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Fluidized bed bioreactor with alginate beads may be an alternative to hollow fiber cartridge to host hepatocytes for bioartificial liver purposes. After the bioreactor design and the characterization of fluid mechanics, the present study was aimed at analyzing bi-directional mass transfers of calibrated species between external fluid and empty beads. Static (batch) and dynamic (fluidized bed bioreactor) experimental conditions were analyzed. A simple modelling approach permitted the definition of mass transfer coefficients. The motion of beads within the bioreactor clearly enhanced mass transfer kinetics, but did not alter the amount exchanged. The shear enhanced diffusion coefficient for VitB12 was 20 times higher in the fluidized bed bioreactor than under batch conditions, proving the efficiency of such a device.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3-D) culture experiment of porcine fetal liver cells (FLCs) was performed using a porous resin substrate, for the purpose of developing a bioartificial liver. A long-term 3-D culture and monolayer culture as the control were performed for more than 1 month. To promote cell growth and maturation, human oncostatin M (OSM), the human leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), or cortisol was added to the cultures, and the effect of each agent on cell proliferation and liver-specific cellular functions was investigated. The cell numbers in both the monolayer and 3-D cultures increased gradually with time, irrespective of the supplementation of the stimulating agents. In the monolayer culture, the albumin secretion of FLCs decreased rapidly, and scarce activity was detected from 2 weeks onward under all culture conditions tested. In the 3-D cultures, neither human OSM nor human LIF had any definite effect on the albumin secretion of FLCs. However, in the cultures with cortisol, albumin secretion was maintained for a considerably long period. These findings suggest that a bioartificial liver can be developed by culturing porcine FLCs with cortisol as the stimulant.  相似文献   

Fluidized bed bioartificial liver has been proposed as a temporary support to bridge patients suffering from acute liver failure to transplantation. In such a bioreactor, alginate beads hosting hepatocytes are in continuous motion during at least six hours. After having shown in vitro the functionality of such a device, the present study aims at analyzing the potential mechanical alterations of the beads in the bioreactor, perfused by different surrounding media. Compression experiments are performed and coupled for analysis with Hertz theory. They provide qualitative and quantitative data. The average value of the shear modulus, calculated for the different cases studied varied from 2.4 to 10.4 kPa, and could therefore be considered as a quantitative measure of the beads mechanical properties. From the compression experiments and the estimated values of the shear modulus, we could now evaluate the effect of different operating conditions (fluidization, presence of cells, surrounding medium) on the mechanical behavior of alginate beads. On the one hand, the motion during six hours in the bioreactor does not alter the beads significantly. On the other hand, the presence of different substances in the fluid phase might change their mechanical strength. These results can be considered as new encouragements to use such a device as a bioartificial organ.  相似文献   

Keshaw H  Forbes A  Day RM 《Biomaterials》2005,26(19):4171-4179
Attempts to stimulate therapeutic angiogenesis using gene therapy or delivery of recombinant growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), have failed to demonstrate unequivocal efficacy in human trials. Bioactive glass stimulates fibroblasts to secrete significantly increased amounts of angiogenic growth factors and therefore has a number of potential applications in therapeutic angiogenesis. The aim of this study was to assess whether it is possible to encapsulate specific quantities of bioactive glass and fibroblasts into alginate beads, which will secrete growth factors capable of stimulating angiogenesis. Human fibroblasts (CCD-18Co) were encapsulated in alginate beads with specific quantities of 45S5 bioactive glass and incubated in culture medium (0-17 days). The conditioned medium was collected and assayed for VEGF or used to assess its ability to stimulate angiogenesis by measuring the proliferation of human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. At 17 days the beads were lysed and the amount of VEGF retained by the beads measured. Fibroblasts encapsulated in alginate beads containing 0.01% and 0.1% (w/v) 45S5 bioactive glass particles secreted increased quantities of VEGF compared with cells encapsulated with 0% or 1% (w/v) 45S5 bioactive glass particles. Lysed alginate beads containing 0.01% and 0.1% (w/v) 45S5 bioactive glass contained significantly more VEGF (p<0.01) compared with beads containing no glass particles. Endothelial cell proliferation was significantly increased (p<0.01) by conditioned medium collected from alginate beads containing 0.1% (w/v) 45S5 bioactive glass particles. The results of this study demonstrate that bioactive glass and fibroblasts can be successfully incorporated into alginate beads for use in delivering angiogenic growth factors. With further optimization, this technique offers a novel delivery device for stimulating therapeutic angiogenesis.  相似文献   

HCV recovered from low density fractions of infected blood is associated with lipid and host apo-lipoproteins in lipo-viro-particles (LVP). It has been proposed that these particles are capable of binding and entering hepatocytes by viral glycoprotein independent mechanisms utilizing uptake pathways of normal host lipoproteins after binding to cell surface glycosaminoglycans (GAG), the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-r) or scavenger receptor B1 (SR-B1). In this study binding to human hepatoma cells of HCV low density RNA containing particles, semi-purified from macerates of infected human liver, is compared with that of normal host low density lipoprotein (LDL). Binding of both LDL and HCV low density RNA containing particles paralleled LDL-r but not SR-B1 expression on the recipient cells. Binding of both particle types was sensitive to suramin at 0 degrees C but less so at 37 degrees C suggesting that they both bind initially to GAG but, at 37 degrees C, are internalized or transferred to a suramin resistant receptor. Suramin resistant uptake of both particles was blocked in the presence of excess LDL or oxidized LDL. However, whilst LDL uptake was blocked by anti-apoB-100, HCV low density RNA uptake was enhanced by anti-apoB100 and further enhanced by a cocktail of anti-apo-B100 and anti-apoE. Pre-incubation of HCV low density RNA containing particles with antibodies to the E2 glycoprotein had little or no effect on uptake. These data indicate that whilst liver derived HCV RNA containing particles are taken up by HepG2 cells by a virus glycoprotein independent mechanism, the mechanism differs from that of LDL uptake.  相似文献   

Methodology is described for the culture of avian and mammalian chondrocytes in ionotrophically gelled "semi-solid" and "hollow" alginate beads. Chondrocytes grown in "semi-solid" gels exhibited a spherical shape as opposed to a fibroblastic morphology observed in monolayer culture. In the "semi-solid" beads, the cells grew as small clumps and as large aggregates. The aggregates were round or elliptical in appearance and surrounded by a dense Alcian Blue positive halo. Preliminary studies with collagen and chitosan matrixes encapsulated in "hollow" beads suggest that cell growth and morphology are profoundly influenced by the composition of the cellular environment. Chondrocyte structure and function in the "semi-solid" and "hollow" beads were partially characterized by light microscopy, histochemical and biochemical means. The encapsulation methodology is readily applicable for the culture of chondrocytes in single beads, in multiwell dishes, or mass culture.  相似文献   

Recently, much attention has been attracted by a novel therapy for liver failure using a hybrid bioartificial liver (BAL) support device that incorporates living liver cells. Researchers in various fields have considered the following cells for potential use in BALs: human embryonic stem (ES) cells; somatic stem cells; differentiated tissue cells; and cells derived from tissues of different animal species, particularly from the pig. With their pluripotency, human ES cells are extremely useful, and many research groups are joining the race to develop BALs. One such effort involves the breeding of transgenic pigs to overcome interspecies barriers. Recent reports suggest, however, that porcine endogenous retrovirus may infect human tissues, and clinical application of transgenic pigs has become a controversial issue. To avoid such risks, we recommend that researchers adopt a reversible immortalization system that uses the Cre-loxP site-specific recombination reaction targeting human hepatocytes in their final differentiated state. This system has allowed us to establish a safe human hepatocyte line that is capable of differentiation at low cost and on a large scale. We are also designing and developing an artificial liver module made of a combination of hollow fibers and nonwoven fabrics. The objective of this review article is to report our therapeutic strategy, which aims at the earliest possible introduction of the treatment of liver failure using BALs.  相似文献   

Recent developments on human cell lines for the bioartificial liver   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Most bioartificial liver (BAL) devices contain porcine primary hepatocytes as their biological component. However, alternatives are needed due to xenotransplantation associated risks. Human liver cell lines have excellent growth characteristics and are therefore candidates for application in BAL devices. Tumour-derived cell lines HepG2 and C3A express a variety of liver functions, but some specific liver functions, like ammonia detoxification and ureagenesis are insufficient. Immortalised human hepatocytes might offer better prospects. The balance between immortalisation and transformation with dedifferentiation of cells seems controllable by conditional immortalisation and/or the use of telomerase as immortalising agent. Another promising approach will be the use of embryonic or adult human stem cells. Rodent stem cells have been directed to hepatic differentiation in vitro, which might be applicable to human stem cells. However, both functionality and safety of immortalised human liver cell lines and differentiated stem cells should be improved before successful use in BAL devices becomes reality.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the applicability of C3A--a human hepatocyte cell line--as a predicting tool for drug metabolism by applying tissue-engineering methods. Cultivation of C3A cells within alginate scaffolds induced the formation of spheroids with enhanced drug metabolism activities compared to that of two-dimensional (2-D) monolayer cultures. The spheroid formation process was demonstrated via histology, immunohistochemistry, and transmission electron microscope (TEM) analyses. The C3A spheroids displayed multilayer cell morphology, characterized by a large number of tight junctions, polar cells, and bile canaliculi, similar to spheroids of primary hepatocytes. Spheroid formation was accompanied by a reduction in P-glycoprotein (Pgp) gene expression and C3A cell proliferation was limited mainly to cells on the spheroid outskirt. The 3-D constructs maintained a nearly constant cell number according to MTT assay. Drug metabolism by the two most important cytochrome p-450 (CYP) enzymes in human liver, CYP1A2 and CYP3A4, was tested using preferred drugs. With CYP1A2, 3-fold enhancement in activity per cell was seen for converting ethoxyresorufin to resorufin compared to C3A cell monolayers. The spheroids responded to the inducer beta-naphthoflavone and to the inhibitor furafylline of CYP1A2. Enhanced metabolizing activity of CYP3A4, measured by the amount 6beta-testosterone formed from testosterone, and that of the phase II enzyme glucuronosyltransferases (UGT) further indicated that the tissue-engineered C3A spheroids may provide an efficient experimental tool for predicting drug activities by these CYPs. Moreover, the maintenance of constant cell number, as well as the elevated hepatocellular functions and drug metabolism activities, suggest that the tissue-engineered C3A may be applicable in replacement therapies.  相似文献   

Hybrid braided 3-D scaffold for bioartificial liver assist devices   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three-dimensional ex vivo hepatocyte culture is a tissue-engineering approach to improve the treatment of liver disease. The extracorporeal bioartificial liver (BAL) assists devices that are used in patients until they either recover or receive a liver transplant. The 3-D scaffold plays a key role in the design of bioreactor that is the most important component of the BAL. Presently available 3-D scaffolds used in BAL have shown good performance. However, existing scaffolds are considered to be less than ideal in terms of high-density cultures of hepatocytes maintaining long-term metabolic functions. This study aims to develop a 3-D hybrid scaffold for a BAL support system that would facilitate high-density hepatocyte anchorage with long-term metabolic functions. The scaffolds were fabricated by interlacing polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers onto the polysulfone hollow fibers utilizing a modern microbraiding technique. Scaffolds with various pore sizes and porosities were developed by varying braiding angle which was controlled by the gear ratio of the microbraiding machine. The morphological characteristics (pore size and porosity) of the scaffolds were found to be regulated by the gear ratio. Smaller braiding angle yields larger pore and higher porosity. On the other hand, a larger braiding angle causes smaller pore and lower porosity. In hepatocyte culture it was investigated how the morphological characteristics (pore size and porosity) of scaffolds influenced the cell anchorage and metabolic functions. Scaffolds with larger pores and higher porosity resulted in more cell anchorage and higher cellular functions, like albumin and urea secretion, compared to that of smaller pores and lower porosity.  相似文献   

背景:目前原位肝移植是惟一有效治疗急性肝衰竭的方法,但其存在供体匮乏的问题。人工肝可作为肝移植过渡支持手段。 目的:观察新型人源细胞混合型生物人工肝的安全性。 方法:在全接触灌流型生物反应器接种微载体微重力中国人肝细胞系1细胞,结合血浆灌流对D-氨基半乳糖诱发急性肝功能衰竭模型食蟹猴进行治疗,治疗过程中观察循环管路的密闭性、不良反应及监测动物的生命体征变化,治疗结束后取灌流型生物反应器中的中国人肝细胞系1细胞,把细胞碎片与细胞分别接种至裸鼠的颈部、后背部皮下进行比较。 结果与结论:对急性肝功能衰竭食蟹猴模型的治疗过程中未发现循环管路中有液体渗漏,未发生出血、过敏、高热及其他严重的不良反应,生命体征平稳。接种后4周时,细胞碎片接种裸鼠未见接种部位出现种植瘤,细胞接种裸鼠共有10个接种部位出现肿瘤,致瘤率为100%。说明新型人源细胞混合型生物人工肝是安全可靠的,可进一步探讨其有效性,有望用于各种动物实验研究及各期临床实验研究。  相似文献   

Lee BH  Li B  Guelcher SA 《Acta biomaterialia》2012,8(5):1693-1702
For cell transplantation into damaged tissues, viable cells must be delivered to the defect site in a suitable carrier. However, the hypoxic and nutrient-limited environment in the carrier can induce massive cell death. The aims of this study were to increase the viability and regulate the behavior of osteoprogenitor cells encapsulated in alginate hydrogels through control of the gel microstructure. Cell survivability in alginate beads was improved through the use of α-MEM as the solvent for alginic acid sodium salt, and by CaCl(2) solutions, which supplied additional nutrients for the cells compared to water or buffer. The mesh size and shear modulus of the hydrogel were hypothesized to regulate proliferation and differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells. MC3T3-E1 cells demonstrated enhanced osteoblast differentiation when encapsulated in high-density alginate with smaller mesh size and more rigid mechanical properties, as confirmed by increased alkaline phosphatase activity and osteocalcin secretion. However, MC3T3-E1 cells encapsulated in low-density alginate beads with a larger mesh size and more compliant mechanical properties exhibited increased proliferation. These results demonstrate that the microstructure of alginate hydrogels can regulate the behavior of osteoprogenitor cells, thus suggesting that the tuning the properties of the gel may be a useful approach for enhancing new bone formation.  相似文献   

Interaction of the envelope glycoprotein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) with a cellular receptor(s) is thought to be essential for the initial steps of HCV infection. However, the mechanisms of HCV infection remain unclear. The aim of the present study was to determine the features of HCV that enable efficient entry of the virus into human hepatocytes. Variations of hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) sequences in HCV inocula and in infected human hepatoblastoma HepG2 cells were examined. Immunofluorescence of inoculated HepG2 cells with anti-HCV core antibodies demonstrated that HCV structural proteins were expressed in the cytoplasm, and their entry into HepG2 cells was confirmed. When the HVR1 amino acid sequences were compared, HVR1 quasispecies in the inoculated cells showed more uniformity than those of the inocula. Although there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups, hydrophobic residues were observed more frequently in the HVR1 amino acids from inoculated cells than in the HVR1 amino acids from the inocula. Results of hydropathy analysis revealed that highly hydrophobic domains exist in the middle of HVR1 in the inoculated cells in 7 of 10 patients. The results suggest that limited HCV populations are able to enter HepG2 cells and that the highly hydrophobic domain existing within the HVR1 may play an important role in the entry of HCV into cells.  相似文献   

Size-controlled small (i.e. less than 300 microm) polyelectrolyte complex gel beads are urgently desired for wide-spread application, including use in medical, pharmaceutical, and bioengineering fields. However, it was impossible to obtain smaller beads less than 300 microm with conventional apparatuses. We developed a novel microfluidics device that utilizes silicon micro-nozzle (MN) array, enabling to produce 50-200 microm calcium alginate beads with a narrow size distribution. Alginate aqueous solution was extruded through a precisely fabricated thin (30 microm x 30 microm) and short (500 microm) MN and was sheared by the viscous drag force of oil flow to form alginate droplets. Alginate droplets were immediately reacted with CaCl2 droplets at the downstream of oil flow to form calcium alginate gel beads. This device enabled us to successfully encapsulate living cells into 162 microm calcium alginate beads with maintaining viability, which was confirmed by the expression of marker protein.  相似文献   

L Xia  T Arooz  S Zhang  X Tuo  G Xiao  TA Susanto  J Sundararajan  T Cheng  Y Kang  HJ Poh  HL Leo  H Yu 《Biomaterials》2012,33(32):7925-7932
Bioartificial liver (BAL) system is promising as an alternative treatment for liver failure. We have developed a bioreactor with stacked sandwich culture plates for the application of BAL. This bioreactor design addresses some of the persistent problems in flat-bed bioreactors through increasing cell packing capacity, eliminating dead flow, regulating shear stress, and facilitating the scalability of the bioreactor unit. The bioreactor contained a stack of twelve double-sandwich-culture plates, allowing 100 million hepatocytes to be housed in a single cylindrical bioreactor unit (7?cm of height and 5.5?cm of inner diameter). The serial flow perfusion through the bioreactor increased cell-fluid contact area for effective mass exchange. With the optimal perfusion flow rate, shear stress was minimized to achieve high and uniform cell viabilities across different plates in the bioreactor. Our results demonstrated that hepatocytes cultured in the bioreactor could re-establish cell polarity and maintain liver-specific functions (e.g. albumin and urea synthesis, phase I&II metabolism functions) for seven days. The single bioreactor unit can be readily scaled up to house adequate number of functional hepatocytes for BAL development.  相似文献   

肝细胞是生物人工肝支持系统的核心。组织化培养的肝细胞具有比常规培养肝细胞更好的功能。本文就近年来肝细胞组织化培养的发展作一综述 ,并归纳了肝细胞组织化研究的发展方向  相似文献   

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