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Trace elements such as copper are essential micronutrients. Traditionally, copper has been studied in the context of micronutrient deficiencies. Recent studies in both animals and humans, however, have revealed that elevated blood copper can also have adverse effects on cognitive function since free copper can cross the blood-brain barrier and subsequently impose oxidative stress to neuronal cells. However, most of these human studies were conducted in adult populations with and without cognitive decline, and there are few studies on the effect of excess copper on cognitive function in children. This project seeks to look at the effects of elevated copper levels on cognitive development in a population of school age children (ages 10–14 years with mean age of 12.03 years and standard deviation (SD) of 0.44) from Jintan, China. Briefly, serum copper levels and working memory test scores were collected from a sample of 826 children with a mean serum copper level of 98.10 (SD 0.75). Copper level was considered as a categorical variable (taking the first group as those with as ≤84.3 μg/dL, the second group as >84.3 and ≤110.4 μg/dL, and the third group as >110.4 μg/dL with the cut-off values defined by the first and third quartiles of the sample). Results showed a significant association between high copper levels (>110.4 μg/dL) and poorer working memory in boys but this association was not seen in lower copper levels in either sex. These results suggests that in school age children, like in adults, elevated copper levels have the potential to adversely affect cognition.  相似文献   

Adequate nutrient intake during early childhood is of particular importance for optimal growth and future health. However, cross-national comparative research on nutrient intake of toddlers is still limited. We conducted a literature review to examine the nutrient intake in healthy toddlers from some of the world’s most populous nations currently on different stages of socioeconomic development: Brazil, Germany, Russia and the United States. We aimed to identify national surveys reporting mean intakes of the following nutrients: vitamins A, D, E, folate, calcium, iron and zinc. To calculate the prevalence of inadequate nutrient intake, we used a modified version of the Estimated Average Requirement cut-point method. Overall, five studies with 6756 toddlers were eligible for inclusion in this review. In countries where data were available, a prevalence of inadequate intake higher than 20% was found for vitamins A, D, E and calcium. In Germany, folate intake also appeared to be inadequate. The results of our review indicate that inadequate micronutrient intake in toddlers might be a global challenge affecting also affluent countries. However, to explore the full scope of this important public health issue joint efforts of researchers worldwide are needed to combine existing data and fill in data gaps.  相似文献   

Objective : It has been claimed that dietary sugars, particularly added and non-milk extrinsic sugars, are 'empty calories', displacing micronutrients from the diet. Evidence for this hypothesis was examined using data from the Dietary and Nutritional Survey of British Adults (Gregory et al ., 1990). Method : Men and women aged 16–64 years were classified into quintiles (fifths) of the distribution of food energy from added sugars, non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES) and total sugars. Micronutrient intakes were compared across quintiles for each type of sugars energy. Results : Many nutrients showed a non-linear relationship with sugars energy (whether added, NME or total), with the highest nutrient intakes among average consumers. The most marginal nutrient (in comparison to dietary reference values) was iron among women; no group achieved the RNI for iron, regardless of sugar level or type. Calcium intakes were below the RNI among women in the first quintile (all types of sugars), although under-reporting may have led to underestimations of intake in this group. Intakes of several nutrients fell in the 4th and 5th quintiles (all types), but remained adequate in comparison to the RNI (except for iron and folate in women). There were positive relationships between extrinsic and total sugars, and vitamin C, which reflected fruit juice consumption. Diets high in added and NME sugars tended to be of lower nutrient density, but any deficit in nutrient intake was contingent on a low energy intake, which was untypical. Conclusions : These data suggest that NME sugar intakes providing up to about 17% of food energy did not compromise micronutrient intakes in these British adults. Specific advice may be needed to counteract low nutrient intakes (e.g. iron intake in women), particularly where energy intake is restricted.  相似文献   


Memory is a cognitive process of information storage and retrieval that is essential to performing daily functional activities efficiently. Occupational therapists regularly help individuals with memory impairment to manage their memory deficits. The purpose of this paper was to review the main memory strategies and instructional methods used to improve or manage memory. Studies were identified by searching for the relevant literature published between 1980 and 2007 through the use of several databases with the inclusion criteria that the study must identify at least one specific memory rehabilitation method with an outcome measure representative of the specific method. The reviewed studies included three reviews, 10 randomized control trials, 17 quasi-experimental studies, and five single subjects’ designs. The results suggest that there is empirical evidence to support the effectiveness of certain remedial and compensatory memory rehabilitation methods with healthy populations, but weaker evidence can be identified for the memory-impaired populations. In general, remedial methods are effective in lab settings with primarily healthy populations, yet effectiveness in daily activities is less clear. Compensatory methods are generally more efficient than remedial ones and more easily generalized to daily activities, even with memory-impaired populations.  相似文献   

Malnutrition has been associated with increased morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to determine the nutritional status and micronutrient levels of hospitalized patients in an infectious disease clinic and investigate their association with adverse clinical outcomes. The nutritional status of the study participants was assessed using the Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002) and micronutrient levels and routine biochemical parameters were tested within the first 24 h of the patient’s admission. The incidence of zinc, selenium, thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 deficiency were 66.7% (n = 40), 46.6% (n = 29), 39.7% (n = 27), 35.3% (n = 24), 14.1% (n = 9), respectively. Selenium levels were significantly higher in patients with urinary tract infections, but lower in soft tissue infections. Copper levels were significantly higher in patients with soft tissue infections. In the Cox regression models, lower albumin, higher serum lactate dehydrogenase levels and higher NRS-2002 scores were associated with increased death. Thiamine, selenium, zinc and vitamin B6 deficiencies but not chromium deficiencies are common in infectious disease clinics. New associations were found between micronutrient levels and infection type and their adverse clinical outcomes. Hypoalbuminemia and a high NRS-2002 score had the greatest accuracy in predicting death, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis on admission.  相似文献   

A male advantage for spatial learning and memory tasks is well documented among humans and rodents. A possible physiological cause for this male advantage is activational effects of androgens among males. The spatial memory of eight castrated and eight sham-castrated adult male rats was compared using a working-reference memory version of the eight-arm radial arm maze followed by a reference memory version of the Morris water maze. After maze testing, blood was collected from each rat, and testosterone levels were determined using radioimmunoassay. In the radial arm maze, castrates committed significantly more working memory errors and significantly fewer reference memory errors than did shams. In the water maze, no statistically significant differences were found for acquisition or retention. There was a trend for shams with higher testosterone levels to have better retention in the water maze, but this seemed to be due to higher levels of perseverance rather than better reference memory. Castration may have affected performance in the radial arm maze and not in the water maze because the radial arm maze was a more difficult task or because the water maze was aversively motivated while the radial arm maze was appetitively motivated. Our results indicate that androgens improve working memory and may impair reference memory, but the effects of androgens on reference memory seem to be task dependent.  相似文献   



Determination of feasibility of online nutrition education in the federal workplace.


Pretest–posttest pilot study with data collection occurring from September to December, 2016.


Two US Department of Agriculture workplaces.


Convenience sample of 26 federal government employees. Posttest response rate was 85% (22 of 26 employees).


A 12-week online nutrition education program designed and taught by registered dietitian nutritionists.

Variables Measured

Program component satisfaction, use, and understanding ratings and clinical measures including body composition, blood pressure, and skin carotenoid level (biomarker for fruit and vegetable intake).


Paired t tests to determine whether significant changes occurred after the intervention.


Mean number of class videos viewed and program components used were 7 and 5 (out of 12 for both). Mean program component ratings ranged from 4.0 to 4.7 (n?=?12, maximum score of 5) for the surveyitems motivated/helped me to eat healthier. Statistically significant decreases were observed in body mass index, percent body fat, and visceral fat level.

Conclusions and Implications

Online nutrition education in the federal workplace is feasible for some employees as evidenced by the program components’ high satisfaction and understanding ratings and high retention rate. Limited evidence was apparent for the intervention's positive impact on health outcomes.  相似文献   

相同年龄段(6~7岁)学龄前儿童280名,男、女各半,分为锌组(Zn组)、锌加复合微量营养素组(ZnM组)和单纯补充微量营养素组(M组),每组80人,另外40名儿童为对照组,采用双盲法进行营养干预实验,实验周期为10周。结果显示,重庆市城区学龄前儿童近80%处于边缘性锌缺乏状态,一半以上儿童血铅超过0.483μmol/L的安全标准,经过10周营养干预后,发现每日补充16mg锌的同时再添加多种复合微量营养素能有效增加儿童血锌含量、降低血铅水平,同时明显增强儿童的认知功能,而单纯补锌效果并不理想。本研究儿童认知功能的改善可能与体内良好的锌营养状况、铅负荷减少有关。  相似文献   

Many national and international public health organisations recommend achieving nutrient adequacy through consumption of a wide variety of nutritious foods. Despite this, dietary supplement sales continue to increase. Understanding the characteristics of micronutrient supplement users and the relationship with diet quality can help develop effective public health interventions to reduce unnecessary consumption of vitamin and mineral supplements. Participants (n = 1306) were a convenience sample of students studying first year food and nutrition. Data was collected via a Food and Diet Questionnaire (FDQ) and a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Supplement users were defined as participants who indicated consuming any listed supplement as frequently as once a month or more. Diet quality was assessed using a Dietary Guideline Index (DGI) score. Prevalence of supplement use was high in this study population with 56% of participants reporting supplement use; the most popular supplements consumed were multivitamins (28%) and vitamin C (28%). A higher DGI score was significantly associated with an increased likelihood of supplement use (mean: 105 ± 18 vs. 109 ± 17, p = 0.001). Micronutrient supplement use was associated with a higher DGI score, suggesting that supplements are more likely to be used by those who are less likely to require them.  相似文献   

Across countries, the predominant diets are clearly different and highly related with human health. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate dietary nutrients between them. This study aimed to evaluate dietary nutrients in China and compare those between Chinese and Mediterranean (Italian), Japanese and American diets. Dietary intakes of 2659 subjects in south-east China, Zhejiang province, from 2010 to 2012, were estimated by three consecutive 24-h dietary recalls. The contribution of carbohydrate to total energy in Chinese subjects was lower than that in Japanese and American subjects, but higher than that in Italian subjects. However, the energy contribution from fat in Chinese subjects was higher than that in Japanese and American subjects, and similar to that in Italian subjects. Moreover, the Chinese diet had lower daily intakes of fiber, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C, compared with the Japanese, American and Italian diets. Nevertheless, intakes of sodium, iron, copper and vitamin E were higher among Chinese people relative to the people of other three countries. The present study demonstrated that the structure of the Chinese diet has been shifting away from the traditional diet toward high-fat, low-carbohydrate and low-fiber diets, and nutrients intakes in Chinese people have been changing even worse than those in American people.  相似文献   

Asiatic acid is a pentacyclic triterpene from Centella asiatica. Previous studies have reported that asiatic acid exhibits antioxidant and neuroprotective activities in cell culture. It also prevents memory deficits in animal models. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between spatial working memory and changes in cell proliferation within the hippocampus after administration of asiatic acid to male Spraque-Dawley rats. Control rats received vehicle (propylene glycol) while treated rats received asiatic acid (30 mg/kg) orally for 14 or 28 days. Spatial memory was determined using the novel object location (NOL) test. In animals administered asiatic acid for both 14 and 28 days, the number of Ki-67 positive cells in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus was significantly higher than in control animals. This was associated with a significant increase in their ability to discriminate between novel and familiar object locations in a novel object discrimination task, a hippocampus-dependent spatial memory test. Administration of asiatic acid also significantly increased doublecortin (DCX) and Notch1 protein levels in the hippocampus. These findings demonstrate that asiatic acid treatment may be a potent cognitive enhancer which improves hippocampal-dependent spatial memory, likely by increasing hippocampal neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with decline in a multitude of cognitive processes and brain functions. A growing body of literature suggests that decline in cognitive functioning of older adults can be reduced through memory training and physical activity. The purpose of this article was to examine the hypothesis that physical activity enhances cognitive functioning, to summarize the cross-sectional and intervention research in this area, and to discuss potential mechanisms underlying the cognitive improvement. Finally, some suggestions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

Hye Ah Lee  Hyesook Park 《Nutrients》2015,7(8):6346-6361
Based on data from the 2010–2011 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, we investigated correlations between micronutrients in the diet of family members and the possible risk factors for children and adolescents consuming an inadequate diet. We examined two-generation households with children aged 2–18 years. The quality of the family diet with regard to the following nine nutrients (protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C) was assessed based on the Index of Nutritional Quality. Correlations between quality of diet and selected variables were analyzed using the Statistical Analysis for Genetic Epidemiology software, and those between diet quality and potential risk factors for poor diet in offspring were analyzed using multinomial logistic regression. Overall, calcium was the most commonly under-consumed micronutrient. More than half of sons and daughters showed insufficient vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron intake, and both mothers and fathers showed insufficiency with respect to vitamin A, vitamin B2, and vitamin C. The correlation between a poor diet in parents and that in offspring was 0.17 (p < 0.0001), and this correlation coefficient was higher between mothers and offspring than between fathers and offspring. Additionally, eating breakfast provided a significant protective effect against the risk of poor nutrition in offspring, even after adjusting for covariates. Our results add to evidence indicating that children should be encouraged to eat breakfast to improve the quality of their diet.  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童精神分裂症患者的记忆损害状况及认知护理干预效果。方法将76例首发儿童精神分裂症患者随机分为干预组39例,非干预组37例,2组患者均予以常规抗精神病药物治疗及护理,在此基础上研究组联合认知行为训练,观察6周。抽取与患者年龄、性别相匹配的60名健康少年儿童作为对照组。于认知护理干预前后采用中国韦氏儿童记忆量表评定2组患者的记忆损害状况,并与健康对照组进行对比分析。结果儿童精神分裂症患者中国韦氏儿童记忆量表100.1、记图、再认、再生、触摸、理解、背数和记忆智商因子分均显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);认知护理干预后干预组患者中国韦氏儿童记忆量表累加、理解、全量表分及记忆智商因子分均显著高于非干预组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论儿童精神分裂症患者存在不同程度的记忆损害问题,认知功能护理干预能显著改善儿童精神分裂症患者的记忆损害状况,对促进患者的康复具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although lead exposure has steadily decreased in the last few years, some lead is still used in the metal processing industry, mostly for wall paints and plumbing. Recent studies on children showed neurobehavioral effects of low-level exposure, but little is known about the neurocognitive effects of lead concentrations in the upper reference range on adults. METHODS: The neuropsychological effects of lead exposure were examined in 39 adult outpatients at the Unit of Environmental Medicine (UEM), University Hospital, Aachen, Germany. All patients underwent a comprehensive medical examination, including psychiatric. Venous blood and urine samples were collected and tested for heavy metals and selenium. Since the neuropsychological examination was not expected to reveal any severe abnormalities, only specific attentiveness functions were analyzed (alertness, working memory, flexibility, intermodal comparison) since these areas were the likeliest to show objectifiable effects. The tests were conducted using a standardized computerized battery. RESULTS: Lead blood levels ranged from 1 to 65.6 microg/l (mean 27.4 +/- 16.2 microg/l). Although the neuropsychological test results of all patients were within the normal range, there were significant correlations between blood lead levels and the speed of information processing for working memory. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate working memory dysfunctions in adults, the severity of which correlates directly with blood lead levels, supporting the hypothesis that increased blood lead levels can also be associated with measurable neurocognitive abnormalities.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to report the usual nutrient intakes of sixteen micronutrients by schoolchildren, adults and the elderly in Greece and to further explore the role of age, sex and socio-economic status (SES) on meeting the recommended nutrient intakes. Dietary intake, demographic and SES data from three existing studies conducted in Greece (in 9–13-year-old children; 40–60-year-old adults; and 50–75-year-old women) were collected. The prevalence of study participants with inadequate micronutrient intakes were assessed using the estimated average requirement (EAR) cut-point method. Regarding sex and age differences, the highest prevalences of inadequate nutrient intakes occurred in post-menopausal women. In both sexes and all age groups, the prevalence of vitamin D intake below EAR reached 100%. Furthermore, nutrient intakes of 75% or more below EAR were found for vitamin E in all age groups, folate in women and for calcium and magnesium in post-menopausal women (p < 0.05). Regarding SES differences, the prevalences of inadequate calcium and vitamin C intakes were higher for children and postmenopausal women of lower SES compared to their higher SES counterparts (p < 0.05). The current study reported the highest prevalences of inadequate intakes for both sexes and all age and SES groups for calcium, folate and vitamins D and E. These findings could provide guidance to public health policy makers in terms of updating current dietary guidelines and fortifying foods to meet the needs of all population subgroups.  相似文献   

Background: Ingested inorganic arsenic (InAs) is methylated to monomethylated (MMA) and dimethylated metabolites (DMA). Methylation may have an important role in arsenic toxicity, because the monomethylated trivalent metabolite [MMA(III)] is highly toxic.Objectives: We assessed the relationship of creatinine and nutrition—using dietary intake and blood concentrations of micronutrients—with arsenic metabolism, as reflected in the proportions of InAS, MMA, and DMA in urine, in the first study that incorporated both dietary and micronutrient data.Methods: We studied methylation patterns and nutritional factors in 405 persons who were selected from a cross-sectional survey of 7,638 people in an arsenic-exposed population in West Bengal, India. We assessed associations of urine creatinine and nutritional factors (19 dietary intake variables and 16 blood micronutrients) with arsenic metabolites in urine.Results: Urinary creatinine had the strongest relationship with overall arsenic methylation to DMA. Those with the highest urinary creatinine concentrations had 7.2% more arsenic as DMA compared with those with low creatinine (p < 0.001). Animal fat intake had the strongest relationship with MMA% (highest tertile animal fat intake had 2.3% more arsenic as MMA, p < 0.001). Low serum selenium and low folate were also associated with increased MMA%.Conclusions: Urine creatinine concentration was the strongest biological marker of arsenic methylation efficiency, and therefore should not be used to adjust for urine concentration in arsenic studies. The new finding that animal fat intake has a positive relationship with MMA% warrants further assessment in other studies. Increased MMA% was also associated, to a lesser extent, with low serum selenium and folate.  相似文献   

Objectives To examine to what extent exposure to organic solvents during the working life affects general well-being in the long term, and to explore the relationship between self-reported symptoms and cognitive functioning in previously solvent-exposed floor layers. Methods The study included 41 solvent-exposed floor layers and 40 unexposed referents participating in a longitudinal follow-up study 18 years after the baseline assessment. Symptom prevalence and level of spare time activities were studied using the same methods as in the initial study. These include a general health examination, the Q16 symptom questionnaire, and a questionnaire for spare time activities. Relationships between symptoms and cognitive functioning were analysed based on recently published data on cognitive functioning of the participants at follow-up. Results At follow-up neuropsychiatric symptoms such as need to check things, depressive mood, and abnormal fatigue, were more prevalent among floor layers, particularly the most exposed individuals, than among referents. In addition, the most highly exposed floor layers reported more concentration difficulties and irritability. Fatigue and depressive mood increased over the follow-up time in the most exposed floor layers but not in the referents. Memory difficulties, although more frequent among floor layers than among referents, had decreased in floor layers while increased in referents. Floor layers also reported some negative effects on intimate relations and activity level. Neuropsychiatric symptoms were related to poorer performance chiefly in memory tasks and tests of complex attention and perceptual speed, more seldom in visuospatial tasks. Conclusions Findings of exposure-related, long-lasting, partly deteriorating neuropsychiatric complaints indicate that general well-being later in life has been affected in floor layers with past heavy solvent exposure. We also found frequent associations between symptom prevalence and the cognitive functioning. Together with previous findings of dose-related cognitive decrements, the present results strengthen the evidence that long-term heavy occupational solvent exposure may negatively interact with the normal ageing process.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine the associations between dietary patterns in midlife and likelihood of future healthy ageing in Chinese older adults.DesignProspective population-based study.Setting and ParticipantsWe included 14,159 participants aged 45-74 years who were free from cancer, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes at baseline (1993-1998) from the Singapore Chinese Health Study.MethodsDietary intakes in midlife were assessed by a validated food frequency questionnaire at baseline. Diet quality was scored according to the alternate Mediterranean diet (aMED), the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, the alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI)–2010, overall plant-based diet index (PDI), and healthful plant-based diet index (hPDI). Healthy ageing was assessed at the third follow-up visit (2014-2016), which occurred about 20 years after the baseline visit, and was defined as the absence of 10 chronic diseases, no impairment of cognitive function, no limitations in instrumental activities of daily living, no clinical depression at screening, good overall self-perceived health, good physical functioning, and no function-limiting pain among participants who had survival to at least 65 years of age. Multivariable-adjusted logistic regression models were applied to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between each dietary pattern score and healthy ageing.ResultsAbout 20.0% of participants met the healthy ageing criteria. The OR (95% CI) for healthy ageing comparing the highest with the lowest quartile of diet quality scores was 1.52 (1.31-1.77) for aMED, 1.53 (1.35-1.73) for DASH, 1.39 (1.23-1.57) for AHEI-2010, 1.34 (1.18-1.53) for PDI, and 1.45 (1.27-1.65) for hPDI (all P-trend < .001). Each standard deviation increment in different diet quality scores was associated with 12% to 18% higher likelihood of healthy ageing.Conclusions and ImplicationsIn this Chinese population, adherence to various healthy dietary patterns at midlife is associated with higher likelihood of healthy ageing at later life.  相似文献   

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