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A 20-month old girl presented with an intralingual cyst from birth, which interfered with feeding but not respiration. The cyst was completely excised and histology of the wall showed an epithelial lining of stratified squamous and respiratory type epithelium. There has been no recurrence and function of the tongue has remained normal.  相似文献   

胃重复囊肿是非常少见的胃肠道畸形,占整个消化道畸形发生率的2%~4%。因为该病的临床及影像学表 现非特异性,诊断较为困难,现阶段只能依靠手术切除治疗,术中应注意异位胰腺的合并切除并结扎胰腺管道。南 昌大学第二附属医院胃肠外科收治1例成人胃重复囊肿伴异位胰腺,给予胃部分切除术后治愈出院。  相似文献   

This is a case of a neonate with a large cervical mass and respiratory distress at birth. Radiological investigations revealed a predominantly solid mass with calcifications and multiple cysts, suggesting a teratoma. Patient died while being prepared for surgery and autopsy confirmed an immature teratoma. The clinical and pathological characteristics of paediatric cervical teratomas are discussed.  相似文献   

Colloid cysts are a rare clinical finding with a unique clinical presentation: non-specific paroxysmal headaches. The current recommended treatment is microsurgery, which poses the greatest risk to the patient but allows complete removal of the cyst to prevent recurrence. A 41-year old man presented with a colloid cyst located in the foramen of Monro causing obstructive hydrocephalus. He had paroxysmal headaches and memory and personality changes. Transcortical transventricle microsurgery was performed to remove the entire cyst. A temporary shunt was placed to prevent post-operative hydrocephalus. Normal neurological function returned upon cyst removal.  相似文献   

Paratubal cyst can undergo torsion that can make it difficult to diagnose since tubal cysts mimic ovarian cysts. Most reported cases of paratubal cysts have occurred in pediatric patients, and this type of cyst rarely causes symptoms of lower abdominal pain mimicking appendicitis. We present the case of a 28-year-old female who was taking Carbergoline for hyperprolactinoma associated with a pituitary adenoma who came to the ER at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit experiencing severe abdominal pain. Her pain was not accompanied by nausea, vomiting or other gastrointestinal symptoms. A transvaginal ultrasound revealed a normal uterus with the right ovary containing a cyst measuring 3 cm. x 2 cm. She was released on analgesics and seen at the clinic at Henry Ford Hospital three days later. She was still experiencing pain and was given antibiotics and Darvocet. When the pain had not subsided 48 hours later, a decision was made to perform diagnostic laparoscopy. Surgery was performed 10 days later and a paratubal cyst was removed that was twisted twice on its pedicle. This case illustrates the fact that torsion of paratubal cyst should be included in the differential diagnosis of adnexal pain.  相似文献   

An epiglottic cyst causing airway obstruction is rare in an adult. Early definitive diagnosis and management obviate an unnecessary tracheostomy. We report a case of a 64-year-old woman who arrived at our hospital with progressive stridor and foreign body sensation when swallowing for 6 weeks. A hot potato voice and biphasic stridor were remarkable upon physical examination. Indirect mirror and fibroscopic examination revealed a huge epiglottic cyst. The neck lateral X-ray and computed tomography scan demonstrated a huge cystic mass over the epiglottis. A 2.5 x 3.0 cm cystic mass was removed with endoscopic CO2 laser after needle decompression. The patient was discharged on the third day after surgery without complications. An epiglottic cyst in an adult seldom causes upper airway obstruction and is easily ignored by clinicians. We emphasize that complete airway evaluation including routine check-up of the larynx is mandatory for patients with intractable obstructive airway disease. Endoscopic laser surgery is effective in the surgical removal of an epiglottic cyst.  相似文献   

Severe acute gastric dilatation occurring in the absence of bowel obstruction is uncommon. We report acute gastric dilatation developing postoperatively in a 79-year-old man, culminating in respiratory failure. On the third postoperative day following bilateral inguinal hernia repair, he developed abdominal distension with absent bowel sounds. Abdominal radiograph showed a grossly distended gastric shadow and small bowel dilatation. The patient's oxygen saturation then deteriorated suddenly and severely, necessitating intubation. He recovered well with conservative measures.  相似文献   

临床资料 患者 ,男 ,4 6岁。主诉 :性欲减退 2年 ,头痛 15d,于 2 0 0 3年 2月 7日门诊入院。查体 :双眼视力、视野正常 ,双侧眼底未见视乳头水肿和出血。内分泌学检查示 :黄体生成素 (L H) 36 .5 IU/ L,促卵泡成熟素 (FSH) 13.0 IU/ L。头颅X线平片未见蝶鞍扩大。CT示蝶鞍内 1.2 cm× 1.6 cm大小均匀低密度占位灶。MRI检查显示 :鞍内一边界清楚的葫芦状肿块 ,大小 2 .0 cm× 2 .0 cm× 1.6 cm,T1 WI呈均质低信号 ,T2 WI呈高信号 ,肿块增强后未见强化信号 ,其前方有片状高信号 (图 1)。入院及术前诊断 :“鞍区占位病变 ,垂体腺瘤…  相似文献   

Hydatid disease, the parasitic infestation caused by the cestode, echinococcus granulosus involves mainly the liver and the lungs though no organ is immune. Genito urinary involvement has been found mainly in the kidneys and rarely in other structures such as, bladder and epididymis. Isolated retrovesical location of the hydatid cyst is a very rare condition whose manifestations appears after a long course of the disease and are due to compression of bladder, causing the bladder out flow obstruction. Such rare case of bladder out flow obstruction is presented.  相似文献   

Clinical data An 18-year-old girl presented with difficulty in passing urine and lower abdominal mass for 2months. Fifteen days before admission to our hospital, she received laparotomy in another hospital during which a mass was found in retroperitoneal space.……  相似文献   

Omental hydatid cyst is a rare cause of intra-abdominal hydatids. A 38-year-old female was presented with complaint of progressive abdominal distension. USG revealed a cystic lesion involving almost whole of the abdominal cavity. The patient was operated on and the cyst was removed followed with a course of albendazole.  相似文献   

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