eye is involved, the presence of SO should be assumed in every case where there are signs of intraocular inflammation in order to allow immediate commencement of anti-inflammatory therapy, the more so since it is known that corticosteroids and cytostatics (this also applies to cyclosporin A) can only arrest the immunopathologic processes in the initial phase of the disease. 相似文献
目的:探讨交感性眼炎眼组织(虹膜睫状体、脉络膜、视网膜)中共刺激分子B7-1,B7-2,CD28和CTLA-4的表达意义。方法:交感性眼炎眼球石蜡标本4例,行常规石蜡切片,免疫组织化学方法探讨交感性眼炎各部分眼组织中上述分子的表达,并与正常人眼组织中各分子的表达进行比较。结果:正常人眼组织虹膜睫状体中有B7-2分子,无B7-1,CTLA-4和CD28分子;脉络膜中有B7-1分子,但无B7-2,CTLA-4和CD28分子;视网膜内无B7-1,B7-2,CTLA-4和CD28分子。而交感性眼炎的虹膜睫状体和脉络膜中均有B7-1,B7-2,CTLA-4和CD28分子,视网膜的色素上皮细胞有B7-1和B7-2分子表达,而无CD28和CTLA-4分子表达,视网膜内可见少量B7-1,B7-2,CTLA-4和CD28分子表达。结论:眼组织中B7与CD28和CTLA-4分子之间的相互作用与交感性眼炎患者葡萄膜处于持续免疫激活状态密切相关。 相似文献