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Esophageal striated myogenesis progresses differently from appendicular myogenesis, but the mechanism underlying this process is incompletely understood. Early theories of transdifferentiation of smooth muscle into striated muscle are not supported by transgenic fate-mapping experiments; however, the origin of esophageal striated muscle remains unknown. To better define the process of striated myogenesis, we examined myogenesis in murine fetal cultured esophageal whole-organ explants. Embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5) esophagi maintained a functional contractile phenotype for up to 7 days in culture. Striated myogenesis, as evidenced by myogenin expression, proceeded in a craniocaudal direction along the length of the esophagus. Esophageal length did not change during this process. Complete, but not partial, mechanical disruption of the rostral esophagus inhibited myogenesis distally. Addition of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) to the culture media failed to inhibit striated myogenesis, but attenuated smooth muscle actin expression and reduced peristaltic activity. Inhibition of c-kit failed to inhibit peristalsis. These results suggest that striated myogenic precursors are resident along the entire length of the esophagus by day 14.5 and do not migrate along the esophagus after E14.5. Induction of myogenesis craniocaudally appears to require physical continuity of the esophagus and is not inhibited by FGF-2. Finally, peristalsis in E14.5 esophagi appears not to be regulated by interstitial cells of Cajal.  相似文献   

The muscularis externa of the developing rodent esophagus is initially composed of smooth muscle, and later replaced by skeletal muscle in a craniocaudal progression. There is growing evidence of distinct developmental origins for esophageal smooth and skeletal muscles. However, the identification of skeletal muscle progenitor cells is controversial, and the detailed cell lineage of their descendants remains elusive. In the current study, we carried out multiple labeling immunofluorescence microscopy of nestin and muscle type-specific markers to characterize the dynamic process of rat esophageal myogenesis. The results showed that nestin was transiently expressed in immature esophageal smooth muscle cells in early developing stages. After nestin was downregulated in smooth muscle cells, a distinct population of nestin-positive cells emerged as skeletal muscle precursors. They were mitotically active, and subsequently co-expressed MyoD, followed by the embryonic and later the fast type of skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain. Thus, the cell lineage of esophageal skeletal muscle differentiation was established by an immunotyping approach, which revealed that skeletal myocytes arise from a distinct lineage rather than through transdifferentiation of smooth muscle cells during rat esophageal myogenesis.  相似文献   

Following initial patterning as differentiated smooth muscle (SM) cells, the muscularis externa of the murine esophagus is replaced by skeletal muscle, but the mechanism underlying this process is controversial. The hypothesis that committed SM cells transdifferentiate into striated muscle is not consistent with fate mapping studies. Similarly, apoptosis does not fully explain the process. Using immunohistochemical techniques and transgenic mice that express eGFP and Cre-recombinase exclusively in SM, we have identified a population of remnant SM cells that persist throughout the developing and mature murine esophagus. These cells display an atypical phenotype, are not associated with microvasculature, but are often apposed to cKit positive, interstitial cells of Cajal. The absolute length of the SM component of the developing esophagus remains constant during a period when total esophageal length increases 4-fold, resulting in a small maintained distal segment of smooth muscle. Esophageal SM cells fail to express myogenin during development, and striated muscle cell precursors expressing myogenin fail to express specific SM cell markers, indicating that they did not transdifferentiate from SM cells. Moreover, smooth muscle-specific myogenin inactivation has no effect on esophageal skeletal myogenesis. Taken together, our results provide an alternative hypothesis regarding the fate of SM cells in the developing murine esophagus, which does not invoke apoptosis or transdifferentiation.  相似文献   

The primary aim of our study was to determine whether the esophageal innervation (i.e., vagal and enteric) and the skeletal muscle-secreted neurotrophins have a role in smooth-to-skeletal muscle transdifferentiation and in the muscarinic-to-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor type transition. To that end, we used genetically engineered embryos and immunohistochemistry. We found that, in the absence of Myf5 and MyoD, the esophageal muscle cells failed to develop the striated phenotype of acetylcholine receptors. In addition, the development of vagal and enteric innervation was delayed in Myf5(-/-):MyoD(-/-) and NT-3(-/-) mutants, but it was reestablished 2 days before the end of gestation. The smooth muscle cells in the esophagus appeared to be a distinct subpopulation of cells and their ability to transdifferentiate was based on their competence to express neurotrophins and their receptors. Finally, our data suggest a role for NT-3 in the esophageal muscle transdifferentiation.  相似文献   

The present study reports light microscopical observations of the distribution of muscle in the esophagus and stomach of both the bull frog (Rana catesbeiana) and the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). The external muscle coat of the upper half of the esophagus in both species had several collagen coated bundles of striated muscle fibres around the circumference. These striated muscle bundles ran longitudinally from the pharynx to around the vicinity of the center of the esophagus. Beneath these striated muscle bundles was an inner circular layer of smooth muscle. In both species, the inner circular layer of smooth muscle was particularly thick in the region close to the pharynx. In the bull frog, the lower half of the esophagus lacked striated muscle. However, the circular smooth muscle layer, extending from the upper half of the esophagus, was also observed throughout the lower half of the esophagus. An outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle developed towards the terminal portion of the esophagus such that in this region, both outer longitudinal and inner circular layers of smooth muscle were observed. Similarly in the African clawed frog, the inner circular layer of smooth muscle was continuous along the full length of the esophagus. Again, no striated muscle bundles were observed in the lower half of the esophagus. However, the outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle was seen to develop in the middle region of the esophagus. Its muscle layer extended to the terminal portion of the esophagus. Thus, both outer longitudinal and inner circular layers of smooth muscle were observed throughout the lower half of the esophagus. In both frogs, the thickness of the outer longitudinal and inner circular layers of smooth muscle changed before and after the esophago-gastric junction. In both frogs, no muscularis mucosa was observed in the esophageal wall. However, in the lower half of the esophagus of the African clawed frog, small bundles of smooth muscle were observed here and there in the submucosa. A fully developed muscularis mucosa with both outer longitudinal and inner circular layers was observed in the upper stomach of both frogs.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for the different amounts of striated muscle in mammalian esophagi are still enigmatic. A recent ultrastructural analysis in mouse esophagus pointed to a particular role of satellite cells during postnatal growth of striated muscle. The aim of this study was to investigate satellite cell development and the influence of Pax7 on this process. Developing and adult esophagi of wild‐type and mice carrying a targeted mutation in Pax7 were analyzed by electron microscopy. We found a gene dose‐dependent delayed development of striated muscle and a severe loss of satellite cells in Pax7+/? and Pax7?/? esophagi. In contrast to the entirely striated wild‐type esophagus, Pax7?/? mutants developed a mixed phenotype with predominantly smooth muscle caudally. We conclude that Pax7‐dependent myogenic progenitor cells are of prime importance for striated muscle formation and the degree of smooth‐to‐striated muscle conversion during esophageal ontogeny. Developmental Dynamics 238:864–874, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In contrast to the tunica muscularis of the stomach, small intestine and large intestine, the external muscle layer of the mammalian esophagus contains not only smooth muscle but also striated muscle fibers. Although the swallowing pattern generator initiates the peristaltic movement via vagal preganglionic neurons that project to the myenteric ganglia in the smooth muscle esophagus, the progressing front of contraction is organized by a local reflex circuit composed by intrinsic neurons similarly to other gastrointestinal tracts. On the other hand, the peristalsis of the striated muscle esophagus is both initiated and organized by the swallowing pattern generator via vagal motor neurons that directly innervate the muscle fibers. The presence of a distinct ganglionated myenteric plexus in the striated muscle portion of the esophagus had been enigmatic and neglected in terms of peristaltic control for a long time. Recently, the regulatory roles of intrinsic neurons in the esophageal striated muscle have been clarified. It was reported that esophageal striated muscle receives dual innervation from both vagal motor fibers originating in the brainstem and varicose intrinsic nerve fibers originating in the myenteric plexus, which is called ‘enteric co-innervation’ of esophageal motor endplates. Moreover, a putative local neural reflex pathway that can control the motility of the striated muscle was identified in the rodent esophagus. This reflex circuit consists of primary afferent neurons and myenteric neurons, which can modulate the release of neurotransmitters from vagal motor neurons in the striated muscle esophagus. The pathogenesis of some esophageal disorders such as achalasia and gastroesophageal reflux disease might be involved in dysfunction of the neural networks including alterations of the myenteric neurons. These evidences indicate the physiological and pathological significance of intrinsic nervous system in the regulation of the esophageal motility. In addition, it is assumed that the components of intrinsic neurons might be therapeutic targets for several esophageal diseases.  相似文献   

MyoD is a master regulatory gene for myogenesis that also converts many mesoderm-derived cells into the skeletal muscle phenotype. Rat aortic smooth muscle cells do not contain MyoD homologous mRNA. However, expression of an exogenously supplied MyoD gene in aortic smooth muscle cells cultured from newborn and adult animals converts these cells to elongated myoblasts and myotubes expressing the skeletal muscle genes for titin, nebulin, myosin, and skeletal alpha-actin. The presence of basic fibroblast growth factor during growth and serum starvation completely inhibits MyoD-mediated conversion in cultures of newborn smooth muscle cells. However, in smooth muscle cell cultures derived from adult rats the presence of fibroblast growth factor increases the conversion frequency. The differential response of exogenous MyoD suggests that the two morphological types of aortic smooth muscle cells, one typical for the newborn rat, the other for the adult rat, represent two distinctive states of differentiation.  相似文献   

The structure of the esophagus has been studied in the adult opossum, Didelphis virginiana. A thickening of both layers of the muscularis externa occurs at the origin of the esophagus and may represent the upper esophageal sphincter; a massive expansion of the muscularis mucosae occurs in the region of the lower esophageal sphincter. The distribution of striated, mixed and smooth muscle in the muscularis externa differs in the inner and outer layers and elements of the myenteric plexus are found to occur even in the region of striated muscle; however, the ganglia of this plexus become much more prominent as smooth muscle makes its appearance. Esophageal glands are found in the lamina propria where they are confined to the 2 ends. They are especially prominent at the distal end where they are responsible for the formation of permanent transverse folds. Similar glands are found in the submucosa, scattered throughout the length of the esophagus but distally, in the region of the transverse folds, the submucous glands disappear. In both of these layers, the glands contain mucous, serous and myoepithelial cells.  相似文献   

Recent studies have postulated that distinct regulatory cascades control myogenic differentiation in the head and the trunk. However, although the tissues and signaling molecules that induce skeletal myogenesis in the trunk have been identified, the source of the signals that trigger skeletal muscle formation in the head remain obscure. Here we show that although myogenesis in the trunk paraxial mesoderm is induced by Wnt signals from the dorsal neural tube, myogenesis in the cranial paraxial mesoderm is blocked by these same signals. In addition, BMP family members that are expressed in both the dorsal neural tube and surface ectoderm are also potent inhibitors of myogenesis in the cranial paraxial mesoderm. We provide evidence suggesting that skeletal myogenesis in the head is induced by the BMP inhibitors, Noggin and Gremlin, and the Wnt inhibitor, Frzb. These molecules are secreted by both cranial neural crest cells and by other tissues surrounding the cranial muscle anlagen. Our findings demonstrate that head muscle formation is locally repressed by Wnt and BMP signals and induced by antagonists of these signaling pathways secreted by adjacent tissues.  相似文献   

The cremaster muscle (CM) is a striated muscle showing some unusual features for ordinary striated muscles, in fact it receives, besides somatic innervation, a conspicuous autonomic sympathetic innervation. The autonomic neurons associated with the CM of 4 male intact pigs were typified combining the retrograde nontrans‐synaptic fluorescent tracer Fast Blue (FB) and double labeling immunohistochemical methods. We collected the L4 sympathetic trunk ganglion (STG), that our preliminary studies proved to contain the highest number (575.5 ± 152.93; mean ± S.E.M., n = 4) of FB+ sympathetic neurons projecting to CM. About half of the CM projecting neurons of this ganglion were catecholaminergic and showed the colocalization of Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) with Neuropeptide Y (NPY), Leu‐Enkephaline (LENK), Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP), Calcitonine Gene Related Peptide (CGRP), Substance P (SP), neuronal Nitric Oxyde Sinthase (n‐NOS), and Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporter (VAChT). The noncatecholaminergic neurons were immunoreactive for all the other markers tested, even if in small percentages. The conspicuous and heterogeneous contribution of the sympathetic autonomic neurons to the muscle innervation is consistent with the hypothesis of a possible origin of the CM fibers by transdifferentiation of the smooth muscle‐like gubernaculum mesenchyma into striated myotubes, suggesting that the cremaster myogenesis is independent from that of the abdominal muscles. Anat Rec, 298:2091–2097, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Integrins are a superfamily of transmembrane alpha beta heterodimers that play an important role in cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions by acting as receptors for extracellular matrix proteins and for cell adhesion molecules. Using monoclonal antibodies against beta 1, alpha 1 to alpha 6, and alpha v subunits, the in situ distribution pattern of beta 1 integrins was examined immunohistochemically in nonneoplastic smooth and striated muscle cells and in their tumors. Nonneoplastic smooth muscle cells were beta 1+, alpha 1+, alpha 3+, alpha v+ and, in diverse localizations, also alpha 5+ or even alpha 6+. The expression of the beta 1 chain was conserved in all leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas. The distribution pattern of the alpha subunits by contrast underwent several changes during malignant transformation of smooth muscle cells. These alterations consisted in a neoexpression of alpha 2, alpha 4, and alpha 6 as well as in an abnormal abrogation of alpha 1 and alpha 3 in some leiomyosarcomas. Except for the absence of alpha 5 in the majority of epithelioid leiomyosarcomas, expression of the alpha 5 and alpha v subunits was mainly conserved. In addition, tumors with epithelioid differentiation differed from typical cases by the absence of alpha 1 and the simultaneous presence of alpha 4. Adult striated muscle cells were beta 1+ but alpha 1- to alpha 6- and alpha v-, whereas fetal striated muscle cells were not only beta 1+ but also alpha 3+/-, alpha 4+/-, alpha 5+ and alpha 6+. In all rhabdomyosarcomas the expression of beta 1 was retained. Furthermore, the majority of cases showed the expression of one or more alpha subunits most of which, ie, alpha 4, alpha 5, and alpha 6, were also found in fetal striated muscle cells. In conclusion, beta 1 integrins exhibited a differential expression pattern along the two lines of myogenic differentiation. This integrin profile underwent characteristic changes during malignant transformation. Nevertheless, the compiled distribution patterns of the alpha 1, alpha 3, and alpha v subunits allowed in most instances the discrimination between tumors of smooth (alpha 1+/alpha 3+/alpha v+) and striated muscle (alpha 1-/alpha 3-/alpha v-) differentiation.  相似文献   

Muscularis externa of mouse oesophagus is composed of two skeletal muscle layers in the adult. Unlike rest of skeletal muscle in the body, the oesophageal skeletal muscle in the mouse has been proposed to be derived from fully differentiated smooth muscle cells by transdifferentiation during later foetal and early postnatal development (Patapoutian et al. [1995] Science 270:1818-1821). Here we characterised the nature of cells in muscularis externa of the mouse oesophagus by ultrastructural and immunoctyochemical analyses. The presence of differentiated skeletal muscle cells identified by positive staining for skeletal muscle specific myosin heavy chain became first apparent in the outer layer of cranial oesophagus at 14 days gestation. The transient expression of smooth muscle type alpha-actin in mouse oesophageal muscle was also apparent during foetal development. This isoform, however, was not smooth muscle specific during early development as it was also detected in foetal skeletal muscles. Compared with oesophagus, the suppression of this smooth muscle type alpha-actin during foetal development was faster in non-oesophageal skeletal muscle cells. The development of skeletal muscle in oesophagus showed a cranial to caudal and an outer layer to inner layer progression. During early foetal development, mouse oesophagus is composed of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells that formed cell clusters. Two types of cells with different staining densities could be distinguished within these cell clusters by electron microscopy. The centrally located pale staining cells gave rise to skeletal muscle cells while the peripherally positioned dense staining cells gave rise to smooth muscle cells, indicating the existence of both skeletal and smooth muscle cell precursors in mouse oesophagus during early foetal development. Further development showed an increase in the proportion of skeletal muscle cells and a decrease in size and number of the smooth muscle type cells. Apart from decrease in cell size, some other morphological features of smooth muscle cell degeneration were also observed during later foetal and early neonatal development. No smooth muscle cells undergoing transdifferentiation were observed. Both immunochemical and ultrastructural observations, thus, demonstrated the presence of skeletal muscle cells in early foetal oesophagus. It is concluded that the transient appearance of smooth muscle cells may provide a scaffold for the laying down of skeletal muscle layers in mouse oesophagus, the final disappearance of which may be triggered by lack of smooth muscle innervation.  相似文献   

子宫内膜间质肉瘤伴多成分分化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Fan L  Guo D  Ma T  Wu W 《中华病理学杂志》2000,29(6):432-434
目的 探讨子宫内膜间质肉瘤伴多成分分化的临床、病理特征,及其鉴别诊断及预后的意义。方法 观察17例子宫内膜间质肉瘤的组织形态,部分病例辅以免疫组织化学染色或电镜观察。结果 13例低度恶性及4例高度恶性子宫内膜间质肉瘤表现多成分分化,其中13例伴性索样分化,10例伴平滑肌分化,2例伴骨分化,1例伴横纹肌分化,有9例同时伴2种多成分分化。结论 无论低度恶性或高度恶性的子宫内膜间质肉瘤均可伴多成分分化,以性索样分化与平滑肌分化最常见,少见伴骨分化或横纹肌分化。子宫内膜间质肉瘤的预后与多成分分化的数量及类型关系不大。  相似文献   

The thin filaments of differentiated smooth muscle cells are composed of actin and tropomyosin isoforms and numerous ancillary actin-binding proteins that assemble together into distinct thin filament classes. These different filament classes are segregated in smooth muscle cells into structurally and functionally separated contractile and cytoskeletal cellular domains. Typically, thin filaments in smooth muscle cells have been considered to be relatively stable structures like those in striated cells. However, recent efforts have shown that smooth muscle thin filaments indeed are dynamic and that remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton, in particular, regulates smooth muscle function. Thus, the cytoskeleton of differentiated smooth muscle cells appears to function midway between that of less dynamic striated muscle cells and that of very plastic proliferative cells such as fibroblasts. Michael and Kate Bárány keenly followed and participated in some of these studies, consistent with their broad interest in actin function and smooth muscle mechanisms. As a way of honoring the memory of these two pioneer members of the muscle research community, we review data on distribution and remodeling of thin filaments in smooth muscle cells, one of the many research topics that intrigued them.  相似文献   

To examine the role of the apoptosis of macrophages and smooth muscle cells in the development of atherosclerosis, human aortic tissues with intimal lesions were immunostained with antibodies against terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL), single-stranded DNA (clone F7-26), and active caspase-3. Apoptotic cells were detected in the intima using both TUNEL and single-stranded DNA, however, the latter method was the more sensitive one for detecting apoptotic cells in the early stages of atherosclerosis. The number of apoptotic cells increased as the disease progressed. It implies that the apoptosis of intimal cells is involved in the formation of atherosclerotic lesions. In addition, quantitative analyses of the cell types undergoing apoptosis using double-immunostaining revealed that the susceptibility of macrophages and smooth muscle cells to apoptosis was greater specifically in atheroma than in the other atherosclerotic lesions, and macrophages were more susceptible to apoptosis than smooth muscle cells. The frequency and spatial distribution of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) (FOH1a/DLH3)-positive cells were examined by immunohistochemistry, and the results resembled those of apoptotic cells. The number of oxLDL-positive cells in the intima significantly correlated with the susceptibility of smooth muscle cells, but not with that of macrophages, to apoptosis. These results suggest that oxLDL affects the apoptosis of smooth muscle cells during the atherosclerotic development.  相似文献   

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