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P Spinhoven  A C Linssen 《Pain》1991,45(1):29-34
The clinical relevance of strategies to cope with pain was assessed by means of the Coping Strategy Questionnaire (CSQ). This was presented to a sample of 53 low back pain patients in The Netherlands, who had agreed to participate in a treatment outcome study of a group program consisting of education about pain and a training in relaxation and imaginative pain coping strategies. A baseline period of 10 weeks was followed by 10 weekly therapy sessions. At posttreatment, improvement in measurements of reported pain intensity and behavioral and emotional adjustment to pain correlated significantly with (changes in) coping strategy use. However, at the 6-month follow-up, only pain reduction appeared to be significantly related to pretreatment-follow-up changes on CSQ scores for Perceived Control. It is concluded that a judgment about one's capability to control pain may be as important as the specific pain coping strategies used.  相似文献   

Nielson WR  Jensen MP 《Pain》2004,109(3):233-241
The present study utilized a sample of 198 individuals with Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) to examine the association between treatment process variables (beliefs, coping strategies) and treatment outcomes (pain severity, activity level, emotional distress and life interference) related to a 4-week multidisciplinary fibromyalgia treatment program. Multiple regression analyses were utilized to evaluate these relationships pretreatment to posttreatment as well as from pretreatment to 3- and 6-month follow-ups. The results indicated that outcomes were most closely related to: (1) an increased sense of control over pain, (2) a belief that one is not necessarily disabled by FM, (3) a belief that pain is not necessarily a sign of damage, (4) decreased guarding, (5) increased use of exercise, (6) seeking support from others, (7) activity pacing and (8) use of coping self-statements. These findings are consistent with a cognitive-behavioural model of fibromyalgia, and suggest targets for therapeutic change.  相似文献   

Sex differences are generally found in the perception and experience of pain, with women reporting more intense and frequent pain than men. One reason why such differences may occur has been linked to socially-acquired gender-role expectations associated with pain. Although there is evidence that men and women report using different pain coping strategies, we do not know the extent to which gender-specific expectations are associated with pain-related coping. The current study sought to examine this in more detail by administering a standard pain coping measures on three separate occasions, but with different instructions. Hundred and twenty two participants (57 male, 65 female) were asked to complete the coping measure as themselves, then again as they would expect the typical man and the typical woman to complete it. Results indicated that there were no significant differences between men and women in their own self-reported usage of pain coping strategies. However, there was general evidence to suggest that there are differences in stereotypical views of how men and women are thought to cope with pain. Furthermore, sex differences were also found in how participants viewed their own coping behaviours in comparison to that of the typical man and typical woman. These results confirm that alongside pain, men and women hold different gender-specific expectations with respect to certain pain coping strategies. Future research is required to examine whether these different coping expectations influence an individuals own choice of strategy, and whether this in turn affects actual pain experiences.  相似文献   

K W Watkins  K Shifren  D C Park  R W Morrell 《Pain》1999,82(3):217-228
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of age and pain severity (i.e. mild versus severe pain) in predicting coping strategies of individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). An age-stratified sample (N = 121) of individuals diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis completed a modified version of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ). Individuals were asked to report the coping strategies used for mild versus severe pain. Findings included: (1) older adults were more likely than younger adults to report use of maladaptive coping strategies in the context of mild, but not severe, RA pain, (2) older adults' reported patterns of coping reflected less-than-anticipated expertise in dealing with RA pain, and (3) individuals, regardless of age, reported use of more active coping strategies in the context of mild pain and use of more maladaptive coping strategies in the context of severe pain. The present study suggests that research regarding illness and coping is most informative when it captures the individual-situational interaction of dealing with stressors such as chronic pain.  相似文献   

A large sample of patients with chronic low back pain were studied on admission to a behaviorally oriented in-patient pain program, at program completion, and at 1 month follow-up. Cluster analysis of admissions MMPI scores were used to identify 4 patient subgroups each for males and females. There were no subgroup differences found on any of the admissions demographic, pain report, or physical function measures, or differential treatment outcome based on subgroup. All groups began with high levels of pain and disability, yet improved dramatically following treatment. There was a general normalization of the MMPI reflected by elevated MMPI scales found at admission showing significant decreases at follow-up testing. Subgroups derived from follow-up MMPI testing were related to physical functioning at follow-up and pain report measures, with the elevated subgroups showing higher levels of continued pain and disability.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to explore the coping strategies used by patients with chronic low back pain, to test hypothesized mediators of the relationship between self-efficacy and pain outcomes, and to determine the roles of self-efficacy and outcome expectancies in coping with pain in patients (N = 85) with chronic low back pain. The most common coping behaviors were reporting pain, using pain medications, and coping self-statements. Patients' self-efficacy to cope with pain was inversely correlated with pain intensity. Self-efficacy was positively correlated with perseverance of coping effort. Perseverance of coping effort was found to mediate the effects of self-efficacy on pain outcomes; however, level of distress was not found to be a mediator. Outcome expectancies were positively correlated with perseverance of coping effort. These findings are discussed in terms of implications for practice and directions for future research. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Seventy-four chronic low back pain patients in a study assessing the effectiveness of group outpatient cognitive-behavioral and operant behavioral treatment completed the Coping Strategy Questionnaire (CSQ) and measures of pain, depression, and functional disability pre- and post-treatment. The previously reported factor structure of the CSQ was generally replicated, and significant associations were found between use of ignoring and reinterpretation strategies and downtime, between use of attention diversion strategies and pain intensity, and between tendency to catastrophize and physical and psychosocial impairment. Both treatments resulted in significant changes in types of coping strategies used to deal with pain. Increased use of praying and hoping strategies was significantly related to decreases in pain intensity. Decreased catastrophizing was also significantly related to decreases in pain intensity, as well as to decreases in physical and psychosocial impairment.  相似文献   

Boston A  Sharpe L 《Pain》2005,119(1-3):168-175
The aims of this study were threefold. Firstly, to investigate the effect of increasing threat-expectancy on attentional biases towards pain-related words. Secondly, to determine the interaction between threat-expectancy and the effectiveness of two coping strategies on pain threshold and tolerance. Thirdly, to investigate the relationship between fear of pain and the experimental manipulations. One hundred undergraduate psychology students were randomly assigned to receive either threat-increasing or reassuring information about the cold pressor task. After reading the information, all participants completed the dot-probe task for four categories of pain-related words. Following the dot-probe task, participants were randomly allocated to one of two coping strategy conditions (focusing on affective vs sensory aspects of pain). Participants then completed the cold pressor task while engaging in the relevant coping strategy. There was a significant effect of threat on bias towards affective vs sensory pain words. Participants in the threat condition showed a stronger bias towards affective pain words. In contrast, the no-threat condition displayed a stronger bias towards sensory pain words. Significant interaction effects were observed between threat and coping strategy for threshold and tolerance. These results indicated that focusing on sensory pain sensations was helpful in the absence of threat, however, in the presence of threat was relatively unhelpful in comparison to focusing on the affective components of pain. The present results provide support for the fear-avoidance model of pain [Vlaeyen JWS, Linton SJ. Fear-avoidance and its consequences in chronic musculoskeletal pain: a state of the art. Pain 2000;85:317-332] and confirm the importance of threat-expectancy in hypervigilance towards pain and fear avoidance.  相似文献   

M P Jensen  J A Turner  J M Romano 《Pain》1991,44(3):263-269
Recent studies suggest that coping strategies play an important role in adjustment to chronic pain. Identification of factors that influence coping could potentially help clinicians facilitate the use of adaptive coping strategies by pain patients. According to social learning theory, self-efficacy beliefs (judgments regarding one's capabilities) and outcome expectancies (judgments regarding the consequences of behaviors) are significant determinants of coping behavior. This study tested hypotheses derived from social learning theory by examining the contributions of these beliefs to the prediction of coping behavior in chronic pain patients. One hundred and fourteen chronic pain patients completed measures of health-related dysfunction, pain severity, use of 8 coping strategies, and outcome and self-efficacy expectancies regarding these coping strategies. In support of social learning theory, and consistent with research in other areas, the patients' beliefs regarding their capabilities were strongly related to reported coping efforts. Beliefs about the consequences of coping efforts and their interaction with beliefs about capabilities were generally unrelated to coping. These results suggest that treatment should emphasize the actual practice and use of adaptive coping strategies over education about their outcome.  相似文献   

Little is known about the strategies that older adults use to cope with persistent pain. The purpose of this study was to describe strategies used by older, retirement community-dwelling adults to cope with persistent, noncancer pain, as assessed by the Chronic Pain Coping Inventory (CPCI), to examine the associations of these strategies with disability and depression, and to compare the 65-item and 42-item versions of the CPCI in this population. Two hundred fifty residents of 43 retirement communities in the Pacific Northwest completed baseline measures for a randomized controlled trial of a pain self-management intervention, including the CPCI and measures of demographics, comorbidity, pain-related disability, and depression. The most frequently reported strategies, as assessed by the CPCI, were Task Persistence, Pacing, and Coping Self-Statements. The least frequently used strategies were Asking for Assistance and Relaxation. Regression analyses demonstrated that coping strategies explained 26%, 19%, and 18% additional variance in physical disability, depression, and pain-related interference, respectively, after controlling for age, gender, comorbidity, and pain intensity. Internal consistency for most CPCI-65 and CPCI-42 subscales was adequate. This study clarifies strategies used by older adults to cope with persistent pain and provides preliminary validation of the CPCI in this population. PERSPECTIVE: Findings from this study on pain coping strategies in older adults might suggest potentially useful coping strategies clinicians could explore with individual patients. Investigators can use study findings to design trials of interventions to help older adults cope more effectively with pain.  相似文献   

Gender,coping and the perception of pain   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Keogh E  Herdenfeldt M 《Pain》2002,97(3):195-201
Research consistently indicates that gender differences exist in pain perception, with females typically reporting more negative responses to pain than males. It also seems as if males and females use and benefit from different coping strategies when under stress; females seem to prefer emotion-focused coping, whereas males prefer sensory-focused coping. Unfortunately, experimental research that examines such differences in the context of pain has not yet been adequately investigated. The aim of the current study was, therefore, to determine whether gender differences would be found in the effect that sensory-focused and emotion-focused coping instructions have on cold pressor pain experiences. Participants consisted of 24 male and 26 female healthy adults, all of whom reported no current pain. A consistent pattern of effects was found, over both behavioural and self-report measures of pain. Compared to females, males exhibited less negative pain responses when focusing on the sensory component of pain (i.e. increased threshold, tolerance and lower sensory pain). Furthermore, compared to sensory focusing, emotional focusing was found to increase the affective pain experience of females. Together these results confirm that important differences exist between men and women in the effects pain coping instructions have on the experience of pain. The implications of such findings for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The relation between personality characteristics and the psychological functioning of headache patients has long been a topic of interest. Early investigations focused on clinical and anecdotal reports while recent research has moved toward a more objective evaluation of headache groups by using the MMPI. However, the findings from diverse studies have not been integrated, nor has a rationale for the use of these data in the clinical management of headache been formally presented. The focus of this review is to present a concise, integrated analysis of previous group MMPI headache studies and apply these findings to differential diagnosis, prediction of treatment outcome, and client-treatment matching. Five selected clinical case studies indicating various degrees of psychopathology in migraine headache patients are presented to highlight treatment issues in support of an idiographic utilization of the MMPI for the clinical treatment of headache patients.  相似文献   

夏华安  涂红梅  曹素花  梁丽霞 《护理研究》2011,25(23):2100-2101
[目的]探讨卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)病人妊娠结局与应对方式的关系。[方法]采用简易应对方式量表对80例OHSS妊娠病人进行调查。[结果]妊娠分娩64例,妊娠丢失16例,不同妊娠结局病人的积极应对和消极应对得分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]适当的积极应对方式和较高的消极应对方式均有助于改善OHSS病人妊娠结局,应根据病人本身的应对特点,有的放矢地护理OHSS病人。  相似文献   

Jensen MP  Nielson WR  Turner JA  Romano JM  Hill ML 《Pain》2004,111(1-2):84-95
A patient's readiness to adopt a self-management approach to pain has been hypothesized to increase during multidisciplinary pain treatment and to impact pain coping responses. The Pain Stages of Change Questionnaire (PSOCQ; [J Pain (1997) 227]) was designed to assess four components of readiness to self-manage pain: pre-contemplation, contemplation, action, and maintenance. We tested three hypotheses concerning this construct in two different samples of patients with chronic pain: (1) readiness to self-manage pain, as assessed by the PSOCQ, would increase from pre-multidisciplinary pain treatment to post-treatment and follow-up; (2) changes in readiness to self-manage pain measured pre-treatment to post-treatment and follow-up would be associated with changes in the use of pain coping strategies; and (3) increases in readiness to self-manage pain would be associated with improvement in multidisciplinary pain treatment. The findings supported all three hypotheses. We discuss the implications of the findings for understanding motivational issues in the self-management of pain.  相似文献   

MMPI personality profiles were obtained from three clinical groups (n = 79). One group consisted of men and women with chronic muscle pain (MP; n = 34), a second group of male and female chronic tension headache patients (TH; n = 12), and a third group of female migraine patients (M; n = 33). The M group was subdivided on the basis of source of referral and into groups of classic versus common migraine. Elevation of the MMPI subscales usually interpreted as neuroticism scales were found in all groups. A "psychosomatic V" pattern was found on these scales in the M group but not in female TH patients. The difference in scale configuration between groups was caused primarily by different elevations on the depression scale. A relationship between severity of headache and elevation of the "psychosomatic V" was found in migraine patients. Male MP and TH patients showed a descending slope on the neuroticism scales, not observed in females. There was a tendency for common migraine patients to show a more elevated and psychosomatic configuration on the MMPI, as compared with classic migraine patients.  相似文献   

Coping has been examined extensively in the pain literature, although coping instruments have been typically validated in clinical populations with little ethnic diversity. This study examined the factor structure of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) and the CSQ-Revised (CSQ-R) in 650 healthy male and female African American (44%) and white (56%) subjects and explored associations of coping to health and pain-related measures. Factor analyses revealed 6 components for each ethnic group, accounting for comparable amounts of variance and resembling previously reported CSQ subscales. Internal consistency for both ethnic groups was acceptable (0.72-0.91). There were significant main effects for ethnicity on 4 of the CSQ-R scales (P < .05). No ethnic differences in pain or health variables emerged, although when split into high-pain versus minimal-pain groups, differences were revealed on catastrophizing. Results indicate that the factor structure of the CSQ-R in healthy adults is similar to clinical populations and is comparable across African American and white subjects. Group differences on CSQ-R scales suggest potentially important ethnic influences on pain coping. These findings support the use of the CSQ-R to assess coping in African Americans and in healthy young adults. Additional clinical research is needed to determine the practical importance of group differences in pain coping. PERSPECTIVE: Coping has been examined extensively in the pain literature, although coping instruments typically have been validated in clinical populations with little ethnic diversity. This study examines the factor structure of the CSQ-Revised in an ethnically diverse population and supports the use of the CSQ-R to assess coping in African Americans and in healthy young adults.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether cognitive–behavioral treatment (CBT) operates by effecting changes in cognitions, affects, and coping behaviors in the context of painful episodes. Patients were 54 men and women with temporomandibular dysfunction-related orofacial pain (TMD) enrolled in a study of brief (6 weeks) standard conservative treatment (STD) or standard treatment plus CBT (STD + CBT). Momentary affects, pain, and coping processes were recorded on a cell phone keypad four times per day for 7 days prior to treatment, and for 14 days after treatment had finished, in an experience sampling paradigm. Analyses indicated no treatment effects on general retrospective measures of pain, depression, or pain-related interference with lifestyle at post-treatment. However, mixed model analyses on momentary pain and coping recorded pre- and post-treatment indicated that STD + CBT patients reported greater decreases in pain than did STD patients, significantly greater increases in the use of active cognitive and behavioral coping, and significantly decreased catastrophization. Analyses of experience sampling data indicated that post-treatment momentary pain was negatively predicted by concurrent active coping, self-efficacy, perceived control over pain, and positive-high arousal affect. Concurrent catastrophization was strongly predictive of pain. Active behavioral coping and self-efficacy reported at the prior time point (about 3 h previously) were also protective, while prior catastrophization and negative-high arousal mood were predictive of momentary pain. The results suggest that CB treatment for TMD pain can help patients alter their coping behaviors, and that these changes translate into improved outcomes.  相似文献   

Smoking cigarettes is prevalent among individuals with chronic pain. Some studies indicate nicotine reduces pain and others suggest it may cause or exacerbate pain. Participants in this cross-sectional study were 151 chronic pain patients from a large, urban VA medical center. Patients were divided into 3 groups: 1) nonsmokers; 2) smokers who deny using cigarettes to cope with pain; and 3) smokers who report using cigarettes to cope with pain. Patients who reported smoking as a coping strategy for chronic pain scored significantly worse compared with the other 2 groups on the majority of measures of pain-related outcome. Nonsmokers and smokers who denied smoking to cope did not differ on any variable examined. After controlling for the effects of demographic and clinical factors, smoking cigarettes as a coping strategy for pain was significantly and positively associated with pain intensity (P = .04), pain interference (P = .005), and fear of pain (P = .04). In addition to assessing general smoking status, a more specific assessment of the chronic pain patient's reasons for smoking may be an important consideration as part of interdisciplinary pain treatment. PERSPECTIVE: This paper describes the relationship between smoking cigarettes as a mechanism to cope with chronic pain and pain-related outcome. Understanding this relationship may illuminate the broader relationship between smoking and chronic pain and provide new directions for effective interdisciplinary pain treatment.  相似文献   

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