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Thrombin, the key regulatory protein of hemostasis, is a potent stimulus for endothelial cell activation, a process implicated in a variety of ischemic, thrombotic, and inflammatory vascular disorders. Activation of the thrombin receptor requires a novel mechanism of receptor proteolysis generating a tethered receptor ligand. Synthetic peptides whose sequences are identical to this newly exposed receptor NH2-terminus reproduce thrombin effects on human and bovine endothelial cell activation. Receptor cleavage by catalytically active alpha-thrombin is tightly coupled to a PI-PLC, with resultant generation of IP3 and DAG, increases in [Ca2+]i, and translocation of PKC (Fig. 3). Both the increase in [Ca2+]i and PKC activation are required for thrombin-stimulated PLA2 and PLD activity, PGI2 synthesis, and barrier dysfunction, the latter occurring as the result of Ca2+ and PKC effects on specific cytoskeletal protein elements and other contractile proteins (Fig. 3). Further investigations are ongoing to identify more clearly not only the precise biochemical intermediates involved in the endothelial cell response to thrombin but also the specific protein kinase systems involved in thrombin-mediated signal transduction in vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

Regular exercise appears to have antithrombotic effects on the blood. Athlete's anemia, a dilutional pseudoanemia, enhances performance and decreases blood viscosity; it may also decrease platelet adhesion to damaged arteries. Physical conditioning may decrease platelet aggregability. Exercise activates fibrinolysis, and physical fitness seems to enhance the rate of fibrinolysis. The hematologic changes of exercise may help prevent coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

Platelet activation by thrombin is critical for hemostasis and thrombosis. Structure-function studies with a recently cloned platelet thrombin receptor suggest that a hirudin-like domain in the receptor's extracellular amino terminal extension is a thrombin-binding determinant important for receptor activation. We now report that a peptide antiserum to this domain is a potent and specific antagonist of thrombin-induced platelet activation. This study demonstrates that the cloned platelet thrombin receptor is necessary for platelet activation by thrombin, and provides a strategy for developing blocking monoclonal antibodies of potential therapeutic value.  相似文献   

Detection of protein C activation in humans   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We have developed a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the dodecapeptide that is liberated from protein C when this zymogen is activated by thrombin bound to thrombomodulin present on the vascular endothelium. The protein C activation peptide (PCP) was synthesized using the solid-phase method of Merrifield. Antisera were raised in rabbits to the synthetic analogue coupled to bovine serum albumin with glutaraldehyde. The antibody population obtained was used together with a 125I-labeled tyrosinated ligand and various concentrations of unlabeled PCP to construct a double antibody RIA capable of measuring as little as 10 pM of this component. We have established that the synthetic dodecapeptide has the same immunoreactivity as the native peptide and that the reactivity of protein C is less than 1/2,000 that of PCP on a molar basis. The extremely low levels of peptide in normal individuals as well as the nonspecific contributions of plasma constituents to the immunoreactive signal, necessitated the development of a procedure by which the PCP could be reproducibly extracted from plasma and concentrated approximately 20-fold. This methodology permitted us to demonstrate that the plasma PCP levels in 17 normal donors averaged 6.47 pM, and that elevations up to 180 pM were observed in individuals with evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation. The validity of these measurements of protein C activation is supported by the fact that, in both of these situations, the RIA signal migrates on reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography in a manner identical to that of the native dodecapeptide. We have also noted that the mean PCP concentration in seven patients fully anticoagulated with warfarin averaged 2.61 pM. Our studies also show that PCP is cleared from the plasma of primates with a t1/2 of approximately 5 min. Given that the t1/2 of activated protein C is estimated to be 10-15 min, the latter enzyme appears to exert its effects on the activated cofactors of the coagulation system at concentrations considerably less than 1.0 nM.  相似文献   

Factor D, when preincubated with platelet suspensions, at concentrations as low as 1.2 micrograms/ml, inhibited thrombin-induced platelet aggregation. No inhibition of collagen or arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation was found. Inhibition occurred, but to a lesser extent, when thrombin and factor D were added to platelets at the same time. No inhibition occurred when factor D was added after thrombin. Thrombin was able to overcome inhibition by factor D by increasing its concentration. Diisopropyl-phosphorofluoridate-inactivated factor D also inhibited thrombin-induced platelet aggregation so that enzymatic activity of factor D was not required for inhibition. Factor D absorbed with hirudin coupled to Sepharose 6B showed no decrease in inhibitory capacity. 125I-Factor D bound to platelets in a manner suggesting an equilibrium reaction similar to thrombin. At low factor D input, binding was linear, whereas at higher input, binding began to approach saturation. Binding of 125I-labeled thrombin to platelets was inhibited by factor D. Analysis of these data show that factor D does not alter the total number of thrombin molecules which bind to the platelet surface at saturation. However, the dissociation constant for thrombin is altered from 2.78 to 6.90 nM in the presence of factor D (20 micrograms/ml). Factor D is thus a competitive inhibitor of thrombin binding, although the affinity of factor D for the platelet thrombin receptor is much less than that of thrombin. These phenomena occur at physiologic concentrations of factor D. Therefore, factor D may function in vivo as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

Activated protein C (APC) is a potent physiologic anticoagulant with profibrinolytic properties, and has been shown to prevent thrombosis in different experimental models. We investigated the effect of human APC on thrombin-induced thromboembolism in mice, a model of acute intravascular fibrin deposition leading to death within minutes. APC given intravenously (i.v.) as a bolus 2 min before thrombin challenge (1,250 U/kg) reduced mortality in a dose-dependent manner despite the lack of thrombin inhibitor activity. Significant inhibition of thrombin-induced death was observed at the dose of 0.05 mg/kg, and maximal protection was obtained with 2 mg/kg (> 85% reduction in mortality rate). Histology of lung tissue revealed that APC treatment (2 mg/kg) reduced significantly vascular occlusion rate (from 89.2 to 46.6%, P < 0.01). The protective effect of APC was due to the inhibition of endogenous thrombin formation as indicated by the fact that (a) the injection of human thrombin caused a marked decrease in the coagulation factors of the intrinsic and common pathways (but not of Factor VII), suggesting the activation of blood clotting via the contact system; (b) APC pretreatment reduced markedly prothrombin consumption; (c) the lethal effect of thrombin was almost abolished when the animals were made deficient in vitamin K-dependent factors by warfarin treatment, and could be restored only by doubling the dose of thrombin, indicating that the generation of endogenous thrombin contributes significantly to death; and (d) APC failed to protect warfarin-treated animals, in which mortality is entirely due to injected thrombin, even after protein S supplementation. Other results suggest that APC protects from thrombin-induced thromboembolism by rendering the formed fibrin more susceptible to plasmin degradation rather than by reducing fibrin formation: in thrombin-treated mice, fibrinogen consumption was not inhibited by APC; and inhibition of endogenous fibrinolysis by epsilon-aminocaproic or tranexamic acid resulted in a significant reduction of the protective effect of APC. Since APC did not enhance plasma fibrinolytic activity, as assessed by the measurement of plasminogen activator (PA) or PA inhibitor (PAI) activities, PAI-1 antigen, or 125I-fibrin degrading activity, we speculate that the inhibition of additional (endogenous) thrombin formation by APC interrupts thrombin-dependent mechanisms that make fibrin clots more resistant to lysis, so that the intravascular deposited fibrin can be removed more rapidly by the endogenous fibrinolytic system.  相似文献   

Platelet activation by thrombin plays a critical role in hemostasis and thrombosis. Based on structure-activity studies of a cloned platelet thrombin receptor, we designed two "mirror image" antagonists of thrombin and thrombin receptor function. First, "uncleavable" peptides mimicking the receptor domain postulated to interact with thrombin were found to be potent thrombin inhibitors. Second, proteolytically inactive mutant thrombins designed to bind but not cleave the thrombin receptor were found to be specific antagonists of receptor activation by thrombin. The effectiveness of these designed antagonists in blocking thrombin-induced platelet activation suggests a model for thrombin-receptor interaction and possible strategies for the development of novel antithrombotic agents.  相似文献   

Protein C is a circulating proenzyme which, upon activation, exerts a potent anticoagulant activity. Infusion of activated bovine protein C into dogs is accompanied by an increase of circulating tissue plasminogen activator (PA) activity. However, the evidence that human protein C shares a similar profibrinolytic capacity is still lacking. Therefore, we investigated the profibrinolytic properties of human protein C in squirrel monkeys (Samiri sciureus). Injection of activated human protein C resulted in prolongation of the activated partial thromboplastin time but was not associated with increased fibrinolytic activity of blood. Similarly, activation of endogenous protein C (up to 20-30%) by infusion of thrombin-thrombomodulin complex markedly reduced blood coagulability without being accompanied by an increase of circulating PA activity. The in vivo-generated anticoagulant activity was identified as activated protein C by the following observations. It was neutralized by rabbit anti-human protein C-IgG, was slowly inhibited by plasma but not by anti-thrombin III, was adsorbable on barium citrate, and expressed amidolytic activity. Activation of protein C appeared to be selective since other parameters such as thrombin time, platelet count, fibrinogen, and factor V levels were unaffected by thrombin-thrombomodulin infusion. Infusion of human plasma derived from whole blood incubated in vitro with human activated protein C also did not induce a fibrinolytic response, suggesting that no second messengers with PA-releasing activity were being generated in blood. It is concluded that in a primate, neither the administration of activated human protein C nor the activation of endogenous protein C are associated with an increase of fibrinolytic activity. These findings question the role of this enzyme in the regulation of PA release in man.  相似文献   

The question was studied whether there is a direct link between protein kinase C and presynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors regulating depolarization-induced norepinephrine (NE) release. Effects of the protein kinase C activator 4 beta-phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (4 beta-PDB) on electrically evoked [3H]NE release were investigated in rabbit and rat hippocampus. Release evoked with 4 pulses/100 Hz (POP stimulation; i.e. under conditions virtually free of autoinhibition), was increased by 4 beta-PDB in a comparable manner in both species. Conversely, the alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist clonidine diminished POP-induced [3H]NE release in a concentration-dependent manner. The net effects of clonidine were of a similar magnitude up to near maximal concentrations, irrespective of whether or not the 4 beta-PDB was present. Correspondingly, the net effect of 4 beta-PDB remained unchanged under these conditions. An impairment of the net effect of 4 beta-PDB was only seen at higher concentrations of clonidine. Concurrent addition of the alpha-2 adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine and 4 beta-PDB enhanced release elicited with 36 pulses/3 Hz (i.e., in presence of autoinhibition), in a manner which was at least additive. Taken together, the above data exclude a direct link between presynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors and protein kinase C and restrict a functional interaction to very distinctive conditions.  相似文献   

Protein C activation by thrombin is significantly accelerated by the endothelial cell surface protein thrombomodulin, Factor Va, or its light chain. In this study we have compared the activation of protein C in the presence of either cofactor and examined the possibility that thrombomodulin and Factor Va-light chain act together to regulate protein C activation by thrombin. At all concentrations of protein C used, thrombomodulin was 20 times more efficient than Factor Va-light chain in accelerating protein C activation by thrombin. Protein C treated with chymotrypsin to remove the amino-terminal 41 amino acids that contain the gamma-carboxyglutamyl residues was activated by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex at an identical rate to native protein C, whereas the modified protein C was activated by Factor Va-light chain and thrombin at only 5% of the rate obtained by using native protein C. Increasing concentrations of Factor Va-light chain, greater than or equal to 30 nM, inhibited thrombin-thrombomodulin catalyzed protein C activation with complete inhibition observed at 90 nM Factor Va-light chain. On the other hand, increasing thrombomodulin concentrations did not inhibit protein C activation by Factor Va-light chain and thrombin. These reactions in solution mimic, in part, those obtained on endothelial cells where protein C lacking the gamma-carboxyglutamyl domain is activated poorly and Factor Va-light chain at concentrations greater than 50 nM inhibited the activation of native protein C. The results of this study suggest that thrombomodulin and Factor Va-light chain may act in concert to regulate protein C activation by thrombin.  相似文献   

IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) has regulatory effects on IL-1 activity both in vitro and in vivo. In the IgG immune complex model of lung injury in rats, exogenously administered human IL-1Ra suppressed neutrophil recruitment and ensuing lung injury. In this study, we sought to determine if endogenous rat IL-1Ra might regulate this lung-inflammatory response. By Northern blot analysis of lung mRNA and Western analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids, rat IL-1Ra expression was found to increase during development of inflammation in IgG immune complex-mediated alveolitis. By immunostaining, alveolar macrophages and recruited neutrophils were the apparent sources of IL-1Ra. In vivo blocking of endogenous IL-1Ra resulted in a 53% increase in lung vascular permeability and a 180% increase in BAL fluid neutrophils. In companion studies, a significant increase in IL-1beta was found, whereas no significant change in TNF-alpha activity was observed. Whereas the in vivo regulatory effects of IL-1R appear to be limited to IL-1beta, IL-10 regulates both IL-1beta and TNF-alpha in this model, reflected by a 48% increase in BAL IL-1beta in rats treated with anti-IL-10. These findings suggest that IL-1Ra is an intrinsic regulator of inflammatory injury after deposition of IgG immune complexes and that it regulates production of IL-1beta.  相似文献   

Anticoagulation with activated protein C (APC) reduces the mortality of severe sepsis. We investigated whether the circulating protein C (PC) pool could be utilized for sustained anticoagulation by endogenous APC. To generate APC without procoagulant effects, we administered the anticoagulant thrombin mutant W215A;E217A (WE) to baboons. In preliminary studies, administration of high dose WE (110 microg kg(-1) i.v. bolus every 120 min; n = 2) depleted PC levels by 50% and elicited transient APC bursts and anticoagulation. The response to WE became smaller with each successive injection. Low dose WE infusion (5 microg kg(-1) loading + 5 microg kg(-1) h(-1) infusion; n = 5) decreased plasma PC activity by 15%, from 105% to 90%, to a new equilibrium within 60 min. APC levels increased from 7.5 ng mL(-1) to 86 ng mL(-1) by 40 min, then declined, but remained elevated at 34 ng mL(-1) at 240 min. A 22-fold higher dose WE (n = 5) decreased PC levels to 60% by 60 min without significant further depletion in 5 h. The APC level was 201 ng mL(-1) at 40 min and decreased to 20 ng mL(-1) within 120 min despite continued activator infusion. Co-infusion of WE and equimolar soluble thrombomodulin (n = 5) rapidly consumed about 80% of the PC pool with significant temporal increase in APC generation. In conclusion, low-grade PC activation by WE produced sustained, clinically relevant levels of circulating APC. Limited PC consumption in WE excess was consistent with the rapid depletion of cofactor activity before depletion of the PC zymogen. Reduced utilization of circulating PC might have similar mechanism in some patients.  相似文献   

In view of the known association of vascular disease with increasing age, we have conducted an analysis of hemostatic system activity with respect to perturbations induced by aging phenomena. We have utilized an immunochemical assay for prothrombin fragment F1 + 2 to quantify Factor Xa activity upon prothrombin in the plasma of 199 healthy males between the ages of 42 and 80. The levels of F1 + 2 in this population generally increased as a function of age (P less than 0.0001). The metabolic behavior of this marker was determined in 10 individuals greater than 65 yr of age with varying levels of F1 + 2, which ranged from 1.28 to 5.85 nM. The elevations in the concentration of this component were not due to diminished clearance of the fragment. Radio-immunoassays for fibrinopeptide A (FPA) and the protein C activation peptide (PCP) were subsequently employed to measure thrombin activity upon fibrinogen and thrombin-thrombomodulin activity upon protein C, respectively, in 82 members of this population ranging in age from 42 to 80. Significant positive correlations were again observed between increasing age and the level of F1 + 2 (P less than 0.0001) as well as FPA (P less than 0.01) and PCP (P less than 0.002). The results of this cross-sectional study indicate that many apparently normal males of increasing age with normal immunologic levels of antithrombin III and protein C exhibit a biochemical defect that denotes the presence of an acquired prethrombotic state.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of plasma homocysteine are associated with both venous and arterial thrombosis. Homocysteine inhibits the function of thrombomodulin, an anticoagulant glycoprotein on the endothelial surface that serves as a cofactor for the activation of protein C by thrombin. The effects of homocysteine on thrombomodulin expression and protein C activation were investigated in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells and CV-1(18A) cells that express recombinant human thrombomodulin. Addition of 5 mM homocysteine to endothelial cells produced slight increases in thrombomodulin mRNA and thrombomodulin synthesis without affecting cell viability. In both cell types, thrombomodulin synthesized in the presence of homocysteine remained sensitive to digestion with endoglycosidase H and failed to appear on the cell surface, suggesting impaired transit along the secretory pathway. In a cell-free protein C activation assay, homocysteine irreversibly inactivated both thrombomodulin and protein C in a process that required free thiol groups and was inhibited by the oxidizing agents diamide or N-ethylmaleimide. By inhibiting both thrombomodulin surface expression and protein C activation, homocysteine may contribute to the development of thrombosis in patients with cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency.  相似文献   

An extract of rat brain protein kinase C was fully activated at a total calcium concentration 3 x 10(-4) mol/l (Ca2+ 10(-4) mol/l) in the presence of non-limiting concentrations of phosphatidylserine. Available aluminium (ionised plus soluble hydrolysed) at a median value of 2 x 10(-8) mol/l inhibited enzyme activation by 90% at this non-limiting calcium concentration. Literature values for tissue aluminium concentrations suggest that interference with this key intracellular regulatory protein might occur in vivo.  相似文献   

Monocyte C2 synthesis is stimulated by antigen-antibody complexes (IC), carbamylcholine (C-Ch), phenylephrine (PE) and gamma-interferon. Tetrodotoxin or nifedipine abrogated the effects of IC, C-Ch and PE but did not influence the effect of gamma-interferon on C2 synthesis. Thus stimulation of C2 synthesis by IC, C-Ch and PE is dependent upon activation of Na+/K+ and Ca2+ channels, whereas gamma-interferon operates independently of these ion channels. Calcium channel agonists (CG28392 and BK8644) stimulated C2 synthesis, and this effect was prevented by nifedipine but not by tetrodotoxin. Thus Na+/K+ channels are activated prior to Ca2+ channels. Stimulation of C2 synthesis occurred when phospholipase C or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) were added to the monocyte cultures, suggesting that PI cycle turnover and protein kinase-C (PK-C) activation are involved in the stimulation of C2 synthesis in monocytes. PMA, an activator of PK-C, stimulated the synthesis of C2, C3, B, P and C1-inhibitor approximately two-fold. In contrast gamma-interferon reduced synthesis of C3 and P by 44% and 22% respectively, and stimulated C1-inhibitor synthesis twelve-fold. These data suggest that the action of gamma-interferon complement synthesis is, at least partially, independent of PK-C activation. The effects of IC, C-Ch, PE, PI, CG28392, BK8644 and gamma-interferon were inhibited by trifluoperazine implying that calmodulin and/or other calcium binding proteins play a role in the modulation of complement protein production.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for the age-related decline in insulin sensitivity have not been clearly identified, but activation of the diacylglycerol/protein kinase C (PKC) signalling pathway (often confined to individual isoforms of PKC) has recently been implicated in the pathogenesis of other insulin-resistant states in both humans and animal models. Fasting serum glucose, insulin and triacylglycerol (triglyceride) concentrations, and results of oral glucose tolerance tests, were compared in groups of 6-week-old (n=8) and 6-month-old (n=8) Sprague-Dawley rats. Insulin-responsive tissues (liver, soleus muscle and epididymal fat pad) were collected to compare levels of diacylglycerol, PKC enzyme activity and protein expression of individual PKC isoforms in cytosol and membrane fractions. The older group were heavier (556+/-14 g, compared with 188+/-7 g) and relatively insulin-resistant and hyperinsulinaemic (477+/-73 pM compared with 293+/-51 pM; P<0.05) compared with young rats; they also had greater areas under the serum glucose (old, 20. 3+/-1.1; young, 17.3+/-0.7 mmol.h(-1).l(-1)) and insulin (old, 1254+/-76; young, 721+/-113 mmol.h(-1).l(-1)) profiles following an oral glucose tolerance test, and significantly higher fasting triacylglycerol levels (old, 1.24+/-0.06 mM; young, 0.92+/-0.07 mM; P<0.01). There were no age-related differences in diacylglycerol levels or PKC activity in muscle and liver, but membrane-associated PKC activity was 2.5-fold higher in the adipose tissue of older rats (101+/-19 compared with 40+/-5 pmol.min(-1).mg(-1) protein; P<0.05) due to increased translocation of PKC-beta(I), -beta(II) and -epsilon. Thus insulin resistance due to normal aging is associated with tissue- and isoform-specific changes in diacylglycerol/PKC signalling. In contrast with diabetes and dietary-induced insulin resistance, there were no changes in diacylglycerol/PKC signalling in skeletal muscle and liver, but isoform-specific translocation and higher PKC activity in adipose tissue may blunt the insulin-mediated inhibition of lipolysis and contribute to the increased triacylglycerol levels observed in older animals.  相似文献   

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