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The distribution of the GABA transporter GAT-1 was studied by immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy in the monkey basal ganglia. Dense staining was observed in the globus pallidus externa and interna, intermediate in the subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra, and light staining in the caudate nucleus and putamen. Staining was observed in axon terminals, but not cell bodies. Electron microscopy showed that the GAT-1 positive axon terminals formed symmetrical synapses, suggesting that they were the terminals of GABAergic neurons. Comparison of areas high in GAT-1 protein with that of GABA showed a good correlation between the density in neuropil staining for GAT-1, and that of GABA.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical methods were used to study the distribution and ultrastructure of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) immunoreactive fibers innervating the monkey sensory-motor cortex. Beaded 5-HT positive fibers were found in all cortical layers of both areas but with relatively fewer in middle cortical layers. Examination of 2 m-thick plastic sections at the light microscope level, revealed that the vast majority of the bouton-like structures on the fibers lay in the neuropil and not adjacent to neuronal somata. A few beaded immunoreactive fibers were seen around certain pyramidal and nonpyramidal cell somata, very occasionally forming modest pericellular ramifications. Serial reconstructions made from electron micrographs after resectioning the 2 m-thick sections, revealed that the dilatations of the fibers are 5-HT positive boutons but the boutons examined rarely formed morphologically identifiable synaptic contacts. Of 191 reconstructed boutons only 5 made contacts with obvious membrane specializations, all of which were of the asymmetrical type. No immunoreactive synaptic contacts were seen on pyramidal cell somata in the cortex, nor on dendrites or somata in the white matter underlying the cortex, although 5-HT positive boutons commonly lay closely adjacent to neuronal profiles in both sites. 5-HT fibers in the cortex and white matter have a similar morphological appearance and both myelinated and unmyelinated types are seen.  相似文献   

The distribution of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor was studied in the monkey basal forebrain by immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy, using an antibody to the CB1 brain cannabinoid receptor. Large numbers of labelled neurons were observed in the medial septum, nucleus of the diagonal band, and the nucleus basalis of Meynert. The labelled neurons had dimensions similar to those of cholinergic neurons and were larger than those of GABAergic neurons. Double immunolabelling with an antibody to the synthetic enzyme for acetylcholine, choline acetyl transferase (ChAT) showed that CB1-positive neurons were also positive for ChAT, whilst electron microscopy confirmed that CB1-labelled neurons contained lipofuscin granules and dense clusters of rough endoplasmic reticulum, characteristic of cholinergic neurons. The dense labelling of cholinergic neurons for CB1 is interesting from the standpoint of neuroprotection. The CB1 receptor has been shown to couple in an inhibitory manner to voltage dependent calcium channels, and the dense labelling of CB1 in cholinergic neurons would therefore suggest that CB1 receptors could be important in limiting calcium influx through voltage dependent calcium channels in these neurons. This could serve to limit intracellular calcium concentrations, and consequent calcium mediated injury, in these neurons.  相似文献   

The present work investigated the light and electron microscopic changes in hypertrophied gingiva in a patient with mannosidosis. The biopsy specimens studied covered a period of 20 months; biopsy specimens were taken before and after a therapeutic trial with oral and local zinc sulfate. The intensity of the disease was progressive, in spite of the zinc, and was characterized by marked hyperplasia of the epithelium and severe inflammation of the stroma. Many of the cells in the inflammatory infiltrate, as well as cells indigenous to the gingiva, showed a striking vacuolation of their cytoplasm. Histiocytes were most numerous and also were most heavily vacuolated, but fibroblasts, endothelial cells, plasma cells, and epithelial cells also manifested the vacuolar change. In the histiocytes, the vacuoles occupied most of the cytoplasm, ranged widely in size, and were contiguous, molded, and intercommunicating. The vacuoles were bound by a single membrane and were filled predominantly by a finely granular material of medium density but also by varying amounts of coarser, darker granules, fragmented membranes, myelin-like figures, lipid droplets, and small vesicles. The vacuoles were interpreted as being consistent with secondary lysosomes that contained excessively stored substrate, similar to what has been observed in the mucopolysaccharidoses, in which the vacuoles have also been demonstrated histochemically and cytochemically to contain acid phosphatase, a known lysosomal marker.  相似文献   

3-acetylpyridine (3-AP) given in one single dose near to LD50 causes hydropic-vacuolic degeneration and cellular necrosis of varying degree and extension in the red nucleus of white rats in more than 50 percent of the cases. Less frequently similar alterations have been observed in some neighbouring nuclei of the mesencephalon. The regressive damage is remarkably rare if a smaller dose of 3-AP is given and none if the animal is pretreated with nicotine amide. Ultrastructurally the damage of mitochondria is dominant, they might be transformed to cystic lamellar figures. One reason of the enhanced vulnerability to antimetabolite is the outstanding enzyme activity of the red nucleus. In some of the intoxicated animals the six oxidative enzymes tested histochemically show different type of alterations which probably are related to the regressive damage.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to elucidate the distribution of the GABA transporter GAT-3 in the monkey basal ganglia and brainstem. Very dense GAT-3 immunoreactivity was observed in the medial septum, diagonal band, basal nucleus of Meynert, thalamus, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra. Moderate levels were observed in the subthalamic nucleus, periaqueductal grey, spinal trigeminal and vestibular nuclei. A general light level of staining was observed in the remainder of the brainstem regions, and very light staining was observed in the caudate nucleus and putamen. Electron microscopy showed that GAT-3 immunoreactivity was present in cell bodies with light cytoplasm and dense bundles of glial filaments, and features of astrocytes. Large numbers of astrocytic processes were also labeled in the neuropil. The cell bodies and processes of neurons were unlabeled. Further study is necessary to elucidate GAT-3 expression in neurological conditions, including hyperalgesia and Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Serotonin neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus were identified using an antibody to a serotonin-bovine serum albumin conjugate and the peroxidase anti-peroxidase method. Nerve cell bodies showing serotonin-like immunoreactivity ranged in size from 15 to 22 micron in diameter; their dendrites were also immunoreactive. Immunostaining was present in the cytoplasmic matrix, outer membranes of mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, multivesicular bodies and dense-cored vesicles. Heavily immunoreactive axonal varicosities contained small round vesicles (18-35 nm) and larger dense-cored vesicles (50-90 nm). Both unmyelinated (0.2-0.5 micron) and myelinated (0.8-1.1 micron) serotonin-like immunoreactive axons were found, often interspersed within bundles of similar caliber unlabeled axons. Serotonin-like immunoreactive somata and dendrites were postsynaptic to numerous unlabeled terminals that contained either (a) clear round vesicles (18-25 nm) with many small dense-cored vesicles (30-50 nm), (b) clear round vesicles (18-25 nm) with large dense-cored vesicles (90-110 nm) or (c) clear round vesicles (18-25 nm) with or without flat vesicles. In addition pairs of unlabeled terminals formed crest synapses onto serotonin-like immunoreactive dendritic spines. This variety of unlabeled terminals making contact with serotonin-like immunoreactive elements suggests that several neuronal systems with possibly different transmitters may regulate serotonin raphe neurons. We occasionally observed serotonin-like immunoreactive dendrites and terminals in apposition to other serotonin-like immunoreactive dendrites with membrane specializations at the site of contact. This might represent a possible site for the self inhibition of serotoninergic neurons reported in physiological studies of the serotonin system in the dorsal raphe nucleus.  相似文献   

SummarySpecimens of human cerebral cortex were obtained during neurosurgical operations and studied by immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy, using antibodies to the GABA transporter GAT-1. Cortical material from macaque monkeys was prepared similarly. Large numbers of GAT-1-positive non-pyramidal neurons were observed in layers I, II, V, and VI of the cortex. Electron microscopy also showed that the GAT-1-positive axon terminals formed symmetrical and not asymmetrical synapses, suggesting that they were the terminals of non-pyramidal neurons. Processes of cells in the walls of blood vessels were also labelled. We conclude that GAT-1 is present in cell bodies and axon terminals of non-pyramidal neurons, and a population of mural cells in blood vessels, in the primate cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

The rat nucleus accumbens contains medium-sized, spiny projection neurons and intrinsic, local circuit neurons, or interneurons. Sub-classes of interneurons, revealed by calretinin (CR) or parvalbumin (PV) immunoreactivity or reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-diaphorase histochemistry, were compared in the nucleus accumbens core, shell and rostral pole. CR, PV and NADPH-diaphorase-containing neurons are shown to form three non-co-localising populations in these three areas. No significant differences in neuronal population densities were found between the subterritories. NADPH-diaphorase-containing neurons could be further separated morphologically into three sub-groups, but CR- and PV-immunoreactive neurons form homogeneous populations. Ultrastructurally, NADPH-diaphorase-, CR- and PV-containing neurons in the nucleus accumbens all possess nuclear indentations. These are deeper and fewer in neurons immunoreactive for PV than in CR- and NADPH-diaphorase-containing neurons. CR-immunoreactive boutons form asymmetrical and symmetrical synaptic specialisations on spines, dendrites and somata, while PV-immunoreactive boutons make only symmetrical synaptic specialisations. Both CR- and PV-immunoreactive boutons form symmetrical synaptic specialisations with medium-sized spiny neurons and contact other CR- and PV-immunoreactive somata, respectively. A novel non-carcinogenic substrate for the peroxidase reaction (Vector Slate Grey, SG) was found to be characteristically electron-dense and may be distinguishable from the diaminobenzidine reaction product. We conclude that the three markers used in this study are localised in distinct populations of nucleus accumbens interneurons. Our studies of their synaptic connections contribute to an increased understanding of the intrinsic circuitry of this area.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to elucidate the distribution of betaine/gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter-1 (BGT-1) in the normal monkey cerebral neocortex and hippocampus by immunoperoxidase and Immunogold labelling. BGT-1 was observed in pyramidal neurons in the cerebral neocortex and the CA fields of the hippocampus. Large numbers of small diameter dendrites or dendritic spines were observed in the neuropil. These made asymmetrical synaptic contacts with unlabelled axon terminals containing small round vesicles, characteristic of glutamatergic terminals. BGT-1 label was observed in an extra-perisynaptic region, away from the post-synaptic density. Immunoreactivity was not observed in portions of dendrites that formed symmetrical synapses, axon terminals, or glial cells. The distribution of BGT-1 on dendritic spines, rather than at GABAergic axon terminals, suggests that the transporter is unlikely to play a major role in terminating the action of GABA at a synapse. Instead, the osmolyte betaine is more likely to be the physiological substrate of BGT-1 in the brain, and the presence of the transporter in pyramidal neurons suggests that these neurons utilize betaine to maintain osmolarity.  相似文献   

We have studied by immunocytochemistry, the distribution of DMT-1, a cellular iron transporter responsible for transport of metal irons from the plasma membrane to endosomes, in the normal monkey cerebral neocortex and hippocampus. Light to moderate DMT-1 staining was observed in glial cell bodies in the neocortex, the subcortical white matter, and the hippocampus. Despite light labeling of cell bodies, glial end feet around cortical and subcortical blood vessels were heavily labeled. In the neocortex, the glial cell bodies displayed the morphological features of protoplasmic astrocytes. Labeled glial cells in the subcortical white matter contained dense bundles of glial filaments and were identified as fibrous astrocytes. The observation that DMT-1 was present on astrocytic endfeet suggests that these cells are involved in uptake of iron from endothelial cells. It is possible that the iron could then be redistributed into the extracellular space in the brain parenchyma.  相似文献   

Neurons of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (MTN) are considered to be homologous to mechanosensitive neurons in the sensory ganglia. The sites of origin of serotonin (5HT)-immunoreactive axons on neuronal cell bodies in the MTN were studied in the rat by combining immunofluorescence histochemical techniques with retrograde tracing of Fluoro-Gold (FG) and anterograde tracing of biotin-conjugated dextran amine (BDA). The tracing studies, which were combined with multiple-labeling immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy, indicated that 5HT-immunoreactive axon terminals on the cell bodies of MTN neurons originated from the medullary raphe nuclei, such as the nucleus raphes magmus (RMg), alpha part of the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (GiA) and nucleus raphes obscurus (ROb), as well as from the mesopontine raphe nuclei, such as the nucleus raphes dorsalis (DR), nucleus raphes pontis (PnR) and nucleus raphes medianus (MnR); mainly from the RMg, GiA and DR, and additionally from the ROb, PnR and MnR. The cell bodies in close apposition to 5HT-immunoreactive axon terminals were found through the whole rostrocaudal extent of the MTN. Electron microscopically a number of axon terminals that were labeled with BDA injected into the raphe nuclei were confirmed to be in asymmetric synaptic contact with the cell bodies of MTN neurons. It was also indicated that substance P existed in some of the 5HT-containing axosomatic terminals arising from the ROb, RMg and GiA. The present results indicated that proprioceptive sensory signals from the muscle spindles or periodontal ligament might be modulated at the level of the primary afferent cell bodies in the MTN by 5HT-containing axons from the mesopontine and medullary raphe nuclei including the GiA.  相似文献   

Visual and oculomotor functions of monkey subthalamic nucleus.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1. Single-unit recordings were obtained from the subthalamic nuclei of three monkeys trained to perform a series of visuooculomotor tasks. The monkeys were trained to fixate on a spot of light on the screen (fixation task). When the spot was turned off and a target spot came on, they were required to fixate on the target quickly by making a saccade. Visually guided saccades were elicited when the target came on without a time gap (saccade task). Memory-guided saccades were elicited by delivering a brief cue stimulus while the monkey was fixating; after a delay, the fixation spot was turned off and the monkey made a saccade to the remembered target (delayed saccade task). 2. Of 265 neurons tested, 95 showed spike activity that was related to some aspects of the visuooculomotor tasks, whereas 66 neurons responded to active or passive limb or body movements. The task-related activities were classified into the following categories: eye fixation-related, saccade-related, visual stimulus-related, target- and reward-related, and lever release-related. 3. Activity related to eye fixation (n = 22) consisted of a sustained spike discharge that occurred while the animal was fixating on a target light during the tasks. The activity increased after the animal started fixating on the target and abruptly ceased when the target went off. The activity was unrelated to eye position. It was not elicited during eye fixation outside the tasks. The activity decreased when the target spot was removed. 4. Activity related to saccades (n = 22) consisted of a phasic increase in spike frequency that was time locked with a saccade made during the tasks. The greatest increases occurred predominantly after saccade onset. This activity usually was unrelated to spontaneous saccades made outside the task. The changes in activity typically were optimal in one direction, generally toward the contralateral side. 5. Visual responses (n = 14) consisted of a phasic excitation in response to a visual probe stimulus or target. Response latencies usually were 70-120 ms. The receptive fields generally were centered in the contralateral hemifield, sometimes extending into the ipsilateral field. The receptive fields included the foveal region in seven neurons; most of these neurons responded best to parafoveal stimulation. Peripheral stimuli sometimes suppressed the activity of visually responsive neurons. 6. Activity related to target and reward (n = 29) consisted of sustained spike discharge that occurred only when the monkey could expect a reward by detecting the dimming of the light spot that he was fixating.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Citrinin, a myocotoxin produced by Penicillium citrinum, causes hepatic and renal damage. This study describes light and electron microscopic changes in rat kidneys at intervals of 24, 48, 72, and 96 hr following administration of 50 mg/kg citrinin. Twenty-four hours after treatment, the most prominent change was cytoplasmic vacuolization of epithelial cells of proximal convoluted tubules. This vacuolar change involved clusters of proximal convolutions. Such focal changes were distributed throughout the cortex. Other components of the cortex and medulla appeared relatively normal morphologically; distal tubular damage was not observed. At 48 hr following administration of citrinin, multifocal areas of necrotic proximal convoluted tubules were observed. Extensive mineral deposits were present in the necrotic areas. Intact proximal and distal tubules were observed between the necrotic areas, and components of the medulla were not appreciably altered. At 72 hr, various degrees of regeneration of proximal tubular epithelial cells were noted in areas of necrosis in the cortex. Ninety-six hours following citrinin administration, tubular regeneration was still prominent and, in some cases, kidneys appeared completely normal morphologically.  相似文献   

A case of adrenocortical carcinoma with feminization seen in a man aged 35, is reported. The levels of estron (E1) and estradiol (E2) in the venous blood draining the tumor were high, and it was confirmed by in vitro assay of tumor cells taken from the primary tumor of the left adrenal gland that the tumor produced estrone. The light microscopic examination demonstrated that the primary tumor was composed of mixture of large cells with pleomorphic nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm and uniform cells with ovoid nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm. The electron microscopic examination on the latter cells revealed numerous large and irregularly shaped mitochondria with mostly tubular or lamellar and occasionally vesicular cristae and electron-dense matrix, well-developed smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm. However, lipid droplets and lysosomes or lipofuscin granules were scanty. From these findings, it is suggested that cells of the present tumor have characteristics of those in the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex as well as in the fetal cortex, and the functional property of this tumor is well correlated with its morphological features.  相似文献   

The distribution of glutamate immunoreactivity was mapped within the supraoptic nucleus of the rat hypothalamus utilizing a specific anti-glutamate antibody. Magnocellular neuroendocrine cells of the supraoptic nucleus showed intense immunoreactivity for glutamate which varied with the conditions of fixation. Within the perikarya, reaction product was found associated with the endoplasmic reticulum but not the mitochondria, Golgi, dense bodies or neurosecretory granules. A relatively high density of glutamate-immunoreactive terminals was found in the supraoptic nucleus. These terminals were less affected by fixation condition and were generally found contacting large, glutamate-immunoreactive processes within the ventral dendritic neuropil of the supraoptic nucleus. The pattern and characteristics of glutamate immunoreactivity in the supraoptic nucleus suggested the presence of two distinct glutamate pools. The magnocellular neuroendocrine cells may contain a large, labile metabolic pool of glutamate. These cells, in turn, appear to receive glutamate synaptic input from a more stable pool consistent with suggestions that glutamate may be used as a transmitter within this system.  相似文献   

Galvan A  Charara A  Pare JF  Levey AI  Smith Y 《Neuroscience》2004,127(3):709-721
The activation of GABA receptor subtype A (GABA(A)) and GABA receptor subtype B (GABA(B)) receptors mediates differential effects on GABAergic and non-GABAergic transmission in the basal ganglia. To further characterize the anatomical substrate that underlies these functions, we used immunogold labeling to compare the subcellular and subsynaptic localization of GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors in the subthalamic nucleus (STN). Our findings demonstrate major differences and some similarities in the distribution of GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors in the monkey STN. The immunoreactivity for GABA(A) receptor alpha1 subunits is mostly bound to the plasma membrane, whereas GABA(B) R1 subunit alpha1 immunoreactivity is largely expressed intracellularly. Plasma membrane-bound GABA(A) alpha1 subunit aggregate in the main body of putative GABAergic synapses, while GABA(B) R1 receptors are found at the edges of putative glutamatergic or GABAergic synapses. A large pool of plasma membrane-bound GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors is extrasynaptic. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate a significant degree of heterogeneity between the distributions of the two major GABA receptor subtypes in the monkey STN. Their pattern of synaptic localization puts forward interesting questions regarding their mechanisms of activation and functions at GABAergic and non-GABAergic synapses.  相似文献   

Renal gold inclusions. A light and electron microscopic study   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

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