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For sexual communication, moths primarily use blends of fatty acid derivatives containing one or more double bonds in various positions and configurations, called sex pheromones (SPs). To study the molecular basis of novel SP component (SPC) acquisition, we used the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta), which uses a blend of mono-, di-, and uncommon triunsaturated fatty acid (3UFA) derivatives as SP. We identified pheromone-biosynthetic fatty acid desaturases (FADs) MsexD3, MsexD5, and MsexD6 abundantly expressed in the M. sexta female pheromone gland. Their functional characterization and in vivo application of FAD substrates indicated that MsexD3 and MsexD5 biosynthesize 3UFAs via E/Z14 desaturation from diunsaturated fatty acids produced by previously characterized Z11-desaturase/conjugase MsexD2. Site-directed mutagenesis of sequentially highly similar MsexD3 and MsexD2 demonstrated that swapping of a single amino acid in the fatty acyl substrate binding tunnel introduces E/Z14-desaturase specificity to mutated MsexD2. Reconstruction of FAD gene phylogeny indicates that MsexD3 was recruited for biosynthesis of 3UFA SPCs in M. sexta lineage via gene duplication and neofunctionalization, whereas MsexD5 representing an alternative 3UFA-producing FAD has been acquired via activation of a presumably inactive ancestral MsexD5. Our results demonstrate that a change as small as a single amino acid substitution in a FAD enzyme might result in the acquisition of new SP compounds.Sex pheromones (SPs) are a diverse group of chemical compounds that are central to mate-finding behavior in insects (1). Variation in SP composition between closely related species and among populations is well documented. Despite this variation, SPs are presumed to be under strong stabilizing selection, and thus the genetic mechanisms driving SP diversification represented an enigma (2). Research on SPs in moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) helped establish the hypothesis of asymmetric tracking as a major driving force in SP diversification. In this scenario, abrupt changes in female SP composition via a shift in component ratio or the inclusion or loss of a component result in a distinct SP that attracts males with more broadly or differentially tuned SP preference (3). Assortative mating, the preferential mating of females producing a novel SP with males attracted to this SP, restricts gene flow between subpopulations with differing SP compositions. This can ultimately lead to speciation and fixation of novel communication channels (4). Work in insect models such as wasps (5), fruit flies (6), and especially moths (79) is helping uncover the genetic basis of SP diversification.In the majority of moth species, females use species-specific mixtures of SP components (SPCs) consisting of volatile fatty acid (FA) derivatives to attract conspecific males at long range. These SPCs are predominantly long-chain aliphatic (C12–C18) acetates, alcohols, or aldehydes containing zero to three double bonds of various configurations at different positions along the carbon backbone (10). Pheromone biosynthesis involves modifications of fatty acyl substrates, such as chain shortening and elongation, reduction, acetylation, oxidation, and desaturation (11). SP biosynthetic enzymes [i.e., FA reductases (8), FA chain-shortening enzymes (12, 13), and particularly FA desaturases (FADs) (7, 9, 1417)] are the most commonly discovered traits underlying SP divergence in moths.Manduca sexta females attract males by releasing an SP containing in addition to mono- and diunsaturated aldehydes, which are typical structural themes in SPs of Bombycoidea moths (10), also uncommon conjugated triunsaturated aldehydes. The production of triunsaturated SPCs represents an easily traceable phenotype, thus making M. sexta a convenient yet unexploited model organism for unraveling the mechanisms of chemical communication evolution via novel SPC recruitment. In our previous attempts to decipher the desaturation pathway leading to triunsaturated SPC FA precursors (3UFAs), we identified the MsexD2 desaturase, which exhibits Z11-desaturase and conjugase (1,4-dehydrogenase) activity and participates in stepwise production of monounsaturated (1UFA) and diunsaturated (2UFA) SPC precursors. The terminal desaturation step resulting in the third conjugated double bond remained, however, elusive (18, 19).Here, we isolated and functionally characterized FAD genes abundantly and specifically expressed in the pheromone gland (PG) capable of producing 3UFA pheromone precursors and demonstrated the biosynthesis of 3UFAs from 2UFAs. We used site-directed mutagenesis of M. sexta FADs and identified a minimal structure motif leading to acquisition of new desaturase specificities. The reconstructed evolutionary relationship of moth FADs demonstrated that the 3UFA pheromone precursors in M. sexta were acquired via (i) activation of a presumably inactive ancestral FAD gene and/or (ii) duplication of an ancestral FAD gene producing 1UFA and 2UFA SPC precursors followed by functional diversification of an FAD duplicate.  相似文献   

Sex pheromones released by female moths are detected with high specificity and sensitivity in the olfactory sensilla of antennae of conspecific males. Bombykol in the silkmoth Bombyx mori was the first sex pheromone to be identified. Here we identify a male-specific G protein-coupled olfactory receptor gene, B. mori olfactory receptor 1 (BmOR-1), that appears to encode a bombykol receptor. The BmOR-1 gene is located on the Z sex chromosome, has an eight-exon/seven-intron structure, and exhibits male-specific expression in the pheromone receptor neurons of male moth antenna during late pupal and adult stages. Bombykol stimulation of Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing BmOR-1 and BmGalphaq elicited robust dose-dependent inward currents on two-electrode voltage clamp recordings, demonstrating that the binding of bombykol to BmOR-1 leads to the activation of a BmGalphaq-mediated signaling cascade. Antennae of female moths infected with BmOR-1-recombinant baculovirus showed electrophysiological responses to bombykol but not to bombykal. These results provide evidence that BmOR-1 is a G protein-coupled sex pheromone receptor that recognizes bombykol.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the genes of the gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis pathway in the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi are organized in a cluster of at least seven genes. P450-1 is one of four cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genes in this cluster. Disruption of the P450-1 gene in the GA-producing wild-type strain IMI 58289 led to total loss of GA production. Analysis of the P450-1-disrupted mutants indicated that GA biosynthesis was blocked immediately after ent-kaurenoic acid. The function of the P450-1 gene product was investigated further by inserting the gene into mutants of G. fujikuroi that lack the entire GA gene cluster; the gene was highly expressed under GA production conditions in the absence of the other GA-biosynthesis genes. Cultures of transformants containing P450-1 converted ent-[(14)C]kaurenoic acid efficiently into [(14)C]GA(14), indicating that P450-1 catalyzes four sequential steps in the GA-biosynthetic pathway: 7beta-hydroxylation, contraction of ring B by oxidation at C-6, 3beta-hydroxylation, and oxidation at C-7. The GA precursors ent-7alpha-hydroxy[(14)C]kaurenoic acid, [(14)C]GA(12)-aldehyde, and [(14)C]GA(12) were also converted to [(14)C]GA(14). In addition, there is an indication that P450-1 may also be involved in the formation of the kaurenolides and fujenoic acids, which are by-products of GA biosynthesis in G. fujikuroi. Thus, P450-1 displays remarkable multifunctionality and may be responsible for the formation of 12 products.  相似文献   

To sense its population density and to trigger entry into the stress-resistant dauer larval stage, Caenorhabditis elegans uses the dauer pheromone, which consists of ascaroside derivatives with short, fatty acid-like side chains. Although the dauer pheromone has been studied for 25 years, its biosynthesis is completely uncharacterized. The daf-22 mutant is the only known mutant defective in dauer pheromone production. Here, we show that daf-22 encodes a homolog of human sterol carrier protein SCPx, which catalyzes the final step in peroxisomal fatty acid β-oxidation. We also show that dhs-28, which encodes a homolog of the human d-bifunctional protein that acts just upstream of SCPx, is also required for pheromone production. Long-term daf-22 and dhs-28 cultures develop dauer-inducing activity by accumulating less active, long-chain fatty acid ascaroside derivatives. Thus, daf-22 and dhs-28 are required for the biosynthesis of the short-chain fatty acid-derived side chains of the dauer pheromone and link dauer pheromone production to metabolic state.  相似文献   

The sophistication of the insect olfactory system is elegantly demonstrated by the reception of sex pheromone by the Japanese beetle. In this insect, two olfactory receptor neurons housed in antennal sensilla placodea are highly sensitive. One neuron specifically detects the sex pheromone produced by conspecific females (R,Z)-5-(-)-(1-decenyl)oxacyclopentan-2-one [(R)-japonilure]. The other neuron is tuned to (S)-japonilure, a sex pheromone from a closely related species and a behavioral antagonist for the Japanese beetle. These chemical signals are enzymatically terminated by antennal esterases that open the lactone rings to form physiologically inactive hydroxyacids. We have isolated a pheromone-degrading enzyme, PjapPDE, from >100,000 antennae of the Japanese beetle. PjapPDE was demonstrated to be expressed only in the antennal tissues housing the pheromone-detecting sensilla placodea. Baculovirus expression generated recombinant PjapPDE with likely the same posttranslational modifications as the native enzyme. Kinetic studies with pure native and recombinant PjapPDE showed a clear substrate preference, with an estimated half-life in vivo for the sex pheromone and a behavioral antagonist of approximately 30 and approximately 90 ms, respectively.  相似文献   

Insect molting and metamorphosis are induced by steroid hormones named ecdysteroids, whose production is regulated by various neuropeptides. We cloned the gene and analyzed the expression of the prothoracicostatic peptide, a unique neuropeptide shown to suppress the production of ecdysteroids in the prothoracic gland of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. We also characterized a Bombyx G protein-coupled receptor, which has previously been identified as an ortholog of the Drosophila sex peptide receptor, as a functional prothoracicostatic peptide receptor. This receptor responded specifically to the prothoracicostatic peptides when examined using a heterologous expression system. The receptor was highly expressed in the prothoracic gland on the day before each larval and pupal ecdysis, when prothoracicostatic peptides are synthesized at a high level in the epiproctodeal glands. These results suggest that the sex peptide receptor functions as a prothoracicostatic peptide receptor in Bombyx and that the peripheral neurosecretory cells as well as the central neuroendocrine system play stage-specific roles in regulating ecdysteroidogenesis.  相似文献   

p-Aminobenzoate N-oxygenase (AurF) from Streptomyces thioluteus catalyzes the formation of unusual polyketide synthase starter unit p-nitrobenzoic acid (pNBA) from p-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) in the biosynthesis of antibiotic aureothin. AurF is a metalloenzyme, but its native enzymatic activity has not been demonstrated in vitro, and its catalytic mechanism is unclear. In addition, the nature of the cofactor remains a controversy. Here, we report the in vitro reconstitution of the AurF enzyme activity, the crystal structure of AurF in the oxidized state, and the cocrystal structure of AurF with its product pNBA. Our combined biochemical and structural analysis unequivocally indicates that AurF is a non-heme di-iron monooxygenase that catalyzes sequential oxidation of aminoarenes to nitroarenes via hydroxylamine and nitroso intermediates.  相似文献   

Male moths are endowed with odorant receptors (ORs) to detect species-specific sex pheromones with remarkable sensitivity and selectivity. We serendipitously discovered that an endogenous OR in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is highly sensitive to the sex pheromone of the silkworm moth, bombykol. Intriguingly, the fruit fly detectors are more sensitive than the receptors of the silkworm moth, although its ecological significance is unknown. By expression in the “empty neuron” system, we identified the fruit fly bombykol-sensitive OR as DmelOR7a (= DmOR7a). The profiles of this receptor in response to bombykol in the native sensilla (ab4) or expressed in the empty neuron system (ab3 sensilla) are indistinguishable. Both WT and transgenic flies responded with high sensitivity, in a dose-dependent manner, and with rapid signal termination. In contrast, the same empty neuron expressing the moth bombykol receptor, BmorOR1, demonstrated low sensitivity and slow signal inactivation. When expressed in the trichoid sensilla T1 of the fruit fly, the neuron housing BmorOR1 responded with sensitivity comparable to that of the native trichoid sensilla in the silkworm moth. By challenging the native bombykol receptor in the fruit fly with high doses of another odorant to which the receptor responds with the highest sensitivity, we demonstrate that slow signal termination is induced by overdose of a stimulus. As opposed to the empty neuron system in the basiconic sensilla, the structural, biochemical, and/or biophysical features of the sensilla make the T1 trichoid system of the fly a better surrogate for the moth receptor.  相似文献   

RNA silencing in plants and some animals has a non–cell-autonomous effect due to an RNA signal that moves between cells or organs. To identify unique factors involved in this process, we analyzed a group of Arabidopsis mutants with defective spread of RNA silencing from a transgene expressed specifically in the phloem. These mutants accumulated reduced amounts of small interfering (si)RNA from the transgene locus and from endogenous loci TAS1, TAS2, and an inverted repeat locus IR71. The defect in TAS1 and TAS2 siRNA biogenesis is in the processing of a long siRNA precursor. We mapped the mutations to a gene encoding the Arabidopsis homolog of a protein, TEX1, which is involved in intracellular transport of RNA in animals. TEX1 is a component of the THO/TREX complex, and we show that the Arabidopsis TEX1 interacts with other predicted components of a THO/TREX complex. Correspondingly, we found at least two other components of the Arabidopsis THO core complex that are involved in RNA silencing. To reconcile the effect of these mutations on transgene and endogenous gene siRNA, we propose a mechanism in which THO/TREX processes or transports a long RNA molecule so that it can be a template for secondary siRNA production.  相似文献   

Most laboratory mouse strains including C57BL/6J do not produce detectable levels of pineal melatonin owing to deficits in enzymatic activity of arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) and N-acetylserotonin O-methyl transferase (ASMT), two enzymes necessary for melatonin biosynthesis. Here we report that alleles segregating at these two loci in C3H/HeJ mice, an inbred strain producing melatonin, suppress the circadian period-lengthening effect of the Clock mutation. Through a functional mapping approach, we localize mouse Asmt to chromosome X and show that it, and the Aanat locus on chromosome 11, are significantly associated with pineal melatonin levels. Treatment of suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) explant cultures from Period2Luciferase (Per2Luc) Clock/+ reporter mice with melatonin, or the melatonin agonist, ramelteon, phenocopies the genetic suppression of the Clock mutant phenotype observed in living animals. These results demonstrate that melatonin suppresses the Clock/+ mutant phenotype and interacts with Clock to affect the mammalian circadian system.  相似文献   

The phytohormone cytokinin regulates plant growth and development. This hormone is also synthesized by some phytopathogenic bacteria, such as Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and is as a key factor in the formation of plant tumors. The rate-limiting step of cytokinin biosynthesis is catalyzed by adenosine phosphate-isopentenyltransferase (IPT). Agrobacterium IPT has a unique substrate specificity that enables it to increase trans-zeatin production by recruiting a metabolic intermediate of the host plant's biosynthetic pathway. Here, we show the crystal structures of Tzs, an IPT from A. tumefaciens, complexed with AMP and a prenyl-donor analogue, dimethylallyl S-thiodiphosphate. The structures reveal that the carbon-nitrogen-based prenylation proceeds by the SN2-reaction mechanism. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to determine the amino acid residues, Asp-173 and His-214, which are responsible for differences in prenyl-donor substrate specificity between plant and bacterial IPTs. IPT and the p loop-containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases likely evolved from a common ancestral protein. Despite structural similarities, IPT has evolved a distinct role in which the p loop transfers a prenyl moiety in cytokinin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The antibiotic valanimycin is a naturally occurring azoxy compound produced by Streptomyces viridifaciens MG456-hF10. Precursor incorporation experiments showed that valanimycin is derived from l-valine and l-serine via the intermediacy of isobutylamine and isobutylhydroxylamine. Enzymatic and genetic investigations led to the cloning and sequencing of the valanimycin biosynthetic gene cluster, which was found to contain 14 genes. A novel feature of the valanimycin biosynthetic gene cluster is the presence of a gene (vlmL) that encodes a class II seryl-tRNA synthetase. Previous studies suggested that the role of this enzyme is to provide seryl-tRNA for the valanimycin biosynthetic pathway. Here, we report the results of investigations to elucidate the role of seryl-tRNA in valanimycin biosynthesis. A combination of enzymatic and chemical studies has revealed that the VlmA protein encoded by the valanimycin biosynthetic gene cluster catalyzes the transfer of the seryl residue from seryl-tRNA to the hydroxyl group of isobutylhydroxylamine to produce the ester O-seryl-isobutylhydroxylamine. These findings provide an example of the involvement of an aminoacyl-tRNA in an antibiotic biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Nucleotide metabolic pathways provide numerous successful targets for antiparasitic chemotherapy, but the human pathogen Cryptosporidium parvum thus far has proved extraordinarily refractory to classical treatments. Given the importance of this protist as an opportunistic pathogen afflicting immunosuppressed individuals, effective treatments are urgently needed. The genome sequence of C. parvum is approaching completion, and we have used this resource to critically assess nucleotide biosynthesis as a target in C. parvum. Genomic analysis indicates that this parasite is entirely dependent on salvage from the host for its purines and pyrimidines. Metabolic pathway reconstruction and experimental validation in the laboratory further suggest that the loss of pyrimidine de novo synthesis is compensated for by possession of three salvage enzymes. Two of these, uridine kinase-uracil phosphoribosyltransferase and thymidine kinase, are unique to C. parvum within the phylum Apicomplexa. Phylogenetic analysis suggests horizontal gene transfer of thymidine kinase from a proteobacterium. We further show that the purine metabolism in C. parvum follows a highly streamlined pathway. Salvage of adenosine provides C. parvum's sole source of purines. This renders the parasite susceptible to inhibition of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the multistep conversion of AMP to GMP. The inosine 5' monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitors ribavirin and mycophenolic acid, which are already in clinical use, show pronounced anticryptosporidial activity. Taken together, these data help to explain why widely used drugs fail in the treatment of cryptosporidiosis and suggest more promising targets.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a human carcinogen, but the mechanisms evoked in carcinogenesis during this chronic inflammatory disease remain incompletely characterized. We determined whether chronic H. pylori infection induced mutations in the gastric mucosa of male and female gpt delta C57BL/6 mice infected for 6 or 12 mo. Point mutations were increased in females infected for 12 mo. The mutation frequency in this group was 1.6-fold higher than in uninfected mice of both sexes (P < 0.05). A:T-to-G:C transitions and G:C-to-T:A transversions were 3.8 and 2.0 times, respectively, more frequent in this group than in controls. Both mutations are consistent with DNA damage induced by oxidative stress. No increase in the frequency of deletions was observed. Females had more severe gastric lesions than males at 6 mo postinfection (MPI; P < 0.05), but this difference was absent at 12 MPI. In all mice, infection significantly increased expression of IFNγ, IL-17, TNFα, and iNOS at 6 and 12 mo, as well as H. pylori–specific IgG1 levels at 12 MPI (P < 0.05) and IgG2c levels at 6 and 12 MPI (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001). At 12 MPI, IgG2c levels in infected females were higher than at 6 MPI (P < 0.05) and also than those in infected males at 12 MPI (P < 0.05). Intensity of responses was mediated by sex and duration of infection. Lower H. pylori colonization indicated a more robust host response in females than in males. Earlier onset of severe gastric lesions and proinflammatory, Th1-biased responses in female C57BL/6 mice may have promoted mutagenesis by exposing the stomach to prolonged oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Telomeres are engaged in a host of cellular functions, and their length is regulated by multiple genes. Telomere shortening, in the course of somatic cell replication, ultimately leads to replicative senescence. In humans, rare mutations in genes that regulate telomere length have been identified in monogenic diseases such as dyskeratosis congenita and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which are associated with shortened leukocyte telomere length (LTL) and increased risk for aplastic anemia. Shortened LTL is observed in a host of aging-related complex genetic diseases and is associated with diminished survival in the elderly. We report results of a genome-wide association study of LTL in a consortium of four observational studies (n = 3,417 participants with LTL and genome-wide genotyping). SNPs in the regions of the oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding folds containing one gene (OBFC1; rs4387287; P = 3.9 × 10−9) and chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 gene (CXCR4; rs4452212; P = 2.9 × 10−8) were associated with LTL at a genome-wide significance level (P < 5 × 10−8). We attempted replication of the top SNPs at these loci through de novo genotyping of 1,893 additional individuals and in silico lookup in another observational study (n = 2,876), and we confirmed the association findings for OBFC1 but not CXCR4. In addition, we confirmed the telomerase RNA component (TERC) as a gene associated with LTL (P = 1.1 × 10−5). The identification of OBFC1 through genome-wide association as a locus for interindividual variation in LTL in the general population advances the understanding of telomere biology in humans and may provide insights into aging-related disorders linked to altered LTL dynamics.  相似文献   

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